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It occurred to me (and I'm sure lots of other people have noticed) that all through literature and ...
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019: Don't forget Darby and Joan
I miss you, hope all is well ♥ Brian Newman - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (Audio) ft.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I think this is the first time I have intentionally listened to Lady gaga sing. Nice voice but I still prefer the old version by The Animals
As described in Saving Gaia, we should be looking at the planet in terms of Rational Darwinism.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019:
It is an undisputed fact that as people become wealthier they have fewer children. Even Italy, the home of Roman Catholicism has a birth rate well below replacement level. So instead of wasting $billions on a stupid wall use the money as foreign aid to help those central American countries raise their standard of living.
All White People are the Same: : : Sargon's comments about how the unlimited immigration into the UK...
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Bloody immigrants. Ruining the delightful culture of London
Here is a pic that a friend of mine sent me of the bike his dad recently purchased.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I often see a guy one one of those on the roads near where I live but it is a two wheeler not a trike. I have never tried one but they do look a bit odd to one who has used a standard bike all his life.
What a beautiful and rare shred of what once was! Matriarchal and matrilineal peace and balance.
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Fascinating people.
Has anyone else found that atheist communities in their areas are hard to organize?
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I know of no atheist communities "in my area" and if I did why on earth would I want to organise them ?
Why are there hardly any young people on this app?
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
As an old technophobe I find it interesting that some people call this site an "app". To me it is a forum for discussing everything from religion to sexual perversions, and I believe a dating site as well. Some new member posted a while back "this app is a snooze" ??. I really must get up to speed with modern English usage.
The Beast in the Shadows Behind Religion
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Another interesting read is "The darkening Age, the Christian destruction of the classical world" by Catherine Nixey. I sometimes wondered why ancient sculptures like the Elgin marbles had bits missing. Blame the early christians.
Isn't Satan the good guy?
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Of course he is. Oh sorry I though you said Santa
GOP Lawmakers Plan For 51st “Christian State” To Be Based On Biblical Law | Michael Stone
Moravian comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Well the Jewish people have Israel and the Zionists are slowly turning it into a Jewish only state.
Religion isn’t something designed by an oppressor class to “control the masses.
Moravian comments on May 31, 2019:
Evolution does not "design" anything either directly or indirectly. Certainly religion has evolved and has been beneficial, in helping to create a community spirit and in the case of Islam, conquering much of North Africa and Europe. If that is seen as a benefit. It also kept much of western Europe from developing for hundreds of years during the "dark ages"
Immigrants Make Britain Great: : : Carl's excellent response to the insanity of immigrants wanting...
Moravian comments on May 31, 2019:
So the immigrants to America didn't change the country?. I haven't watched the video as I wouldn't waste my time listening to racist crap by "Carl" who I presume is failed UKIP MEP candidate Carl Benjamin
Got accosted by an Anti-vaxxer yesterday while waiting to catch the bus.
Moravian comments on May 31, 2019:
what a nit-wit, worried about a few nits.
There must be an idiot gene.
Moravian comments on May 31, 2019:
Maybe the wall stopped the bullets ?
I have a master's degree I was born to my parents, in an apartment, in Tacoma, WA.
Moravian comments on May 31, 2019:
Wow, that's some story, but what about social services ?. I read recently that Washington is the best state to live in the USA partly because it has the highest GDP. It seems like Tacoma missed out.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but Leon Redbone 8-26-1949 05-30-2019 []
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
Sorry to hear that. Nice easy listening music
It doesn't mean the same thing here! As some of us (Brits) become more interested in US politics ...
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
Lots of words have different meanings. I was talking with my partners daughter in law and she said her father was a keen skier. I said I was also a keen skier but not very competent. This completely confused her and eventually we talked about something else. I figured out later that to her keen meant good or competent not enthusiastic as I understand the word to mean. It is also dangerous to make ironic comments as any comment is taken at face value. The USA certainly is an irony free zone.
What do you think about this latest report on the effects of US sanctions on Venezuela?
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
sanctions always hurt the ordinary people. The ruling clique are always protected against harm. Trump's sidekick Bolton was honest in his statement that the USA wants to get it's hands on Venezuela's oil.
Sweden’s recycling is so revolutionary, the country has run out of rubbish | The Independent
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
Well, since ABBA retired
What is the best book you've read so far this year?
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
That sounds like a heap of laughs. I don't read much fiction but someone gave me a copy of Captain Corelli's Mandolin which was great. I followed that with Zorba The Greek to continue the Greek theme. Non fiction I think "The Ends of the World" by Peter Brannen
Supertramp - The Logical Song []
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
A great band. A bit under rated I think.
I know there are a few other Deadheads around here... who else can remember the Wall of Sound tour?
Moravian comments on May 30, 2019:
I saw them at Bikershaw festival in Manchester in 1970. They headlined on the final day and I immediately became a deadhead. On the way home I bought their double album. The one with the skeletons and roses on the cover. Brilliant band.
Pat Robertson says wife owes husband sex for doing the dishes | Michael Stone
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
We have one of those dishwasher machine thingys.Does that mean she has to shag it ?
I have just been watching the devastation in Ohio after the tornadoes on my TV.
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
After a tornado the grain silo is often the only structure left intact. I sometimes wonder why houses are built of matchwood in tornado prone areas
How important is someones income to you?
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
Mine is quite important to me.
Does anyone else also make a point of readign books which have been banned at one time?
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
The only book I can remember being banned or an attempt was made to ban it was Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H.Lawrence. I tried reading it but it was too boring. A book which should be banned is "Fifty Shades of Grey" for crimes against literature.
A couple weeks ago, an experienced volunteer who had dedicated her life to working with Pitbulls was...
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
One reason why they are a banned breed in the UK
This is why we left..
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
don't they teach you history in the USA ?. It was much more to do with trade than the monarchy
Syrian Lannister
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
never having watched Game of Thrones I had to google Lannister to see what you were implying. Interesting how words from popular entertainment can enter everyday use.
What wonderful news, Ivan Milat, the Backpacker Killer has been diagnosed with TERMINAL Cancer.
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
I think you are summing up the US judicial system. It's more about revenge than justice.
Hey got my shirt
Moravian comments on May 29, 2019:
Well done
brexit explained. []
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
Should have gone to mcdonalds
Before I present this question I would like to say I have never seen an object in the sky, night or ...
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
I think it is unlikely that we are the only "intelligent" beings in the universe but judging by our current behaviour we make the planet uninhabitable soon There may have been civilisations much more advanced than us that have come and gone. Also long distance space travel is a feature of science fiction only as any civilisation may be millions of light years away and nothing travels faster than light so it would be a hell of a long journey to get here.
English wisdom
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
The land was stolen from the ordinary people or "commoners" by wealthy landowners beginning in the early 17th century. There are still a few commons and commoners in England but only a tiny proportion of what there once was.One of the most well known is the New Forest in the south of England where their New Forest ponies run freely.
Can anyone think of a cult leader who respected the followers of the cult?
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
They often end up persuading their followers to kill themselves. eg Heavens Gate and Jim Jones so it doesn't seem so
I'm done doing messages right to some one.
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
What's that all about then ?
Moravian comments on May 28, 2019:
I cycled round the coast of Normandy and Brittany some years ago and spent some time near Omaha beach. The roads leading to the beach have been given names of US servicemen killed in the landings and although I am not in the slightest bit spiritual I did feel a certain "atmosphere" in the place. It was very quiet and there was no birdsong. It was quite a moving experience but somewhat spoiled when we went in to a little cafe and a group of fat Belgians were noisily devouring a huge basin of mussels
Early times, but results so far show the 6 week old Brexit party are way on front of every other ...
Moravian comments on May 27, 2019:
There is a pretty clear split between leavers and remainers and in Scotland the SNP have gained a seat and with 40% of the vote mirrors the voting in the referendum which was a clear mandate to remain in the EU
I'm curious about what people on this site feel about the simulation hypothesis.
Moravian comments on May 27, 2019:
Never heard of it. could you explain what it's all about ?
War is the failure of humanity
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
maybe they should read Steinbeck's books instead of the bible. That would help
In a few generations the caucasion race will be extinct.
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
So ?
Let's go trippin' on a Sunday afternoon []
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
Not one of their better songs. their two best albums(IMHO) Beggars Banquet and Let it Bleed were produced after this.
Just something interesting -- and because I love bees. []
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
The headline is a bit misleading. They were not trying to "rescue" the queen but following her to set up a new colony. That aside we should all love bees as without them we would be struggling to find much of our food.
Many religious institutions have in the past tried to limit secular entertainment, usually under the...
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
The free church in the west of Scotland is notorious for being anti enjoyment giving rise to the joke. " Q. Why does the Free Church not allow sex when standing up. A. Because it might lead to the dancing"
Immigrants always send money home.
Moravian comments on May 26, 2019:
Good. that will help redress the balance and help pay for the damage caused by the US military involvement in the area.
You may remember the killings in the office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris a few years ago.
Moravian comments on May 25, 2019:
Love it. Well done, but don't go busking outside your local mosque
The Climate is Always Changing | NeuroLogica Blog
Moravian comments on May 25, 2019:
Climate has changed drastically over millions of years causing five major extinctions and there is an excellent book by Peter Brannen "The Ends Of the World" detailing them. He also talks about a sixth major extinction which may be starting. It should be compulsory reading for climate change deniers.
Orkney Folk Festival begins today, and there are still some tickets available for the Orkney Pipes &...
Moravian comments on May 25, 2019:
Should be a great event. visited Orkney a couple of years ago. fascinating place. Hope the airport strike hasn't caused them too much trouble.
Just a thought about human's brain .
Moravian comments on May 24, 2019:
good in theory, but in practice ?. remember the old saying " a camel is a horse designed by a committee "
Trump want $16 billion to bail out farmers he hurt with his trade war.
Moravian comments on May 24, 2019:
Global trade is one of the main contributors to climate change so he may be unintentionally doing some good if he curtails it.
I was surprised to see 2 Canadian geese (eh?
Moravian comments on May 24, 2019:
How do you know they were Canadian. Did they have their passports in their beaks ? :-) Sorry couldn't resist it. Canada geese maybe ?
Bored? Try some russian history
Moravian comments on May 24, 2019:
Stalin must be one of the most evil men in history. I recently read a bit about the Soviet invasion of Finland. The Finns eventually capitulated but not before inflicting massive losses on the Soviet forces. The Soviets made their soldiers walk through Finnish minefields to detonate the mines. I suppose if they refused they would be shot anyway so why not take the chance and hope not to stand on an mine. One fact I learnt. It was the Finns who invented the Molotov cocktail, named after the Soviet minister of that name, It was a very effective weapon.
Protesters Outside UK School Insist “God Created Women for Men’s Pleasure” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on May 24, 2019:
horrible people who sadly give ammunition to alt right racists like Tommy Robinson. I don't know if any of you are old enough to remember Tory politician Enoch Powell's "rivers of blood" speech. maybe he was a prophet after all.
Some times I like to draw!
Moravian comments on May 23, 2019:
Self portrait ?
For my UK friends If Theresa May resigns tomorrow, please please don't replace her with Boris Boof ...
Moravian comments on May 23, 2019:
I think our first minister is hoping that Boris is the new PM. That would be the greatest boost to Scottish independence she could hope for.
I'm stuck home recovering these days.
Moravian comments on May 23, 2019:
Sorry to hear that. Hope you are back on your bike soon
There are athletes who are agnostic atheist. However are any of them progressive or liberal?
Moravian comments on May 23, 2019:
I watch English premier league football regularly and more than a few cross themselves when going on to the pitch. Of course many are from Roman catholic countries in Europe and South America so it is probably just a habit. As for being conservative or liberal, they are grossly overpaid so it is likely that they lean to the right as wealth and conservatism tend to go together.
'Islamization of Europe a good thing'
Moravian comments on May 23, 2019:
He's not too keen on Muslims in Israel though
Why do people believe untrue things?
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
Very interesting. He probably deliberately steered away from mentioning religion but it describes religious belief perfectly. I have my doubts about the intelligence of flat earthers but I have known some very intelligent religious people who could argue there case brilliantly.
I would do this...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
It will polish out.
What is everyone’s take on ghosts/spirits?
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
Next time you see one take a photo and you could make some big money selling it to a newspaper
How Cars Divide America - CityLab - Pocket
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
Absolutely spot on. I have been visiting the USA regularly for the past ten years and the most marked difference from the UK is the absolute dependence on cars. Minimal public transport, few sidewalks in suburbia. Scattered out of town shopping malls.A car is an absolute necessity . I live in a small village in rural Scotland and although I have a car I make frequent use of the excellent public transport system both for local journeys and long distance. (buses are free) and. I can safely cycle to the local shop and pub a mile away
When the the system of a democratic action gives disappointing results to some or all off its ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
No it Isn't. There are always winners and losers in a democratic election
If Christian dogma is to be taken seriously, then we are made to believe that God is a ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2019:
Love me and worship me or I will punish you for ever. Sounds pretty convincing.
Patriotism is not obedience to government...
Moravian comments on May 21, 2019:
Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment. This attachment can be a combination of many different feelings relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to, but mutually exclusive from those of nationalism. The more usual definition of Patriotism. just watered down nationalism really.
Chris Rea.
Moravian comments on May 21, 2019:
I first heard this song when driving on the then new M25 ring road near London. Very apt.
Any of our members in the UK seeing this going on as well?
Moravian comments on May 21, 2019:
Tommy Robinson is an obnoxious alt right racist thug. Don't be fooled by this propaganda.
There is clear evidence that humans invent gods.
Moravian comments on May 21, 2019:
Obviously we are unlikely to know why the Jewish people adopted monotheism as they were originally polytheists. It is possible that they picked it up while in exile in Babylonia possibly from Zoroaster. To make themselves the favourites of this god was a spectacularly good move as it justified their aggressive and warlike behaviour.
Religion clashing with sex education teachings in Britain.
Moravian comments on May 21, 2019:
Very disappointing. Those people kept saying that they are not homophobic. Obviously they do not know the meaning of the word.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lavished praise on U.
Moravian comments on May 20, 2019:
And he intends to name the next illegal settlement on the Golan Heights after Trump. Figures !!
I am having difficulty understanding why so many atheists, in general refuse to believe the ...
Moravian comments on May 20, 2019:
I also believe that we are unlikely to be the lone "intelligent" species in the universe but as others are on planets light years away it is very unlikely that we have been visited by any of them
Speaking of cults, this is the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame.
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
Sounds like most religions to me.
Where’s Nathan Myhrvold’s Laser Mosquito Death Machine?
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
I wonder if it works on midges. The season is about to start here in Scotland. they don't carry any nasty diseases like mossies but they can make life miserable.
So many everyday stories from America here about religion being so traumatic in people's personal ...
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
It is often said that Islam needs an enlightenment a bit like the European enlightenment of the 17th and 18th century. It sounds like the USA needs one as well.
So many everyday stories from America here about religion being so traumatic in people's personal ...
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
I see that as well. the effect that a religious upbringing has on some people seems to be very dramatic. There seems to be a longing to cling on to the artificial "comfort" the religion gives.
Bolton is the world’s worst nightmare from Truthdig. []
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
At first I thought you meant the town of Bolton but yes he is a nightmare.
I have a highly debated point to post.
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
To start drinking is obviously a choice but to suggest that alcoholism is a choice is ridiculous.
Who wants to play a game? Haha
Moravian comments on May 19, 2019:
Not so final as Russian roulette
Opinion: No Religious Exemptions From Vaccines
Moravian comments on May 17, 2019:
Not really difficult. It should be made compulsory apart from for health reasons. In 2016 there were 5000 cases of measles in Europe. last year there were 80000 and in the UK cases tripled. Reason enough to make it compulsory
If this scares the hell out of you . . .
Moravian comments on May 17, 2019:
It'a all Greek to me
Time to give Pat Robertson a little credit []
Moravian comments on May 16, 2019: No. he is still an idiot.
Yesterday it was the kids-today it's the big boys turn.
Moravian comments on May 16, 2019:
Was this at a highland games in the USA ?
Trump administration eyes plan to reduce poverty by redefining it | MSNBC
Moravian comments on May 16, 2019:
Surely there are no poor people in America. They are all millionaires in waiting. The infection is spreading over here and the UK is almost as unequal a society as the US.
A new political party emerges in Britain. []
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
It is not a political party.Farage has collected a motley crew of bigots racists, and little Englanders who for different reasons missguidedly think the country would be better out of the EU Melanie Phillips is an obnoxious right wing rabble rouser. Pay no attention to her rambling.
Make army of seX soldiers fight with them the world.
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
I'm with you girl. When do we start ?
How would you describe the extremity or lack thereof of religions detriments?
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
Could you rephrase that in language that is comprehensible.
The White House has declared Melania to be “the most important and accomplished First Lady in ...
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
Melanoma ?. a lovely girl.
Religiously unaffiliated voters are leading U.
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
Not nearly so bad in the UK but Prime Minister May makes sure she is filmed going to church every sunday.
Flat Earthers, and the Rise of Science Denial in America | Opinion
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
I posted the same article this morning. The flat earthers are a very small group and can really be dismissed as cranks. More dangerous are the climate change deniers. Especially when they are in positions of authority.. I liked the authors comment. "Not all christians are flat earthers but nearly all flat earthers are christians" .
This was on Facebook over 200 comments.
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
In arithmetic the convention is to multiply or divide before adding or subtracting so the correct answer is 15
Sadness water.
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
A bit like alcohol free beer, disgusting.
Kushner Struggles to Answer Immigration Questions
Moravian comments on May 15, 2019:
I find this puzzling. How can the USA call itself a democracy when the president can place unelected family and friends into positions of authority ?. It looks more like a third world dictatorship.
The best revenge is no revenge.
Moravian comments on May 14, 2019:
I agree. I believe in justice but not revenge.
When i finally opened my eyes after 30 years and was able to look unbiased at the bible and the ...
Moravian comments on May 14, 2019:
Some interesting points. Very mixed messages there.
How to detoxify your body.
Moravian comments on May 14, 2019:
But someone called Jennifer Aniston sells this stuff so it must be good,
Have you seen the insurance ad that claims Americans on average live in eleven different places?
Moravian comments on May 13, 2019:
Since I bought my first house at the age of 33, I have lived in 9 different places. If I include rented flats and houses prior to this I could add a further 12, a total of 21. This is probably quite unusual for the UK where people don't tend to move so much.
Why "awe inspiring" photo of mom-daughter pilot team is "good for aviation"
Moravian comments on May 13, 2019:
Maybe good for aviation, but aviation is not good for us. Trains,buses and cars can be electric but planes rely on jet fuel pumping out megatonnes of CO2 each year. the only alternative is biofuels which are just as damaging to the environment.
Should I attend a wedding at church as an atheist?
Moravian comments on May 12, 2019:
Yes .I think you are being a bit silly. A church is only a building. Go and support your daughter at her wedding.
Am I the only atheist that doesn’t smoke pot?
Moravian comments on May 12, 2019:
Yes. what's the matter with you ?


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