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Theist logic! 🙄😂😂😂
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I think it’s hilarious!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@Killtheskyfairy I do too!
Another way of saying it! 😂😂😂😂
AtheistInNC comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Turn it "of" ?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@AtheistInNC That's how it was spelled in this meme, not mine, I stole it. Just thought it was funny.
Another way of saying it! 😂😂😂😂
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I find it interesting that Americans freely used "hoe" meaning whore but the word "bitch" which just means female dog is taboo.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@phxbillcee I actually like the "C" word myself, I'm not easily offended, it's just a word. Moist, I don't know why people don't like that word either, but whatever, people are people!
Theist logic! 🙄😂😂😂
phxbillcee comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Some real "person" actually wrote this & didn't see how appalling he was???? If some god actually did work this way to 'prove a miracle', I would hunt it down & lock it up somewhere so it couldn't do it again!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@phxbillcee Just show's how fucked up their thought process is!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
JackPedigo comments on Jan 28, 2022:
What, no wanting to interact with
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@JackPedigo Of course that reason too!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Beautiful, I have found some new reasons for living.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@zeuser 😂🤗😂🤗😂🤗
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Mine is to outlive my enemies so I can piss on their graves. I got the cats as added incentive so I wouldn’t give up the ghost too soon. It’s the only thing that keeps me from jumping off the nearest cliff.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 28, 2022:
@Killtheskyfairy Woohoo!!!! Go girl!!!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Mine is to outlive my enemies so I can piss on their graves. I got the cats as added incentive so I wouldn’t give up the ghost too soon. It’s the only thing that keeps me from jumping off the nearest cliff.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 27, 2022:
@Killtheskyfairy Pissing on the graves of your enemies sounds fun to me!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
LucyLoohoo comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Sleeping late in a toasty warm bed on a rainy Saturday morning...and not having to get up!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 27, 2022:
@LucyLoohoo Nice!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
Lorajay comments on Jan 27, 2022:
I'm at the age many of them no longer apply. I think some of us are lucky enough to stay alive to see what's next.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 27, 2022:
@Lorajay That's nice! I like it!
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
Lauren comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Spite is excellent, of course, but I think feeding a pet is right up there as the reason most likely to keep me alive.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 27, 2022:
@Lauren My kitties would be pissed if I died and didn't feed them! Lol!!!
Anticipation is making me wait! Lol
Julie808 comments on Jan 27, 2022:
And these days we don't have to wait too long. More and more of the anti-vaxxers who have to test negative before flying into my state are having to cancel their weddings and trips. That's okay with me. I do have one wedding coming up in a few days, the family all had tested positive last ...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 27, 2022:
@Julie808 I'm vaccinated and had my booster too! Yeah, these people are just something else!
I always say the last part to Metalhead222! Lol
Canndue comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Ah, true love….
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@Canndue Right! He puts up with my bullshit! Lol!!!
I always say the last part to Metalhead222! Lol
ChestRockfield comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Couldn't date someone would would write "u" anyway, so peace.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 26, 2022:
@JeffMurray 😂😂😂
Oh yeah she did! Lol
Cast1es comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Police took her self-fi for her ?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 25, 2022:
@Cast1es She looks like she owned it all! Love it! Lol
Looks just like I remembered! Lol
Retiredsteve comments on Jan 24, 2022:
I definitely lived in a home many years ago that had the wood paneling and shag carpet. 😊
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 25, 2022:
@Canndue Yes! Lol
Anticipation is making me wait! Lol
KateOahu comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Except that they are all endangering everyone. Our small town seven day average is 775/day. So, it’s making ME wait…at home, alone.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@MsKathleen Sorry you live amongst idiots!
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian - Reading Ted Cruz []
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 24, 2022:
He's a piece of shit!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@Canndue True!
Anticipation is making me wait! Lol
zeuser comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Yeah, I guess that would be the most prudent approach. LOL
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@zeuser Perfect!
Looks just like I remembered! Lol
Retiredsteve comments on Jan 24, 2022:
I definitely lived in a home many years ago that had the wood paneling and shag carpet. 😊
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@Retiredsteve I did too! Lol
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
CurmudgeonBoy comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Yup. **I know this about myself** and I'm admitting it more and more lately in the judging of others. Actually....Just to prove my point, **have another look at the picture** and see the female type person in the room, "lookin to make sure" that the others... (the guys at the bar) are raising ...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@CurmudgeonBoy I've been told I'm an asshole and I'm seeing it myself! In the picture it looks like she's looking at them like they better raise their hands because she knows them! Lol
Ive had some possessive women in my rotation
phxbillcee comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Foreplay, maybe...the rest of the relationship, very, very doubtful...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 24, 2022:
@phxbillcee Nope! Lol
Ive had some possessive women in my rotation
phxbillcee comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Foreplay, maybe...the rest of the relationship, very, very doubtful...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@phxbillcee Metalhead222 likes it rough! Lol
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
phxbillcee comments on Jan 23, 2022:
What does it mean if I raise both hands???
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@phxbillcee ❤️😂❤️😂❤️😂❤️
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
Canndue comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Guess we all have our moments
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@Canndue Right! Lol
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Sometimes you have to fight assholery with assholery.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@zeuser True! Lol
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
phxbillcee comments on Jan 23, 2022:
What does it mean if I raise both hands???
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 23, 2022:
@phxbillcee I guess it means double asshole? Lol
Is Texas ready for another below freezing storm?
Sierra4 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Abbott and Patrick fixed the problem. They passed a strict no abortion law, so the the 246 people who died will be replaced very soon if not already and the power companies recouped their billions in losses with state money and higher rates for the customer. See, problem solved.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@Sierra4 The politicians here and the billionaires here are horrible, no doubt about that!
Triptykon - Rex Irae []
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@Garf 🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸
Yeah, oh well, it happens! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Or, all thru the day, even...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 21, 2022:
@phxbillcee Ouchie!
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Pralina1 True!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Pralina1 That's what really happens here! Lol
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Probably rent him out, see how much money he makes!
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Both! Lol!!!
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz He's going to be doing the cooking and taking care of the yard! Lol
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 18, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz No when we live together we're going to do our own laundry. I'll do mine, he'll do his.
I never saw it that way! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 17, 2022:
& sometimes they can even wash the dishes...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 17, 2022:
@MsKathleen @phxbillcee@AnneWimsey @Pralina1 That's our house rule! Metalhead222 cooks, I wash the dishes! When we're at his house, he does the laundry and at my house, I do the laundry.
DAMN!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
freedom41 comments on Jan 11, 2022:
You could have posted this in child free domain group.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 11, 2022:
@freedom41 Now I know! Lol
Deep sigh...
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
These fuckers!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@bookofmorons WOW! How sad and stupid!
Seriously! Lol
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 9, 2022:
I was in the DMV before the pandemic, reading my Nook to pass the time, and was approached by a 20-something with pink hair & fishnets & her biker-looking 55+ boyfriend who wanted to talk about how awful abortion is....WTF?!? After about 3 sentences they moved far away & I resumed reading. One's...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 10, 2022:
@AnneWimsey How annoying!
Seriously! Lol
Killtheskyfairy comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Especially now in the age of Trumptards and Covid!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Killtheskyfairy Right! Lol
Seriously! Lol
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2022:
my favorite pass time or so it seems.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@glennlab 😂😂😂
Seriously! Lol
Paracosm comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Worse, sometimes it isn't strangers.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Paracosm 😂😂😂
Seriously! Lol
Pralina1 comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Every day ma’am . Every single night to be exact
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 9, 2022:
@Pralina1 I can only imagine! Lol How did this gerbil crawl in my ass? Lol!!!!
When I cook! Lol
bobwjr comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Love it, used to get genuine Mexican cuisine in Texas
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@phxbillcee My mom and I would make tamales but she had a stroke last week, so we're not making any this year. El Paso is the Mexican food capital of the U.S. I've traveled to other parts of the U.S. and it's not like from here or Mexico. I have family in Mexico and it's the same here as there.
When I cook! Lol
bobwjr comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Love it, used to get genuine Mexican cuisine in Texas
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@bobwjr El Paso, TX. has the best!
When I cook! Lol
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Oh crumba!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@azzow2 😂😂
When I cook! Lol
phxbillcee comments on Jan 7, 2022:
"Ya mija. If you add any more spice you'll be joining us..."
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@phxbillcee 😂😂😂
Dealing with fake family this week! LMAO!!!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2022:
Ask them "if you have so much joy inside how come you are such a hate-filled asshole all the time?"
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I said that, it causes more anger! Lol
She fell in love!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jan 7, 2022:
I don't have to mock them..... religious beliefs are self-mocking all you have to do is point it out....
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz True!
Dealing with fake family this week! LMAO!!!!!
Sticks48 comments on Jan 5, 2022:
They are defiantly angry much of the time and fairly humorless too. How is your mom and how are you?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 7, 2022:
@Sticks48 Thank you! Metalhead222 and I went over today and my dad was back to himself! Saying that him and my mom have been waiting all day for us. He was laughing and joking around with us. So I hope everything is back to normal! 🤗❤️
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
Marionville comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Try to ignore them…concentrate on your mother and her recovery. I know it’s galling and hard to do, but they are unimportant and only make you have negative thoughts so try to focus on being positive instead.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@Marionville He's an idiot! Yesterday in front of my mom, matalhead222 and me, out loud he asked me if I knew where he could get some boxes. I asked him why does he need boxes, he answered that he wants to box up and get rid of all of my mom's high heels and sexy dresses, she doesn't need them anymore. I had to take him to the side as my mom started crying, I told him that she already doesn't feel confident in her looks and he needs to not do that, she's going to get better. I had to go back to my mom and comfort her. She said she's going to fight to get better. She's a strong woman and she doesn't deserve my dad and his stupidity. Today, yeah I was the one he felt like targeting and take out whatever he's going through. I'm going back tomorrow to check on my mom and make sure she's ok. He's lucky it's going to be warmer today and I probably won't need my satanic hoodie! Lol!!! Thank you for your insight to this situation, it makes perfect sense. I appreciate your help! ❤️🤗
Dealing with fake family this week! LMAO!!!!!
Sticks48 comments on Jan 5, 2022:
They are defiantly angry much of the time and fairly humorless too. How is your mom and how are you?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@Sticks48 She seemed to be doing well before I was told to leave because of my hoodie I put on. My dad was offended by it, I've been wearing this hoodie since last winter. It's a satanic hoodie, it has a satanic goat in the back of it. My mom gave it to me as a Christmas gift last year, my daughter in law did the graphics on it, I really like it but he was so offended by it! So that's how it's going for me. I'm worried about my mom being in such a hostile environment, she just needs to rest and not be dealing with such stupidity.
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
Marionville comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Try to ignore them…concentrate on your mother and her recovery. I know it’s galling and hard to do, but they are unimportant and only make you have negative thoughts so try to focus on being positive instead.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@Marionville Now it's my dad! I called my parents before her doctor's appointment to remind my dad to take all her meds, so the doctor could tell him which one's she can take and which ones not to. My mom was yelling in the background and he told me to please hurry and go help him, she was giving him a hard time getting ready. So metalhead222 and I rushed over, I threw on whatever clothes I had and pulled on one of my hoodies. My dad was offended by my hoodie, it was a satanic hoodie, that my daughter in law made the graphics and my mom bought from her for me as a Christmas gift last year, I've been wearing it since except for summer. He was so angry with me for wearing it! Metalhead222 was in shock at the way my dad was treating me and talking to me. I go to help and get shitted on just because of a hoodie. My poor mom just needs to relax and no drama. I want to bring her to my house and keep her away from such stupidity.
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Is this like Catholic priest trying to collect souls from on near deaths beds?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 6, 2022:
@Castlepaloma No, idiot christian family.
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
bobwjr comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I sympathize
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@bobwjr Thank you ❤️🤗
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
JackPedigo comments on Jan 5, 2022:
What was your mother's feelings on the subject of religion?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@JackPedigo That's so horrible! Fuck religion!
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
JackPedigo comments on Jan 5, 2022:
What was your mother's feelings on the subject of religion?
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@JackPedigo She's religious but she said those Christian's can go fuck off! It's my brother and his wife, they're hardcore christian and they never visited, texted or called my mom during her fight with cancer, now she has a stroke and all of a sudden my brother shows up to the hospital acting like he gives a shit! My son almost beat the shit out of him but my dad grabbed him and pulled him away as my uncle pulled my brother away. I was in Virginia when this happened and now wanting to beat the shit out of my brother and his wife. There's way more to this stupid story but their actions are not Christian like at all.
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
Marionville comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Glad to hear your mom’s recovering well now, and hopefully on her way to full health again. Best wishes to her - and you two lovebirds too! 💕
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Marionville I will!
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
KKGator comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I'm right there with you on that. I admire your self-restraint. ❤
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@KKGator I'll definitely take you up on that offer! 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗
Exactly how it feels!
Austin-Cambridge comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Brilliant that, I'd rather have a jab a week for the next ten years instead of having my optic nerves and brain damaged! :-)
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Austin-Cambridge I feel the same!
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
KKGator comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I'm right there with you on that. I admire your self-restraint. ❤
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@KKGator They were lucky they were on video chat when I walked in my mom's hospital room! I told them off and ended that mess! They can go fuck themselves! Yes, I will be calling you for bail money soon! Probably when Metalhead222 leaves, he's been my Jimminy Cricket through this! Lol
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
Marionville comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Glad to hear your mom’s recovering well now, and hopefully on her way to full health again. Best wishes to her - and you two lovebirds too! 💕
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Marionville Thank you! ❤️🤗
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
phxbillcee comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Hoping everything works out. All the very best, Michelle!
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@phxbillxee Thank you Bill! 🤗❤️
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
Pralina1 comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I just read . I am so sorry . Yes she can recover . Are u able to get her physical / occupational / speech therapy ? They can work miracles after a stroke . Keep your smile Michelle . This will get better 🙌♥️
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Pralina1 She's going to see her primary doctor today and from there she'll get her recommendations for a speech therapist. She's able to walk, go to the bathroom, shower and serve herself food. She did a load of laundry before I could get to her house yesterday but I just let her, she's fighting it, my dad's an idiot so it just shows how much she needs me there! Home health care were supposed to go yesterday but we haven't heard anything from them. I'm going to have to call them today. Thank you! ❤️🤗
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2022:
OMG Anything you need, just let me know. I hope she has a full recovery
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@glennlab I will! Thank you Glenn, I appreciate it! These past two years have been a rollercoaster! 🤗❤️
My mom was discharged from the hospital Monday, she seems to be doing better each day.
Sticks48 comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I'm so sorry Michelle. I wish her a speedy recovery and glad MH could be wth you.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Sticks48 I hope so too! Thank you! ❤️🤗
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
Marionville comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Try to ignore them…concentrate on your mother and her recovery. I know it’s galling and hard to do, but they are unimportant and only make you have negative thoughts so try to focus on being positive instead.
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@Marionville Thank you! ❤️
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
phxbillcee comments on Jan 5, 2022:
You're better than they are...
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@phxbillcee Thank you! 🤗❤️
Fake family coming around when my mom was in the hospital because of a stroke! I wish I could punch ...
KKGator comments on Jan 5, 2022:
I'm right there with you on that. I admire your self-restraint. ❤
MichelleGar1 replies on Jan 5, 2022:
@KKGator Thank you! ❤️
Oops! Happy Taco Tuesday! Lol
Castlepaloma comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Might be Taco hell.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 28, 2021:
@Castlepaloma One man's hell, another man's heaven! Lol
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
silverotter11 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I still think Fran is the loudest.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@silverotter11 She is! Lol
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
KateOahu comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I don’t even know who they are.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@MsKathleen It's Cardi B, Seth Rogen, Janice and the Nanny.
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 27, 2021:
The only funny laugh I know is Fran Drescher's.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose She does! Lol!!!!
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 27, 2021:
The only funny laugh I know is Fran Drescher's.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose He does! I actually like the sound of his laughter.
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 27, 2021:
The only funny laugh I know is Fran Drescher's.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose Here's Cardi B, I believe is the first one.
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 27, 2021:
The only funny laugh I know is Fran Drescher's.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose Here's another one!
Either annoying or will make you laugh too!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 27, 2021:
The only funny laugh I know is Fran Drescher's.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 27, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose Here's Seth Rogen laughing.
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Canndue comments on Dec 25, 2021:
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Canndue Woohoo!!!
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Canndue comments on Dec 25, 2021:
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Canndue 🎉🍹🤘🎊🍹
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Austin-Cambridge comments on Dec 25, 2021:
That bloody Mary just screams "Peace on earth and goodwill to all" who needs preachers? :-) Cheers and "bon voyage" Michelle.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Austin-Cambridge Thank you! Cheer's! 🥂
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Donna_I comments on Dec 25, 2021:
that is my favorite weekend brunch drink - just add some olives, pickle, and a bit of bacon! I like mine tarted up a bit. 😁
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Donna_I Sounds delicious! I like mine spicy.
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
KingofHarts comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Hungover already?
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@KingofHarts No, just had a 2 hour layover and had to find something to do, lol
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
CurmudgeonBoy comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Caesar, my favorite "When in Canada" Tip the server well. Now I want one! Safe travels girl
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@CurmudgeonBoyThank you! Cheer's 🥂
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Budgie comments on Dec 26, 2021:
I have drunk the odd Bloody Mary but I have to ask Why the celery stick or in this case branch? I have never done that just a bit of ice but then I don't eat raw celery I only like it in cooked foods.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Budgie I think the bartender was just making it look funny or he was just lazy! Lol
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Julie808 comments on Dec 26, 2021:
I love the bloody mary bars where you can add your own everything (from bacon to celery to limes... ) to basically make it a salad with tomato juice dressing, and the alcohol is optional.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 26, 2021:
@Julie808 This Bloody Mary didn't have olive's, I like olive's in my drink, it was spicy though.
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
azzow2 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
I could join you except mine needs to be virgin.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@phxbillcee Awwww, at least that! Lol
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Sierra4 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
From Fort Worth to El Paso, Merry#*#@&*#Christmas to you
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@Sierra4 I'll wave to you as I fly by! Lol
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
azzow2 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
I could join you except mine needs to be virgin.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@phxbillcee I'm a slut! Lol
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
bobwjr comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Cheers sweety
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@bobwjr 🍹🤘
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Sierra4 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
From Fort Worth to El Paso, Merry#*#@&*#Christmas to you
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@phxbillcee Thank you!
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
phxbillcee comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Cheers! & a Merry Fucking Xmas to you!
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@phxbillcee Woohoo!!!!
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
azzow2 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
I could join you except mine needs to be virgin.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@azzow2 It's all good! Cheer's!
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 25, 2021:
Merry Fucking Christmas back at ya, Michelle! That drink looks delish.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@AnonySchmoose It was a delicious Bloody Mary!
Merry Fucking Christmas! It's 5:00 somewhere! Cheer's!
Sierra4 comments on Dec 25, 2021:
From Fort Worth to El Paso, Merry#*#@&*#Christmas to you
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 25, 2021:
@Sierra4 I'm at DFW right now waiting to board a plane to Virginia! 2 hours layover gotta entertain myself! Lol!!!
MSNBC - Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Dec. 23 []
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 24, 2021:
Giving you points.
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 24, 2021:
@phxbillcee Love you too! Hope you have a Happy Holiday too!
How do you wipe with long nails?
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 23, 2021:
🤮🤮🤮😂😂😂😂 I don't get people wearing those long nails! Gross!
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 23, 2021:
@JackPedigo The long nails are unhygienic.
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Garf has left for a while . Don't know when or if he'll be back! 🤘🤘🤘🤘
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 23, 2021:
@Garf You're welcome mate!
Cat's don't give a fuck! Lol
Sticks48 comments on Dec 23, 2021:
It is a soft, warm place to rest. When opportunity knocks...
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 23, 2021:
@Sticks48 😂😂😂😂
Aww man!!!!
St-Sinner comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Sheep skin?
MichelleGar1 replies on Dec 22, 2021:
@St-Sinner Still doesn't feel as good! Lol


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