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Is the term "African-American" rasict.
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
I am never sure why anyone has to have any ethnic label attached to them apart from maybe on a police wanted poster of course.
Land Grabbing... Greed over Native People is not only an ameriKKKan Only Disease... []
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Without the support of the USA this would not happen. Politicians are in the pockets of wealthy Zionists and the current administration is siding with Netanyahu
Given that I am as old as I am, I could forget any concern for the younger generations, and leave it...
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
In addition to all that is the rise of right wing nationalism worldwide. Countries such as USA,UK, Brazil, Hungary all have right wing govts.. and other countries have an upsurge in nationalism including Germany (scary)
If you had to kill your own meat would you?
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
I think there would be many more vegetarians if everyone had to be involved in the killing and butchery of the animals they eat. It is so easy to go to the supermarket and buy a plastic wrapped joint and I doubt if many people give a thought as to the living animal it originally was part of. I try to avoid cheap chicken and pork because of the conditions the animals are kept in. Beef here is mainly from grass fed animals that lead a reasonable life before being slaughtered but having driven past feedlots in the USA where cattle are kept in bare earth pens and pumped full of antibiotics that is a totally different thing. We have evolved as omnivores but many of us eat far too much meat which makes us ill but to me veganism is too extreme and a step too far
Daughter: Why is that boy wearing a dress?
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
A dress ? Was the daughter visually impaired ?.Uninformed,ignorant people would possibly call the kilt a skirt, eg the soldiers from highland regiments fighting in WW1 were nicknamed "devils in skirts", but never a dress.
Testicle shot as man holsters gun | Alert |
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Not available in the EU area. They probably don't want us sensible Europeans laughing at the ineptitude of some US citizens.
Theme Song for the Atheist Experience by Shelley Segal. []
Moravian comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Like it. That would go down well at one of those happy clappy churches ;-)
John Bolton fired. []
Moravian comments on Sep 10, 2019:
One of the few sensible things Trump has done
Whaaaat??? You knew it was bound to happen.. 🙄😒 []
Moravian comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Poor satire
Moravian comments on Sep 10, 2019:
He was an ultra religious Jew. or at least the person or persons he was based on so of course he would embrace the teachings of the Torah. Why does it matter ?.
How do we know when something is true?
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2019:
If it's on Fox news of course
Hiking dilemma. Be a good sport or bail with thunderstorms?
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Hiking with a threat of thunderstorms is not wise. A woman was hit by lightning and killed n the west highlands of Scotland earlier this year but it literally was "a bolt from the blue" as no thunderstorms were forecast. She was just very unlucky.
Although I love John Lennon's "Imagine," I also have some favorite religious pop songs.
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen is a favourite of mine.
Unfortunately some merit in this
Moravian comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Very little merit in it. People still smoke. drink to excess, become obese and take no exercise, all contributors to developing cancers. Can't blame big pharma for that.
Trump's Use of Pentagon Cash to Prop Up Scottish Resort Latest Example of Why He 'Must Be ...
Moravian comments on Sep 8, 2019:
But America is the land of opportunity, including the opportunity to cheat and steal. Trump's supporters probably admire him for this. Prestwick airport is important to him as it is close to Turnberry and he would probably like to see it as his personal airport where his buddies can land their private jets and play golf at his Turnberry course. Loss making Prestwick was bought by the Scottish Govt. for £1 and only Ryanair use it regularly. It was an important USAF base during the cold war as the runway was originally built to their specification and it is nearly always fog free. It's main claim to fame is that it is the only place where Elvis set foot in the UK
The EU believes that it "owns" the UK. []
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2019:
This is the rag that was edited by Boris Johnson and he published a poem about exterminating the verminous Scots. I'm surprised Boris escaped back down south after his visit yesterday.
Now at last I can have the vicar to tea, because finally I have something really suitable to wear.
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2019:
well done
The moon's effect..
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2019:
The effect of the full moon on people has been investigated and totally disproved. I booked a dental appointment recently for Friday 13 Sept and the receptionist said it was very quiet that day. People love to cling on to those old superstitions. Just look at the number of churchgoers on any Sunday ;-)
[] This got me thinking, how many people on here support strict gun control?
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I support the second amendment but I think it should be altered slightly to "the right to arm bears" Even things up a bit ;-)
Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence | The Independent
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
probably to stop him asking to buy the country.Who would want it with all those gays.
Does anyone else think Boris Johnson is now out of his depth, floundering and making one blunder ...
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
All he seems to have left is his optimism, which is totally misplaced anyway He says he will die in a ditch before allowing an extension after 31 October. I can see ditches being dug throughout the country.
Hi Everyone, I like a girl who is very religious but she is very pretty.
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Move on. Plenty more fish in the sea.
how many have noticed that the ppl who post the most have the least to say?
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
The ones who annoy me are those who post something controversial and then sit back and do not contribute again but leave others to argue.
Eat your hearts out, peons.
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Love the pigtail
Is the RDIF chip sign of end times?
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
When I read something like this I am glad that I live in a secular country. People with beliefs like this worry me.
Scientists identify the genes linked to left-handedness
Moravian comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let me guess. Was the scientist a leftie ;-)
Conservatives fear of diversity
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
that's why they are called conservatives. they want to conserve the past. they do not like change. Unless of course if it benefits them
I don't believe in God.
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
How is your English. there are always jobs for English teachers
The coming death of just about every rock legend
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Being in that age band myself I find that very depressing.
Do we just need god?
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
You may need god. I don't.
Diverting Defense money to build the wall is the same as diverting Defense money to his own ...
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Look on the bright side. It may leave less money for bombs to drop on people in the middle east and North Africa.
"Harry Potter is dangerous?
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Maybe he thinks it is stronger magic than RC magic. He doesn't like competition
I have been reading the warranty and home builder's information on the new house (well, it's not ...
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
I'm surprised that they still use that term. It hasn't been included in insurance policies here for years. Taken logically if it is ascertained that your house was damaged by "an act of god" and you don't believe in god , should you be compensated ?
Keeping to my theme of the day, right to the last.
Moravian comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Great music. but I'm not a great fan of Keef's singing.
Brexit Deal
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
The UK is a net contributor to the EU along with the wealthier countries such as Germany.France, Italy and the Netherlands. Beneficiaries have been Ireland,Greece,Spain and many of the smaller newer members. The UK is so intractably linked with the EU that it will be a nightmare to separate. In addition to trade there are common laws on health and safely,employment protection etc.We are members of the common fisheries and common agricultural agreement and there is free movement between member countries although the UK is not party to the Schengen agreement which allows border crossing without checks. We voted overwhelmingly to remain in Scotland and I would love to see us remain but England and Wales voted to leave for many reasons. Immigration was one reason and something called sovereignty, if anyone really knows what it means and entails. PM Cameron called the referendum to quieten the Eurosceptics in the Tory party not thinking for a moment that the public vote would be to leave. Of course he immediately cut and run and is now being paid handsomely by his city friends who are benefitting financially. Apart from the likes of Rees Mogg who has benefitted to the tune of £millions by playing the money market with the £ falling in value by the day I cannot see the motivation of others. It costs us money to be a member but the benefits are enormous and I would rather be an equal partner in the EU rather than the 51st state of the US which is more or less what will happen with this amazing trade deal that Johnson and Trump are about to negotiate. ;
Employee-Owned | WinCo Foods
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
We are not allowed to open the link in the UK. Can't have those foreigners thinking the USA is developing a social conscience
Will You Still Love You When You're No Longer Young and Beautiful?
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I don't think there is any doubt that beautiful people have an advantage in life but that does not automatically make them shallow people.
You've got to love British politics.
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
This is the third one I have seen and by far the best. One other had his legs replaced with a womans stocking clad legs and the other had a graph showing the decline of the popularity of the Tory party following his supine form
What's the most "poetic" line or two of poetry that you can remember?
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.Your children are not your children. Not a poem by the first part of Kahlil Gibran's profound writing "on children"
God, Santa Claus and religious indoctrination.
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I still remember being told by older kids that Santa didn't exist and it was my parents who provided the gifts.I dont think it really bothered me, after all I still got the gifts. As for the non existence of gods., no one told me that, I found that out for myself. Reading the old testament of the bible should be enough to convince anyone that the Jewish god is fictional.
Minimum temperature: 7 °C Maximum 34 °C "C" stands for civilised.
Moravian comments on Sep 4, 2019:
That's quite a temp range. 34C ?. i thought it was winter in Oz
So, its appears a bunch of Floridians are at the coast.
Moravian comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Hopefully Darwin awards all round.
Christian “Prophetess”: “I Have Authority” Over Hurricane Dorian, So Relax! | Hemant Mehta |...
Moravian comments on Sep 3, 2019:
What a pity she wasn't born 200 years ago. They would have burned her as a witch
Teenage Kicks.
Moravian comments on Sep 3, 2019:
The late great John Peel's favourite song.
To be ill informed is not the same as being stupid.
Moravian comments on Sep 3, 2019:
brexit results
I’ve just posted the 1985 original of this song by The Waterboys in the Music Fans Group.
Moravian comments on Sep 3, 2019:
A great song. He even sounds a bit like Mike Scott here. Thr Waterboys are in the middle of a world tour at the moment which they started in Portree. Good choice.
Texas gun laws: Weapons will be allowed in churches and on school grounds
Moravian comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Another good reason for never going in to a church and if the gun is in a locked car on school premises that will be very useful when some nutter starts shooting.
Chiropractors are bullshit | The Outline
Moravian comments on Sep 2, 2019:
I have mixed feelings about this. I have never tried one but my partner swears by one who treated her in Bridgeport Con. She was involved in a car accident and for months afterwards had excruciating headaches. Regular doctors were useless but a chiropractor cured the problem after manipulation of her back and neck. There are no doubt some charlatans out there but the best are probably useful for limited back or neck problems.
Has anyone ever had any impossible prayers answered? 🤪
Moravian comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Are you implying that "possible" prayers may be answered ?
Something else we are blamed for.
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2019:
And if you play your cards right she will make it soft again
Something for the flat Earthers to think about []
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Are you suggesting that flat earthers think ?
Interesting... []
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2019:
"Lies damned lies, and statistics". Someone recently posted a cover story from "Time" magazine about a teacher with a masters degree who had to work two other jobs and sell blood to make ends meet. Obviously something seriously wrong with the teachers money management, but maybe teachers are undervalued, but there is something wrong with a society which bases it's worth solely on material possessions.
Damn, here we go again.
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Just watched VP Pence making some inane comment about the shooting, something like "we are working hard to remove this scourge".Like hell you are.
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Rails to trails ?
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019:
What a heartwarming story.
I had an interesting conversation with a believer last evening.
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019: All your questions answered. I remember getting fits of the giggles at sunday school when the minister mentioned the holy ghost. I think that was the start of my realising what a load of nonsense Christianity is.
Income taxes is theft.
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019: So where would the funding for Roosevelt's "New Deal" have come from if there was no taxation ?. No one likes paying taxes but they are essential for some semblance of social equality.
If Americans want to understand Israel, they should think of 1950s Alabama, with an air force
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019: Alabama ?. What a great place to live
In 45 years we hav killed 60% of Earth’s wildlife. []
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019:
It was put very simply by author Daniel Quinn. Look on the environment as a huge brick wall. Every time we kill a species, be at animal, plant, insect or anything else it is like removing a brick from the wall. We can go on doing this year after year with no obvious effect until one day we remove a brick and the whole wall collapses.I am sure we are a long way from this but keep going on the way we are doing and it could happen eventually.
I turned 27 in July, I haven't gone on a date in 2 years because I feel like I'm going to throw up &...
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Years ago I suffered from severe social anxiety. I had to do lots of presentation in my job and it terrified me. I read somewhere that beta blockers , normally given to people with heart problems, were useful in alleviate symptoms. I persuaded my GP to give me some and I tried taking one before I was in a situation where I would be crippled by anxiety. They didn't completely cure it but helped dramatically Try to get some and give it a go
The sign said, “You are here,” and I was relieved.
Moravian comments on Aug 31, 2019:
There there, calm down,or you will be beside yourself
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
It has been and still is to an extent the economic and military leader of the world Don't know if it ever was the moral and political leader.
And they still insist that the US is so superior to the rest of the world.
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Average teachers salaries are in excess of $40000. I'm not sure if I would want my children taught by someone who cannot survive on on that level of pay.
Stood up! Was going to meet a local guy for coffee last night, 6pm at a Dunkin Donuts.
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Some strange comments here.In my opinion to call off just 20 mins before the date without even an apology was very inconsiderate. I think you are probably right in thinking that you were being tested to see how desperate you were.
Hi, new to Atheism. Well, newer-ish. Anyone have solid advice?
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
"In defence of atheism (the case against christianity,judaism and islam)" by Michel Onfray is a good read
Time to start prepping for the possibility of Dorian coming to call.
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
I heard that Trump has cancelled a trip to Poland because of the hurricane. What is he going to do I wonder. Hand out paper towels to mop up the rain ?
A doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living
Moravian comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Wants to die at 75 ?. Can be arranged I am sure
more Israeli war crimes []
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2019:
They are following the example and probably the instructions of their Zionist masters in Washington
Dave Daubenmire: My Bible Suggests Millions of Jews Didn’t Die in the Holocaust | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Daub :- to carelessly cover in Mire ;- wet slimy earth. He is well named
GIRL HOWLS WITH NORWEGIAN WOLVES The animal watch activists posted this .
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Probably hurting the ears of the poor things. Do this with most dogs or play a musical instrument at a certain pitch and the dog will howl.
Quantum teleportation. []
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2019:
I was so enthralled reading this that i was beside myself with excitement
Way cool decorating idea for Halloween. Think I'll try it with a full-sized mannequin.
Moravian comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Looks like fun but I still find it incongruous that a predominantly Christian country like the USA has such a love affair with Halloween and its pagan connections.
Trump Pushes to Open the World’s Largest Remaining Temperate Rainforest to Logging and Mining
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
This is very sad
The Edgar Winter Group. Free Ride. []
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Saw his band play in the Usher hall in Edinburgh about 15 years ago. can't remember if they played this one.
Small Faces All or Nothing []
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Love this song. I remember playing it on the jukebox in my local all those years ago
Time to start prepping for the possibility of Dorian coming to call.
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Is this Dorian Gray ?. scary
Anybody buy this crock of excrement? I wouldn't buy it on sale. []
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
There have been a few books written about this topic.All nonsense of course but people will buy the books because they want to believe.
Perhaps some accurate information on the Amazon fires. []
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019: So the Amazon and other tropical forests have been gradually destroyed for years ?. What's your point.? Maybe there are more pressing problems being caused by this populist govt.
This is why I hate technology
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
I got caught in a downpour a couple of weeks ago and my phone was ruined. No big deal as I still use a 3G Blackberry and I bought a new one for £18 and a little leather pouch for £2 which will hopefully protect it in future. I only use it for calls and texts and wouldn't recognise an app if I tripped over one. I feel a bit sorry for people who are lost without instant access to the world through there expensive smartphones. I was toiling up a forest track on my bike recently and was almost hit by a young woman coming the other way at speed holding on to the bars with her left hand and holding her phone with her right hand.. A serious accident looking for a place to happen.
Can some of you agnostic women please help me i am sexually deprived I just want to have sex again ...
Moravian comments on Aug 28, 2019:
This is a joke. right ?
Couple mortified by mother-in-law's engagement gift with very awkward design flaw - Mirror Online
Moravian comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Surely the "appendage" could be easily removed.
Johnson & Johnson must pay over $572 million for its role in Oklahoma opioid crisis, judge rules
Moravian comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Surely this says as much about the punters taking the drug as the drug companies and doctors. Do they just blindly swallow everything the doctors give them?. Do they not question anything.?. I have not seen the leaflet which accompanies the drugs but I would hazard a guess that somewhere in the small print it would say that continued use could be addictive.
¿noʎ ǝsoʃ puıɯ ɹnoʎ pıp ɹo 'puıɯ ɹnoʎ ǝsoʃ noʎ pı◖
Moravian comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Not lost just temporarily misslaid
I read a similar quote a few years ago.
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Very profound. Who needs the likes of Descartes and Sartre when you have an ex boy band member to give the benefit of his superior wisdom.
Gun violence in DC is being treated as a normal thing. This has got to change. I know, eh?
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Interesting that they are also some of the more religious countries in the world.
Dozens who lived in same neighborhood diagnosed with brain tumors
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Probably all those noisy windmills
What is an "Agnostic"?
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I find it interesting when people talk about god on this site it is invariably about the Judeo/Christian god Yahweh. Come on you wishy washy agnostics give all the other thousands of other gods in the world a chance.
Is this or
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
What a bizarre post and it appears to be a year old. Why was it resurrected ?
We are supposed to not work on Sunday and give thanks to the Lord.
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Luxury beliefs, ignore the click bait trans focus: The narcissism of the trans movement - spiked
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
" Another luxury belief is that religion is irrational or harmful. Henderson notes that members of the upper class are most likely to be atheists or non-religious – but they can afford to be so, as they ‘have the resources and access to thrive without the unifying social edifice of religion’" I didn't realise that I had a "luxury belief" What a load of bollocks
I always forget that some Christian sects rely almost entirely on the book of revelations as their ...
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I watched a documentary on BBC TV a few years ago about the book of revelations and the conclusion reached was that it was written by someone who had ingested some psychotropic substance, probably magic mushrooms. makes sense.
He thrusts his fists against the post, and still insists he sees the ghost.
Moravian comments on Aug 26, 2019:
William Topaz McGonagall eat your heart out.
My daughter has danced since she was three.
Moravian comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Anybody else love thunderstorms?
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I love thunderstorms as well but I don't think the five people killed by lightning in the Tatra mountains in Poland yesterday would feel that way.
For the most part, I agree with these ... what say you ?
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
As one who has never been married, but raised two children, partly on my own I go along with that
Against Literalism—'The Satanic Verses' Fatwa at 30 - Quillette
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I haven't read the book. I heard at the time that it was a bit dull and boring but may give it a try. I beleive there was also a fatwa on Ayan Hirsi Ali who's writing I really enjoy and admire.
I think the great thing about the internet is now anyone can state their opinion.
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I heard someone on a radio phone in show say " Opinions are like A'holes, everyone has one".The radio show host was a bit embarrassed by this comment but it is true. Nothing wrong with having an opinion but many people confuse opinions with facts, which is the problem.
So my neighbors are accusing me of cutting their barbed wire fence.
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
You have my sympathy. I once had neighbours from hell and they ruined what would have been and idyllic place to live.
Does science have all the answers to questions that matter?
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
"Scientism is an ideology that promotes science as the only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values. The term scientism is generally used critically, pointing to the cosmetic application of science in unwarranted situations not amenable to application of the scientific method or similar scientific standards." Scientism is an ideology. We should be very wary of ideologies. They have killed millions in Russia,China and Europe in past centuries.
People are herd animals.
Moravian comments on Aug 23, 2019:
We are not herd animals, we are tribal. There is a big difference


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