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So coming up to Christmas please tell me Athiests what you think of the Holiday season since you ...
heymoe2001 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
The question presumes that Holiday Season = Christmas That's just bullshit. December is full of things to celebrate that have nothing to do with religion. May you be picked this year for the Feats of Strength
Paul4747 replies on Dec 20, 2019:
I always win at The Airing of Grievances!
"Your next post should be People Who Over Post."
ADKSparky comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I just blocked an older man who was sealioning me. He is a member of every group on this site. He’s over/grouping. 🤪
Paul4747 replies on Dec 20, 2019:
This is a new term to me, what does it mean?
Evaluating the Truth of the New Testament.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
When I was in church, the pastor said that these patriarchs lied in order to show the rest of us that nobody is perfect but that we can all be redeemed. And don't forget the sin of pride--it is why Moses was not allowed to into the promised land.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 19, 2019:
Yyeahhhh.... he made that up, in light of the NT, just as much of the Septateuch (Old Testament) is cross-referenced with the Gospels to "fulfill" the prophecies. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, thus fulfilling a prophecy.... well, a lot of people ride on donkeys, so that's not very long odds, is it? The fact of the matter is, the Hebrews saw anything as justified as long as their tribe did it with the blessing of YHVH, whereas comparable acts done by their neighbors were heinous. Abraham was ordered to sacrifice Isaac, and his obedience was considered a sign of righteous faith. Their neighbors sacrificing their sons to Ba'al was woshiping pagan gods and therefore had to be stamped out. It's simply religious tribalism justifying their actions: "We're better, because it's OUR god." As Joseph Campbell put it, "The things done by us are different from the things done by others."
I am just beginning to understand how interesting this site could become.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I see it as a sort of willing suspension of disbelief. For example: I absolutely love the movie *Dogma* (and I recommend it as an example of great humor, drama, and religious criticism). For the 100-something minutes I'm watching, I completely believe and accept, in the film's terms, the ...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 18, 2019:
@ronnie40356 For music, I prefer Life of Brian. Always look on the bright side of life....
there seems to me to be way to much animosity towards religion.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I'm plenty happy with my freedom. Religion, on the other hand, is not. Therefore, like Jefferson, I have sworn eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@blzjz Look. People are not perfect. Jefferson was a product of his times. Mentioning that he owned slaves doesn't vitiate the quality of his philosophy one iota. In our age, he would disapprove of his past self just as heartily on those grounds, while still approving of the principles of separation of church and state which he helped originate.
Catholic archbishop claims LGBT activism is the new communism
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
If I ever see troops in rainbow uniforms with AK-47s rounding people up for re-education... then I would concede he has a point. Until then, not so much.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@Grahame It takes two sides to argue, but only one side to oppress.
Catholic archbishop claims LGBT activism is the new communism
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
If I ever see troops in rainbow uniforms with AK-47s rounding people up for re-education... then I would concede he has a point. Until then, not so much.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@Grahame Which side are you talking about? It's the conservatves claiming liberals are waging a culture war, here in America.
Catholic archbishop claims LGBT activism is the new communism
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
If I ever see troops in rainbow uniforms with AK-47s rounding people up for re-education... then I would concede he has a point. Until then, not so much.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 16, 2019:
@Grahame Hang on there, cowboy. It's not "culture war" to demand equal rights. Nobody's asking anyone to "endorse a lifestyle", just to live in peace. The "culture war" is the backlash against their lifestyle, led by people like the conservative Catholic church.
People Who Overtalk
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Oh... I thought this was about people who talk *too much*. Carry on....
Paul4747 replies on Dec 14, 2019:
@Grahame Just from the title of the post, I didn't realize what "overtalk" meant. "Talking over" someone else, I understand. I've been in conversations where we both interrupt one another, and apologize all the time, because we're both so excited to be talking about whatever it is. The apologizing is important.
Unfollow | Megan Phelps-Roper | Macmillan
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I feel as though I'd like to read it, but can't help feeling the first part would make me physically ill (her time in the Westboro church). I will have to debate with myself if it's worth it...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 14, 2019:
@HippieChick58 It would be hard for me to read about all the misguided beliefs and the actions arising out of them. I understand that people in the influence of a religion or a cult do things they shouldn't be held responsible for, but it might be a fine line between my sympathy and then shaking my head over how people could believe such things.
there seems to me to be way to much animosity towards religion.
WilliamFleming comments on Dec 13, 2019:
I agree. Animosity accomplishes nothing and it leaves you tense, unhappy or depressed.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 14, 2019:
Without a driving force, there will never be change. Animosity and anger are pretty decent driving foces. When religion is used as a justification for the current administration's policies (and it's claimed that "God" anointed Donald Trump to be president, so opposing Trump is opposition to God), there's plenty to feel animosity over. And it's a very good reason to oppose religion at every possible turn.
If he can't write coherently, he's out. I'm not 14.
PondartIncbendog comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Thank dog he spelled "can't" correctly.
Paul4747 replies on Dec 14, 2019:
Be fair, "to" and "you" are also spelled right.
The Man Who Slapped a Female Reporter’s Butt on TV is a Christian Youth Leader | Hemant Mehta | ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 12, 2019:
The world through Friendly Atheist's eyes: -When someone does something bad, it's important to focus exclusively on any and all religious connection (as in this case). -When someone does something good, it's important to take focus away from any and all religious connection. Friendly Atheist:...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 12, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay I'm going to draw an analogy here: Pointing out the culprit's connection with and role in a church (along with the many, I'm gonna go with, *thousands of* similar cases) is not that different from calling out movement conservatives who call for a return to "family values" and then cheat on their spouses, secretly have flings and pay for abortions when they result in pregnancy, pass anti-LGBTQ laws and then turn out to be closeted gay, and so on. The people who *monumentally* fail to practice what they preach. (Including all the Trump supporters who castigated Bill Clinton for cheating on Hillary, but don't give a shit about the Donald's many infidelities.) And it's no good saying, "Maybe he tells them, Do as I say, not as I do," because, again, that's hypocrisy, and the absolute worst way to teach kids. It teaches that it's OK for adults to break the rules, just not kids. Worse, it teaches that there's a different set of rules for the privileged people, which is exactly what we have an impeachment battle over at the moment in this nation; whether there's a different set of rules (or, indeed, any rules) if you're a Republican president.
The Man Who Slapped a Female Reporter’s Butt on TV is a Christian Youth Leader | Hemant Mehta | ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 12, 2019:
The world through Friendly Atheist's eyes: -When someone does something bad, it's important to focus exclusively on any and all religious connection (as in this case). -When someone does something good, it's important to take focus away from any and all religious connection. Friendly Atheist:...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 12, 2019:
I haven't seen any articles where the *Atheist* denigrates charitable doings of religious organizations. But just as importantly, anyone can do good deeds without having to be religious. I feel what you're objecting to is pointing the hypocrisy of religion's claim to be the very font and source of all morality, versus the flat-out disgusting actions of those who are supposedly imparting this morality to their flock. Atheists make no such claim, yet it's my experience as a corrections officer that there are very few atheists and agnostics behind bars in comparison to the extremely devout religious prisoners. I'm not claiming causation, but it's certainly suggestive of a correlation.
The cutting edge of Human Evolution is the integration of science and religion.
Word comments on Dec 5, 2019:
This sounds like a typical illogical atheist statement that "thinks" there is just now, at this time in history a merger of "science " and what illogical atheist want to call modern "religion ". I think illogical atheist are behind times and yet trying to get evolutionarily, cognatively, and ...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 9, 2019:
Say whaaaa.....
Why men say they want "nothing" for Christmas.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 3, 2019:
It's true, there's never a good pocket knife handy when you need one. I keep one in every jacket, a couple on my coffee table, a couple on my dresser, one on the bedside table, one in the kitchen, and I *still* have to look around for one when I need to open a package. The problem is, once you've...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@mordant .... But..... .....a Swiss Army knife *is* a pocket knife..... Plus about 10 other things, of course. I guess. I've never owned one myself. I keep meaning to get a Leatherman.
So I am attempting to start a new group, ( it was bound to happen one day ).
dahermit comments on Dec 3, 2019:
You know of course that it is coming to an end?
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@dahermit Well, the planet will still be here. Life forms will evolve and adapt to it as always. Whether we've ruined it for the ones we know is a different question.
So I am attempting to start a new group, ( it was bound to happen one day ).
Paul4747 comments on Dec 6, 2019:
The entire drive of human history, as far as I can tell, has been to get as far away from nature as possible. Who am I to buck the trend. Good luck, though...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@Fernapple Are you serious? Nature invented fooling one another! Camoflage evolved as a natural defense and/or stealth attack mechanism. See: the stick insect, the tiger, the leopard, the zebra, the dead-leaf mantis, the dead-leaf moth, the timber rattler, the copperhead, the chameleon, the gecko... I'll stop now or I'll be here all night. The point is, fooling your foes is not a human invention, nor is killing them. Let's not overly idealize nature.
So I am attempting to start a new group, ( it was bound to happen one day ).
powder comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Who doesn't love pleasure?
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@Riviks Masochist: Beat me! Sadist: Nope....
So I am attempting to start a new group, ( it was bound to happen one day ).
dahermit comments on Dec 3, 2019:
You know of course that it is coming to an end?
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
True. The sun will burn out and turn into a red dwarf in, oh, just a few billion years now. Then it's goodbye, planet.
I expect to reach level 8 in the next month or two, which earns me a free Agnostic.
rogueflyer comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I live in a small town in rural Oregon. We only have one Pharmacy, Rogue River Guns & Drugs. Check out the web site. What more can you need?
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms sounds less like a federal agency and more like my one-stop superstore.
I expect to reach level 8 in the next month or two, which earns me a free Agnostic.
rogueflyer comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I live in a small town in rural Oregon. We only have one Pharmacy, Rogue River Guns & Drugs. Check out the web site. What more can you need?
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
It's also the liquor store, check? Check.
I expect to reach level 8 in the next month or two, which earns me a free Agnostic.
Word comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Some people like their shirts showing support of their sports deity professional teams. How about them Cowboys? In modern society and sociology, some writers have commented on the ways that people no longer simply worship recognised deities, but also (or instead) worship consumer brands,[15] ...
Paul4747 replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Sociologists, for once, got something right...
In all of my travels, I have come to the realization that EVERYTHING wants some sort of hedonistic ...
demifeministgal comments on Dec 4, 2019:
What do you mean by that? Hedonistic or epicurean experience? As in, everyone is secretly a sexual deviant? :S
Paul4747 replies on Dec 4, 2019:
I'm not. I mean, I don't keep it secret in any way. I don't usually advertise it, but once someone is in a position to know, they know.
t1nick comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I am guilty of engaging in the Agnostic vs. Atheist debate. To me Agnosticism is a form of hedging ones bets (aka. Pascals Wager).
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@t1nick Misunderstood what you were saying. Let me rephrase that as: "Technically speaking, a person who doesn't claim to know whether or not god exists is agnostic, and if they don't believe god exists, they're an atheist; thus, agnostic-atheist." There's nothing to be abashed about in either position. I generally say "atheist" as shorthand for "agnostic-atheist", to save time and long explanations. But *knowing* there is no god is beyond me, like knowing that alien UFOs have or have not visited Earth.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
How about expelling everyone of every religious persuasion, and turning it over to us rational atheists. Then again, some of the questions I've seen here cast doubt on exactly how rational just being an atheist makes one.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@Grecio The best one can say about those teachers is that they're doing their job. The worst one can say is that they're intellectually dishonest. I can't fathom how anyone who has even studied science, much less teaches it, can believe in the biblical narrative as anything other than a fable; a bedtime story out of our culture's childhood, when we didn't know what thunder was and were afraid of the things that went bump in the night. And I fear for their students, who have to try to learn actual science from teachers who don't believe it themselves.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
evidentialist comments on Nov 24, 2019:
# **Ask the people of our First Nations.** # Once Christians got a foothold, look at what happened to their country. The important thing to remember is that all of us are immigrants from somewhere at some time. Unless you were born in and are living in the cradle of human origins (somewhere in ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
Following this thought to its natural extreme, one could ask, should those Nations move back across the Bering Straits to Asia? And everyone in Eurasia and the Americas go back where they came from? Africa's going to be very crowded, if the Nativists get their way, since *no* group is "native" to where they are.
t1nick comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I am guilty of engaging in the Agnostic vs. Atheist debate. To me Agnosticism is a form of hedging ones bets (aka. Pascals Wager).
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@t1nick Technically speaking, if you don't claim to know whether or not god exist, you're agnostic, and if you don't believe god exists, you're an atheist; thus, agnostic-atheist. By definition, if you don't actively believe, that is an atheist position, even though you can admit the possibility. Of course, the atheist side of it can range anywhere from "probably not" to "definitely not" or any point along that spectrum; my own thought falls short of "definitely not", but I see no evidence for believing. *HOWEVER*, I'm not here to tell you how to describe yourself; all I *am* saying is, that's how the technical definitions apply.
I've pent most of the last two weeks in an I.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I'm so very sorry for you, your brother, and your family. At times like this, the comfort is in reflecting on the lives you have led together and the time you've shared. Also, remember that 85% of those afflicted with this syndrome eventually make a full recovery, from what I've just read... so...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@Casey07 It's hard to fathom at this time, but remember, the vast, vast majority do recover from this. The odds are on his side.
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2019:
The two types of atheist are sometimes called 'hard' and 'soft' atheists. True hard atheists are rare, but it is a common straw man argument used by theists, to suggest that all atheists are of that type.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JeffMurray You did imply suicide bombers, by your wording. People may not eat bacon for religious reasons, but that doesn't mean they have a complete certainty about the existence of god. And, again, those who will let a child die rather than receive medical care are a minority, that gets smaller as the education level goes up. For example, the Muslims in Ethiopia who had no problem accepting polio shots for their children, until told it was a western plot which *somehow* sterilized only Muslims. Anyone with a little scientific knowledge knows that there is no way for a vaccine to target your religious beliefs. My feeling is, people believe more in the religion than they do in the god that they supposedly worship.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Of course, all Muslims are not bad people. However, if one reads the Koran and other Islamic literature, there seems to be a lot of "kill apostates". etc.. In addition, Muslims that immigrate to the USA don't seem to assimilate. They take over neighborhoods and towns. Look what is going on in ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
I don't feel Youtube is citable as a reliable source. That's one step away from
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Agnostic Atheist is a position existing on a continuum. I occupy it myself. Gnostic/ Agnostic distinguishes between whether one claims to know or not know about the subject (generally the existence of god/gods). Theist/ Atheist distinguishes whether one does or does not believe that god or ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@Carey Welcome to the community, Carey. They're not my definitions, strictly speaking. I first came across this continuum on the (sadly, now apparently defunct) Iron Chariots website. They represented it as a square diagram, which is a little harder to display here in this format, but I'll try: Theist | Agnostic | _____ Gnostic | Atheist | Gnostic and Agnostic, Theist and Atheist are diametrically opposed to each other, but it's perfectly possible to coexist with either one of the other pair. And someone's beliefs can be near the middle of the diagram (as I see in your profile that yours are, as you say you have about a 50% belief God could exist). TL: DR; the range of human belief and thought is complex and sometimes hard to sum up in a tidy label, but the labels can help us clarify what we do think.
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I think you're on thin ice. Disbelief and non-belief are the same for some people, but not for all. Agnostic atheists don't believe there is/are a god/gods because of a lack of evidence, but don't claim certain knowledge of this nonexistence. That is non-belief, but not disbelief (if I understand...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@Rossy92 My preference is to turn the tables and ask them where the proof is for the existence of their god. I know more science than most believers, so I can explain the basics of evolution and natural selection, discuss how 2 pairs each of over 5000 species of mammals alone would never fit on a 900 foot boat, explain the age of the planet, and other fact-based items that poke holes in their book... and I know more of the Bible than most Christians, so when they explain that it's our source for morality, I can give them illuminating tales such as Lot's daughters or the 42 bears God sent to maul the children to death for insulting Elisha. Once the literalists start trying to explain how some stories are "just stories", that's when the fun begins.
t1nick comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I am guilty of engaging in the Agnostic vs. Atheist debate. To me Agnosticism is a form of hedging ones bets (aka. Pascals Wager).
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
But Pascal said you should believe in God, because He just might exist. Do you approach from the other direction, as I do, and wager that God probably doesn't exist?
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I think you're on thin ice. Disbelief and non-belief are the same for some people, but not for all. Agnostic atheists don't believe there is/are a god/gods because of a lack of evidence, but don't claim certain knowledge of this nonexistence. That is non-belief, but not disbelief (if I understand...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@Rossy92 I feel as though continued debate over the semantic distinction won't move us forward very far vis-a-vis the religious community, as historically, theists don't acknowledge these distinctions, and we have no way to make them. I was overly dismissive, though, and that was wrong of me. I apologize. I was tired when I was writing, which is no excuse. These discussions can be useful in the sense that some agnostics and/or atheists, whatever their leanings, still don't understand these technical differences and may benefit from the discussion. Properly self-describing also should mean that theists will have less ammunition to use for mis-describing us as well. (Not that that would stop them, of course.)
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2019:
The two types of atheist are sometimes called 'hard' and 'soft' atheists. True hard atheists are rare, but it is a common straw man argument used by theists, to suggest that all atheists are of that type.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 24, 2019:
@JeffMurray Wouldn't you agree those are in the minority?
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Fernapple comments on Nov 23, 2019:
The two types of atheist are sometimes called 'hard' and 'soft' atheists. True hard atheists are rare, but it is a common straw man argument used by theists, to suggest that all atheists are of that type.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 23, 2019:
I think true hard theists are just as rare. My belief is that most people suppress their own doubts and are really hoping that their god exists, rather than actually believing it. Like buying a lottery ticket, they're hoping for the big win but would be very surprised if it paid off.
Yeah, like I want to be told by an 81 year old atheist in a PM that he hasn't had sex in a year.
JeffMesser comments on Nov 17, 2019:
so you out him and begin the ridicule? nice empathy.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 17, 2019:
I think you need to look up the definition of "outing" someone. Nobody was named by name, all that was identified was an age and gender. Unless there's only one 81-year-old male on this site, the individual remains anonymous. His actions have been described, but @Gwendolyn2018 hasn't "outed" anyone, any more than if she were to describe me as "some guy with a beard" after having an encounter with me in the market, or what have you. In short- this was not a "name & shame", just a (rightfully deserved, in my opinion) shame.
Yeah, like I want to be told by an 81 year old atheist in a PM that he hasn't had sex in a year.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 17, 2019:
I'm not telling... at what point in a conversation or relationship the subject comes up as far as I'm concerned, but it's certainly not in the second message we exchange. It has to be organic to the conversation and feel like it's right to bring it up. It has to feel to me like she is asking the ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 17, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 Well, you're a very kind person. And even though we sort of know each other, I'm still not going into the other question... since it's not really germaine to our conversation at all. I guess some men take the anonymity of the internet as license to say things they never would say face to face (hopefully never would, anyway).
Yeah, like I want to be told by an 81 year old atheist in a PM that he hasn't had sex in a year.
BitFlipper comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It's been 17 years for me. I wouldn't know where to begin.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 17, 2019:
Start at the top and work your way down, I guess.
Finally watching Marvel's Endgame and.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Sorry about the further spoilers, but- there is another film in this phase of the Marvel film universe that continues the overall setting on, and confirms the aftermath of Infinity War/ Endgame.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 17, 2019:
@JayOleck38 You mean **THEM**???? The people who sign contracts with certain actors, and so they definitely know those particular actors won't be coming back to the series? The character *title* may be handed on, in one case at least that's confirmed (and I'm very interested to see how the new character fills that role), but those actors and the characters they played are gone for good. Although, as mentioned above, there is apparently a prequel/origin movie in the works for one of those characters... and, with time travel being a thing, who knows what might happen in the end?
A recent poster suggested that the Roman Catholic church in Europe changed society dramatically and ...
KKGator comments on Nov 10, 2019:
All. Religion. Is. Evil.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@KKGator Stating, as you did, that all religions were invented to control others and are inherently immoral, is directly related to the intent of the religion and its founders. That's what I was responding to. Religion is and always has been a mixed bag. People do great acts of humanity in its name; people do terrible acts of barbarism in its name.
A recent poster suggested that the Roman Catholic church in Europe changed society dramatically and ...
KKGator comments on Nov 10, 2019:
All. Religion. Is. Evil.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@KKGator Religion in what form? Religions often originated as mythologies to explain the universe, its existence and functioning. The path from there to organized religion frequently does lead to control structures, but I argue that it is not inevitable. A concrete example is the Discordian religion, which explicitly has no organization and no hierarchy. Some claim this is a joke disguised as a religion, but believers say it's a religion disguised as a joke.
A recent poster suggested that the Roman Catholic church in Europe changed society dramatically and ...
KKGator comments on Nov 10, 2019:
All. Religion. Is. Evil.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 13, 2019:
That's rather a broad brush, isn't it? Religion, in my experience, as a human invention, can be misused, like all other human inventions. No invention has any inherent moral quality.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Deiter comments on Nov 11, 2019:
See how evil the Romans were? If you were unimpressed by their promiscuous and licentious behavior—part of the reason the Bible was so anti-sex and homophobic—you’ve got to hate them for their bureaucratic oppressiveness! A pregnant woman (of questionable chastity) forced to ride an ass for ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 12, 2019:
I ride on my ass all the time. Otherwise, what am I going to do? Lay down on my back?
Criticizing the doctrine of Islam does not mean the person doing so is a xenophobe,Islamophobe, or ...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
The problem is that so many xenophobes, Islamophobes, and people who hate Muslims do simply hide behind the banner of, "I'm just criticizing the doctrine!" All religions are equally false and fictional. I refuse to be co-opted into one side or the other of the religious war. I'm against all of ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@Jacar I didn't mention you, first off. Methinks you doth protest too much. Second, did you read what I wrote? "I'm against all of them, because they're all (with a few honorable exceptions) against me." Finally, why single out Islam for doing the same thing Judaism did, and did first? Read the OT with its detailed instructions for how to invade cities and the specific fates to be meted out to the inhabitants, depending on their location and their status (men, children, unwedded female breeding stock). And observe the war crimes of the recent Israeli regimes; invading and annexing territory, shooting peaceful protestors, unremitting violations of UN resolutions, which, if they weren't a US ally, would by now have seen their nation subject to drone strikes and regime change; supposedly because they seek territorial security, in reality all in the name of their biblical claim to the entirety of the "holy land" And following the rise of Islam, the Christian Crusaders took their religion as a "call" to cleanse the Middle East of Muslims in the name of their "true" religion- a call which American right-wing commentators (Ann Coulter's "kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity", for example), politicians, and at least one serving General have repeated. G W Bush even called our operation against Al Qaeda a "crusade" and claimed he answered a "higher authority". *None of these* are morally superior to another. So, why single out Islam?
The question of the so-called "fine-tuning" of the universe and its basic constants is one of the ...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
I'm somewhere between explanations 2 and 3, if I understand them properly. Our thinking about the question, however, is putting the cart before the horse. To say the universe is "tuned" in some way to permit life begs the question, how do we know life would not come about in some other universe ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@Matias I've read of this before in some detail. And still, as a layman I can't help wondering if there aren't other quantum universes where those constants aren't so constant, and yet life in some other form exists.
The question of the so-called "fine-tuning" of the universe and its basic constants is one of the ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 5, 2019:
What we observe is ALL coincidence. It is a human trait to try to see/find "meaning" in randomness. Period. Just because it makes you feel good to think how things seem to be "connected" does not make it a fact!
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Except that I'm pretty sure my breakfast came about intentionally. Everything else was random. Coffee is divine intervention.
It is my birthday.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I'm about to be 54 and I *wish* I were in as good a shape as you ;)
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 I wouldn't dream of it.
Hi everyone, I think there are some scammers who have found their way onto this site.
Simon1 comments on Nov 5, 2019:
There's only hot single ladies I'm my area so I'm safe !!!
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Oh man, I'm moving there We'll hit the town together, just you, me and the ladies
Hi everyone, I think there are some scammers who have found their way onto this site.
TimeOutForMe comments on Nov 5, 2019:
I gave my number to someone on this site, still on the site. My Gmail email was "attempted" compromised twice. I was sent messages that very same day to enquire whether it was in fact I that was looking for my password. I responded "No" twice. If the cap fits wear it, but my hunch is that it's ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@TimeOutForMe Don't beat yourself up. I work for the State where we have mandatory training several times a year and people STILL respond to phishing emails and social engineering scams. These people are good at knowing what gets results. I've come within a hair's breadth of giving out my number on dating sites a few times before realizing something just rubbed me the wrong way.
Hi everyone, I think there are some scammers who have found their way onto this site.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Is this a post for people who think theyre smarter than average, but also think they have some social responsibility to those "beneath them"? I mean, i think im smart, but i dont care about people who cant manage themselves online. Different strokes i guess.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Organist1 I've heard of worse hobbies. Beanie Babies for example. Those things were horrible.
Hi everyone, I think there are some scammers who have found their way onto this site.
Athena comments on Nov 5, 2019:
I always give out phone numbers and email addresses to scammers. Not my own... just those of people I really dislike.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Athena We walk on the wild side around here ;)
Hi everyone, I think there are some scammers who have found their way onto this site.
GomezSpock comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Well...second post on here and I'm already teased towards playful antagonism but, on a site based on agnosticism, if someone has not developed the critical-thinking skill sets to distinguish likely BS from reality, maybe a re-visit into the rational pathways that support non-religiousness as ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
Sad but true, the logical faculties that avail us in our intellectual lives frequently go out the window when it comes to our emotional lives. How else do you account for some of the marriages you see every day?
PA Lawmaker Delivers Jesus-Filled Invocation on Muslim Colleague’s Big Day | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Very old and widely commented here, conclusion fucking hypocrites!
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Mofo1953 It was news to me.
It is my birthday.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I'm about to be 54 and I *wish* I were in as good a shape as you ;)
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 That explains. I found 50 of them.
‪Trump changed his residency to fl so he can win the tax release lawsuit ny has on him.
Logician comments on Nov 2, 2019:
But the "income tax" is illegal on MANY levels! Define what "income" really is, then we can proceed from there. It's funny though, how even the IRS can't give us an actual explanation of what "income" is! It's probably because they have definitions of that term that contradict each other, for ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Logician Microsoft Word won't let you copy/paste. Hmm. Which has nothing to do with citing a court case, as you claimed you could do. I'm done with you.
Anyone in Australia ?
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 4, 2019:
@AlanWorkman Australia is known as "the land down-under." Is that why your photo is upside-down?
Paul4747 replies on Nov 6, 2019:
@Triphid I understood some of that. The words are less important than the sentiment.
PA Lawmaker Delivers Jesus-Filled Invocation on Muslim Colleague’s Big Day | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Very old and widely commented here, conclusion fucking hypocrites!
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Mofo1953 March was "very" old? I'm very old too, I guess. Things moving too fast on the interweb.
Anyone in Australia ?
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 4, 2019:
@AlanWorkman Australia is known as "the land down-under." Is that why your photo is upside-down?
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
It is my birthday.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I'm about to be 54 and I *wish* I were in as good a shape as you ;)
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
And happy birthday, of course :)
‪Trump changed his residency to fl so he can win the tax release lawsuit ny has on him.
Logician comments on Nov 2, 2019:
But the "income tax" is illegal on MANY levels! Define what "income" really is, then we can proceed from there. It's funny though, how even the IRS can't give us an actual explanation of what "income" is! It's probably because they have definitions of that term that contradict each other, for ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Logician Not a lawyer, an historian, with enough background in History of Law to know the difference between contract law and constitutional law. Your theory is nothing new. It goes back at least as far as Lysander Spooner, who argued during the 1860s that since nobody then alive had been a party to the Constitution, the Union was null and void, and thus war to preserve it was immoral and illegal. All nations, naturally, are legal constructs. So is your deed to your house and the title to your car. Without legal constructs, anyone bigger than you can take your stuff away when they want. This is the ultimate logical extension of your anarchist position. We live in a nation of laws and I for one am glad of it, even though, in anarchy, I would be one of those taking stuff away from others. (Or defending the group when others try to take our stuff, and then taking those guys' stuff afterwards.) And I will defend to the death your right to believe the nonsense you believe, right up until you go to prison for tax evasion. Have a nice life. PS- I notice you don't have your information at hand, which tells me the information doesn't exist, period. That's okay, there's no shame in admitting you're making these things up as you go! Just please stop making it up as you go. You're embarrassing yourself.
Religious anonymous??
Fernapple comments on Nov 4, 2019:
There is one for clergy I think, and several cult escape support groups, but not one for lay members of the mainstream churches. Though I suspect that the cult escapes support groups would be sympathetic.
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
I read that the Cult Awareness Network were sued out of business by the Scientologists... :(
Real 'Garden of Eden' where ALL humans originated 200,000 years ago finally found in Botswana
DenoPenno comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Actually it is reinforcement for the religious folks. The bottom line is a "real" Garden of Eden. It's like finding Noah's Ark. Never mind that neither of them ever existed. Did they find Adam's tomb? Surely he had one. he was so smart that he named all the animals and creatures. Latin is a basic ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
Pretty sure that's the Morons church Excuse me- Mormon church
PA Lawmaker Delivers Jesus-Filled Invocation on Muslim Colleague’s Big Day | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Very old and widely commented here, conclusion fucking hypocrites!
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
I missed it the first time around, I can't read every story ;)
Green Party communications manager Michael O’Neils, peaking on behalf of the Green Party, Friday.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 21, 2019:
"Ranked choice voting and proportional representation" aren't in the Constitution. Maybe the Greens want the US to look more like Italy or something, but it doesn't. The fact is, the Greens and Libertarians sucked votes from the Democratic party and that's how Trump managed to slither in in a few ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@ExculpatoryLover Please list the crimes Hillary Clinton was convicted of. Considering that several lengthy Republican investigations revealed nothing that would rise to the level of a crime, in either the handling of her personal emails, the Whitewater scandal, the Rose law firm, the Benghazi embassy, or any of the other issues that Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on- while trying their best to sweep their own party's dirt under the rug- I'm puzzled by your phrase "a criminal like Hillary Clinton". Meanwhile, thank you & your friends for being part of the problem.
‪Trump changed his residency to fl so he can win the tax release lawsuit ny has on him.
Logician comments on Nov 2, 2019:
But the "income tax" is illegal on MANY levels! Define what "income" really is, then we can proceed from there. It's funny though, how even the IRS can't give us an actual explanation of what "income" is! It's probably because they have definitions of that term that contradict each other, for ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 4, 2019:
@Logician Number one, the Constitution is not contract law. You don't have to sign on to be a party to it. If you were born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to its jurisdiction (not the child of foreign diplomats, etc), you are a citizen of the United States and are governed by the Constitution. You have the privileges and immunities thereof as well as the equal protection of the law. (14th Amendment) Along with this comes the obligations of all the other laws, which you seem to have a quibble with. Two, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof; so, to borrow a phrase, YOU put up or shut up. Just name one of those cases in which a judge has ruled that "the Constitution does not apply because a citizen of the United States is not a party to it."
The agnostic crowd is much more intelligent than the rest!! Sorry, but it is the truth.
bobwjr comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Just rational not delusional
Paul4747 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
I think you could narrow that down to "without the religious delusion". There are plenty of political delusions here.
‪Trump changed his residency to fl so he can win the tax release lawsuit ny has on him.
Logician comments on Nov 2, 2019:
But the "income tax" is illegal on MANY levels! Define what "income" really is, then we can proceed from there. It's funny though, how even the IRS can't give us an actual explanation of what "income" is! It's probably because they have definitions of that term that contradict each other, for ...
Paul4747 replies on Nov 2, 2019:
Your apocryphal story about what "some guy" did in 2005 has really covinced me. You're absolutley right, the 16th Amendment is completely illegal, despite it being in the Constitution, which is the law of the land. No, wait, what was I thinking- you're wrong in every possible way. Income is income. Money that you make from wages, tips, interest, stock dividends, and inheritance is taxable income, along with various other sources. The only distinction is whether you report or declare it as such. Considering I only ever have wages, I've probably left a category or five out. Your "guy" could only come up with 7 different answers if he was chasing advice on how to hide his income, and went to 7 different "experts" with bogus ideas on how to cheat on your taxes. How are you obligated to be a part of the legal system? I suppose, go out and buy a few pounds of heroin, or just run a bunch of red lights, and you'll find out soon enough. Your assertion about the system being "a scam from the beginning" needs a great deal more evidence to be taken seriously. If your argument is that not every offense is detected and punished, that it is essentially a gamble, then you're arguing *for* stricter enforcement and a more efficient police state, not *against* the legal system.
What is the purpose of this site?
Norman347 comments on Oct 29, 2019:
To meet like minded people and mental sparring?
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@kiramea "And after the spanking...."
What is the purpose of this site?
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 30, 2019:
I came for free donuts. I'm waiting...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
I was told there would be cake. The big secret revealed when you reach Level 8 is- *There is no cake. The cake is a lie.*
I had a revealing discussion with a group of Trump supporters last weekend.
gater comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Trump is not perfect, but hes the best man for the job. If Hilary had been elected this country would be a mess.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
@gater Bill Clinton is an accused sex predator, but his relationship with Monica Lewinsky was consensual for her part (as much as it could be with an intern), she never alleged coercion that I have heard of. Certainly Bill never, for example, walked into the dressing room at a beauty pageant or bragged about his ability to sexually assault women with impunity, *on camera with a reporter*. More importantly, as President, he balanced the budget and even got us a surplus, which your party then squandered with tax cuts for the rich. He never claimed that tax cuts magically bring in double or triple the revenue. And Clinton knew more than his aides, on any topic. He took care to bring in very smart people and then studied not only what they gave him, but reached out and read up on the topic until he knew things even beyond the scope of their briefings. Whereas there is every indication that Trump doesn't even listen to or read the briefing because he thinks he knows it all already. The key difference is that with Clinton it is intelligence and curiosity; with Trump, mere ego. And, as @Sgt_Spanky said, you avoided the entire question. Moreover, you once again demonstrated your double standard. You bring up Bill Clinton as a sex predator and ignore Trump's much longer record of the same- I guess he gets a pass because he's your sex predator? You insult Hilary Clinton with a mere word; well, Yale doesn't give out law degrees for being an "idiot". Maybe the Trump University does- where did The Donald graduate again? Oh, right- BS from Fordham. You would think a degree in economics would have taught him how foreign trade works... guess not. No, no-one has ever accused me of being long-winded. I am very thorough, however, when running down someone on the Internet who is full of shit. If you have a logical reason for your views, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, what I'm hearing is the same as The Donald's economics degree. BS.
I had a revealing discussion with a group of Trump supporters last weekend.
gater comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Trump is not perfect, but hes the best man for the job. If Hilary had been elected this country would be a mess.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Please provide a logical basis for your statement that Trump is "the best man for the job". Take into account that NO other candidate, Democrat or Republican, would likely have: -Used the office to enrich their personal corporation by having foreign delegations staying at their own hotels (and most recently proposed hosting the G7 at a resort they personally own) in violation of the emoluments clause -Insulted our NATO allies while cozying up to foreign despots -Started a trade war with China, which we are in fact losing; we are financing our own farmers for the losses they are sustaining due to sales they no longer make to China, for just one instance where the trade war isn't working as anticipated -Declared victory over ISIS and pulled out of Syria, against the advice of every military leader These are all actions which, had Hilary Clinton, for instance, taken them, would have you calling for her immediate impeachment. But you forgive Trump everything, because you have willfully blinded yourself to everything he does.
What is the purpose of this site?
Ms_McSteven comments on Oct 30, 2019:
I think it's a site for people to talk about religion 24/7, but with a negative spin. It gets old very quickly.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
Some people define themselves by what they're not. Atheists who are anti-theists enjoy talking about how they're not religious, just like some Democrats and Republicans enjoy talking about how they are not their opposite numbers. Many days I look at the titles of all those threads, shake my head, and move on. I'm not in the mood for it most of the time. But some members enjoy this kind of thing, or they are still working out their beliefs and it helps them to have these threads. Some days I like participating too.
What is the purpose of this site?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Just like in life, the answer you seek is 42. It is always 42. It will always be 42.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 30, 2019:
What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
I have asked on social media, did God know Adam and Eve were going to sin when he created them.
DGJ0114 comments on Oct 27, 2019:
When I've pointed out all the contradictions with the Adam and Eve story some Christians simply become angry with me... They never answer why this story is so ridiculous they simply tell me most of the time I'm going to hell for having the audacity to say this is as fake as any story in the Bible.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 27, 2019:
Hell's not so bad. It's a little town in Michigan, up near Pinckney. The nearest Hell to me, anyway. What is it with people naming towns Hell?
"Just whip it out."
Paul4747 comments on Oct 25, 2019:
I thought this was something to do with Blazing Saddles....
Paul4747 replies on Oct 26, 2019:
@LiterateHiker It amuses me too. People tell me to get my mind out of the gutter, but where's the fun in that?
So this is a poll... do atheists believe in capital in capital punishment?
thexter comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Capital punishment (lets get real and not sugar coated by calling it what it really is) the death penalty has never been an reducing homicide. It also has a long history of being used unevenly. This is a very brief summery of why I don't approve of the death penalty. The Abrahamic religions do ...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
While it is true that the death penalty has never proven to be a deterrent in general cases, neither has incarceration. But in the specific cases, no matter what the penalty, someone who is dead, for example, can't go out and commit another murder. Someone in prison for burglary isn't committing more burglaries during that time. The penal system is not rehabilitative by nature. The individual has to want to change. I don't agree with the death penalty in general because it denies the possibility for someone who has committed murder to change their character. I believe in redemption through one's own personal choices and actions. But in certain cases, I believe the heinous nature of the crime calls for the death of the criminal. Take Charles Manson, for example. He has regular parole hearings, at which he's routinely denied; he's never going to be free. And yet, women write him love letters in prison. He's a celebrity because he's a mass murderer. We, as a society, would be better off with him dead.
So this is a poll... do atheists believe in capital in capital punishment?
motrubl4u comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Hangings and firing squads are ok for some crimes in my book. Anything harming a child, forced sexual acts, cutting me off in traffic, etc. Ya know the egregious stuff.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
Arson, murder, jaywalking....
"Just whip it out."
Mark013 comments on Oct 24, 2019:
My first thought, comedy.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 25, 2019:
Dammit- ninja'd me
Does this quote resonate with you?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I have a visceral reaction to this. I don't believe life will break me (or by extension, anyone else) as long as I resist. The act of resistance is victory.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@Allamanda Feeling pain is natural. The Buddha told us that all life is pain. But we don't have to be broken by that pain. Accept it as a natural part of existence, learn from it, grow stronger from the experience, and move on. All things are transitory. In the words of Heraclitus, all things are fire. The world is a burning house. Everything we have, we will lose. The key is to enjoy what we have, but be prepared to accept loss and suffering as a consequence of life. Don't let fear of loss stop us from striving to have what we want. When we give up on what we want is when life breaks us.
Who is this idiot! I have heard less offensive comments from the religious peanut brains! I ...
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 22, 2019: “Unlike men, who are usually sexually oriented solely toward men or women, and whose sexuality is essentially fixed from puberty on, a decade of research by the University of Utah psychologist Lisa Diamond and others demonstrates that women have ...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
That actually sounds like a terrible thing to say; like being a lesbian is an awful fate and should be avoided by all means. "Go out there and find a good man, so you won't be stuck with a woman!" I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, or I hope you didn't mean it that way.
Athena comments on Oct 22, 2019:
Of course. It's the one day a year when it's okay to take candy from strangers.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
As a dirty old man I approve this message.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
It's basically a holiday that celebrates giving away candy, scaring the snot out of little children, & lurking in the bushes with a garden hose to drench any kid that looks like he has intentions of egging or toilet papering your house. Why not join in?
Paul4747 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@Nikki88 Maybe not its origins, but that is what it's devolved into. It's also a night for watching *Young Frankenstein, Alien*, and *The Blair Witch Project*. My Halloween tradition, since I live in an apartment now and have no garden hose.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 22, 2019:
It's basically a holiday that celebrates giving away candy, scaring the snot out of little children, & lurking in the bushes with a garden hose to drench any kid that looks like he has intentions of egging or toilet papering your house. Why not join in?
Paul4747 replies on Oct 22, 2019:
@Remiforce *Easter* celebrates sadism. It's about a guy getting crucified, after all. On that day I watch *Monty Python's The Life Of Brian* as my personal tradition.
Secretary Mike Pompeo Goes Full Christian on U.
GreatNani comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I should qualify that and say his remarks were made at a conference so that is fine but it should not be on the website.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 15, 2019:
I actually have issues with a government official speaking AS a government official endorsing religious views as well. Christianity is not supposed to "inform" his position as Secretary of State. America is explicitly a secular nation, whereas he represents himself as a Christian in all his dealings and sees America as a Christian nation. Our position on the Middle East is affected by his explicit religious beliefs. We've given the green light to settlement building and moved our embassy because we are explicitly on Israel's side. We've basically given up on the peace process, we've decided the only peace is for Israel to own everything. This is nothing new, it's been the case with former government officials (John Ashcroft, for example, anointed himself like King David- talk about crazy) but Pompeo's taking it to a level I don't believe we have seen before.
Not the tan suit!
St-Sinner comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Yes, I agree fully with you Mr. President and I would be very happy if that happened today but what about your lame duck second term and not doing anything to correct the wrongs of the previous administration on the anger of which you were elected president? Often great things are not ...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@St-Sinner I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about the principle that "Illegal means illegal". If you're going to punish children for being brought illegally into the country, by expelling them years later, then what do you do to an adult who knowingly breaks the law, for decades, and brags about it? The first case has a valid argument for clemency. Not the second.
We must spread the word far and wide that the “deep state” is a malevolent fiction created to ...
St-Sinner comments on Oct 11, 2019:
No, I believe Deep State exists in all countries. There always counter philosophies in a society and some take their passions too far. I believe that about Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in Washington.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@St-Sinner Wait, what?? He never "worked against the administration." An independent counsel was assigned by the Justice Department, and he was part of that investigation. Unless you consider James Comey "unpatriotic" as well, for looking into Trump's collusion with Russia and the Russian influence in the 2016 election. (The former was not shown, the latter was proved.) What is your standard for patriotism? Unquestioning loyalty to the President? In that case, I have to say, your comments about President Obama are extremely unpatriotic, as he was the duly elected President for 2 terms (and won the popular vote both times, arguably a more legitimate President than the current occupant). You seem to have a quite blatant double standard. Republicans who criticize Democrats are patriotic defenders of the nation, but Democrats who criticize Republicans are traitors who are undermining from within. You can't have it both ways.
Not the tan suit!
St-Sinner comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Yes, I agree fully with you Mr. President and I would be very happy if that happened today but what about your lame duck second term and not doing anything to correct the wrongs of the previous administration on the anger of which you were elected president? Often great things are not ...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@St-Sinner "Illegal means illegal". You are correct. And on that score, the magnitude of illegal things this administration and Trump himself have done and are currently doing will see him in prison. Just a brief rundown- -Hush money payments to porn stars, made with campaign funds -Tax dodging through the "Trump Foundation" -Commercial dealings in Cuba, against the law, over the past 20 years -Violations of the emoluments clause- foreign nationals staying at Trump properties and paying overinflated rates to boot, in obvious bribes for favorable consideration- as well as *spending tax dollars to stay at his own properties*, in other words, our money being pumped into his companies -Not to mention obstruction of justice on a scale undreamed of. However, your blind loyalty to the brand name does you great credit.
Not to brag, but I made it onto another blocked list...
JacarC comments on Oct 12, 2019:
His user name please.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@Jacar All I really remember is that he had an underscore in his ID and the post had something to do with a "news" website being sponsored by the Russian government.... "how is that different from CBS, NBC, BBC, CNN and their bombing innocent civilians" was the gist of it. I believe I pointed out that TV networks don't actually have the power to decide government policy in the West. You know me, I am sarcastic but I don't believe outright hostile.
Your Political Party Might Mean More to You Than Your Morals Do - The Atlantic
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2019:
If you are a Repug, obviously so!
Paul4747 replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@AnneWimsey You see, I know many of my friends and coworkers have no clue as to the "real person's" problems outside their own circle. They're convinced that people on welfare are lazy-ass bums who are bilking the system and people on Medicaid are faking being injured to get out of working for a living (because that's what *they* would do, if they thought they could get away with it...); they're convinced that illegal immigrants come here to get free health care and take our jobs (but ask them if they would mow lawns for $8 an hour and you get a blank stare)... they want health care and better roads but they think someone else should pay for it. They're convinced that there is no such thing as climate change. These are the people I would be afraid of seeing drafted into a legislature. The career politicians actually have a better understanding of my life and the lives of the poor than my middle-class coworkers. Maybe if there were an education requirement- and a civics test- and something like an SAT- and you had to put yourself in the pool before you could be drafted- then, maybe we'd see something. But a system where any ignoramus could find themselves in the Congress or Senate? That fills me with fear, especially when they'd be getting texts from their friends back home all day about what to do about their local problems. It would be a whole Legislative branch of Trumps. You're imagining a best-case scenario, I think it would be the worst. Probably based on the people we individually know.
Your Political Party Might Mean More to You Than Your Morals Do - The Atlantic
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 12, 2019:
If you are a Repug, obviously so!
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@AnneWimsey I can't see anything good coming from a system like that. Picture the potential for corruption; corporations would bribe people who had never made a dime, with *several years* their Congressional salaries for pushing legislation. People who couldn't pass high school civics classes would be voting on bills to reorganize the entire government. I mean, it's bad right now, with lobbyists writing legislation and handing it to congresspeople to present, but at least *some* of them take it seriously and went there because they believe in public service. Under the system you describe, **all** the power would be behind the scenes, in a permanent non-elected class. The "deep state" would become real.
Not to brag, but I made it onto another blocked list...
JacarC comments on Oct 12, 2019:
His user name please.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Frankly, I don't remember anymore, and it's not worth a trawl through my notifications to figure it out. I know it wasn't you at least.
What activity has most consistently given you a feeling of inner peace?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I used to masturbate a lot, but the older you get, the less practical that becomes... now I read a lot more.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@callmedubious The sin of Onan wasn't masturbating, it was pulling out too soon. Like Trump in Syria.
High Court Chief Justice Susan Kiefel gives Capilano Honey the green light to poison the Australian ...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
What I'm reading here is that Shane Dowling is the Alex Jones of Australia, a conspiracy theorist accusing companies of selling poisonous fake honey and accusing judges of being pedophiles, then being surprised when his seemingly frivolous allegations and lawsuits don't get resolved the way he ...
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@FrayedBear I read what was accused of the judges. This is not the same as proof. Nor are impurities "poison". I go to prison 8 hours a day.
The nightmare scenario! Glenn Kirschner @glennkirschner2: 1.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
How do you get to "#9 he can cancel the election altogether"? I'm sure he would like to, but that would be beyond the pale even for this Court.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@jerry99 I apologize, first of all I didn't realize you were quoting someone else. I took it as your own theory. The Republicans *must* maintain their facade of confidence throughout the elections. Afterwards, though, look for Trump to claim there was "massive voter fraud" and "a rigged election", "illegal voters" and all the reasons he claims he lost the popular vote in '16 despite the lack of any evidence for these. The crisis would come if he refused to step down. Imagine Federal marshals removing him from the Oval Office...
What activity has most consistently given you a feeling of inner peace?
NHjulie comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Working with children, as long as adults don't come into the picture.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@NHjulie My own is okay. Other peoples', though... they make me uncomfortable. I can't figure out why kids seem to like me against all logic.
What activity has most consistently given you a feeling of inner peace?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I used to masturbate a lot, but the older you get, the less practical that becomes... now I read a lot more.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
@ownworstenemy I slowed down considerably when I hit 50. TMI, right?
Watching a talk by Neil deGrasse Tyson and thought of the fact that trump is building cathedrals ...
Charlene comments on Oct 12, 2019:
He builds wherever he gets tax breaks from cities/countries, ask Atlanta how hard he fucked them..
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Which kind of goes along with my comment about phallic symbols.
What activity has most consistently given you a feeling of inner peace?
NHjulie comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Working with children, as long as adults don't come into the picture.
Paul4747 replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Funny, I like working with adults as long as children don't come into the picture...


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • Joined Oct 30th, 2017
  • Last Visit 2+ weeks ago
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