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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Hey, everybody! I thought I'd try something new here.
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Since I was a child I wanted to pursue philanthropy. To do that I worked & invested & I am now giving it all away just as Warren Buffet. I do that now financially supporting nonprofit organizations that pursue the change I seek in the world.
What was Trump's greatest offense? Or, what other offense was worse...
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
his greatest offence is breathing.
To close out 2020, yesterday I was scrolling through useless news and ran across this gem of an ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Please tell me no democrat is going to use this to make him look like the fucking hypocrite he is?
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Trumpanzees can not even define socialism. They are a testament to the failure of our educational system which does not teach critical thinking. Did it ever? Is it supposed to? The Republicans won big this November last. They only lost the Executive branch. 10% of the voters saved us from another 4 years of incompetence.
Trump Works for the Dems? []
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
For the 1st time POTUS did something I support. Vetoing the defence bill & raising the stimulus to 2000$. His reasons are of course to punish & has nothing to do with altruism or support of the military. It is all bombast & retribution. 19 days remaining at this point.
This is a follow up to previous posts regarding the new site format.
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
I had the same complaint in mind, but I tend to complain too much. I had to block several groups & still receive the gigantic tits & ass.....unwanted . Thank you for not making me seem like such a nudge.
A sad warning for all elderly ailurophiles.
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
There is bacteria in animals bodily fluids that are dangerous to humans & bacteria that is not. As a child the doctors advised to permit the dogs to lick the wounds I had from an auto immune disease that manifested in my skin. The bacteria from a dogs mouth is generally not infectious with humans & is therefore not dangerous....GENERALLY. This may or may not be true. A cat's mouth has bacteria that is infectious to humans. I am still awaiting the science on this topic. But always disinfect an open wound is most certainly advisable.
I'm so mad right now! I just had to come in here to grab Suicide Hotline numbers for a Mom with ...
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Time for a different insurance & doctor. President Clinton singed into law that mental health be included in insurance coverage. He did so much for working folks that so many are unaware of. Scandal is all they remember. Hilary would have carried on the legacy. Instead we got Putin's boy.
My mother kindly regifted two bird books to me (that I gave her many years ago).
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Skia .........sasquatch yeti ?
The older I get I learn that my opinion appears to only cause division and strife.
Mooolah comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Tough times for sure. Finding purpose will help provide meaning in your life. A new hobby. Fulfilling what you always wanted to do but haven't done it yet. Even seek counseling can provide new insight as to ones perceptions. There is help & the stigma is just that. A stigma that no one has to be privy to. And you can vent here.
My sister practically worships her.
Mooolah comments on Dec 31, 2020:
How old is your sister. 13? Joking. Heeheehee.
My sister practically worships her.
Mooolah comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Lest we become "classist" as India & the Victorians, her class means zero. What her priorities are, what she does with bagging this bankrupt millionaire of debt is what matters to me. & what she has done to the legend of First Ladies is a smear. Her appearance is manufactured. Her beauty is shallow. Her poise is from modeling lingerie. Her only redeeming quality is that she wanted HIM to lose. She plays him like a bass cello. Hillary had CLASS in her concession speech. "Class" being a set of socially accepted responses. Malaria, Melomia helarious! =-0}
Thursday morning cuteness
Mooolah comments on Dec 31, 2020:
I move that the name of this site be changed to "Atheist.
Mooolah comments on Dec 31, 2020:
My father always said that an agnostic is a cowardly atheist. He was always very judgemental. One is not sure and for the other there is certainty. As I have no interaction with gods I know for me there is none. The unexplainable is just that.
It's Thursday Everyone! It's also New Year's Eve. How do you like to celebrate?
Mooolah comments on Dec 31, 2020:
Made my last minute donations to a few more of my non for profits. Will go to bed at 6PM as usual & wake up on another day at 4AM with the livestock. The only import of January 1st is fiscal. January 20th is when I will light up a blunt in celebration that we have a stoner as a Vice President.
Baby boom.
Mooolah comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Probably a male's invention
QAnon Trump Fans Claim Nashville Bombing Was a Chinese Missile Strike QAnon Trump supporters by...
Mooolah comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Why is it that men can straight up tell you they aren’t attracted to you.
Mooolah comments on Dec 29, 2020:
There is an "Ask Men Anything Group" here. Perhaps those guys might provide more insight.
Why is it that men can straight up tell you they aren’t attracted to you.
Mooolah comments on Dec 29, 2020:
Because testosterone demands it.
Trump's favorite newspaper gives up on him: "It's time to end this dark charade."
Mooolah comments on Dec 28, 2020:
Yes but POX SPEWS , same immigrant owner,, has not capitulated. Trumpanzees must not read.
Here is a fun Video of the scariest guy I knew as a 6 year old Rod Serling give it a look see ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 22, 2020:
The human smoke stack. Died of lung cancer. But cannabis is still illegal.
$600 is a lot of money, we can't have people wasting that money on ass wipe and oatmeal when ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Freddy Bartholomew Charles Dickens Little Lord Fauntleroy 1936 "Please, sir. May I have some more?" ( I told you I was 100 years old.)
And PROUD of it!
Mooolah comments on Dec 22, 2020:
And no shame in that. Being a fit that misses builds character. A square peg in a round world. 20 years ahead of time. Catch up please. (not catsup).
Turkey Facts
Mooolah comments on Dec 20, 2020:
This spring I went outside to inhale the fresh air. I noticed an unusually large animal in my 150 year old burr oaks. I went in to get the binoculars. By that time it was way up high near the crown of the tree but still on solid branches. Low & behold it was a wild turkey which were nearly extinct in Wisconsin years ago.. Small joys bind my life together. There is a flock that occasionally makes its way thru the encroachment of civilization.. They are safe on my measly 4 acres here. I could never eat an animal....except a meal worm.
Dog school.
Mooolah comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Shetland sheep dogs.
Not too long ago I had the opportunity to take a couple of pictures of a peacock's feather.
Mooolah comments on Dec 16, 2020:
As I understand it, there is no blue coloring in bird feathers. If you crush the feather, the blue hue is actually black & doesn't remain blue. Now try & explain that.
From the 1992 movie The Bodyguard, Whitney Houston singing I Will Always Love You. []
Mooolah comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Written by Dolly Parton. I hope one day to finally escape Whitney Houston's air raid siren voice. Loud does not a great voice make. She was a low life if you read her biography. Extreme bible banging mother ruined Ms. Houston's bisexual life by condemning her & forcing her into the arms of Bobby Brown who was " at least a man". The drug infused life spilled over into her daughter's , another tragic end. If you saw her reality show, she was a mess. It was watching her life implode.
I have often thought how could German people allow the atrocities of the Nazi regime, I found their ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 16, 2020:
The German people tolerated Nazi atrocities because they wanted order, elimination of the Nazi's kept it out of view, wanted a revocation of the Treaty of Versailles, believed Hitler's promise to "make Germany great again", prospered as long as one was aryan & obeyed the laws. The Nazi's kept the atrocities out of sight, sound, smell by massacring people in isolated areas away from Germany after the ghettos were emptied. Thus the shipments of human cargo were delivered by train to obscure towns in the east, where people were terrified into silence , fearing they too would become a target. Criminals were often in charge of relegating, & many enjoyed being brutal & torturing people. Serial killers legalized. What would you do? Your whole family could be hanged from lamp posts, left there to rot for days. Whole towns eliminated due to resistance. Walk a mile in a victims shoes. Or hundreds of miles on a death march where people were walked to death.
Fanny Francois
Mooolah comments on Dec 16, 2020:
How do I block crap like this?
I'm offended on behalf of the pig
Mooolah comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Swine are said to gave the smarts of a 3 year old human. Just another reason I do not eat them. They are smarter than POTUS & are far more hansom.
As Biden prepares to take over, media normalizes Republican obstruction |
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Not a big fan of mainstream media which are owned by corporations which are now considered "people". After how they treated comedian (tho raunchy), Howard Stern proves we do not have a free press. Even PBS has aboard that decides what we are permitted to see. Due to the internet what one is able to corroborate or not is becoming a major task of which few are up to. Including me so I believe half of what I see & none of what I read on the internet.
This year's try to save my gardenia.
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Why fight mother nature? Grow natives outdoors. To grow a gardenia, a most sensitive plant, one must mimic greenhouse conditions. Pot it up. Bring it indoors for the winter, to a sunny window, cover it with a vented plastic bag & keep it humid. Next year put the pot & all in the ground so it will be easier to bring indoors the following winter. I kept one alive until I forgot one year. I was in Wisconsin where we used to have winters. Good luck.
Happy Tuesday wonderful people! What is something new that you would like to try?
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I want to live in another country.
Happy Tuesday wonderful people! What is something new that you would like to try?
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Get a Eur-rail pass states side & travel all of Europe. Then there is the California Zephyr via Amtrac. After the virus is corralled I hope.
NEW PRO WEED HEALTH SECRETARY Xavier Becerra, who President-elect Joe Biden selected to serve as...
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I intend to see this herb of the gods unvilified at the federal level. Mitch & Linsey are the hold ups in the Senate. We have the House & the Vice President. Plus a repentant drug law author in the Executive Mansion...... SOOOON.
Male Latrodectus variolus, Northern Black Widow Blacksburg, VA []
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Inside a tarp while breaking camp in the 4 Corners, she had a yellow jacket in her clutches. Bigger than I had ever thought they were. High gloss black, shiny as patent leather. Safe inside a jar with her lunch, I moved her to a wood pile where I knew she would be happy. Just be aware.
A December Nasturtium blossom.
Mooolah comments on Dec 9, 2020:
All parts are edible.....of the plant. Beautiful as a garnish. The pods are likened to capers. Spicy.
The funniest thing I saw one time on pornhub.
Mooolah comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Obviously, their must be something more than just depression wrong with me if I am currently 49 ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Seek some professional help.
Dominion Votung was founded in 2003 in Toronto, Canada, not Venezuela.
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Our system has more holes than a slice of swiss cheese. The Donald shown a light thru them all. Our next generations must find plugs that will fit.
Happy birthday, Little Richard! Your music lives forever? []
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
He spoke to Howard Stern on his birthday via phone. Props.
I was watching Biden being interviewed, and he was asked, "Do you want to see Trump at your ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
It was the correct thing to say. Biden has to reach out his hand to the opposition if anything is to be accomplished in the next administration.
Neighbor just rang the doorbell. Sure am glad we have these alert watch-cats. 🙄
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Do any CT members agree with my sentiment that the long term and most profound effects of this ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
With what money? Should interest rates go up our trillions of $ debt will bankrupt us as The Donald is so good at. RayGun eliminated the funds Carter allocated for mainstreaming the mentally challenged, & left them hanging. They are hanging still, in camping tents along the railroads of today. Now joined by functionless Veterans that we purport to love so much. There are more epidemics in the USA than just the Covid. Obesity, homelessness, suicide,addiction, child abuse. It is the end of civilization as we know it. We are doomed as 1/2 of our voting citizens are out of their minds. Sorry, but you asked. Chin up?
Cats are weird. I love them so much.
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Cats always seem to find me. Zoot Suit appeared one day & chose me. I once had 16 in the garage thanks to the late mister let-'em-breed guy across the road. I spayed & neutered them all & kept them very happy tho my car had to be parked outside. Ah, the sacrifices we make for our beloved felines.
It's 1:00 AM here on the pacific coast, and I have had, one hour of sleep.
Mooolah comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Sleep when you are tired. Engage in a new covid adverse hobby. Read, write, some solitary pursuit. Nix the caffeine & sugar (carbs & alcohol are sugars). Learn meditation. Yoga. Research how to relax & get the sleep you are satisfied with.
I saw this photo on facebook this morning, and it brought up an interesting question: Perhaps the...
Mooolah comments on Dec 3, 2020:
That would require thought. Much too strenuous.
Oh, the horror this UPS driver endured - and what a great piece of writing!! UPS Dogs Black ...
Mooolah comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I feel your pain.
With Tanden Choice, Democrats Stick it to Sanders Voters
Mooolah comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Bernie has placed much of his agenda into the public discourse. I supported Bernie in the primary to bring his topics to the forefront. Not for one moment did I think Bernie could beat the Master of the Con. Raygun was the beginning of the dismatalization of the New Deal. Decemating unions, the union buster himself garnered the union vote. We are here to move our nation incrementally towards progress. The backlash was expected. What is in the water of 70 million citizens that the kool aid is relished? We are dying!!!! Lemmings!!!!
In memory of Harvey Milk...
Mooolah comments on Dec 1, 2020:
The perpetrator was acquitted with " the twinkie defence". They don't teach this in school. 2 heroes/martyred by murder. How far we have come. how far we have to go.
My male lover is mad at me for standing up to his sexist, racist beliefs.
Mooolah comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I had 2 near death experiences where I was screaming in the ER while being suffocated by an anaphylaxic episodes. It is not pretty to endure suffocation begging for ones life. I did & survived. I applaud your empathy. I applaud your courage. I would have to re evaluate . Remember to keep it on topic. Deflect is a tactic often employed when an answer evades them. Our police should not be suffocating a suspect as a vendetta, which it was. There was bad blood. Ps. Thank you ER doctors for saving my life. Twice.
My male lover is mad at me for standing up to his sexist, racist beliefs.
Mooolah comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Are you writing a novel?
Imagine if people knocked on your door to talk about science...
Mooolah comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Too boring. Requires me to think. Now the Housewives of Schitts Creek. That I understand
Mooolah comments on Nov 28, 2020: Birds birds birds!!!!
Group name/definition: "SapioSexuals - a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
If I ruled the world a pubescent girl is more able to refuse the demands of a gorney huy, if she is not horny herself. Give her a vibrator(but not in the bath tub) & tell her to have fun but plan your pregnancy.
Group name/definition: "SapioSexuals - a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
No stds, usually successful, relieves tension, provides for a good night's sleep, increases "feel good" brain drugs, no commitments, no irritating after play, no smoking, no exposure, no" not in the mood", always available, & its FREE & legal.
Should juveniles who commit some of the most heinous crimes from murder to rape be sentenced to life...
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I watched a documentary on this subject as it is fascinating tho grimm. According to the narrator, most of the children perpetrators went on to a life of complete normality, never repeating the unspeakable. So how do we tell the difference between this majority & those that will reoffend? By science. Not prayer. Study them as one would with the greatest regard to ethical consent. We could still be looking inside the head of our most heinous offenders & science might zap that part that fosters the compulsion to commit horrible deeds. Our definition of insanity does not include compulsions. Try resisting what you desire most. Please exclude adding to the bodies in the crawl space.
Trump is hilarious, like most believers, he must think that if faith cannot save him, denial will.
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
America first? No no no. It's The Donald first. Pay some taxes Amazon...& no more bankruptcies for you The Donald. BIDEN damage control please. 4 years of damage to undo. Respect the results you sore loser. How is it 70 million "Americans" can't see the complete template of the National SOCIALIST Party of the past century. PBS is running a documentary series on how it happened there. Must be fake or too complicated, or boring, or not enough time or history is slanted, or it is a hoax or I am i n a cult or......
Thanksgiving day blooms in my garden.
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Here in the used to be frozen tundra, I might just look for these hardy survivors Its only 30 degrees here. =0}
Trump Says He is Mentally Unable to Concede - But Will Leave WH When asked by reporters on ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Playing sports as children, one learns how not to be a sore loser. Fanaticism is not what one might aspire to if one wishes to progress. We must progress. Things can not always remain the same tho many of us would like it to. Good 'ole days? For whom? 'Ya gotta share power. We are a 51% nation. Divided we fall. Let us figure it out again. We are babies in the great context of history. 250 or so years? One civil war. When past civilizations surpass that by centuries. "Ya gotta just share the prosperity. Coal is over. Study & get a job on the wind turbines. The view is stupendous. Adapt. Oh Sorry. Creationism & Intelligent Design. Never mind.
Hello - I am trying to find new homes for my albums, most of which are 80s and 90s alternative music...
Mooolah comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Donate them & take a tax deduction. Sell 'em at a flea market.
Happy Tuesday! Which charity or charitable cause is your favourite to which to contribute?
Mooolah comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Defender's of Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, Orangutan Outreach, World Wildlife Fund, Xerces Society, ACLU
I hope he wins the Republican nomination in 2024 so he can lose Georgia again!
Mooolah comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Perhaps you meant lose Georgia 3 times. =0}
Is there any scenario where a guy would say "you can ask me out on a date?
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Ask him out on a date that won't break the bank & see how he handles the finance aspect. Lunch perhaps? Or a museum visit? Perhaps a concert open to the public free of charge.
Look at those kitties to brighten your day!
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Is that what you call 'em?
How did India become so prudish? I bet the British are to blame.
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
The Bollywood industry prohibits touching between males & females. The women can be seen on film in wet see thru saris,but no touchy touchy.
How did India become so prudish? I bet the British are to blame.
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Indeed. There is a movement among the youth to reclaim their liberal cultural attitudes relished prior to the Brits imposition of Victorian "family values". Part of the movement embraces the idea of a 3rd gender, what we might refer to as the "intersexed".
Melania dyed her hair blonde, put on 6 inch heeled boots and now up for decorating the fucking ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
You can't trick us Melania. We still know what you are.
Melania dyed her hair blonde, put on 6 inch heeled boots and now up for decorating the fucking ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
She must be trying to pass for white trash
Seriously? Can she really be this clueless? []
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
"Psychopath" involves violence. And my point is......
Olberman might be over the top, but it's nice to imagine some justice actually happening.
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
What Olberman said.
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
OMG! Believe half of what you see & none of what you hear, especially on the internet. "I've seen video." OMG!
Piss off one term bitch
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
As if that is a bad thing. Better to be pissed off than pissed on..........unless......
Tweety was well known for stiffing the venues where he held his rallies.
Mooolah comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I just saw on Fox News that the President was waiting until after the election to release the ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Pox Spews = a strong stomach. Newsmax isn't news or max except pomp.
In all fairness, just about every President comes out with a book.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
How to turn your allowance into 7 bankruptcies.
Ah, the afterglow.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Georgia will be counting a 3rd time. Soon he will be a 3 time loser.....but just in Ga. More to come.
In response to all the events that are happening lately Im re-posting a post of mine from a week and...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
When President Hoover fired guns upon US military veterans.
I also use ([]
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
PS Viva Estados Unidos de Mexico!
I also use ([]
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
If you are sick and tired of getting unsolicited scam calls, a tactic that I use is when I get an ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Screen ones calls, block them when multiple via ones service company.
Found Melania's Christmas tree pick...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
The French the French peculiar race. They fight with their feet, & the men wear lace. (I cleaned it up for the squeamish)
Have you ever started fixing an item and something else breaks?
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Computerized sewing? I am in awe. I repair by hand. Folks are amazed that I repair at all & do it by hand. American values. Throw it into the landfill for a missing button & purchase another one from a sweatshop in El Salvador.
For the last few weeks,  I've been feeling some kind of way.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Yay nurses!
Saturday morning cuteness
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Make sure the upholstery matches the cat's fur.
There seems to be a question floating around about whether President elect Joe Biden should ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
The Donald will still have a Twitter account of which so many are terrified. Sniveling, spineless traitors.
New find in Pompeii: []
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
The concern now in these excavations is exposure to the elements. The frescoes are fading due to exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. Vesuvius will blow again. I am privileged to have walked the streets in awe prior to the eruption.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Roses require vast amounts of effort to grow them in unfriendly environments. The UK, Newport Rhode Island, & western Oregon seem to have good growing conditions. I will add La. as well. Stunning photo. Props for converting to native habitat. So much of urban & suburban properties are an easy mono culture of the dreaded LAWN. The perfect green patch of shaved Kentucky bluegrass. Devoid of any support for wild things. Perhaps that is the point. The 1950's concept of dominating the natural world. DDT, straight canals, draining wetlands.....the LAWN.
I know this group is mainly about legalizing but it's fun to share other aspects including cooking ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Cannabis unleashed.
A good overview perhaps of anti-science/reason and its basic methods. [scientificamerican.]
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Denialists do not read Scientific American. Denialists often receive their history from movies. Many did not vote.....until President Ray Gun. I recall an incident when a conspiracy doc appeared for $14.99 on television. A co worker had it & distributed it "confirming" the Clinton's were operating an airfield upon which to deliver contraband into the USA. Prior to the internet, this was the manner in which these formentors of nonsense made money. Currently such dispensation is free wheeling on the net so enjoy the future whereby truth collides with fiction....& who decides? The bible or Scientific American. 'Ya can't question an absolutist so the bible wins as it has all the answers. & 'ya can't argue with something that has all the answers which science does not.
What Trump Showed Us About America
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Nice work Putin.
Stripped the blankets, comforter, and pillow cases off the guest room bed.
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
A day care center would be easier.
Geraldo Rivera wants to name the Covid-19 vaccine after Trump
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
I have been calling it the "Trump viru" for months. Not too original Herr Raldo.
Id really like to meet someone for an affair...
Mooolah comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Try Ashley Madison.
Have you guys seen this member's posts? Here's a good example.
Mooolah comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I have been blocked from this group for fomenting facts, truth & conspiracy denials. I consider myself fortunate. They were very close to having my head explode.
The million magas in DC were estimated to be between 15000 to 20000, the permit was for 10,000 ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Pathological liars. Why can't those 72,000,000 see it? It is a pathology. Cult-like. Just like arguing with a bible banger.
Brawling kangaroos face off in front of tavern []
Mooolah comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Booize + testosterone= violence. What is it with you guys? At least they took it outside. I love the audience in the background.
Lawrence: ‘Donald Trump’s Silence Is His Concession Speech’ [youtube.
Mooolah comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I think POTUS can't find the door without a lackey to show him , but he fired 'em all. I would volunteer but I am fearful I would kick him in his ass.
Crazy people are coming out of the woodwork.
Mooolah comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Looks like some in the Conservative Atheists group.
'Nobody is going to be hiring these people’: Trump staffers may find chilly reception at CNN and ...
Mooolah comments on Nov 12, 2020:
None of them are permitted on my television. Contamination 'ya know.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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