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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


New species of tardigrade discovered in a Japanese parking lot []
Mooolah comments on May 25, 2018:
Yikes. For a second I thought it was a picture of my X boyfriend.
My first two Monarch caterpillars hatched this morning. Caterpillar Season has commenced!
Mooolah comments on May 25, 2018:
I saw the 1st one of the season laying eggs on a common milkweed.
Mooolah comments on May 25, 2018:
HE won because people believed the polls, that Hillary would win & their votes were not going to be that important & so they stayed home. Kenosha County Wisconsin lost to HIM by 300 votes. Our people of African descent in Milwaukee did not come out for Hillary. They stayed home. We must get out the vote in November. Please help to do just that .
This morning's group for release.
Mooolah comments on May 25, 2018:
I want to learn how to do this. Direct me to a source, please.
What are the negative effects of cannabis use?
Mooolah comments on May 25, 2018:
The only negative is the illegalityy of it. The threat of prison time or a beheading is a very offputting negativee effect. You look awfully good for a 69 year old. Perhaps cannabis is an elixir of youth.
My attention span has officially given up on this site, y'all. I'm bored.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
What drives me crazy is when someone never seems to have time for me but when they have that rare ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Guilt is one emotion that serves no one. It is good you are aware of your tendency to choose or attract such folks. Perhaps you might focus on your well being & growth before choosing new friends.
According to Pew Research Center, 58% of conservatives believe higher education negatively affects ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Thus "HE" loves the poorly educated. They voted for the schmuck.
Since day one as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has made ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
I just read in Discover magazine how fetuses absorb toxins from their mothers, who were exposed as children. The lead in their bones is released as the fetus uses the calcium. As our citizens of African descent were more likely to be exposed to lead or other toxins, via poor neighborhoods, where lead paint or other poisons were/are rampent, the post natal child is more likely to have issues. Learning issues, behavioral issues. That a child of color should begin life with an extra handicap of brain development issues via environmental causation, is disturbing to say the least. Yah right. Dismantal the EPA. Bastards!!!!! =0{
I put this up on my Facebook page with NO commentary, to see what the reaction would be.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
5.6 metric tons. That alot of anything. =0}
How do people read the news without flipping out?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
You are not helpless. You are frustrated. Register. Vote. Write your Senator & House Representative, even your state elected officials. Join an organization such as the ACLU. Work on voter resistration. Go to rallies. Did I mention Vote?! November 6th is when we can hobble him by flipping both houses of Congress. Don't watch so much that you go crazy. We need you. Our country needs you. Patience. We will gget there.
Thought you all would appreciate this. I had it made bought it on Amazon.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Afew days ago I posted a comment that listed a number of items the republicans support that I was ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
You're fortunate. They usually begin by questioning ones patriotism.
Took my goats for a stroll along the canal bank on my property.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Why should I get a goat for my 4 acres?
Hey! I'm at 48 hours without a cigarette! I nearly blew it last night after having a drink I wanted...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Drink lots of water to flush the poison out of your system. Go for a run,swim, fast walk, dance etc. when the Siren song calls you. Occupy your mind. Don't let a drug addiction control you. You control you. Chew on something, gum, a straw. If it gets too bad, take one hit & put it out. Cannabis can help also, if it is legal where you are....or not. Good luck.
Well, I find this amusing, anyway.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
You're obsessed.
Jailing those who speak the truth.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Either are the Judaics
How would you put "fun" back into fun-eral?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
New Orleans jazz parade
This is where this comes from: They came for the Communists, Jews,trade unionists, Catholics and Me...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Occupationally, the National Socialists had more doctors as members than any other group. You are not taking my guns Trumpster.
Some new pics of my native Texas Clematis.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Nurture natives. Gardening made easy.
I made this video about my wonderful little English Cocker Spaniel Molly, she was very bright and ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
"Who so ever loveth me loveth my hound". Lord Byron
The biggest reason I will not vote Democrat Is because I will not give up my guns.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
It was Trump who SAID " Take the guns & deal with due process later". No one is coming for our guns except when there is a military coup & that is why we must retain them.
Why do we hate?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
All I have to do is lift my phone to feel better. Izzy, my 3 lb Yorkie rescue.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
I've learned how to accept that I am a beautiful young woman, and I don't listen to haters.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Beauty is shallow. Youth is fleeting. Unto thy own self be true.
What are your thoughts?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
I am not surprised Nevada being a Mormon state. I was requested to leave a dance club for dancing with the same gender. Gay bars were prohibited on the strip until the 1990's. Prostitution should bedecriminalized & regulated. Great tax incentives being opposed by the sanctimonious. Free Heidi Fleiss was my cry years ago. Pay your taxes Heidi.
What beliefs do you have that you know will never change?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
"Who so ever loveth me, loveth my hound". Lord Byron
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Yep. I'm very weird. And thank goodness. No photo = no pervs. I am not looking. Good luck if you are. I believe "he " is not out there for me.
How do you respond when someone says, "have a blessed day."?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Thanx. I need all the blessings I can get.
Friendlier site than most,interesting
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Just you wait. =0}
Good night all,it's my bedtime. By the way what time is yours?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Since I get up with the livestock it is dawn. As I am retired I hit the sack when ever it suits me.
I think life on earth has originates in deep space, maybe from this galaxy or another etc, in the ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
You're not the only one.
Hi there, I'm new here. Don't quite know what to expect.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Expect lots of entertainment & few dates.
Are you a member of MeetUp.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Ausralia has lots of toxic creatures. At least you don't have a toxic president such as we.
The Mueller probe has already issued indictments and there have been five guilty pleas.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Unless you are sentenced to death & a guilty plea will save your life. Confessions have proven to be false. So too guilty pleas. In the cases you are referring to the sentences & evidence are so extreme a guilty plea with a bargain is preferrable.
Sapiosexuals versus people who attract lower intelligence mates.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Curl like smoke, and breathe again Down your throat, inside your ribs Through your spine, and ...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
A better lyricist than voice, but absolutely gone too soon. When one has created children one should not hang ones self. His demise from mental illness hits so very close to home & reopens wounds long healed. So many in rock have taken such a course & it is painful....again.
Humans just 0.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
A virus with shoes. Bill Hicks
Do Men actually ask women on dates anymore?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
I asked. I paid. I used to go get what I wanted. Now it is better that I don't want anything.
Milwaukee Police Release Footage Of Cop Using Taser On Sterling Brown | HuffPost
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
The infraction was a double parked car blocking 2 handicap spots. The offender was told to move it. He resisted. All he had to do was MOVE THE FRICK'EN CAR. No! He's gonna defy the cop. The cop told him to "take his hands out of his pockets". He did not comply. Just do it. Milwaukee has more black folks arrested than any other city of its size. For what ever reason this is so. Do as the cop asks.
Is pee stored in the balls?
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
Your acting your age.
A suggestion. If you don’t like what a person is posting, just pass it by...
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
For evil to succeed all it takes is for good people to do nothing. If it is posted in a general site such as politics, or general & hellos, then there is much more latitude than if one posted in a narrow group. I recently learned a lesson by going into a conservative group & launching a diatribe. I realise now I should have posted it in a general group. This experience helped me grow & learn about etiquette. I won't be visiting that group anylonger as they are.....well....challenged, immediately questioning my patriotism which ofcourse means they had no arguement. So in their house I won't. But in a public house I will not permit regressive comments go unchallenged....unless they are ....well.....screwballs.
Need to Impeach: To whom it may concern: No one is above the law.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
If impeachment occurs we will then have Pence who might be worse as he is a bible banger extrordinaire & knows what he is doing. We need to hobble The Donald in the midterms & remove him in '20 as a repudiation of his entire administration.
Need to Impeach: To whom it may concern: No one is above the law.
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
If impeachment occurs we will then have Pence who might be worse as he is a bible banger extrordinaire & knows what he is doing. We need to hobble The Donald in the midterms & remove him in '20 as a repudiation of his entire administration.
Stop your excuses and GO VEGAN!
Mooolah comments on May 24, 2018:
For 40 years I have been near vegetarian. I say near because I am not a prostelytizer or an extremist. I will taste out of deferance to the chef. I do not choose animal products. I have my own hens for eggs. I have known people who chose vegetarianism for a minute & lectured others for not chosing likewise. Embarrassing & a turn off for those who eat carcasses. I do answer questions when asked, but leave others to their own coices. If folks want to eat a cadaver who am I to tell them otherwise. The grim reaper will reach them before any evangelising.
I've been doing some serious TVing.
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
To answer your question....delusion & propaganda POX NEWS attempt to sort thru it all
Hi I'm new here who wants to show me the ropes? Lol
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Go to "MEET" Click "GROUPS" Locate "KINKY LIFESTYLE". Lots of ropes over there. =0}
As promised, red glow from the lava lighting up the night sky as seen from my front porch.
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
I am watching it live on the computer on CNN. They have a live camera on it. Also Google Maps has great satalite views. I thing God is angry at the President. KIDDING!
This levels thing feels like Scientology
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Ignore the level thing & just enjoy a religion free zone.
I have recently become a vegetarian because I am trying to live a life that is more-pardon the ...
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Let's not go to extremes. Pets provide many benefits to us human animals. And we provide them with many benefits also. Being vegetarian does not require the absence of pets in ones life. Spay/neuter has worked over the years. We have more work to do. It is our resonsability to care for animals. Not eat them.
True or false: The president is above the law, and does not have to respond to subpoenas, or the ...
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
This is where a court may have to decide. When competing interpretations of our Constitution & laws creates a crisis. We are in for some rough times. Remember to vote in November.
I went car shopping with the Mrs yesterday.
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
This is why we go in & up front order a vehicle NOT on the lot. It is made to our specs & we don't negotiate. We tell them This is whst we want. This is what we will pay". That's it. Have you looked into Carvana?
Can you "green-thumbers" tell me my tomatoes won't fruit? In N. Florida
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
The leaves of tomato plant should look terrible so that all the strength goes to making seed via the flower & the fruit. If your tomato leaves look vibrant green & spectacular you won't set fruit very well. A traumatized tomato plant puts out lots of flowers as a survival mechanism.
Dave Grohl, of Nirvana and Foo Fighter's fame, speaks out against DJT (yet another musician-not ...
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Dave Grohl considered the nicest man in rock.
I believe my own introvert inclinations stem from having to listen to the fucking idiots who think ...
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
One of my spidey babies with a satellite snack
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
All wrapped up & in storage.
A few of the 7 milkweeds that are going to grow this year despite drought
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Ofcourse you can water them & mulch. But they are good handling drought.
Foul weather friends (l).
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Wash your hands. You know the bumps are glands with a bad flavor.
My first Hyalophora cecropia to emerge from caterpillars I raised last year!
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
I finally had a little time to look around the butterfly garden and collect some caterpillars and ...
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
I am learning. Keep informing. I cannot get enough. =0}
A better pic of my first cecropia moth of 2018. He's spectacular!
Mooolah comments on May 23, 2018:
Stunning. Nature gives us such beauty.
I have copied and attached this letter for members to see where a large amount of help is coming ...
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Yes. I posted the statistics when they were reported. The Mayor is on it.
Why, at 52 years old, I feel like I've never been truly loved?
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Because you don't have a dog.
God DAMN mosquitoes!!! That's it
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
God's disease dispencer.
Is anyone else loving the footage from Kilauea?
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Never gets old. Our living planet. One had better respect Mother Nature.
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
So sweet.
Took these yesterday after all the rain subsided.
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Wash your hands
How would you regulate this and enforce it?
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
If we have to fight a coup d'etat we will need lots of these. When the government comes for you & your guns we will need lots of plumbing parts looking very benign.
Does this mean there's something wrong with me?
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Normal is statistical. We are all normal & abnormal. One grieves in their own manner. Feeling relief that ones loved one is no longer in pain is not aberrant. Not wrong. One feels what one feels. Feelings are not a choice. How one acts upon feelings is a choice. Don't be hard on yourself.
How do you handle being gawked at by either complete strangers or just people you could know?
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
If one dresses as if its halloween one should expect that response. If one has a disability or an aberant appearence, that is human nature to unconsciously evaluate something out of the norm.
Don’t applaud Pope Francis’s stance on homosexuality – it’s still in line with Catholic ...
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Lest someone murder him as well, incremental steps forward are still steps forward. Just this minor acknowledgement can influence the 12th century thinking of millions of Catholics in Spanish speaking countries.
Have a most motivated and enlightened educational week! Have fun too! Love everyone! Peace and Joy ...
Mooolah comments on May 22, 2018:
Awfully thoughtful of you. =0}
How many of you atheist are pro-life? Just curious
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
The governor of Iowa just signed into law restricting termination when a heart beat can be detected. So many women will not know they are pregnant when the miniscule ticker begins. The anti choice movement is often pro death when it comes to capitol punishment when we could be studying these criminals while incarcerated for life.
In my head, this group is like the open-air lounge of a major spaceport.
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
Minnesota is fairly progressive state and this billboard went up a few years back.
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
Yes Minnisota is progressive but please vote & don't believe the polls. He won by a very small % in 2016.
[] I would like one of these
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
Spectacular! In Mexico the folks tie a thread around colorful beetles & wear them as living broaches. The children do the same but permit the beetle to fly on a long string.
Hi! I have never wanted to have children and was lucky enough to marry my husband who also isn't ...
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
Childless by choice. Not qualified to parent. Almost 8 billion "virus' with shoes" trampling the planet. The last thing we need is more.
This was my Rosemary I had, love just going out there and cutting a piece off and cooking with it.
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
"Pave paradise & put in a parking lot."
The amazing two-headed cat!
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
And they say cats are solitary.
Hi! I am new & this is my 1st post.
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
That's it. I am a non shy introvert never understanding my social anxiety. Thank you for the link & welcome. It is after a social event that my mind begins running thru evey minor detail that I might have stumbled. So I avoid those social situations. Just going to the grocery store is examined profusely. I will go but if I can delegate to someone else, I do so.
Will anyone reach level 10?
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
If anyone cares or does, it will be phxbillcee. He lives here.
So where stand on the subject of tickling?
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
See the documentary. That is an order.
I have a question for the women on this site.
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
First work on your sentence structure. You will have to do a lot of writing." Do any women in science have experiences to share?" Yes. It will be much easier for you than it was for us.
Any experiences with Chantix?
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
It is all brain chemistry & everyone reacts in their own way. I have never been so addicted to anything that I could not just put it down or wean myself off of gradually. I empathize for those that have this propensity. Yes I had cravings but as a child I taught myself that if I want something so terribly that it consumed me, I would discipline myself to avoid it until I was free from the yearning. I can resist temptation with such ease & put down the tobacco in an instant. I will not permit anything to control me. Especially something so damaging as an addiction.
Dogs...cats....other. What is your favorite pet and do you have a photo?
Mooolah comments on May 21, 2018:
Guinea pig. They're not just for eating anymore. One thinks they are just rodents, but videos prove they are trainable & delightful creatures which contribute to great compost. I think of dogs & cats as more of family members. Pets don't live as long so the bond is terminated sooner. This is a personal definition.
Men, is it more attractive for a woman to be a settled home body (housewife type ) or someone who is...
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
I find most men try to impress me & they don't. They are very attracted to me until they realize I know more, can do more, have done more. That is not to say everything. But generally speaking. If he likes to cook for me that is a good thing. I will purchase dinner, but I won't prepare it. I'll mix the drinks. Then after he realizes he can't compete the resentment creeps in. I don't have time anymore for such nonsense.
Men, is it more attractive for a woman to be a settled home body (housewife type ) or someone who is...
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
Men try to impress me. They usually do not. They resent that I know more, have done more, can do more, am better at. It attracts them until they begin to resent my abilities. Then it becomes a problem. Now a man who can food prepare is good as I dislike that occupation. I'll buy a dinner. But prepare it has specters for me. I find most men want a mommy. I am not indicting all men. Just from my life's view, this is how it has manifest.
What females on here ride their own Bike or love to ride backseat ?
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
I know too many folks who were killed on a bike. There is just no protection from the careless. The spouse made me promise not to get one unless I am away from the urban mayhem. I envy that females cuteness. I V
How Many of Us Are into Self-Sufficient Lifestyles
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
I have 4 acres here in southern Wisconsin. 1/2 acre is for me, the house & the livestock. Dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs & a parrot. The rest of the property is being restored. The micro ecosystem has oak savannah where I am restoring woodland flowers by removing invasive species such as euro buckthorn & garlic mustard. 2 acres of prairie restoration. A wetland area with a pond on the Des Plaines river water shed. The property is mainly for the wildlife & a rest stop for migrating birds, a priority. I live to aid them in their passage. 5 years ago I bought 35 acres of pinion & Gambel's oak, with a heart stopping view of Mesa Verde. I live there off the grid in the summer, removing invasives there as well. This too is reserved for the wildlife.
The wedding?
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
It is a historical spectacle. Body art via fashion plus tradition. A celebration of love, this time, with social progress overtones. It is not a football game where chronic traumatic encephalopathy is encouraged. For goodness sake can't we have some respite from our frightful royalty the Kardashians? Cringe.
What are the things that make each of you, man or woman, aware that someone is coming on to you.
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
Commitment to say yes. Assuming you mean copulation. One night stands are no longer in my repertoire. As a born again virgin, I would have to say that no sex before monogamy. I would have to have a mutual discussion on many parameters prior to any hanky panky. Presumably that would occur over months of courtship. Perhaps one day after rigorous vetting I might acquiesce & permit him to hold my hand. But then being of a certain age I have no need for frivolity. I am partial to substance & integrity. Others may hold different credentials.
What are the things that make each of you, man or woman, aware that someone is coming on to you.
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
He is coming on to me if he gets too close. Holds eye contact too long. And don't touch me. Coming on to you? Flips her hair. Eye contact for a too long duration. Giggles. Turns toward you. Smiles then looks away. Bends over and shakes her ass. Jumps on you & begins the horizontal mambo.
Women of all ages.
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
I am sure this extends from life in the boys locker room. There are growers & showers. A woman's vag with time adjusts to her long term partner. The G spot is an interior extension of her clitoris. Whether or not the appropriate areas are stimulated has a lot to do with the mind & not necessarily the physical parts. Many women do not achieve orgasm by penetration so size does not matter to them. It is the porn industry that makes a point of focusing on size as it is easier to film. Such a non issue for most of us.
Folgers is full of crap. The best part of waking up is being able to roll over and go back to sleep.
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
At least there are no granules of ground coffee in the last drop
Are there people here, on THIS site, who are offended by certain words in the language?
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
It is the unnecessary over use. All offensive dialogue & words should serve to advance a concept or narrative but too often in America's shock & awe culture does not. I lament the loss of thoughtful prose especially from our previous President. The current Commander in Chief is a perfect example of an imperfect ability to grasp, dispense, & condense complicated issues. The over use & unnecessary use of expletives was a manner of rebellion during my boomer years growing up. It now has become ubiquitous & the shock value is diminished. Of course a living language is fluid. I suppose it is just the evolution of English & the diversity of our culture. Swear on. Offend onward. But lest it lose its impact, for good or ill,use it selectively.
I've dealt with angry drunks, not a good thing.
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
Cannabis is a peaceful option to the violence of alcohol. An option to kicking the most addictive drug known & its legal....tobacco
American Pot: 5 Best Strains of 2017 From a CBD-heavy hybrid to the best kind of weed for a party ...
Mooolah comments on May 20, 2018:
Thanks for all the information. Let my people grow.
How do you define "incredible" sex?
Mooolah comments on May 19, 2018:
Pheromones, hormones, experience, preferences, trust, communication, all make for great experiences. Personally I wish all girls would receive vibrators for a birthday present at the age of entering puberty. They then can learn about their bodies. Have sex safely without fear of pregnancy or stds. Are more able to resist the advances of the overly testosterone surges of the male sex. It is easier to resist when one is not horny, to put it bluntly.
Take note all ye who scoff at romance & complain you can't get laid.
Mooolah comments on May 19, 2018:
@ Ellalynemouth Actually they picked flowers together. Animals? He is a conservationist where hunting has a place. But I hope this will change with her influence on taming the wood nymph Virgo.
Anyone ever have a 3some
Mooolah comments on May 19, 2018:
Youth is a time in which to try stuff. What a mistake that was.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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