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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


I see the corruption of Christian immorality being the order of the day for the SCOTUS for the ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Impeach the 3 liars in SCOTUS for contempt of Congress & purgery!
It's not about babies. They don't care about the lives of babies.
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2022:
The law here in once progressive Wisconsin was written in 1846. Where are my "government over reach boys now? I can't hear you. Ballots not bullets but the temptation is not boding well with other folks. They are coming for you & yours next We will force Christianism on you whether you like it or not. Somebody didn't vote for Hillary. 3 issues. Guns, Gays & God.
It's not about babies. They don't care about the lives of babies.
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2022:
It is about imposing the Christian concept of a soul at conception upon all of us. It is about the religious doctrine that gay folks are a Christian abomination. It is about stripping the ability for gay folks to realize all the advantages that marriage bestows from end of life decisions to inheritance to hospital visitations. Will SCOTUS care for the severely deformed that languish in the twilight world of unconsciousness? Euthanasia as an end of life choice? But boy they will protect the right of us to access a Kalashnikov & mow down children who really are A CHILD!!!! With a chicken it is an omelet. With a human it's a person. Vote them out or let them secede before I shoot myself! And my guinea pigs. I could vote as a dead person in old time Chicago. "Find me 11, 000 votes".
US Supreme Court Strikes Down Landmark Abortion Decision Roe v. Wade | Twitter
Mooolah comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Kinzinger is Captain America 🙂
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Well at least he a patriot & military veteran. Props!
WOW! Yet another example of Govt.
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Hell froze over. I agree. And keep the government off of my body.
Lauren Boebert's Shooters restaurant kicked out after new landlord cites "moral" imperative: report ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
So I'm searching through YouTube for stuff to watch.
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
These must be thinking Republicans. There are a few left perhaps.
Overthinking is a form of procrastination.
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
I go for a run, meditate, sleep on it, smoke a bowl, meds and start with small steps in solving a problem. The adage sleep on it works for me. The mind is on search & often in the morning a new perspective is achieved. Then the AA Serenity "prayer" is also a useful technique.
At least 6 dead, 42 injured in weekend mass shootings across US
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
@Trajan61 Forbes is hardly a libtard rag.
At least 6 dead, 42 injured in weekend mass shootings across US
Mooolah comments on Jun 23, 2022:
@Trajan61 If they are in prison??? One must commit a crime to enter prison. By then it is too late as the massacreee is already completed.. Also as I have said we have the largest prison population as % of our population in the world. How is that going for us? Filling the prisons with pot possessers, mostly men of color & poor caucazoids 'cuase they get a "public defender" & can't make bail so they are HABIOUS CORPUSed. I think there is no solution but to re write the 2nd & that won't happen & I am not sure I want that should Putin or his "Boyeee" show up at my front door. "Git offs my land !" Some problems have no solution.
I love these three takeaways from Tuesday's hearing.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
GOP tactics are also about manipulating the public's emotions, which many vote accordingly. They are masters at it as Putin exemplified with his influence on social media. Like lemmings they will follow their "feelings" into the voting booth. One union supported Raygun, air traffickers, & he then busted them. People will vote themselves out of a job. They will work 2 jobs, no time to vote, not realizing that how they vote might help them succeed with one job. I have seen the enemy & it is US. The rot in that party is odiferous. I want you to be correct.
South Dakota Senate convicts and removes state attorney general in impeachment trial after he killed...
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Surprise! He is another lying creep of a RePUDliKLAN.
Should "fuck" be a restricted word on this website?
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Fuck NO! I always enjoy find paths around such foolishness. Using any word says something about the user. It has become ubiquitous as reverence for the crude, thug culture has seeped into common vernacular. Swear words come , go, & evolve. The struggle between etiquette & the crass. Between a gentleman & a boor.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Thinks Elon Musk Is Black, SLAMMED After Calling Tesla Founder ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Not all Africans are black. Thusly I always have had trouble with the identification. He is a an American South African Canadian, holding 3 citizenships. De Santis' needs a new writer for his foolish attempts at humor. Musk is a genius but supporting De Santis makes him of questionable ethics.
At least 6 dead, 42 injured in weekend mass shootings across US
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
@ Captain_Feelgood LOL. Grandma??!! I have no spawn nor grand spawn. Grand perhaps. Ma, never. I had no idea you have been hiding your jocular side. At 103 it is becoming a challenge to work out on the uneven parallel bars.
A bad death: the importance of truth-telling at end-of-life
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I have been hoarding pills since the '70s., I might have a qualude or 2 left in the stash. As more drugs have been developed & the easy access makes it much easier to plan my departure on my terms. With opioids & benzodiazepines available I have enough to kill a brontosaurus. But a few will do as so many have discovered. It is a painless manner upon which to return to the big compost pile that is the Earth.
Sen. Cory Booker Reveals Jan. 6 Image That'll 'Haunt' Him For The Rest Of His Life.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Cory Booker has a great future ahead of him if he can keep it in his pants and did not break a window playing baseball as an 11 year old.
Sen. Cory Booker Reveals Jan. 6 Image That'll 'Haunt' Him For The Rest Of His Life.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I can't . I can't watch. It makes me shudder that I lived to see our own misguided citizens attack our capitol regardless of the affiliation. Manipulating them so easily. Brilliant Putin. Brilliant. The enemy is US.
Are these firearms laws going to cause a lot more illegal guns to be available causing an even ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
That anyone would relish the murder of any American Democratic or Republican is as heinous as the Gestapo.
I don't worry that some may have so far managed to tune out the hearings.
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Keep 'em ignorant. A method the xtian church uses.
Any fisherman out there?
Mooolah comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Eat the fuckers.
Make love not war. Perhaps that saying can be taken too literally? []
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Very uncommon among women. This is usually a "male's" thing.
Vote President Trump for Life, let the family and friends live together.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Pay your bills!
Ritalin - Rob Paravonian []
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
His rant on Pachelbel was brilliant
wait till you grow up and experience the horros of adulthood
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
[] How do these "law enforcement" officers live with themselves?
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Your source is dubious
I'm reminded to be careful what you ask for.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
I need saving. You can save me. My credit score is 800+. I now understand the "why" of your profile name.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
LOCK HIM UP and make him pay his bills.
Back to the real basics again.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Centuries to create, 10 minutes to destroy, our topsoil. It used to be 11 inches of soil. Rain? Hail the monsoon.
Help me understand the logic
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Yes. But his eyes were blue.
I hope no one minds if I share this here.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
I have read so many stories of toxic relations with one's parents on this site. What is wrong with people who have no parenting skills, reproducing & damaging a child's life. Mental illness was a problem long before Reagan cut federal help to them. Current mass casualties a result? You are not alone in your pain & that is what forgiveness is for. I can forgive my disturbed parents but they can not be in my life period. After decades of no contact, my aunt informed me of their passing. I am relieved they cannot hurt anyone ever again. Hugs.
Ban on transgender swimmers competing in major woman’s events has been celebrated by athletes to ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
The solution of this issue is to have a trans competition. Or we could injest testosterone in all baby girls to make them look Vera de Milo.
At least 6 dead, 42 injured in weekend mass shootings across US
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
So more police, with what funds? So change what one calls these mass death events. And call them what? Prosecute the ones we apprehend, but that is too late. Getting in front of it prior to the event. I say castrate boys at birth or put them on estrogen shots at birth.....just kidding.
Finally blocked Archeus Lore, the troll who unfortunately seems to have taken over the Progressives,...
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
For some reason I have never been able to join. Oh well.
I was really in love
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
She is not into that fetish.
Every American should be given one free of charge, problem solved! :-D
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
There will be no one left to use it upon if we keep the murder rate this high.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Because animals suffer also.
Wait, what?
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
In 4th grade I was told that "girls do not do those kind of things". I learned to do it even louder.
First time I've ever blocked anyone on this site.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
I only have 1 pervert blocked. Unethically tried to find a picture of me on FB & Twit etc.
I've always hated Hillary, now I hate her more. []
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
People who hate will be consumed. She is correct. One must pick their battles carefully & the RePUDliKLANS are better at manipulating issues in their favor & Democrats always drop the ball. Super majority that Obama/Biden squandered. Those experiencing gender dysmorphic disorder is a small minority of our people who must be protected & embraced but not as what Pox Spews would like nothing more than to blow this issue out of proportion. I am pro trans folks of any ilk as a bartender in the hottest gay bar in Chicago at one time, they were some of my favorite customers. But as a priority, difficult choices & tactics must be employed by which to stem the eroding of our republic. In chess one sacrifices the pawn, the rook, the knight in order to checkmate the opposition. She would have been a terrific leader, and still is, perhaps in my world, but not yours.
If you find the first article rather depressing, the second article is more encouraging.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Divide & conquer. Putin wins. The current generations do not have a clue what we had to do to get where we are today. 1950s again? NOT!
I’m trying my best not to have a complete meltdown.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Congratulations on your union. "This too shall pass". The Buddists say "Life is suffering". One is not aware of living unless one is suffering. One cannot know joy unless one has suffering to compare it too. Those who have children give their life to fortune. Things will get better. Breathe sister. Breathe. Vent all you want.
Has anyone figured out how to teach a cat to read a clock?
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
Rudy the red cat would begin to knock things over if I ignored his pleas for breakfast. He had me trained quite well.
Found this in the shed and have been taking pictures daily, and the result is absolutely magical! ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
I found a leaf upon the ground last autumn with a cocoon attached. Left it outside at the front entrance. I posted a picture of the moth that emerged on Critter Group. I was lucky to discover it as it prepared to take flight in the evening. The planet & life upon it is astonishing.
Found this in the shed and have been taking pictures daily, and the result is absolutely magical! ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
How lucky you are. The metamorphosis not the bicycle rider.
Just curious what most others think.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
@PondartIncbe... I am here when weather permits me indoor activities, such as 100 degrees with humidity at 80%. You have not blocked ME yet. =0}
Just curious what most others think.
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
@Marionville. Yes. PYA also CYA (cover your ass) used here as a polite.
It's iris time in my Alaska garden...
Mooolah comments on Jun 21, 2022:
It is the little fence surrounding the plot that I am drawn to. Lovely.
How should you fight if you must?
Mooolah comments on Jun 16, 2022:
In the background, "Jimmie's dad has halitosis". Boys will fight over nonsence....just as big boys do. Even bigger ones like Putin. Reduce the testosterone level..
The lack of night time cooling is a hallmark of global warming due to increased concentration of ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 16, 2022:
We could begin by ending the mowing of gargantuan lawns. Mowers pollute far more than our vehicles as they have no pollution prevention devices.
DeSantis Is 'Very Dangerous Individual' Without Trump's Drama: Expert
Mooolah comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Musk likes him. Sorry I bought Tesla stock.
Just curious what most others think.
Mooolah comments on Jun 16, 2022:
Moderating a site =PYA
It would appear the Independent voters are changing their minds.
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Hasn't NBC been castigated as "fake news"?
A new one for me (and probably most males). A bank of mothers breast milk? []
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Women have been doing this for generations.
DDD (Dogs Drinking Disorder)
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Cleaner water than in Flint Michigan.
Could have been really bad but fortunately it wasn't. []
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
EPA warns toxic ‘forever chemicals’ more dangerous than once thought []
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
And we all have micro plastics coursing thru our veins smaller than blood cells. We are doomed.
I'm from Kansas, but I love Colorado and I'm thinking of moving there.
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Rising home costs indicate a lack of product. One of the fastest growing (pun) states in the nation. Stay close to Denver if you want liberal. I have property on the west slope & Durango went blue recently. I am in big MAGA country when I visit. Homes have doubled in price on the west slope. More so on the eastern slope. Colorado has a gay married Jewish governor who I want for president.
Marjorie Taylor Greene argues global warming is actually good for us []
Mooolah comments on Jun 15, 2022:
I would be careful on how one advocates harm to a Representative of our government & that includes the wacky opposition. Do not become them.
Capitol Officer Dunn: Donald Trump did not help us
Mooolah comments on Jun 14, 2022:
@ Trajan61 Hilarious. A coup attempt was made upon OUR government, but not by antifa which has no organization & BLM which is not a violent group bent on over throwing our system off governance. Amazing that armed domestic terrorists are actively intercepted by law enforcement & you point to those who are not attempting terrorist attacks. January 6th a distraction? What does it take for folks to see we were attacked by our own citizens. Horrible. I understand the anger but shitting in the Capitol Building? Pay your bills President You-Know-Who. I do. You should.
So fucking stupid!
Mooolah comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Darker days are coming, all because somebodies did not vote for Hillary
The controversial history of wet-nursing and what the ‘informal,’ ‘underground’ practice ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 14, 2022:
When I was in Mexico, indigenous women would nurse their babies under a sarape`. Very private, but in a public space, as they attended their wares for sale. We now have nursing stations in large venues. I empathize with your dismay at public display of everything. I get that folks who could never be out about their particular predilection can do that now, & that is the price we pay for freedom to express ones-self. Vulgarity is the zeitgeist. Not a fan. I have a strong stomach from having had a life. How as something so natural, so bonding of a little life to its source become something repelling? I believe the sexualization by straight Euro American men have perverted a biological nutritional source, the breast. They ruin everything for me. As I never know my place. Altho I am straight, I am better off without a man in my life. And I remain child free by CHOICE.
In response to a recent post: "try to reach trump supporters without belittling them" You cannot...
Mooolah comments on Jun 14, 2022:
I used to call my union rep & complain about the latest supervisor infraction. His wise comment to me was "Do you argue with the mentally ill man talking to himself on the street?" This is how I approach any of the Magatites. Avoidance is my defense. One cannot reason with those that are under the spell of a charlatan or a grifter by nature.
From: Misha Firer, Quora Look at the map of Russia, my dear readers.
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2022:
"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go".
What they would like you to believe . . . .
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2022:
Russian man bad also. Missing are, Honduras, Guatamala , Nicaragua, El Salvador, Dominican Republic.
There is a dictatorship alright . . . .
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2022:
3RD Party!
Let's make the list longer! 😆
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2022:
What a difficult language to learn. May I add "false fact" which I have heard people use.
Palin nabs early lead in Alaska US House special primary
Mooolah comments on Jun 12, 2022:
We are going to be creamed in November.
Here's a sick and perverse way to start your Sunday: Twas’ 24 days into the month of May, ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 10, 2022:
So now that the word "sick" by current Gen XYZ vernacular is redefined as something cool or groovy, just as Michael Jackson changed the definition of "bad". And that is so "dope". Babal On. This poem is merely a story to reduce children's anxiety. I would not do it in this manner & it does not belong in our publicly funded failed, unequal educational system. I have no animosity towards anyone who believe in fantasy. I just do not wish to be forced into their beliefs via the government or corporation or family or friends. As I have always been an atheist as were my parents, I hold no hostility towards those who adhere to fantasy. I never suffered at their hands but history is filled with those that did, do & will.
Gary Larson is a genius.
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Do you like to travel?
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Welcome to the site. I used to love to travel & did it much in my time. Hitch hiking was relatively safe at one time, then it wasn't. 48 states. 25 National parks. 8 countries.
I try to be a vegetarian but its not easy.
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Well then I suggest you try being a near vegetarian as any reduction in consuming cadavers is helpful for the environment & your health. Plus the ethics permit one to sleep without guilt. Eat from many different cuisines from different cultures. If you get a craving, then satisfy with a small order. This should not be a miserable choice. I started with small steps, eliminating in small increments. First beef. Then pork. Eating alternative protein will suppress hunger so beans, eggs, cheese. Insects are acceptable also, battered & fried. Good luck.&I remember one doesn't have to be extreme or instant.
What's changed since Columbine?
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
What changed since Columbine is that Americans no longer refer to the incident as "going postal". Used to be a surly joke because it only affected the USPS. Not so funny any longer. Mental illness is just one of our many epidemics plaguing America. Add easy access to guns & voila. Mass murder American style.
Time to say goodnight again…and tonight it’s with a 1987 song from Terence Trent D’Arby, who ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
What a beautiful specimen of our male species.
RIP Jim Seals (played this at my colleges, though not mine, graduation) []
Mooolah comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Howard Stern did an homage to Seals & Croft. He added that it fell apart when the 2 of them embraced the Baha'i religion & came out against a woman's right to her own body decisions. So a backlash ensued & they faded into oblivion. Great harmonies but I prefer Brewer & Shipley. Funny that he like such melodious folksy music when people think of Howard as a maniac & lover of hard loud crazy antics. Not.
I don't use the general Face book so much, but have found really satisfying communication on it ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Steve Schmitt is a thinking Republican who has enough brain matter working that he changed his affiliation to Independent. Critical thinking requires one to change their mind when presented with factual facts as opposed to false facts or alternative facts. Props to Steve.
Did anyone else get a complaint warning message?
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2022:
I have not received one of these warnings. I am looking forward to receiving one tho.
Not called an intelligent specie for no reason
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Double negatives confuse me. So does genderfluidity.
I met my boyfriend at the Senior Center.
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Who can we complain to about someone complaining about one of the nice guys on the site and calling ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 7, 2022:
One can be confrontational & nice at the same time. One might complain to the accuser & start another feud. That's always fun.
A slightly different POV The Civil War was not fought to free the slaves it was started to make ...
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Faught on Stae's Rights. Thus the Constitution had to be amended. The South lost because it had no industry other than human trafficking & cotton. Africans who were born here are citizens. The evolution of society towards a more equitable one. The struggle continues. Alterative pov are always welcome as a challenge to history & our lack of teaching it & critical thinking in our more junior grades. .
Presidents ranked from worst to best CBS News
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
But Abraham Lincoln first wished to deport our African Americans back to the Motherland. Liberia is the result. Sorry but Raygun should not be ahead of Obama who was scandal free. Raygun avoided Congress . breaking the law to fund the Conta's in Nicaragua via a deal with IRAN! Hostages!!! Remember the hostages. Guess not. And Clinton gave us no smoking, Family Leave, Pre tax health contributions, and a blow job? Not to mention Ruby Ridge & Waco & a rampant FCC. Jackson committed genocide as a solution to the "indian problem". A mentor for the solution to the "Jewish problem". Washington could have been king but refused. Someone else might have accepted on January 6th. Just some of my thoughts. thanks for posting.
Here She Is!!!! Grizzly Bear 399 and her two year old quadruplets 2022 [youtu.
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Respect wildness. Do not feed wildlife. In the end it is potentially lethal to them.
"Do you support new gun laws in the wake of this Texas shooting?
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Too many head hits in his previous profession. "Even a C student can be President." Dubya
At least 54 injured, 11 killed in 7 separate mass shootings this weekend
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
I actually felt safe asleep, camping with the mountain lion 60 feet from me. I don't go out any longer. Some freedom freedoms gun availability has taken away from this country. The freedom to worship their gods without fear. The freedom to send one's child to school without fear. The freedom to shop for groceries without fear. Welcome the nightmare that white supremacy has provided for many years. Karma?
Good Evening all The human that steals due to necessity.
Mooolah comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Beats sleeping on a subway grate in winter in Chicago.
I posted something of a personal nature and it's taken down.
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2022:
There is hanky panky going on behind the scenes . ?.
I posted something of a personal nature and it's taken down.
Mooolah comments on Jun 4, 2022:
SpikeTalon has me blocked. So why am I seeing his posts? This is a 1st time I am seeing his posts.
Ants might do a better job.
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Yes, because all ants are female except for the few males that are kicked out when they can fly.
The Rolling Stones : It's All Over Now []
Mooolah comments on Jun 2, 2022:
1st song to hit in the USA. I was an instant fan.
[] PBS was too squeamish to run the documentary. premiers June 8th.
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Just wait. It will be on youtube. A guilty pleasure I permit myself. HBO premium.
I needed this today, the picture not the toilet paper.
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Trudeau introduces legislation to freeze handgun sales in Canada | USA TODAY - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
As long as the 2nd Amendment stands there is a stale mate. It must be revised in order to confiscate guns which will not happen until the fascists prevail So don't let them. As long as big government intrudes in our lives, we will need arms to defend our freedom to control our own bodies. Warsaw had gun control in 1939.There is no solution as long as the Constitution retains this Amendment. Repeal or revise? Not likely in the near future. Mental health federal funds was first cut by America's favorite actor/President, Ronald Raygun. Reaping what America has sown. =0{
Listening to some older Stones. []
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Old? 12X5 or Out of Our Heads is old. =0} Great song. Thanks for posting. '60's
More than 54 shot, 9 killed, in Chicago Memorial Day weekend - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
And.... Biden responed to the chants "Do something. Do something." His reply? "We will". NOT! His response might have better served him had it been "The RePUDliKLANs won't let me. Vote them out."
More than 54 shot, 9 killed, in Chicago Memorial Day weekend - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Jun 1, 2022:
This is all due to our continued policy regarding drugs. Gangs are fighting for territory & the KKK is secretly celebrating. Biden is shackled by an anachronistic approach to "gateway drugs" when it is sugar, caffeine, chocolate, i high fructose corn syrup, etc that trains the brain to seek gratification. Sugar for breakfast, Froot Loops or Frosted Flakes is candy for breakfast. If 'ya can't feed 'yo kee-ads, real food then don't have 'em. This began in the 1950';s when corporate food began inroads into the traditional domestic woman who valued homemaking vs the career woman who had no time to prepare a balanced, nutritious meal. our teachers have suffered the consequences as well as our society. We all need nannies at the government's aka , we the people's, expense.
I get the strangest messages on Fitness Singles. Your thoughts?
Mooolah comments on May 31, 2022:
There are no photos of me on the net. So a nice southern gentleman begged me for a photo. Men are very visual. Women are audio. I have acertained. So I sent him a photo via the great United States Postal Service, except for the 5 managers they have for each carrier. But digression strikes again. So he e-mails me and analyzed me as if I was a horse. I was surprised he did not ask for a photo of my teeth. I have most of them you know. That was the last time I interacted with him as he mailed my photo back to me tho he begged to keep it. Make a friggin copy & send me back my photo as a man of his word would do. He did. He is a great guy, but not for me.
I get the strangest messages on Fitness Singles. Your thoughts?
Mooolah comments on May 31, 2022:
"My thoughts" ? Oh oh. My thought is that you enjoy the comedy that some men present without knowing it because they are so blinded by their self absorbed egos that they can not see the hilarity in their presentations. My thought is, it gives me joy to read your expeditions into the realm of inter-net dating that I may avoid reality & immerse myself in the intricate dance that is this comedy. I attribute the adjective "fuzzy " teeth to you. Yellow is common. But fuzzie? I laughed for days. Props alpha woman.
Ive been trying to grow peppers indoors for about a year and finally i have 2
Mooolah comments on May 31, 2022:
Not a challenge for the easily frustrated.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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