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View from Sky 100 observation deck at the International Commerce Centre (ICC) of Kowloon Peninsula, ...
Robecology comments on Nov 15, 2021:
The images of Hong Kong's ultra tall buildings - built on such a rocky geology - is always amazing to me. Serious architecture!
We always have a choice.
Robecology comments on Nov 15, 2021:
It's a wise and fortunate trend among any overcrowded population to relish being by oneself. I recall doing experiments in genetics with fruit flies...and it's easy to prove with many other populations. The sooner we slow down our population growth (2.5 more per second, 150 more per minute, 9,000 more humans on the planet per hour) the faster we reach ZPG and avoid the coming disasters. Right now we're not projected to go to ZPG for 70 years. That might be too late for humanity to avoid extinction. Population Density and Social Pathology JOHN B.CALHOUN, PH.D., National Institute of Mental Health
From the novelist Mary Gaitskill: "They say that you come into the world alone and that you leave...
Robecology comments on Nov 14, 2021:
Powerful good words.
The theme music from 1974 film Chinatown, composed by Jerry Goldsmith.
Robecology comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Great movie. I have to watch it again....I forgot how amazing it was.
Vegetarians Since I’m one of ‘these’ types I will only post positive ones Nothing wrong ...
Robecology comments on Nov 13, 2021:
We can all get moral about eating animals...but changing one's diet requires a "Herculian" effort. Look at the growth of overeating, or obesity. And please don't even start to defend going "vegan" as a way to improve our planet. We are growing - births minus deaths - at the rate of 150 more per minute, 9,000 more per hour. What we need to change is our fertility rate....not our diets. Once we reach ZPG (not projected for many decades) then you can talk to me about changing my diet.... Which I won't do....because it's been ingrained in my since before I could walk and talk. Agriculture adds 10% to our air pollution. It's energy, manufacturing, and transportation using fossil fuels that's the biggest factor - by far.
Monologue: Your Tax Dollars at Work | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Nov 13, 2021:
..."remember that year we thinned their herd"? Bill is so funny!
24,000 Years of Temperature Data Show Just How Unprecedented Current Global Heating Is: ...
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2021:
So true! It's not only warming and setting records.....but the rate of warming is accelerating.Watch. Here's the source;
All part of His plan...
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2021:
Carl Sagan.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - "Presidents Are Not Kings" - Judge Rebuffs No.
Robecology comments on Nov 11, 2021:
Johnson, and Johnson....then Johnson? Wow!
This is fucked up, but it's hard to argue
Robecology comments on Nov 11, 2021:
Shared on FB.
"This world of ours.
Robecology comments on Nov 11, 2021:
He was the last great Republican President. He said that ultra rich should pay a 90% tax... He built the Interstate highway system. He employed tens of thousands of GI's returning from the Korean war. He was also famous in his exit speech...warning of the coming "Military Industrial complex" that made wars profitable. Ike's Warning Of Military Expansion, 50 Years Later NPR
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
Robecology comments on Nov 10, 2021:
It was changed with a "Constitutional amendment" in the 1950's ...and for congress to convene a Constitutional convention you have to have a strong, compelling reason. We've all learned to be passive about this obsession America has with "under God", "in God we Trust" (now on all coins and bills" and "swearing on the Bible"...etc. It's stuck - in a nation allegedly concerned about "separation of Church and State". WTF? NBD.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Big Bird Has A New Word For Ted Cruz []
Robecology comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Love it!
Geoengineering suggested as only hope to climate change.
Robecology comments on Nov 9, 2021:
The last paragraph finally gets to specifics; Planting billions of trees from Canada and Russia to Brazil and China is an obvious example of building carbon sinks and refortifying habitats at the same time. Cloud seeding has been used since the 1970s and could help ameliorate today’s droughts. Coating fresh ice with white sand to reflect more light so it can strengthen rather than melt is another less invasive treatment for the wounded Earth. Of course, each of these approaches has its own challenges and limitations, ones that will require us to commit resources other than simply flying diplomats to summits to sign empty promises. Let us not pretend there is any other way to reduce the widening climate injustice. Sorry PARAG KHANNA MICHAEL FERRARIIDEAS I don't concur; The simplest, and easiest way - and perhaps the most likely and eventually successful way to fix climate change is to slow down the influx of climate changers. That's right...we need to slow population growth. I know it's almost a #Taboo discussion. How dare we talk about not growing? Even ZPG gave up the name a few years ago. But that's our solution, IMO. Right now...our world wide growth rate is -150 more births than deaths per minute, -9000 more per hour, -216,000 more per day. Check a data site; here's one; If/when we reach ZPG (around 2100) it's likely to be too late...most food crops will be un-growable almost everywhere. Storms will be more frequent and devastating. Viral mutations will likely produce deadlier, faster transmitted infections. So the simple solution to Climate change? Speed up our slowing of the growth rate (see the yellow chart below). There is a solution; 1. Governments stop encouraging growth. Stop tax incentives for large families. Stop saying "growth is good" 2. We tone down our egos - our need to "have kids". We examine the concept of being "child-free" as opposed to being "childless". 3. We boost our ECOlogy...or 3r's...the concept of restoring, refreshing, repairing, and renewing, are added to recycling.
Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta) []
Robecology comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Sad...but becoming more obvious...the sad part is that the wealthy/greedy of the world don't see it.
This should go on the conservative group but as I am blocked from that group it is here
Robecology comments on Nov 8, 2021:
I was blocked by the "Conservative Agnostics" within weeks of joining - I don't get their strategy. To be a Conservative in America you have to be's one of the "pillars" of the foundation of American Conservatism....hence I wonder if any of the Conservatives allegedly here are - indeed - #religulous and just keeping it quiet. And I'm not only stealing that meme - I'm sharing similar ones with you, @Moravian!
Agnes Kasparkova What a beautiful story! []
Robecology comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Real Science - The Zombies That Live Among Us [youtube.
Robecology comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Stunning - amazing videos!
Monologue: Let's Go Brandon! | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Bill's amazing...he makes the worst news laughable. Oh....and about that "Let's go Brandon" crap? I found a good meme...
"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so.
Robecology comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Love the meme; stealing it!
Fallen gingko leaves.
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2021:
The Ginkgo has an interesting lineage.... The ginkgo tree is thought to be one of the oldest living trees, dating back more than 200 million years. It is native to China, Japan, and Korea, but is also now grown in Europe and the United States. It seems to improve blood circulation, and might also act as an antioxidant to slow down changes in the brain.
Late Night with Seth Meyers - Democrats Win in New Jersey; QAnon Supporters Await JFK Jr’s ...
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Seth's humor is deep...often beyond me....but I concur - and I'm surprised even Liberal TV hosts called it a "bloodbath"....
I worked for the UCI Physics Dept.
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2021:
It's not clear what you're trying to achieve...but the image is interesting. When you blow it up/expand it..different colors appear.
Mixed emotion. Do we laugh or cry?
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Gotta feel sorry for so many delusional people! They need some help! Here's recent meme I found addressing the frequently used "Let's go Brandon" (as a thin disguise for F- you Biden) and a great video produced in 2016...
Make a man smile with this one simple trick
Robecology comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Something about seeing a young, fit, semi-nude woman...ahhhh...
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: November 4th | MSNBC []
Robecology comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Good Summary of where we are today. Love Rachel...she's a bit fast talking for extra thanks to Bill for sharing these gives me a second chance to watch and absorb what she's saying.
Of course there are theists still stuck back on the earth is round argument
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
I found a "catch phrase" that seems to be catching on; Boost your ECO - tone down your EGO....and we'll all be happier. The math is simple - more and more of us (150 more per minute) have to fight harder and harder for less and less. Fact check my data here;
Listen If You Dare: Exploring Our Belief In Ghosts
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Our obsession with "the other side" means that a good number of us (not including us Agnostics) are #stupidstitious or #religulous and want a life after death to be possible. Us Agnostics apparently are more scientific - and thus much more dismissive - about such info...but "Listen if you dare"...Bwahahahahaha!
I thought this Yucca wasn’t doing too well, after the really hot summer we had, but it is blooming...
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Plants that "bloom" are sensing that their end is near.
I hope this isn't considered being nosy, but I have been wondering about our fellow member ...
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
When I read in some of the bios that they're "here for the community" I say, "yea, right"....this renews my faith in "the community"....nice to see such care put in for alleged missing - unresponsive members. Us elderly (I'm 76) really appreciate it.
Leaves! Again!
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
The contrast of orange on green is breath-taking. Thanks!
Eartha Kitt singing The Yellow Dog Blues from the 1958 film St.
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Wow...Eartha and Nat....a phenomenal combination!
A new discovery about a well known domestic animal, and its origins,, which seems to narrow the ...
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Wow...4,200 years ago!!
More options for sustainable energy
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Electric regeneration is already an important factor not often spoken about with Teslas...if you use the car's motors to slow you down, you not only add juice to your battery, you add life to your brakes. Watch; On the solar photovoltaic scene; there's now see through/transparent/translucent glass that also serves to add power to storage batteries.
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: November 3rd | MSNBC []
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Rachel makes sense...and for a change - she made me realize that things aren't that bad...
Late Night with Seth Meyers - Trump Under Fire for Participating in Controversial "Tomahawk Chop"...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
As long as it's racist! LOL!
My "problem" is that even at 73, I am fitter than almost all women even in the 30 to 50 year range.
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
I feel for you. I'm 76, close to ideal weight, work out daily, and have given up dating. I have an on and off semi-steady lady friend...and we both are "sort of" intimate"....but it's pretty much a lost cause to pretend to make babies at our age. I'm sad that you say; "The only women who contact me on these dating sites are usually 75 to 85 and don't have a pulse"....those women have a pulse - they're still alive, and are still brave enough to reach out to you. I recommend you try to contact's either communicate with them or be proud of your intimidation strong enough to die alone...
Very stupid indeed.
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
It's normal, not stupid. I think Robin Williams summed it up once; He said something like -When we're kids we can't wait to grow up. When we grow up we all wonder where the time went.
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian - The United States of Freedom []
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
"You can't make me wear a mask...but I can make you have a baby"....another brilliant video comedienne.
Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid ...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
I've been sharing this video of the suffering #Trumpster for years; I interact with many of them....and what Socrates said is still true today!
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - World Leaders Try To Wish Away Climate Change, Bezos Skips ...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
I've shared this already...and I'm an here's David's video one more time;
Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: November 1st - MSNBC []
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Sadly, Trump's man won;
Juno Provides New Information about Jupiter’s Enigmatic Atmospheric Features: []
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
"The findings also indicate these storms are far taller than expected, with some extending 100 km (62 miles) below the cloud tops and others. This surprise discovery demonstrates that the vortices cover regions beyond those where water condenses and clouds form, below the depth where sunlight warms the atmosphere." Wow; so we can conclude that the Jovian atmosphere is 1. Many miles deep 2. Thin and warm on top, dense and cold many miles below. and There might not be a solid surface to land might get gradually more dense with descent - but not have a solid surface at all?
Perhaps I have not been paying close enough attention.
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Let's hope @Admin reads this once in a while and supports those of us lusting to spend $$ to support our cause right here. Those pens and T shirts had to cost something...and the perks stop at level 8? Why?
Jimmy Kimmel Live - QAnuts Gather for JFK Jr’s Triumphant Return & Klan Mom Marjorie Taylor ...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
Yea, I used to be chubby and cheeky decades ago, too!
Deep sigh...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
It's that infantile programming that inspired that answer...I'd give him a "good try" response....
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Queen Urges Leaders To Rise Above Climate Politics | ...
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
"unholy love child of Mr. Rogers and Ted Cruz"....damn! Where does he come up with these gems?
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Meanwhile... Would You Try Christmas Dinner In A Can?
Robecology comments on Nov 3, 2021:
"Eggnog seltzer; perfect for people who love eggnog but hate themselves" Man...either his writers or he is a literary genius!
Six Ridiculous Facts About Termite Queens: []
Robecology comments on Oct 31, 2021:
Loved #5...being possibly "licked" to death...what a way to go!
Metaverse ?
Robecology comments on Oct 31, 2021:
If only Trump's dad was thoughtful enough...
Drive on the BRP (Blue Ridge Parkway, NC) last weekend.
Robecology comments on Oct 30, 2021:
Remember; you are talking to the world on this site. BRP? I guess North Carolina, USA?
As an Arizonian, fuck that bitch!
Robecology comments on Oct 30, 2021:
Follow the money;
As an Arizonian, fuck that bitch!
Robecology comments on Oct 30, 2021:
You can see it...literally...
Religion is a culture of faith. Science is a culture of fact =- Richard Feynman
Robecology comments on Oct 28, 2021:
So logical. So obvious that it's hard to believe that. Sadly he only lived to be 69....
Sorting through some boxes of books in preparation for a move.
Robecology comments on Oct 28, 2021:
OK, Dave...I nominate you to start a Mad magazine/Don Martin page. It looks like you're well equipped!
Late Night with Seth Meyers - Norman Lear on Being Called the No.
Robecology comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Smart, strong...thank you, Norman Lear, for hanging in there...for being there for the interview. You are an inspiration.
Robecology comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Even NPR is laughing at Tucker.
Halloween facts
Robecology comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Halloween's not spelled Halloween. It's actually an old-fashioned hyphened two-word combination of Hallow and evening. All Hallow's Evening was the original term (a very #religulous one at that) and then evening was shortened to "en, then someone dropped the all....and we ended up with "Hallowe'en .
I heard that the pelicans were returning to winter over in the Dallas area, so I went out and ...
Robecology comments on Oct 27, 2021:
If only they hadn't removed the feathers from that'd be much more believable!
Late Night with Seth Meyers - Elon Musk’s Net Worth Increases by $36 Billion Overnight ...
Robecology comments on Oct 27, 2021:
I read that the main reason was that Hertz ordered 100,000 Teslas.
I haven't been drinking much coffee lately for health reasons.
Robecology comments on Oct 27, 2021:
I have cut back as well. I used to be 10 cups a day....Now down to 8...may have to drop that to 6. I drink it black with splenda/sucralose . I feel for you....but I'm glad others are feeling their limit as well.
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 25th | MSNBC []
Robecology comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Rachel Maddow is so awesome. It's almost hard to comprehend why she's the sole voice for the progressives....Thanks, Bill. Good stuff. I had to stop watching it....I just got so angry about the situation.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Rainfall Swamps The West, And GOP Members Conspired With Jan.
Robecology comments on Oct 26, 2021:
"It's a real 'Oceans 11"of people who can't count to 10"...great lines! I watched three Bruce Springsteen interviews....then watched him play "Down to the river" almost like he did when he was 29.....Thanks, Stephen, and thanks, Bill!
I hit a new weight milestone this week. Still trying for the six-pack.
Robecology comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Kudos. i know how hard it is to fight the eating habits we've been ingrained with since before we cculd walk and talk...I've fought it all my a health and biology teacher and now in retirement. Check this out;
Just in case you wanted to know.
Robecology comments on Oct 26, 2021:
I've been a user of Vitamin E for decades now. I'm guessing that it helped me get to 76 in decent shape....but I'm also guessing a lot of it is genetics.
Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say ...
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
I found an excellent meme or diagram that explains the levels of learning well...take a look...let me know what you think;
2.5 billion-year-old traces of life locked inside primeval ruby: []
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Not at all surprised. The more I taught about the evolution of life on earth....the earlier it seemed to have evolved. Look up "Stromatolites". These primitive photosynthetic organisms may have been the primary providers of Oxygen in our ancient world. A great video to watch that talks about this is the History Channel's "How the Earth Was made"
Real Science - The Insane Biology of: The Axolotl []
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
So sad that "The Gods" were key to naming many creatures. Very cool that they were critical in the research of Thyroids, and that they are the only Vertebrates that can regenerate many body parts.
My ex and his new wife came over for dinner and we had a really lovely time.
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
What? No poisons? No toxins? No subtly awful effects? Too kind, @UUNJ
It's Okay To Be Smart - The Most Unbelievable Image Ever Captured by Hubble Space Telescope ...
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
The images are getting better!
SciShow Space - How Stars Freeze []
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Catch phrase; "freeze"...I think the term for hardening of Carbon atoms to crystals is "Crystallize or solidify...but...OK...Click bait for the masses...cute!
Just in time for Halloween 🎃
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Happen to have this old meme of Osteen...
Sunlamp flower.......
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Pretty creative. We here in Ft. Pierce have to have creative street lighting like that with an dark orange glow to reduce the attraction inland of birthing turtles! I don't have images...but you've inspired me to get some!
The Young Turks - Woman Sues Kellogg's Over "Strawberry" Pop-Tarts []
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Not only does she have a case....but it's a class action suit. If you've ever bought them (and can prove it) can sign on!
Jason Sudeikis Monologue - SNL []
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Monologue: The 70's All Over Again | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Oct 23, 2021:
Here's The slightly better "New Rules";
1. There is something alive, down on the ground in my garden. 2. Problem solved, terminated.
Robecology comments on Oct 23, 2021:
Cats are great predators for voles, mice and other small rodents. Unfortunately...they're very good at killing many bird species as well.
Monologue: The 70's All Over Again | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Oct 23, 2021:
A good summary of an awful week....
Five Things to Know About NASA’s Lunar Rover ‘VIPER’: []
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
#1; "Earth" isn't even a good name for our planet...we're 70% Ocean. #2 The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite confirmed the presence of water ice at the moon’s south pole in 2009. But exactly where that water is and how it got there remain a mystery. #3; Except anyone who knows that the moon was formed by a small planetoid smashing in to earth in its' early it's almost logical that it took some Ocean with it.
"William Shatner blasts off to where no 90-year- has gone before: space" []
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
I saw this image and laughed...hope it tickles you as well!!
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: October 21st | MSNBC []
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
This was a particularly informative - and rather depressing - show for her. The start was hilarious....Trump's social media keeps failing and falling in to scammer-hands...but then the awful news about Texas...except for that one offer to pay off anyone who proved voter fraud...and Rachel had the recipient of the first $25K check on her show - and he proved it was a GOP/Trump voter who got caught! LOL!
This Will Help You Grasp the Sizes of Things in the Universe It’s one thing to imagine the ...
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
So it's a glorified book review? What a tease!
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Biden Visits His Happy Place, And Trolls Overrun T's New ...
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Colbert has a way of summing up the situation. He's right...Biden's not doing well - (LOL...his popularity matches Trump's "Nazi Sympathizer" ) His speech playing on Joe's old-fashioned POV's was just too funny!
Too funny to pass on.
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
#1. You meant to say "too funny to NOT pass on" #2..This sounds like #Trumpster (AKA fake/false) logic and data. Here's the data on the obvious parallel being made; Wearing a mask cuts down on you sharing your germs (or piss, or shit) with your neighbors. BTW; I loved Rod Serling...but he died - decades before "his time" - due mainly to his cigarette smoking.
Dr. Cancun, Dr. Cancun
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
I watched Maddow a while last night...and got so Angry I had to turn it off. Texas is so blatantly unfair. So blatantly racist, and sexist...The governor just selected an assistant that still support Trump. They increased their population enough to gain two seats in the house...but 95% of that increase was minorities...and the Representatives are from rich white districts. I could go on....but I turned it off; Feel free to watch and comment. Her rant on Texas begins around 8 minutes...for those who like to "get to the issues".
Over 99.9% of Studies Agree: Humans Have Caused Climate Change on Earth: []
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
That's becoming obvious. A little research proves it. Now to the reason...the root cause of it.'s not pollution. It's not "industry". It's not our meat diet. It's not our lust for fossil fuels... It's us. Pogo (AKA Walt Kelly, the cartoonist) put it best; **It's us...our population growth...that's the root cause of the problem** -whether it’s wars, or pollution, or global warming….it’s the growing number of humans (150 more per minute) that’s the root cause of the problem. **The solution?** Shh... this is the one that irks many....especially the #religulous....but... **It's Family planning…getting to ZPG (Zero population growth) ASAP.** We have slowed down our growth from when it was around 3% in the late 70's to around 1%....but that won't go to (ZPG) for another few decades. And 1% of 7,900,000,000 is still a lot...79,000,000 per year. That calculates to - -150 more births than deaths per minute, -9000 more per hour, -216,000 more per day. Do the math. Consider suppressing your “EGO” and working more on your “ECO” (see image, below) Check a data site; here's one; If/when we reach ZPG (around 2100) it's likely to be too late...most food crops will be un-growable almost everywhere. Storms will be more frequent and devastating. Viral mutations will likely produce deadlier, faster transmitted infections. COVID19 was nothing Compared to COVID 25 - and they will be talking about COVID45 until they go extinct. But we must remember what Carl Sagan once said...."Extinction in the rule....long term survival is the exception". **There is a solution;** 1. Governments stop encouraging growth. Stop tax incentives for large families. Stop saying "growth is good" 2. We tone down our egos - our need to "have kids". We examine the concept of being "child-free" as opposed to being "childless".
“Butterflies… flowers that fly and all but sing” –Robert Frost.
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
And that's a collection of rare ones from several continents. A "Gem" of an image!
I need a snappy comeback: I know there are some very intelligent people on this site, ao I'm calling...
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Lots of good "come-backs" listed below. Be light. Be flip. Don't take his question seriously...Ask if he ever golfed naked? He's just making conversation -
The Subminimum Wage Disability Pay Loophole - If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Show ...
Robecology comments on Oct 22, 2021:
I have mixed feelings about this. I am 76. I could easily apply for disability payments...but I don't. I could easily get a handicapped parking permit...but I don't . It pisses me off to see "handicapped" drivers get out of cars who just don't seem to be physically handicapped...mentally? obviously there's something in their make-up that thinks they're "disabled"....ugghhh.
4,400-pound sunfish caught off North Africa literally tips the scales: []
Robecology comments on Oct 21, 2021:
I've seen drawings of them...but never a live image by photo or video. Thanks!
What skeptical thinking boils down to is the means to construct and to understand reasoned argument ...
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Carl said so many wise things. Here's a few of his memes....feel free to copy and share them. The one on Extinction is in both English and Spanish.
Isaac Asimov wrote in 1980: America suffers from a strong anti-intellectual strain of "my ...
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Love Asimov. Here's a quote of his I had in my meme stash...
Morality explained.
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Great topic. Do we have to be "taught" right from wrong? Is there such a thing as "good and evil"?
Hardly the best meme of my life
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
...But it feels "so right"? I love Brian Adams. Here's one of my favorites of his;
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” []
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Sound's like a Carl Sagan phrase!
The increasing activism of the youth and their future versus the climate crises.
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
The longer we wait to work on it...the more it will cost all of us.
“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
His biggest mistake was his crucial remarks - eventually revealed to be outright lies - at the U.N. in 2001 when he was convinced that Iraq had "weapons of Mass destruction"...which triggered Bush to go to war with them.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Mayor Pete messing up the supply chain.
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Found this post about Pete...
Tried it once. Same result.
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2021:
Those donuts are a diet - killer!


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Food Glorious Food
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1207 members
Trump Pinata
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handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty
1100 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1017 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
937 members
Gun Control Now
923 members
Sexy Classy Pics
774 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
All Things Astronomy
732 members
Critical thinking
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Freedom from Religion Foundation
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Mental Health Support
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598 members
The Watering hole
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Music of the Movies
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Florida Freethinkers
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438 members
aussie sceptics
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422 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
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The Escapees- - Hide here!
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Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
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Community Senate
385 members
Critter Corner
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372 members
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Hike, Climb, Paddle
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Coffee Drinkers Corner
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visual art
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"Positive Vibes"
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Documentaries you should see
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Online Dating: The Reality
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Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
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Geek's Corner
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304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
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Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Hippie Land -
291 members
American Atheists (Fans)
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283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
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Childfree Domain
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247 members
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General Forum
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122 members
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Earth Preservers
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114 members
109 members
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103 members
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54 members
54 members
No more war
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Suicide is painless
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The Truth Is Out There
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Car Lovers Group
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Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
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Meatballs & Pasta
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Secular Teachers
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39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
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36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
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Elon Musk
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Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
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Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
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Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
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Pin Ups
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Oppression Throughout The World
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9 members