Hello, I'm Ally. I am well, very new to being open about my beliefs. I wish I could explain, but, I often feel no one understands how I see things. It may also stem from my other 'issues' but that doesn't truly define who I am as a person.
To start, I'm one of those people that loves to think and to, not argue, but debate and question all things within and without. I see ignorance as a tool of fear and if even just one person can see through the hate, then maybe everyone could someday.
I am a 26 year old that enjoys various things, thoughts, and oddities. Or at least what is considered 'odd' by the majority of the population anyways. lol I've never really been into being in a relationship with others, but I would love to see if I could do so one day. I'm a pretty picky person and I know what I like when I see it! Or feel it, w/ever floats your boat. I get feeling and seeing confused. A lot.
I draw, write, and play Magic the Gathering, as well as play video games, be a bit lazy, sarcastic, as well as sardonically prone to fits of giggles. I find the scary amusing really. I laugh in the face of what fear is said to be. Or assumed. So, that's really it. I don't like social media very much nor am I very good at the whole social scene. But this seems like it could be nice. Oh and I have a DeviantArt account (if you know what that is) and my user name there is Zellennaa. I go by 'Aster'.
Feel free to hit me up but I cannot promise I'll be a fast replying machine. I don't get on the web that much. Maybe a few times a week. Thanks and I hope we can talk or maybe hang out? I'm a bit of a stranger danger nut so talk to me first at least. Don't want some freak to strangle me or something. lol