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Long story short, this video is about a supposedly properly conducted study on male and female brain...
sfvpool comments on Oct 16, 2019:
I have heard from a neuroscientist that they (neuoscientists) cannot tell whether a brain scan is from a male or female without other information.
Robecology replies on Oct 16, 2019:
@Bierbasstard Perfect comment! LOL!
We are a very strange society: 🤔
Robecology comments on Oct 16, 2019:
What is your point...that voter registration is not being adhered to? Can you tell us where this is the case? I tried finding some in USA...I can't. Do you realize the racist and biased push of this chart, above? Where can you go, or cite - that it's legal to vote without documentation in ...
Robecology replies on Oct 16, 2019:
@bigpawbullets I usually love your posts...and then you let me down with this stuff. Sorry...It just bothers me when you make these obviously non-fact-based comments.
For anyone on the east coast of Florida, near Ft.
Fernapple comments on Oct 15, 2019:
You are still having garden events at this time of year ! ENVY.
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
Gardening pauses for the intensely hot summers down here in Florida; it's just getting started now (October)...the farm fields are just now planting veggie crops (beans, tomatoes, etc) although Mexico and California still have a big corner on the "winter vegetable" crops.
Don't go extinct like the dinosaurs.
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I''d be in serious trouble if the coffee plantations went through some sort of catastrophic is forecast by many climate-change scientists.... "Study after study has laid out the threat climate change poses to the coffee industry. Rising temperatures will bring drought, increase the...
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 OK....and they both are physically addictive....I just know that most smokers have ended that habit... and I used to work as a teacher in a jail..(in the 70's) but it's been a while
Don't go extinct like the dinosaurs.
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I''d be in serious trouble if the coffee plantations went through some sort of catastrophic is forecast by many climate-change scientists.... "Study after study has laid out the threat climate change poses to the coffee industry. Rising temperatures will bring drought, increase the...
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
Follow up - for those with not enough time to read the article; “Everybody talks about climate, but the only sector that’s actually doing something at scale is the coffee industry,” So be aware; the Coffee ecologists are pumped up at adapting....
Don't go extinct like the dinosaurs.
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I''d be in serious trouble if the coffee plantations went through some sort of catastrophic is forecast by many climate-change scientists.... "Study after study has laid out the threat climate change poses to the coffee industry. Rising temperatures will bring drought, increase the...
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@noworry28 I heard from more than one source that coffee actually encourages our tendency to react to the idiots.....
Don't go extinct like the dinosaurs.
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I''d be in serious trouble if the coffee plantations went through some sort of catastrophic is forecast by many climate-change scientists.... "Study after study has laid out the threat climate change poses to the coffee industry. Rising temperatures will bring drought, increase the...
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 I think you're on the wrong page, or wrong topic?
Good morning. Here's a sentence for you to complete:. If only ....
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
No, sorry; not for me. I abhor the "what ifs". I won't look at fancy cars and nice houses and "pine".... I love who I am. I love the life I lived. I have no regrets...and I think it's unwise to even consider them.
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@germangirl90439 "What if's" imply the future...but I like my direction....and I've seen too many dissatisfied with their direction, get greedy, get impulsive, try the "what if" thing too often...and suffered for it. It's true about "nothing ventured, nothing gained"....but I feel there's enough adventure and risk in my life to ponder the 'What if"... I know, for example; If I don't work out and diet correctly, then I'm shortening my life. If I stay focused on good diet, good fitness - I'm likely to stay active and healthy for a few decades. And I won't go to the extremes....I've already considered "what if" for veganism/vegetarianism...and I'm happy with my heavy veggies/light meat diet. So, I guess I now know why you can't teach "old dogs new tricks"....they know which tricks work.... But thanks for the provoke my intellect without pissing me off...that's rare!
Religious people will believe anything
Robecology comments on Oct 15, 2019:
If you haven't seen Bill Maher's "Religulous" - please make a point of doing so...
Robecology replies on Oct 15, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Thanks for finding the direct modem or service is slow this AM..
Good Sunday morning! It's pose-your-question-day!
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 13, 2019:
What does food mean to you? How important is it? Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Robecology replies on Oct 14, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Again....foods' importance ends up posing lots of questions to me; but to sum it up as you requested...I do both; live to eat....and eat to live.
Advanced auto maintenance tip....
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Better yet....look in to an E.V.... Use this link to order it....get 2000 free supercharge miles...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Exactly!
Good Sunday morning! It's pose-your-question-day!
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 13, 2019:
What does food mean to you? How important is it? Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty I don't think you understand. I think it's one of the best questions asked this's just such a critically important question! Thanks for posing it!! To answer it - I'd have to make several categories... 1. Which one is the most desirable food....main meal....a good steak, and/or a complex seafood meal/ and/or a complex Italian pasta dish and/or veggies...a good salad. cheese. Desert...the richer the chocolate, the better.. 2. How important is it to "restrict" my diet? That's why I posted the "obesity epidemic"map...I'm constantly fighting weight gain. 3. What's my favorite restaurant? In general...chinese. Specifically? It changes...depending on meals and values offered. 4. To watch or not watch my weight/workout? It's in direct proportion to how long I want to live. Again...thanks for a very thought provoking question!
Good Sunday morning! It's pose-your-question-day!
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 13, 2019:
What does food mean to you? How important is it? Do you eat to live or live to eat?
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
Good one.....and such a tough call. How often to eat out? Where to eat out? How strictly to watch your weight? How strictly to watch your calorie intake? How hard to work out? How often? Let me leave you with this...awareness is critical....
Good Sunday morning! It's pose-your-question-day!
bleurowz comments on Oct 13, 2019:
The Museum of Modern Art in NYC has this piece in their permanent collection, a "sculpture" (if you want to call it that) originally created in 1913 by Marcel Duchamp (and yes, the piece is literally named "Bicycle Wheel"). It's considered a famous piece, but a total head-scratcher to me, and I ...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
Kudos to the artist who takes advantage of public opinion and throws out an absurd pseudo-artistic piece that wins acclaim and is sold for outrageous prices... Is it art? Not in my opinion. But I'm not a rich person/art collector who follows the ups and downs of artistic popularity. Smart rich folk get richer buying and selling absurd pseudo-art like this. Dumb ones lose fortunes and are stuck with absurdly priced "bicycle wheels".
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
It's not Menohorror, or's just "menopause" ...a pause, or tapering off of the menses cycle. Maybe we just should let go of the "stigma"...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Indeed. We are growing...births, minus the rate of 158 more per minute. 227,000 more per day. Many 3rd world nations are severely oppressive against women. It' sad. Not sure if new "terminology" as fostered in the upper echelons of USA would have any effect. Look at this counter...
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
It's not Menohorror, or's just "menopause" ...a pause, or tapering off of the menses cycle. Maybe we just should let go of the "stigma"...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Kudos to you for your effort; although I think your calling it a "stigma" is a bit out of date....modern folk know mature women carry on quite well - regardless of their biological cycles.
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
It's not Menohorror, or's just "menopause" ...a pause, or tapering off of the menses cycle. Maybe we just should let go of the "stigma"...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose What would you suggest as a rename?
I was called liberal scum on Seriously!
Robecology comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Any name-caller the world of "debate" protocol... giving up. They're admitting defeat in the worst way expressing their anger at their loss with personal attacks. So my advice to you is... 1. Ignore the individual who does this. They're not worth your effort and ...
Robecology replies on Oct 13, 2019:
This is also a video I keep tabbed to share easily. One of my all-time favorites.
Anyone notice trumps increased use of profanity in the media since the start of the impeachment ...
Robecology comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Two astute observations. Too bad you're not a prominent health professional that can testify in Congress.
Robecology replies on Oct 12, 2019:
I don't usually post film actor reviews.
Hike-n-strum comments on Oct 11, 2019:
River Phoenix died of a Heroin overdoes. He didn't kill himself. Unsure where you heard that.
Robecology replies on Oct 12, 2019:
Watch the video.
I found this article, apparently some of the major contributors have known the implications of their...
JackPedigo comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I recently heard this from a friend. i was not active then (a bit too young) but was surprised it was known so long ago. Remember, this was a time when leaded gas and DDT were prevalent and any means of discrediting them was met with lawsuits.
Robecology replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@JackPedigo I tried to research the Brights in reference to their comments, pro or con... on Rachel Carson, and the Environmental movement. I found nothing. Again...if you can provide any information to validate your original theories? Thanks.
Not when the inflatable what ever it is looks that bad.
Robecology comments on Oct 10, 2019:
@mistymoon77 - Now how can I un-see that? uggghhh! (reported. Not funny. Please remove)
Robecology replies on Oct 11, 2019:
@mistymoon77 Sound's like you're the butt-hurt's an offensive meme. Shame on you.
While we're on the subject! []
davknight comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Funny how I hear that song in my head every time I watch the evening news!
Robecology replies on Oct 11, 2019:
I love this "Stones" application of sound track... "It's just a shot away"
[] "In A Climate Crisis, Is Geoengineering Worth The Risks?
Robecology comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I like the idea of space mirrors. I've read that if GPS can track our speed, then satellites can send energy to areas that store all we will need is a few large orbiting solar collectors...a way to send this energy to collecting points on earth, and a way to distribute that ...
Robecology replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Thanks for taking the time to read them...and I concur; whichever works best/is easiest to apply (again, the Occam's razor strategy) - I'm constantly amazed that the GPS of satellites thousands of miles up can not only tell me my speed while biking, but my altitude. If/when someone figures out how to transmit solar energy collected in space, they will make a fortune. Elon Musk, are you listening/reading?
Tulsi Gabbard has a message for all voters... []
oldFloyd comments on Oct 10, 2019:
A Joe Walsh album comes to mind, So What.
Robecology replies on Oct 10, 2019:
Yea; I hear you....she's young, she's charming, she's articulate - she has a future in shaping the nation....but not this time around...
I understand Facebook recently changed its Terms of Service to allow the Trump campaign to post ...
Robecology comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Not the whole truth. If you find something that's "fake news" it's easy to block and report it. Trump thinks he's being honest. He honestly believes his "conspiracy theories" and honestly fear persecution. He's suffering a severe disability...which will come out with time. If I come ...
Robecology replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@dan325 The problem is that no dignitaries in the mental health field will step forward. We've treated mental illness as a non-issue....whereas demographers have seen the growing stress of population density for decades. I read this in my senior year in HS (63) and it changed my career direction... What is says, in a nutshell, is "the more crowded it gets, the crazier we get".
[] "In A Climate Crisis, Is Geoengineering Worth The Risks?
Robecology comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I like the idea of space mirrors. I've read that if GPS can track our speed, then satellites can send energy to areas that store all we will need is a few large orbiting solar collectors...a way to send this energy to collecting points on earth, and a way to distribute that ...
Robecology replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose This is an easy read....
Hmmmmmmm... Did something ever prompt you to write?
Robecology comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Yes....getting older's a bitch. Sleep patterns change. Body changes. Metabolism slows way down. Recommendations... !. Keep up the exercise routines. I concur with the person who advised you to do hard exercise. 2. Up your protein. Egg whites only. More lean meat. Greek yogurt with Fruit ...
Robecology replies on Oct 10, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 That's Melatonin. Melanin is your skin pigment. Melatonin is a hormone precursor that we seniors stop making as we get older....hence the lighter sleep. It's related to fasting and hunger; we seniors rarely let ourselves get "hungry" which turns off the melatonin production. There's good evidence that melatonin is life-prolonging.
Facebook rejects Biden campaign’s request to remove Trump ads containing false information ...
Dhiltong comments on Oct 9, 2019:
If Facebook deleted everything that contained false information half of the content would be gone....
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend I respectfully disagree. There's always the invite for feedback...and there's always a box you can check called "fake news" or "false information". If everyone on FB reported profanity, or suspicious comments...we'd have a better FB experience.
I found this article, apparently some of the major contributors have known the implications of their...
JackPedigo comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I recently heard this from a friend. i was not active then (a bit too young) but was surprised it was known so long ago. Remember, this was a time when leaded gas and DDT were prevalent and any means of discrediting them was met with lawsuits.
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@JackPedigo I didn't know that about Rachel. I'd appreciate the link where you read that? x
I personally don’t think anyone comes close to Deviant Donnie when it comes to corruption.
Robecology comments on Oct 9, 2019:
We all knew (or at least many of us knew) that the Trumps were subversive, slimy and slick. Biden and sons fell in to the "greed" trap when Hunter went overseas to get on the board of the gas company there....and - despite what we know about the Trump family ties and might have ...
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@Rudy1962 Hell, yes!
A Comic Book approach but nevertheless: []
Robecology comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Thanks for this. I forwarded the link to my daughter in law who's gung-ho enthusiastic about "farming" her new 2 acre property.
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
@Allamanda I'm not sure where you got the idea she or he is from Quebec....this is in south/central Florida.
I found this article, apparently some of the major contributors have known the implications of their...
JackPedigo comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I recently heard this from a friend. i was not active then (a bit too young) but was surprised it was known so long ago. Remember, this was a time when leaded gas and DDT were prevalent and any means of discrediting them was met with lawsuits.
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
I found that shocking video..when they were bragging about DDT stopping polio....
Arctic Sea Ice Loss: What's The Latest? []
Robecology comments on Oct 9, 2019:
This is obviously too much information for the politicians who are in control of subsidies for fossil fuel they will obviously ignore this data. They will continue to not only give our tax money to fossil fuel miners and shippers - but will keep fuel taxes low....thus incentivizing...
Robecology replies on Oct 9, 2019:
BTW; Here's the source for the graph;
So my bf, Frankie, has expressed to me his opinion that I shouldn't be posting pics here anymore.
Seeker3CO comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Does he not like the pics? Does he feel threatened by your adoring fans?
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Bingo! (IMO)
Largest Purchase of Electric Vehicles in History: Amazon Orders 100,000 EV Delivery Vans ...
GuyKeith comments on Oct 1, 2019:
These are just my thoughts, but I think the electric vehicles are going to hit a snag. They are just so expensive to maintain and fix. Maybe the prices will come down later, but for the average joe? Prohibitive.
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
They are NOT expensive to maintain. Remember; no -sparkplugs -valives -timing chain -oil/gas -differential -water pump. There is a cooling system that does use A.C. fluid, and a pump; that's intended for passenger and battery cooling...but there's a total of 95% fewer moving parts. This is one of the major fears that I.C.E. (internal combustion engine) makers and dealers are upset about; the maintenance of EV's will be MUCH cheaper and simpler. Did you ever have a battery-run car as a kid? It's the same idea. Watch;
A Comic Book approach but nevertheless: []
Robecology comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Thanks for this. I forwarded the link to my daughter in law who's gung-ho enthusiastic about "farming" her new 2 acre property.
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@Allamanda Serious? You have no idea. She dragged me to an Aquaponics class (raising fish and plants using the same water) - she's already logged the dozens of fruit trees on the property and built at least 500 Sq ft of raised beds....she's fanatical....gotta love her efforts!
Maddow and Colbert...a great combination of wisdom, and humor! []
chalupacabre comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Some artful dodging on the subject of dinner
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
Well said..."artful dodging", indeed!
I have not eaten a good tasting strawberry since my childhood, they are still red, still a good size...
Robecology comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I'm afraid that science says it's more likely that you have a taste "memory" that, because it was new...was exaggerated. A child experiencing a strawberry for the first time is a "new experience" and tends to create "expectations". Having said that...there's also the possibility that in your ...
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@TimeOutForMe ...but again...the science proves that while many commercially grown fruits and veggies have been genetically bred to not only look better and last longer, but taste better. Again...when we were children - that first "taste" of a sweet fruit, a mild veggie, or whatever....when we were hungry...led to a "taste memory" that's hard to follow up. Studies have also proven that, if we were "forced" or "coerced" in to eating certain foods...for any reason (eat it- it's good for you..or eat it...momma loves it!) - then we often cringe at the idea of liking it. There's been classic studies with hungry vs not hungry and "taste acquisition" - it's been proven.
Petunia was hitting my deep stash yesterday, thinking if she cleared it out she would have more ...
Robecology comments on Oct 7, 2019:
I know of a group that specifically asks for out-of-date condoms. They know (like most of us) that the dating of products is a commercial benefit thing....if the package is sealed, they're still good. I've messaged her...if you do Facebook, go here: Moonflower Healing Arts, Michelle LaDue ...
Robecology replies on Oct 8, 2019:
@darthfaja Why would you suggest that using outdated meds/foods/condoms is dangerous? Why do you belittle my POV that the dating thing is a Capitalist exercise? the link below!! We've all opened "out-dated" and "expired" this and that. Everyone knows the expiration date is to sell more products. Where's your data to prove I'm wrong? From the article below; "We've documented how hospitals often discard pricey new supplies, how nursing homes trash valuable medications after patients die or move out, and how drug companies create expensive combinations of cheap drugs. Experts estimate such squandering eats up about $765 billion a year — as much as a quarter of all the country's health care spending." It's not only misleading...but elitist and expensive. Throw away your "expired" drugs and condoms. I'll pass mine on to those who need it. Must be nice to be rich and wasteful. Here's my source...
Petunia was hitting my deep stash yesterday, thinking if she cleared it out she would have more ...
Robecology comments on Oct 7, 2019:
I know of a group that specifically asks for out-of-date condoms. They know (like most of us) that the dating of products is a commercial benefit thing....if the package is sealed, they're still good. I've messaged her...if you do Facebook, go here: Moonflower Healing Arts, Michelle LaDue ...
Robecology replies on Oct 7, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 I messaged Michelle...I'll send you a PM if/when I get the address to send those condoms to. I hope you save them...and send them. You'd be helping a poor nation's humanity.
So my bf, Frankie, has expressed to me his opinion that I shouldn't be posting pics here anymore.
Robecology comments on Oct 5, 2019:
BF wants you to stop posting "sexy classy" pics. He doesn't propose marriage...but you have his baby. Now his parents want to baptize the child...and you "give in"...pretty soon he'll not be happy with those of us who support your rights.... Hmmmm...someone's losing ground, here.
Robecology replies on Oct 6, 2019:
@FlippantLlama, and @Cutiebeauty; I concur; and no disrespect intended. I don't have a clue why you mentioned "her having money" - that wasn't even close to my point. CB posted that BF wanted her to stop posting on SexyClassy. I support her right to keep posting. I think it's a sign of her man moving in to a dominance in the relationship....hence I suggested she might be "losing ground" the relationship she has with him. I hope she continues to "stand her ground" and post whatever she wants.
Good morning! It's pose-your-question-day! Have at it!
EyesThatSmile comments on Oct 6, 2019:
What fear have you had to overcome? Me, public speaking. I am still terrible (even after a public speaking college course and toastmasters), but I manage anyway.
Robecology replies on Oct 6, 2019:
As a school was a challenge. Kids would call you on it if you "stumbled" or stuttered....they were at once cruel and they taught me cruel lessons.
When Antarctica Was Green []
RoyMillar comments on Oct 4, 2019:
loved the info,,wish they would have told us to where the continent is moving to next
Robecology replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@RoyMillar Except that the earth's tectonic activity is slowing down. I've seen different forecasts on this...some suggest little or no movement for hundreds of millions of years....but Yellowstone...could do a major evolutionary disruption - wiping out many species....
Any opinions?....
Robecology comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Imagine if he died by being hung instead of crucified...all the Christians would be wearing tiny gold nooses?
Robecology replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Funny; but not a parallel argument. He wasn't forcefully "French fried"...
Sorry for the profanity within the image.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Let's see... A bunch of stupid-ass rednecks with some weaponry and beer or the militarized, over-zealous, murderous law enforcement of America? Yeah, I'm going with the rednecks. Easily outsmarted and totally dependent upon fried foods, alcohol, couches and FoxNews. The other? Right ...
Robecology replies on Oct 5, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez So you thinks the meme doesn't have weight? I kind of concur; the Federal heads of the PBA (police Benevolent Association) threw their support behind Trump...which is troubling. But then I read about a good deal of military brass not "buying in" to Trump's absurdities....and it's a growing trend. I think I can find the graph...
When Antarctica Was Green []
RoyMillar comments on Oct 4, 2019:
loved the info,,wish they would have told us to where the continent is moving to next
Robecology replies on Oct 4, 2019:
Here you go...
Bernie suffered a blow with news he had to have 2 stents put in.
Robecology comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Stents and heart surgery rejuvenate. It will allow him to throw off typically nerve-dulling meds. This might be a good thing.
Robecology replies on Oct 4, 2019:
@Remiforce Points taken. I think a lot of Bernie followers (like myself) aren't so adamant that Bernie wins the nod... .Liz Warren is walking in his footsteps... and she might have Bernie on as a cabinet advisor. But; Having Trump and the obvious corruption of the Republicans has done one good thing.... Made a lot of citizens stand up and offer to run.
Sorry for the profanity within the image.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Let's see... A bunch of stupid-ass rednecks with some weaponry and beer or the militarized, over-zealous, murderous law enforcement of America? Yeah, I'm going with the rednecks. Easily outsmarted and totally dependent upon fried foods, alcohol, couches and FoxNews. The other? Right ...
Robecology replies on Oct 4, 2019:
I don't sounded like "fuck you' to me... []
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Stop upsetting the poor thing to make your dumb video!
Robecology replies on Oct 3, 2019:
I didn't make it...but you're patronizing doesn't help!
Sorry for the profanity within the image.
TheGreatShadow comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Most people could probably care less about the one swear word.
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
Forgive the apology; I'm usually adamantly against it....but this meme nails my feelings to a T....
Finally! A look at food from a scientific point of view.
Robecology comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I won't give you "heat"....but it does point this out in the article; "Importantly, the studies did not investigate non-health reasons for eschewing beef and bacon — including animal welfare and meat production’s harmful impact on the environment — and the science backing the environmental ...
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@MojoDave I concur with both you and the article; the solution to climate change is three-fold; 1. Reduce the growth rate of the world population 2. Switch to alternative energy. 3. Encourage a plant-based diet. Education is the biggest single factor determining family size...and thanks to tech of phones and internet education is rising I'm confident that the trend toward smaller families and alternative energy - as well as a healthier diet - will also rise exponentially. a meat lover who has drastically cut down his beef and fatty animal intake, I'm aware that if I want to live longer and have a happier planet, I need to keep refining my intake of meat....not so much for health sake (I love BACON) but for the environment's sake (it's in my avatar name...Reb-ecology).
Good Afternoon Everyone! Catching up on sleep and travel time.
Robecology comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I bet the water was cold....
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 LOL...I LIVE on the beach and rarely get the Ocean....too spoiled by the local pools!
I should ask @toolguy about this:
dokala comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Huh, TIL South Dakota is east of Canada.
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
Lol, lol, lol.
ChurchLess comments on Oct 2, 2019:
They say the 5th time is the best.
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
Who's they?
tRump says he can grab them by the pussy, but some pussies fight back
Robecology comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@dan325 It will be a national day of celebration!
Anyone know who these guys are?
Robecology comments on Oct 2, 2019:
I think the guy on the lett is Arnold Stang? The guy on the right was in early movies as a serious actor...I think he often played bad guys...forget his name.
Robecology replies on Oct 2, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend Fess Parker? Could be....he was a tall guy 6' 6"
Largest Purchase of Electric Vehicles in History: Amazon Orders 100,000 EV Delivery Vans ...
Cast1es comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Think I'm going to buy Amazon stock .
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
I'm looking up the stock history now. I might join you.
Jake Tapper to Representative Jim Jordan; "I can't believe that this is OK with you" Great ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Yeah, I am not familiar with any of this, but shouldn't closest relatives of highest level politicians not be employed by foreign governments?
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@Flowerwall I never said "..Faith is a conversation stopper." and don't have a clue who did...maybe your friend Harris? You mentioned "Sam Harris" I made it clear that I knew nothing about him; and thought I was doing you a favor by sharing you his quotes. You're creating an argument and being rude to me for no logical reason .
Jake Tapper to Representative Jim Jordan; "I can't believe that this is OK with you" Great ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Yeah, I am not familiar with any of this, but shouldn't closest relatives of highest level politicians not be employed by foreign governments?
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@Flowerwall Here's a bunch of his quotes. Copy and paste the ones you like. I'm not familiar with his POV nor his fame...
The Median Amazon Employee's Salary Is $28,000.
Robecology comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Meanwhile, Jeff employs over half a million world-wide. When Amazon jobs open up...there's long lines of folk who want in. His employment growth is rocketing upwards. He lives a modest life; one jet, one boat. (Betsy DeVos, and the Waltons by contrast, has many boats and jets). So let's ease ...
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@nogod4me #1 I'm agnostic. No god worshiping for me. #2. . I'm the one that brought up Bernie; he'll fix the greed in America; thus... #3; Lighten up. You're being cranky and argumentative.
Sometimes when I try to write a longish post, a large part of what I am writing suddenly disappears.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
## One should always write the epic post in a word processor for a cut'n'paste. Anything approaching 300 words will leave a trail of snapped attention spans all over the place. Yea, it's happened to me. I think it's because my mouse got in the way and I clicked something on it in the wrong ...
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
Concur 100%. Be brief. Make your point. You're losing us if you ramble.
Jake Tapper to Representative Jim Jordan; "I can't believe that this is OK with you" Great ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Yeah, I am not familiar with any of this, but shouldn't closest relatives of highest level politicians not be employed by foreign governments?
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@Flowerwall I'm not familiar with Sam I don't follow you. Perhaps you can share links?
Does anyone use the video upload feature on their user profile?
Robecology comments on Oct 1, 2019:
No....I don't use the feature....If I find a video I like...I go to it..copy the link, and paste it here...Easy Pezey! Here's one from Saturday...SNL cold open about Trump...
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@1of5 Point taken; I edited my answer to help you understand....
Jake Tapper to Representative Jim Jordan; "I can't believe that this is OK with you" Great ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Yeah, I am not familiar with any of this, but shouldn't closest relatives of highest level politicians not be employed by foreign governments?
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@Flowerwall The only dirt I've ever seen on Bernie was something he wrote many decades ago about some sexual fantasy....I won't bother searching for it nor posting it....but be prepared to see it if Bernie gets "the nod"
Has anyone heard about Tesla's plans with maxwell battery technology or the million mile anode?
Robecology comments on Sep 29, 2019:
You know I have;
Robecology replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@EdEarl It's happening faster than I expected. I bought the top ranging model in 2013; it was 270. When I bought my new Tesla S it was up to 345. A few months later the range was boosted to 370....Now I hear/read that they're offering over 400 soon.
The Median Amazon Employee's Salary Is $28,000.
Robecology comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Let's stop ragging on Jeff. He's created a new way to shop. It's convenient, it's intelligent, it saves gas, oil, and the pollution of driving to go get stuff. One delivery truck drops off stuff to dozens of folk...saving tons of pollution. Brick and Mortar stores are dying thanks to ...
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@nogod4me I agree 100% to tax him more.. Bernie is strongest of the Dem candidates on taxing the very rich.
Has anyone heard about Tesla's plans with maxwell battery technology or the million mile anode?
Robecology comments on Sep 29, 2019:
You know I have;
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@EdEarl It happened in February; right after I bought my 2nd Tesla.
It's going to be an awkward day for me today.
Robecology comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Sad that Frankie's parents want baby J to be "initiated" in to the mythological #religulous world...yet he doesn't want to commit to marrying you...not offering a legal, nor religious marriage. I don't think we're getting the whole story...and it's not our business....but it sounds like you and ...
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty That's first time you've mentioned it that I"ve read...and I'm happy for you!! If you've already had his is it "too early"? If you have had his child and his parents want to "baptize" it the least you both should consider a ceremony of commitment. I guess I'm old fashioned that way...but maybe some sort of public "ceremony" - whether legal or, if his parents (or yours) insist...religious? I bet a lot of your friends here would come!!!
Arnie's back in town! Hetping Greta, and helping Tesla! []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 30, 2019:
He offered to loan her his electric Hummer.
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
Damn; you're right! I had no idea! And it's Austrian! I couldn't find anywhere that he had offered to loan her his...can you?
Jake Tapper to Representative Jim Jordan; "I can't believe that this is OK with you" Great ...
Flowerwall comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Yeah, I am not familiar with any of this, but shouldn't closest relatives of highest level politicians not be employed by foreign governments?
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
Joe and his son made a mistake here....they got greedy. Hunter shouldn't have gotten involved (even though Trumps kids are) in foreign investments...but he did....and this will be the weak point going in to the convention. We Bernie-crats are actually kind of glad DJT brought it'll stop Joe from being nominated. Now DJT has to dig up dirt on Bernie....this is going to be good....
ToolGuy comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Mostly from old uninformed white men here.
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@ToolGuy, @Beowulfsfriend Cute, sarcastic and facetious....but they suffer the perfect addiction; Greed. They're smart. They know the science...they just play/act dumb....and you buy it. They want money for their kids and their kids kids because they know having the $$ will buy them out of disasters better than the poor/third world/marginalized people of the planet who are about to be first to suffer the ravages of Climate shift/global warming. So you jest when they say they'll "live underground" but dig deeper. When a shoreline home gets trashed and it's owned by an FFC greed junkie....he'll rebuild that home bigger, stronger, and higher above sea level. His insurance payments are bets that a storm WILL take out his beachfront condo. He wants it to happen.
ToolGuy comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Mostly from old uninformed white men here.
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@ToolGuy I've met too many wealthy folk in charge of oil companies, Car makers and car sellers. They're smart. They know the science. But they're hedging their bets. Gas car ads are on the TV never see an ad for an EV because they sell by word of mouth. Power companies are slowly, quietly switching from coal to nuclear to gas to wind to solar. They know which ones are the best investments and make the best profits. Sorry; I know too many wise folk in the FFC to call them "old uninformed white men". The problem is they're well informed...and they know how gullible the average public person is. And they're not only white men. Did you know that our fuel taxes are nearly the lowest of any industrial nation? Lower taxes means more fuel bought = more cars bought = more pollution = more global warming. And they spend millions per day advertising. EV companies spend ZERO. They know the average guy/gal is a sucker for those ads. Please; don't make excuses for them. They're aware...but they're greedy and want their money. And they're well informed.
I cannot find how to see a complete list of groups on this site, any pointers?
Robecology comments on Sep 30, 2019:
I've noticed in my mail (from admin) that any group that remains insctive for 30 days is don't worry about this. Move your cursor to "Browse" above, then click on groups. I think after level 4 you can make your own group?
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@Austin-Cambridge You're not looking thoroughly; go to the triple slash-mark....and you'll see many hidden; I just noticed 337 hidden there.
Robecology comments on Sep 30, 2019:
A bit long-winded....but the point is clear.... The FFC...the fossil fuel consortium....all businesses related to fuel use (oil/coal miners/processers/delivery/distributors and all gas-auto makers/sellers/servicers),,, . ...are lying through their smiles... to get America to continue with ...
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Correct! I'm impressed that you actually read it....I'll correct that now! But let's get to the larger point....why? Why are our taxes on fuels so low? As your article pointed out....Climate science deniers will stop at nothing to keep their fuels and fuel users profitable...even if it means the threatened death of most of the earth's species.
ToolGuy comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Mostly from old uninformed white men here.
Robecology replies on Sep 30, 2019:
Disagree; they're well informed...but they know that lying works. And it's not just "white men"... There's lots of wealthy in the FFC (the Fossil Fuel Consortium) that are of different sub-races and nationalities...the Saudi's are guilty of this...and are not "white"
Sexy and classy
Robecology comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@OldMetalHead I'm honored that you care enough to say so. I'm an old dude who likes true sexy-classy images. I wish folk who want to post nudes, or even semi-nudes would make another group, or page; most of them do not, IMO...come under the Sexy-Classy category. Nudes with tattoos...Nudes of girls vs women...turn me off. Again....IMO...they're not Sexy-Classy. You have a flair for finding the sexy classy shots! Kudos, sir!
I'm watching the intelligence committee hearings. Everyone should watch or listen.
ToolGuy comments on Sep 26, 2019:
I have a life. Sort of. Will wait for Trevor Noah and Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert.
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Particularly Colbert, and Maher.
The Median Amazon Employee's Salary Is $28,000.
Robecology comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Let's stop ragging on Jeff. He's created a new way to shop. It's convenient, it's intelligent, it saves gas, oil, and the pollution of driving to go get stuff. One delivery truck drops off stuff to dozens of folk...saving tons of pollution. Brick and Mortar stores are dying thanks to ...
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@nogod4me And I'm sorry you have such disdain for him. I'd rather make Jeff rich than the CEO of Walmart orHome Depot; and by ordering on line I don't spend time, gas, and pollution shopping. I know a lot of Amazon workers who are happy to be part of the organization. He does employ tens of thousands. He also lives a wise lifestyle. Read, Please.
The Median Amazon Employee's Salary Is $28,000.
Robecology comments on Sep 25, 2019:
Let's stop ragging on Jeff. He's created a new way to shop. It's convenient, it's intelligent, it saves gas, oil, and the pollution of driving to go get stuff. One delivery truck drops off stuff to dozens of folk...saving tons of pollution. Brick and Mortar stores are dying thanks to ...
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@nogod4me Good for him; and I hope his business continues to grow. Bernie has a plan for the absurdly wealthy'
Is there a group here called Agnostic Faith? Or was there?
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Agnostic means "unknown" or Not aware, or unproven. It doesn't depend on "faith". Quite the opposite - Agnosticism abhors faith, leans strongly toward facts, evidences and proofs. As @CutieBeauty put's an "oxymoron" to call agnosticism a "faith"'s a thought system that is the ...
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@Flowerwall The "delusional" isn't necessarily a "bad" thing....they're simply deluded thanks to tradition, generations of behavior passed on that are myth and religion based. And it has been said that "ignorance is bliss" they are, indeed, a blissful group. But that doesn't mean that those of us that demand proofs and evidence, or don't think that there's life after death enjoy bliss any less. Scientists demand facts and evidence - the religious are happy in their "deluded" state. There's a lot to be said about avoiding "evidence" and living a life following myths...but to me, and most scientists, and most agnostics, and "freethinkers" - we like proofs, and evidence. We won't be "deluded" by the myths of religion...and we still know how to find happiness, knowing that there is no heaven nor hell. Here's two famous folk with quotes on this issue...
Whistleblowers Beware! Non-tyrannical governments want their citizens to believe whistleblowers ...
yvilletom comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Posted also in Conservative Atheists.
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
Kudos. Conservatism has a fundamental value; it's those who allege they're conservative while espousing racist/elitist propaganda that bothers me. I consider myself a social progressive but a political conservative (minus the religious associations). We do need a minimalist government and slow, conservative decisions about changes.... but we also need more science applied to our social order, again, thanks.
The end of the universe There are some errors/old and disproved stuff here and there, but the big...
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Wow! So, basically, the universe will expand and shut off...eventually once all that energy is spent, gravity will take over,,,and after many billions of years, it will collapse and start over! Makes sense!
Robecology replies on Sep 27, 2019:
@Pedrohbds That's just a theory. I'm agnostic about that theory.
Is there a group here called Agnostic Faith? Or was there?
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Agnostic means "unknown" or Not aware, or unproven. It doesn't depend on "faith". Quite the opposite - Agnosticism abhors faith, leans strongly toward facts, evidences and proofs. As @CutieBeauty put's an "oxymoron" to call agnosticism a "faith"'s a thought system that is the ...
Robecology replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@Flowerwall I never said nor implied they do. Agnostics just expect and demand any good scientist does. They don't have a need for "faith" ...they're comfortable with facts. But like a good agnostic would more than welcome evidence of a "superpower" or a "life after death". I'd be delighted to be proven that one little thing about religion was proven to be fact there wouldn't need to be "faith" believers because they'd have I welcome - not abhor by any means....the "faithful" and the religious. I just am 99.999% sure they're delusional.
To @robecology 's point from one of my previous posts.
Robecology comments on Sep 25, 2019:
@bigpawbullets. I stll don't get why you're so negative about "doing somethng" Living an ecological lifestyle is "doing something" Being positive about change is "doing something" Family doing something. Reading this is "doing something" - it's not just adapting. ...
Robecology replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@bigpawbullets Don't berate yourself for flying around the world. Electric flight is decades away...and I foresee a new aircraft - a sort of sky-liner that can cruise at low speeds. They would be hybrid at first....but eventually, be mostly solar powered, and be really huge - They're already experimenting; but again...that's decades away. Flying is something we've earned with our efforts; it's the investing in choices between polluters and alternative energy developers that I see as a choice. I'm in to Tesla - not only by buying the car, but by owning many$K of stock. That's my way of lowering my "Eco-footprint". and remember; if/when you're ready to buy...use this code; Enjoy your trip!
1970s vintage weight loss diet. Looks good!! 🍷🍷🍷🍷👌😳
Robecology comments on Sep 25, 2019:
...the imbalance of nutrients in that diet is shocking. How little we knew back then about the logic of a balanced meal and roughage. Below is a 10 second GIF of Obesity growth in America. We need to get serious with our diet improvements.
Robecology replies on Sep 25, 2019:
@bigpawbullets Hard indeed...and I claim little success...those childhood habits are hard to change. I'm still struggling with weight issues myself.
Great propaganda.
Heraclitus comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Yes, Humans have caused it. No, we can't fix it with just a carbon tax...too late.
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
I would never say "too late" - but we're getting very close....
Great propaganda.
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 24, 2019:
That's what earth looked like 4.5 billion years ago? Who took the picture? What kind of camera did they use?
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
Great propaganda.
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 24, 2019:
That's what earth looked like 4.5 billion years ago? Who took the picture? What kind of camera did they use?
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
There's a fabulous, inexpensive video that I urge you to buy and share with your's a fabulous story....and shows great artwork imaging the early earth better than anything I've ever seen; Here's a 1 and1/2 hour on line HD video - not as good as the history channel video...but free, and viewable right now!
Great propaganda.
Robecology comments on Sep 24, 2019:
I@bigpawbullets; I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were wiser. t's been proven (and denied by major oil companies) that Climate change IS caused by humans. The temp rise has been proven to coincide with CO2 for hundreds of thousands of years... ...and right now we're at the highest ...
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@bigpawbullets Please, some research. We were actually heading toward an interglacial cooling....but the population explosion has reversed this. I don't want to share an abundance of science that proves without a doubt that it is only and uniquely the human population that's causing this... You know how to do on line research. To simplify it...let me suggest copy and pasting this in to your google address bar; "Evidence for global warming/climate change being anthropogenic - images". .but I will share this tongue-in-cheek meme which, hopefully, will impress you.
Questuon: Licorice - Yes or No?
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 24, 2019:
I loved black licorice when I was young, but it's been many years since tasting it again.
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
I’m betting you still remember what it tastes like... I love the concept of a “taste” memory...
Robecology comments on Sep 24, 2019:
The myth-followers are more plentiful than I/we've realized. Despite our growth of education and advances in science....religion is still increasing numbers world-wide. ...and, sadly....they explain why Trump got elected. It's the "life-beyond-death" promise, more than any of the other ...
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@slydr68 Sorry; not factual; look at the data;
Robecology comments on Sep 24, 2019:
The myth-followers are more plentiful than I/we've realized. Despite our growth of education and advances in science....religion is still increasing numbers world-wide. ...and, sadly....they explain why Trump got elected. It's the "life-beyond-death" promise, more than any of the other ...
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@yvilletom Yep; I think it was Jesus' most famous promise...just "believe" ....(i.e. become hypnotized).
Think I got locked out of the group "Bernie Sanders - The Revolution Continues.
powder comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Their loss not yours
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@WilliamCharles You're posting this on a "strand" admin directly and ask for an explanation...use the mail, and address the request to "admin"
Good Morning My Hippies! Looks like it rained last night.
Robecology comments on Sep 24, 2019:
A bold step - moving from upstate NY to Arizona. What inspired you? Why Arizona? I visited there in '74....unique area....but not close enough to the ocean for me...
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 Have fun....take and post pics!
Good Morning My Hippies! Looks like it rained last night.
Robecology comments on Sep 24, 2019:
A bold step - moving from upstate NY to Arizona. What inspired you? Why Arizona? I visited there in '74....unique area....but not close enough to the ocean for me...
Robecology replies on Sep 24, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 So just visiting?
I am so frustrated with the Democrats in the House.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I think it's strategy. They've tried...and they see that the Admin/Republican attorneys are technically constitutionally correct. Let's be patient. Let's trust the Dems in power. I think they're working toward a serious, strong, complete sweep and "house" cleaning in 2020. In the ...
Robecology replies on Sep 23, 2019:
@mcgeo52 You are an unimportant non-voice in our politics. Hundreds of lawyers have concluded what I have...and if it were different we'd have seen some actions... ...but we haven't. So unless you can do something to help Pelosi "grow a spine" all your ranting is for naught. But wearing and sharing pins is a subtle yet strong message that I send to everyone I meet/see in I dare you to get them...wear them...and share them. Put your money where your mouth is.
I had no idea of his power!
Robecology comments on Sep 23, 2019:
He's perhaps the most intelligent, progressive, provocative pope they've ever had. He works hard to fulfill the vows to serve... He's a critical link between the #religulous of the world and us scientific/agnostics... He's one of us....disguised as a religious leader. ...
Robecology replies on Sep 23, 2019:
@Fernapple The church will survive because of the general ignorance and myth-based logic of the typical human....but they depend on wealth....a cash flow. And they're investing in some wise, and some not so wise, cash makers. That cash flow is drying up fast. To get that flow going, they have to invest in the fossil fuels consortium (that includes shipping, mining, and automobile making). For example; did you know that in October 2014, the Sistine Chapel was rented out for the first time to the automaker Porsche? And they have to sell off some of the prime real estate that they've acquired over the ages. There's a lot of politics and business involved in keeping the "church" afloat.
Photos from my garden : Ruba-a-dub-bud luphas the neighbors planted two years ago , and they keep ...
RavenCT comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Those luphas! Do they fall on their own?
Robecology replies on Sep 23, 2019:
I had no idea of his power!
Robecology comments on Sep 23, 2019:
He's perhaps the most intelligent, progressive, provocative pope they've ever had. He works hard to fulfill the vows to serve... He's a critical link between the #religulous of the world and us scientific/agnostics... He's one of us....disguised as a religious leader. ...
Robecology replies on Sep 23, 2019:
@Winkiedink54 Pope Francis calls Eugenio Scallifari, 93, (an atheist and editor of a Roman Newspaper) a friend. He even got in hot water with the "elders" of the church for allowing an "interview' with his journalist friend. Then they had to assert that the Pope "didn't deny Hell existed" and scolded Francis for alluding to the possibility. Again; the closer you follow what's going on...the more you see that Francis is, indeed, a wise, intelligent agnostic in the guise of the leader of the Catholic Church.


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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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