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Moral Code?? []
Moravian comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Do we have free will ? Will be argued till the cows come home. Sins ?. No such things. Purely a religious invention.
Took me a minute.
Moravian comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Louis xiv ?
Shocking news for some ...[]
Moravian comments on Jun 13, 2020:
And everything written in books is true ?
5 ways christians ignore Jesus []
Moravian comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Like the last one. Atheists are better Christians than Christians.
This dude is so insane! He looks like a mummified pedophile or like a lizard is going to burst out ...
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
The last time I saw movement like that was on the disco floor in the 70's but I think the movers were filled with something other than the spirit of the lord.
A Catholic Priest, An Episcopalian Minister and Evangelist Minister are sitting, drinking a very ...
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Don't get it
I've heard a lot over the years about how religious moderates aren't hurting anyone and that they ...
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Good point. I would liken it to a pyramid with the religious moderates at the base gradually changing to the dangerous extremists at the top. Without the base the extremists would have no support.
Am I the only one? ....[]
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Nope. you have Karen for company
What is everyone doing for riding while COVID is going on?
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
I am lucky . I have direct access to miles of forest tracks which I use on a daily basis.
Build Me Up Buttercup · The Foundations []
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Rock/pop ?
Why Do Liberals Think All Trump Supporters Are Stupid?
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
That's quite a list
Steep hike today with an 80 year-old. It was nice not being the slowest.
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Your downhill descent sounds a bit like a fun pastime I remember enjoying in the hills in the Lake District in NW England called scree running. Running fast downhill on loose shale totally out of control. A good descent was to get to the bottom without a broken ankle.
Call me a wishful thinker but with all the Covidiots out there I was hoping we were closer to 50% ...
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
And yet countries like New Zealand appear to have eradicated the disease, for the time being anyway,
Appearances are deceiving ...[]
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
You should post that on the gun lovers group. Orgasms all round.
Your groaner for the day...
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
What's a roomba ?
Does this disturb you?[]
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Another annoying one is " with all due respect but -- "
The Holy Grail does seem more appropriate; he did loves him his cup o' wine.
Moravian comments on Jun 11, 2020:
The cross had been a symbol used long before Christianity but certainly a little cup hanging on a chain would be more useful
Does Trump wear a mask? []
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2020:
He took a long time to say what is well known. Wearing a mask is for the benefit of others not the wearer.
Interesting chart:
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2020:
March 9th !!. It had hardly even started by then, There were 179 deaths yesterday in the UK alone even after three months of lockdown. You will have to try harder to push your pathetic propaganda.
And when it finally goes off, it's a damp squib.
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I think the word is "dormant"
an example of 'high' math ...[]
Moravian comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Great answer
A brilliant video skewers Ivanka Trump by contrasting her flowery speech with the brutal reality ...
Moravian comments on Jun 9, 2020:
hardship ?. She probably thinks that is not being able to spend her ill gotten gains because of the lockdown. I saw a video of her speaking when much younger. She told a story about walking towards Trump Tower with her father, There was a homeless beggar sitting on the sidewalk and Trump turned to her and said "that man has more money than me". Meaning i presume that he had debts of $millions. The fact that she thought this was very funny shows her real character.
That'll do it!
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
While singing the Johnny Cash classic "Ring of Fire"
Never thought about it that way...
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
The ultimate exhibitionists
Truth bomb
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
No need to crow about it
Prince Charles is driving around the Estates of Sandringham Castle when he runs over one the Queens ...
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Cruel but funny.
Consider this: people have used religion to justify and advance their agendas since the earliest ...
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Of course the theists will point to Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao as atheists who killed millions. They may not have been religious but they were still following a perverted ideology which is really the same thing.
These are the members of the superior race.🤔😂😂
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
I realise this is to poke fun at the semi literate gun lovers but it is a serious matter. I spoke to a friend who lives just outside Coeur de'Alene in Idaho and she said there a groups of drunken gun toting idiots standing outside shops in town. She said the police were driving past and ignoring them and then hassling some black kids playing basketball nearby.
Been going on forever.
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Is this a still from the musical "Cats" ?
match made in heaven ...[]
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Said by a true misogynist
Rúbaí (Short Film) - YouTube
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2020:
Lovely. It is very refreshing how the Roman Catholic church is losing it's grip on the Irish people
Pop, pop, pop - celebration of death!🎊🎉 (Sorry, this one is dark-ish.)
Moravian comments on Jun 7, 2020:
And if you don't die when that lot passes through your digestive system you will probably shoot the cat.
Moravian comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Great punchline
He has the right!
Moravian comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I think Elton John has already taken that title.
If I ask "Do god(s)s exist?
Moravian comments on Jun 7, 2020: I think you need one of these. Label me non-coitus (I don't give a fuck)
According to my physics teacher, people who become atheists will be punished by God.
Moravian comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Ask him how Mohamad's trip to heaven and back on a winged horse equates with the laws of physics. If he says it was a miracle he is full of shit.
Who trust the Bible? ..🙄
Moravian comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Jim Smith a Scottish farmer/stand up comedian related the tale of watching porn on his laptop at his remote farm and was surprised to be told that there were three women within three miles of his location desperate to meet him. He thought "what the hell are they doing in a sheep pasture.
Dunno how welcome I am here since your ancestors banished mine in chains a couple of centuries ago.
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
We do get the occasional TV drama from Oz in return. There was a series with an aboriginal detective which was good , You can keep Neighbours and Home and Away. There are some good series from across the pond as well. I wish a UK network would buy "It's always sunny in Philadelphia". There is a Canadian police drama being shown currently called "Cardinal" Brutal stuff' I haven't watched The Detectorist but I am a fan of McKenzie Crook
Dont blame him
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The whole McDonald clan are probably cursing a certain Mary Anne McLeod for naming her son Donald.
This year really has me questioning the validity of life.
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sorry to hear that. I have several friends who take prescription drugs to alleviate depression and anxiety and they seem to be contented and happy most of the time. I would suggest that you see a doctor and get on to a course of drugs if you have not already done so. I believe that modern anti depressives less addictive than of old.
Researchers report that more than two-thirds of self-identified atheists shed that label after their...
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2020:
If this survey was carried out in the USA I am not too surprised.Many people , judging by comments on this site, are struggling with their earlier indoctrination and "god" is still there hidden away and is brought out by the experience.
Well I now see, that after our governments mishandling of and lying about just about everything, ...
Moravian comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Apparently Alok Sharma has tested negative for the virus so Boris will not have to self isolate for 14 days. A pity as it would certainly be beneficial to the country.
What was everyone's first car that actually belonged to them, not just what you drove?
Moravian comments on Jun 4, 2020:
A 1962 Sunbeam Rapier. Four speed manual with overdrive on 3d and top gear. rear wheel drive with skinny cross ply tyres. Showed an indicated 100 mph
Why is so little said on how the United States has over one fourth if all Covid deaths?
Moravian comments on Jun 4, 2020:
No , Trump is saying he is doing a great job. Well he did say he would put America first.
Which cup or no cups?
Moravian comments on Jun 3, 2020:
The drawing is poor and too small to see clearly but all the tubes appear to be blocked off apart from No 1 but there is a gap in the down tube just above 3 so assuming that the rate of pour is such that none of the liquid spills out of the top of the tube it will probably run down the tube into No3.
Which cup or no cups?
Moravian comments on Jun 3, 2020:
As 5 and 4 appear to be blocked off, 6 would fill first then overflow and waste the rest off the tea. Revised answer above
In the UK, the lockdown has been eased a little and many nursery schools have been reopened.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Very funny, but I think that may be Boris in the little car.
Actually, natural is neutral | Nature Human Behaviour
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2020:
"Like gods, a nod to the natural may have gotten us this far but may no longer be needed." ?? We are part of nature and if we disrupt it we pay the consequences , eg corona virus and global warming.
More People Blatantly Ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines New data appears to indicate that ...
Moravian comments on May 31, 2020:
That was before mobile phones were invented
This Brit Doc is a real curmudgeon but he makes some good points.
Moravian comments on May 31, 2020:
Certainly some truth in what he says but then he started plugging his book
A man found someone selling a talking; dog for sale for only $10.
Moravian comments on May 30, 2020:
Let lying dogs sleep
How many points did you get, and can others guess what they are?? (my point score in the comments.)
Moravian comments on May 30, 2020:
7 of those. I must have had a sheltered life.
Looking out for yall!
Moravian comments on May 30, 2020:
That is very similar to the TV adds from betting companies trying to convince potential punters that they have their best interests at heart.
Not a meme.
Moravian comments on May 30, 2020:
Great stuff. A friends 7 year old son is daft about dinosaurs but maybe he isn't ready for this yet
Well, I guess...
Moravian comments on May 28, 2020:
He paid a lot of money in gym memberships to get that body so he is certainly going to show it off.
advice for the unwary ...[]
Moravian comments on May 27, 2020: Or taking a dog named Fenton to Richmond park
QE II is much sharper than IQ 0 !! :-D
Moravian comments on May 27, 2020:
Very good
Hope for us all ...[]
Moravian comments on May 27, 2020:
Reminds me of a story told by Ivanka Trump a few years ago, This was recorded, to hopefully embarrass her in future although I doubt if it will. She was walking with daddy towards Trump Tower in NY and there was a homeless beggar sitting on the sidewalk. Trump turned to her and said "That man has more money than I have". meaning I presume that he had $millions of debt" She thought this very funny. Yuk !!
Potential COVID-19 vaccine clears 'major milestone'. (Saskatoon) []
Moravian comments on May 27, 2020:
Great news. Anyone with a pet ferret will be pleased
Now I understand...
Moravian comments on May 27, 2020:
Yes, every day I thank the Yanks for giving us Mcdonalds, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts Krispy Kreme etc etc. Those glorious examples of American cuisine have transformed eating all over the world.
The stuggle is real....
Moravian comments on May 26, 2020:
Which is the evil one and which is the good one ?
Make sure they are clean underwear 😉
Moravian comments on May 25, 2020:
Reminds of when as a child the mantra was "wear clean underwear in case you have an accident". My childlike logic said "If i have an accident my underwear won't be clean anymore "
"My Last Drink was Ten Years Ago" by John DeVore. Your thoughts?
Moravian comments on May 24, 2020:
Alcohol abuse is endemic in Scotland. I had my first drink in a bar at 16 and started serious drinking at 17. Two days after my 17th birthday , now living and working in London, I spent a night in a police cell and was charged with being drunk and incapable. I used alcohol as a crutch to try to counteract my shyness and dislike of social gatherings. As I got older I still drank a lot but didn't let it get in the way of work although I often turned up with a hangover. At least three of my old drinking buddies are dead. two from liver disease and one who committed suicide. I was lucky, I obviously did not have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism and I now drink in moderation. A few bottles of beer a week and occasional glass of wine. I have not had a hangover for years. If alcohol is a problem the sensible thing is to give it up entirely.
Too many atheists are hostile to the religious.
Moravian comments on May 24, 2020:
So the pastors in the USA who have ignored the lockdown rules during the current pandemic and consequently have caused the deaths of many including themselves in several cases do not deserve ridicule.?
Why Atheists Are Not as Rational as Some Like to Think [phys.
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
What a load of absolute bollocks. In my considered opinion.
An interesting history, it may interest US members especially who would like to know about life in ...
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
Alice Roberts is an anthropologist and is president of Humanists UK
Guilty?? Not Guilty?? What do you think?
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
Another cat burglar apprehended
Jon Steingard, Star of Christian Rock, Admits on Instagram He’s Lost His Faith | Terry Firma | ...
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
When I hear of Christians have a crisis of faith I translate it to having flashes of reason
COVID-19 pandemic myths are spreading faster than the virus. But Why?
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
Some people have vested interests in promoting conspiracy theories. A Facebook friend put the U Tube video of Dr Judy the discredited virologist being interviewed. A video which U Tube have now removed. Dr Judy has written a book on how "Big Pharma" and Bill gates are controlling our lives and stuff like that so she wants the ideas spread so that she can sell her book.
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a ...
Moravian comments on May 23, 2020:
I have no medical knowledge or training whatsoever but as I understand it the drug ,certainly in some cases, was used as a last resort to treat people in a very bad way so there may have been no hope for them anyway. If the drug was administered at an earlier stage in the illness would the results have been better ? Certainly trials are being carried in the UK with the drug so there must be some hope that it may be beneficial.
I have a friend who's parents are atheists (I met them at a Unitarian church) but he converted to ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2020:
You said he is very bright. Sure about that ?
The less well-known brother of Ed and David, Glen Milliband, has become the centre of media ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2020:
Love it. I wouldn't fancy doing the temperature testing though
One thing I dislike is someone who can't answer a question correctly or even try to keep the answer ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2020:
The answer is 42, but what is the question ?
Don't think this is new but we all could use a laugh - The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational ...
Moravian comments on May 21, 2020:
Very clever
Holy Shoot
Moravian comments on May 20, 2020:
"Our European visitors are important to us ", but we are not going to show you the content.
Read this on another board and thought I'd offer it up for discussion here.
Moravian comments on May 20, 2020:
There are over 7 billion people on the earth. Ten years ago there were 6 billion. Where did those extra billion come from. Aliens maybe ?
Wtf []
Moravian comments on May 19, 2020:
Could it be a simple game of charades ?. I guess "Knightrider"
If God existed, ...I wouldn't want to be in his shoes
Moravian comments on May 19, 2020:
If David Attenborough was god, and , and some environmentalists seem to think that he is,he would side with the leopard as in all his wildlife documentaries the predator catches the prey.
The progressive return of life after Mt. Saint Helens eruption in 1980.
Moravian comments on May 19, 2020:
Life after the big bang. That will show those those creationists :-)
Is your yard private?
Moravian comments on May 18, 2020:
I thought they used the local radio station to transmit the service and worshipers in their cars could tune in without disturbing the neighbours. Maybe there is a local byelaw to shut them up.
I wonder how many churches will close for good due to covid-19.
Moravian comments on May 18, 2020:
Certainly many businesses will go bust. The larger,more efficient will survive. Capitalism at work, but churches ?. They are not really in competition with one another so most will probably carry on as before.
Owner Claims Her Salon is Also Ministry and Should Be Allowed to Reopen The owner of a ...
Moravian comments on May 17, 2020:
Praise the lord and pass the scissors
oh. the horror! []
Moravian comments on May 17, 2020:
A snuff movie for chickens
It has to be the mustache
Moravian comments on May 17, 2020:
That's what you get for being too negative, or is it too positive ?
Rather than post something safely on the mark tell me if you don’t rock out to this.
Moravian comments on May 17, 2020:
K pop
All you members of the Elon Musk cult.
Moravian comments on May 16, 2020:
The shares in Tesla are so overpriced and overhyped that the money men who have invested in them are terrified that the whole bubble will burst and they will lose $millions so he has to be appeased.
Given the totality of your education and life experience, what probability would you give that ...
Moravian comments on May 15, 2020:
Zero. I think it is likely that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe, even in our own galaxy but any habitable planet is light years away and as we know nothing can travel faster than light.
WI Supreme Court overturns stay at home - people immediately flock to bars I'm predicting a covid...
Moravian comments on May 15, 2020:
The bar owner said he missed his customers. Unfortunately he may miss a few of them permanently soon.
Trump as Symptom: []
Moravian comments on May 15, 2020:
Just another of those shithole countries and the UK isn't far behind.
Looking forward to the stupid people paying the price and crying about it real soon....
Moravian comments on May 15, 2020:
The Spanish flu virus mutated into a more virulent strain which was first isolated in an army camp in Kansas from where it spread round the world. There is no evidence that the Covid virus has mutated in this way but it is likely that there will be a spike next winter
I don't think I'm brave enough to wear this but I do love what it says.
Moravian comments on May 15, 2020:
I wouldn't wear it. Too many people would think you are being serious.
More on (I think I misspelled that) Murder Hornets.....
Moravian comments on May 14, 2020:
Scottish invaders ?. No chance. Get one of those beasties up your kilt and it's goodnight Vienna (sung loudly by Ultravox)
Time to wake up!
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
2girls 1 cup is the name given to the trailer for "hungry bitches" a Brazilian porn film. I googled it :-) but didn't open the link so have no idea of the quality of the film.
Not a bad thought:
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
Meaningless figures even if they are true but here's another one for you. 80% of those who die from the virus are over 65. Are you in that age group ?
New health assessment tool.
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
And if you get a visit from the police your neighbour saw you.
[] Interesting information with no mention of creationism.
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
"civilisation has lasted for 6000 years" ?. I didn't read any further. A load of simplistic nonsense.
What is it with the W H and "Dick-heads"?
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
In France if the president doesn't have a mistress he is considered a failure
Honk k'eh.
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
The Church has an official explanation for the disappearance of dinosaurs..
Moravian comments on May 13, 2020:
The Iranian ark ?
We don't need religion or prophets or philosophers "I have a cunning ...
Moravian comments on May 12, 2020:
I think Boris stole his plan


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