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Man, 52, Dublin,
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Living in Ireland for 15 years, still having my story written.
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Who avoids discussing religion and spirituality?
Paddypereira comments on Apr 8, 2020:
On that I would be "bad" and would confront the person with my ideas. If the person in the end would disagree but would respect, no problem at all. If the person still insists in converting me, there will be problems. Unfortunately, on this, most of the time, it will be fruitless, as both of us will still believe the same anyway.
The prose (?
Paddypereira comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Although I understand the principle behind it, the person maybe hasn't realised how important this is to be done. Usually, what was described would be what's going on in a dictatorial regime except for the part of not being productive on the farmer's side. Are these measures strict? Yes. Hopefully they'll not be needed forever. Although I'm very anti-social and I like pretty much my loneliness, I like to have the freedom of option to do whatever I like. Hopefully things will go back to as close as it was normal before this happened. We just have to wait. The Guinness adds on telly say "good things happen to those who wait". I hope it will reflect sooner or later in life.
💡 Agree or disagree? Any comments?
Paddypereira comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Very true. For the best or for the worse.
This is from The Onion-satire TALLAHASSEE, FL—In a bold affirmation of faith during a time of ...
Paddypereira comments on Apr 14, 2020:
WTF??? Jaysus!!! Well, the guy is really delusional about how things work... I would love to ask him if the bubonic plague was also religious as most people that died were Christians... I know I'm not very intelligent but this goes way below the limits...
Letters to the Editor: Who asked Ron Reagan about his zealous atheism?
Paddypereira comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Although I live in a Catholic nation, I must say I have a great amount of freedom here. I haven't fully read the Irish Constitution but there are no amendments as far as I know (correct me if you have more accurate facts on this). The paradox on this is to have limits on this freedom to be truly free. On the context that freedom without limits leads to tyranny, makes sense. This is where the tricky part of it relies.
I’m an atheist but I want to ask a serious question.
Paddypereira comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I have loads of religious friends and most of my family are religious as well. So far, I have really nothing to complain about.
I hate Theists
Paddypereira comments on May 17, 2020:
I hate people all the same... Lol!!! However, I understand how disgusting it is to see and know these things happen and are people who believe in God who practice it. However, not all religious people are like that.
Σ Good Morning all... .. .. ..
Paddypereira comments on May 23, 2020:
Good evening, milady. Well, I'm in a completely different time fuse. Literally!!! 😉😄😁😆😅🤣
OK mushrooms.
Paddypereira comments on May 24, 2020:
Well, the type of mushrooms I get here usually I fry them, in olive oil or butter and put loads of pepper and lemon juice. It's a suggestion...
Potential COVID-19 vaccine clears 'major milestone'. (Saskatoon) []
Paddypereira comments on May 27, 2020:
I would be a human guinea pig to test the vaccine. I think it's a risk worth taking.
ε Good morning all. No need to dress.. I'm in quarantine...
Paddypereira comments on May 31, 2020:
Good evening, milady!!! It's after 4 PM here.
I'm new here.
Paddypereira comments on Jun 9, 2020:
You don't have to tell anything about your beliefs. I would advise you to tell him that you want to be there to support him, say that you will be available if he wants to talk and find a way to get away from the praying, if you're not comfortable with it.
Every time i see someone with a Walmart shirt that says you need jesus i cringe big time, i wish i ...
Paddypereira comments on Jun 21, 2020:
You can get one and print it.
Another one on religion
Paddypereira comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Good one!!!
Hello, I'm new in this platform although I am an Atheist from quite long time before that I am a ...
Paddypereira comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Well, the faithful ones attend because it helps them, in the least they believe it. Ahead of the church/temple sometimes there are crooks that make big profit out of it, which are quite a few. There are also places that the guys ahead of the church/temple administrate the place, earn some money and do a good social work. It depends a lot.
I regard myself as a militant atheist
Paddypereira comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Although it's only a categorization, I like it, personally speaking.
Discrimination and Stigma Against Atheists Are you publicly open about your atheism or ...
Paddypereira comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Here in Europe, although I live in a Catholic country, if you say you're an atheist, most people won't make a big deal about it. Of course, there are fanatics who would question you and try to convert you but they are a minority. Despite this, it's very rare for me to go about this openly, more because it really doesn't make a difference. You now have the experience of a group where people of different beliefs gather and have a healthy interaction (if I understood you right). It's something you shouldn't hide but only discuss when the subject is brought up.
Create a caption... Does anyone see this post? [agnostic.]
Paddypereira comments on Jul 16, 2020:
No, I can't, I'm blind... 🤪
I was raised Catholic.
Paddypereira comments on Jul 20, 2020:
In all religions/sects they believe that only those who follow that path can go to heaven. Probably only some Muslims believe that, due to be different paths, people who believe slightly different may go to Heaven. I remember a schoolmate of mine that believed only 144000 would go to Heaven and the leader of the cult he attended was one of them. You know what??? Whatever!!! There's no evidence that it'll happen, let people believe that if that's what they want to believe
Good morning all.. Coffee anyone?
Paddypereira comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Coffee, no thanks, it's already too late for me to have coffee... can I have a glass of red wine or a pint of ale instead???
Here is a statement I hate.
Paddypereira comments on Aug 2, 2020:
I wonder how the people who speak about the "word of God" will talk about his designs, that no human can understand, not even them and they still claim to know about his word don't see how ridiculous they are.
Why would a lifelong atheist suddenly decide to become baptized into Mormonism and be going on a ...
Paddypereira comments on Aug 5, 2020:
To better understand, ask the person. It seems to work for him. We can only express opinions that might not be accurate. It might not make sense his explanation to you but makes for him.
I swear this just happened and I VOW to get our picture together in the next 24 hours.
Paddypereira comments on Aug 7, 2020:
The Orkney Islands, land of one of my favourite whiskies: Scapa. I really liked a few spots there, like the Italian Chapel and the totem just opposite the road that leads to the Chapel. If I go back I'll definitely buy a few bottles of Scapa...
Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness (Official Video) - YouTube
Paddypereira comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Never got into these guys. Great musicians though.
I Could Have Suffered Breonna Taylor's Fate. Being White May Have Saved My Life.
Paddypereira comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Jaysus!!! Happy to know you got away with it. As one of the guys knew you, even if you were black, you'd get away anyway. If nobody knew you, I don't think the colour of your skin would matter. If the guys were good professionals, you could get away like you did. Someone more nervous on the trigger was there, that is the main question. This is my reading of the situation, might not be the most realistic one. It seems that one of your neighbours is troublesome due to circumstances, I think you'll be in a good situation after this, I think the next time, the cops will knock knowing you have a legal weapon but you will only use it if really necessary and will behave a lot differently. They want also to avoid bloodshed, especially if unnecessarily.
Can an atheist and an Evangelical be friends?
Paddypereira comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Why shouldn't be?
Make it!! Spanakopita meaning "spinach pie", is a Greek savory pastry, typically with spinach ...
Paddypereira comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I love Greek food.
Dad's funeral was on 9-11.
Paddypereira comments on Sep 13, 2020:
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. For me, it just sounds crazy. I hope all goes well for you.
I’d like to get members opinions and thoughts and feelings about agnostic theists; of which I am ...
Paddypereira comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Well, on this, if you ask me if I believe in God, I say no. If you ask me if there is a God, I say I don't know. With all the shit around the world I don't think the chances of the existence of a deity like described in the so called holy books are that big.
I am either an agnostic (don't know, don't care - we'll all find out soon enough) or humanist.
Paddypereira comments on Nov 1, 2020:
I don't know. My answer to your question about what happens after death. The only thing known is that our bodies stop to function, so most likely we stop to exist. After that, who knows?
I'm an atheist who loves cats....
Paddypereira comments on Nov 1, 2020:
I have slight preference for dogs but I do like cats. I do agree with said in the photo.
And for those Agnostic dot com members that are still "on the fence".
Paddypereira comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Well, first explain what you mean by "members who are still on the fence". If you mean by that the agnostic people, believe me, there's nothing of being still on the fence for being agnostic. I don't believe in God but I don't take this belief as fact. If that's being on the fence for you, you're being ignorant. I'm talking for myself, of course. I would like first to hear your explanation so I can make my own conclusion.
Does anyone still use “Oh please let me ...” in thought when you want something good to happen?
Paddypereira comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Nope. First time I hear about that expression. Please, bear in mind that English is my second language. In Portuguese, we have the expression "ser bafejado pela sorte", literal translation would be "to be breathed onto by luck". There's a Portuguese soccer manager (football for us Europeans) that says "ser bocejado pela sorte" which means "to be yawned onto by luck"...
I have been very seriously ill during the last few months.
Paddypereira comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Good people/professionals are good and respectful. I'm happy to hear the news you shared.
What Do Atheists Do at Christmas?
Paddypereira comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Well, although I'm agnostic, if I had my family nearby I would spend the day with them. As it's scattered around the world, most likely I'll spend it at home, alone, in peace and quiet.
Just joined, going to vent.
Paddypereira comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Welcome!!! On that, I don't blame you. It's up to you to set the boundaries for your life and business.
A Small Minnesota Town Voted to Approve the Permit for a Whites-Only Church ...
Paddypereira comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Although they are free to do so, it doesn't make sense today. That's backwards and discriminatory.
I may have posted this here earlier, I can't remember.
Paddypereira comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Probably I would tell him/her to fuck off.
My father recently died and the pastor presiding over the service used that time to convert people ...
Paddypereira comments on Dec 21, 2020:
My condolences. If they went that way because they wanted, nothing you can do about it. The pastor's attitude was something very predictable to happen and should have been prepared for that. Your freedom ends where the other's begins. Might be frustrating but that's the way that it is.
Is the Catholic Church really "pro-life?"
Paddypereira comments on Feb 4, 2021:
It's sad to see these people thinking too high about themselves. I wouldn't rate them as essential. I see churches here in Ireland doing online services due to the pandemic and people in general adhere. Unfortunately, you have to adapt to the circumstances, period. For many people, it's an important part of their lives, whether we agree or not with what they believe in but I don't think it's the right time for this kind of attitude. In my opinion, they are giving a bad example. I respect more people/organisations that lead by example.
I was just trying to log in to agnostic.
Paddypereira comments on Feb 20, 2021:
I had to reset my password. All good now.
An erroneous comment I overheard yesterday whilst awaiting my usual Sunday Lunch Take-away of a ...
Paddypereira comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Jaysus, the guys have a very weak sense of what superstition is. Leave them be. No point arguing with them.
Saying your "religion" is the only true religion is like saying your language is the only true ...
Paddypereira comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Welcome to Hell. I'm Louis Cypher, by the way. I hope you enjoy the stay.
Are we alone?
Paddypereira comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Well, so far, there's no proof of existence of extraterrestrial life. If exists and contact is made, we will have to see how it goes.
ME: I remember being 6 years old, and my father would give us beer in little bathroom Dixie cups.
Paddypereira comments on Mar 18, 2021:
When I was a kid my parents would give me small portions of Port wine or of a mild liquor that we call "agua-pe" (translating would mean something like "foot-water"). Didn't kill me and might have done more good than harm. These days I drink socially and I think my attitude towards alcohol is quite healthy.
Could Footie be the new world religion, spanning all of the other major religions with a common love...
Paddypereira comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Close enough.
Hello there! New on this App.
Paddypereira comments on May 21, 2021:
If sin is an offense against Gad but you don't believe in God, is there such a thing as sin?
Paddypereira comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Very well put.
Most Impactful National Leaders of the 20th Century - Good or Bad Do you agree with the list?
Paddypereira comments on Jul 4, 2021:
A pretty good summary of the main leaders in the world, despite being good or bad. I would change the order of some but it's only my opinion.
This is a story about a very young man and his struggle to find and understand the truth.
Paddypereira comments on Jul 21, 2021:
A bit hard to read due to the format but a great story.
Let Me Clarify Somethings When I say I don't believe God exists as even a remote possibilty, I am...
Paddypereira comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Thumbs up for you.
So, I'll ask, Is not Heaven
Paddypereira comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Good one!!!
Montenegro clashes as Serb Orthodox Church leader installed []
Paddypereira comments on Sep 6, 2021:
After the war that split Yugoslavia up? I don't think it's a good idea, especially after some massacres committed by the Serbian Army... not that they are the only guilty part on what happened in the past but still not a good idea.
Does a spiritual but not religious person say grace?
Paddypereira comments on Oct 1, 2021:
That's optional.
Just joined too. I live in Michigan.
Paddypereira comments on Oct 18, 2021:
A lot of people believe religion is a big form control mechanism, I wonder if they are wrong to ...
Paddypereira comments on Dec 12, 2021:
It is, especially in dictatorial regimes.
Prompted by the disbelief of one of our members that atheists would ever visit a theist site, I ...
Paddypereira comments on Dec 15, 2021:
No. Not at all. Why should waste my time visiting them if it's nothing of my interest? Once I thought of joining a Christian dating site but I quit the idea. Too much of a temptation to wind others up.
Hi dear agnostic friends.
Paddypereira comments on Jan 8, 2022:
Got a text message which said “Jesus is coming soon.
Paddypereira comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Well, I have a cousin called Maria de Jesus. It's relatively common name/surname in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries. It's funny!!!
We have atheists and agnostics and theist but none really fit the Klingon theology.
Paddypereira comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Look what I got today- a new grand baby!!
Paddypereira comments on Dec 6, 2022:
Sunday past, I'm sitting at a memorial bench I donated to this park near our home, on behalf of my ...
Paddypereira comments on Apr 13, 2023:
Although she meant well, definitely the conversation would go off rails if would take too long. I hope it was short.
I rarely see EVs in city, when I do it's on the interstate and mostly out of state tags.
Paddypereira comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Petrol or gasoline, whatever is the most accurate. In Europe we have cars that are fuelled by gas, methane if I'm not mistaken. The electric cars are amazing to drive but I'm not sure how ecological are they, there are different views on that.
Wrangell Island, Alaska. A favorite hiking photo.
Paddypereira comments on Oct 7, 2023:
How do you view Jesus?
Paddypereira comments on Dec 6, 2023:
There's one thing you've hit the nail in the head: if J. Christ existed, he definitely wasn't a Christian. The rest, I don't know. You might be right or not. I liked the way you've put it though. It's a good point of view.
What is something you ate growing up that you never ate again once you became an adult?
Paddypereira comments on Sep 8, 2018:
Actually, there are more things that I used to dislike when I was a kid and I love now than anything else. Am I the opposite of the rest of the World on this??? Lol!!!
No reason to spend your Monday cranky! []
Paddypereira comments on Sep 10, 2018:
Well, I had a good Monday. I always wake up cranky before going to work, so it doesn't really matter the day of the week.
My son found the black and white aerial photo of our place taken before 1982 when we moved here.
Paddypereira comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Great stuff!
Has anybody ever gone numb emotionally?
Paddypereira comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I have. Probably I still am.
I could use some words of wisdom, friends.
Paddypereira comments on Sep 19, 2018:
I don't know what to tell you, people will try to help you but everyone has a different opinion and do things differently. While you're working there keep your journal going, write down everything. One thing for sure is to try to find a better workplace. I believe you will make the decision when the time comes for the best or for the worst. I'll be here and support you, specially after passing through a similar situation, not as heavy as yours though. All the best, don't give in, never surrender.
So I grew up in a rather religious Muslim family and I remember my family being pretty superstitious...
Paddypereira comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Jaysus, no!!! There's always silly superstition but those you described are quite weird.
Question about finding the right person.
Paddypereira comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Well, there's always someone who feels right to us. The problem sometimes is finding that person.
Do you love where you live?
Paddypereira comments on Oct 3, 2018:
Well, Dublin weather is crap, it's expensive but always good gigs and fun around. So, not a bad place to live in.
What are you really good at that you wouldn't put on your C. V?
Paddypereira comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Having fun.
This will be my first post here, and it is very difficult to write, as silly as that may seem.
Paddypereira comments on Oct 23, 2018:
A poem of wonder here I bring.
Paddypereira comments on Oct 24, 2018:
They say hope is the last thing to die.
Is This Taboo?
Paddypereira comments on Oct 29, 2018:
If people want to do so, that's their choice. I've never had the chance to get married, I think not having sex at 46 would be quite cruel when you have hormones that dictate your sexual behaviour, but that's my opinion. Morally, I don't think there's anything wrong with sex before marriage, but people are entitled to their opinion and posture on life.
Are You Having A Typical Monday?
Paddypereira comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Bank holiday in Ireland. Day off and getting paid for it.
What are the biggest challenges you face as an atheist?
Paddypereira comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Well, I have the same challenges as anyone else, it doesn't change by the fact that I'm agnostic/atheist. Life doesn't get any different.
Do you ever feel like you're absolutely alone?
Paddypereira comments on Nov 11, 2018:
At the moment I'm an anti-social bastard. I'm avoiding human company at all cost, even my friends!!! At the moment, alone for me is good. Tomorrow, who knows?
A really good article about the lunatic fringe of vegans
Paddypereira comments on Dec 6, 2018:
No vegan will make me quit wearing leather and eating meat. If they want to go that way, fine. Don't impose their thing on others.
How was everyone's week?
Paddypereira comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Tough, thanks, but finished. I worked seven days in a row, being last Saturday an extra shift, Sunday I worked 4 extra hours and I got sick at the end of the shift. Now, I'm tired,resting and getting ready for tomorrow to go to studio to record the second single of my band. No rest for the wicked... Lol!!!
Has anyone ever thought about rediscovering religion or thought about going back to the Church?
Paddypereira comments on Jan 4, 2019:
No. I will go to the church in some occasions because of friends or family but don't even consider religion.
Seen on Facebook
Paddypereira comments on Jan 23, 2019:
How true this is.
What’s the worst “nice” compliment you’ve received?
Paddypereira comments on Jan 24, 2019:
A lady friend of mine, who unfortunately has already passed away, thought I was portable: she felt like putting me in her purse and take me home.
Paddypereira comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Great stuff!!! I think the dog had great fun anyway.
Who’s your favorite fairy tale character and why?
Paddypereira comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Pinocchio. My favourite book.
Too soon...?
Paddypereira comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I disagree. 0 degrees Celsius in Dublin, it's already ice cold for me and I hate it. Ice cream, yes, that would be lovely, or a nice cold ale. I'll be going outside looking like the Michelin doll!!! :-P
I'm happy to have found this site.. my new Facebook replacement:)
Paddypereira comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Slash!!! Class!!!
Love this image.
Paddypereira comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Me too. I play the guitar.
Those of you who—like me—frequently travel in Europe will completely understand this...
Paddypereira comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I'm afraid to inform you that Lisbon doesn't have a WWII memorial. Might be the exception that confirms the rule.
I am interested in opinions on this statement.
Paddypereira comments on May 12, 2019:
I agree with the indoctrinated part. Most people educate their kids to follow what they believe in. Only later on in the lives, kids decide whether if they keep following or not. My nephew was raised as a JW but only when he got to late teens, early adulthood, he decided not to go on that direction.
Original artwork by me.
Paddypereira comments on Jun 17, 2019:
You are what you are. People that like you for that, great!!! The ones that don't for the same reason, their tough luck.
I came across the word "soul" in a book I'm reading and wondered if the word (aside from relating to...
Paddypereira comments on Jul 11, 2019:
The physical activity of the body of reaction to external stimulus is a fact. If there's such a thing as a soul, immaterial, I absolutely don't know. I take it as a possibility.
Man sues over TGI Fridays menu that didn't list drink prices.
Paddypereira comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Only America??? I think the whole world as well...
Would you ever date somebody who is religious, if they respected your beliefs and did not try to ...
Paddypereira comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Yes. What's the problem with that?
I have come to find "know it all" atheists to be nearly as wrong and irritating as those ...
Paddypereira comments on Jan 7, 2020:
There's the good and the bad everywhere. Simple!!!
This doesn't have anything to do with being agnostic.
Paddypereira comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Well, I moved from Portugal to Ireland 15 years ago. So, it depends on what you want. If you think your relatives in Florida might be something that would make it easier, definitely you should consider as an option. If you move outside of the US, might be interesting for you, a challenge to adapt to a new culture, which might be very hard in the beginning but compensating afterwards.
There are many things that we can debate and argue over with religion.
Paddypereira comments on Jan 28, 2020:
The attempt of supremacy over other creeds. The Crusades, the Holy Inquisition, the nowadays Religious Police in certain Muslim countries. Probably there will be more to point out.
What happened when you came out of the closet as an atheist?
Paddypereira comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Nothing. It hasn't changed anything at all, all my friends who believe in God still are my friends. Now, I grew up in Portugal. Nowadays, I live in Ireland, a very Catholic country but people are respectful about others.
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