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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


Another one for Easter!!1 Why does Jesus hate M&M's?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Seems about right.
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
"How do we know if it's Trumps penis on the disc in the photo? It is in Hannity's mouth." Bill Maher
So does anything other than missionary position qualify as kink? I have beautiful feet.
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I refute the Marquis!
What WON'T you do?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I won't eat anything that has a mother, a face, bleeds, has awareness or is cloned.....Unless I am the Donner Party.
Random but, does anyone watch “The Vet Life” on Animal Planet?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yes indeed. A good show for the entire family.
I tend to be extremely insular on just about everything simply because I don't want to have to deal ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
You are new to the site so I would like to welcome you. I hope you will find the site to your liking as it is extremely ecclectic. The one thread connecting us here is atheism. Check out the groups for community. The site is really picking up speed.
I am an atheist and were going to church tomorrow with the family! If you were in my shoes, would ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
As an atheist I have gone to many religious gatherings of different observers. This doesn't mean I have to drink the kool aid. Anthropologists observe religious practices. Why not you. Participation is not required. Go unless you are so uncomfortable that your skin gets up and crawls away. Blessings. =0}
I worry about our country, what we really are, and not what some demeted sewr pig is taking our ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I would only take issue with the $$$$$ "he has". He has declared bankrupcy 6 times which the Democruds did not seize upon. He has no money in my opinion & all of his glitz & gold is via massive amounts of debt. This may be proven to be owed to Putin & thugs who have amassed so much capital that they need to hide it via purchases of real estate in the US. Laundering of Russian rubles via USA properties.
Hope everyone gets a chance to watch this. I learned a few things. []
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Believe half of what you see, & none of what you hear
Zoe keeps testing the law of gravity.
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Cats love height. My cats all have access to height & they respect my boundaries of which the table, the counter, the stove are off limits. At least when I am home. Who the hell knows what goes on in my absence. Zoe. Learn some manners.
Why would god create flies?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
It is the mosquito that is the dispencer of disease, not the house fly. The house fly has garnered my respect in that it disposes of decaying matter that would otherwise be fetid with odor & disease. The maggot is used medically to clean unhealing wounds as it devours decaying, gangrenous flesh. Science has proven that the common house fly is not the deliverer of pestilence. Fleas, ticks, certain flies( tsetse fly, sand fly) & especially mosquitos carry disease.
What caused you to question god
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I questioned Santa Claus at 6 years. It went on from there.
What do we all have in common as humans?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
An opinion & an anal orafice
Quite a few of the radical gun control people are calling for a repeal of the 2nd amendment but it ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
If we can not control the mentally unstable's access to fire arms, we will continue to see mass killings. Even criminals do not engage in such behavior with any degree of frequency. It seems to always be the deranged. Must we look inside the brain with a fMRI before purchase is approved? How can we possibly predict who will misuse guns? This has been on going since the sheriff insisted on the relinquishing of armaments, upon entering the town.
I think we need to start a new holiday for us non-believers.
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Festivous for the Restivous!
See me. Hear me. Touch me. Feel me.
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Felix usually brings me creatures alive. Snakes, chipmonks, deer mice. I have yet to be gifted a bird.
Quick question, is it relatively safe to travel around rural parts of the USA?
Mooolah comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The USA is safe if you are the correct color, gender, wearing the correct attire. If you are a body modification freak, bigots will harass you or not depending if they are alone or with a bunch of narrow minded thugs. If you are a guy & you are dressed like Ru Paul & walk into an ammo shop you will get some comments. If you wear a turban you might get beat up by Nazis. So be a Euro in jeans with a baseball hat & you won't have any trouble. Rural = less men = less trouble. Any where men shall tread is where trouble can occur. Its the men mostly.
Who are your science heroes?
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Rachel Carlson Mother of the ecology movement. Sounded the alarm
Pleasures and vices?
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Does culture ever bore you?
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Spotify The choices are endless & the obscure, up & coming & odd choices are what captivate me. When they go public I might invest some $. Beats SiriusXM. Even better than Deep Tracks
I heard this today; made me chuckle.
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
On to the library!!!
Name the two musical performers and/or bands which you find the most innovative.
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
2Cellos David Bowie Innovative squared!
I'm putting this info about me out to you, the Conservative Atheists, because I think I belong here.
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
1) Gun Control: Unless the 2nd amendment is amended, we have no solution to our murderous legacy 2) Abortion: 1st trimester only 3) Death Penalty: No. The State should not be killing people. We should be studying their brains & using their organs. 4)Torture: No. Information is unreliable obtained under duress. Ask John McCain. 5)Immigration: DACA stays. Innocent children. Parents may have to go if criminal records show activity. Working folks paying taxes. Not claiming refunds. Good work practices. 55,000 Irish illegals currently in the USA. 6) Eat prunes dried or fresh ie plums
What are people listening to these days?
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
For all the non-whites out there, a question: Does it bother you when people inquire about your ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
To answer your question, I enjoy when people ask because then I can educate them, debunk any steryotypes or confirm them. It is an opening to a conversation. A way of bonding & expanding our knowledge.
Your personal number
Mooolah comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I do not own a cell. It is basically a ham radio in disquise so it can be monitored sans warrent. I have a hard wire which is protected by our Constitution until a coup ensues. Then we are all SOL. I would not give my phone # out as I am too shy & I have had traumatic experiences with the telephone having worked for the Bell Telephone system as an operator as in "O". I would rather communicate via an extra layer of safety by vetting contacts via online. Too many "American Psycho" out there. Or do I watch too much "Investigation ID"?
Do You Have a Phobia?
Mooolah comments on Mar 30, 2018:
My relatives
Jehovah's Witness was canvassing the neighborhood yesterday.
Mooolah comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I point to the sign that says "god is not welcome here". Say thank you, good bye, & close the door.
Mooolah comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Ok. Explain this. Many media talking heads refer to someone as "mercurial". Mercury rules the Sun sign Gemini Gemini is ruled by Mercury, god of communication, commerce, messengers, thieves, tricksters. Mercury is the god of winged sandels & helmut permitting him to fly & carry messages swiftly. Who is this prominant Gemini?
Brag a little! What is the kindest thing you have done in the past week?
Mooolah comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I didn't plug in the vacuum cleaner while the spouse was working on the mechanics. =0}
'Outright Act of Terror' – White South Africans Protest Farm Murders, 74 Killed in 2017 So Far
Mooolah comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Well the UK, Australia, Canada do not have freedom of the press. Here in the great USA we have in our Constitution, the Bill of Rights of which the 1st Amendment guarantees a free & unimpeded press, the right of free speech. To my knowledge no other country gives such rights to their citizenry. An awfully liberal concept in 1776.
Here's a suggestion to all who can't find aceptance and wonder why.
Mooolah comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Self preservation is not selfish.
Heard something crazy the other day.
Mooolah comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Xanax is bad for some. Not for everyone. It relieves panic attacks or anxiety disorders, which is fight or flight or freeze without any reasone. It just happens. So generalize not & do not take the law into your own hands.
Do you accept or reject friend request on Facebook by people you don’t know?
Mooolah comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I do not friend anyone on FB. I use it to store sites I frequent.
A sad sight today - this beautiful buzzard, dead and tangled in a thorny tree.
Mooolah comments on Mar 26, 2018:
This is a hawk. Not a vulture. Not sure what kind of hawk tho.
Some of our hosts
Mooolah comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I keep hearing about "rape culture" which is defined as a society or environment whose prevailing ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Rape & get away with it is rape culture. Jamaica, Middle East, India. Relax & enjoy it? Not when in the hospital so much.
Did Prehistoric 'Astronomers' Build Stonehenge?... []
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
When I visited Stonehenge in 1972 one was permitted to walk within the henge. There was graffitti carved into the stone with dates from the 1800s. Currently tourists must remain on the outskirts. Times have changed. Again.
Are you turning off your lights for Earth Hour tonight from 8:30 to 9:30 your local time?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018: always dark at sunset till dawn
Just watched the best stand-up I've seen in years.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Stand up is my favorite. Raw + vunerability. One person in front of minions. Sasha Baron Cohen, Chris Rock, Rosanne Barr, Larry David. The great Catskills comedians of the past many who went on as writers director producers. Couldn't get work as Jews so were welcome in the Berkshires. Mel Brooks, Jackie Mason, Ernie Kovaks, Dick Cavett. Joan Rivers. Loved Joan on Howard Stern. I would watch the Comedy Channel but for the censorship. I don't get the jokes as they are too heavy handed.
In Las Vegas, some single agnostic folk meet at the Unitarian Universalist congregation; Sunday at...
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
So noted. Sin city. How appropriate.
This is Destructo.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Yay red cats!!!
Anti-Vax Mom: Death From Disease Part Of Divine Plan
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The step daughter of my mortgage mate is anti vaccine by virtue of pseudo science & the mercury scare. She moved her spawn from California which will require vaccination in 2018 public schools, to Arizona. Herd immunity has a place & protects most of those that are not immunized. They will not be able to travel outside of the country much. When I was in Israel I had to be vaccinated for cholera as Naples, Italy had an outbreak in 1972. The innoculator used the same needle on everyone there. I quickly said "FIRST" & my traveling companion said 2nd. Having seen the empty beaches in 1956 Chicago I know about the polio epidemic & its results which resonate today in latent polio syndrome. Personnally speaking give me & my pets all of the vaccines available. Rabies anyone?
Week 11/2018 in the Death with Dignity Movement
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
One of the few things Switzerland does right.
How to 'come out?'
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Let sleeping dogs lay. She will fret herself into an early grave regarding your soul. Unless there is an inquiry. Then the truth will set you free.
What are your pet peeve markers you look for on a first date?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Using the same one large seemingly intellectual word repeatedly. Such as cognative. I begin to count the times said word is used. Stress reducing ticks like nail biting, lip chewing, leg bouncing. Run some of that nervous energy off, take a shower & brush your teeth, then take a xanax. I don't much like when he keeps refreshing his lipstick. I am learning how to date from the show Millionaire Matchmaker with Patti Sanger. Learning to dress like a tart. I am small in stature so there is not much to go south.
So - what is the logical conclusion to "friends w/ benefits"?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Thank you for this question. The FWB concept is an enigma to me being a baby boomer. I would hope a friend would still be there when a mortal wound is encountered. Such as during the AIDS epidemic when women, especially gay women, stepped up to nurse those who were infirmed. It completely alterred the gender segregated gay population. currently gay women's bars are nolonger common as gay men embrace their sisters & the straight (cis-gendered) world accepts diversity in this country. So I am looking forward to see other explanations for the FWB phenom.
Beer or chocolate eggroles anyone?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Tsing tao beer tastes like bad champagne to me. Nice T shirt....I think. =0}
What is the issue with Communism? Why is it such a 'bad guy'?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Communalism ie communism is the economic system by which wealth should be controlled & redistributed by the state, by the government. A saying in the Soviet Union was "I pretend to work. They pretend to pay us." So in Cuba everyone who is not involved with the black market gets a check from the government. Because competition is twarted improvements & inovation become stagnant. Human nature defeatedthe concept of communism. We may be equal but we are not equivelent. Some occupations should be compensated more than others. Teachers more than movie actors. This then is the failing of capitalism which says that those that compete & win shall be compensated at the expense of those that can not or will not. Both are flawed & evolving.
Why English is so hard to learn -- A poem
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
English is not a Latin based language but more germanic in its roots. As it becomes the language of commerce & the internet, we will continue to see the absorbtion of other languages into this lexicon. A living language can be frustrating as well as something to rejoice. I am/do both.
What are the best TV series/shows you ever watched or are currently watching?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Seinfeld will remain the touch stone for me. Larry David is brilliant tho I can not stand to watch him shuffle around. The show always addressed edgy topics in a most obtuse manner. Also insignificant situations that effect us all. Elaine finds out Putty is a Jesus Freak. Laughing right this moment. Most shows that entertained me are so often cancelled. This is because I am the antithisis of mainstream interests. I do prefer knowlege to entertainment but I tend towards Canada & the BBC & of course PBS.
Democrats are Neo-liberal and not real liberals.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Well one might define "real liberal". The dictionary describes liberal as tolerant. Conservative as desiring little or no change. Both a little general but then as we decide who is or isn't are we spitting hairs. Corruption is a human trait. How do we address corruption other than law, government oversight & enforcement? Religion is one method of addressing human corruption tho it too is corrupt. How do we in corrupt ourselves or control it in others?
Just wanted to show people in the US how we in Australia have NO JUSTICE at all.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Australia is being touted here in the USA as an example for taking gun safety action & succeeding. Media bias? Interesting posts by you. Thank you.
Why are we hated for hating xmas?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
People want stuff. I love the idea of Xmas. The practice has declined into a ravenous orgy of commercial gluttony. The idea of giving is lost. I give to the propane delivery. He makes sure I am well stocked for the dark cold months. The mail carrier. Working outdoors all year has my respect & & show it. I give to 10 of my favorite 501C3 organizations. In the past I would shop all year in that when I saw something I know so and so would love, I would purchase & wrap it for the coming season. I so enjoyed the giving. Also the decorations on State Street in Chicago were relished by anyone who enjoyed the creative displays. Then Jayne Byrne malled (mauled) the street & the entired atmosphere changed. Plus I am sick of It's a Wonderful Life when the Gift of the Maji is so ignored. If I had children I would honor the tradition with much explanation. If I had family that observed perhaps I might relinquish my distain for the current culture of excess. But I do not so I will not. =0{
What do you do for a living?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Retired at 53 after working since 16. What I do now is what ever the weather or my health permits. This usually consists of outdoor activity. Mostly the pursuit of natural sounds unimpeded by human interaction.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Married at 53 so that my Nazi family wouldn't get my porfolio when a near death experience jumped me. I would never have married & really dislike having to say I am, cause it is open save for the finances. He is a house mate not the other kind of mate.
I have been working my ass off in my new job position as a poison manufacturer
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Are you taking out any ex Russian spies?
Have You Ever Been Molested As A Child?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Yikes! Molestation is more common than people realize as it is a taboo subject tho less so as in the past. It may be cathartic for you to express your experiences. Statistics can give us a glimpse into how common this is. 25% of girls, 15 % of boys have reported molestation. Now the question is how many have not reported, & how many have encountered more than one incident, & how many have encounter more than one incident by different perpetrators? I hope you are healing from the trauma. You are not alone. You are brave to discuss it. You are articulate & can help others to heal. As my father experienced the many rapists in liberated France after WW2 , by American GIs, he raised me to strike first if my instincts warrented self defence. I have had many incidents of attempted asssault & attempted molestation but have never hesitated to strike & thusly have always been the victor tho trauma does follow. From the school bus driver to a man sitting next to me in a dark movie theater. Walking to get groceries or one of mom's boyfriends. Being a mean girl has helped me remain victorious & reletively unscathed. Except now I have issues relating to men in general. Oh well. Life is suffering as the Buddists say.
Idiots abound.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I am a praying atheist since this administration was "elected".
Men and social isolation. THIS isn't healthy. []
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Science has proven that isolation is harmful, but also that when one includes animals in that equation, one does not exhibit the deliterious effects of not having human interaction. So get lots of animal companions if like me you have little tolerance for most or some or many humans.
Describe a time in your life when you thought: "something needs to change before I suffocate."
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
High school I knew I had to make it to graduation. 4 years of suffering. But what saved me is that by keeping my grades up I was able to take a course the last 2 years that permitted me to leave school at the half & go to work for credit. Although no veternarian would hire me, I did end up working for the telephone company as an operator. The minimum wage was $.75 an hour at that time & I was making &1.25 to start. Then there was paid vacation etc. But that too was suffocating so I baile in 1972 & went traveling to Israel, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland & England. Traveling is not suffocating at all. Just pick up & go.
Are you for tipping or anti- tipping syndrome?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Tipping was instituted in order for employers to avoid paying wages when emancipation of our slave citizens occurred. There are good & bad elements of this system. There is no requirement to tip so there is work sans monetary compensation. Then too it is cash so it can go unreported & thusly un taxed for good or naught. I am a big tipper, 20% & above, as I know what the receiver is up against. I believe in paying it forward & that generousity is its own reward.
It is my belief that slavery is alive, and more wide spread than any time in human history.
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The practice of tipping was instituted to elleviate employers from paying emancipated slaves. The bracero program with Mexico was instituted to compensate agricultural conglomerates from paying a descent wage for jobs Americans will not do. Then there is share cropping. Remnants of slavery in many ways is still with us. In North Africa & areas of Asia it is more common than you might believe beginning with child labor.
Mid Terms
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The Mid terms are generally ignored but not by me. It is a check on the administration currently in power & voting ONCE every 2 years is not too much to ask. I vote in every election but not always in the primaries. Voting is the voice we have along with contributions of time & money. I treside in the 1st district in Wisconsin where we are represented by the Speaker of the House currently. I hope to change this. Randy Bryce, a lifetime iron worker is running against a man who seems to be spineless against this bombasic President. Let us pray. =0}
Should prostitution be illegal?
Mooolah comments on Mar 25, 2018:
The government has no business interferring with our bodies. Regulation & states rights yes. But an outright ban has no place in a free society. What someone wishes to do with their body without harming others should be regulated for disease & violence prevention, regarding consenting adults with cognative abilities intact.
Has the Diversity Movement lost their way?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Without white guys we would not be diverse. It is just that white privledge has been in power for so long. It is difficult to recognise &/or give up & share power.
Can an atheist win public office in Tennessee? We'll find out Tuesday.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
7 states have statutes on the books prohibiting atheists from running for public office. Tennessee. The home of the Scopes trial. How appropriate.
Scientists Have Established a Link Between Brain Damage and Religious Fundamentalism | Alternet
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Wow. The pre frontal cortex is the brain matter just behind the forehead. It is an area that also regulates impulse control. Did Pence have a head injury?
Google Doodle Celebrates Mexican Astronomer Guillermo Haro... []
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Thank you. No wall!!!!
Cis, hetero men: how to have women fighting over you: 1.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Dance! Be descreet. Use simple motions & do not throw your arms into the air or grab your partner. Be suave. I love the commercial with the trujeo guy. Tubby, cuddly, cute mowing the lawn while rock'in. Simple on the beat steps. Don't try & be Barishnikov or Michael Jackson.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
It is the areola that is the sin. The entire breast can be exposed with the exception of the areola. Same with the buttocks. The crack is the sin not the glutinous maximus. Go figure.
The Mayor’s annual salary is $24,000, and Council members’ annual salary is $12,000.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Government employment is referred to as "public service" because one doesn't make the kind of money one would if employed in the private sector. All of these Republicans seeking to retire before the midterms will go on to make millions representing corporate law or writing books.
Craigslist just removed ALL personal ads!!!
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
You are correct. Congress addressing sex trafficing. Sad. I used to enjoy reading some of the posts. There were a few that had some real thought put into the post. Not just the usual smut. Oh well. I guess I will have to go back to Grinder. Joking!!! =0}
Does My Dog Miss Me When I'm Gone? Or Do They Forget About Me?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Dogs are pack animals. They hate being alone & will develop abarent behavior is isolated muchly. ie the chained backyard dog that barks inscesantly. "Please don't leave me" those eyes are saying. Revel.
Oh, and pandas aren't always that friendly..
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
At least the highrises are not in the pastel colors of the North Korean model. They are remeniscent of the old Soviet block apartments with alittle more design. The whole world will tremble when the dragon awakes.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I have been both a night person & a day person. Different cultures for sure. Currently I permit the light cycle of the Sun to determine my wake sleep routine. I have been blessed with opportunities to pursue a variety of occupations. I am reaping what I sowed here on the positive side of retirement. I come or go depending on my mood, & the weather.
Curiosity rover: 2,000 days on Mars What a awesome accomplishment.... []
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I remember searching the dark rural sky for Echo 1. We have come so far since that 1950's night. So much advancement has come from NASA but has not been acknowledged. Medical treatments, products, chemicals. My concern is the militarization of space & the plethora of space junk threatening our missions. Paint flecks to lasers.
How are you handling your Facebook page?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I don't friend any one. I use it as a place to store information on topics or items. I do not visit advertisement or links via FB. So I am buying the stock on the dips. If people are so naive so as to have faith in corporations then we are doomed.
After all the pics of tits, boobies, cocks, and asses I realized I hadn't posted a good dik-dik pic.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Tit mouse. Not mouse tit.
Name one thing you should never do naked.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Take the mail from the mail carrier. No! I am serious!
Read this poem if you are NOT a Racist, an Islamophobe, a Bigot or a Colonizer.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Got a better idea?
Would the military disobey Trump if he decides to start a nuclear war on North Korea?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
The Patriot Act along with the NSA gave the President power to virtually suspend the Constitution by declaring the potential for a terrorist attack. The concept of Congressional control & oversight by our Judicial system can now be suspended by merely raising the spector of terrorism. It was a nice concept but democracy is on the run & I may have to bug out.
A serious event occurs that wipes out the power grid.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
How does one keep water clean & fresh? Keep it out of the sun & sealed? Check. Anything else?
A serious event occurs that wipes out the power grid.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
What is a cell phone? =0}
I know it's an invasive, but it's still a beautiful bird.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
They are far more aggressive than our native swans & are used to keep the Canadian geese off of "lawns". We humans alter the habitat & then complain when wildlife adjusts to it.
I created this group because I notice many similarities between believers, liberals, and ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
As a liberal Libertarian I am a fiscal conservative & social liberal. Conservative means to keep things as they are. Liberal is defined as "tolerant". Bill Clinton left us with a surplus as a creditor nation. He was the last to do so.That is conservative fiscally. Conservative in keeping the wilderness/environment pristine. Liberal in celebrating diversity. Keep your god & government off & out of our bodies.Yay immigrants! Cuisine, music, fashion, refreshing the DNA, science, & entrepreneurial. A liberal Libertarian seems to be an oxymoron for some but I am one. Government is necessary for some infrastructure. Water, air, roadways. The question is where are the lines? They are fluid as we advance as a species beyond war & pillage.
I am somewhere left of Marx and Leinien in my politics.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
No wall. Disruptive to migrating wildlife. The border patrol does not want it. The financing is stratospheric. Walls are temporary. The current President is impulsive. DACA remains if we have to hide those kids like run away slaves, or Jews, or ex Russian spies.
Heard something crazy the other day.
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Remember not to do something that would be irrational & immature. If you have to go to Disneyland you will not be there for your brother. & you need to be guiding him thru these coming of age years. Good luck. I lost mine to a head on with a tree.
This is for the WOMEN. Have you ever asked a MAN out?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
A long time ago I invited a guy to the ballet. We both fell asleep. Embarassing. But funny in hindsight.
Has anyone ever had an encounter with a celebrity?
Mooolah comments on Mar 24, 2018:
At a nightclub I once worked at, The Ivanhoe, I met several muscicians. But Tom Waites was quite memorable as his curtain call had gone out & he was no where to be found. The scramble began, & then we got the call. He had been arrested as a vagrant outside the theatre.
Thinking attending the atheist convention in Oklahoma City on the way home from Alaska.
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Click on the MEET icon & then on the EVENT icon. There you will find all that are attending.
Has anyone ever had an encounter with a celebrity?
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
As a mail carrier I delivered an Express Mail to Marlo Thomas. She was polite but abrupt. Also Donald Rumsfeld. I wished I had kicked him in the leg. =0}
Interviews are stressful, what are some of the best (worst?
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Have you ever been arrested? Yeah. I am a convicted hitchhiker.
Please discuss
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I have posted the information for our first movie night. What movie should we watch?
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Catch 22
I've got this one Allman Brothers song in my head, tonight...
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Duane or Dicky?
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Tho not polyamorous I am in an open marriage. This means a mutually agreed upon uncoupling of emotional & sexual connection, leaving economic & financial arrangements in tacked. Others have different arragements. I do have a friend in a 20 year polyamourous arrangement. It works for them.
I tawt I taw a putty tat!
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Zoot Suit & Pachuco have white bibs also.
An 'adult' lifetime, to date, spent contemplating many highly and emotionally disputed issues has ...
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
When does the life energy ie "soul" occupy the container ie the body? Where once it was believed that tiny microscopic fully formed babies, were in the ejaculate. The Japanese count the 9 month human gestation in how thay calcuklate age. For me, a zygote, an embryo, a 30-50 day fetus is not a conscious entity. Our body & our mind is our most private of realms. Lest the government dictate forced term pregnancy we must protect Roe vs Wade tho it will be amended in the future as science outpaces law. Late term, as in post womb viability, will have to adjust accordingly. It is a difficult dilema with no one correct answer. As a nation which values individualality, we must respect a compromise. Renegotiating Roe v Wade will happen as states rights take the fore. Just as the government can not force a Jehova's Witness a transfusion, we can not force a term pregnancy in the early stages of cellulat devision.
Would you try to overcome a categorical refusal?
Mooolah comments on Mar 23, 2018:
In the past I would have should the phermones be that strong. Now as an elder I am wisened to the world ways. Phermones shmermones. I would pursue the zealot for reasons other than a traditional relationship. The zealot & the atheist might have whole universes of commonality other than a long term, monogomous, sexual relationship. There is a plethora of motives & raisone d' etre. Posterity is discovering this as we celebrate diversity & flexability. Conservatives wish to keep things as they are. Progressives see things that are not & seek remediation.


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