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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Cary Grant and Randolph Scott, lived together in Hollywood for years as an openly gay couple and NO ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Cary Grant also took many LSD trips. Perhaps LSD makes one gay. =0}
Jesuit order in Spain apologizes for sexual abuse over the last hundred years: []
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Only the last hundred? Centuries of abuse.
Article on how QAnon will either disappear or get worse.
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
We need a domestic terrorist policy with laws to match. How easily people are duped by 2nd rate celebs. I can not believe they will coalesce as they don't have one agenda any longer. Proud Boys accepts all men but no women. Nazis accept only " euro trash" non Semitic. Q is a media phenom that is now being boycotted for its manipulation of the "slow adults". Boogaloo Boys is another joke. If they coalesce then we have a problem more than we do currently. Boys seem to need to join a group, a gang, sports team,, the army. These edge groups will mutate successfully or no as the KKK, American Nazi Party ( oxymoron. One can not be a nazi & an American in spirit).
hate stupid.
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
How does one ascertain if a whole is a half or a hole is a half. I must be a "slow adult". Just what is a half of a hole.
hate stupid.
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
They used to be called "retarded" as their learning ability was slower than average. Now we refer to them as "slow adults". Most of the slow adults that frequent the Howard Stern Show voted for the other guy in the presidential election. That should tell you something.
Stoned today.
Mooolah comments on Jan 21, 2021:
To avoid such debacles I always have a back up in order to avoid an abrupt withdrawal. It only took one incident where a glitch delayed my meds & I experienced brain zap waiting for the refill. It won't happen again. I managed to stockpile at least 2 weeks dosages to guarantee a smooth withdrawel. We are on our own . I am happy you survived.
Are we now allowing domestic terrorism on this site?
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
I have reported the group & asked that it be removed.
The QMap .....
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
This is my recipe for a healthy, yet naughty treat on a Sunday.
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
@Spinliesel Because Stoly is Russian
I'm not "following" anyone.
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Seems as if al lot of us are complaining about this. It is the new administrator improving things.
To be honest, I was pretty sure it would end up worse than it is.
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
He is really great at destroying everything he touches. Suffer you creep.
Sumela Monastery. - Turkey
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
can I rent a room please?
How does a terrorist organization get on a site for the non-religious?...
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Because the operators of this site are sympathizers.
This is my recipe for a healthy, yet naughty treat on a Sunday.
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Perhaps you might switch to a Swedish Vodka?
To be fair he was shutdown by enormous handicaps like only having complete control of Congress and ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
His wacky doctor just passed away away away.
What's happened to the "newsfeed"?
Mooolah comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Its the new administrator. Lots of complaints on this subject.
Meme of the Day. 1/12/2021.
Mooolah comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Oh geez. Of course he was at a BLM rally. There he was sabotaging. Every one knows BLM supporters would not wear fur or other animal parts. That is Little Donnie & Eric's fetish. Every body knows the tactic of showing up to make them look bad. That is what looters do. I expect more of the Captain with all of his scientist friends. Believing what is posted on FB is just the problem & I haven't even mentioned PhotoShop & such. The point is Captain that anything can be posted on social media without any corroboration. "Ya gotta stop believing nonsense. BLM did not storm a pillar of AMERICA"S freedom. To choose our leaders, to govern ourselves without violence. To believe whatever bullshit is on social media, is the problem. You are being manipulated by Vlad the Poisoner. How can we help you to see The Big Lie? How can we resolve our differences, sans violence, if we are banned from each others groups? We agree to accept fair, free elections. How can we show you that they were free & fair. That in 2 years the electorate can change every thing by again voting. Going to the polls is the manner in which free people decide. I miss your insults. You are a smart guy but so misguided.
Let me precede this by saying I like naked women.
Mooolah comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Thank you. Many of us are complaining about this. I blame everything on this new administrator.
Well written. I know many don't have FB so I took screen shots.
Mooolah comments on Jan 16, 2021:
"Give me a boy up to the age of 7 & he is forever mine". Ignatious Loyola, The Founder of the Jesuit Order( but used by many despots in particular , Adolph Hitler)
This was written by a guy that was one of the Administrators on a successful website that is no ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Are these true facts, fake facts, false facts, or alternate facts? Just what kind of facts are these facts anyway. =0}
Mooolah comments on Jan 15, 2021:
The eternal question. What is the boundary. What is too far. Trumpanzees are already using the word "censorship" including our administrator. In my opinion, how much must this camel bear before the mass of straws breaks his back? Trumpanzee yelled "FIRE!" with a wink & a nod in a room crowded with nazis. If I owned a company but had access to the public, 1st amendment rights do not apply as the proprietor has the right to not publish HATE SPEECH. Get your own nazi cafe`.
Lada Gaga will sing.
Mooolah comments on Jan 15, 2021:
I hope she wears some clothes & doesn't do a Jennifer Lopez on us. A little dignity would be a nice contrast to Mr. Buffalo Horns.
Lada Gaga will sing.
Mooolah comments on Jan 15, 2021:
The public is not admitted. Unlike when President CLINTON sent me an invitation, it is far too my age. =0}
Everytime you hear a moron say FAKE NEWS, just say, FAKE PRESIDENT.
Mooolah comments on Jan 15, 2021:
I have done that, but I don't speak to humans other than on here & my doctor.
Mm! Interesting point! :-D
Mooolah comments on Jan 14, 2021:
I'd lie too if I was married to Hilary. Better to be impeached than suffer the wrath of a Scorpio scorned.
As an introvert, how do you handle the awkward situation when someone invites you to a party, dinner...
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
I explain I am not anti social, I am just NOT social.
Why does any one need regularly to post or comment in order to get higher levels?
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
So we can send you a Tee Shirt
Gonna add everyone to the "question of the day" group.
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Michael Cohen refers to it as "code". "He speaks in code". It is called a wink & a nod , innuendo, signaling, dog whistle. I other words he can always back out with the "I didn't mean to..." As President one can not do that with barbarians. Fail Safe the movie.
Gonna add everyone to the "question of the day" group.
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Centrist? Biden is a conservative Democrat. The center moes. Centrist? Potential liberal Republican as there once was. One may be quite versed & talented in technical issues & have difficulty admitted error in judgement for a myriad of reasons. Ar e some of us so inured to violence that we can not see that this is not a sy fi action flick on Netflix. It is a existential threat. A lynch mob calling for Pence. Chilling. I love this site because it only has 219 "conservative atheists" which in have confirmed for myself that it is an oxymoron. These are reactionaries of whom I hope you at monitoring closely." Peace & love" as Ringo would say.
Be prepared. Your world is about to change violently...again
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Who are you? Nostradamoooose Jr."
Cat came through the pet door and started meowing at me , that she had brought me a gift - another ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Your action o with cat vs lizard is a good lesson for all. Zoot Suit brought me a flying squirrel last night. Gave it to me as a gift. I praised him profusely & revived the squirrel pressing on its heart rapidly. The squirrel survive. I gave Zoot Suit some cat nip & he passed out in my arms. What a guy. Now I need to find a man like my cat. =0}
What did Trump do, if anything, to incite violence?
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Sources. RT? Really? You don't know what that is? It is Television Free PUTIN." Russia Today".
How do you feel about Parler being removed from the Internet?
Mooolah comments on Jan 13, 2021:
"Does" Big Tech play fair..... Back to school to rehearse your grammar.
George Carlin, you liberals like him, maybe you ought to listen to him
Mooolah comments on Jan 12, 2021:
Who among us is correct all of the time. All edgy comedians take on subjects in order to gage what society will tolerate. Carlin observed, comment with brilliant humor, & was wrong much as we are. The history of comedy evolves of society by taking on taboo subjects. Those that are 1st to take on these topics are first vilified, then argued over, then accepted, or not. Remember Andrew Dice Clay? Neither does anyone else.
Christian “Prophetess”: Heaven Has a “Portal” So Your Dead Relatives Can See You | Hemant ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 12, 2021:
I am a prophetess. My only followers are dogs.
Christian “Prophetess”: Heaven Has a “Portal” So Your Dead Relatives Can See You | Hemant ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 12, 2021:
But first you must drink this concoction of ayahuasca.
‘I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on earth’: A self-proclaimed white ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 12, 2021:
That's what the extreme right does.
Etsy removes ‘Camp Auschwitz’ shirt following Auschwitz Museum's request
Mooolah comments on Jan 12, 2021:
Etsy has manual moderators. Maybe they might up their game & flag certain words so as to raise their alert status. Something is wrong here if this sludge is marketed.
Thousands of stolen archaeological artefacts recovered in Israel.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Navarro: I call bull. Trump never represented GOP values [] Ana is a bad ass!
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
I am so relieved she is on our side. I remember when she wasn't . For some reason my opinion of her has changed. I would fear to hear her speak Spanish when she is angry.
How do you feel about Parler being removed from the Internet?
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
By gleaning information on persons political positions, is Administration taking names. By taking polls, is that a means of collecting data to provide the fascist authorities when their coup succeeds next? The night time knock at the door might be our door. I won't run because there is no safe place from nazi's. One must stand against them as our military did with the Greatest Generation. Am I being paranoid? Not if one studies history.
FBI warns of violence in all 50 states
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
As an activist all my life, it is very difficult for me to stay home. But that is the best thing we can do & permit law enforcement do their job. This is a true test of our ability to govern ourselves. Another officer has died. By his own hand. What is it he couldn't live with? Defecating in the halls of the Capitol building. Lynch mob calling for Pence? Knowing his buddies & off duty cops were in the mob? I can hear Putin's laugh.
Just when I thought that Evangeloon was a dumb as anyone could possibly get, he goes and shows me ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Had he bought them from Alex Jones. He sells wonder pills also. Supposed to make a real man out of you. Just what I want. To be a man with all of those man privileges. Oh. It is not for women. Never mind.
You'd think people who bitch and gripe about Trump being banned from Twitter, and how it's "imposing...
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Read? Think? You are expecting a lot from these people.
[] And here they are folks. 40,000 tips & a nation wide man hunt is still in effect.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021: Plus Mr. Bonehead lives with mommy.
Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols, FBI bulletin says [abcnews.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
And Jake Tapper CNN just had the head of the DC National Guard report that the Pentagon slow walked the OK to deploy. Ex Capitol Police Chief said he called 5 times for help. Was Flynn in charge? Inside cooperation from our highest security operatives the one and only ACTING Defence Secretary Mr. ???????
Opinion about Faux Noise Great editorial on a dangerous trend in this country.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Deport Murdoch & his wife Jerry Hall.
PGA will strip Trump Bedminster of 2022 PGA Championship, insider says -
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
It is official. Moving the PGA
'The American Abyss,' Timothy Snyder's op-ed in the NYTimes is scary accurate, and pulls no punches
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
People always ask me why I study the Holocaust. In order to recognize the tactics. I too have been ranting how these tactics follow in the footsteps of Hitler's. Hitler admire how Jackson herded our Native citizens into a concentrated area. How separating children from parents left folks demoralized. How repeating lies over & over becomes belief. How police worked from the inside to undermine democracy. How torture is necessary ie water boarding. How the "other" is the enemy. Not in America? Yes. Indeed. Here I now. We the people must stop this. Where are my liberal Republicans we used to have> We certainly have conservative Democrats? The fringe is a dangerous lot.
I feel there is a lot of undisclosed racism of people here on this site.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
There are 219 or so members in the Conservative Atheist Group. They are not conservative. They are hateful & are as the seditionists that attacked a pillar of our republic. They are here & they believe they are superior. Hispanics can be white, black, brown, & yellow. Hispanic is of the Spanish colonial period. Phillipines, Cuba, South America, etc. All of these categories are inaccurate & only serve the census & electoral suppression. Those light hispanics from Dominican Republic are treated as white in their country, come here & are treated as black. There is a treatment difference as we all now see on TV. Same from Puerto Rico & other mixed countries. Treated one way at "home" & then treated another way in the "Land of the free & home of the brave". My relative has green eyes & is from Mexico. She comes here & is treated as a "taco bender". At home she is treated as "white".
The fight isn't over!
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
White House Scrambles to Find New Social Network After Twitter Ban Twitter and Facebook’s ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Perhaps he will set the White House on fire & use smoke signals. Cultural appropriation? =0}
I'm sure they did!
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
And only evolution can fix stupid.
I got no response from site support and am wondering if others have the same problem on computers.
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Blame the new administrator.
Letters From An American 01/10/2021
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
The object is to convict him in our Democratic Senate so as to prevent him from ever holding federal office again. She knows what she is doing & history will reflect as such. The whole bunch need State prosecutions in order to avoid pardons by some future despot. A lynch mob outside calling for Pence. He should be shaken to his core. He is holding the 25th as a TRUMP card in case the maniac tries something else. Pun intended
Has anyone made Farquhar?
Mooolah comments on Jan 11, 2021:
I might have made him in a drunken stupor back in my '20's. Wild women don't sing the blues.
Whoever wishes to argue about this sh not being real, this is a new lot of graves in South Africa.
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
We are still waiting here in the USA as well. Only the front line workers are being vaccinated here at this time. I have been in total isolation for one year currently. Fortunately I began preparing in December of 2018. I have been waiting for this to happen. It is history from which I for one, study. I was wearing a mask in the 1990s & people here laughed at me. No body is laughing now.
. . . at the request of @kmaz
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
My vote is secret.
About damn time.
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Twitter has been infiltrated by antifa. Q said so.
GOP Sen.
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Lynch mob hunting Pence. Sickwick beaten with a fire extinguisher. To death. Tim McVeigh is alive in spirit. Killing him did nothing about the growing threat of fascism, ignored by our domestic security forces, of which many are just that.....sympathizers. Is it a crime if the police support lawlessness? Yes it is.
A question and a request: question: is there an efficient way to browse only recent polls?
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
I block the unethical. I have one block. I have been blocked by Trumpanzees 'cause they hate losing. I don't block them until they threaten my life. Which they haven't.
A question and a request: question: is there an efficient way to browse only recent polls?
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
America's votes are private for a reason. The only poll that counts is election day.
Enough said!
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
One with an abundance. The other a vacuum.
Looks like introversion is "a thing".
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
There is security in hiding.
Ok your turn
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Stormy Daniels
A very clever limerick by Lindsey Horner:
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Check them for fleas, please.
New Cadbury commercial features a gay couple intimately “sharing” a cream egg / LGBTQ Nation
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
E Harmony would not include gays on their site, but agreed to a separate but equal site. I just saw an E Harmony with 2 women. Progress is slow but steady. And you blink & Marriage Equality is a reality thanks to Biden speaking out, in part. The Euros are ahead of us & now we have to make up for 4 lost years.
Cat missing since spring flood in Michigan finds its way home 8 months later -
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
A micro chip brought a beloved back to me as well. Isn't the government micro chipping all new borns? Alex Jones told me so.
Tell me something Dirty.
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Insurrectionist ‘Zip-Tie Guy’ identified as retired Air Force lieutenant colonel ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
Hunting for Pence & Pelosi. Chilling. I am shaken. This is why I no longer go where any crowds congregate. No music festivals, no sports, no food festivals. I am in hiding as I am retired from warrior princessing. It belongs to the young to wrestle democracy back from the brink. I am making an appointment with my shrink. Oh wait. She has the virus. EEeeckckck.
I have to retract a previous statement I said twice on here.
Mooolah comments on Jan 10, 2021:
"Money" is not part of the Judaic's religion. "Money" is part of their culture & history as the Judaic's were only permitted certain occupations in Poland when the great diaspora fled from Castille or now Spain, & were welcomed by the Polish king who forced them into money lending, tax collection, interest charging. The Judaic's were well educated & the peasantry were illiterate. Therefore the Judaic's were said to me miserly, cheats, & corrupt. Manipulation is an old trick on the compromised foolish mind. Research how Poland & eastern Europe came to be the largest population of Judaic's in Europe. Your observation is reflected by the history these folks were forced into & then vilified for it. The result resonates to this day in bigotry, & in banking.
Country singer Darius Rucker. Mmmm mmmm mmmm
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
@UrsiMajor Hootie & the Blowfish. Darius has gone solo country.
Recent meme spotted on FB says: Mexico has now decided THEY will build a wall.
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
I am building a wall around my house.
So funny! 😂
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Lots of us love what you posted. Brilliant.
Meanwhile at the Capitol...
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
Mimicking Antifa dress, what ever that is, was mentioned. Confuse everyone. Putin is dancing a jig. How successful Vlad is. A brilliant schemer among schemers. He couldn't have planted a better stooge.
Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be tRumpers! Dozer Words for the Day! Have a good ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
I think I am in love.
Just curious.
Mooolah comments on Jan 9, 2021:
The Speaker of the House met with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as reported by the REAL news media. They will go to Pence before President UNHINGED. That is my feeling. But then feelings are not some inside info that I have. On 9/11 the air force was headed out over the Atlantic seeking Russian incoming. The threat is within as well. Putin is dancing with glee.
Why shaman really bellowed
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Deranged. Rabies perhaps?
So the oversize spoiled little brat will not be attending Biden's inauguration, I wonder if his ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Officer beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. The mob wanted Pence as well. Hang him" was the cry. It is surreal
New trophy for Nancy's office.
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Bibles and Bullshit do not stop Bullets.
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Bible & bullshit is redundant. =0}
McConnell is as good as gone! HURRAY! How many of you think this will make a major change in ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Biden still is of the opinion that cannabis is a "gateway drug". 450,000+ die from tobacco use annually & soon covid, so perhaps VP Harris will fire up a blunt in eight years after their terms have concluded. He wrote the bill that became our drug policy. It is euphimistically referred to as Criminal Justice Reform". Fancy name for amnesty for non violent cannabis users FEDERALLY.. President James Carter did it with draft opponents after an illegal war. Biden needs to fess up & repair some of the damage our great drug war did to generations. Especially to those of color. They are all in prison for cannabis possession, decimating generations. States Rights is good on this but Federal relief is better. McConnell & Lindsey must go. Too late for tune changing.
When Rittenhouse murdered the 2 protesters in Kenosha, I wrote a question here to have my cohorts ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Don't waste your time , attention or effort on CourtJester. He is one of "them". Those that can not reason. Unlike him, we know we are not in a "Court" where jesters hold sway. As in a MONARCHY.
Now what?
Mooolah comments on Jan 7, 2021:
@raymetcalve There were police?
Now what?
Mooolah comments on Jan 7, 2021:
I'd like to know what you think Administration. Aren't these your people? This IS sedition.
Now what?
Mooolah comments on Jan 6, 2021:
I'd like to know what you think Administration. Aren't these your people? This IS sedition.
Now what?
Mooolah comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Tear gas PEACEFUL protesters so he can wave a bible. (Perhaps he might open it once in awhile. Oh right. He doesn't read.)Trash the Capitol Building, vandals, barbarians, visigoths & the police gently remove them. Because law enforcement were outnumbered. Or because the mob was Caucasoid? An assault on our Constitution. The internet spewing & they believe it all. Putin was right. Evil genius. Cretin Americans. 70,000,000 idiots. We are doomed. Atifa hasn't attacked the Capitol as I recall. Geeeezzzz. What is wrong with them?
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Sedition. This is fucking insane.
Mooolah comments on Jan 6, 2021:
25th now! TWENTY FIFTH NOW! 25th 25th 25th NOW!
Now what?
Mooolah comments on Jan 6, 2021:
The coup fails. The Generals are in their bunkers. Thanks. Putin=Q= Crump
Sedition! A coup attempt is occurring in the capitol.
Mooolah comments on Jan 6, 2021:
Shots fired. Barricades on the Senate floor. Blood spilled . Congress evacuated. Shelter in place .
The sacrifices great men have to make! :-D
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Wow. What a piece of ass Melomia married. All ass.
How come my nurses at the VA never look like this?...
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Because women are authentic. Men's fantasies are not. Why doesn't my mechanic look like Theo James? Rhetorical.
I'm both looking forward to not having to hear about Trump and wondering if I'm going to miss poking...
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Wow. What a classy 1st Lady.
Just finished bottling Blackcurrant, Rhubarb, and Gooseberry fruit wines.
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Impressive. Are we all invited to the party? Perhaps you plan to be inebriated until the sun is above the horizon again. You are a busy man.
Have you donated to Act Blue this year? Now is a good time.
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I sent a check to Stacy. My money is where my mouth is. My unfortunate country is split down the middle still. If we can't settle our differences by compromise within our elections we are then doomed to more tumult. How can "HIS" supporters not see. There is something wrong with them.
January 6th should bring some fresh drama
Mooolah comments on Jan 3, 2021:
Stop the COUP!
Hey, everybody! I thought I'd try something new here.
Mooolah comments on Jan 2, 2021:
@resserts Equality Now attempts to eliminate fgm,( to be sensitive). ACLU, Victims of Torture, Bat Conservation International, Pollinator Partnership, Defenders of Wildlife, World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, Orangutan Outreach, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Population Connection. You get the idea. Suggestions for my research?
Darwin, please work your magic! []
Mooolah comments on Jan 2, 2021:
How very naive I was to think I could reach them with reason. This might take 3 years before this particular strain of SARS runs out of herd to infect. I planned for isolation years ago & feared SARS transmission from wild bird to my chickens, then my chickens infecting me. Not a good scenario with my lung issues. That was under President Obama & effective leadership prevented an outbreak. Had we quarantined those fleeing Italy, Wuhan PRC & tracked what contacts we could, there might have been a chance. I am preparing for the long haul. 3 to 4 years of isolation. Easy peesy. Don't forget about all the other epidemics this America is suffering. Happy New Year y'all.
So tonight information was released about the suicide bomber who attacked Nashville on Christmas.
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
He is not a "LONE WOLF". I hate that. Wolves do not attack people. He is a solo actor/domestic terrorist. Pardon me. WAS a solo actor.
Kung Fu Masters in China Who Practice the Painful Looking Dying Tradition Known as 'Iron Crotch'
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
As a woman I can't relate.


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