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Whatever our reservations as skeptics, whatever our doubts about the admixture of Native American ...
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
It depends on the belief, Indiians in the Pacific NW believe in Sasquatch, that belief doesn't make it true. Same like saying the spirit world is everything or that watervand air are sacred, i call bullshit on that.
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 3, 2019:
@Allamanda and what does that have to do with 95% of what you wrote? We all can contribute to the betterment of our world either personally or commonly, and in fact many of us do without the need of talking about gods, religions, spirits and all that assorted crap.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming wow great set of convincing data...NOT! don't waste my time anymore.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@mongo1977 i don't drink alcohol stupid, any more imbecilic assumptions lord of the hillbilly rednecks???
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@mongo1977 only you, a backeard hillbilly from Arkansas, not man enough to even identify yourself or say who you are in this site, is stupid enough to think that way. Give it up moron, your projection of dementia and your lack of balls are too evident to make anyone be like you.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@david75090 thinking you are right is not factual, do not confuse that. I am giving my opinion and I stand by my opinion, yet I am not obsessive to the point that I think my opinion has to be a fact.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming prove to me that 2 plus 2 is not 4.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming the human spirit is not spiritual it is human.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@david75090 facts are facts, opinions are not facts, there is only one truth, the one that is backed by factual evidence, anything else is purely speculation.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@david75090 my opinion was an equivalency and never called anyone's opinion bullshit. Read the original post, he claims to be agnostic and somewhat spiritual. My equivalency was religion = spirituality = bullshit. Explain to me how is that calling an agnostic who is somewhat spiritual that what he posted was bullshit????
I never hated anyone in my life, yes this is a rant.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Wow! You’re that old and never hated Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, and the rest of their evil cabinets and enablers? All the crap they did and got away with set us up to get this Russian shill in the White House and contribute to our inability to get him out as he commits daily high crimes.
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Charlene not according to the post election analysis, many democrats didn't even show up.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@mongo1977 says the idiot from Arkansas who remains anonymous with no bio, spare me of your holier than thou bullshit.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@david75090 you are entitled to your opinion as are all of us here, don't you think?
I never hated anyone in my life, yes this is a rant.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Wow! You’re that old and never hated Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, and the rest of their evil cabinets and enablers? All the crap they did and got away with set us up to get this Russian shill in the White House and contribute to our inability to get him out as he commits daily high crimes.
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy now you're an English teacher. Spare me please. Whatever the reason, they chose to do them and nobody can take that away from them. Not even you holier than thou progressive. Dubya didn't bomb the twin towers but he was there in the aftermath and most Americans appreciated the words he said there, when his acceptance ratings went sky high, he later ruined that moment with the Iraq fiasco.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Storm1752, @WilliamFleming art is real, music is real, the sensation of awe while contemplating beauty is real, spirituality has nothing to do with all these physiological feelings.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Storm1752 you are using the same ridiculous arguments that believers use to justify their gods of choice, not falling into that infantile trap, I have nothing to prove to anybody. You want to believe in bs, up to you.
I'm agnostic & somewhat spiritual but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to talk about it.
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Religion = spirituality = bullshit!
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@Allamanda just because you want to believe in the spirituality bs doesn't make it real, present real evidence to substantiate your point.
I never hated anyone in my life, yes this is a rant.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Wow! You’re that old and never hated Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, and the rest of their evil cabinets and enablers? All the crap they did and got away with set us up to get this Russian shill in the White House and contribute to our inability to get him out as he commits daily high crimes.
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
Yes I am 66 years old and if you care to read properly, i kept disgust at a controllable level, all your examples did good things albeit a lot of bad. I always have voted blue for President. But who ended the draft, who created the EPA? It was Nixon. Reagan also did many important positive things like ending the cold war and revitalizing optimism in America's economy, as well as the Bushes. We have this turd in the white house not only because of the electoral college but also due to many hard headed never Hillary democrats who did not vote or voted against their interests. I was and am an indepedent, and not a fan of Hillary but the alternative was hideous. I voted for Hillary but Florida went to Trump. Unfortunately many democrats refused to vote for Hillary and THAT is the main reason we lost the electoral college.age and living through those years has an advantage, We can decide without passion clouding our judgement.
I never hated anyone in my life, yes this is a rant.
Freedompath comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Remember there would be no hate if there was not first fear...and rightly so, there is much to fear where trump is concerned! And I see the same thing...he gloats in his ability to force himself on the people, the Country and even the world! But, it isn’t ‘real’ is a ‘bully ...
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
I see what your point is, although I must stresd that I am not afraid of Trump but instead of the consequences of having an incompetent mentally ill moron running the executive.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Nov 1, 2019:
@mongo1977 get used to it asshole, because in 2020 progressives will beat the orange turd and will put all the conservative traitors who love to suck the turd's dick to shame. Conservative snowflakes Putin ass kissers!
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@mongo1977 afraid to show your face and bio?Doesn't surprise me. You are a fucking coward and an imbecile all in a neat little troll package.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@mongo1977 after you asshole!
As a third generation veteran I am torn between amazement and disgust at this president and his ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 31, 2019:
The problem with this traitor of a president is his support system, all republican lawmakers, congress and senate.with no exception and his base of followers. We can vote him and lawmakwrs out but nothing we can do with the morons who support him blindly.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@MojoDave let's hope so
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@mongo1977 fellw political cult members? My youvare dumberbthan your avatar.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@mongo1977 pass
Like the man said.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Ask thee same question to the women, plus all the other expenses they go through, way more than us men spend.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@darthfaja, @Cabsmom nothing wrong with that, good for each of you
Like the man said.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Ask thee same question to the women, plus all the other expenses they go through, way more than us men spend.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 31, 2019:
@darthfaja nothing wrong with that
Impossible Whopper.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
If you are eating fast food for health reasons or being good to yourself, well, who's kidding who?
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@AnneWimsey next time get a salad
I was wondering about revenge porn... does it have to be malicious?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
How would these posts be unintentional????
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@demifeministgal well you are being a stickler for the definition, but it's extremely wrong to post pics not of yourself without authorization, and probably illegal too.
Like the man said.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Ask thee same question to the women, plus all the other expenses they go through, way more than us men spend.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@Cabsmom hmmm, what man do you know that spends in make up and purses, on average the female haircut costs more than a male's, men don't do their nails either, some may use jewelry, some may dye their hair but the products for that are always more expensive for females than males, that's my point, usually jewelry is also more for women than for men, ear rings, necklaces, etc. that most men don't wear. I'm happy forbyoubthat you don't spend much but the reality is on average women spend more for the same services tban men.
Does Philosophy actually any longer strive for arête, or only investigate in the abstract?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Etymologically philosophy means love of wisdom, don't see anything wrong with loving and acquiring wisdom, but somehow it has become synonymous with mental masturbations.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@AaronAgassi why don't you ask KKGator?
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@mongo1977 from a sap like you, ha ha ha ha, thanks needed a good laugh.
Like the man said.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Ask thee same question to the women, plus all the other expenses they go through, way more than us men spend.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@Cabsmom that's way more than I spend, haircut $12, no dye, no make up, no jewelry, a wallet, jeans and tshirt, sorry I stand by my reply..
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@OwlInASack i thought it was loki, now bugger off you wanker
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@OwlInASack figurrs, ignorant to the end.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@mongo1977 you are also a psychic, what else does your crystal ball say?
Hugh Hefner thought with his dick and built a multi million $ empire from it! Trump thinks with his ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Hefner did not think with his dick, and Trump IS a dick.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Freedompath he did
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@mongo1977 he will be impeached and removed now in 2019
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack you mean that's not how YOUR brain works, who made you the poster child of how human brains work?
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack those you can't control, why worry? Those you can, do something about it.
Hugh Hefner thought with his dick and built a multi million $ empire from it! Trump thinks with his ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Hefner did not think with his dick, and Trump IS a dick.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Freedompath all men feel with it, Hefner was a sharp dude who created an empire by fulfilling a need that at the time was off limits.
Is hope realistic?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
There is no religious hope just as there isn't a secular hope, hope results from cherishing and or desiring for something to happen. Now stop worrying about existing, angst happens to those who obsess, bitch and dread about things they can't control. Snap out of it!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@OwlInASack that's in a nutshell what I've said, isn't it? Angst is a sure way to take you to the grave sooner than needed because you can't control any of those things happening around you. Ergo, if you live your life doing things to leave this planet better than the way you received it, things you can control, the better life will be for you.
Does Philosophy actually any longer strive for arête, or only investigate in the abstract?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Etymologically philosophy means love of wisdom, don't see anything wrong with loving and acquiring wisdom, but somehow it has become synonymous with mental masturbations.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@AaronAgassi and they may be right because not being a detractor of philosophy, I can see what they are saying.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@mongo1977 cool, your motto. Perfect.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 29, 2019:
@Seriousreason your post was full of assumptions and innuendos, obviously you do not want to explain yourself, typical of trolls.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 28, 2019:
@mongo1977 no thanks mongo, your true color are evident.
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@mongo1977 nope, still don't have a clue, "godder signs," "silence the lunatics (liberals)", are you the real mongo from Blazing Saddles who couldn't express himself properly???
Blowhard anti-gay religious Trump fan mysteriously fixated on gay sex.
bobwjr comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Closet gay
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
Not that there's anything wrong about it!
Bible belt living.
mongo1977 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I went to the pride Parade in Conway this year. There was only one small group of jerks with godder signs. They were being ignored. A strong economy, prevalent opportunity and abundant prosperity do a great job of silencing the insecure assholes(Christians). But, they won't silence the ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
WTF are u talking about?
This is why Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony is damning to the orange turd, not only because ...
NHjulie comments on Oct 26, 2019:
And tRump will somehow make him a villain.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@NHjulie lame insults
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@Seriousreason my true colors, please kiwi, enlighten me?
This is why Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony is damning to the orange turd, not only because ...
NHjulie comments on Oct 26, 2019:
And tRump will somehow make him a villain.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@NHjulie cant open your link, i have ad blockers
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
@Seriousreason a busy body from New Zealand, amazing, don't you have enough problems in your little island that you want to pretend to know what is going on in this country and with such an authority to opine on things that you obviously assume but don't know?
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Seriousreason, @Metahuman of course you would, shows how little you know how to interpret letters and words.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Metahuman i proofread but why edit for something so obvious, oh, right, there are people like you who can't even use their brains and deduct something so easy much less read properly. But since you are kind of an aberration in this site, I will not change my habits.sorry, you still have to learn how to use your brain and read properly.
This is why Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony is damning to the orange turd, not only because ...
Charlene comments on Oct 26, 2019:
He's a good guy..Drump has already labeled him a loser..and Never a Trump supporter..
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
So what else is new???
This is why Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony is damning to the orange turd, not only because ...
NHjulie comments on Oct 26, 2019:
And tRump will somehow make him a villain.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty no, really? Just being sarcastic, of course I know. But ib this case it is different because the testimony was done confidentially to congress, he will be impeached and the trial will be public, testimony from witnesses in a trial is specially protected by justices, Roberts will preside the senate trial, if he does as always it will be detrimental to his case. This is why he hasn't said anything specifically derogatory about any of tbe witnesses, instead concentrating his atracks on Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer.
A lady came into my work place, wearing a god is perfect hoodie.
MattHardy comments on Oct 26, 2019:
I'm all about religious tolerance - as long as she's promoting her beliefs rather than denigrating others' then I'm fine with it. Headscarves, crosses, hoodies, turbans or colanders . All fine by me.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
So you would not consider saying "my god is perfect" as a statement that denigrates others? Wouldn't that statement by default basically say your gods aren't? Not that I really care, but passive aggressiveness is also despicable.
This is why Ambassador Bill Taylor's testimony is damning to the orange turd, not only because ...
NHjulie comments on Oct 26, 2019:
And tRump will somehow make him a villain.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
Doubt it, he has already testified to congress.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@Metahuman use ur brain to deduct, mind.
Wasting my time.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Like religious people, don't burden their heads with ridiculous things like facts or evidence.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow there is a figure of speech called similee, usually starts with "like", to compare some things with other things, that's why my post started with "like religious people" (meaning the trumpers you mention are similar to religious people, in the sense that they reject facts and evidence; religious people also do not believe in the lack of evidence of the existence of a god, but this is not the case with trump, who is burdened with tons of evidence of his crimes and misdemeanors; that was the basis for my question, because lack of evidence would not be a similar situation between religious people and trumpers.
Wasting my time.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Like religious people, don't burden their heads with ridiculous things like facts or evidence.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow i thought u were talking about Trump.
How do you like this cowgirl
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Can't fuck a painting.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@bobwjr just messing with you
I enjoy massages as it's interesting to meet women who actually like what they do.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
Have you ever wondered if the baggage carrier is you instead?
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@Marcie1974 sorry, call me old fashioned, old coot or anything you want, at 66 I'm not changing the way I communicate.
How do you like this cowgirl
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Can't fuck a painting.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@bobwjr impotence is a bitch!
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
@Metahuman don't waste my time. I suggest you use your time instead of martial arts to cultivate your mond by learning how to read. Time well spent for someone as obnoxiously fixated in moot points.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Metahuman Merriam Webster says so. Learn how to read. I do not condemn anyone. Learn how to read. What I said, and very clearly, is that I do not believe in bullshit. Learn how to read. Where in my posts have I used the words idiots or idiocy? I don't insult people, I do express my beliefs same as you. I understand very well. Have I suggested that you learn how to read?
How do you like this cowgirl
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Can't fuck a painting.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@bobwjr post the model then.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@creative51 English can't be twisted, it is a very clear language, I interpret what I hear, can't hear thoughts though. Not my definitions, Merriam Webster's. My agenda is very apparent and very clear, I do not believe in religions, gods, spirits and all the associated assorted esoteric bullshit. Never hid that from anyone.
Good job you dumb fuck! I have seen a friend drink not one, but FOUR bottles of whisky in a day! ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
you are equating a moron like the orange turd with someone who has no sense because he drank too much, the turd has no brain and doesn't drink yet he does more stupid things willingly due to his delusional narcissism.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@LucyLoohoo he compensates that being obnoxiously narcissistic.
How true is this
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
I can't wait until we return to normal time. My biggest fear is that Trump is our Mikhail Gorbachev . The USSR fell in a matter of one leader.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@glennlab you are oversimplifying, Gorbachev was the creator of Glasnost and Perestroika, precisely to end the Soviet Union, and instrumental in having Yeltsin as the transition to Russia
Good job you dumb fuck! I have seen a friend drink not one, but FOUR bottles of whisky in a day! ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
you are equating a moron like the orange turd with someone who has no sense because he drank too much, the turd has no brain and doesn't drink yet he does more stupid things willingly due to his delusional narcissism.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@LucyLoohoo he claims he decided not to drink when his brother died. Brother was driven to drink and drugs by the father who called him a failure because he was weak (had a heart).
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@creative51 beg to differ, only your #3 is different to what I have said, spirit or soul, incorporeal, are all religious terms. Seems like the one purposely misunderstanding is not whom you believe but actually looking at you in the mirror, people here are non believers, all this hooey about feelings of awe with nature, music, art and any other endeavor that has inner beauty has norhing to do with spirits or souls, despite what you choose to believe, we are all moved by this, just most people at least here, choose not to attribute this emotion with the supernatural because it isn't supernatural or spiritual or religious, it is an emotional response of your psyche. Now, if you want to believe that one can only be moved because we have a soul or an incorporeal spirit, may I ask why have you even joined a group of non believers????
I enjoy massages as it's interesting to meet women who actually like what they do.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
Have you ever wondered if the baggage carrier is you instead?
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Marcie1974 ???
How true is this
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
I can't wait until we return to normal time. My biggest fear is that Trump is our Mikhail Gorbachev . The USSR fell in a matter of one leader.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
bsd comparison, Gorbachev was intelligent and smart, Trump is a moron.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Seriousreason, do they not speak english in NZ? Read my posts, it's not the word that bothers me, it's the stupidity of people who want to give it a different meaning than what it has, and all the meanings have religious connotations and origins. Oh, and the panties term was used sarcastically by me, if you can read properly the original posting which I replied to.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Metahuman no it is you who chooses to go poopoo caca, I just use language as it is defined to be used. It is your body that feels and cries and hurts, all have natural scientific explanations and definitions, nothing spiritual or ethereal about nerve endings.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Seriousreason. Religion = spiritual = bullshit, regarding the panties, tell it to Bohoheathen.
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@Metahuman wow, how smart of you, words and stuff, and use Trump's favorite ending when he doesn't have a point "give me a break". Brilliant!
HOLY TRIGGERED, BATMAN! I cannot believe how outraged some atheists get when they see someone ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 23, 2019:
What is comical is your outrage over your own particular definition of that word which only has these meanings, all religious in origin, I suggest YOU stop getting YOUR panties in a wad when others use the term properly, while you try to recreate the english language to what you think it "should" be...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 24, 2019:
@altschmerz just because the huffington post writes about it doesn't make it true (it is an opinion piece) but tell that to Merriam Webster who has definitions.
Took a little day trip to Hocking Hills, Ohio.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
Why would you want to feel "spiritual" and ruin the feeling of awesomeness and beauty of nature???
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@creative51 what you should have done much earlier instead of trying to bully dissenting opinions.
Took a little day trip to Hocking Hills, Ohio.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
Why would you want to feel "spiritual" and ruin the feeling of awesomeness and beauty of nature???
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@creative51 you were the first to use insults, so who's the asshole then? Don't waste your time telling me what to do or not do, I will opine whenever I want to in whatever theme I want to, especially more so when I get holier than thou people who are annoyed by anyone who may think and express opinions that are different than the ass kissing ones.
This is the only time he speaks the truth.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Heard it before. Dont believe a word.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
He did say ythat when he was a de.mocrat.
My Hispanic relative by marriage is so sold on Trump that she has changed her last name to Trump in ...
richard62 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Great group this Trump Pinata group. They try to discourage any conversation with differences of opinion and then brag about it. LOL I'll go elsewhere for intelligent ideas.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
Good riddance!
Are Atheists racist
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Sorry, but that's a really stupid question. Are all atheist vegan? Because I have two friends that are vegan and atheists. Are arheists gay because..., Are atheists fat, because....Are atheists all black latinos because....I hope you get the point.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@OldMetalHead a kettle pot scenario, huh?
Are Atheists racist
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Sorry, but that's a really stupid question. Are all atheist vegan? Because I have two friends that are vegan and atheists. Are arheists gay because..., Are atheists fat, because....Are atheists all black latinos because....I hope you get the point.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@OldMetalHead are you fat?
Took a little day trip to Hocking Hills, Ohio.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
Why would you want to feel "spiritual" and ruin the feeling of awesomeness and beauty of nature???
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@creative51 oh, I get it alright, and I don't call that feeling spiritual because it isn't, nature, the universe and their awesome beauty are as real as they come. I feel good and content when faced with their vastness and beauty, real, tangible feelings not ethereal at all. And I will not shut the fuck up because this is an open forum for opinions. You don't like opinions, especially when they are not in line with your ridiculous spiritual bullshit, well tough shit asshole!
Why so many posts about God?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
I've seen a lot of fakers here, either believe in "spirituality" (whatever that crap is) or not really non believers, I'm also sick of their stupid rethorical questions that usually start like this "if there is or isn't a god" followed by "then why does this happen or not happen". I call their ...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@motrubl4u inexisting crap.
Whatcha doing? You busy?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
That's me busy, busy, busy. But maybe a quickie!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty ok by me.
Whatcha doing? You busy?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
That's me busy, busy, busy. But maybe a quickie!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty well, I'm busy, so I will be done and leave u with a vibrator to finish you off while I'm busy doing other important shit.
Are you a braveheart?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
Now that's what I call a six pack!
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@Stephanie99 i volunteer to make a more accirate inspection and count
I saw the Anderson Cooper entire show.
Charlene comments on Oct 21, 2019:
It doesn't take brains to work for Drump & co, just a willingness to check your humanity at the gates.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
And be really stupid..
Now, don't you get offended, I do like men! Tell me what you think..
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
he might be gay
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@motrubl4u when one uses the word might what you say is implied.
Do you think Elizabeth Warren is a LUFTMENSCH (an impractical person with their head in the clouds) ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
The same study finds the plan would provide large savings to American households, who would no longer have to pay premiums or deductibles for their care, resulting in $886 billion in savings for people over 10 years. The plan would also provide insurance to everyone, reducing the number of uninsured...
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 21, 2019:
@Remiforce all polls say she will.
I'd buy it!!!!
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 20, 2019:
ONLY 20 years for his level of assholery? Seems lenient....
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@nogod4me hope so by an inmate with a huge schlong and tons of STDs
Taste of Fall- Roasted Acorn Squash
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Anybody have the microwave version?
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@LiterateHiker i know but i don't own an oven, i do own a microwave.
Who’s your favorite of the Four Horsemen?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Wouldn't they'd be upset to use a biblical term in order to name them?
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@Truthseeker1968 of the Non-Apocalypse is missing
I make this share for all to comment on whether a confidently balanced member of an ongoing ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 20, 2019:
No comment.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@BookDeath ya think?
I'd buy it!!!!
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 20, 2019:
ONLY 20 years for his level of assholery? Seems lenient....
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@Killtheskyfairy realistically speaking I would take any years they give him, rich people do not go to jail in this country, even if he is impeached and found guilty he may be pardoned by Pence, I would just hope that in the few years in jail he might get, if he actually gets convicted, a fellow inmate makes Trump his bitch.
The orange turd is priceless.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 19, 2019:
If by priceless you mean expendable, then yes.
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 19, 2019:
No. I meant priceless, because his brain is brand new, has never been used.
Sad state of affairs
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Mofo1953 replies on Oct 19, 2019:
@NHjulie question did not ask that. But I get ur drift.


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