"I have of late - but wherefore I know not - lost all my mirth,forgone all custom of excercises;and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame,the earth,seems to me a sterile promontory;this most excellent canopy the air,look you,this brave o'erhanging firmament,this majestical roof fretted with golden fire,why,it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilential congregation of vapours. What piece of work is a man ! How noble in reason ! How infinate in faculty ! In form and moving how express and admirable ! in action how like an angel ! In apprehension how like a god ! The beauty of the world ! The paragon of animals and yet to me,what is this quintessence of dust ? Man delights not me; nor women neither." (Hamlet).
Fairly quiet natured bloke really (well most of the time), professional (but not very)
considered to have an easy going laid back nature,favouring Zen like simplicity over going completely spaz in most things,fairly pragmatic and far too lazy to loose his Karma. A good egg who is fairly easy on the retinas,house/car - the usual trappings SEEKING someone similar in nature / outlook in the 40+ (age ) 40 to 55 ideally...
At 50 (nearly 55) I seem to be enduring a life thats about as changeless as canal water and presently treating internet dating as if Carp fishing on Vaaaliiiiuum seemingly fuelled largely with Vin de entre de legs and end of the pier type fag butt flicking pointlessness....No longer the bold flagbearer of ,nature seems to have put a timely sock on the sundial and experiments with birthday candles in the end are long since over, mind a bit of TLC might do wonders... A lotus fed oxymath and error mite (eeek you made a mistake) and ever shambling reactionary, feudal yet still, armoured but seldom effete, now to be found nestling in 50 shades of graphically designed grim as my deepest darkest dispair cyber grey nowhere on an OAP's dating site seemingly targetted at geriatric couch bound Kartoffelkopf's in the twilight of their autumn too sedentry to meet others by any other nooormal means...
To be perfectly honest you would need to be 100 0/0 GORGEOUS for me to contemplate even getting off the settee. Not really looking for someone with 3.4 kids,anyone completely gone behind the eyes,any overly emotional magnet wearing menopausal ill depilated Chimeras, anyone that reminds me of my mother,my sister,aunt Brid,various X's,a horse (why the long face),aging pole dancers,limbo dancers,buck toothed gurners, puddy whoers, ting tong lady boys f_arting ping pong balls,moist and trouty bar flies,bin mans molls,no bad hairdos,no tattood mystic carni folk,traffic wardens,40 Plus Barbie lookalikes riding round the living room on a pink plastic pony that s_its glitter and no room for ten ton catastrophes hanging from a 60lb chain and nobody that looks as if they have been dragged through a hedge backwards by their shins whilst eating a Magn_m. Anyone that sounds like a fog horn,sea gull or stuck record,any religious types ((repeat after me)) - There is no man in the sky,he's not the Meeeessiah he's just a veeeery naaaaughty boy !!! Only do good things, never do bad things,neeeever rub jam on a magnet,never put your graaaanny in a bag and never leeeeean oooover aaah Tuesday. People who remember what real "O" levels were but didn't actually get any nor anybody who smells like the seaside or looks like they live on a pig farm Amen
The End
I enjoy getting out and about and meeting new people (when they let me out) but
appreciate the odds of it leading to romance are possibly A LITTLE SLIM to say the least...