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A Florida politician allegedly made a habit of licking men’s faces.
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Maybe she heard the expression "you've been licked" when an opponent lost an election and she took it literally.
Can a Yellow Vest leader declare himself president?
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Well fairs fair!!
Only 5 Weeks until St Patrick's Day! What is your town/city doing to prepare for this Irish ...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Eat a shamrock salad and bathe in a bath of Guinness
Duck Dynasty star says we don't need healthcare []
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
""STAR" ?. Uneducated moronic.delusional redneck, more like.
Kings Of Leon - Pyro I'm feeling this song.
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
What an amazing video. I used to know a bar like that. (minus the dancing girl)
Canned Heat - On The Road Again (1968) []
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Always makes me think of Jack Kerouac's book "on the road".. a romantic era that may or may not have existed
Should Atheists Get Married? What's the Point Without God? - YouTube
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Nonsense. The last four weddings I have attended have been conducted by a humanist celebrant. Marriage is a legal contract, nothing to do with religion.
California Chillin’ ?
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Beautiful, but ruined by that monstrosity in the foreground
The bullshit that is religion
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
There was a story a few months back about a single parent in one of the bible belt states who got a demand for $1000 from her church. ffs.
There’s a lot of atheist books I have that are covered with a paper bag cover or I wait to read ...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
You could take the cover off a bible and put it over your non religious books when reading them.and your room mates will think you are very devout
Linda Ronstadt Opens Up About Losing Her Voice To Parkinson's Disease.
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
So sad. Great singer and person.
Make Orwell Fiction Again.
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Into room 101 with that.
El Paso, one of America's safest cities was that was long before a wall was built per their sheriff...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2019: Sounds a pretty risky place to me.
l don't know.... is there a point where the people just say ''stop'' to gov. overreach? []
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
This is prohibition and that worked well in the US didn't it.
May we take a break from all the atheist stuff for a second.
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Two smartly dressed men knocked on my door and handed me a leaflet. As they walked away I shouted but the pages are blank, there's nothing there. That's right they replied, We're atheists.
Just one squirt!
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Gonna need a bigger bottle.
The takeaway from Trump's State of the Union: "We want America to be the shining hope of the world",...
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
What a joke. America is universally hated for their foreign policy. military adventures abroad and interference in the politics of other countries.
7 Things A Man Will Do Only For The Woman He Truly Loves
Moravian comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Normal behaviour for any caring person surely.
Here are a few photos from my trip to Scotland.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Lovely photos. I take it that is not you in the kilt ? ;-)
FUQ: Frequently unasked questions: Swami Beyondananda [creationsmagazine.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Very funny
Mumbai man plans to sue own parents because they gave him birth without his consent
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
What a stupid man. If he is not happy with life why doesn't he just jump of a bridge. Life is such a an amazing magical thing and anyone lucky enough to be born should be so grateful.
People with guns are a problem here and it's getting out of hand.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
By here do you mean that part of Philadelphia?. Much the same as the rest of the US it seems.
Apologies to all of you for not being here for a while.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
So sorry to hear of your loss Marionville. A mother should never have to bury her children
Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy - The Atlantic - Pocket
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Intelligence and "smartness" are probably different. It has recently been ascertained that a baby gets it's intelligence from their mother. I'm sure we all had super intelligent mothers. I'm not sure that it is being smart that is likely to make one unhappy, it's probably that many of the people who are both smart and successful to an extent get caught on the materialism treadmill. They are never happy with what they have and are always striving for more.
Eric Burdon and The Animals - Sky Pilot 1968 [youtu.
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I was a fan of the Animals back in the day and I never thought of them as a political band. This song changes that perception. I am surprised it reached so high in the billboard chart as it is so long. Singles back then tended to be much shorter.
What do I need to do so I'm a high enough level to participate on this website?
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Smoke some good weed ? :-)
Eating late or eating early, what's best for losing weight?
Moravian comments on Feb 5, 2019:
I would have thought eating less is a better option.
Son of Haitian immigrants makes only touchdown in Superbowl 2019, and the latest ever touchdown in a...
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Just after I left college I had an interview for a job in Haiti.. It was as part of a team from The UK doing a forest inventory. That was when Papa Doc was in charge, I messed up the interview and I really regretted it. What an experience that would have been.
Glittery Scrotums Are The Latest Dog Grooming Trend And Why Not? | The Animal Rescue Site Blog
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Wow, that's the dogs bollocks.
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Sounds a bit dodgy to me. Is he really dead or is he living under an assumed name in Bognor
This would be me running for dear Life! Eeek!?
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
We have very few houses with basements in the UK. Maybe why we don't make such good horror movies.
Being European, Melania evidently learned her place in line.
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
He probably considers himself to be king of America and like royals everywhere, our dear queen Liz included, they always walk in front with subordinates behind them.
Airline seats
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Airline travel is horrendous. On my last trip from the USA I had a window seat and the middle seat was unoccupied fortunately because the guy in the aisle seat was so fat that he protruded half way into it. He could not pull down the tray to eat the airline meal and just balance it on his huge gut.
Anyone else see the unplanned pregnancy saved the world meme with a manger going around?
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Bit of an own goal I think.
Americans make up 5% of the world population. But we consume 80% of its opioid supply.
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
So that's what is meant by "The American dream "
American Football explained..
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Any sport where the players have to take a rest every few minutes must be very boring, or is that maybe the attention span of the spectators.
As I scroll through endless dating profiles I see a trend; 1.
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I dated a woman I met on Match for almost three years. I gradually discovered just how religious she was but it wasn't a great problem.She was a bit judgemental and very materialistic and she dumped me because I couldn't afford to "wine and dine" her as she thought I should. I keep well clear of religious women now.
Harley-Davidson Profit Is Wiped Out by President Trump’s Tariffs Buell already went south a few...
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
good news for Triumph :-).Every summer we have a Harley gathering here they call "thunder in the glens" Last year to get away from the noisy slow road cloggers I went for a hike in the hills and I could still hear them. How do they pass the MOT noise regulations or do owners remove the exhaust baffles and replace them for the MOT trest ?.
Level 8 baby! Keep forgetting to post a picture
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
happy picture.
Being an Atheist, I do not believe in Jean-Claude Juncker.
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
He is real ok, and very devout. constantly imbibing the sacramental wine.
Feb 3rd - The Day The Music Died []
Moravian comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Very sad
I'm just going to post the link instead of copying and pasting here, because the caps show and the ...
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
It's a bit overdone. Not exactly subtle.
Lol, I just got shut down by a fellow social worker.
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
When religious practice moved from the temples and the priests to the private homes and individual ...
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019: join one of those.
Lest we forget the Cold War Those of us who lived through the Cold War remember what it was like ...
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
It looks like Trump and Putin are determined to start a new cold war
DNA testing reveals some high street fish and chips shops in UK are serving endangered shark ...
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
In Scotland it is traditional to serve haddock in high street fish and chip shops but in England it is cod and something they call rock salmon which is actually dogfish,a small species of shark,, I would take this story in the "Torygraph" with a pinch of salt along with the vinegar
I just found jesus.
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Thats Cheesus not Jesus
As the great, great granddaughter of a proud Cherokee woman, this makes me so sorrowful and I wonder...
Moravian comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Of course the genocide of indigenous people in north central and south America was an appalling episode in history but this research is totally flawed. There was a slight dip in CO2 levels but the "little ice age" started in the 14th century and the genocide of indigenous people probably peaked in the 17th century. It was more likely caused by lower solar output,there were two episodes of lower sunspot activity during this period, and volcanic activity. It makes good copy though with climate change always in the news and makes the university look important.
I still think it funny that people won't recognize that global warming has been occurring since the...
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
We should actually be heading towards the end of an interglacial period but the release of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels has put that back some way.
Half male, half female cardinal spotted in Pennsylvania []
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Phototshopped ?
Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston delivered a sermon saying that ...
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
The loony fringe of christianity or in the case of the USA mainstream christianity.
THE NIGHT WE MOVED THE CITY WITH OUR MINDS! 1974, Dayton, Ohio: Tony, Mike and I were lit up on ...
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
great story. I flirted with acid in the '70's but it was not a good experience for me so I gave it up fairly quickly.
Not exactly an easy rider
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
A man of discretion in buying a modern state of the art machine instead of heavy outdated noisy behemoth
Ok I need to make a bit of a confession At the beginning of the year I decided that at the end of ...
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Take your point. It seems more like a "hate Trump" site rather than an agnostic site
My first nice.
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Nice one.
Does anyone think animals are tuned into the humans around them - even wild animals, reptiles and...
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2019:
The midges, no see ums, here certainly are.Go outside on a calm summer evening and out they come* en masse*
Trump just gave a bizarre, gibberish response to the racist, homophobic assault on “Empire” star
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2019:
At least our dear leader, Theresa, although misguided and deluded can put a few words together which make sense. I think your guy has lost the plot completely
"I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering...
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I know quite a few much better educated people than I who believe in an afterlife but to me it is quite simple. Our personality,memories, thoughts etc reside in the brain and when it dies and decays they are gone forever. How do the think they carry on, on a floppy disc, a CD, a memory stick ?.
Whatever happened to global warming?
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Maybe he should take a trip to Australia where they have had the hottest temps ever.
Yep Now another billionaire wants to be president
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I wonder what Sam Elliot thinks about his face being used for political propaganda ?. Yesterday there was a similar photo with a pro Trump message
[] I think this is enough to change me from agnostic to atheist
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Pass the sick bag please !!
How could Adam and Eve sin if they didn't know sin yet?
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Because gods were created in the image of man who of course has these inherent flaws. I think it is generally believed that the Jews adopted the creation mythology in genesis when they were in exile in Babylon and I'm not sure if there are any written records from them but as DeStijl says it is probably just about subjagation of women
Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Well maybe if you were an exhibitionist and you liked being watched
If Jesus died for my sins, why am I not allowed to sin?
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I think he only died for the original sin of Adam eating the apple so if you sin mate it is hell for you or if they were just teeny weeny sins you may get of with a few millennia in purgatory.
Do curves exist?
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Haven't you seen any curvy women ?
It was so cold at 8pm, when I pulled out my door key bare handed my fingers nearly got frost bite ...
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Forecast -35C, ? and we in the UK are complaining about a few inches of snow an temps down to -8C Take care guys
What’s the funniest song you’ve ever heard?
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Disagree. It makes fun of mental illness.
I found my spirit animal! 😅😂😅😂
Moravian comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Sounds like a true Ausie
I put on a lot of weight when I was in Montana.
Moravian comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Size 0 ?. Does that mean that you are invisible
I was chatting with a buddy of mine in Florida and he felt that Fundies weren't concerned about ...
Moravian comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Taking his time. He has been coming back for over 2000 years.
Are you a son/daughter of the sun and the moon? Is your race of the stars?
Moravian comments on Jan 29, 2019:
We are all star stuff. every one of us.
Not Enough.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Instead of jailing them why not put them in the middle of bear country for a month without any firearms
I'm hoping I can get my car back from the body shop today.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
having your baby spray painted ??.
As an Englishman I'm trying to decide which of the two of us is most screwed.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Patriotism,nationalism,populism,tribalism too many isms.
What do you think of tattoos on women?
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
i remember saying to my then 17 year old son who was starting to have tattoos done "Ok but don't get a tattoo where it can be seen when you are wearing a suit and tie". His answer was "I am never going to have a job where I need to wear a suit," He is now a hipster running his own coffee bar and is just about to be married to a gorgeous girl who is covered in tattoos and has a great job in TV and films, so what do I know ??
You won't believe this but today.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I wonder how left handed Muslims get on ?
Ok, I already know I am going to catch all kinds of flack for this but I've stepped in shit before ...
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
So that's how it works,silly me. I thought it was a month of unpaid work.
The truest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
AMAZON PRIME :- we anticipated that you needed a new toaster oven and it will be delivered to your door in 15mins which is 5mins before you have breakfast.
im really proud of the usa we are all doing good
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Does your mum,sorry mom, know that you are using her computer and photo ?.
How the Dutch got their cycle paths - YouTube
Moravian comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I have cycled in The Netherlands and felt totally safe, even in the cities. I rarely cycle on public roads in the UK. We have a network of cycle tracks and a govt body called Sustrans which is providing cycling tracks but it is so underfunded that it is a very slow process.
Guns for God []
Moravian comments on Jan 27, 2019:
thoughts and prayers not enough then ?.
At the risk of upsetting gun owners, Have everyone noticed that we are having multiple murders ...
Moravian comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Gun ownership is so endemic that anyone with a grievance automatically reaches for a gun, On a visit to Northern Idaho last year I spent an afternoon with a really nice hospitable family. The conversation got round to guns and the man of the house told me he had several loaded guns in the case they were attacked by a homicidal maniac. Some years ago some deranged guy had come to the town and raped and murdered two girls so he was taking no chances. Sounded totally paranoid to me.
Fox News Op-Ed: Atheists Are ‘Bullies’ Who Try To Force Their Beliefs On Others - The ...
Moravian comments on Jan 27, 2019:
"W]e are fast becoming accustomed to “killing” our problems rather than dealing with them in a compassionate, loving, and sacrificial way." What a moron. Does he even realise what he is saying. We are killing our problems instead of sacrificing what?.
Tim Hortons to include mandatory tip in price of hot beverages | The Manatee [themanatee.
Moravian comments on Jan 27, 2019:
As a frequent visitor to the USA I find the tipping system bizarre. Why not pay staff a living wage. I have given a 10% tip in a diner and if looks from the waitress could kill, i would be dead, They expect a $5 dollar tip on a meal that costs $10 dollars ffs. My American friends say "but you should pay for good service". So you have to bribe the waitress not to spill the soup in your lap ?
Are you a barefoot person whenever you can? I am.
Moravian comments on Jan 26, 2019:
i was a very confused youth. I was a rocker who like "mod" music long before I was a hippy.
Fill in the blank????
Moravian comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Rolling Stones at Finsbury Park Astoria in 1965
For those who are not aware, this is the day (or night) that we celebrate the birthday of the "Bard ...
Moravian comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I attended this show last night. Brilliant and totally different from the usual Burns supper.
After being a member of Agnostic for the better part of a year, I'm just now beginning to realize ...
Moravian comments on Jan 25, 2019:
And I thought the USA was supposed to be classless ?. The class system is alive and well in the UK but I refuse to recognise it. Before I retired I rubbed shoulders with landed gentry,wealthy businessmen, management types and labourers and to me they were all the same. As we say in Scotland "we are all Jock Tamson's bairns"
looking back on history... this tells a lot.. this video is worth watching... []
Moravian comments on Jan 25, 2019:
But that's progress,isn't it ?. What the hell do a few natives matter. I visited a friend in northern Idaho last year and was told by a local that the local native Americans had recently been given rights to fish the rivers at any time without a close season and using any means. They could also shoot deer at any time of the year again without a close season. He then told a story about a herd of deer being trapped in a car park and then being slaughtered by a group of natives. I have no idea how true any of this is but he certainly believed it.
Watching a British cop show.
Moravian comments on Jan 25, 2019:
And the current queen Elizabeth is Elizabeth 2 of England and Elizabeth 1 of Scotland.
The Brittish are pissed! []
Moravian comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Old news and by the way, to "be pissed"in the UK is to be drunk. What we were is "pissed off"
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
See Arsenal play at the Emirates. I supported them at Highbury in the '60's. Get a tattoo. My son and his fiancé are covered in tatts and I feel left out.
[] Are most Americans aware of this and do they care ?
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Interesting and encouraging comments. After WW2 the UK ceased to be a world power and on one of the few occasions it tried to assert itself,in Suez, it got a bloody nose. Tony Blair will always be yesterdays man in politics here for supporting Bush in the Iraq invasion, and also for his champagne socialist lifestyle which is a pity as he is one of the few who have sensible views on Brexit.. Harold Wilson had more guts in the 60's refusing to help in the Vietnam war, Worryingly defence secretary Gavin Williamson is on record as saying that after Brexit the UK can again assert itself as a world power. What a pratt.
This is why you should always clean your teeth! []
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I thought it was the story about the woman who has an orgasm when she brushes her teeth. It is unlikely that she will suffer from Alzheimers
How blond are you?
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Untimely Death of a Jesus Freak I couldn't get out of going to a church funeral today.
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Sounds like a bit of an ordeal.I see in the news that you are having a heatwave down there. Any hotter and some money could be saved by dispensing with the crematorium.
So, who set the rule that a person must learn to live alone before they can find happiness?
Moravian comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Man is a social animal and therefore should be happiest when in company. I think there is some truth in the statement though. You have to be able to enjoy your own company before being comfortable in a social group.
Dualism and the Infinite You! If you can't create an absolute physical something from a state of ...
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Simplistic reasoning, and you appear to be confusing physics and philosophy. Of course we have come around multiple times or at least some of the atoms of which our bodies are constructed have. You or I may have carbon or hydrogen atoms that previously were in Shakespeare's body. Doesn't turn us in to poets unfortunately. All of the elements on earth were produced when stars exploded billions of years ago and when the sun becomes a red giant they will be scattered to be recycled again.
Melissa Joan Hart told her 6-year-old son that only people who believe in Jesus are 'good' — and ...
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Casual simple mindism more like
New Study Claims Babies Born in Jan and Feb Are More Likely To Be Rich | Rare
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2019:
There are lies,damn lies and statistics. and then there is astrology !!


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