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82 year old [going on 28] retired science teacher, from a teaching family. Wife and 3 children 5 grandchildren. Supporter of the British Humanist Association ( Now called Humanists UK) and local religious discussion groups including. Interfaith and mixed Christian and skeptic group. Revising fundamental (people's)science slowly. Join me?
No comment will be unanswered unless you know different.


I’ve just seen on the news here people queuing to get into Lidl to stock up because of the virus ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 5, 2020:
It is normal to want to design an " Isolation suit ' so that travel is possible and safe. Somewhere between a space suit and dungarees. I MUST BE ABNORMAL. photo please

What might it be that YOU assume WE assume about you - apart from being earth ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Sorry for the mistake in this posting.

What might it be that YOU assume WE assume about you - apart from being earth ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 6, 2020:
@HankSherman @girlwithsmiles @ToolGuy
 @AnneWimsey Assumptions Please look again at 

What might it be that YOU assume W…. posting responses
The Six Nations Rugby.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Hope or prophecy?
Please relate to us a time or times in your life when your production of EVIDENCE altered a judgment...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Wish that were true . Self IS the most important word of the pair, but the early age influence from without the self can be greater.
Your chance to explain Worm HOLES, Black HOLES ,White HOLES, Dr WHO , Time travel and more not ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Please do not ask me.
I am atheist
Mcflewster comments on Mar 16, 2020:
And what else?
I want to say that I am an agnostic, and I don;t need/want anyone trying to tell me what I "really" ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 17, 2020:
You do not need anyone to tell you what to believe, do or say. You can work its all out for themselves through science and so can your adversaries. Enjoy the freedom. Agnosticism is an area to be proud of whilst you await your final destination in belief. OR you can stay here for life as happy as you want to be with FREEDOM.
A few rambling observations on feel-good faith… I gave up my religious beliefs years ago, and ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 17, 2020:
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” This was the favorite saying of my last Headmaster . i didn't understand it then. It sounds more like an advert for sunglasses. Religionists insist that there are TWO ways of knowing but I believe there is only ONE. I am glad that you retain the word FAITH tho, It is one of the words Religionists have taken over. We all need faith - not when we are doing science but to keep sane until we reach the enlightenment of science.
How much respect do religious believers deserve?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Just enough to get them to become agnostics!
"Let him find out that the egg breaks!" []
Mcflewster comments on Mar 18, 2020:
This is not about smarter kids. Every Child needs this kind of parents.
The philosophy of Atheism represents a concept of life without any metaphysical Beyond or Divine ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 19, 2020:
This is good but remember it only says ONE thing about the barer of that label. We have to guess the rest- and most Americans guess that the atheists have horns
Seeing the supermarket shelves stripped of toilet paper by hoarders, makes me wonder just how many ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Just count the number of mouths and there you have it. Counting the number of legs and dividing by two does not always work. e.g. I have 3 legs!!
I was looking up information on Dan Barker and his reasons he left Christianity.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 21, 2020:
You have provided a link to a list of statements that should help us with "ammunition" for discussion with religionists , especially if we do analyze why that point actually happened.
Should teachers be allowed to wear religious badges or jewelry when in front of a class?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 21, 2020:
**Possible duplicate claims ** These are provided by the website and they are other people's attempts . The website has to resolve which is best if there is a clash. They can choose at any time throughout their life. The influence of the teacher outside the child’s school life is not wrong The principle of free expression should not apply to teachers because what teachers say can have lasting effects on children. The teacher does influence the decision of the child There is no basis to say that children have this right. Whether or not the teachers symbol supports or opposes what the child is taught at home should not lead to restricting the rights to jewelry,headgear or other religious token. What the teacher actually says and teaches will have far more influence on the child than what the teacher wears. Therefore, ensuring the subject matter is taught is neutral is far more important than restricting teachers rights to. wear the jewelry they desire. Teachers should keep it unobtrusive and, if it comes up in conversation, the teacher should say there are many religions in the world and this symbol represents his or hears The power imbalance between the pupil and the teacher means that we should err on the side of guarding the benefits to the child,rather than the teacher.
 Children will know what the belief system of their teachers are - even if the teacher does not explain it.
Should teachers be allowed to wear religious badges or jewelry when in front of a class?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 21, 2020:
This my own[mcflewster's] comment below starting " Teachers are meant ... " which when typing finshed brought up the Possible Dupicate answers below of other posters to avoid confusion of duplication. A judgement is made as to whether it does duplicate and the clearest is added to the list of opposing copies which are presented opposite opposing opinions. "Teachers are meant to be impartial. Otherwise they become a preacher. In a sense every teacher is a science teacher helping young minds to stay on the ' life useful ' path and avoid over-specialization on any narrow topic. They are after the truth in any lesson and must let the child make up their own minds as to whether what they say is true, through trust. Most religionists have made up their minds that theirs is the truth so that teacher is not liable to spend equal amount of time on both sides with the pupil on a topic the child queries."
To the family of five in Peterhead's ASDA this afternoon who purchased three packs of toilet roll ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 22, 2020:
The web has a solution which uses water jets not paper. Grow your own fruit . Which is easiest?
Should teachers be allowed to wear religious badges or jewelry when in front of a class?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Hope you try it . It is good to try new things in this time of isolation.
Hi, I'm a new member.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 22, 2020:
You do not seem like someone who would search out bad things. So i would like to hear what you have to say and look forward to it
"Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has tested positive for the coronavirus, report says"...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 23, 2020:
He is in prison a possible hotbed for the virus . He has a depleted immune system. VERY vulnerable. I agree he should be away from society but I wage that his accusers are feeling very uncomfortable at the moment.
Science vs.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Science DOES allow you to make your own version and then pit it against everyone in the world and see what happens. The writers of the above only wanted to sell books. Why should there be more than one Websters? See my loose definition of science as a collection in the Science teachers Group on this site. Not everyone in the world has seen it yet OR yet try to make up their own. Your's above does sound good tho'
Does the term "agnostic atheist" imply that those who self identify as such should accept that it is...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Reasons that last only pop up when you dig down deep into cause and effect. 'Beliefs' that are on the way out often originate with one person e.g Bernadette at Lourdes, or a small group who travel with a controlling leader. Our beliefs spring up by large numbers of people coming together after NOT accepting what to do and what to praise. They do it because they think things out for themselves. Now all they need to do is find out how to politely say to religionists "You can those thoughts without any bad effect!"
Time to Brush up on Bertrand Russell . []
Mcflewster comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Not to be missed - Honest!
Has anyone else noticed that there's a new religion in town?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Anything "from the people" is good. Let's hope the Americans get envious and then they will get rid of Trump
I well remember my first lessons in SURFACE DECONTAMINATIONS EXPERIENCES which is what everybody ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Thanks Robo for your like.
Who's the daddy ?
Mcflewster comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Have we got a voice recording of him? Which archive?
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Mcflewster comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I have one addition to your Incandescently brilliant post and one distractor . ADDITION In the week there would be a SCIENCE Rebooting Festival for science upgrading at every age 2yrs- 102yrs . Please ask me for possible activities- but not YET at ALL ages ONE THAT MAY NOT WORK No 5 . Why are we still thinking in terms of FORCING? Too many have been forced into religion. let us NOT pick up their bad habits. What beliefs you have are possibly the result of quiet contemplation, example, free thinking, logic and reason. Why use anything else on a human being which religionists at the last count still were . Just think what the world would be like if no one forced any one to do anything? . Heaven on .......?
Could this man help to PERSUADE us to put doubts into religionists.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 31, 2020:
What a pity Hitler did not hear about this research.
Could this man help to PERSUADE us to put doubts into religionists.
Mcflewster comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Free sample of Myth of the closed Mind . Book costs £36
Can Science be liberating?
Mcflewster comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Has anyone been liberated by the science of Mindfulness?
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Mcflewster comments on Apr 3, 2020:
My belief is that what happened before and during the life of christ was an absolute mess. We don't even know how many 'Jesus' characters were around at the time. I have heard that it was 3. Each one could have been turned delusional by previously hearing and trying to fulfill the predictions that were sent ahead of him. Almost certainly there was a"Ringmaster" at this circus -possibly Paul and without sure and recorded conversations between them how can we be sure of anything in the gospels. We do not know whether the happenings were cultural, religious or political. All Saints and commentators watching what had happened and having ' caught ' the delusion and wanting power and preferential treatment were ordinary men who did mostly not even think of fully involving women. However all were human. This species throughout history has been shown to consist of good, bad and downright evil . It was however the by-standers who let the evil unfold. It was Jesus who decided when his invisible father had given up on him. He could have stayed alive by confessing and repenting on his delusions in front of the Romans. Instead he saw the chance to be the big Martyr, setting a precedent for all other martyrs to join the virgins and meet dad. This alone is the reason to shun Jesus if not hate him. Hate does more to motivate humans away from goodness than is realized because it is silent as well as expressed out loud. Yes Christianity was a Movement , but movement in an unknown direction.
Keir Starmer it is then. A New Hope!
Mcflewster comments on Apr 4, 2020:
The announcement that Momentum will hold Keir "To account" is NOT conducive to Unity' . If over half of the MPs declare their support for momentum, then that weakens Keir's arguments. Only if all these MPs have rock solid support for Momentum has any of them got the right to say anything to go against Keir. Other wise, they just shut up at least for quite a while while sensible policies are established . Fractional groups do not, cannot work without a lot of ugly public aggressiveness. ! They were supposed to be supporting Corbyn but were not very successful were they?
The nation dodged a bullet with this one!! Notice how Mizz Bailey closes her eyes every time she ...
Mcflewster comments on Apr 11, 2020:
In no way was she "Presiding over" the firm she worked for who had already established a precedent for supplying contracts that had been engineered to the advantage of their conservative mates. It did give her insights into the wrongs of PFI. I like Andrew Neil's persistence but he always portrays things in the worst possible way to get the maximum leverage. Blinking rather slowly is a feminine charm. I did not vote for her
Only 1 in 50 catholics can ace this religious test. Can you? []
Mcflewster comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Makes yo think what possible advantage does knowing these facts give to anyone? I believe that it does help one to counter religions and eventually get rid of them. Richard Dawkins and other top people have a lot of rekigious knowledge for that purpose. More talk is needed about getting rid of religion entirely.
Mcflewster comments on May 9, 2020:
How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival Paperback – 24 Aug. 2012 is available now to order (look inside [FOR FREE!] )
Does any one else have trouble being the host on zoom?
Mcflewster comments on May 10, 2020:
Are our administrators going to initiate any zoom meetings with limited attendance or will it rest at Chat rooms?
I used to think that communication was was the key until I realized comprehension is.
Mcflewster comments on May 10, 2020:
I understand why people do give up ( it is Human nature) but we are really more in charge of the variables than we would admit especially if we agree to collaborate. My analysis may or may not help. BASIC COMMUNICATION ESSENTIALS for GOOD COMMUNICATION. Mainly verbal. An example of (my own) analysis. This is composed by recalling a lecture (and course) on STRESS MANAGEMENT some 20 years ago without recourse to notes. 1. There has to be a purpose behind the desire to communicate. It could involve guessing, surmising and estimation, but most humans would find it difficult to live together without communication. 2. A signal of some sort needs to sent out into the space between sender and receiver. It could be smoke, light, paper and printing, sound or elecro-magnetic and liquid /spring waves of any type as long as there is a sensor/translator at each end 3. It must be strong enough to reach the receiver and have no absorption or reflection in between. 4. Once at the receiver it must be absorbed by the sensor AND IMPORTANTLY make a change in the receiving apparatus. 5. Once absorbed the receiver must in some sense and maybe by a different transmission method send a message from receiver to sender that a change has taken place in the receiver. 6. The sender must be able to absorb and interpret the signal from the Receiver. 7. Repeat the processes 2 to 6 until the receiver interprets the intended 8. Repeated testing of the retention by the receiver is necessary if effectiveness of the communication is worth saving for the future 9 Retention heavily depends on the style of presentation of the sender e.g. Pleasant versus threatening. Things really start to go wrong badly at No 4, usually when a poor response dismays the sender who may or may not revert to more drastic means in e.g. LOUDNESS, novelty, exaggeration, repetition, insult, praise, flattery, Coercion, lying, bribing {cf politicians}, lose patience. The responsibility is initially at any rate a joint one between sender and receiver. It then becomes a battle to see who is stronger more resilient or patient. However the sender probably has more control over the variables of sending listed above. Then the receiver can change variables in their own way and alter the course of any agreement necessary. The best advice for preventing a ding-dong between sender and receiver is to experiment until both are happy.
Only 1 in 50 catholics can ace this religious test. Can you? []
Mcflewster comments on May 20, 2020:
There is a lot of psychology hidden in these results. Or perhaps the lord IS at work
Too many atheists are hostile to the religious.
Mcflewster comments on May 24, 2020:
Solving this one will NOT weaken us but hasten the end of religion and be the fair way forward for society. I do not like saying ' Believe THIS ' but it could be the exception which breaks my rule.
Why to wear a mask.
Mcflewster comments on May 25, 2020:
As they say " Well trained" .
"How innovation works ".
Mcflewster comments on May 27, 2020:
Free offer of multiple lectures from hundreds of courses by Science Salon [the sponsor of the video]for a limited period included before the discussion starts
Mcflewster comments on May 29, 2020:
Fun for all the family
I am so pleased for Charlot Charles the mother of Harry Dunn who now says that her family and the...
Mcflewster comments on May 30, 2020:
Can anyone confirm from America that there is a private prosecution on its way?
Mcflewster comments on May 31, 2020:
Progress towards Publication. Crowd funding almost complete
Rich Goscicki Ever since high school I've always been impressed with Rene Magritte, the father of...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I too want everyone to know how stupid it is to spend all this money on advertising. Cheapest manufacture or composition, Good Quality and ONLY factual information is all that you need to sell something. With those things it will sell itself by word of mouth. No privilege in space for factual information either. No discounts, 3 for 2 or special terms either. Information needed from every version of what is being sold presented in a way that it is easy to make comparisons and easy cheap return of unwanted articles.
Consider this: people have used religion to justify and advance their agendas since the earliest ...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 8, 2020:
We may have an understanding of the word Atheist but it is probably the most misunderstood word in our common language despite it simplicity of meaning. ' Communist ' also has a much simpler meaning than its history tells us. The concept of going Atheist has also been built up to strike fear just the same. We have to get round this if we are to get a surge in advancement.
Received this beauty in the mail. Anyone ever heard of Alien Faith?? LMAO
Mcflewster comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Had to happen.
I'm new here.
Mcflewster comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Sorry to hear this. You are not likely to get any help on the problems that lead up to this from the Bible. There are people in religions who could help because they understand the Human condition but you will have to search them out . Then you might be able to help out your friends father rather than give in to him.
"How innovation works ".
Mcflewster comments on Jun 18, 2020:
I was somewhat disappointed with this video as it concentrated on business innovation and the mechanisms of keeping the economy going. It is creative innovation in all situations that interest me and it is unfettered innovation that really keeps the economy going. There is too little co-operation and secrecy in business generally for the innovation to be unfettered.
This is just the sort of thing that I fear for the people of America.
Mcflewster comments on Jul 9, 2020:
The fact is that we can explain all these things. He has the ability to verify all the statements and he has no intension of doing so. That is the frightening bit. His quite content to send people, in their ignorance, backed by a President to their death.
Is there any irrational nonsense missing from this very clever piece of organizational presentation?
Mcflewster comments on Jul 11, 2020:
or if you prefer Venn diagrams to organize your irrationality You could try this
Is there any irrational nonsense missing from this very clever piece of organizational presentation?
Mcflewster comments on Jul 11, 2020:
You could try this
Is there any irrational nonsense missing from this very clever piece of organizational presentation?
Mcflewster comments on Jul 11, 2020:
If you are having difficulties Just Google direct the The Reason Stick A blunt, shit-stained instrument wielded indiscriminately to bludgeon pseudoscience, superstition, blind faith and common or garden irrational bollocks.
I have read several articles recently which have bemoaned that as a result of COVID-19, the world ...
Mcflewster comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Who would deny a young baby (through their parents) the right to free use of oil?[ which is not actually a right].
Below is the invite heading to a short lived non religious group in the UK.
Mcflewster comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Does anyone think that this chap is looking for a Roman Catholic Priest without the religion? He could have had one in the past. Roman Catholic priests keep the revelations secret when they should have told the police. How religions distort.
New to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee...
Mcflewster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Karl Popper []
Mcflewster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I have some time thought that there was only one source of knowledge ..... observation and the rest of science methodology. In fact I have asked one or two Christians " Why do we need two sources of Knowledge? " Would god have completely no use for methodologies like those in science? And yet "Man is made in the image of God" I do not see that Inspiration is a source of knowledge. Inspiration is an excitement (or energy boost) which gives you the momentum to find out the reason why you should copy the source doing the inspiring. "Tradition which is probably the most important source of knowledge" Whilst I value some traditions i hate others - e.g Wigs on Barristers.I think Tradition is just a way of sometimes retaining the sometimes annoying views of elders [and betters?}. Sympatheic understanding can certainly only come from scientifics processes started by lots of questions
Everybody has someone or some group that they react and/or discrimenate against.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 2, 2020:
We are born with a natural ability to prioritize what is best for ourselves and our offspring. In competition with the rest of the world this has to be accepted. You are not going to get rid of that. It will always arise when taking something (including jobs) which was designated for another family to use in your own family. The only way to combat this natural tendency is to make every family equal in opportunity and resources . But again whatever is done families always end up unequal. So as long as things are fairly equal and you are fairly happy it would be best to turn off the envy side of competition and make the best of what you have got. Also stop saying "I am the greatest". You may be and you may not. You will never really find out.
Some assistance please.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Why are you asking? Could it be that you are afraid if sinning ? There are of course other reasons for disliking TV and food in the bedroom
On Spirituality by Jeff Foster ON ABUSE AND "SPIRITUALITY" "You attracted it because you ...
Mcflewster comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I like so many phrases in this poem but perhaps this is the best "ANY spirituality that doesn't fully honour our messy, unresolvable, first-hand, real-time, embodied human experience." In my opinion (IMO) the word spirituality comes from the word spirit and that word was divised when an unknown cause of a "bump in the night" began to be feared . Spirit, spirituality , soul holy ghost are all about the unkown and in my view unknowable. Only when we understand completely what is going on in the brain will we ever know it has any call to be "true" and followable by rational people.
In 500 years from now do you think history books will be telling the story of how Americans and ...
Mcflewster comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Both eras built on ignorance for which they cannot be blamed but willful application of useless fantasy solutions is not so easy to forgive.
I am such a new member; it brings tears to my eyes to write this.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 12, 2020:
You have made this a very good ' Hello ' . I am going to search out your first Question!
Hey guys.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 21, 2020:
I reckon that youngster aged 7 or above occupy the limited amount of time they have for critical thinking on their siblings ,human nature being what it is . That is if they are lucky enough to have a sibling. Resentment against siblings usually lasts until they are all married off and that could be a long time. How about asking them to list what bad points that their siblings would say about themselves ie get them to be self critical. Make it a competition for the longest list . Competition to be judged by Mum and Dad of course. Prize would be in multiples of weeks off rota duties. Extra points if your siblings do not mention a fault that you have yourself. A single child family would have to be " make a list of all the faults you have EVER been told off about"
Since God gives life, he can take life.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 25, 2020:
First of all life is not a tradable commodity. Secondly so many religious leaders have deflected the blame onto their invisible friend sometimes just for a land grab or more people they can lord over. Land should also be non tradable. Just look after the land and people that you have gotten now.
Identities, mainly race, gender and sexual orientation, are today's substitute for religion.
Mcflewster comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Religions usually have sets of conclusions ( for example the 10 commandments) which they try to shame people into keeping faith constant. I do not think that "Identities, mainly race, gender and sexual orientation," are in any state to reach widespread conclusions yet .They are still recruiting supporters yet . They are still fishers of men(and women) to their causes which often clash.
Helpful and really interesting on covid transmission risk in different indoor/outdoor situations.
Mcflewster comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I sometimes post graphics that I feel put information in a way that one can quickly assimilate the message. I think this is a superb example of that and analysis . Can you answer from it, whether IYO there is a colored rectangle which SEEMS out of place and why?
From a talk on Forgiveness []
Mcflewster comments on Sep 9, 2020:
These are interesting and very mixed comments . Your reaction is your reaction, but I do not see any taking a share of the blame for the situation. I have someone whom I am asking for forgiveness. However she went through such a trauma( nothing to do with me - it was more what I did not do) that asking to share the blame is the only option open to me.
Can an atheist be a proud Secular Christian?
Mcflewster comments on Sep 12, 2020:
You are ignoring the vast quantity of Humans who do good work, have as much if not more empathy as the construct called Jesus and do not conduct miracles but real steps towards fully understanding the Human condition and potential. Why concentrate on a single person for your inspiration? Why?- it is because you were taught and told to believe in him .Whereas I take it that you got here by yourself with reason and logic. If you do. chose the wrong leader , they tend to make massive mistakes because of their adulation . Jesus' death was a good career move towards martyrdom and others joined in to produce eventually our terrorists.
Agnostic wicca
Mcflewster comments on Sep 13, 2020:
I understand quite a lot about energy and of course it is useful . It is also quite easily defined and identifiable by where it actually goes. I neither understand Wicca or the energy talked about in Wicca. Could you define both?. If the energy of wicca is exactly like the science energy then please say so.
I usually agree with most of what this guy says but I'm not so sure about what he's saying here.
Mcflewster comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I agree with the suggestion that we should stop telling children that Santa clause exists. However I always rummage around for both positive and negative factors. One possible reason could be that you are teaching your child the full experience of being duped . There is rarely any malice behind parents who teach about Santa. As a parent you know that eventually they will find out -hopefully without much distress. Even if there is distress, it is a life lesson to get over it and the parents generally did not mean to be cruel. I on balance believe that it is better to start as you mean , and your child will mean, to go on. Without lies, but how do you teach your child about being duped? It is also a lesson about fantasy versus reality which many people do not fully learn. Traveling from the UK I visited a cousin of around the same age as me who lived in Anaheim so near to Disney World. The pleasure that I had from being shown around by him was because I am sure that he had not fully grown up - but otherwise he was perfectly rational. It could have been that he was so proud of Disney World of course.
I can't seem to find a direct quote for this.
Mcflewster comments on Sep 22, 2020:
So that's why religions tried to communicate with the weather?
I haven’t received my Agnostic.
Mcflewster comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Nice T shirt and slogan . I am sure you deserve it ,whatever. Can you tell me if one can do science with words too? i.e just how universal is it?
Let's Discuss What Islam Offers...
Mcflewster comments on Oct 3, 2020:
They did offer good science at one time and then a particulate caliph did not like it and from then on it played no part in their thinking. Although of course they use modern technology now.
Just to be clear You cannot OWN YOUR OWN RISK Too many people get involved if things go ...
Mcflewster comments on Oct 9, 2020:
So if you think you can get through co-vid by taking on the risk all to your self , think again. Better still, science there again with fresh ideas. BTW There is no such thing as zero risk. It is debatable whether there is any such thing as zero science within any Human.
Good advice for control of your blood pressure []
Mcflewster comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I wonder if anyone changed their view on enlightenment as a result of reading the passage by Jeff Tatlock ? Did you think it was just a period in History?.
This is Water
Mcflewster comments on Oct 21, 2020:
This is great , But how do you get "way more than luck" [The last sentence] as it has been suggested that it can bring you anything? BTW I do not believe in it.
Does anyone still use “Oh please let me ...” in thought when you want something good to happen?
Mcflewster comments on Nov 12, 2020:
This says so much about the structure of society and why we have to change it. Through the ages , the power of Kings, Queens,Princes , Chiefs, priests, heads of government,heads of families and learned people have all been so powerful. The first pieces of education that every child receives in some form was ' How to thank your benefactor ' . It was a sign of their power and your ability to submit. It can only be changed by vastly increasing equality in society. That actually could be socialism or just a realization that we all have something to contribute to our society and no one is more worthy of riches or praise than any other - with exceptions for heroes and breakthrough social transformers.
Imagineer noun a person who is skilled in implementing creative ideas into practical form.
Mcflewster comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Like it ! It is the practical bit which is difficult
It’s becoming more real every day.
Mcflewster comments on Nov 27, 2020:
OK I accept your premise, but am I the only one who thinks that George actually did us a disservice? We need to stop worrying about it and actually *do something to prevent* those things portrayed as BIG BROTHER. Everyone together has control of the things that were mentioned in that fictional society.
What would you define the word agnostic to be?
Mcflewster comments on Dec 2, 2020:
An agnostic person may be stood between two extreme views but no indecision, sitting or splinters from fences are involved. This is because they are prepared to move instantly in either direction when appropriate evidence is established. They are very capable of making decisions and moving quickly because they find it best to situate themselves strategically with plenty of established arguments from both sides ready for a shift of conclusion. This follows the thinking of many reserve troops in battle situations of the past. It requires good military intelligence!
... ☃️☃️ ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Amongst all the words that religion has hi-jacked for its own purposes, I would have hoped that 'merry' was not one of them. Just be merry for yourself.
All set to go well with the vaccination roll out
Mcflewster comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Surely the Ice cream vans would have been supplied without competition from Saudi Arabia.
Good morning how are you all keeping. How are you coping with life amidst the covid pandemic?
Mcflewster comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Can imagine surviving Co-VID here in UK . I have my first jab next Wed, but it is the Brexit Deadline that will send me to the Looney Bin first. What makes it worse is the fact that more and more people are seeing it was the wrong way forward and British Reserve is stopping them saying so and having a confirmatory referendum.
I may have posted this here earlier, I can't remember.
Mcflewster comments on Dec 13, 2020:
From the fossil bone records they could have studied the layout of bones and the possible muscle and flap within the neck of animals of similar and large size. A mock-up of a working model of the most likely could have pulses and bellows of air pumped through the model and produced a sound that could be recorded. Modelling is the most favored technique in science . BUT it is all surmising and PROJECTION and NOT proof. They were probably produced first for Hollywood film sound men e.g Jurasic Park. Nothing wrong with surmising!. EXCEPT people do present it as proof.
Just because a person is agnostic doesn't mean that they have to believe in evolution and the same ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Can you tell us a bit more, waitingforgodot, about which comments were more reassuring?
A comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Please Comment on the suitability for YOU of all or any of the words words
My reply to Cardinal Pell for calling Trump his barbarian (posted by @Theresa_N).
Mcflewster comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Hhmmmmm? Record for swear words in one song. I somehow managed to get the point tho'.
Why should he get it?
Mcflewster comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Could she actually be sued for assault if she did not understand it?? and sacked if she was not prepared to explain it to him?
Hey everyone, what do you think of this picture, sorry if it's grainy.
Mcflewster comments on Dec 17, 2020:
And what makes you think that Business people always get the best business answers?i.e the ones that customers really like and will spread the word of goodness without the need of advertising?
The U.K. needs to be a sovereign entity. []
Mcflewster comments on Dec 17, 2020:
And what makes you think that Business people always get the best business answers?i.e the ones that customers really like and will spread the word of goodness without the need of advertising?
My profile photo is a radio show about religion where I made a statement that "religion cheapens ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Jesus MAY love us but he takes away our responsibility to save ourselves
I haven't been on here in a while. Erm, what's up?
Mcflewster comments on Dec 19, 2020:
A communication App. Glad your here any other q's?
A man I knew died yesterday
Mcflewster comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Once a con man always a con man. We could do without any of them but certainly no more . Dare to tell the truth.
You know it's bad for Trump when he loses one of his most staunchest supporters among ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 22, 2020:
The end of populism?
All I want for Christmas Is .
Mcflewster comments on Dec 24, 2020:
In this particular post the action of clicking an upright thumb symbol does not suffice, thanks anyway.
The Founders designed a less-than-perfect presidency and 46, besides improving on what the Founders ...
Mcflewster comments on Dec 27, 2020:
The science qualifications of the sum total of people who work in the white house must exceed 50% at all times as measured against any other professional qualification.
Interesting little doc.
Mcflewster comments on Dec 27, 2020:
All very well and thoughtful . Pity he did not study some successful communities. WHERE IS the conclusion for real progress ? with you I suppose.
Food for thought. []
Mcflewster comments on Dec 29, 2020:
These are four good points well made. Do the fact that you find it necessary to say them, mean that atheism is trying to define itself on a negative which no one has much hope of proving. I think that it is necessary to say "I am an atheist" as a mark on your journey of thinking towards a more useful label (which is removable/replaceable) and is based on a more positive outlook.
What's a stupid question?
Mcflewster comments on Jan 4, 2021:
Sounds like the "TWO RONNIES" being given an affectionate praise. OR the PYTHONS and their "Ministry for Silly Walks"
My life story has been published...
Mcflewster comments on Jan 7, 2021:
"Darwin/Dawkins likes a tryer"