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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


That is a marine for you
Mooolah comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Semper Fi
Another wise man....
Mooolah comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Was Colonel Sanders in business back in Samuel Clemens time?
50 years ago: Attica prisoners rebel against guards On September 9, 1971, prisoners being held ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Ruined Rockefeller's political asperations for the Presidency. Prisons were bleak back then. 1971 was in the early years of what would become the movement for social justice. Texas incarcerated for life those busted for one joint of cannabis. Not my favorite state.
If there are Desert Shield Desert Storm veterans here I had run across some information last night ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Burn pits have exposed our military to undisclosed toxins. Beau Biden & others have developed tumors & strange undiagnosed ailments. Just try & prove it is a result of exposure. Human guinea pigs.
Mexico's Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion : NPR
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Viva Mexico
Yeah, how do you do it? I'm sure there are different ways to get to the same result.
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
7+8=15 carry 1. 4+2=6+1=7. 75
Read what an American reporter thinks of Australia today and published in RT.
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
RT is RUSSIA TODAY. A propaganda outlet for PUTIN the POISONER. Believe nothing from this very poor source. Thank you.
After grading for most of the day and going to get ice cream, I am finished around 5:00 and go out ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Concentrating, focusing on "one thing" ie your wall building, is a form of meditation, mindfulness. Good for you & all of us.
Who is really in charge.....
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2021: Stands to reason.
The pun is the best part
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2021:
But she is a heel ! =0}
What's it all about?
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2021:
We are alone. A rudderless ship. What will the future bring?
Can anyone tell me what eats Passion Flower leaves?
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Then there are paper wasps that cut pieces of the leaves in order to make there nests. Beneficial insects if not destroying your plant.
Here is a useful tip!
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Better than the toilet rolls I have been using.
Somehow I can't bring myself to fleece the gullible even if they are assholes....
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
& Oprah gave him a platform.
Fewer spawn of the stupid?
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Put ivermectin in the water.
How elite US institutions created Afghanistan’s neoliberal President Ashraf Ghani, who stole $169 ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
No surprise, but much to involved for the average Honey Boo Boo / Kardashian fans. History repeating itself. Only the names of the countries change. We are doomed unless we evolve. The high school drop outs, pregnant students, & poor grade attainers that I went to high school with all supported you know who. FB is good for knowing I was correct in my decision to end those friendships then.
Pretty much
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Boycott these states with one's tourist dollars.
Only after I realized that wallowing in the mire of hurt and blame was the wrong way to escape a ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
Actually I fight fire with water. Asymmetrical warfare is a woman's plight.
Dave Allan on Australians
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
One of the best!
Capitol rioter 'QAnon Shaman' pleads guilty, disappointed Trump didn't pardon | Reuters
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
He didn't present the correct image. He wasn't on his knees.
Who else thought the battle was over in 1973?
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
The price of FREEDOM, is eternal vigil." All because some didn't "like" Hilary, believed the polls, were too busy to vote. I never believed it was won as I had to flee America for my aborted zygot.
In keeping with the group's name, who else? I've got no tattoos and no piercings.
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
I have both but I received them 103 years ago as an iconoclast.
Now Texsucks women will have to go to other states to have an abortion, thanks to the republicans in...
Mooolah comments on Sep 3, 2021:
All of this because some people "didn't like Hilary", believed the polls, were too busy to vote, in 2016.
Texas Abortion Law takes effect..
Mooolah comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Government O-U-T of our bodies!
Now departing Tex-astan Nick Anderson Editorial Cartoons
Mooolah comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Get it over with and declare women illegal.
[] I am dead inside ✌🏻
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Sorry but I can not share it with "our" Covid Cult Group.
A recent editorial highlighted the problem we are having with the anti-vaxx crowd.
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
PS There is a mention of "posts by moderators only". I can't post anything there whether I am a member or not.
A recent editorial highlighted the problem we are having with the anti-vaxx crowd.
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
The problem is that they are spreading the disease. The best prevention of contracting the virus is to isolate, inoculate, & mask up. No mask? Don't ask. Don't ask to enter any retail establishment, public building, concert venues etc. Don't like it? To bad. The responsible do not like being infected by you Covid cultists & watching our citizens die a suffocating death.
I just read a post that claims to be a foreign nation's strategy to influence American elections.
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Your source?
I totally agree….
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
What is your record of successful predictions Mr. Lewis? I do hope it is a very poor one.
Foods that can be poisonous to pets | The Humane Society of the United States
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Anything that is informative on the care of my menagerie is of interest to me. Always seeking new info & data on subjects that interest me. Don't forget to research toxic house plants as well ,folks.
A lucky escape? Would you do this?
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Your source is Russia Today which serves to manipulate the USA. With emotion they will try to encourage people to frequent their site. Anything from them is always questionable. Tho this may be a true story, I would trust them as far as I could toss a grand piano.
Letters From An American 08/28/2021
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2021:
The irony is that Mr. Thurman fathered a child with a woman of African descent. Always provided for the child, but since the "one drop rule" resonated with him, he did not provide for the child's right to vote. It's the hypocrisy that is disturbing to me. And he did not evolve in order to mend his deplorable voting record.
I have been listening to this song literally all day.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Some of the greatest music/art ever created was in homage to religion. Lest we become bigots, inspiration that begets brilliance in the arts is sufferable as they knew not what they did.
The logic of the dark side! 😉
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
The right to infect others. Geeez.
We are a collection of atheists, agnostics and free thinkers many of us are humanitarian and pursue ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Take a look at the veg groups here to make an assessment. Near vegetarian., Not a fanatic, but I draw the line at anything that has a highly developed nervous system. I will eat a cockroach raw before I'll consume anything that can communicate suffering. As science updates, so will I adjust.
New Rule: The Lesson of Afghanistan | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
He is so on point most of the time (as I am), that I would restrict him to only one ba., Right boys?
Now we know the truth.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Probably to deep for some. "What's a calorie?"
Uhhh I think that would be cool like……for……picking up chicks and stuff…..huhhuh huhhuh.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
So good. As a woman I wasn't into B&B as I was surrounded by them in the world of employment. I so get the humor, but I need a break from that world. Pay & benefits parity for equal work kept me tethered to an atmosphere much as a men's locker room. Women! You have no idea how "they" act when you are not around.
It don't get no bettet than this...
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
12 grain toasted bread Mayo Thick slice of fresh off the vine tomato. Another gift from the "New World".
Today's Okra harvest. Half too big to be edible. This is 24 hour's growth.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
If you get the virus, you likely have mild or no symptoms.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
@ BDair I believe that. It weakens us to the point that obesity, diabetes, immune suppressed, cancer patiants, cardiac patients blah blah blah could not get the attention as the beds were filled, medical personnal can't intubate the obese, can't treat the other urgent care or emergency room. Of course they will die of other issues as Sudden Acute Respiratory 2 will not get them directly as they are already dibilitated. Keep the spread up to take the vunerable first. Then it will come for you/me/us/them as only the strong will survive. I intend to be that with my focus on health since Americans were irradiated by the nuclear bombs tested, Chernobyl & biocides we are all being exposed to by Monsanto (the maker of Glyphosate)/ now owned by Bayer (the maker of Zyclon B). We are doomed and I am in my bunker watching armagedon occur. I am kissing my ass god bye if I could reach it.
If you get the virus, you likely have mild or no symptoms.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
@BDair I wouldn't tell that to the 600 thousand PLUS deceased. The grief is palatable to me.
Monsanto & Company
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Monsanto & Company
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Kid Rock is your source?
If you get the virus, you likely have mild or no symptoms.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Yes, but how many did one spread the virus to who are immune compromised, vulnerable with other diseases, can't get an ICU bed due to tsunami of Covid 19 intakes, etc. I only have 30% of my lung capacity from previous pneumonias. I can't risk it & I stay isolated & inoculated. The complete data is not in, the virus has not yet run its course, the numbers continue to rise as long as people do not take appropriate precautions. I have prepared for this for years as health is a particular concern of mine. Spread it all you want. It is self centered to do so, dangerous & irresponsible. Typhoid Mary was arrested. She had no symptoms. What it is not is an infringement on one's rights. There is no right to spread disease & death.
I didn’t think it was possible to hate Trump more!
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I remember when The Donald was a joke during his divorce from Ivana. People knew he was the stereo typical slimy New York rich boy. He was loathed for his arrogance & hubris. The butt of ridicule & scandal. Ostracized from the NY blue blood scene. Because Hilary was unpersonable tho highly qualified, folks believed the polls and stayed home on election day. Don't believe the hype, the polls or RepudliKLANS.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
The virus is working ala Darwin's evolutionary theory. Stay the course until this plague has run its course. I estimated a 3 year ordeal but had no idea we had so many selfish people who believe it is their "freedom" to spread disease. If I were Queen I'd have them all arrested as Typhoid Mary was. "What is typhoid & who is Mary?' Never mind.
I mean, it could potentially solve some problems for the rest of us...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
They will take anything except the inoculation. Believe anything but the science.
I had a few of these when I was married..
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
=0{ Why I strike first.
Today I found out the condition shared by my overly talkative friends. It is called logorrhea.
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Oh my. Just what I need. Another mental illness.
Anyone up for Fantasy Football?
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I stopped watching when Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy became apparent. However as an owner, I kept writing the Greenbay Packers to HIRE KAEPERNIK ! Since when is taking a knee disrespectful? Some men do it upon a marriage proposal. The religious do it. The Queen knights folks on their knee. Stop brutalizing our citizens, even when bystanders are pleading for mercy.
So, I'll ask, Is not Heaven
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I do not see any diversity there in heaven. No dogs or other creatures either. I'm out.
Not a recipe but cleaning out some folders I ran across an old photo and recalled an old food ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I am envious of you experience. As a child of atheists I was not permitted to join any group that had religious affiliations. Well now, that pretty much rules out any communal experience. At least I went to day camp as someone had to monitor me while the parents worked. I hated it tho won best girl camper & suffered my 1st bout with heat stroke, passing out on the soccer field at 9 years old.
I fixed a birthday dinner for my young friend, Vivi, yesterday.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
So I hear an alarm that I have never encountered before. Tracing it to the basement I find 6 inches of water. Got the rubber boots. Tuned off the circuit breaker. Sump pump is running but not pumping. Looking for the back up pumps which the spouse must have hidden. Water is still pouring in. Drive to the hardware store for another sump pump & a pump to transfer the water outside. Get to the store not knowing it wasn't open yet. Doors were open so I walked in. Lights were not on so I thought it must be a power failure. Guy yells at me that they weren't open. "But my basement is flooded", I pleaded. He must have wanted a quick sale & he got one. Get home. Dismantled the pump. Attach the new sump. Examine the "faulty" sump. Found the problem. A drowned chipmunk stuck in the intake. Removed the corpse. Pumps going. I turn around & there are the back up pumps under the water. Good place for them. Anyone want some used pumps for half price. I have a surplus. I dislike basements.
Don't get him wet
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Is this picture upside down?
"Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I serve humanity by staying away from them.
Apparently, they are all female news presenters in America.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
@St-Sinner Did you mean 720 languages?
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 8/26/2021 The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been conducting a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I just want to live long enough to purchase nationally, legal cannabis.
Another awesome quote...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It ain't Jesus I fear. Its his followers.
The 40-year-old state senator from De Pere has six children Republican Sen.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Obesity reduces the odds of surviving this virus. Medical personnel can not find veins, can't get the ventilator tube down the throat, can't roll them over etc.
Could Australia's DYSTOPIAN Lockdown NIGHTMARE Come To The US? - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
@Budgie Please do not think that ALL Americans do not care if people die from the virus or anything else. There is a segment of all populations who are unempathetic. The anti vaxxers might be , but they might also be fearful, arrogant, ignorant, self absorbed, insane misanthropes. We sure have 'em.
Sturgis South Dakota has had a1500% increase in covid cases
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I don't mean to pre judge, but they all look so unsanitary. 1500%? I guess they ARE unsanitary.
Outside my bedroom window I have put up a bird feeder.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Bird feeders tend to replicate. Beware.
I’m doing better.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Might need a medication adjustment. Seasonal affect disorder is creeping up on some of us, not to mention we are a bag of hormones. Be not seduced by the drug, sugar, which is an easy but harmful mood enhancer. I feel 'ya.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Why does Floriduh remain so Repudliklan?
‘World’s Worst Invasive Weed’ Sold at Many U.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
We're doomed. My confrontations with sellers at flea markets of purple loosestrife retort is that "it's legal in the state". My response is "But still unethical & hurts America." Getting them to care or think is my useless attempt.
Check out my 2021 Alaska Raspberry Wine recipe and follow along to watch the process.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
That is a beautiful sight. Fruits (pun) of your labor. Save me a bottle, please.
Sturgis South Dakota has had a1500% increase in covid cases
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Folks leave town during this abomination in the Black Hills. The problem is the spread. These are the people spreading the disease. As knowingly dispensing HIV or syphilis, they are the irresponsible who belong in solitary confinement.
Apparently, they are all female news presenters in America.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
COURT RULING: Their post-election litigation constituted an abuse of the legal system In a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
LOSERS!!!!! I am confidant they will lose in the Wisconsin audit also. Audit schmaudit. Will this be the new norm? 2022 matters! VOTE!
Lucy should be a white male oligarch..
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
As a union rep for my local I often heard "Why should I join when I get all the benefits anyway". The ignorance speaks for itself. My union is required to defend all employees in their craft, just as the police unions must defend their officers regardless of infraction. Our of 130 employees in our craft, 2 would never join. It made them feel powerful & garnered attention.....I suppose.
Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19 Attorney...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It's POX SPEWS. Can we trust the source?
So ladies and gentlemen and update Mesa going home! home hospice I'll be leaving in the next half ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
You are in my thoughts. I wish you contentment.
Interpreting the gender identity of the Suontaka Vesitorninmäki burial.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
We are out there. Just written out of history as others. Only those whom history could not ignore appear in the annals. Fascinating discoveries await us. I so enjoy them.
Just saying...
Mooolah comments on Aug 25, 2021:
It is rewarding to me to see our military doing the work of saving people instead of killing them. I am trying very earnestly to not hate these governors, but it is a challenge.
It always seemed like a mental illness to me.
Mooolah comments on Aug 25, 2021:
President Eisenhower said it well. Foresight squared.
Amazing, the omnipotent, all powerful and invincible god rendered deaf and defeated by a paper mask!...
Mooolah comments on Aug 24, 2021:
The masks are for others. We are becoming a very self centered, narcissistic society. Hubris, gluttony, & greed. Why I don't go out anymore.
I am super psyched today.
Mooolah comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Congratulations! Slow & steady wins the race as well as giving up large quantities of carbohydrates.
The cretinism farce is strong in this imbecile! []
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
A fine example of cretinism
Does anyone else find that they are more content with their own company as they get older?
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Yay for weird old lady hermits. Be true to yourself & enjoy that we have that option.
Trump's Border Wall Torn Apart by Arizona Monsoon Rains by Brian Kahn It turns out ignoring ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Our tax dollars at work. Except for the 55 corporations that paid not a penny in taxes. BOONDOGGLE!
Wondering who to blame for the Afghanistan debacle?
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Dubya ignored the intelligence that indicated a large attack on the USA was eminent. Saudi & Pakistanis were involved so we attack Iraq. Finishing Daddies job of deposing Saddam. Osama hides out in the wilds of Afghanistan so we invade. Trumps deal with the Taliban released 5000. FIVE THOUSAND! Taliban fighters. Whose side are these guys on? We are in the middle of this crisis & the last chapter has not been written yet. History will reflect that we have learned nothing.
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
PS When Jordan (which IS Palestine) held Jerusalem, Judaics were prevented access to worship at the Wailing Wall. Upon the 6 Day War conclusion, Israel olds Jerusalem & access to religious sites are permitted to the Moslems. So what IS the solution to this centuries old struggle for control of the Holy Land. It has changed hands hundreds of times & the Judaics need a homeland. I would have liked to see the Danzig Strip as payment for the atrocities both National Socialist Germany & Poland contributed to the diaspora.
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?
Mooolah comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Israel absolutely has the right to exist. The only country in the area to change governments thru the system of DEMOCRACY!!!! Not one of the Islamic countries can claim to do that. Hamas controls Gaza & will not make peace as they need an enemy in order to avoid a civil war which rages among many unstable Islamic countries of which Israel will not permit Gaza to become. This debacle is due to the past imperialistic colonial states enforcing artificial boundaries. Israel belongs to both societies as many peaceful ARAB citizens will attest. Accept the 2 country solution. Buy Israeli bonds. =0}
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
So I watched a 2 hour doc on Metal, with muted sound. Closed captions provided the knowledge I was seeking. I get it now. It is an outlet for rage without the violence. The violence is all theater & thrash, & screaming rage. Dealing with the darkness, not fearing it, & resisting it. I do like Metallica & always argued that Led Zeppelin was the beginning of metal's rise. Its the finger in the face of convention in a theatrical manner.
New Rule: Your Phone is Turning You into an Asshole | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I still do not have a phone except the hard line. No pictures of me on the internet. I hate the intrusion & obsession, face recognition tech etc. People whine about not paying the rent & then have these unnecessary contraptions. Toys are unnecessary. I subscribed to Discovery +for the 7 day free trial. Bagged it the following day. Neo Ludite
I’ve just heard the sad news this morning of the death in Nashville of Don Everly of The Everly ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
as a child I wasn't permitted to "like" the Everly Brothers. As an adult I love every song they perform. Take that parents!
It's even hard to comment on this.
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
This is what makes being an American so difficult. The abject failure of our contraception policies. There is something to be said about testing amniotic fluid for defects in the genetic code. But big titties is all that matters for some.
For fuck sake.
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Dear Captain, The "spending spree" is certainly not funded by Besos & Amazon not paying taxes when you & I pay too much. 55 corporations legally paid no taxes to fund our debacles around the world. You & I did. This is not a Biden tax code. This is your boy's gift to billionaires that they may become trillionaires at OUR, yours & mine, expense.
That old perennial favourite Bond movie is showing again on TV here this afternoon ….
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
@Marionville Our indigenous population would not succumb to slavery. They would rather starve to death which many of them did. Abhorrent. Wretched history. The African middle passage found peoples that refused to die, & adapted to their situation where there really was no alternative but death which befell millions. The ocean floor is riddled with their bones. Reparations is a must. Our indigenous are now relegated to areas devoid of sustenance. I am so embarrassed to be an American with a lofty goal which we constantly fall short of. So many of us have no idea what the outside world is like. Few travel beyond our borders compared to those that can't.
That old perennial favourite Bond movie is showing again on TV here this afternoon ….
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
@Marionville The US is founded by religious nuts escaping persecution. We recognize Scientology as a religion with tax exempt status. People can just declare that they are a religion, open up a store front, deduct the cost from taxes & praise whatever god they choose. Our money says "In god we trust". "WE"? Not this part of "we".
Report: Allegations Of Priests Using Grindr Have Unnerved The Catholic Church
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
So back in the day as a mixologist, one of my waiters was dating the #2 guy in the archdiocese. When the Cardinal was in Rome picking the new pontif, this waiter who was 18 years old, told us the stories of debauchery at the rectory. His "boyfriend" was no boy looking to be in his late thirties. The kid was legal, I love "the gays", he tipped well. Its the hypocrisy that enrages me.
Alex Jones in Deep Doo Doo? []
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Not deep enough but then he might like it.
That old perennial favourite Bond movie is showing again on TV here this afternoon ….
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
@Marionville Here in the USA we had & have censorship boards which decided what could & could not "be". Only in the past decade or so have women in underwear been permitted one commercials. Bikinis, yes. Underwear, no. The US is full of contradictions.
Driving in the flatlands Aug 21, 2021.
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
OMG! I call it the flatland also. I'm goin' to the flatland when I cross the border into Illinois.
The California fires and the case for socialism Statement of David Moore—California ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
The failures of capitalism must be tempered by the successes of socialism & visa versa. There is no system developed as yet that can both provide wealth & protect the indigent. The balance is somewhere if we are to succeed.
Flood of DOJ employees expected to 'sing like canaries' about Trump after Rosen revelations | ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I so enjoy the sound of canaries, whistleblowers & double agents on that POS!
Can we all agree on masks?
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Now that masks mandates are less, my housekeeper says people stare at her for wearing a mask. The mask is for YOU & YOURS. The mask is for the unvaccinated. Wear the frick'en mask for others. Some are so short sighted. They just can't see past their own ego. "My right to infect others".
Nikki Haley's permance on Face the Nation Make it quite obvious that she's going to run president ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I used to be a faithful follower of Face the Nation. These days I can't face the nation.


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