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You could not make this shit up Televangelist: Don’t Bother Getting a Flu Shot Since Jesus Got ...
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2019:
For a country which wants to rule the rest of the world many of it's citizens are particularly stupid.
Viral Clash of Students and American Indians Explained - The Atlantic
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Someone once said "the camera never lies". Now it seems that it can say whatever you want it to. My sympathy is with the native American and to an extent with the School kid. As for the black israelites or whatever they call themselves. Tribalism at it's worst.
Tis a sad day when the warmest part of the crib is the porch.
Moravian comments on Jan 22, 2019:
We have a damp cold climate in Scotland with heating requirements for around 7 months of the year, but on the plus side we do not need air conditioning in summer.
This Jesus johnson slobbering fool is just as pathetic and another pathological liar too! What a ...
Moravian comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I hope you guys don't get rid of Trump 'cos if this guy takes over it really will be scary
For those of you outside of the United Kingdom.
Moravian comments on Jan 22, 2019:
The arch eurosceptics are stirring up the right wing nut jobs by saying that it we have a second referendum there will be civil unrest. Nonsense, we will just have another cup of tea.
Anyone love the original Ghostbusters?
Moravian comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I have watched small parts of the original movie and found it boring and childish. Good luck with the third one.
So how many of you have heard of Pantheism and how do you feel about it?
Moravian comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Wasn't Pan the guy with cloven hooves who played the pipes ? :-)
It's a Beautiful Day Dhttps://[] ay
Moravian comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It puzzles me why this band was not more successful. Their eponymous first album is one of my favourites of all time.
Fans (hidden)
Moravian comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I hate the modern cult of the celebrity where people who are well known for different reasons such as appearing in reality TV shows and have myriads of "fans". After all fan is an abbreviation of fanatic and you don't want too many of those chasing you.
The greatest truth is the knowledge .
Moravian comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Faith is belief without evidence. It starts and ends without knowledge.
It's better to look back on life and say "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I ...
Moravian comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I look back and there are things I am glad I did and things I wish I hadn't but one thing I regret is not joining a mate on the "hippy trail" in the '70's from the UK through Europe and parts of Asia to Australia. After college I had no money and decided not to join him.I doubt if it would be possible to do the same journey now due to unrest in so many parts of the world.
Cowboys and Indians
Moravian comments on Jan 20, 2019:
We were brought up on cowboys and indian films and the indians were always the badies. The idea of the "noble savage" came much later. I can still remember a bit of dialogue from one of those films.A grizzled old cowpuncher saying "the only good injun is a dead one" But genocide was a way of life then. European settlers carried it out in North America, South America, Australia and parts of Africa.
One of my new favorite songs! [] What song are you currently diggin'?
Moravian comments on Jan 20, 2019: One of my favourites
Medicare for all - are you for or against it?
Moravian comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Sounds similar to the UK, but the NHS (national health service) is struggling due to the fact that people are living longer and in old age have more health issues.
They're our cousins..
Moravian comments on Jan 19, 2019:
An insult to our intelligent cousins.
What is your opinion of OgoPogo Nessie and other "monsters" in freshwater lakes?
Moravian comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Don't know about Ogopogo but Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, usually puts in an appearance just before the tourist season kicks off so he/she is probably employed by the Scottish Tourist Board. Those mythological beasts are probably based on something.There has been a Christian settlement at what is now Fort Augustus, at the south end of Loch Ness for hundreds of years and the first reported sighting was by a monk from there. He supposedly said he saw a "beast". So it may have been a bear if it was early enough, and before they were killed off in Scotland, or he may have been hallucinating from fasting and meditating in his cell for days.
Indoctrinating children into religion is child abuse. Prove me wrong.
Moravian comments on Jan 18, 2019:
It definitely affects their critical thinking abilities, but if children were not indoctrinated the major religions would virtually die out in 2 or 3 generations and the many who currently benefit would lose out.
Moravian comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Andrew Wakefield who wrote the original paper claiming that the MMR vaccine caused autism has been totally discredited but many people still believe this. Of course people have the right not to be vaccinated or have their children vaccinated and I am sure there is an isolated island somewhere that they can all be sent to where they can infect one another until they all die off
Islam a religion or cult?
Moravian comments on Jan 18, 2019:
I think it is a matter of scale. They all start as cults and as they grow they are accepted as religions.
Live today like it is your last day on this Earth.
Moravian comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Isn't that what Jesus is believed to have said. "Drop everything and follow me! ?
trump has succeeded in bringing this country into a state that had not been seen since the Civil ...
Moravian comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Populism We have it in the UK with Brexit and a few European countries and Brazil have elected right wing leaders. Worrying times !!
This is the best response I have seen to the Gillette commercial.
Moravian comments on Jan 17, 2019:
What a fuss about a multinational company trying to sell their overpriced products. I have not seen the advert and have no intention of watching it or buying their razors.
I thought I was living in Southern California, but I don't recognize this scene. Help?
Moravian comments on Jan 17, 2019:
The truth is that nobody knows for certain just what happens after we die.
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our personality,thoughts, memories etc are all contained in the brain. When the brain dies and decays they are gone. The only way a person lives on is in their deeds, good or bad, and in the memories of friends and family.
The 30,000 Year History Of The Dildo - Earth to Ken Ham & YECs ?
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Man created it. More likely woman did
Another Moral Christian
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
What happened to innocent until proven guilty. Do you not have that in the USA any more ?
I thought I was living in Southern California, but I don't recognize this scene. Help?
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
You guys are never happy. You complain when it doesn't rain and everything goes up in flames, then you complain when you get a little bit of rain.Try living in Scotland where constant drizzle is the norm.
What is it with me and older (sometimes much older) men?
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Most people knock a few years off their ages on dating sites and post a photo taken a few years previously. Beat them at their own game do the same then you may meet someone nearer your own age. Good luck.
I found this website from a link on YouTube.
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Plenty to get your teeth in to here but from your comments above you sound more like a "conspiracy theorist" than a "deep thinker".
Do you believe in destiny?
Moravian comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Definitely not, but luck plays a part.
This is pretty cool! Too bad it has to go against corporate greed and money. []
Moravian comments on Jan 15, 2019:
This already occurs in nature with the "zombie ant fungus". Possibly where he got the idea .
Moravian comments on Jan 14, 2019:
"Melanoma" !! love it
" The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the ...
Moravian comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Circumcision percentage in the UK is currently about 12%. In the USA in is well over 50%. Many parents in the USA have it done without even thinking about as it almost the norm. Time they were educated I think,
Many atheists find it unpleasant and sometimes don't want to openly and proudly categorize ...
Moravian comments on Jan 14, 2019:
What annoys me is that it is a negative term. Now that less than half of the population of the UK are religious the atheist label can be dismissed with and believers should be labelled theists.
Moravian comments on Jan 14, 2019:
One of my favourite bands back then.
I spent ten years in a Christian cult here in Texas.
Moravian comments on Jan 11, 2019:
My suggestion is, move to a part of the country where there are more normal people ie non religious people.
Jesus Christ took a dip in my local YMCA today
Moravian comments on Jan 11, 2019:
This is interesting. Hopefully it's an alien jazz station. lol. []
Moravian comments on Jan 10, 2019:
More likely to be "disaster area" the loudest band in the universe.
Things were different then !
Moravian comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Some years ago I met a family on a train journey with a son of about 6 years old. We were discussing how life was in our childhood and the young lad said "things were different then" When asked what he meant he said "everything was gray". He had seen black and white photos of his parents as youngsters and assumed that everything in life was as the photos showed. Surely this parallels the beliefs of Christians who take the bible literally because "things were different then". Our knowledge of the physical world was very limited and we had to base our opinions on what was known or believed. There is an excuse for a young lad starting out in life but not for the willfull ignorance shown by those people.
Trump walks out on shutdown meeting: [] []
Moravian comments on Jan 10, 2019:
It really surprises me how much power the president has in the USA. This isn't democracy. More like a dictatorship.
Pastor Who Praised Pulse Nightclub Gunman Resigns After Allegedly Paying for Sex
Moravian comments on Jan 10, 2019:
"Stedfast" church ?. the guy can't even spell. Maybe he thought the brothel was a soup kitchen for the homeless.
And now, for another stupid hunting "accident" Ex-LSU player's leg amputated after dog shoots him.
Moravian comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I have always said that dogs should not be allowed to have guns even if they are called "gundogs"
On a recent visit to Florida we ate at a very nice restaurant where the sign at the front door ...
Moravian comments on Jan 9, 2019:
It was a very hot summer in England last year and at one secondary school the dress code was no shorts allowed so a few of the boys turned up at school wearing skirts. It made the front page of the tabloids but I can't remember what the eventual outcome was.
Cricket- What's up with that sport?
Moravian comments on Jan 9, 2019:
No goals in cricket only runs, and wickets :-). Kevin explains it pretty well but he didn't touch on the fielding positions such as short leg, silly mid off,. silly mid on etc. One for the ladies. Bowling was originally done underhand but the ladies found that their voluminous skirts got in the way so they started bowling overarm and the men followed.
On a recent visit to Florida we ate at a very nice restaurant where the sign at the front door ...
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Within reason. Many years ago in my hippy days a few friends and I were asked to leave a bar because we were not wearing ties. Of course it was because we had long hair which seemed to upset the landlord as there were other casually dressed guys in the bar not wearing ties. We pointed this out and the landlord then invited us outside to sort this out . We were four very fit guys in our twenties and he was one flabby middle aged guy. Was he brave,stupid, or had he just been imbibing too much of his stock. I can't remember how it ended but I think we took pity on the guy and left his bar.
Homeopathy, quackery and fraud
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Love this guy.
If this is true, they'll be very little money left to live on. I don't want this here in America
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Basic tax rate in the UK is 20%. In Scotland we have free health care, free university tuition, free bus travel for over 60's ( this wouldn't work in the US as there are very few buses). US citizens kid themselves on that they have a low tax economy. When you add income tax,state sales tax, health insurance, property tax ( far higher than our council tax) it is probably about the same as the UK
DEBUNKED: Top 5 AR-15 Lies! | Louder With Crowder Honestly, I have both some conservative, and ...
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2019:
What a pratt !!. In more civilised parts of the world we just shake our heads in disbelief at the USA's gun loving culture. On a recent visit to the USA i spent a pleasant afternoon with a family in Idaho, until the conversation turned to gun ownership,. The man of the house stated that he had several loaded guns in the house in case he was attacked by a homicidal maniac. paranoid or what ??. I said ok, that's handguns but no one should own semi automatic rifles other than the military. The reply was " owning and using one may be someone's hobby". Just before I was escorted from the house I suggested that knitting or stamp collecting may be a better hobby.
If you knew everything, could you predict anything? A thought experiment | Aeon Videos
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Of course you could predict anything and a bookie would probably give you odds on your prediction being correct. eg if your prediction was that Man City,Liverpool or Spurs will win the English Premier league this year the odds would be very short but if your prediction was that non league Barnet are going to win the FA cup the odds would be much longer. With powerful computers and more information we can make informed decisions. eg weather forecasting is much more accurate these days but only for a few days ahead. I think the learned professor is rambling. What about chaos theory?. The complexity is such that even the most powerful computer could only make a rough guess at future events, After all it is only basing future forecsats on historical events. As for free will. I believe it does exist but only up to a point. We are at the mercy of our upbringing, our current environment and beliefs which must colour any decision made.
Psychic Surgeon Proved Genuine
Moravian comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Of course it is fake. Sleight of hand and animal guts.
Isn't it Ironic?
Moravian comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Excellent reply Gwendolyn. As for the sin of pride. In my mind there is no such thing as a sin as it is a religious construct. Nothing wrong with pride so long as it is not misplaced.
Moravian comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Link doesn't seem to work but it is a film about the Sea Shepherd. Wrth a look if you can find it.
I love these shirts.
Moravian comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I have a T shirt with the words "atheism is a non prophet organisation". It is in great condition as I don't havo the nerve to wear it very often.
Need to share: This morning, while still in bed, my wife handed me a cup of a coffee then winked ...
Moravian comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Why ?. do you think she neglected to put in the usual three spoons of sugar /.
Why is Christianity called a monotheistic religion, when in church every one chants they believe in ...
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
They are the same, the trinity, As a kid at sunday school I always got a fit of the giggles when the minister started talking about the holy ghost.
Where do we all stand on fortune cookies?
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Where do we stand on fortune cookies?. Right in the middle. Press down with the ball of the foot then throw them in the bin.:-)
Only in America
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I doubt if this is an ironic posting as you are an American :-). If the $trillions, not $billions spent on military adventures abroad was spent at home, the USA would be a much better place live.
I'm one year cigarette free! I tried a few times to smoke one and it was so disgusting.
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Well done. Keep it up. It gets easier the longer you have stopped.
The older I get, the more I keep fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting because I do not ...
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Do not go gentle into that good night Rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas.
Just enjoying my 1st shot of Glenlivet scotch (single malt) in, probably, 10 yrs.
Moravian comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I live within the Speyside area and there are over fifty distilleries within a radius of thirty miles or so.The whiskies vary greatly and one of my favourites is Ardmore port wood finish. I also like Talisker from Skye which has a slight smokieness but not so extreme as the Islay malts. I am just back from the USA where I sampled a few Kentucky bourbouns. Very palatable and my palate much sweeter than Scotch.
Flu shot?
Moravian comments on Jan 5, 2019:
All pros, No cons !
We have a new Muslim Member of Congress and she’s already calling for Trump’s impeachment! What ...
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It's senses ?
The demographic time bomb that could hit America - The Washington Post
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
To keep a stable population a birth ratio of 2.1 is required. In the developed world it currently averages 1.6 and in South Korea it is less than 1.0. As countries become wealthier the birth rate drops. AI will help but developed countries need immigrants to fill jobs and look after an aging population. Consumerism constantly needs more people so eventually we will need to find another system. Of course we may destroy the ability of the earth to support a human population by then so it may not matter.
I write as an English observer across the pond.
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I think it is called schadenfreude. My other half is American and I spend quite a lot of time over there mainly in New England and the American people have my utmost sympathy. True it was self inflicted but so was the abomination that is Brexit in the UK. Interestingly I temporarily joined a closed group of Trump lovers just to see how their minds worked,or if they even did, and the the three things you needed to be a member of the group is to be a supporter of Trump,Brexit, and be a climate change denier.
The Most Effective Form of Birth Control Is Cheap and Easy, Yet Surprisingly Unpopular - Tonic
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I had a vasectomy years ago after my son was born and I didn't want to father any more children. Obviously it is not suitable for younger men yet to have children but should be promoted more by the NHS. I watched a news item recently about a couple who are just about to have their 21st child. and all I could think was "how bloody selfish".
Please give a big Scottish welcome to Moravian who has just joined the group.
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Hi Marionville, I live in the small village of Nethy Bridge near Aviemore in the highlands. Great for my hobbies of mountain biking and hill walking. I was brought up in the village of Dallas in Moray hence the Moravian label. I have lived and worked all over Scotland and England and am now retired Apart from the great outdoors my interests are politics,the evironment,and debating religion with theists. I strongly dislike nationalism/patriotism and the new buzzword populism and when someone calls themselves " a proud Scot" I think what ? Because of an accident of birth, After all we are all Jock Tamsons bairns.
Who is single? I have big problem with meeting a girl
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Try online dating mate. It worked for me.
If Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has her way on going 100% green by 2030 it will wreck the US economy so ...
Moravian comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I don't think anyone believes the USA will be running totally on renewables by then but it will be part of the way there. In the UK electricity was 30% from renewables last year and several times throughout the year Scotland was using electricity that was 100% from renewables with a surplus to sell to England. An other interesting fact is that we are using less electricty than in the 1980's due to advances in technology. As a Trump supporter you are probably a climate change denier. The two usually go together. If the rest of the world used the same amount of the worlds resources as the USA we would need several worlds to supply these resources. Time you guys stopped being so greedy and selfish. .
If I ever Break the Neck of a 14 year Old.
Moravian comments on Jan 3, 2019:
The driver of the Lincoln is culpable as well. Hope he is charged.
Do you listen to religious music?
Moravian comments on Jan 3, 2019:
There is some great religious music. I like christmas carols and Leonard Cohen's Hallujah is one of my favourite songs but like the classic "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen just don't listen to the lyrics too closely. they don't make a lot of sense.
An American’s duty: [] EDIT: this is satire
Moravian comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I hope that was meant to be ironic. The biggest problem in the world today is the rise of nationalism/patriotism/populism.
Ok judge not
Moravian comments on Jan 2, 2019:
So a court judge after years of training and experience does not understand ?
Same auld lang syne. Happy New Year []
Moravian comments on Jan 1, 2019:
For anyone who is interested,here are the words of Burn's poem Auld land syne. I get fed up hearing it being massacred every new year Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind Should auld acquaintance be forgot And auld lang syne Chorus For auld lang syne my dear For auld lang syne We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne And surely ye'll be your pint stowp And surely I'll be mine And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne Chorus We twa hae run aboot the braes And pou'd the gowans fine But we've wandered mony a weary fitt #Sin' auld lang syne chorus We twae hae paddl'd in the burn Frae mornin' sun till dine But seas between us braid hae roar'd Sin auld lang syne chorus And there's a hand my trusty fiere And gie's a hand o' thine And we'll tak a richt good willie waught For auld land syne chorus
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Moravian comments on Dec 31, 2018:
There is a cultural taboo against incest not a religious taboo although in the bible belt of the USA marriage between first cousins seems to be common. The set up of most social animals makes incest uncommon. eg male hyenas will move to another group to mate. Some bird species eg swans mate for life so incest is unlikely.
Fun introspective.
Moravian comments on Dec 31, 2018:
America has some great craft beers as has Scotland. Brewdog from Aberdeenshire have recently built a brewery in Ohio.The mass produced beers like Coors and Budweiser are garbage.
More charming behaviour from Australia's own take on the megachurch, Hillsong.
Moravian comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Is it joke time then ?? A neutrino was thrown out of a bar A faster than light neutrino walks into a bar. I keep being mistaken for rock star Bono. Every time I walk in to my local with my mate tha barman says "Not U2 again"
Religious fanatic-lunatic poisoning my life. What do I do?
Moravian comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I know little about the US legal syatem but if you can get legal aid take your husband to court for custody if your son, then instigate divorce proceedings. I'm sure you will have a strong case due to his unreasonable behaviour. Good luck,
Favorite-read recommendations?
Moravian comments on Dec 28, 2018:
The philosopher and the wolf by mark Rowlands.
President Bush Comedy. []
Moravian comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Comedy ?. I don't think he has a future as a stand comedian.
An acquaintance of mine who is aware I am not a believer, keeps inviting me church functions like ...
Moravian comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Many years ago I worked with a Roman catholic guy and one friday I was sitting in the works canteen tucking into my steak and chips (I think it must have been payday) when my Catholic friend joined me with his fish and chips and then started berating me for eating meat at his table on a friday. He was quite a bit older than me and very kind to me so I just laughed it off. It is always a touchy subject but if your friend is a christian surely she should forgive you . Of course maybe she feels that it is her duty to save your soul from eternal damnation and will nver let up.
A thought provoking article from George Galloway on the possibility of another Crimea: Another ...
Moravian comments on Dec 22, 2018:
On the news this morning "the UK has sent a warship the area in response Russian activity re Ukraine ". I think the west was a bit naive in trying attract Ukraine into the European fold in the first place. Putin would love to recreate the old Soviet Union and Ukraine was always a buffer against the west. I think gorgeous George is getting a bit carried away though. Maybe he is angling for a bit of publicity and next years "I'm a celebrity"
Happy Solstice to everyone!
Moravian comments on Dec 21, 2018:
The Christian reserection story is based on this. He shall die and on the third day come back to life. The sun reaches it's nadir on or around 21 Dec.stays on the same trajectory for two days and on the third day there is a slight lengthening of daylight time.Several born again saviours prior to Jesus followed this pattern but don't suggest this to any Christians you know. They don't like it.
What is the true purpose of religion?
Moravian comments on Dec 21, 2018:
In a word, CONTROL
Which religion did you follow/attend before?
Moravian comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I went to sunday school ( church of Scotland) every sunday until the age of 15 and then to church until I left home at 16. I didn't realise at the time but the teachings went right over my head and had no impression on me so when in later life I took an interest in religion I could do so disspationately without any "baggage". I have met people who call themseves "recovering catholics" so I consider myself fortunate. Maybe there should be a group like alcoholics anonymous to help them ?.
What is your moral compass?
Moravian comments on Dec 20, 2018:
I live in a small village and the local church are hosting what they call "the alpha course". Which they say is a way to live a moral life within the Christian faith. I strongly disagree that one needs Christianity or any other "faith" to lead a moral life. I would like to go along and argue my case but I would probably know many of the people attending and have I the courage to do so ?.


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