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Ex-Christian that's now an agnostic atheist. Just trying to enjoy life and connect with people I can relate to. Growing up in a very religious black family and community has taken its toll on my life. I'm happy I was able to break free from it and find a level of peace within. Unfortunately, the change in my core beliefs has made life a little more complex outwardly. I went from a well known Christian with a good reputation to the black sheep of my family. Just trying to connect with people, online or even in my area, that I can relate to and feel comfortable with being myself.

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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Here for community
  • Level6 (5,720 points)
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  • Joined Jan 2nd, 2019
  • Last Visit 3+ months ago
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