Edit: now a little bit fat, but working on it using a combination of yoga and indoor rock climbing. The hair is still hanging in there, but has migrated cover pretty much the entire rest of my body.
Edit 2: No more rock climbing - blew out the tendons in my elbows. Sigh. Aging carcass. Muay Thai instead.
I guess I should put some serious stuff in here.
Grew up in Australia, emigrated England 15 years ago. Accent is still fully intact, as is my abhorrence of class prejudice, love of barbecue and low opinion of soccer as a sport for grown men.
Religiously, I'm a devout geologist and Terrypratchettarian. Politically, I'm an evidence-based whatworksist, which often gets confused with being a leftie. Sorry, people, the Scandinavian model of social democracy just... works. It makes people happy.
I like death metal and cats.
I like cyberpunk fiction.
I like skanking to ska like a demented spider.
I like kissing. God, I miss kissing.
Separated, but spend a lot of time with my kids, so while I'd love meet someone, would have take it slow as a lot of my time is already committed.
Plus, y'all pretty much live in America. Sigh.