
Can you judge a person by the company they keep?
Marine comments on Mar 27, 2018:
This does tell you a great deal about the individual. On two jobs that I worked for I was required to meet with my soon to be employer with my wife. They look for the wife's support knowing what the demands of the job are going to be.They also look for their spouses personality traits. The interview can be very intense.
Since 2017, I do been hearing people downtown Portland say,there's Earthquake coming,and it may ...
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Its is ok you will join the island of California.
Did anyone participate in the March for Our Lives yesterday?
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I could not but my family did and stated it was just fantastic. Let us hope that this election will bring some sense.( gun owner.)
Before you Trumpeteers go jumping ship due to his signing of the Omnibus Bill, I would respectfully ...
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Can you imagine trumper reading the bill all 2000 pages. His term would be over and he would be on page three and asleep.
Pope Francis: After U.S. Gun Control Marches, Church Leader Wants Youth to Keep Shouting
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
At least she won't shoot anything off...
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
At least she will not have the same accident as the guy did.!!!
Garbage problem
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Use science to make self disposible packageing
Republicans are the Evil Ones.
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Seems like you missed most of the republican party. What really upsets me is their opposition to birth control and abortion and after they are born they forget about them.
Pastor: Without Evangelicals, We’d Be Living in a “Godless, Immoral” Nightmare ...
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
i would like to give it a try as I have tried living with evangelicals and I really don't like that.
This young lady snuck in a message when she got a photo op with Ted Cruz.
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Why would anyone do that?
The NRA Is A Public Charity That Doesn’t Pay Taxes
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
With over 80% having feelings to regulate guns why aren't the Congress people not complying?
The Chilling Effects of Openly Displayed Firearms - The Atlantic
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Asking to be stolen
Is there one actor/actress that reminds you of your youth?
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Time until Stormy Daniels interview on 60 minutes: T MINUS FIVE MINUTES AND COUNTING.
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Ddefinately not the one who lives in a fake world. Let's impeach him already for something.
This lady is delusional!
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Not as bad as driving your car into a pole to prove there is a god to your two young children strapped in the back seat
Are you more a cat or dog lover?
Marine comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Woof woof woof
Hi my dear group.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was raised catholic and went to elementary catholic school. In school when I challenged like when he said everyone except catholic would go to hell I found myself in the clothes closet. When I got to college and learned more science that was the end of religion for me. At present we have a government backed by evangelicals that oppose science and medicine as messing with god's way. The hate abortions,stem cell and DNA research. People need to be exposed to science more becaue they let religion distort it. As a result critical research has been defunded and scientists are doing m,undane work instead of research. Nice of you to start things rolling. How about the rest of you. I would like to find out more of how you got here. How about it?
Spouses Who Have This 1 View of Their Partner are Twice as Happy in Life
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I am so tired, I think I am suffering a bit of burn out.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Go to bed
Week 11/2018 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Along with atheists coming out of the closet
Rush wants to show how smart he is! "Could you be somewhere and witness this Big Bang instead of ...
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
JUst look at the size if it were a little bang we might see the end.
Funny near miss accidents.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I might have not been born.
It really does!
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Now they have moved on to something worse old age
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
It is just around the corner
50 & Up
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
started when I was born only the Marine Corps kept it down.
How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’ []
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
And medicine
I can't keep quiet
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
if your mouth is closed you can only hummmmmm
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
21 and 58 years later going strong even though both parents did not approve and they gave us 6 mos at most. We had $87 between us.
Musings of a conflicted feminist.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I have known people like yourself and I must say it isn't always the others you must contend with. You should ask yourself many questions and having done that start your quest anew. My friend was great with me but he was not great with his family . It was more likr they were a noose around his neck, His wife wasn't any better and I was surprised it lasted 20 years.
Too much coffee and alcohol! I was so cold when I got home from Louisville that I made a huge pot...
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
What goes up must come down. Ain't that ashame( song from the 50's)
What are the stereotypes of the place you live that false/true?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The idea that New Englander are cold people. I am handicapped and I cannot tell you how nice people have been to me. Even small children have run to open doors for me.
Now Registering Animal abusers
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Can we deport them
Have you ever had a frenemy?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Many, they are people you know can hurt you given the opportunity so you pretend to be their friend.
This is your brain on crafting - CNN
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Gee Idid not know I was that good.
Marriage, and the other side
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
58 golden years and still going . The first time I saw her in chemistry I said I was going marry her > My partner laughed and 4 years later we were married in a military ceremony all Marines as attendents.
Mother crashed car into pole to prove to kids God is real, police say | WSB-TV
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Is there a nut house close by and does it have an opening .To place her children at risk shows how dumb these people can be!
The Molecular Shape of You (Ed Sheeran Parody) | A Capella Science - YouTube
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
trumpie's head of the science would dispute that we were created & thats it no molecular stuff
President Trump takes credit for the booming US economy, but the numbers aren't on his side.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
He continues to live in his fake world doing a lot of damage to ours.
EU and six other countries exempted from US metals tariffs
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
He is still an ass and dispicable. I cannot think of a word bad enough to describe him.
Florida school shooting: Pennsylvania students get stones
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Another nut for a representative of the people. Who is going to stand there and throw stones . At least give them a sling shot!
I am stirring stuff up on FB this morning.
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
They are doing a great job and there are some real leaders among them
Emma Gonzalez profile: What you need to know about the Marjory Stoneman Douglas student - CNN
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
A leader in the making.
Walmart's Anti-Union Training Video Is Another Reason Why No One Should Shop There
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
we do not
Facebook has been collecting call history and SMS data from Android devices - The Verge
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
canceled my account
Do you have a dating pattern?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Yes they went with me I was serious with only two ladies and i married thesecond one 58 years ago and we are still going strong.
Could you consider someone a real friend, if you've never met them in person?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
yes I have a friend in Germany i have never met but we email each other
What is something you consider important enough to go to war over?
Marine comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Any invasion or attack on our country or an ally self defense.
Why evangelicals stick with trump.
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
If you listen to their propaganda He was a sinner who has repented and now is redeeming himself by promoting gods demands in the government. They are making hay. We must get a huge vote to regain Congress and prevent the futher distruction of the country.
There's something fishy going on with all these Christians controlling Congress.
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
The freedom caucus has taken control of republicans and along with it the evangelical radicals who are sweeping all the gains they can with idiot in charge.
Would you care if Trump was assassinated?
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
The FBI,NSA,CIA, and the rest of the alphabet is monitering your question you might want to take it down. As bad as he is no
Sarasota March for our Lives.
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
We have several thousand here and that feels great
I like this quote....
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Most religions call for worshiping their god for eternity and that really would be boring.
'SNOW DAY' The New Standards For all you non-northerners fraught with snow perils in late March.
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Perhaps this new generation of both republicans and dems can start to govern
Diversity in America
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Not people like trumpie and his swamp people
Barack O Bama to the Rescue
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Even joe could do that
Todays Parkland Fl Heroes
Marine comments on Mar 24, 2018:
These kids provide some hope for the future. They do not appear to be dumb as some of us have been.
What your thoughts on women wearing tight clothes.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
There not comfortable so they pay a price to show their rolls.
You can not be over 30's and think look is everything.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Is he racist? []
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
If the Earth is 4.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
No relics
Anyone else get really irritated with the stupid stuff family posts on facebook
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Don't worry we have DEVOS to the rescue Oh my ?
I have had the week from hell at work.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Take a deep breath you could be in Afganistan
Sarah huckabee sanders - cw joke
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Picture dos bring out her qualities
Stephen kIng speaks on trump
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
We just do not know what his problem is. I truly believe he is mentally unfit to serve as anything. He surely does not have the position of being a husband down pat
More political humor (that's not really funny).
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Very sad plus he is destroying the country and his last appointment wants to go to war.
I see a lot of posts and polls about people coming out as non believers.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
You are very lucky. I have had friendships end been ignored by family and rejected by community. There are still many people to be enlighted
Exclusive: ‘I’ve never seen anything like it.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
How Online Dating Affects Divorce Rates
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
As long as they stay on internet and do not meet maybe>
"Cognitive bias occurs when we make subjective assumptions about people or situations based on our ...
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Most people do it without even knowing that it is going on. Thus it is difficult to change your position on this.
Off and on everyday, I watch the news to keep up.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
The media today is a failing business in reporting the news. First they beat a subject to death with these talking heads. It is the same thing over and over for days. OK we now know trumpie had affairs. Report on it after it gets through court. Report on the Russian deal when we can impeach him. I have to go to Reuters and BBC to get the real news of the world. Media stop saving money and start becoming news reporters again. No one has mentioned the major problems that small country (PR) that trumpie was providing aid to and now has withdrawn aid from is still having 6 months after the storm. As many as a 100000 still do not have power or water. He does not realize that PR is part of the USA and they are Americans. Where is the press and criticism of this terriible misguided president in this matter.
"The good Ole boys Machine" Harvey Weinstein's bully work []
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
It is ashame that so many of this kind of report have been ignored over many years, Just to let you know it happens to men and probably will more often now that more women are becoming powerfu heads of companiesl.
need a laugh today?
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
For those moments when you want to impress but don't know how to start a conversation.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Very easy technique is just spill something and you get extra points if you hit the host.
"He who represents himself has a fool for a client.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Let's hope he does not prepare for the meeting. I do not think he will because his attention span is less than a minute.
Headache remedies
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Be careful many medical aides contain caffeine to give you a boost!
God and Sports
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Cannot understand their logic as both sides are praying to same god and one still loses. Should he permit only ties? The same thinking applies to the people standing in a church when a tornado takes the building but leaves them standing. God just did not like the building design? If god is perfection how can he allow a loss?
Damn you, Science! Ruining my fun with facts! "But those who believe that Ata is ...
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Eating to many snails and brains to gain intellegence instead of studing the way one should live life.
The CREATION Health wellness program
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
So many facilities are going holistic and religious that it is a major problem. Many public buildings are showing religious art as is my town hall where one person has this large picture of the pope.Many of these holistic operations are religious based and do not offer true medical services rather they go for praying, meditation and the laying of hands which does nothing. In some rural settings it has become a real problem as people are dying from a lack of treatment.Seventy Universities country wide have received 23 million dollars to set up these holistic studies as part of their medical studies programs.
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Between the two of them we must keep us out of a war or two.
'Christianity as default is gone': the rise of a non-Christian Europe | World news | The Guardian
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
We must still fight the evagelicals
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Should we surrender to Putin now?
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
He is just part of the stupity parade. let us just hope that they do not get us in a war.
Summons Issued For Trump In Emoluments Case
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Have you ever cheated on an exam? Do you think cheating in a test is moral?
Marine comments on Mar 23, 2018:
To deny it is a lie
Trump wants to execute drug dealers?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Those who work for them! The CEO's are the top 1 %
Trump wants to execute drug dealers?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Those who work for them!
Probably been posted before
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
His ego is so large it should be part of the weather report.
"But in Huckabee’s mind, he’s still just the little guy defending attacks on his faith and ...
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Be nice they are the good christians supporting the asshole of hell.
ArchaeologIsts fInd remnants of a once great cIvIlIzatIon
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
He sure is trying to ruin America and doing a good job of it.
Who Is ready for summer?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Me me me
[] Haven't seen this on here hope I'm not reposting.
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
A reason to panic with this adm.trumpie as president is hell bent to destroy America and he cannot read or write or take advice!!!
Did you ever find your calling? Or, are you still looking?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Yes low and behold it was retirement
Technology - coffee drInkers Is thIs you?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Something must be wrong with him . Who goes to acoffee shop to drink coffee?
Medicaid Is Rural America’s Financial Midwife | Kaiser Health News
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Only the wealthy need money and tax relief and they need to get this extra money from the wealthy poor and middle class because we really hord our money
Putting it out there.
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Good for you. I loike the t shirt. I think you should market them.
Do you care about what level you have achieved on this site?
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
No I have not looked
Congratulating Putin []
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
He has something on him loans come to mind and golden showers
Teachers []
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
And pay for supplies out of their pocket
A Nazi? Seriously? []
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
All neo nazi's
RemovIng trump from offIce
Marine comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Yes!!! I have started
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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