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Riding a little faster keeps you warm.
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Never too old to keep on kicking!
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Cervesa y ron! Porque elegir?!
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Tree-hugging tendencies (my top concern), atheist, antitheist, existentialist, humanist, not spiritual at all, skeptic, rather introvert, non-woke socialist or anarchist (depending on my mood), generation X, Quebec-separatist, reluctant suburban, bicycle commuter, soccer and hockey player, cat person.

I speak French, English and a little Spanish. Former graphic artist, now working in the recycling business. I used to print crap, now I recycle it!

By the way, my username, QuidamOutrepont, means "Some guy across the bridge".


Do you feel bad about eating meat and the slaughter of animals for meat?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I'm thinking about becoming more of a vegetarian for environmental reasons. But it's one hell of a complicated cultural change.
America's sweeping tide of diversity
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I think the future is mulatto. To hell with "racial purity". The only purity that matters to me comes from the heart. I was born in Montreal and I lived all of my life in town and in the suburbs. In much of its history, Montreal has always welcomed people from pretty much all over the world. The city would just be unthinkable without its diversity.
At the risk of sounding unpatriotic,.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
To understand what happened on 9/11, you have to remember how things were like on 9/10.
Where were you on September 11, 2001?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I was living in Montreal and I had a job as a graphic artist on the evening shift. I opened up my computer at home and I took a look at a news website. I read that thing about jetliners crashing into the Twin Towers in New York and my first reaction was "Why are they advertising video games on a news website?! That's not serious!" Then I went like "Oh! That's not an ad! That happened for real! That's insane!" A month before that, I went south of the border to go cycling along Lake Champlain in Vermont. Back then, I didn't need a passport to pass through the customs. I only needed to show my driver's license. Two years ago, I went to New York and I visited the Ground Zero memorial. Impressive.
Greta Thunberg is coming to Montreal []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I asked for a day off to go and see her. There already was a major event organized on that day in Montreal. But then, when she made it to New York, Greta announced that she would come. This is gonna be huge!
Today yet another typical interaction on an dating site.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
What an eloquent display of social skills!
The natural world is full of grisly cases of predation, parasitism, a universe of ghastly horrors ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
The universe is chaotic.
And it's not even noon yet.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Browse 'till you drop!
Tennessee GOP Senator says getting rid of higher education would save America
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 12, 2019:
It's universal. Information control is always a major issue for tyrants.
Sometimes you just have to! Lol!!!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 10, 2019:
When it's too cold, you close the lid.
Must admit that even by the monumental stupidity of Fat Nixon, inviting the Taliban to Camp David on...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Two sides of the same coin.
Gotta be photoshopped!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Dinner's served!
Is it possible to have a partner that’s not Atheist
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Happy Saturday! I have to drag my ass to work, blah. What are your plans?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I have to take care of my girlfriend. She went out of the hospital yesterday. She had surgery, she had stones in her gall bladder.
How do you help people?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I was a hockey coach and a soccer coach for a few seasons. I was a volunteer in politics for some social democrats, some ecologists and for some Quebec separatists. Once in a while, I do some computer support, some copy writing, copy proofing, some graphic arts for people around me and for the causes I care about. I was recently elected treasurer for the union at my job.
How do you help people?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I made this banner for an atheist group in Montreal
My comment to an ardent Trump supporter on a dating site.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Major turn off!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
My dad is from New Brunswick. Still have many relatives there. Its crazy how hurricanes can make it so far north.
Disgusting use of religion, AR-15s are only useful for killing humans. []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
"... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks ..." Isaiah 2:4
Fall in West Virginia.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
We'll be having the fall colors in a few weeks. There are now some foreign cruise ships that come on the Saint-Lawrence river, all the way up to Montreal, just for that. We have the Laurentian mountains on the north side and the Appalachians on the south side.
That's gonna leave a rash..
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Hey, did you know the word "meme" was coined by Richard Dawkins?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
How could someone come up with the meme concept before the internet?
Book em Dano
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I was singing at the opera but the ushers kicked me out!
What was your first kiss like?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I was 9. It was with Sophie, the sister of Serge, one of my best buddies. They lived right across the street from my family's house. She was a lovely petite dark eyed brunette. We had a childish boyfriend/girlfriend relationship for a couple of weeks. At that age, I had no "one thing leads to another" thing in my mind, I was too young for that. We were kissing in their backyard. Gently and slowly. She was sweet, tender. It felt good.
He's going to super hell
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Karma is a bitch!
Bet he gets a lot of takers
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Reminds me of this
He's playing Nine Inch Nails
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
And as they were partying, Jesus took vinyl, and blessed it, and scratched it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Listen, dance; this is my beat.
Who is/are the real author/s of the Bible?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Why do you think they call it the ROMAN Catholic Church?!
I remember hearing about these theories way back on the original COSMOS show.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
"The Great Silence, Alas, we're not worth it. The Great Silence hypothesis posits that advanced beings [...] simply do not reach out to insignificant carbon-based humans." It's a bit like the Prime Directive in Star Trek.
Diverting Defense money to build the wall is the same as diverting Defense money to his own ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
What would be the cheapest? To build that wall or to fix that Uncle-Sam-made Latin America mess?
A Shocking Number of Americans Want to 'Just Let Them All Burn' - VICE
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
"Set fire to the four corners of the town, mow down the people, level everything, and when there is nothing more of this rotten world left standing, perhaps a better one will grow up in its place... Yes, anarchy and nothing more; the earth washed in blood and purified by fire!" - Souvarine in Emile Zola's Germinal (1885)
((Humans will be BANNED from driving cars within the next 25 years as 'safer' autonomous vehicles ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
What about less cars (autonomous or not) and more active and public transit? What about cities and streets build for people instead of cars? What about safe, ethical and fun sex for everyone who wants it? What if wanting to make the world a better place doesn't necessarily mean you have to be some kind of a psycho nazi?
Organized religion
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Probably not. And it would be a hell of a step forward for the human kind.
I don't want to try those new flavors.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
It has some kind of an aftertaste.
One of the things I like best about this site is reading people's bios.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
If reading bios makes you a psychopath, welcome to the asylum!
Science royalty
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
According the theist mythology, do souls move around on wheelchairs?!
Well, maybe.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
I heard it's an Italian kind of pearl!
I grew up in Imperial (except for sciences in school) and while I love metric .
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
It's funny how the metric system was adopted in the seventies but the imperial system still remains in people's habits. When they talk about a missing person in the news and they tell his height and his weight in metric, it doesn't ring much of a bell with me.
Why we can't have nice things
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Where I live, in grocery stores, the prices are displayed both in metric and imperial units. It seems that people prefer to buy food by pounds instead of kilograms because it seems cheaper!
Just the tip.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 5, 2019:
This is a spiritual protection racket!
I mentioned Agnostic.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I started a French group. Only a handful of members so far.
After a long shift, i love cuddling with my pets
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I think pets personifies your home. You don't say you go home, you say you go back with your pets.
Well, I'm watching local evening news and they are doing a piece on farmers committing suicide.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Farmer suicides is a worldwide thing. Easy preys for Big Ag and crooked globalist politicians.
Isn't it immoral for a woman not to have an abortion after becoming pregnant resulting from a rape?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Rape, women's feelings, religions don't care at all about it. They only want as many kids as they can, no matter how.
We're introverts. We stay in a lot. Possibly watching TV. What are we watching?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Lots of social medias and web. Almost no TV at all.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Creationists... I don't believe in creation.
I dunno you, but I just saved a whole buncha money by ... not doing this right here.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Looks like a wrong answer to a good question.
Caption contest. Whoever gets the most upvotes wins.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Hold on kiddo! It's my turn to wake up your parents!
Another shaved unhappy pussy
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
He looks like a chicken!
I just took all social media off my smartphone but this platform. ....
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I spend way more time here than on other social medias. I keep Facebook to keep track of some friends and relatives but I don't do much browsing. I follow some news on Twitter but I don't do a lot of retweets either.
I just took all social media off my smartphone but this platform. ....
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I heard a local stand up comedian say that social media is to social life what masturbation is to sex life.
Funnies. I hope you can see these. I think I overshot the allowed 5 posts today.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 3, 2019:
How does a bill work? And there are people that still believe in democracy!
A “little” humor
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 3, 2019:
A phone call! How rude!
‘Small Talk’ Makes me wanna vomit...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Other people's attention, other people's time is a privilege. Don't abuse it. Get to the freaking point!
Live life! And enjoy yourselves.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 3, 2019:
To add years to life is one thing. To add life to years is another.
A close relative of Kleenex??
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Too close for comfort.
Something else we are blamed for.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Some hardships are easier to deal with than others.
Is it so difficult to meet a like minded soul who is intellectual, spiritual and sensual and ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Someone who's intellectual, someone who's spiritual, someone who's sensual, someone who's continuously looking to improve ones skills... and those four persons must not know one another!
I’ve seen bathrooms like this before, scary 🤖🎃🙀
QuidamOutrepont comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Is the toilet getting married to a strong Johnny-On-The-Spot construction type?!
A doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 30, 2019:
In "Logan's Run", they killed everyone at 30!
A dirty mind opes up a whole new world....
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Ever seen that drawing about a mom selling some snow shovels at a hardware store?
Man Goes Viral For Wearing ‘Make Racism Wrong Again’ Gear At Pennsylvania Walmart – CBS ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 30, 2019:
I wonder, when they say "Make America Great Again", when was it the greatest according to their opinion?
Man Goes Viral For Wearing ‘Make Racism Wrong Again’ Gear At Pennsylvania Walmart – CBS ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Since many of us have done this poorly before
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 29, 2019:
If you want to put on a costume, to put on a show and get sone applauds, become an actor.
How do you determine who you follow here?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I'm here for the community. So if I choose to follow someone, it's simply because I appreciate the posts and comments of that person.
There are a lot of products in supermarkets that I would never buy.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I must admit that I do a lot of politics when I'm at the supermarket. I do my best to change the face of the world for the better whenever I buy something. I try as much as I can to buy local products instead of imported ones and to encourage small businesses instead of some mega-multi-national corporations.
Well that's a good!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Gotta love it!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Be careful, that thing is very contagious! If one of them eats you, you become one of them! Oh sorry! I thought you were talking about zombies, or vampires!
Boiling five pounds of bullshit down to one sentence
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Take other people's attention as a privilege. Never take it for granted.
Does belief or disbelief require intelligence?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I try NOT to use the words intelligent, intelligence or even smart in my vocabulary. I find it a bit annoying, smug, pretentious when people say they're intelligent or smart. Who gets to decide who's intelligent and who's not? I wonder if someone's genius is someone else's idiot and the other way around.
I have not seen anyone here mine this particular vein of cracked humor, so I humbly present Henri, ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Are childless people more likely to be religious?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 24, 2019:
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28)
If girls suddenly had a penis []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I get so sick of being labeled a "bleeding heart liberal" or other such epithet every time I express...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 24, 2019:
"Bleeding heart liberal"? It proves you have a heart. That being said, I find liberal too far right for me.
They fell down!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Gravity. It's not only affecting boobs.
In a Country run by the nra... grown ups had failed to their children.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 22, 2019:
I only live 45 minutes away from your border and I have none of that crap.
I’m an over thinker and I feel like it always ruins my dating chances 🤷🏽‍♂️. Thoughts?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Maybe it's a matter of balance between thoughts and emotions. I suggest you try to be more aware about what you feel and what your date feels.
Tag, You're It
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 22, 2019:
He lost a bet.
I'll take the first explanation please.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 22, 2019:
"So doctor you're saying I can masturbate whenever I want to..." Yes Gary, but not now please!
I hope it survives
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Is it neutered?!
Suck it up, buttercup. I don’t think this is as true as it used to be.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Went through that. Got some help. Not ashamed to admit it.
Today I was presented the opportunity to travel to Cuba with a colleague for a cultural exchange ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 20, 2019:
I always bring back some rum when I go there. Lovely place, awesome beaches.
Secular Connexion Séculière has made a formal request to the Waterloo Region District School Board...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 20, 2019:
The "O Canada" anthem has some very strong religious roots. It was commissioned by a Quebec Lieutenant Governor to be presented on Saint John the Baptist Day in 1880, the holiday of the patron saint of the French Canadians.
Incroyable... et dommage a lire - []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Les gens croient-ils vraiment que ce qu'ils jettent va tout simplement disparaître?! Quelle inconscience!
How to safely pick up hitch hikers
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 20, 2019:
It reminds me of this.
Empires Start by Moving Outward…and Finish by Moving Inward [ghionjournal.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 20, 2019:
I even wonder if the billionaires just let the climate crisis get worse on purpose. I wonder if in the next decades, they will let billions of poor humans die worldwide and only let live a handful of tyrants and their close guard.
Truth, most of the time...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 19, 2019:
July was hottest month on record. []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Are we like boiling frogs?!
Funny how that works...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Could he juggle with some dildos?!
There are some things religions cannot control:
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 17, 2019:
An old favorite, the New-Age Bullshit Generator.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I could almost hear some Enya playing in the background!
Ok, I have an Internet date for tomorrow night.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Don't waste time trying to offer what you don't have. You're at your best when you are yourself. Keep your head high, relax, display a positive, serene and playful attitude. Enjoy yourself. Just let the universe decide what happens next and live to tell the tale!
Join, or else!
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Spiritual protection racket.
This morning just before first coffee, two True Believers rang my bell.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 16, 2019:
I just tell them I'm not interested in their product.
Whatever works.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 15, 2019:
Shade and power!
Dark humor
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 15, 2019:
The most ridiculous mortuary card I've ever seen! LMFAO
How do you change the t-shirt size setting in your profile?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 15, 2019:
A t-shirt size setting in your profile? Where?
Don't forget the disclaimer.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 15, 2019:
God would not be able to sue Satan in court. Where would he find any lawyers?
An interesting eye popping read. []
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Propaganda instead of news. :-(
What is your favorite curse word?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Aug 13, 2019:
"Hostie d'câlisse de sacrament d'tabarnak!" We French speaking Quebecers have a really weird way to swear. Instead of sex related curse words, we use religion related words. Words from the Catholic vocabulary tweaked in the local Quebecer accent. It may sound absurd, but if someone around here bangs his bare toes on a bed leg, it just comes out! The most notorious "sacre" is "Tabarnak", which comes from "Tabernacle", "A case or box on a church altar containing the consecrated host and wine of the Eucharist." There is "Hostie" which is the host, the sacramental bread, "Câlisse" (Chalice), "Sacrament", "Calvaire", "Ciboire". So much that the Quebecer tourists traveling in Latin America (Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic) are called by the locals "Los Tabarnacos"!


2 Like Show
Riding a little faster keeps you warm.
4 Like Show
Never too old to keep on kicking!
3 Like Show
Cervesa y ron! Porque elegir?!
2 Like Show
Snowshoeing near our home in Saint-Hubert.
4 Like Show
Cold winter, cold beer, hot tub in the Laurentians.
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Unrusting that good old slap shot.
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Kayak in Chambly.
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Spinning a few tracks for the buddies.
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At my job, on the right with the green apron, sorting the recycling on the pre-sorting line.
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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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  • BirthdayMay 16
  • EnjoysMovies, Drinking, Food, Music, Outdoors, Sports, Love, Sex, Pets
  • EducationHigh School
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  • Joined Sep 30th, 2018
  • Last Visit 2+ weeks ago
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