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I tend to be extremely insular on just about everything simply because I don't want to have to deal ...
Nickbeee comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Well i can say this for sure ... I recently read an article about a study suggesting humans were a little too packed into their spaces and that in the densest urban area's There was up to a 75% prevelence rate in psycosis. Simply to survive. The only way to avoid that psycoisis is become a little more insular ... Sounds familiar? I strive for balance .. not easy .. politcal state definitely doesn't help! another one - not one i had seen I don't think it has to be too urban just intense enough.... modern life .. i would not suggest you have any illness at all .. i would suggest you are partly doing the right thing .. maybe listen too !! :) ;)
What's the funniest joke you've heard?
Nickbeee comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I was walking down the street the other day & this random man ran up to me & started smashing milk cartons over my head.... I thought, "how dairy".
In my feelings.
Nickbeee comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The only answer is move on really. Hard as it feels. If someone does it to you once they are very likely to do the same again or worse .. hugs. A lot of people are just unthinking !! I'm jaded enough to take knocks lol. I try to avoid it but not always poss. Takes time.
Dread Zeppelin []
Nickbeee comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Haha. An acquaintances dads band ?
Most of us are agnostics and atheists because someone gave us a dose of reality.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
My Dad was a full on raving Atheist .. Cold as a fish lol.. My Mum a half believing unsure Methodist lol.. !!! So i was never destined .. Just kept playing up so much in sunday school as five year old i had to be removed.. Kept asking, "Jesus isn't real - can i go home now?" !!!! It just seemed a crock even as a kid ..
Which makes better art?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I think it just depends !!! Either !
One more just for the fun of it.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
"Ever had an argument that never ends?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Walk away :)
Remember Popeye the Sailor Man?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Some Facts About Cannabis
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Sorry I am hijacking your post a bit here lmao
Some Facts About Cannabis
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018: ooh :) US6630507 Neuroprotection - promoter of Neuroplasticity.
Some Facts About Cannabis
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018: This is a fabulous resource ... All the medical studies undertaken so far in an index..
I call this little guy Steve.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Hello Steve!
Nice hand placement with that mannequin.. just keeping it real.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I have a friend who sets them up in compromising positions in stores .. Usually doggy style. Kind of guerilla manequin vandal.
Grandpa's favorite couch
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Horrific lol !!!
Anyone else get a kick out of blocking annoying people?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I'll leave this here lol
I'm not saying what it is as i's more fun .. Someone will get it.. Just farting about with macro.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Shelled Hazelnut !! madly ..
Do you "get" satire?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Hahahaha!!! Awesome!! very funny !!
Ok Memers. Time for a workout!
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Properly funny !!!!
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Very good !!!!!! Nasty Orange silly lol.
Today is World Bipolar day.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Tough one ... Very personal for everyone i would say. All i can say is find people who are suppportive. I am Epileptic.. Quite open about it but i find little point getting into deep conversations about it really. People can't comprehend what they don't feel or live day to day. I feel you. Distraction is your friend. It's good to keep saying what you are saying as long as it is acknowleging your pain & it doesn't become a mantra. Things do and can change so maybe you are transitioning? It took me about 40 yrs to find any peace personaly. I think you know the best answers as it's your thing and the most difficult part in life is getting help that doesn't make sense or when there is no direct answer or solution. It's just tough. An old friend used to say to me, "Life's hard then you die" when things were really tough .. I used to really fucking hate it but now i laugh .. it took me a while .. From my friends experience I think Bipolar is missunderstood .. i have a friend who did find stability in later life. People do tend to make throwaway comments with any difference which doesn't help does it. Try meditation. What you are saying does not sound bad at all ... Sometimes saying something really angry and acknowleging your feelings is a positive thing .. from darkness cometh light ;0 lol ... to quote the devil book we all hate on here.. but that quote kinda fits this situtaion i feel.. that feeling is there to be acknowleged and worked with over time imo.
Make Love Not War... Doggy style!
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
No sense of health and safety lol
The Orb and Lee Scratch Perry [youtube.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Heya!! I was at the Orbs first gig in Brixton fridge Uk.. Good times... !!!! Transcendental ... Lee Scratch Perry is a small god.. I mean they don't exist haha.. But if they did ... dude does stuff with a studio you can't really say anyone else ever would have done. Proper talent.
Ahhhhhhhh shit .... Happy Easter!! :) []
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
UK satirical magazine.
Morning thoughts
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Really, get over it...
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Ahh the great and holy shit. The trinity of shits. The shit that rose from the ceramic bowl. The shit that did not die. Praise be to shite. For thine is the power the shit and the glory A-shit.
Whether we all realize this or not WE will be affected in some way.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Had some fun with this one.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Should women still act like women and men like men?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Personally i think it will all come out in the wash. It's individual and whatever works with who you are spending time with. Some women i know would be horrified by anything but joint decisions on everything pretty much (rightly so imo). Other females i know actively want mild dominance and a man to be a man / primate lol.
I'm so excited.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Gorgeous !!
If we all do our share....
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Hahahaha!!!!!! Going to cost a lot of money that :o :o
Proof of no god?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
You cannot prove God does exist .. As you cannot prove a unicorn exists. This gives us a pretty much 100% probability God does not exist (or unicorns) because after searching for pretty much the span of human existence all we can find is fictional accounts with no skeletal evidence of unicorns or direct evidence of a divine entity. Nobody has ever witnessed or even come close to proving these things therefore we can say we need to prove them for them to be validated .. We base this upon the supposition that anything we made up without empirical evidence is by definition imaginary. Or it could be a delusion! Henceforth God clearly cannot exist. It is not up to anyone to disprove the existence of divine deities. It is up to people to prove that they exist seeing as so far there is absoloutely zero evidence of a divine creator (or unicorns) .. Apart from made up stories. That being said i am just off to visit Kuthulu for a joint!
Paster attacked by lions expecting the lord to intervein. []
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Pastor Lavista?
Early morning flight.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Would you dare to have sex in a church?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I have .... it was like really fucking naughty ... fantastic lol x
Dom & Kim.. They ain't never goin to be respectable!!!!
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Oh - do I get double points LMAO ?
What is your quest? What is your favorite color? What is your next goal in life?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Save the world. Red. Carry on as I am for now.
Gary and Persia Numan - My Name Is Ruin []
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
B side to cars... Have it on Vinyl!! Nice memory.
Does anyone use Photoshop?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I love photoshop there are quite a few vids online. Google and youtube just telling you how it works aren't there!! I like putting my friends heads onto Lord of the Rings Characters or Pornstars mainly. You can't beat Elephants in Tree's though.
2 days till my birthday I wish I could invite Everyone of you out with me on Saturday night to ...
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Happy birthday ?
What about your life gives you a sense of meaning?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Natural beauty. Music, art, people.
Hi I have a bell tent....can't wait to get it dusted off again...its been a while
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Me too. Though mine is some strange shaped mountain thing with a 7000 hydrostatics head. Like an extended dome. Been too long !!!
Sexual Compatibility
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I would say it doesn't have to be there for everyone. However i am very physical & need healthy mutual stimulation .. sex is important personally.
What liars and hypocrites fear most is the truth.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's a funny old game. Untruth can be nailed down to very few personsal traits or personality types. Quite often people eminent in anything will be completely inept socially or struggle. Thier truth is their work. Everything & everyone else is painful. I am truth. I always face it. I know that isn't typical. Metaphysics says there cannot be truth yet in practical reality it's what we agree is proven after being tested. Politically, globally, currently I think we are at a pinnacle of untruth. Also socially. Hence the general lack of distrust. I live by truth as much as possible. Some people's I find a little wide of the grade ! Always scares some people, always will.
Lol...Damn Men...
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Very kind of you !
Are you patient?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I'm incredibly patient mostly. Sometimes, though not often and when I forget to breathe I am just spaghetti...
Does intimacy contribute to your general health and happiness>
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Very yes !!!
Yet another autocorrect
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
[] Sonic Youth
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
People that won't take no for an answer
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have had it too but I think it's mostly a male trait!!! There are some pretty odd folks out there.
“Who cares, I have nothing to hide” — Why the popular response to online privacy is so flawed
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Innocent until proven guilty essentially.. We don't need need "pre crime". Minority report ? VPN's are pretty useful!
Why sports are dumb - YouTube
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018: Sports being dumb
I so want to read this story. Someone write it!!!!
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Tempting haha!!!
Are you attracted to people who are just comfortable being themselves from the start?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
YES!!!! Be yourself.. The right person will accept that
Home in the bush, early days.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
What is something your parents told you as a kid that you realized later it was an outright lie?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
My Dad convinced my brother he could lay eggs. I sussed he may be making it up. We were about 6 & 8 respectvely. I clearly remember my brother telling people it was definitely true / getting into quite heated convo's with adults for a six year old!!
I'd like to know the degree of chemical use in modern commercial pot production, and how much of it ...
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Look up probiotic living soil grow techniques... Bokashi Composting. Making Lactic Bascillus feeds and probiotic soil amendments. No till gardening. A company called Build A Soil and a guy named Jeremy Silva and his silva soil mixes .... Truly chemical free techniques .. take a bit of work.. Even bottle fed organic plants will have a different THC profile to organics under a high powered microscope. You can still certainly produce amazing quality with bottle fed and organic bottle fed hydro or more complex techniques and if you flush em really well you will get amazing medicine ... however I personaly have had enough of both to know the difference and would choose probiotically grown / no till / living soil / bokashi composting over anything .... You don't even have to flush it as it never saw chemicals. You only use rainwater or spring for these techniques as tap would kill the Myceleum soil webs microbial complexity!! It's a massive subject and always causes heated online debate.. I.e. which is best .. The CDC in the USA demand testing on all medical weed.. The best medical growers use the above techniques and grow outdoor with natural light.. Some of the pants they produce are the size a tree.. they are giants .. !!!
Exclamation of joy! I have found you! I knew there had 2 be a marijuana friendly group here ...
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Greetings pothead.. I just did the same as you and found this group !! :P
What say you??
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
What’s your favorite medium for music? I’m into original vinyls myself
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Narwhals are okay but giants steal them to use as toothpicks !!! Any medium. Vynil best. Use a lot of direct digital lossless formats too. FLAC,AAC etc...
What is the plural of Jesus?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Jeeezes ?
Have you ever teleported, or known someone who did?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have recently mapped my own neurology after years of struggle. I have proved to be right and after brain scans will now get help. The brain is incredibly complex & literally any subjective experience is possible. That does not mean it definitely happened. I see a lot of lights amongst other stuff because there is a lesion growing in my brain .. i confuse faces & may think strangers are friends or friends are strangers but have at no point assume'd people were teleporting around which is the alternative assumption to a genetic brain difference. I don't know an answer to this but i think you need some questions & the first is, "would your husband avoid something difficult for an easy day?. What you are describing could be a component of anything from epilepsy to something more chemical and less biological. If you can do it at will however please let me know how.
Do humans have a innate affinity for drugs & is this natural behaviour for humans?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Changing consciousness drives it in my opinion. I think it's where people found spirituality, god, "divine"(chemical) inspiration, probably peace. What came first, psylocibin and human consumption or that really fast bit in evolution nobody understands? I think we did it by accident. Liked it and it became fundamental to human thought and mind expansion. Maybe everthing we do is like a result of cordiceps. Maybe the fungus mycelium web decides all. Maybe that going to far but I think curiosity drove it .. but sustained use was driven by pleasures. That's my theory. Maybe it helped evolution?
I’m so tired of not being enough.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 26, 2018:
If it that you are not enough.. Or just right but too much for the wrong person? and they are trying to control you as THEY can't cut the mustard ???? (aren't up to the mark etc) .. ?
Just putting a random thought out there .
Nickbeee comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I stopped doing it and concentrated more fully on personality for a good while. Though have found myself searching somewhere inbetween of late.
Nickbeee comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I'll deal with sexual guilt when I am dead. I don't seem to be able to feel it now so i'll have to then when it arises! Pretty sure i'll be cremated though .. To be honest from the day I could be stimulated sexually there was no guilt in the equation. How can anything that nice be wrong in the right context? If my relatives have been watching it serves them right .. though i'm positive they haven't been or I would have been hit by lightning!
What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore?
Nickbeee comments on Mar 25, 2018:


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