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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


My CPA wife has started the chaos of tax season.
Mooolah comments on Feb 12, 2022:
O would trade the the piece of corpse for another protein such as beans the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot the better you feel. So eat your beans with every meal.
If god has a great plan, why pray?
Mooolah comments on Feb 12, 2022:
For most of my adult life I have been in continual cycles in search of.
Mooolah comments on Feb 12, 2022:
IDK. I never have had a religious experience. But I have had many actual experience. Welcome to our mad house.
Blinken: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Could Begin - CNNPolitics
Mooolah comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Putin the Poisoner keeps testing our resolve. Just do not try to nation build. This man will continue to be a pest. Lest anyone forget, he is in essence still A KGB agent.
Maybe China too.
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I knew we were lost when she said "deplorables". Not the best manner in which to address the undecided. Most qualified lost to President Dumb Fuck.
Coldplay - Fix You []
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Great plagiarists
When you don't know shit
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Indeed. The more I learn, the more I realize I do not know shit.
One of my favourite David Bowie songs….Rebel, Rebel []
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I arrived late for Bowie. This was the song that captivated me & made me a big big fan.
Wolf Protections Restored Across 44 States | Earthjustice
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Why is administration censoring the word "fuck" in my post. This word is now used unsparingly in our culture. Plenty of MAGAs use it.
Wolf Protections Restored Across 44 States | Earthjustice
Mooolah comments on Feb 11, 2022:
Except for Idaho, Montana & Wyoming as the law suits did not include these essential states. The struggle continues. Got my checkbook out again.
Ok ladies in Oklahoma, get ready to register your wombs.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
"What is happening?" People "didn't like Hilary" and stayed home. Will the conservative justices all vote to uphold this law when it is appealed? We are on the precipice of losing body autonomy.
Is "tar baby" a racist term?
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
@JeffMurray Sorry. I inferred incorrectly. I thought that was what you were implying. That to ask the question made one subtlety or unknowingly a "racist".
Building back better indeed. Biden is breaking records. []
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
@courtjester Would not the Federal reserve have more control over inflation or the value of the currency, than the Executive branch? Biden can pressure the Fed & he is only one year in. It is how he handles this increase. Over 500,000 jobs created. Economy is not a fixed science. It is always fluctuating. I made money with 15% mortgage rates under Carter. Didn't hurt me. But I don't have a gluttonous life. I can adjust. Those who can't, well, that is capitalism without socialism to check it.
A group I used to belong to, but still follow UCSUSA, put out their rating for President Biden’s ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
"Page not found"
Washington State Senate OKs ban on sales of gun ammunition magazines with more than 10 rounds.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
The GREAT state of Washington
That will bloody well teach that young Corella not to be so nosy.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Ninety percent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated so the ''freedom convoy'' is useless and has no ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Thank you for clarifying this. Truckers can be boneheads also.
Johnny Rivers from 1966 and Secret Asian Man😁 []
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
A guilty pleasure Johnny Rivers. As a child I was only permitted to like classical music. Except Tchaikovsky or Liszt.
Man sends us step-by-step guide on how to crash a pastor's book burning party.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
a crucifix to add to the pile
I haven’t posted here in ages, but I do stick around on several Athiest sites.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Ex Christian doesn't mean atheist. Recovering christian (insert sect) was always funny to me.
The last 2 paragraphs are important to understand.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
"Real reality" is redundant. Reality is real so.....
Once again "I love the poorly educated" defines the GOP
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
This is the failure of our educational system. That she & Whoopi could be so uninformed.
Faith is useless without proof.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Faith IS a lack of proof.
I am going through a very strange, and most likely short-lived relationship with the king of drama.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I am on the edge of my seat.
Perhaps this could be the reason lol.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Hormones again
When I was a kid I hated this song.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Wolf Protections Restored Across 44 States | Earthjustice
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
As the predecessor to our beloved dogs, I hope this is of interest to us all.
Me trying to attract a potential mate
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Wel,l you certainly are a colorful dude. Or am I just hallucinating again?
How did the Incas build those walls?
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Yep, Rick Santorum, nothing here when Christopher set foot.
Already seen by more than 7 million people. Are you one of them?
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Why I loathe these award shows. 2020 membership in the Acadamy is now a whopping 32% women. This is why there is a plethora of Best Actress Awards going to women who play prostitutes. It is illegal in 49 states, but we give awards to them on screen. Hypocrisy is not a favorite trait of mine.
The bad news is that the effects of bad years may last for decades, the good news is that things ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
"These are the good 'ole days".
Las chismosas
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Some of us are old enough to remember...
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Soup Nazi!
It's black history month.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022: Hey Whoopi! Learn something.
It's black history month.
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Slavery must not have been as fun as some people still believe it was.
Is "tar baby" a racist term?
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
A company called "Tar Baby Roofers" was confronted by a black friend of mine. He thought it was offensive. I think it was ignorance & insensitive.
Building back better indeed. Biden is breaking records. []
Mooolah comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Not a reliable new source. Sorry, but this station now employs sexual inappropriate behavior perps. Worse than Pox Spews as they hired Mark Halpern after he was fired from MSNBC. Sorry but you might find a more unbiased source.
Welcome to your rest stop on the journey to Canada & your nesting grounds.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2022:
And let’s not forget Dubya Bush Jr……..The mortgage and housing crisis of 2008.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2022:
All were business MEN.
And let’s not forget Dubya Bush Jr……..The mortgage and housing crisis of 2008.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Amer-Indians, Afro-Americans might beg to differ. It was business man & mentor to Adolf Hitler & President You-Know-Who bought people, conducted the Indian REMOVAL Act, & promoted slavery in the new territories, Andrew Jackson. Where is Harriet?
And let’s not forget Dubya Bush Jr……..The mortgage and housing crisis of 2008.
Mooolah comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Blatantly untrue. Sorry. No points for this one. Who writes this stuff anyway & dispenses it as fact. Not funny. anyway. We can defeat fascism without revising history. I expect better from you Cuddy.
Our government should be releasing people from immigrant detention right now, both as a public ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2022:
And relist LOBO. Where is Harriet? Why oh why will I have to vote for him again?
If a man says he is going to do it, he is going to do it.
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2022:
The blue masking paint tape has been in place now for 20 years.
I've learned something that I have long heard about but had never experienced myself until recently.
Mooolah comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Interesting. Some folks prefer to pass without the world knowing they ever existed. No cultural dictates as to how one is disposed of. No obituary. No wake, funeral, burial. No headstone. Only compost. Both my spouse & I agreed on this choice. We want no grieving. We just want to pass on with the least amount of circus, as we see ourselves as unimportant moments within the cosmos. Just trying to do as little damage to the world as our insignificant blinks of existence are absorbed into the universe. We are an arrogant species to think that we are important to anything other than those who love us. If people need consolation from a group, that is attainable via their own volition.
So, It's been a few years, my old account is gone and I can't figure out how to message anyone.
Mooolah comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Welcome back. The site has calmed down a lot. The best thing about it is there are no religiosos. One of the reasons I remain.
Trump took Kim Jong-un "love letters" to Mar-a-Lago - Axios
Mooolah comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Loathsome, smarmy creep.
If only women this pretty just wrote us at random.
Mooolah comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Women "this pretty" spend all of their days in front of a mirror fine tuning their make up skills & firming up their injections of silicone. Not to mention the hair that is glued onto their brainless skulls. How easily men are lured by false pheromones.
Barack Obama has a Grammy, an Emmy, a Nobel Prize, 2 terms as President and a Twitter account.
Mooolah comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Don't forget the "businessman's" 7 bankruptcies. Living off of debt he never pays back is an important element in his portfolio.
Climate Change: UK plants flowering a month early - CBBC Newsround
Mooolah comments on Feb 4, 2022:
@ Buttercup
It's been a tough winter but it's that time of year again where Canadian Gardeners start putting ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 4, 2022:
I worked an outdoor Wisconsin job for 25 years. What I love about winter is the quiet. Quiet is an endangered experience in our world, where loud reaches into everything. I experienced -67F & 30 days of >100F. 750 people died in Chicago from the heat. But these were extremes. I sincerely hope they remain anomalies. What I admire about the Canadians & us tough northerners, is the lack of whining & moaning about the challenge of our season changes. The farther south one travels, the louder the cries of complaint. I suppose one must accept that fortitude comes with exposure.
Nobody should have a boring miserable life…
Mooolah comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Iconoclast personified
Come on Jerry!
Mooolah comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Jerry..."I'm try'in to think but noth'in happens".
Has anyone here visited the palace at Versailles? Interested in your impression
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
I am confident that public toilets were installed since the 16th century. It was built without them & the debauchery which unfolded there made, for a most repugnant history, only bested by their lack of character.
Four year old shoots self in head in back of car.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
All adults assuming all knew the unsecured gun was available to a youngster. Anyone who did not know a gun was in the car can not be held responsible.
How the Satanic Temple helped this Fresno-area woman’s recovery from heroin, meth addiction
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Wow. I didn't realize I am a Satanist. I was fearful I was one of those reptilians the MAGAs see everywhere. What a relief.
After sunset this evening
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Hey. It looks the same here in Wisconsin USA.
Beautiful sunsets while I was camping this past autumn, down in southern Nevada.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Lots of dust in the air? A volcanic explosion somewhere?
I have to say, it eclipses all the stupid shit I've done, too!
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
.....or the government & Constitution for which we stand. One nation. With liberty & justice for all.
I can't!
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
@davers Tacos do not require cheese. or dead carcasses. Redundant?
Not really a hike, this is only a mile from my house.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Looks like an otter to me. LOL. Lucky you.
Investing can include a lot of things , other than the stock market .
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Few people think about debt reduction. Those that do know to pay off higher interest with lower interest charges. But always pay the minimum & on time. A low credit score means you are a higher risk & pay more for any loans. I suggest everyone open all of their standard credit card offers. I once opened an offer of no fee, no interest loan , for one year. I maxed that baby out & paid off multiple loans, boosting my credit score, with free money for a year. So peruse your standard mail. 'Ya never know what's in there.
Important tips for you nuns out there. 😜
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
forget not a copy for the rectumarium
Important tips for you nuns out there. 😜
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
As a mixologist in the gay community during the '70s & 8os, I could tell you some stories that at one time would be shocking but currently, is a fetish on some porn sites....a friend told me. Without appearing bigoted, Catholics have issues.
I can't!
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
It is a complicated world don't we know. 1) the taco is sans animal flesh 2)wings are free range anti biotic free 3)bread is 20 whole grain gluten free 4) pasta is served with a vegetarian sauce gluten free 5)the burger is plant based
I never thought I'd be making this confession.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Yeah. That thing needs a redesign.
'Please Do What Is Right': Native American Lawmakers Urge Biden To Free Leonard Peltier
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And relist LOBO! & Where is Harriet?
Democratic senator's stroke exposes fragility of 50-50 Senate majority - CNNPolitics
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Its your diet Lujan!!!! Don't eat the white man's food. Fry bread is not Amer-Indian.
This is one smart bartender.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
rainmanjr As an unabashed liberal, I can tolerate most opinions with one exception, Nazism. There is no place for their intentions in a civilized peaceful world. Their very doctrine requires the most abysmal abominable practices which have no place on the planet....perhaps universe. They would implement tyranny as a form of people control.
This is one smart bartender.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
And that is exactly how I feel about Russia Today, Putin the Poisoner & other Nazis. Not one millimeter.
A thread has been started concerning online dating.
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Holy mackerel. That is quite the sales pitch.
Norway will no longer fund the Jehovah's Witnesses
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Religious groups secured tax exhemption & benefits as at one time they performed many services governments did not. Hospitals, mental asylums, food banks, orphanages, burials, funerals, etc. What has Scientology done for them lately. Such absurdities.
Trump ally pushes Republican Party to expel Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - The Washington Post
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
3rd party. Fiscal conservative. Social liberal. It is the combination that is lacking. I don't know how we do it other than historical guidance. It happened in Mexico with the "Bernie Sanders" type Obrador winning. He was said to be as Bernie is here. I supported Bernie to move the party left. 2022 is a reckoning. Every 2 years we can reverse course with an election. 2 years is all. It's as if spoiled- temper- tantrum- I -want- it -all- &- I -want- it- now - or- we -will -burn- the- house- down. types have hijacked the GOP plane & will crash it before compromise. The military rank & file must remain loyal. "Camp Auschwitz" ? Really?
I finally finished this puzzle ! I’ve been plinking at since early January or so - right after ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Instead of puzzles I glue broken pottery back together. I always wanted to be a restorer of maimed items.
I have been sick since October, went for endoscopy and biopsy last week, found out I have hiatal ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Do what is best for you. Would it be beneficial to you to make such a trip to see people you don't like, with money spent on better things. For what purpose? What good is pissing on a grave other than retaining toxic animosity. Completely no contact estranged for 40 years from my poisonous family, the "niece" called me to let me know the egg donor was passing & I should handle things. Yeah right.. Ignored the ensuing harassing calls, merely confirming she was as toxic as the others. Mental illness is not peasant to deal with. I am sorry for your suffering. But you are free & might reconsider any thought of wading back into that environment. Not to even mention flying during Covid. You do what you are comfortable with especially with your illness. Be good to yourself. Self preservation is not selfish. Make a donation in her name if it reconciles any feelings of guilt. Hugs.
8 Green Flags 🌬❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Wish I had these guidelines when I was a kid. I wouldn't have wasted so much time on incompatible partners.
Norway will no longer fund the Jehovah's Witnesses
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
There are worse cults. The JWs are required to do good deeds. Visiting people may be considered one of those deeds. It is the proselytizing that bugs me. Stay away from that & we are fine. So don't try it.
37,927 Deaths and 3,392,632 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Young People ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
This will piss you off.
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Thank you men. We need more men to show up in defense of body autonomy. "Women's" issues are often dismissed by the patriarchal culture. To have men standing up & by our sides is essential in protecting what is a matter of government imposing restrictions on all of our bodies. Women's issues are men's issues in the long run. Some insist that a soul resides at the moment of conception. That is a religious concept & must not be forced upon the rest of us. This is a man's fight as well.
Hitler, the Drug Addict With World War II dragging on and the Nazis losing ground in 1944, Nazi ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Much info was released after the collapse of the Iron Curtain. I often wondered how the Blitz Krieg was maintained. The forces of evil were given amphetamines as "vitamins". Thusly psychotic behavior made their murderous rampages a thing of horror. Meth is a scourge that has now infiltrated our nation. That cannabis is in the same class is a testament to the absurdity of our government's position which is now in Biden's hands. People are being incarcerated as we speak unjustly.
This might be the result of a different president's folly.
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
And so many are Veterans who are tormented by what they experienced, can not hold down a job, have no mental health support. Along with Raygun's cuts to mental health facilities & support, gentrification began & the SRO (single room occupancy) became a thing of the past. At least these poor souls had warmth & a place to sleep. All were torn down that high rise condos could be built in Chicago where I witnessed the reversal of the Great Society & New Deal. It is reoccurring in LA & San Francisco currently. Capitalism with out the checks of socialism. Let them eat cake. People are homeless & Amazon pays no taxes. Great? Not in my world.
37,927 Deaths and 3,392,632 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Young People ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Tech stocks are headed up again , but I can't decide if it's just the whales (people with LOTS of ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
My mutual funds do the trading for me. I did move a portion of my traditional IRA to my Roth. Big gain in the IRA to the Roth hardest hit. So sold high & bought low. Reducing the tax bite on that converted IRA is balanced by my Qualified Contribution Distribution & Charitable Trust. I am in a position to purchase real estate but not with these inflated prices. So I hope I live long enough to relocate as I wanted to do prior to the run up. I might buy some Disney & sell KO.
Investing can include a lot of things , other than the stock market .
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
15% interest on long term CDs were very nice. Dividend paying stocks Real estate purchased during the downturns have been profitable. $9.00 silver sold for $26.00 an oz A spouse who left me a nice cushion My dogs who gave me an incalculable amount of love. Preparation + opportunity = success. When the opportunity does not present., prepare for when it does. Learn & read & study. Assuming one has enough years in which to do that. Start young & reap rewards. But remember to diversify. Aggressive while young. Moderate when an elder. And bulls make money, bears make money. Pigs are slaughtered.
The Pressure Campaign on Spotify to Remove Joe Rogan Reveals the Religion of Liberals: Censorship
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Tyranny of the left or right is tyranny just the same, & is the true enemy. Unpopular views will cause a backlash & Rogan knows this. Lest it catapult him to further popularity via publicity, Mr. Young has an interest in what platforms his music is presented especially if he owns the rights. I am an absolutist when it comes to speech. It is the forum by which it is disseminated that I take issue with. Black listing Rogan only makes him a martyr or a rallying point. One of the issues that may have no resolution. It is when the government imposes restrictions on speech that we most all are imperiled. Young has the right to pull his music if he owns the rights & further legal script is agreeable to that end. Rogan also has the right to his opinions as loathsome as they may be. A healthy opposition is the most productive in the long run. Make "good' noise against him. One day we as a species may evolve beyond his narrow view of things. If not as a species we are at risk. How do I know.? Because since I was born the progress in progressive causes are winning & the bigots & their allies are threatened with obsoleteism.
THIS! What doesn't kill you...
Mooolah comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Not everything attributed to Nietzsche should be a lifestyle choice.
Why can't you just try 'mind over matter'? This remark also ticks me off exceedingly.
Mooolah comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Some people do not know that the imbalance in brain chemistry will not permit you to "think positive". One can retrain the brain thru extensive, immersive, positive thinking training. The American way is thru a pill...or 2 or 3. Mother's little helper.
This is an engaging video series on a research scandal in the early 2000s. []
Mooolah comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I recently saw a lecture on C-Span concerning the questionable awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to less than peaceful recipients. To be continued.
A web site for secular people. []
Mooolah comments on Jan 30, 2022:
We have a cougar running around our neighborhood the 4 legged types not the 2 legged ones.
Mooolah comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Camping in Colorado, Squeaks, the GPS tracked puma,( mountain lion, cougar) made growly noises, & scratched driveway gravel, making his presence known to his trespassers.. He was 60 feet or so away during the night. I kept my dogs in the car tho I slept out under the stars. We respected each other. Attacks are rare on humans. Human attacks on cougars is common.
A web site for secular people. []
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
A piece of a SpaceX rocket is on track to collide with the far side of the moon []
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Litter on Luna. =0{
A web site for secular people. []
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Can I find a date there? LOL.
A web site for secular people. []
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
@skado Education & access to knowledge results in explanations for phenoms inexplicable previously. Improved diet around the world permits better brain function & thusly reasoning.. Democracy has permitted people to live harmoniously with out religion imposing order via violence. Evolution of better diets results in better brain performance & critical thinking abilities. Polls & attendance at religious venues is declining. Those structures are closing. Of course this is virtually negated by what we saw on January 6th, a day that will live in infamy as an autoimmune disorder.
As a butcher is shooing away a dog from his shop, he sees a $10 bill and a note in his mouth, ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
I so enjoy your story jokes. Cracks me up every time.
Every morning, I find myself right on the edge of my bed, thinking to myself, "Am I missing ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Many Schipperkes are call "Bear".
How would you fill in the last line?
Mooolah comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Crypto is broken
This may not be a true Buddha quote but it’s a great statement
Mooolah comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Just like what god has revealed to me.
Terminology is expanding faster than I can keep up with.
Mooolah comments on Jan 26, 2022:
I'm afraid to say anything anymore.
I have learned the secret to teaching “roll over”.
Mooolah comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Food reward
I am not saying nothin
Mooolah comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Which translated means "you are saying something".


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