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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.
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Child FREE cat, guinea pig , bird, reptile etc.

Green thumb. Blue voter.

Joey Ramone Ho Chi Minh, Grace Jones, Malcolm X, Pete Townsend, Pol Pot (oh oh), Me.

"So grieve not, as I am in the cloud that passes over the Earth & the lowly worm which turns it over. I am in the morning song of birds on the wing. I am with you still, in everything."

"If I had my choice of matter
I would rather be with cats"

#1 of all time. Catch 22

Full Bio


FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 11/23/2022 A Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee...
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
They sure have a lot of shit to pass.
403 Forbidden
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
How to survive one's family
Donny's biggest lie.
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Just the beginning of a ponderous process. Democracy requires a lot of patience. But unlike his beleagured contractors, the government does not go away. All the time & money belongs to the government. He bit off too much by seeking the limelight in government. And he did it as a joke. At least Howard Stern bowed out when he realized he was impacting the race for NY governor. The joke is on the MAGAs aka "Make Attorneys Get Attorneys".
Donny's biggest lie.
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Of course you know that in current lexicon "goat" translates into "Greatest Of All Time".
What do you think??
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Not spoiled at all. Enjoying the outdoors without impacting our migratory bird issues.
Tis the season to commit treason
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
Famous last words."I am not a crook".
Mooolah comments on Nov 23, 2022:
I haven't seen nearly as many 'Conservative Atheist' posts.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
And CourtJester is going to Australia with spouse. I have warned the embassy. Just kidding!
This bird hadn't been seen by researchers in over 140 years. They finally spotted it.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
@Freyedbear I surmise you are speaking for yourself. Women kind did not do this. MANkind did . If I ruled the world......
Another popular landscape shrub is headed for Pennsylvania’s banned list
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
@Redheadedgammy Your reasons?
Thought y'all should read this in case you're thinking of installing an electric fence! We have the ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
It's stories like this & people like you that keep my logging in. I have no idea what "balls" are or how that would feel. =0}
Devolution of the GOP
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022: @OldMetalHead Liberal libertarianism fits the definition. It is a matter of how much government one wants in one's life, where we want it allocated. Certainly not on our bodies. But absolutely funds for EMS. Traditionally libertarianism has been claimed by the right. The left wing of politics needs to claim our portion of libertarianism & support a 3rd party. I regret I may never see that to fruition, but the idea entices me. It speaks to my fervent individual independence, but empathy & compassion for those that can not care for themselves. The concept is the reverse of graphic. Perhaps libertarians might move away from the extreme of posse comitatus ( & embrace public funds for those who can not or are not capable of self care....the real doctrine of Christ. Currently they are the hurray for me & phuque you crowd, as in its my money & the government has no right to it. Ok. Then step over that Veteran with PTSD sleeping on a grate because the mind is so traumatized, & keep on going. 40,000 homeless in LA. The government has to build single room occupancy with tax dollars. Appropriate appropriation. The pendulum, history & the media have branded libertarianism as a completely hands off system. There is another view. Social responsibility, with responsible over sight (as if that could happen), but we have to try. President Whiney's stimulus checks were stolen by management who did not send the monies on to their employees. Billions gone. Utopia doesn't exist A perfect union doesn't exist. But unlike conservatives, we have to evolve concepts in handling our challenges. Gov. Polis is the one to watch. A gay, Judaic, vegetarian with libertarian leanings and he is a 2 term Democrat with easy win.
Conviction in Gay-Bashing Murder of Scott Johnson Overturned
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
The insanity is spreading like a virus.
Devolution of the GOP
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
The GOP is not Libertarian. When they support government control of YOUR body, massive tax cuts & profits not for you but for stock holders( of which I am), mad love for the Veterans sleeping in tents because it is socialism to provide single room occupancy, pro tobacco but anti cannabis blah blah blah..........
Beware, DeSantis is as much a threat to America as Trump.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Stay WOKE!
I haven't seen nearly as many 'Conservative Atheist' posts.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2022:
SpikeTalon formed the Pro-Choice Group. Trajan61 has multiple personality disorder or is more than one person. BigPawBullets hasn't been around since he warned of January 6th. CourtJester throws grenade now & then. CaptainFeelGood posts some great jokes. They are very EXclusive & want their private club. We are inclusive & enjoy what immigrants bring to our country etc. When I feel the stress of living approaching, I relieve it by engaging with them until I realize I am interacting with the illogical & extreme. So I bail until the next contact. I really should go back to therapy. I usually don't vote in primaries, but I am considering vote for FORMER President Victim. That would ensure a defeat for the RepudliKlans the way the trend is going. Dare I?
I haven't seen nearly as many 'Conservative Atheist' posts.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
I like to know my opposition. Another thing about them is that their sources are dubious. RT, NY Post, Washington Times, Newsmax. I do not find the rabid hatred of POC, or Gay folks or Judaics as the extreme sites. Kanye is mentally ill so he doesn't count. There still is sexism but it is not as fervent as before. So with hindsight I see massive progress in our nation since the '50s. & in that I think they are experiencing what the oppressed have always endured & that scares them. President Bankruptcy gave them the courage to express their opposition to America's progress toward a more perfect union. Giving others equality means they are losing dominance. As if something is being taken away as opposed to sharing. The illegals are taking jobs. Except that so many jobs are going unfilled. Americans do not want to clean toilets. That is what immigrants are for. The patriarchy doesn't want to share. I may be a 'po white cracker, but I am one up on POC or Gay folks or the persecuted du jour. That straight, Caucazoid men have to share power is seen as being less powerful. Competition for wealth is then greater, as there are more players. And women are no longer dependent on them other than to take the garbage out. "I was the only white, straight, Christian at the party". Well now you know what it feels like all the time for them.
I haven't seen nearly as many 'Conservative Atheist' posts.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
There's one. Under that rock over there.
I haven't seen nearly as many 'Conservative Atheist' posts.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
They were always a minority here as I still think it is an oxymoron to be an "atheist Republican". The thing is, I found common ground on several issues. However, "they" will always fall back to the one or two issues that dominate their position. Money & gaining more of it. & they think that we eat babies, just before they are born. LOL. So I only interact to gage just how nuts each one is. Too much lead in their milk as a baby? Perhaps they left to join Truthsocial. I mean if one really wants the truth...........
“We fired a guy & on his way out the door, he steals a bunch of secret stuff.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
He has never been convicted of anything. Slippery, smarmy, yes. Con man, yes. Convicted? Not yet.
Caring is loving
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
Ripley's Believe It Or Not
Eat a turkey day
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
I will stick to the squash, corn, potatos, tpmatoes,............
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
Several Chapters of Bankruptcy to choose from. I know an experienced guy in that area.
Twitter poll says Trump should be allowed back.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
@Trajan61 I can see how you see it that way. Thanks for your explanation. Abortion up to the time of birth? Where you get your info must be from Q & the Putinites. Personnaly as a Democrat I prefer my babies served without onions, especially at the moment of birth. That reptilian costume does not befit you. Mrs. Trajan61 had better check your attire before you leave the house. Reptilians don't do well in the cold. Have you been eating jimson weed tainted carrion again? As John Wayne would say "Reeee god damn 'diculous".
I needed a laugh today.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
Looks more like a cojoined twin. Barnum & Bailey freak show. Love for my freaks.
I recently spent $16,500 on this registered Black Angus bull.
Mooolah comments on Nov 21, 2022:
And if a heifer ate some?
Ewww, Gross!
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
I don't want to excrete where men do. They smell different & it makes me gag.
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
I avoid humans
Twitter poll says Trump should be allowed back.
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
This lib ain't trying to silence anyone. I'm listening to Pence on C-Span. He can come to dinner any time. But I won't vote for his intrusive agenda. Imposing Xian religion, putting government control on your body, favoring tax cuts for Bezos & not you, etc. I like Christie but won't vote for him. If he comes to dinner there will not be an carrion served....or carbs....except for beer.
Elon Musk restores Donald Trump's Twitter account | CNN Business
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Deleted my account today.
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
I rescue adopted an adult female cat two weeks ago.
Mooolah comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Good on you. Patience.
Hugs to each one of you.
Mooolah comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Back at 'ya.
Mooolah comments on Nov 19, 2022:
@Trajan61 The Feds own about 27% of the US,. Search shows 1.5% or so in Oklahoma.
...winter driving is a skill some people never learn?
Mooolah comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Especially with bald tires as with the USPS.
...I can take a hint?
Mooolah comments on Nov 19, 2022:
I only have so many minutes remaining in this body. I prefer to spend them sans the shallowness of social interaction..
Controverial recent monologue by Dave Chappelle.
Mooolah comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Pro Semite here. If Chappelle is saying something controversial, it is for publicity. And it worked. I have heard him many times on Howard Stern Show when he was less famous. We don't have philosophers any longer. We have comedians. Any revolting joke is a test on how we react & how we judge the severity & forum on which it is presented. Heinous jokes in the privacy of one's home perhaps, but at a dinner table with 3 other couples who were unknown to me, prompted me to excuse myself & not return to the table. It caused an uproar with my date whom I did not see again. One knows what one is getting with edgy, observant comedians. Chappelle may be revealing the under lying views that need to be confronted. I give him the benefit of the doubt that his observations are meant to elicit a conversation, because he wants folks to know he is going to be on SNL. Many will tune in. I will be asleep.
Anyone doing any winter getaways?
Mooolah comments on Nov 17, 2022:
Get away from winter? Maybe in February. I love winter's quiet.....except for snowmobiles.
Liz Cheney, whose 3 Democratic endorsees won their races, takes a dig at election denier Kari Lake ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Her policies suck but her backbone is admirable.
Some sad news for Agnostics Members….
Mooolah comments on Nov 14, 2022:
Condolences. We might all be so fortunate as to pass on to the great cosmos compost pile, at home, in our sleep, with the ones we love & who love us. Heal soon. We are thinking of you. Hugs.
He buried his candidates and sunk the cause of conservatives too. Wouldn't you agree?
Mooolah comments on Nov 14, 2022:
Here’s a good question for the group: (my answer is yes and it was one of the most difficult ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Yes. I could not remain with him, becoming a spectator to his self destruction. One can only change one's self.
Was told by my ex... i had lesbian fingers... Should I take that as a compliment?
Mooolah comments on Nov 12, 2022:
My spouse became an expert in female satisfaction by watching amateur lesbian porn, with actual orgasms. He discovered his dad's illegal porn collection when he was 10 . Lucky boy! Lucky women!
Editing With H1 and H2 do NOT seem to produce anything that one could call BOLD at the moment
Mooolah comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Being bold resulted in people blocking me....which is fine. 'Gotta suffer the slings & arrows of grave misfortune.
Trump was too busy trying to line his pockets and rig the election in plain sight!
Mooolah comments on Oct 18, 2022:
I want to live long enuf to see some measure of justice, of sanity, but I am not Methuselah.
“The weak can never forgive.
Mooolah comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Forgiveness permitted me to disassociate with mentally unfit parents. To understand that their inabilities came from mental challenges they could not overcome. That does not mean that they are permitted back into my life. It means I understand the mechanisms that wrought their behavior & that I can decide what level of disfunction I would permit. None was the answer as I never saw them again. Through therapy I learned to be my own adult, untethered to damaged people who sought to damage in return. Untethered to cultural hobbles. Untethered to societal imperatives.
The Pretenders - Talk Of The Town…live, Austin City Limits Web Exclusive… []
Mooolah comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Women who rock.
The news seems to have far more groups protesting about some of the issues affecting them, now they ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 18, 2022:
Solutions? Most seem to want blame. Rising prices are an indication of a dearth of product demanded by a gluttonous, greedy, whining consumer. China is in lock down due to Covid. That equals less cheap goods for a consuming obsessed USA. Then Euros are boycotting Russian petro so they are using our sources which now are cutting production to punish Biden. Thusly there is less gasoline which makes the price go up. But that takes the ability to understand economic ripples, cause & effect which our population is incapable of the time or effort. Kept in a perpetual struggle to make ends meet, they then retort that they don't have time to vote. Once every 2 years & these folks don't have time for their country. Then if they did vote, they vote with feelings & ignorance, and a crass view of the world. They "didn't really like Hillary". So this is better? These folks vote for the people who gave us NO TAX CORPORATIONS & destroyed the union movement. Suffer. Prepare for dark days as the free world goes off the rails. Orwell's 1984 is people putting the screen into one's pocket....voluntarily....but can't feed the kids their corporate diet of brown & white food washed down with frankencola. I am making an appointment with my shrink as we speak.
Funny because it’s true
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2022:
The almighty arbiter of truth.
OK, the group COVID CULT continues to post mostly nonsense by only one man and you are unable to ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2022:
Only members can post. It is a one way street. Most of us ignore him.
...feelig a little irritated?
Mooolah comments on Oct 14, 2022:
Half decaf half caf
Undocumented immigrant workers are helping clean up Florida after Hurricane Ian : NPR
Mooolah comments on Oct 12, 2022:
11 million unfilled jobs in the USA.
In a city park in the middle of a large urban area of Dallas, we have two bald eagles nesting.
Mooolah comments on Oct 11, 2022:
A great American comeback story.
How did this flower get that name lol?
Mooolah comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Considering that flowers are the repro organs thereof, seems very appropriate. Georgia O'Keefe comes to mind.
Works for me!
Mooolah comments on Oct 8, 2022:
People who want to commiserate are warned that in the country there are snakes, mice, bats. Usually does the trick.
220 flowers to grow one pineapple.
Mooolah comments on Oct 8, 2022:
They're singing like canaries.
Mooolah comments on Oct 6, 2022:
I don't know what happened, but my neighbor had a sign that said "Trump/Putin Lover". I drive 2 miles out of my way to avoid the sign. 2 Weeks ago the sign changed to "Trump! Lock him up". There are 6 Democratic candidate signs. All I put up was a Ukraine flag. That is there now as well?????
Biden to pardon all prior federal marijuana ‘simple possession’ charges -
Mooolah comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Great journeys are begun with ONE STEP! I write him twice a month, saying merely, Cannabis: "Come on , man". I live to see the day........
Who would be your choices?
Mooolah comments on Oct 3, 2022:
Any bigot. Bigotry devolves into unspeakable acts. Ist hand knowledge. & there is a plethora to choose from.
So, I've apparently come across the second most significant trigger for my depression that I've ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 2, 2022:
@Jurnee No harm in putting it out there in order to receive feedback.
Happy 98th Birthday to our 39th President.
Mooolah comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Carter has a great heart. When he announced as Gov., that there was no place for segregation in Georgia, I felt as a nation, that we had reached a mile stone in America. He could not delegate tho Micro managed. He accepted the Shah of Iran, an installed despot by the CIA in a 1953 coup, whose people were brutalized by goon squads. He could have put the Shah on Guam & everything would have been ok. The great scandal was that he had lusted in his heart. A Playboy exclusive. Seems so mild compared to those that "came" later.
Dear God I just want to say you really like to hide from your children on earth and watch all of us ...
Mooolah comments on Oct 1, 2022:
We are not god's children on Earth. We are star dust. We are golden. We are million year old carbon. Sound as if indoctrination in a particular religion has caused must rage & anger. Religion is merely a method of controlling large masses of people. Some system has to control them. Them being mostly testosteroned over loaded males. Then there is control of resources such as a woman's uterus. Believe me its not god's fault. God is merely an answer to unanswered questions. Let go. Let god & release yourself from their tainted brush of doctrine.
Herschel Walker is ridiculously stupid and childish, there was a time, because he is black, he would...
Mooolah comments on Oct 1, 2022:
It is not stupidity. It is CTE from playing contact sports. Impulse control issues. The fact that he is educationally challenged should disqualify him. One might have to pass the citizenship tests that OUR immigrants must take to become citizens. I had to memorize the Preamble in order to graduate from Time Magazine's #1 high school of that year. It was down hill after that, as with education in this country generally.
A court in Israel recognizes online civil marriages, even for gay couples, as valid : NPR
Mooolah comments on Oct 1, 2022:
Israel absolutely permits inter marriage between any religion. Tho it may be a cultural taboo, it is not a legal one. Krish55 is wrong.
Any political buffs here?
Mooolah comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Those of us who remain are very political. Most of the MAGAs have left. Voted with their feet.Most everyone remaining are the ones with a thinking brain.....but not all.
Looks like we have a new fake profile - Victoria 756 just joined.
Mooolah comments on Sep 30, 2022:
MAD magazine is 70 years old. My go to as an adolescent.
Mooolah comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Some of us "girlz" loved it also.
So, I've apparently come across the second most significant trigger for my depression that I've ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Pink roses are a sign of friendship. Some flowers on her birthday etc sends a friendship message.
Marriage, Relationships and Religion
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
I'd get out of India, soon to be the most populous country on the planet. Horrible caste system. Brutal attitude towards women. Don't waste your education.
Hi all, I don't even know where to go with this, or what to do, but here goes: I made the mistake of...
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
Let it go & lesson learned. Mental illness is not something YOU can change. You can not help. Block your phone # & do not blame yourself. Traumatic issues with the phone is why I do not have one. Protect yourself & feel no responsibility or remorse for something you did not do. Please do not make decisions with feelings of guilt for taking precautions to protect yourself from MADMEN. Be well.
Love is Only Sleeping. One of my favorite Monkees songs. []
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
Under rated boy band.
Jamie Raskin DESTROYS The Electoral College In 3 Minutes - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
I am beginning to agree that this is necessary. And amend Citizens United.
[] George Carlin had a lot to say about Pro-choice (New anti-abortion law in Texas, US)
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
And he said it with few words. What a talent.
Does true love exists or has it existed before or it will actually exist
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
Depends upon one's definition if "love". My dogs give me "true love".
Monday Monday can't trust that day
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
I just wish a vengeful god would take "HIM" already. And it doesn't have to be slow & painful. Just get the hook& get him off stage!
One could ponder for eternity the rise of Trumpies, QAnon, and others of similar ilk, and still be ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
Yep. I worked with this ilk & they are the "hurray for me & fuck you" crowd. I had a dispute with one & discovered my tire was deflated....with no leaks. Some men do not like women who can change a tire & drive stick.
@glennlab @Redheadedgammy @zoohome @Sierra4 @BitchyBear This is flag I saw driving into ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
Here's an article about the flag that I saw driving into Sweetwater, TX., []
Mooolah comments on Sep 26, 2022:
My watchdog - well, pretending to be. He is pretty useless, actually. 😆
Mooolah comments on Sep 21, 2022:
Basenji. He is very good at posing. And not barking.
“I think states should decide the issue of abortion,” the senator said just a few weeks ago.
Mooolah comments on Sep 17, 2022:
I am always for choices especially regarding one's body. However I always suspected that Roe was on shaky ground. I always thought is should be an amendment so that we have control over our own bodies. What is government doing deciding our body choices? Jehovah Witnesses can not be forced to have a transfusion or have it forced upon their children. US government out & off of YOUR body.
Women: i don't need no man! Car breaks down: thats a mans job! Tree needs to be cut down: ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Urban English. I don't need no man translated into the grammatically correct form means "I do need a man" as not needing nothing means needing something. So lame.
This fall, I'm running for congress!!! I'm running to become a member of the provincial congress in...
Mooolah comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Over population & gratuitous consumption/greed via capitalism is the cause. Try and change that. The goal is long, but your voice will be heard & may impact someone & something.Good luck.
Sexual assault reported in queue to view Queen's coffin - CNN
Mooolah comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Surrounded by pervs. How does one weed them out from the masses? They are everywhere & so I continue to hide after 10s of personal experiences since I was 6 years old.
Trump Is Very Upset ‘Pillow Guy’ Mike Lindell Got His Phone Seized at a Hardee’s Drive-Thru ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Pillow guy HAD his phone seized. They can't write anymore even @ Rolling Stone.
Women: i don't need no man! Car breaks down: thats a mans job! Tree needs to be cut down: ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Feels good. Been awhile since an asshole has come along to entertain us.
Women: i don't need no man! Car breaks down: thats a mans job! Tree needs to be cut down: ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Pity him. He is in TexASS
Women: i don't need no man! Car breaks down: thats a mans job! Tree needs to be cut down: ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Probably just YOU! Now go change your diaper.
Several posts have been made on this site recently about Hasidic schools in the USA, which are ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2022:
New SCOTUS ruling permits using my tax dollars to fund religious schools. This is a brand new ruling. We are in for bad times with this court in power.
My thoughts on 9/11 suicide mission; I know.
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2022:
& religious fanaticism. =0{
Could it only happen in the land of the deluded - USA?
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2022:
Blame this on the "Drug War" begun by Richard Nixon, an extension of our failed alcohol prohibition expariment. How is that policy doing as we are still in the throws of its results. Countries corrupted by drug money. Mass fugitives from the drug gang's murders & extorsion at our southern border. Prisons filled with cannabis users who can't make bail. Habeous Corpus? Millions addicted to opioids due to our frivolous oversite of pharmaceuticals. How is that working for 'ya Portugal. Decriminalized & zero over dose deaths.
Could it only happen in the land of the deluded - USA?
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2022:
RUSSIA TODAY is a Putin propaganda outlet.
One can be a master of what one does, but never of what one feels. Gustave Flaubert.
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
One can only control ones actions in response to feelings. I learned that the hard way....but I did learn that lesson. Please don't vote with feelings. "I don't really LIKE Hillary".
6:35pm update No soap sent.
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Durian fruit is legally prohibited from being transported on public methods of transportation, in Thailand. I have a neighbor I would enjoy sending a box to for Christmas.
Happy Labor Day! I had relatives.
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
My grandparents met on an IWW picket line. The union gene is in my DNA. From CWA to NALC to AARP.
Memphis Police confirm body found Monday night is Eliza Fletcher – FOX13 News Memphis
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
The prisons are filled with folks that can't make bail for cannabis position. An epidemic of missing Native or Amer-Indian women. Economic privilege is built into our culture via the media. Gotta be a blonde to garner the focus of the public.
If a mature woman, enamoured of her husband, said you could ask her any questions you liked about ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
@Betty Mental illness?
Good news, everyone! _Secretary_ is available now for free on Freevee: []
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
@Davekp Why? Are you representing James Spader?
Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Falls To Death Days After Company Announces Massive Closures and Layoffs
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Yeah. I would have mixed some benzos with some opioids. Works for rock musicians that want to check out. The clean up is less grotesque if one prepares appropriately. The cleaning lady would say a prayer for you to Santa de Guadalupe
My plants enjoy their walks...
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2022:
One may then move a shade loving plant out of the sun or a sun loving plant into the sun. Thusly makes for a happier plant....and a greener thumb.
I had stopped drinking back around the time my kids showed up in my life to be a responsible single ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I drink beer for the buzz & it flushes the kidneys so the doctor approves. I am finding less imports from Europe as the companies move production to the USA. They taste different to me. Heinekin & Beck's lost me long ago. I notice immediately. I am buying Pilsner Urquell as St. Pauli, Stella Artois are now brewed stateside. Corona is Puerto Rican & tastes like weasel piss,( I am told). Mexican beer as a last resort. Is it the water? Is it the air? Clorine? Detergent for a nice frothy head?


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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