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If a post is more than three paragraphs I lose interest.
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 31, 2018:
I feel that way too and I wonder if I should blame it on ADD or on social media abuse.
Y a t il plusieurs membres du Quebec ?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Drette icitte!
I'm thinking of adding a series of political questions to profiles and want to get your suggestions ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I have a love-and-hate relationship with politics. One minute, I want to sprint on the campaign trail. And on the minute after that, I want to lock up my neck on the doors of a voting location to protest against that whole electoral gimmick.
Who are you?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
QuidamOutrepont = Denis
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I just tell them that I'm not interested in their product.
What was the final straw that made you finally leave your faith?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
When I became an existentialist. When I reached the conclusion that we don't have souls and that there is no form of afterlife whatsoever. No paradise, no hell, no reincarnation, no nothing.
I guess I’m trying to find a common thread with people on here that’s not necessarily faith ...
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I'm an atheist, but religion (or the absence of) is far from being my greatest worry. I'm far more worried about climate change, poverty and oppression than any kind of religious or spiritual considerations.
What's the best response to "why are you so quiet'?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Because I have nothing to say.
Is the world becoming more atheist?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Too often, religion is a pilar of tyranny. Trump, Putin, Saudi Arabia...
Is the solution to "hate speech" more speech or less speech?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Sometimes, maybe hate might be a wrong answer to a good question. The idea would be to find out what the question is and then to find a less hateful answer.
Unpopular Opinions I know you got 'em, what are they?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I hate weddings! It's really not my conception of love and relationship. I find the rituals and traditions arround them annoying and tasteless. If you want to put on a costume, to put on a show in front of an audiance and to get some applauds, become an actor!
Do you love where you live?
QuidamOutrepont comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Longueuil, in the suburbs of Montreal here. I like where I live. Easy access to both city life and wilderness. Cost of living is quite affordable, crime rate is rather low, plenty of job opportunities, people are mostly easy going. I enjoy all the seasons we have. North American, European and multi-cultural at the same time.


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Riding a little faster keeps you warm.
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Never too old to keep on kicking!
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Cervesa y ron! Porque elegir?!
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Snowshoeing near our home in Saint-Hubert.
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Cold winter, cold beer, hot tub in the Laurentians.
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Unrusting that good old slap shot.
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Kayak in Chambly.
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Spinning a few tracks for the buddies.
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At my job, on the right with the green apron, sorting the recycling on the pre-sorting line.
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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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