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It takes a prize idiot to correlate the LGBTQIA+ community with pedophiles, and the Liberal party ...
Polemicist comments on May 11, 2024:
Time for reading comprehension 101. The article about the conservative party candidate for the state seat of Albany makes no reference to his religious beliefs.
Nearly All cheeses can be frozen apparently.
Polemicist comments on May 19, 2024:
What a friend we have in cheeses when they have a whey with curds and give edgar allan poetry. Fromages pasteurise the gentle brie says Camembert Lee tried some faith in cheeses
Nearly All cheeses can be frozen apparently.
Polemicist comments on May 19, 2024: I'll try just one more frozen orange cheese On this pasta today If it ain't gouda tears we cheddar Crying smiles away And if you feel you wanna cheese on the ragu A taste that no one's mince had cheese of blue, before And I'll forage flowers from the road And add it near the start We will hold our breath together Garlic falls apart Cows fescue green, cows fescue blue Cheese rescues me, cheese rescues you, if it's true That yellow's the new blue, ah
Nearly All cheeses can be frozen apparently.
Polemicist comments on May 19, 2024:
Won't you please heat and grease, some swiss emmenthal cheese for my fondue with a friend over there.
Google is greatly confused and overstepping the lines.
Polemicist comments on May 22, 2024:
You might prefer a more discreet provider like proton mail. Mwah haha haha.
Jill Stein confirms the number of regime changes undemocratically effected by the USA since 1945 ...
Polemicist comments on May 22, 2024:
Who ya gunna call? Since the 19th century, the United States government has participated and interfered, both overtly and covertly, in the replacement of many foreign governments. In the latter half of the 19th century, the U.S. government initiated actions for regime change mainly in Latin America and the southwest Pacific, including the Spanish–American and Philippine–American wars. At the onset of the 20th century, the United States shaped or installed governments in many countries around the world, including neighbors Hawaii, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. During World War II, the United States helped overthrow many Nazi German or Imperial Japanese puppet regimes. Examples include regimes in the Philippines, Korea, East China, and parts of Europe. United States forces, together with the Soviet Union, were also instrumental in removing Adolf Hitler from power in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy. In the aftermath of World War II, the U.S. government struggled with the Soviet Union for global leadership, influence and security within the context of the Cold War. Under the Truman administration, the U.S. government feared that communism would be spread, sometimes with the assistance of the Soviet Union's own involvement in regime change, and promoted the domino theory, a precedent which later presidents followed. Subsequently, the United States expanded the geographic scope of its actions beyond traditional area of operations, Central America and the Caribbean. Significant operations included the United States and United Kingdom–planned 1953 Iranian coup d'état, the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion targeting Cuba, and support for the overthrow of Sukarno by General Suharto in Indonesia. In addition, the U.S. has interfered in the national elections of countries, including Italy in 1948,[1] the Philippines in 1953, Japan in the 1950s and 1960s[2][3] Lebanon in 1957,[4] and Russia in 1996.[5] According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.[6] According to another study, the U.S. engaged in 64 covert and six overt attempts at regime change during the Cold War.[7]
I think only Ozzies will get this one. Maybe Kiwi's too. []
Polemicist comments on May 31, 2024:
Have you thought about this?
Polemicist comments on Jun 2, 2024:
I'm so mean I won't allow any variance, skewness or kurtosis on my uniform.
I cannot say no
Polemicist comments on Jun 2, 2024:
If her hair was still red "And it's kyrptonite not cyrptonite" Not tonite superman
Wow! I have a question, though.
Polemicist comments on Jun 6, 2024:
My position on this is clear.
[] Can't Get Out of my Head / ELO
Polemicist comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Midnight's rising water Global warming's brought a Tidal wave of climate blames Tsunami than you it claims And I can't get up out of my bed Oh no, oh no
I'm up early since its another time zone and breakfast isn't open yet.
Polemicist comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Clerihew. The breakfasting Mr Glennlab's Renowned for developing abs In meetings by there nature jentacular He eschewed any matter tentacular
Never seen this guy before, but he explains wtf are we doing quite well. []
Polemicist comments on Jun 8, 2024:
The sobriquet skidmark doubtless pertains to the apocryphal Engadine Maccas fracas.
Polemicist comments on Jun 8, 2024:
The two of them There'll always be anomaly The two of them They'll always be together like The words and the meme Alive in a dream of their own They're never alone There's just the two of them And there'll be no unravelling on
Blame it on the Brownie?
Polemicist comments on Jun 8, 2024:
We'd caution it's a gateway to the garden drug.
Who else agrees?
Polemicist comments on Jun 13, 2024:
A noble sentiment indeed: is it not written that every voter must read and think? Did Descartes not put the cart before the horse when he wrote cogito ergo sum? If ifs and ands were pots and pans would there be no work for tinker's hands? If I believed something was true or false would I be right to think that way?
“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” ― Albert Einstein
Polemicist comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Why do idiots vote for Trump?
So far, that seems to be pretty true.
Polemicist comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Everyone can laugh at NY having the best jurors especially if you think it impugns democracy and encourages half the population to vote for criminal republicans and then America and all it's people become the joke which makes it funnier still.
Ruins of an ancient civilization scattered throughout Antarctica" [bitchute.
Polemicist comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Oh, the ancient civilisations before the polar ice sheets formed 35 million years ago, those civilisations?
Question... Is belief in a deity/s genetic or conditioned?
Polemicist comments on Jun 21, 2024:
Bananas have 50% of human dna and they like to cluster together so I'd say it's a coin toss. This question should really be on your go fund me site, not here amongst infidels who pay scant attention to cognitive scientists trying to turn a trick or two.
Blue are the countries who drive on the wrong side of the road 😂
Polemicist comments on Jun 21, 2024:
Doesn't it make you wonder?
Sabre Dance by Love Sculpture - Played last night online by Clyde Clifford on his Beaker Street...
Polemicist comments on Jun 22, 2024:
[] Why Won't the US Help Negotiate a Peaceful End to the War in Ukraine?
Polemicist comments on Jun 24, 2024:
Less than a c on this test is a very poor score. .
Perhaps the ringing in your ears is Pavlov's bell?
Polemicist comments on Jun 26, 2024:
Or the bells of every church that only the omnist hears?
Latest from Deep Purple. No Ozzie []
Polemicist comments on Jul 5, 2024:
"Latest from Deep Purple. No Ozzie" No matter the topic your entertaining commentary is as incisive as ever. [
"Ladle Rat Rotten Hut," "Guilty Looks Enter Tree Beers," in utter glassy Anguish-languish furry ...
Polemicist comments on Jul 16, 2024:
Ah, bullshit.
Polemicist comments on Jul 23, 2024:
INTELLIGENT DESIGN is gaining traction within the scientific community.
Polemicist comments on Jul 27, 2024:
Far from being a respected scientist that (sic) makes a compelling case, "Stephen Charles Meyer (/ˈmaɪ.ər/; born 1958) is an American historian, author, and former educator. He is an advocate of intelligent design, a pseudoscientific creationist argument for the existence of God.[Meyer was a founder of the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) of the Discovery Institute (DI),[which is the main organization behind the intelligent design movement." Intelligent design, far from gaining traction in the scientific community, is as renowned as Goldilocks, a fairy story which contains a fraction too much fiction.
(psilocybin mushroom) Shocked.
Polemicist comments on Aug 9, 2024:
Knee deep.
Don’t know what the hell it is,but it’s probably a Democrat.
Polemicist comments on Aug 10, 2024:
Don't half of all merkins vote maga?
If Trump concentrates on ISSUES he will win.
Polemicist comments on Aug 16, 2024:
Are the matters he addresses not ISSUES? What are the policies he should countenance? Fiscal constraint, red tape and taxes?
Why our security posture was upgraded a few weeks ago.
Polemicist comments on Aug 24, 2024:
If sixteen service personnel obey postings then what blame will eviscerated politicians claim? Get a better grip on your ganja pipe granpa.
A recent research paper suggested their findings indicated a close link between nasal receptors and ...
Polemicist comments on Sep 13, 2024:
Those in the know say no and know no one knows to not forget your dreams.
[] Conway Twitty "Its Only Make Believe"
Polemicist comments on Sep 13, 2024:
Love singing this at atheist karaoke in the garden. If only the vibrato in the lower register was mirrored in the higher notes instead of that sharp dissonant shouting. Hot once, bummer twitty city, relatives sold it all, a pretty pity.
Polemicist comments on Sep 14, 2024:
Disregard for legal law summarises the insight.
Polemicist comments on Sep 15, 2024:
A scintilla of debating ploy may be a skosh too much to musk. Many hope and pray Donald will improve the incarceration statistics.
The loved ones with the loved one I would have been gestating []
Polemicist comments on Sep 15, 2024:
I hate the Music by John Paul Young.
Polemicist comments on Sep 15, 2024:
Some Acka dacka and Jail Break. Seems the groups visible, thanks for the help all []
Polemicist comments on Sep 15, 2024:
I hate the Music by John Paul Young.
Polemicist comments on Sep 15, 2024:
@vocaloldfart Have you considered clicking on the top of this page where it says "Aussie Music"?
Watched Trumps speech today in Georgia .
Polemicist comments on Sep 25, 2024:
"No suprises". None.
Sorry! I couldn’t help myself
Polemicist comments on Oct 1, 2024:
Oh, like eve, eve r, eve rer and eve rest, gotcha. Hiya & higher :
How seppo's view our friendship. []
Polemicist comments on Oct 6, 2024:
Yeah, why wasn't I told Australia is just like China upside down. One China policy Under its One China policy, the Australian government does not recognise Taiwan as a sovereign country but maintains informal political connections and deep trade ties with the island.
A Danish whistleblower has come forward claiming US military vessels were in the area of the ...
Polemicist comments on Oct 11, 2024:
Who knew that news could have a second birthday?
Why did the Republican cross the road?
Polemicist comments on Oct 11, 2024:
Why did the Republican cross the road? Because their leader crossed himself and said red means go. Chicken footage of campaign highlights.
The cat owns the house! That's why the word ''homeowner'' has the word MEOW in it!
Polemicist comments on Oct 11, 2024:
Amia-owners and lovers of this primitive ray-finned fish would include cats too.
Under which philosophy would you prefer to live?
Polemicist comments on Oct 17, 2024:
Democratic socialism.
What happens when you allow a decrepit old man to sign new laws.
Polemicist comments on Oct 17, 2024:
They jumped the gun with this announcement.
'Chips' not 'fries'. Well done you little young man. 😆😆😆
Polemicist comments on Oct 18, 2024:
What's the title of this opus, soup vichyssoise?
A bit of a melody/ footage from 1979 []
Polemicist comments on Oct 18, 2024:
Who can ever forget those oz music icons P P Fernandez and Plastic Bertrand?
Great question...
Polemicist comments on Oct 18, 2024:
Because weedwhackonists is the correct appellation.
This is me, like my dumb phone. NB They are missing two zero's. []
Polemicist comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Who sent me this text? 99966688 277733 777766688555
Please excuse me as I post a song I think I have played every November 1st.
Polemicist comments on Nov 1, 2024:
@annewimsey500 Here's a song for that very special person who some thought was far away and now many wish it were true.
I asked chat GBT to make a song in g major about agnostic people.
Polemicist comments on Dec 27, 2024:
What metre and foot to the rhyme.
I was listening on the radio to a bit of a philosophy last evening where the person being ...
Polemicist comments on Sep 7, 2020:
If we understand that the memes collectively known as gods aren't real them it's axiomatic to note that lack of observance means that the memes cease to exist. Who knew that radio had finally come to Broken Hill?
Looking in my pantry for something to eat for lunch.
Polemicist comments on Nov 12, 2023:
Lamb of god. Microwave leftover lamb cuts and position between two slices of buttered toast.
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