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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Should there be a social statute of limitations for misbehavior?
Mooolah comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Have thay made amends for their questionable behavior?
At the least...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Only recently has the government backed off from restricting reasearch. Thank you Obama. Then there is filling privately owned prisons filling stockholders pockets, while filling the prisons with asteady supply of stoners. Non violent ones at that. Then there is medical relief that big pharma wants to control. The result is few are permitted to grow the pant in their yards. Get the laws off of our backs & reschedule this plant to the garden.
Good morning everyone! Have an amazing day! Stay lifted, my friends!
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Here in the dry land of Wisconsin, I need a lift badly. But not so much that I will rob a bank, mug a bystander, attack an old man or lady, rampage into a Wal-mart, scrounge in a dumpster. Legalize it already here in cheeseland. Cheese is more dangerous as is playing for the Packers.
Does it have to be wet first?
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I am totally clueless.
Canada legalizes it All eyes on Canada as first G7 nation prepares to make marijuana legal From ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Canada is closer than Colorado. GOD BLESS CANADA! Just saying.
Let us not forget who's father was part of this clan.
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2018:
"Fine people"? More like traitors to America's purpose. Disgraceful.
Yard sale season is upon us.
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Currrently bedbugs do not transmit disease. Just wait until they evolve. I still would rather not have an insect puncturing me & sucking my blood. Especially mosquitoes.
Fox calls Trump / Kim a meeting of two dictators.
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Pox Spews must be having a seizure. Did tRump piss off Murdock?
Okay, now that I have my answer about someone I suspect has Incel tendencies, I'm going to name him.
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Stop feeding the beast. He is getting off on your attention to him. It is as if you are the woman on the other end of an obscene phone call begging to be left alone. Don't give him what he wants...your reaction.
Has anyone here actually read the "mission statement" of this group?
Mooolah comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Gardening in the high desert.
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Yes. I have a huge bird cage over some plants I value. Keeps the rodents from munching away.
Sometimes I Wake Up Early.....
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Indica fo sho
Sounds pretty badass.
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Wasps don't bite you ignorant urbanite TV station. They sting. Apple cider vinegar, paste of baking soda, honey or sugar, aspirin, ice. If you are not anaphylactic it will only hurt for a short period. So suck it up. Only the female stings. She hunts tarantulas hence the name. She lays her egg on the paralyzed spider. The larvae hatch & consumes the spider. She is a nectar eater & really quite docile. Leave her alone & enjoy watching her do her thing on the flowers.
Are all compliments suspect?
Mooolah comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Just confirmed. You were right DAD.
Mooolah comments on Jun 17, 2018:
1) I act like a "know it all" 2) I am aware that I really know nothing 3) I attract men & women 4) I love the planet 5) My horoscope characteristics are true
Mexico Will Pay For Impeachment? Not The Friggin Wall.
Mooolah comments on Jun 17, 2018:
VIVA! VIVA Mexico! "Some of them are good people".
Stephen Miller (Remember his face).
Mooolah comments on Jun 17, 2018:
"Slime ball"? You are too kind.
What are you most insecure about?
Mooolah comments on Jun 20, 2018:
My government
‘Womp womp’: Corey Lewandowski mocks story of child with Down syndrome separated from parents - ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Sociopaths are unable to feel empathy or compassion. Add violence & they are termed as psychopaths. A shameful addition to our history.
Now we have the proof that the republicans are FASCISTS! Using the same tainted demented ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 20, 2018:
VOTE! paper ballot on November 6th
Mooolah comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Oh for goodness sake America. The naked body is not naughty. The mind is what is naughty.
Good morning! This sure rarely happens to me :P
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Cold coffee is fine with me.
Almost afraid to post this, but.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2018:
Flirting is attention without intention. Take note stalkers.
Are there any women hikers or backpackers out there?
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I am too cautious to hike alone on a trail. Men are not to be trusted. I hike on my 35 acre property in the 4 Corners. I hike with my caretaker. Alone is wonderful except for the men.
Quick poll how does everyone feel about GMOs?
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2018:
I fear what happens when they escape into the world. Hybrids like africanized bees.
So, a few weeks back, I was diagnosed with Stage 4, Peripheral Artery Disease.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2018:
There is a group here for those kicking the addiction. Good luck. Drink lots of water. Give up the carbs except for potatoes & rice. Eat colors, not brown or white. You can turn it around.
What do you think about sharks?
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I think they should be left alone & all shark fin soup should be illegal. They are one of the oldest creatures in the . An amazing animal. Do not get your information from the hollywood movies. Get it from National Geographic.
I received the turtle and it's a beautiful, adult female, Eastern box turtle with sequins and beads...
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Some people. I suppose it could be worse. She will look so much better without that nonsense. Hugs. =0{
Cassie (originally Cassiopeia) somehow hurt herself a few weeks ago, possibly from slipping and ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Get well soon Cass Hugs
Two singles concerting in Gainesville.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Well well well. It really can happen. =0}
After I got in trouble for over-posting a few months back, I created a Facebook page.
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Good for you. That was/is very proactive. I applaud your decision to go elsewhere & liked your FB page.
Why don't you ever hear about demons possessing atheists?
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Demons are too fearful of us godless types with no soul in their purview.
Mooolah comments on Jun 26, 2018:
The "Tea Party" began at the local level The Christian Coalition began electing evangelicals to the school board in the 1980's They now control the White House. Some Americans are complacent. 71,000,000 did not vote at all. See what happens when you don't pay attention?
I've been thinking more about the angry and dehumanizing tone that a tiny minority of our members ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 27, 2018:
No. No censorship no matter how foul. The block option is there for a reason. I do not want anyone telling anyone how to express themselves, what manner is acceptable, what subject is acceptable. Restrictions on violence is always in the public's interests. Censorship, requiring a form of civil discourse is unacceptable in a free society. Uncomfortable opinions expressed in a repugnant manner has relevance to how one reacts or responds. When name calling begins that is where my discussion ends. That is my choice not the Administrations. People vent here without fear of reprisal other than being berated. It is when someone steps out of bounds & surreptitiously seeks private information on a subject that I insist on consequences. Being a stalker is different than being a troll or a jerk. One has ramifications in the real world. The other is an annoyance at worst. No censorship...ever on anything except the unscrupulous attainment of personal information.
I'm concerned about the current schism happening in the Democratic Party.
Mooolah comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Don't let them divide & conquer us. Don't believe the polls. Come out & vote & use a paper ballot & get like minded to vote. Save America from Putin's coup d'etat.
Any of other subs experience people trying to bully and scream at you to get their way?
Mooolah comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Actually the sub is really in control in that the boundaries are set by the sub..... I have been told. i.e. safe word, the ability to decline. The dom must ask the sub for the boundary putting the real control in the subs domain........I have been told.
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Do you remember the pseudo documentary accusing the Clinton's of using their secret air strip to smuggle drugs into the USA as the CIA really did in the 1970's? It was being sold on tv. Also accused them of murder (Vince Foster), Whitewater, & blah blah blah. One cultist against the Clinton election gave me the video. I was aghast at the unsubstanciated accusations. The cultists accepted it as fact. They will believe anything if it confirms their feelings. Their feelings about racial differences, gender bias, poor folks lot in life, non invading enemies we need to check, gays on equality, despots suppressing the masses with American tax $, religion. They are a nightmare & they came out & voted. Ours were complacent. "OH, she's gonna win anyway."
I want you all to know that a friend of mine - who voted for Trump - now sees the evil that's going ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Si se puede`!
I keep going to group things (examples: Pride Parade, immigration family separation protest) that ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I smoke a joint.
What is your position on abortion.
Mooolah comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Keep it legal, safe & rare. Love children. Not zygotes.
Ivanka/China business during trade war. ? [politico.]
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2018:
How is it that anyone purchases any of their products. Really!
It's Monday morning. Why aren't you at work?
Mooolah comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Retired at 53. Every day is Monday or not. I don't really pay attention to the days as I have servants.
Mooolah comments on Jul 11, 2018:
The most dangerous thing about cannabis is its illegality. Especially if you are not pink.
So, when you take one of the monsters to see the vet, what song are you serenaded with?
Mooolah comments on Jul 12, 2018:
A few days ago I watched an old movie from(1941) staring Errol Flynn.
Mooolah comments on Jul 13, 2018:
The first cowboys were African Americans freed from bondage. Seeking employment they went west to the opening of Amer-indian lands to cattle barons. Narry a one on television. George Armstrong Custer had presidential ambitions. His ilk is running the country currently. And into the ground I might add. I hated all those cowboys vs indian shows as my mother taught me the real history of genocide.
Why does the magnification of a human brain cell look like the Universe?
Mooolah comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Because it is the synchronicity of physics.
No Smoking Sign
Mooolah comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Kenosha Wisconsin is considering a referendum for '18 decriminalizing. I do not have hope that it will make it on the ballot or pass. This is Ryan's district. But I did & do contact government in support. Thus is why I own property in Colorado. 1st state to legalize abortion after Roe. 1st state to legalize cannabis.
Found this guy on the sidewalk after running our irrigation system.
Mooolah comments on Jul 15, 2018:
Respectful question here...How many know where the G spot is?
Mooolah comments on Jul 15, 2018:
It is on the front wall of the vagina, theoretically an extension of the clitoris. A woman can have a clitoral orgasm, a vaginal orgasm or a vaginal/clitoral orgasm. Multiple orgasms are proof that if there was a god she would be a goddess.
My garden in action today Sphex wasp on Gooseneck Skipper on Verbena Tawny Emperor on feeder ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 18, 2018:
The wasp is predatory , A beneficial wasp.
Just out of curiosity.
Mooolah comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I don't move with them. They move with me. My situation is always better. That is why I attract such LOSERS!
I never will be.?
Mooolah comments on Jul 18, 2018:
Life is a bitch & I am one. (unless you are nice to me)
Will you raise (or have you already raised) your thermostat to reduce pressure on the grid and avoid...
Mooolah comments on Jul 18, 2018:
75 degrees in the summer. 65 in the winter. put on a dress, put on some layers, respectively.
Love hurts and is a total waste.
Mooolah comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I am sorry your situation is so dire. Find purpose in your life. Save an animal in a cage for the crime of having no home. Plant a garden. Take a trip to somewhere you always wanted to go. Play bingo at the local community center. Do something to make the world better so that you do not feel so useless. Find purpose in your life. No one can do it for you. It is in your hands to make your life better.
Who are some famous people you wish would just go away?
Mooolah comments on Jul 19, 2018:
POTUS, Vlad, W, Coultergeist, televangelists, Gowdy & Gomer, Cruz, Sessions.
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2018:
" The 1980's were my Vietnam" on the Howard Stern show regarding all of the STD's he caught.
What things did people have in the 70’s that we don’t have now?
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2018:
No HIV/AIDS epidemic. No T party. No Russia. It was the USSR boys. George Mc Govern
Golden Showers; are they sexual??
Mooolah comments on Jul 22, 2018:
At least its sanitary. Urine is sterile until bacteria begin break it down.
Mooolah comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Hey. I should get points for your adoption of my suggestion.
Stay the course.
Mooolah comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Tell it!
We have had a good discussion about Rental Property in another Post.
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Rule #1 is why I NEVER rent. I own.
It does not take a stable genius to see Putin and his associates did swing the election to trump!...
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2018:
"It's fake news." That will be the Trump Cult's response. Nothing ever presented, no matter how evident will change their support of the cult leader.
I agree with this
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Mister bone spurs. & those militia guys just love him. Bone spurs my ass.
Wish I had a good girl to miss me.
Mooolah comments on Jul 24, 2018:
Wishing is wasting. Get out there & start interviewing.
My only halfway decent pic of a blue heron, this year.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
There used be a rookery behind my Wisconsin property. Over 200 years old was the estimate. The clacking & squawking in the twightlight as they sparred for nest settling was rauchus & brought mind dinosaurs in the primordeal fog. The rookery blew down in a 1998 winter storm. They have dispersed but habitat is scarce. I have them & the great white hunting the edges of the pond. The heron, not the shark.
Parade my ass.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I am telling 'yall those Trumpturds do not believe that veterans are homeless. They deny it & the proof I submitted is dismissed as "fake news" or "that liberal rag". So they are hopeless & I am writing them off. "What you are seeing is not what you are seeing. What you are hearing is not what you are hearing." Very much as the book by George Orwell. Who? Never mind.
So, @Admin has been consulted on the matter and it is official: Even though it is not pretty yet, ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Administration is very responsive. Thank you for letting me back in the playground again.
I found this guy while I was making a delivery in the middle of nowhere.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Good for you. Props. Sure could use more men like you.
Ever wonder how long it takes a giraffe to puke? Or is it just me?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Made me laugh. That's a good thing.
Mueller's coming
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Here is a shovel. Keep talking. Keep tweeting.
What do you call your mother-in-law?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
The Top Ten Things a Man Likes To Hear From a Woman (A GuyKeith original) You had 5 beers left...
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Thank you. Now I know 10 things I am doing wrong.
I meant to post this earlier.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
A good story. Gives me hope also.
that is so true...
Mooolah comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Americans must not permit them legitimization.
Mooolah comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Voting is more important than fucking.
A cartoon that hits the nail right on the head
Mooolah comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Looks as if there are only 4 Republicans left.
I really miss the Cheppelles show.
Mooolah comments on Aug 18, 2018:
As an avid fan of Howard Stern, Dave Chappelle was a frequent guest & his low key delivery was always a hoot when compared to the mayhem of Howard's show. The fact that he put his quality of life before money only advances my admiration for his talent & his depth of character. Stay the pertinent voice you have always been.
I have yet to see anything at Agnostic about sports. Anyone like Football?
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Does mud wrestling count?
I see him on the same bar stool.... Usually Thursdays:
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2018:
If it is every night then it is normal.
"Fake News"...amounts to the same thing...
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Can't read? CSPAN on the weekend.
This could get interesting. Leave the toilet seat up.
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Insist on subwoofers.
This is the response I got from one of my state senators when I wrote regarding 45's crimes and lack...
Mooolah comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I don't care about a response. I write any way & I watch how Senator Ron Johnson votes & speaks. He will follow McConnell's orders. He is secure until 2022 when he will become a lobbyist. No justice. No peace.
Does anybody else struggle to find open and honest reporting?
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Christian Science Monitor The Guardian Mother Jones The New Republic Alex Jones Info Wars.........................................................KIDDING!
Today he's tweeting about a deal with Mexico... I'm not sure that he can find Mexico on a map...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2018:
#1.............If one is not outbreeding, one is inbreeding. Ghuh huh!
A lovely, LIVING, black ratsnake that I found in the road while on my way to meet my trivia team, ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2018:
They often bask on the warmth of the road. I always stop to help critters on their way. This one is a beauty.
i did not pay attention to the last post, I mean the title.
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Please stop directing people how & what to think. Good bye.
Why do women over think men's feelings?
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Sneeze in an elevator Collect the mail put out the garbage flush the toilet breathe turn off the light put the laundry in the dryer put some weeds cut some toenails clean the cat litter pay the electric bill boil an egg blah blah blah
Build THAT wall.
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2018:
I am donating my patio bricks. It is for a good cause.
Most of us have probably heard or read it.
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2018:
But I Believe Ludicrous Evidence
Where to tell the Trump crowd to go fk themselves.
Mooolah comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Well I am officially at level 6.
Mooolah comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Just enjoy this unique site. Before you know it you will be on your way to what we all live for. That Tee shirt.
Scottish Barstool for Kilt Wearers
Mooolah comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I can't relate.
Found : Cat
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2018:
After this phone number was made so very public, I wonder if they had to change it. PS marsupials are not felines.
Updated with the addition of Bob Woodward.
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2018:
25th Amendment. The man has dementia onset.
Just look at the price of a new home.
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2018:
Result of the destruction of the union movement. Unions were the only card the middle class had. Now they have nothing & so don't expect a raise.
Congrats to @SukiSue for Level 8
Mooolah comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Yay! Ask for one size larger on the Tee shirt.
Thinking about getting this airstream.
Mooolah comments on Sep 14, 2018:
Well check the load pulling capacity of the blazer & compare it to the weight of the Airstream. It is aluminum for a reason. But 'ya gotta get the Airstream. Then seek an appropriate vehicle if the Blazer isn't. Tony80223 did the same thing. He could advise you first hand.
One of my favorite actors.
Mooolah comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Cary Grant used LSD over 100 times & tripped with Timothy Leary who became a convert. This is per an adendum on a comedy speculating hoe those interactions presented.
The jig is up, Brett.
Mooolah comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I can't watch any of it. It is too close to my nerves. I get goose bumps. I can't stomach it. I will come out when it is over. I will be at the polls voting. But only once. We Democrats do not steal elections. Al Gore Hilary Clinton Merrick Garland STOLEN!
A farmer named Clyde had a tractor accident.
Mooolah comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I would say, "If Trump does not resign, then shoot me also."


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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