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Carole King. - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, live 1972. What a talent! []
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Fond memories of Carol singing this...and an early girlfriend singing it to me!
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I'm a retired (45 year) science and heath teacher. I taught Environmental science/Ecology mostly. I loved teaching health; got certified to do so with a battery of tests in NY state that, back in the 70's gave me the equivalent of permanent health teacher status. (It was the same as a Registered nurse's degree test). I got the first Earth day going in the 1970's at a local M.S.; and have been teaching, practicing and preaching ecology for decades. Was honored to be part of the 1971 group of 40 (out of 800 applicants) to study the Population Explosion with Dr, Carl Huether, and other important folk in the field, Now I'm a Tesla owner (just bought my second one a few days ago) and swear by the car's ecology. So I welocme the discussion. Dinosaurs lived without ever seeing snow; so can we survive? The question is - will the parabolic rise in CO2 make it a runaway change that will kill even our food crops in a few decades? BTW; it's not just fossil fuels. We have to nip our runaway population growth soon, as well. We can't wait for the gradual tapering off at the end of this century, as forecast. To survive as a species we need to fix this....yesterday. We can't keep dragging our feet. Here's a great website to explore. Read the intro in the first paragraph on the opening page.
Gun gets through airport screening on flight to Japan.
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
From the article; "TSA dismissed suggestions the government shutdown contributed to the security lapse and said a normal amount of staffers were working that day."
Getting close.....
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
This nails why I'm strictly a half-caf drinker. I love the quantity; but noticed a high...then after making the connection I had to lower the Octane....
Did you guys know memes are welcome here also? I stole this one haha
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Yummm! Where can I start? When?
julia nova, sylvia mcfarland, asian, latina, california dreamin', betty, stella stevens, the 1920's.
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Nice pics. Sure wish some of them...any of them....were accessible! The First one on the second row is the classic beauty,Betty Page; and that's a rare, very crisp, well focused, toplees shot of her! Google Betty Page for more....
Do you believe aliens exist?
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Here's the odds; Within our solar system. 0.0001% (bacteria or viral like "aliens" on Mars or the Moon (in the ice). Some frozen ancient DNA in the comets. Within 5 light years (LY). 1% Only one star system is that close, Alpha Centauri, and it has several planets; but none in a "goldilocks" (G.O.) orbit that we can detect...yet. Within 50 LY 5%. There are a few star systems - and a couple have "earth-like" planets in G.O. Remember; having an earth-like planet in G.O. doesn't mean intelligent life has evolved. It suggests life is at some stage of evolution...or the intelligent life went extinct. Within 100 LY; the logic, above. There's 500 star systems within 100 LY. of us. Out of those I'm guessing there is 50 (10%) that have evolved some stage of alien life. But communicative, intelligent, radio transmiltting/receiving? I'd drop that down to 10% of the 50, or 5. 100 LY is our limit of concern for two reasons; #1. Radio just started being transmitted around 100 Years ago. #2. If intelligent aliens 100 LY away just heard us - and sent a response - we wouldn't hear from them for another 100 years. Chances are therefore slim that anyone has heard our TV/radio signals. They haven't been going out there for very long; and not too powerfullly until recently 10-20 years ago). Now; if you ask me about our Galaxy; I'd say 99% chance intelligent life exists. In fact odds are that they're so abundant that a being on a planet far, far away, is typing on their social media the exact same question. more thing. There's a race of intelligent beings that co-exist with us here. They are in the class mammalia, and they live in the sea. They're so advanced that they abandoned radio and technology long ago. They have no clothes, no buildings, no money, no farms, no hospitals; and the only diseases they get are from us. They're the Cetaceans. The sea Mammals. Their kids eat and play all day, and their adults make love all day. Jealous, yet?
Must be a method to the madness
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Trump-kins want deregulation and less government? They got it here!
It happens...😢
Robecology comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Yep...been there, done that!
Sweet seasonal earth ?! Long live Gaia!
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Thank you for mentioning Gaia. It's an obscure theory that suggests the earth itself is alive. Thanks, again!
Is Organic Really Better? Healthy Food or Trendy Scam? - Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell []
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I'm a retired science and health teacher on a tight budget; so I've read a lot about this. With the pressure from the Republican/conservatives to block "testing" and "categorizing" and remove government control in general, the label has obviously been abused, and will continue to be. I suggest using common sense. The food pyramid. avoid the carbs, starches, breads, and sugars. Eat raw fruits and veggies when you can. Keep baby carrots handy. Grains; get some whole oatmeal; mix it in to the brownie mix for a heart-healthy/high fiber snack. I wouldn't worry about the label so much as the balance of foods. America is setting records every day for the growth of Obesity. That's what should concern us.
Please vote and/or comment what kinds of pics you would like to see in the immediate future here in ...
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
How about a category for those of us who appreciate the sweaty workout woman? I guess that's under "healthy"...I almost feel sad for the skinny ones.. Big boobs are OK...but healthy sixed/proportioned are my favorites...
Have you ever had one of these as a kid?
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
This would be a good question for adult M.D.'s...I'm betting that most of them were nurtured with these kinds of toys.
Something that should not have to be done but it is good news for a change []
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
For those who've not seen the "Gimme Shelter" Version of "It's Mueller time" you go.
It really does read like a B movie.
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
It's a little dated...but the music's been updated to the Rollling Stones' "gimme shelter"
Good morning my coffee friends.??
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Good one! G'morning coffee lovers! (and lovers of cofffee!).
Something that should not have to be done but it is good news for a change []
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Explain to me. Is it that they never will get paid...or that their paychecks are just delayed?
Could my Atheism be slipping? The Jesus Lizard Walks on Water! []
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Did he feed the sick? I bet. Did he have any miraculous cures? Doubt it. Did he say good things? No doubt. Did he walk on water? I doubt it. He no doubt walked on a mud flat that appeared to be deeper... Doobie Brothers | Jesus Is Just Alright - YouTube
Dire Straits-Money for Nothing []
Robecology comments on Jan 13, 2019:
My absolute first CD album; early 80's?
my rings do not last long
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
LOL!...Fortunately, a good bean isn't nearly as hard as any gemstone....but the comparison is charming....Speaking of beans; maybe this has been asked before; any pros and cons on fresh bean grinding? I even have a rare antique brass one with a folding handle....middle eastern, I presume. I used to have an old antique box model... me your boxes!?
Lovely hair.
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I'm an expert at slowly removing tape stuck to ones' skin...I would work for'd pay to do that job...
new headache defined
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Solution, Pin one of these to your visor, hat, or shirt. When asked about it -offer it to them. Spread the word. Instant relief.
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
This may shock and piss off a few veterans in the group...sorry in advance, soldiers. But a soldier who served told me about this. Search "U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan guarding Opium popplies - images" and you'll see stuff like this.
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Walls will do nothing. They know the truth. They're ginning up not only racist hatred but a distraction of the Mueller investigation. We know it. They know we know it. The data's clear. 90% of legit opium comes from Afghanistan (search percentages of Opium from different nations -data- images). Illegal crossings are at a 40 year low (search Southern border crossing, data, graphs). Search southern border penetrability data, images.
Loggins & Messina - Watching the River Run Remember these guys? []
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
The music. The lyrics. A favorite...Thanks, “Byrdsfan”.... (yep, love the Byrds, too!) Watching the River Run Loggins and Messina If you've been thinkin' you were all that you've got Then don't feel alone anymore 'Cause when we're together then you've got a lot 'Cause I am the river and you are the shore And it goes on and on, watching the river run Further and further from things that we've done Leaving them one by one And we have just begun, watching the river run Listening and learning and yearning to run, river, run Winding and swirling and dancing along We passed by the old willow tree Where lovers caress as we sing them our song, Rejoicing together when we greet the sea And it goes on and on, watching the river run Further and further from things that we've done Leaving them one by one And we have just begun, watching the river run Listening and learning and yearning to run, river, run Songwriters: Jim Messina / Kenny Loggins Watching the River Run lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Gnossos Music / Milk Money Music
We do believe you, Mr. President
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Buy these, share these. I'm on my second dozen.
A point to ponder
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Been there, done that...not worth it.
I support this President's wall.
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I've been a contributor to Jimmy's wall since he started building it in 1986.
These days to me, there is nothing sexier than real, natural beauty...and in my age group....
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Nice! Bold!
Not bad for 60 years old...huh guys?/gals?
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
That's the woman I want. Here. Now. Within 20 miles? 100 miles?
In a galaxy far, far away...
Robecology comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I volunteer to rub on the body oil...
I have some good news I would like to share with everyone.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Congrats! As a new (as of today) owner of a Second Tesla, I want to use your platform to announce that I, too, formed a group...for anyone who wants to know anything about the Electric Car that's taking America by storm; The Tesla...Click on this link to visit and comment! "Tesla owners/drivers/lovers Group" or
Meatloaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light. []
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Saw a "Meat Loaf" Concert...awesome dude, awesome show.
Size of Comet 67P compared with LA
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
To be defined as a "Comet" they have to have a "Nucleus" (core, or center) of "ice" and dust. The term "ice" is nebulous itself, but implies that Comets are mostly Di-Hydrogen Oxide....we call that water....and dust. My question is; how did such a large mass of water become so large, and so solidified? Why the eccentric orbits? I theorize that water worlds from other star systems blew up - and huge chunks of thier oceans "freeze-dried" as they were exposed to the near absolute zero of space. I also theorize that these oceans had life forms in them; and while we didn't get "flash frozen deep sea creatures" in them, they likely were contributors to the early earth DNA. Remember; it was a rain of comets that scientists theorize formed earth's oceans in the first place.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
I found the reason why Trump is so happy to change the wall from concrete to steel... He found a Russian buyer.
Back to the Reality of This Poor Nation with Even Poorer Society.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Sad but true!
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
People; this is wrong to attack this woman. She's intelligent and clever. Yes she's hot. But that should NOT be a reason to make comments like this. Here's some quotes from her;
She's blond and trashy, but for some reason, I still think she's hot.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Beautiful, full-bodied woman. So sad she chose to "tattoo"...
"Just here for community" makes me sad sometimes. Sometimes.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
So...I'll bite...why sad?
Found this...nails it! []
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Good morning all!! Its friday!! Its a day for good vibrations.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Cold along the whole east coast! It's 7:02 AM here in Ft. Pierce Fl, and a cold 51º! ...ok....chilly...but the heater's on often, and I'm with my first cup of Joe chatting with you all. Up early today...coudlnt' sleep; this new baby's on my mind....
A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could stand it; it would be hell on earth.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Being alive is bliss to me...even the pain is better than nothing;
PROTEIN! Know there're not many if any meathead bodybuilders here but I couldn't resist: ...
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Protein where you least expect it. It turns out that it's the most important food group. Boost proteins then fasting is easier. You're not hungry so much. Small high protein meals fill you up. Live Mas forte!
I’m pretty upset.
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Cannabis makes me nervous. Call it a hypnotic, call it what you pulse speeds up, and I get paranoid. I used to smoke it...switched to eating it a few years ago...but when you're young, being forgetful, hungry, and stupid is laughable. When you're older it's called dementia, obesity, and I swore it off. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for legalization; but I’m talking home grown stuff; no contaminants..and still got jittery and high pulse and BP when I “partook”. Any decent doc will give you low doses of valium or any mild tranquilizer. Make an appointment, have an eye-to-eye chat and tell him/her the truth...and (s)he might prescribe a mild calmative that'lll chill you better than any cannabis will.
Choose your own caption contest .
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Stunningly beautiful...and as a man who wears glasses, I think the glasses are a very nice touch!
Since we were on zippers and booties I found this.
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
A real beauty; and not at all "plus" sized. Love the full zipper!
This sums up what a waste of money Trump's wall is. ?????
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Miss Bill. He'll be back on 1/18..
Why a Medieval Woman Had Lapis Lazuli Hidden in Her Teeth An analysis of dental plaque illuminates ...
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I had to read most of the article to even get a clue about how Lapis was hidden below her's weird... "The woman was (probably) a painter who could have ingested ultramarine paint while licking her brush to a point, or she breathed in the powder while preparing pigment for herself or someone else. You can almost begin to picture her, Beach says, sitting by herself laboring over a manuscript day after day. “For a medieval historian,” she adds, “this kind of clear material evidence of something from the life of an individual person is so extraordinary.” Very interesting - and more evidence that women were the severely oppressed ‘silent majority” of artists and writers for most of history.
Time for me to take a break from posting memes and ask a question instead.
Robecology comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Variety is the spice of life; and I'm an equal-orgasm-devotee...usually preferring to get you off first!
seems to be the story of Facebook
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Yes; and "Grow up" is one often heard from the all-wise Conservative-Republican-Religulous
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
His light machines are already set; check this out!
In honor of Joan Baez's Bday: Diamonds and Rust.[]
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
She continues to Amaze me. She had a recent live concert with Judy Collins. Here's a You-tube of 3 + minutes of it;
Looks like at least 1 democrat has saw the light when it comes to the rising extremism in the ...
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Manchin may be a "turncoat" but he does nail the issue on the head here. If any candidate claiming to be running in 2020 makes a thorough trek through Applachia and the mid-west they will win a lot of Conservative/independent votes.
If anyone knows how to post pics for everyone to see, please let me know.
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019: niipples? Was that really necessary? Sure is obvious...tell me I'm wrong? To me, that detracts from what would be a great shot...great bathing suit....would almost prefer to see a shot with her wearing it properly....
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
happy eyes, fit body....yes; more please!?
Pink Floyd-Another Brick In The Wall []
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I can't decide if this is pro or anti education. I'm guessing the strategy of the original song-writers was to express the frustration of students from/of oppressive, sarcastic, mean-spirited teachers. Your opinion?
A long walk but worth it and there's beer. []
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I love Colbert. I sometimes set my alarm to wake up just to watch his monologue...
[] The only thing immoral is Pelosi and her progressive Democrat crowd.
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Pelosi may be many things - but she's not immoral. I'm afraid the official Republican response to the immigration issue is what you're referring to, here. Conservatives have no respect for the Nationalist approach Trump is taking.
Just a random thought on the government shut down: What if the government is bankrupt and ...
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Here's Bernie's response;
In response to trump’s pathetic attempt to rile up his base and spread unchecked propaganda ...
Robecology comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I'm watching on MSNBC...Maddow will be on right afterwards...I know she will tear him apart!
Its his birthday too... []
Robecology comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Elvis was so talented. So sorry he let drugs shorten his life.
Who has lived or still do in small hicksville like this.
Robecology comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Did you know that Billy Joel was born and raised in a town called "Hicksville" Long Island, NY?
"There are 200 countries in the world now.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Watch #Religulous...and it'll all make sense.
First day back to work since the holidays.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Wow; sorry for your struggle! How many kids? What age range? Any way to get help -from parents? assistants? Admin? Hoe you'll feel better tomorrow!
Happie Hippie Monday People - If you like this come visit Hippie Land, a new fun group.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Nice! Are you aware of the origin of the Peace symbol? The peace sign was really designed in 1958 by British artist Gerald Holtom for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), which was having its first major march in England. Holtom explained that the symbol superimposed the semaphore letters “N” and “D” over each other.
I have to try this! lol
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Now THAT'S a clever retort!
Sandrarocks83 asked if I want to be her sugar daddy.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Some women ask for $$ upfront. Some think they're so hot that you have to name a $$ to "buy" them. If they live close; I suggest meeting them; the upfront honesty might be a simple "come-on"- but BOLO for red flags. The ones to beware of are the ones who cry about their debt after you've gotten "hooked" on them...then "smile" and give you some token affection when you offer to fix things. Watch out for them, especially. I'm still recovering from one of those.
I need coffee and plenty of it.?
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I hear/read you...but I've learned that too much caffeine just makes me jittery and nervous...I'm a half-decaf drinker now...
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I just found this group this AM (Jan 7)....and want to share a favorite website with all of you; These are quotes from Ms. Cortez; but you can look up anyone. Enjoy!
One of the problems of living in the south is that you have to mow the grass in the winter, not ...
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Ask a local immigrant hanging around the Home depot parking lot "Por favor, Necesito ayuda con el cuidado del césped." (Please; I need help with lawn care). I'd start at $10 an hour. Expect to pay $20-30...and to take them home. You will be impressed...
One of the problems of living in the south is that you have to mow the grass in the winter, not ...
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Wow...consider hiring a Gardener. Go down to your local Home Depot/Lowes parking lot....see those immigrants hanging around? Make them an offer to get "help with lawn maitenance"...They're very good, very hard workers. Offer them water, and a snack, and be prepared to ride them back to the lot or to their home when they're done (I offer to take them home so I "know where they live" in case something goes missing).
Aksan started following me.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Go to the three horizontal-bar "options" image. Click on it. Scroll down to "report" it. Easy.
This is a 100% true story: So try not to laugh… It was about this time of year over 50yrs ago, ...
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
#1...This is called "Just for laughs" so I won't take you up on "try not to laugh" was funny! #2. X mas cakes are supposed to be dense/rich, right? My favorite is a rum soaked fruit-cake... #3. Most animals go through periods of strong hunger followed by explains why you can gain 4-5 pounds at one meal. (the biologist in me talking) have pity on the poor bird! #4. Why be sworn to secrecy? She's probably sharing the same story!
Sorry ahead of time I dont need advice just someone to know.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
#1. Typing/writing/sharing is good therapy itself. Sometimes just venting and re-reading it helps. #2. Repeat this; "I was sad because I had no shoes...until I met the happy child with no feet". #3; Been there, done that. I agree; don't need to talk to counselors. I've been to too many. #4. Read this by Ken Keyes...he's my all time favorite for head-fixes. Copy it. Print it. reread it. Memorize it.
cannot lose
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I need to stop watching these; I get more down every day he's not arrested....
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Ugghhh....too true to be funny! (but I'm smilin'!
Good morning all.. ?
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Have a great day, Cutie and all who read this! I'm chillin' in Ft. Pierce, waiting for my Tesla to be ready, and waiting for the voucher for my Apple MacBook (2012) so I can go get a new one. It's 50+ miles to both the Apple store and the Tesla service center; so I'm hoping to "killl two birds with one stone" so to speak.
I've just had one of those long talks with the wife… "Sometimes I don't think you love me.
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Thanks for reminding me why I'm still divorced!
You up, coffees on!
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Good morning to ya! Got my half=decaf half Hazelnut/arabica in the thermos...enjoying!
Hillbilly greens
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
RuPaul ‏ Verified account @RuPaul Follow Follow @RuPaul More DragFacts: "Granny Clampett" from TV's "Beverly Hillbillies" wore a lace front wig. Granny Sessions does not.
We all shine on. Like the moon and the stars and the sun. []
Robecology comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Indeed! Good Morning, starshine!
I decided to post here and this group because I'm not really depressed, or angry, or ...
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Thanks to all who've replied! I like the quick and positive support.
Who hasnt been here ?
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Good meme; and it brings up a point that's becoming more and more common; merging rules. I read a thing about this recently. It suggested that you DON'T merge "when the sign says so" but you stay in the closing lane - then put your signal on, and patiently wait - for the angry who would rather deal with fender-benders than let you in - or the patient, gentle, generous souls who know the road rules. The guy in this blog says to be "neither too nice, nor too mean" if allowing folks to merge.
I'm fixing to leave this site soon.
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
You're able to post. You're able to write. You're alive and well. Consider this, before you go - from one of our mentors...
You like my living room?
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Is the Pope Catholic? Does a know the rest...
Why should she be..
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
They're desperately trying to point out the youthful frivolity of this woman; but they're stepping deeper in to a quagmire of their own making. Here's a great link quoting "her" (I assume you're talking about Ocasio-Cortez)...What's cool about it is that if you click on any quote, it takes you deeper/further...
A lil history with your coffee this AM. ?
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
On my third cup; half decaf, half fresh ground Kona....
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Since 1984, President and Mrs. Carter have been champions and strong voices for affordable, decent housing for all, donating their time and leadership each year to build and improve homes through Habitat’s Carter Work Project. Over the course of more than 30 years, they have worked alongside nearly 100,000 volunteers in 14 countries to build, renovate and repair more than 4,000 homes and have inspired millions mores through their dedication to Habitat’s mission. Go to to give to a very decent charity. Did you know that the "Re-stores" that are popping up are part of Habitat for humanity group? Check them out as well; tons of the 3R’s; “Renewed, Restored, and Recycled" goods!
Naughty Natty
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Cute outfit.....but Is it just me...or do dark eyebrows work with light blond hair?
Good late morning all... Wow I just woke up ... Very late for me?
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Good morning! No one here to make me breakfast...but that way I can make what I want when I want it! Playing WWF over on to all (especially you petite cutties in East Fl) from Ft. Pierce, Fl.!!
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
FYI...It wasn't Cat who wrote that song, nor made the first hit with it...Sam Cooke did, 11 years earlier!
I've been mulling over something today and I thought I'd bring it here.
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I'm impressed. A country girl/woman who has her s..t together despite being in the heart of W.Va. I can't imagine you really enjoy being referred to as a " pretty little woman"....but I imagine you were swept off your feet with a similar line in your past, and miss him a bit...which is totally cool....sets the standard bar higher and higher....a good thing. Being a widower is also tough for a youngin' but it happened to me...when I was 31 and she was I can identify. Yes; letting go and settling is a continuous life process. Here's hoping you let go of the junk, settle for the compromises that feel good/benefit you, and find joy and happiness.
How long have you or do you wait to change relationship status on fb?
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I am just discovering After having spent many years on FB..I find the discussions here refreshingly intelligent, fact based, and generally more interesting. I've been in...then out....then in...then out....then in...of a relationship for too many years.....trying hard to stay "out" for now....
A day at the beach
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
This is a really interesting story, well told with some fun graphics, but warning you will need an ...
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Didn't realize cheese was low in Lactic acid! Good video!
A question for the ladies.
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Love to kiss and be kissed. Never kissed a man...but I understand the general wisdom and openness that makes this far more common in women. I've hosted gay (men and women) parties, and have "gay" friends...but haven't felt the need/urge to go there. Total respect for those who do.
Who wants to go camping this weekend with me?
Robecology comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Anyone experience better sex after a divorce or the loss of a spouse?
Robecology comments on Jan 4, 2019:
So much better that it inspired me to be a father...for what turned out to be the first, and last time in my life.
ZZ Top - Tush []
Robecology comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Yea. ZZ really rocks....I wonder what they're doing these days?
The obsolete ☹
Robecology comments on Jan 4, 2019:
The list is interesting; its point is clear; we've been through changes. How about Computers for C?


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members, Host, Moderator
Ricky Gervais
26 members, Host
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
26 members, Host
Tesla owners/drivers/lovers
13 members, Host, Moderator
Prostate treatments
8 members, Host
Topic of the day
94379 members
Just for Laughs
3327 members
Memes R Us
3033 members
2691 members
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
2457 members
Newbie Groupies!
2193 members
2151 members
Real Intimacy
1855 members
Out Of The Illusion
1732 members
50s +
1670 members
1651 members
1542 members
Food Glorious Food
1457 members
Music Fans
1283 members
1207 members
Trump Pinata
1141 members
handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty
1100 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1017 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
937 members
Gun Control Now
923 members
Sexy Classy Pics
774 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
All Things Astronomy
732 members
Critical thinking
666 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
646 members
Mental Health Support
631 members
598 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
508 members
Florida Freethinkers
444 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
438 members
422 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
416 members
Community Senate
385 members
Critter Corner
373 members
372 members
Dating for Real People
370 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
355 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
336 members
visual art
327 members
"Positive Vibes"
325 members
Documentaries you should see
324 members
Online Dating: The Reality
322 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
317 members
Geek's Corner
307 members
304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
304 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Hippie Land -
291 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
256 members
Childfree Domain
252 members
36 Questions
247 members
247 members
Baby Boomers
235 members
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225 members
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221 members
General Forum
205 members
The Best of Late Night & News
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196 members
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182 members
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181 members
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179 members
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167 members
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165 members
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155 members
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154 members
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151 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
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148 members
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144 members
Biden 2020
141 members
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140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
109 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
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97 members
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92 members
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87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
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87 members
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82 members
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80 members
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79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
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74 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
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55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
No more war
51 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members