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My political beliefs are as follows: Plato was right about some things, not everyone should have ...
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
A few questions; 1.Who pays the surgeons for the free "procedures" 2. Who will be the judges who determines the questions on the voting tests? 3. For every 10 people there should be one psychologist....yea, right. 4. Who will decide who's in these ideal communities? 5. Getting drunk - bars run by psycholoigists? LOLOL... You talk a lot of ideals... but you're not grounded in reality.
“Destruction from 15 natural disasters cost $1bn each.
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
And yet there's still the deniers.
As if you had to ask ????
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
That's my girl, Marilyn!
Good evening. How was everyones Christmas?
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Unique; the girlfriend and I exchanged presents; but niether of us had time to open any of them - too much family visiting, overeating, etc. ! She's bringing them this weekend for a "belated" gift sharing...
"The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone" George Roberts
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I think that old luggage from previous flights are circulated a few times in hopes that the person(s) who forgot them will come back for them. I think it's SOP.
[] this is the
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I’m not sure about you, but I’m getting more optimistic about the future.
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I concur; and the science indicates we're getting smarter, our family size is getting smaller, there's less world hunger and less of the world in poverty. Sure; there's bad news too. 200 thousand suffer premature deaths due to air pollution.
Good morning and happy weekend! Today's question: Before making a telephone call, do you ever ...
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I only have to "watch my words" with the on-again-off-again lady friend...and it's one of the reasons I'm glad she. lives 120 miles away!
Followed by a urinal fill up.
Robecology comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I'm a frequent coffee drinker....and I get up frequently to pee at night. It's the price I pay for my addiction. It's worth it.
diagram of the earth []
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Sorry; not very impressive; Bloggers who spend more than half the total time of a video waving their hands and talking to the camera are just too egotistically oriented. On top of that - calling a former image shared in textbooks worldwide "lies" is another Click-bait comment...they weren't lies...just generalizations. The true scientists make their videos 90-98% info-grams and other media to support their point.
Every day natural beauty.
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2019:
You either held real still or used a tripod...nice, focused, clear, detailed image!
The Saint-Bernard Catholic Church was constructed between 1910 and 1942.
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Religious architecture is an interesting phenomena. By "doing good works" like making a long lasting "cathedral" many feel that their imaginary "god" likes them better. Or...Maybe they feel closer to god because they're building things that would make fellow delusionists happy. Either way; thanks for the photographs. That's a lot of people's money sunk in to building that....and it is evidence that humans can create magnificent structures... I'm a cheap-skate....and an I'm not sure if I'd donate. But I do appreciate good architecture. The last two images shows a magnificent blend of wood work and stone impressive...maybe I would?
Happy Friday! Today's question is: Would you like to be famous?
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I hate the "what-if" questions. What if there was a magic pill. What if you were someone else...uggggh. This is part of our never ending struggle to "find" happiness and contentment with life. When you change your "must haves" (addictions) to "would be nice to have - but I'm fine without" (preferences) you'll find your joy and happiness increasing. “Happiness happens when your consciousness is not dominated by addictions and demands – and you experience life as a parade of preferences.” — Ken Keyes Jr.
Avoid single use disposables.
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Good one. Sharing on FB.
Good morning! On tonight's program with my daughter: The Nutcracker Suite Ballet, live! It has ...
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I live alone. I have 4 boxes of Christmas ornaments...and having been raised in a secular (not religious) was fun....when there was family to help put the tree up.'s not fun anymore. I helped decorate the tree in the lobby; but my own tree still resides in a a bag...and my ornaments are slowly being "passed on".
What does Santa wear the rest of the year?
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
or this? (I'm from Florida; I swear I saw a dude that looked just like this)...
@admin Some time ago I reached level 8 and was told that I would get a T-shirt.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
It's a bit of a trick to get the process started.
Rather startling implications, genetically - did other hominids die out due to inbreeding? []
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Two things stand out in the evolution of humanity; !. Our need to keep "growing"...keeping a positive image to big families, etc. 2. The innate drive to be hoard, to get more than we need. Greed is a "perfect addiction"...unlike drugs...if your greed is rewarding everything is better...and your family welcomes your "habit"...but it is an addiction....if your stocks or business risk fails....many get suicidal. And growth...did you know that humanity increases by 158 more births, than deaths, per minute? Today 384,701 people will be born and 156,936 people will die, resulting in a net gain of 227,765 humans (give or take a few thousand). This year 140 million babies will be born and 57 million people will die. (source; If we don't get our "family planning" act together...than diseases, starvation, or extreme conflict competition will end our existence... ....not earths....just us. Earth will breathe a sigh or relief and reset the evolutionary clock.
Happy Monday! Been baking all weekend, folks.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
This holiday eating is getting me "big" again...ughhh...can't wait til we "normalize" meals... My sis sent me all sorts of decadent chocolate goodies...when I finally get "through" with'll be back to "muscle-brownies" for me (brownies cut with oatmeal and protein powder).
Got a case of CRS. can't remember shit.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I quit a while ago. It's funny to be forgetful when you're young...when you get older the kids pick on you if you forget stuff....I don't need them telling me "I need a nurse".
May you be touched
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And to you and yours;
Santa baby...
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
thanks for reminding me; Tonight's her night!
Merry Mithras
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Just a few headlines on my FB feed I thought were funny. What a world...geeze
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
La tee dah...
Found this on a woman’s profile on POF.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Yea, well...
May your holiday meal be tasty!
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
We who stay alive for another 20-30 years might see the end of seeing these creatures in the wild...the north pole might go completely ice-free in a few years...they'll be preserved in zoos and small, human-controlled "preserves" but we will rarely - if ever again - see them in this voracious state.
Bernie from Brooklyn: A Conversation with Mark Ruffalo []
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Please, please....may Bernie win this nomination?
And so it begins .... some will get this and some will not
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019: made me look it up; "According to Mark Lockwood’s Basic Texas Birds: A Field Guide, with or without Wile. E. Coyote chasing it, a Greater Roadrunner can reach speeds of 20 MPH (32 KPH) while a Coyote can reach speeds of up to 43 MPH (69 KPH). Clearly, in an all out footrace, the roadrunner would be dinner."
My grandmother only used these during Christmas time.🎅🎄🤶
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I still have a bunch of "Christmas-themed" ornaments, a mug, a tumbler, a dishtowel, and even a pot-holder with a santa image on it....the indoctrination was deep, wasn't it?
Good morning! Chuck and I still have a little bit to get done today.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Soon I'll be heading south; the girlfriend lives 120 miles south, the stepdaughter lives 180 miles south...and I have to plan an hour at the Supercharger (Tesla). We'll get there 6 ish...leave 9 ish....home to the GF house 10ish...then up X mas day to head north - to the son's X mas brunch - then (ahhhhh) home to my beach condo in Ft. Pierce. Enjoy your holidays, everyone!
10 Signs That Earth's Climate Is Off the Rails [livescience.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
The problem is a survival mechanism called greed. All animals display it. When we feel the stresses o life, we hoard, stash, and save more...we try harder for wealth as a cushion against hard times. It's an innate habit. And for some it's an addiction. It's my personal opinion that if we don't get greed - and family planning - under control..then we might cause us and many other species to go extinct. It wouldn't be the end of the world; in fact it would give the world evolutionary clock a chance to 'reset" - but it could end our time on this planet. In fact, I blogged "Greed the perfect addiction - and the one factor that could kill America" years ago....and it's been my most often read blog-post.
10 Signs That Earth's Climate Is Off the Rails [livescience.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Here's more data by NASA;
A photographic collection of pagan costumes associated with the winter solstice.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
This reminds me of the great book (and so-so movie) by Jean Auel, "Clan of the Cave Bear"
Your in-person community?
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
One of organized religions' strong points is the social interaction that favors groups.... With us agnostics just still a minority, there's little fundraising, hardly any (that i know of) "church-building" or "assembly-hall-building" of any the #religulous have an advantage there. But that shouldn't stop you from "socializing" - even with the religious. I don't attend church (haven't in close to 50 years) but I stay in touch with and was even a guest of honor at a religious group luncheon. My opinions and style of debate are respected there; so I do enjoy an occasional visit with my friends....I even contribute to their cause as part of the "" experience. Don't let the "religious" stop you from being sociable. They look at you as a chance to "proselytize" and I look at them as a chance to "enlighten" - so we often have lively debates.
With milk and cookies🎅
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
LOL! tonight's the night...and he'll be up all night!
I’m in the process of moving my 94 year old mom in with me.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
First strip it. You never know what kind of beautiful wood lies might have breath-taking age-rings - or it might be dull and boring. Remove all that yellow first. It's a smelly, messy job; but often worth it! WATCH!
When reality takes hold instead of myths being propagated as fact!!!
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Isaac Newton; Born Dec 25th.
I am not a shopper.
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I saw some absolutely shocking, horrible messes made in stores yesterday...thanks to FB friends who took them while struggling with "store" shopping. Brick and Mortar stores will soon be gone in most advanced, industrial nations. It will take a little longer in agrarian/third world nations....but on line shopping....letting the shippers bring us our purchases...and return the unwanted ones...has gotten so simple that I see the end of "going to the store" for least, for me. I can't see the wisdom of shopping in stores anymore; except for groceries....and now even they're making delivery easy and cheap.
War Crimes Navy Seal Meets Trump to Thank Him for Pardon Former Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, ...
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Sad...our POTUS is showing more corruption, more evil, more just "wrong" and dishonest behavior more every day.
So weird: My ex’s GF gave me a candle for Xmas. Why is she giving me a gift?
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I eee a contradiction between what you're saying and what you're doing. If you don't like them giving you a gift....why did you get them anything? The easiest way to signal "no gift (or card, or visit, or greeting) next year" is to not give one this year. C'mon should know this. What's weird is that you're asking us about it! It sounds like they've discussed "relating" to you quite I see a "threesome" in your future? I'm not condemning it...but that, to me, is the "weird" that you might not see?
Modern Guru
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
The back-up camera has made it safer, easier, and smarter to back-in park. We've all seen folks who back out end up hitting something...or taking forever doing so; so backing-in parking is not only wiser, it's considerate when you're leaving. And used to take a long time when you had just mirrors; but the back-in camera has changed that; it makes it safer, easier, and faster to do. Get with the program @Jolanta....backing in is best.
Pubic servace announcement
Robecology comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Ruh roh....!
That hair tho....
Robecology comments on Dec 23, 2019:
And I really am borderline deaf...ass and all!
Just for Christmas...
Robecology comments on Dec 23, 2019:
My contribution to tongue-in-cheek holiday cheer...
Well, a newbie thing for sure. I made leve' 2..but I don't know what the perks are.What are they?
Robecology comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Click on your profile, top, right. Then click on "My points/level". You're welcome!
I had heard on the radio that Eddie Murphy is going to be on SNL tonight for any that are ...
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I concur with @bingst. I, too, don't see this as a significant influence. The key, IMO...will be the availability of E.V.'s... Electric Vehicles....that are cheaper, faster, simpler to fix, faster to charge, longer range than the typical I.C.E. (internal combustion engine) car. If Tesla (or any car maker) comes out with a sub $20K fast, safe, easy/fast to charge-up EV...then the pocketbooks will talk...gas will get cheaper to the point where it won't be worth "mining/shipping...and the ICE era will finally close.
LOL 😛 Epstein didn't kill himself ...
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
He's dead; but here's what he was charged with....him and Trump, in '92.
Let’s have a serious discussion about fixing our endangered democracy. Any takers?
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Having a discussion here on an agnostic site won't affect many. BUT For what it's worth; here's my opinion; There's two things that are affecting the growth or repression of democracy; The growing population, and the human- and animal - instinct of greed. One key is money, and the push to get more. It's clear that money buys advertising....and advertising changes minds. And it's also clear - to me- that the addiction to money - greed - will cause a decline in democracy, and the human condition. I will add that as a scientist/demographer....the root of our problems is the growing populations...158 more births, than deaths, every minute. 227,000 every day. A millon more every 4.5 days. This pressure - on our environment, on our governments, and on governments that want to govern democratically...has clearly been negative. Democracy is in decline...and the need to control people is obviously growing. The solution - to me - is obvious. Family planning. Changing the tax structure to incentivise small families, not large ones..could help us redirect. Unfortunately - I see little progress in this direction.
Robert De Niro Fantasizes About Hitting Donald Trump in the Face with ‘Bag of Shit' Hitting a ...
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Shmooze with DeNiro and Colbert;
And now the days grow longer! A cut-paper animation for the season - []
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Fabulous video. I shared it on FB. Thanks!
Good morning! It's pose-your-question-day!
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Who's changed their holiday shopping habits? Who still like roaming around the "store" - who prefers shoppng on line (and yes...we're almost out of time to order if we want it by Tuesday eve....
I am just loving the country now that it is all bleak and bare.
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I'm guessing you rarely see snow there. Beautiful images. Enjoy a damp, cool, but sunny winter!
Hi everyone.
Robecology comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Good wishes. Have a warm holiday...I'm guessing you'll have a white Christmas...sweet!
Happy Friday! I'm gonna stir up trouble today! 😈 Does the toilet paper roll go over or under,...
Robecology comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I don't get the debate...and an infrequent visitor I have unfortunately goes through TP fast...and then she has the audacity to mount it the "uncool" way....ughhhh!
Trump still has some questions to answer.
Robecology comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I love this meme!
@Admin, I have a recommendation of change for blocking as it applies to personal profiles vs groups.
Robecology comments on Dec 19, 2019:
I concur. I've been blocked from "classy-sexy" images simply for responding politely - never rudely - to the originator/moderators call for comments ("you likey?" she would ask. I would sometimes agree - but when I didn't I heard about it).
I had to remind this guy that one of trumps impeachments was for abuse of Congress! Clinton got a BJ...
Robecology comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Here's a collection of some recent memes I thought appropos
I thought of something funny.
Robecology comments on Dec 19, 2019:
The biggest tax I'm concerned about is the tax that no-one - in fossil-fuel-addicted America- wants to raise....
Has anybody seen my cat?
Robecology comments on Dec 19, 2019:
My first good laugh of the morning...I needed this!
Baldness This question is for the hetero women.
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Androgenetic alopecia;This form of hair loss affects an estimated 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. Androgenetic alopecia can start as early as a person's teens and risk increases with age; more than 50 percent of men over age 50 have some degree of hair loss.Dec 10, 2019 Androgenetic alopecia - Genetics Home Reference - NIH › condition › androgenetic-alopecia
Hmm.... what do you think?
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
A special holiday greeting to all....again....sorry to offend the #Religulous...
My mom's best friend had this on her Silver Tree, anybody here had one? 🎄🎄🎄
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Take a look at the trees being sold to the rich folk by Hammacher-Schlemmer
@Admin @developer @CS10 @SiteSupport - Hey it's me again! So some people are bothered by the ...
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I was apparently banned from the "Classy-Sexy" group for often requested....on the images. I never used profanity...but when the moderator asked for comments (you likey?) I would respond with simple yes or no. If an image posted wasn't "classy" nor "sexy"...IMO...then I would say so. I often got a retort from her - and, an eventual ban. I haven't complained...but since you're bringing the issue of "naked picture" groups...I had to add my 2 cents. Perhaps the originator/moderator is too sensitive? I do miss the true "classy-sexy" images.
Hard to choose a favorite. []
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I searched to find out where this building is....I can't find it. I did find the "Best photos of 2019" link, however. within the link, I found the alleged "photographer" but couldn't find any info on the alleged building...
Baldness This question is for the hetero women.
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Consider our POTUS. I hate him...but the shaved dome would make him look better...IMO....
:-)) a holiday to celebrate! g
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Good one! Downloaded! I will be sharing this one...
An accurate comparison...
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
We need to stop making fun of the looks of the politicians...and start attacking their policies. He's beyond corrupt...he righteously thinks he's defending the constitution...but fortunately there's wise this one...Mazie Horono, from Hawaii.... who's not afraid to tell him off...
Happy Wednesday! I have a bunch of laundry to do today.
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Deep cleaning...carpets, drapes, etc...and dusting the odd spots....cabinet tops, fan tops...etc. put me off...but if they're not done....I hear it from the family if/when they visit. Besides...I know I live a healthier life if the home is clean
Hey there what is good?
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Little Richard....R & R Pioneer....
A possible return of a native, but I wonder if a cross/hybrid is the same thing. []
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Great news. Shared on Facebook.
Wait a minute, that was just ...... yesterday, wasn't it?
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Feeling old....
Voltaire on Christianity...
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
To be brave enough, in his time, to come out, as he did....was almost suicidal. He was also a well known anti-Semite (against Jews) and he was fiercely racist. "A tireless campaigner against injustice and advocate of religious and social tolerance, he was also fiercely anti-Semitic, describing the Jews as “an ignorant and barbarous people" and arguing that Africans are a separate species “as different from ours as the breed of spaniels is from that of greyhounds."
Reactions to magic []
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I think I read that Chimps, at least, attain the knowledge and skills of a human4 year old...
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I get notices from Admin when a group's been removed due to inactivity. That works for me.
Love this gate!??!
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Religulous....but obviously a great work....
The Look on his Face?
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Good morning! I have to give a speech tonight about having been mentored.
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
No one "mentor"...but one author wrote a few books that had me going to meetings...and buying...and reading...several of his books. the late Ken Keyes Jr. Handbook to Higher Consciousness, Making Relationships work, too many to mention...but a wise fella, who gave me a lot of good ideas.
Elon the Almighty.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Tesla stock closed at $381.50. I have been asked is it because of the Cyber Truck reveal? I have to say no. It's not because the China factory completed construction in 9 months and has now started production. It is not because a site has been acquired for plant near Berlin and construction has started. It is not because model 3 sales are breaking records. It is not because of the model S and X refresh. it is not because the Super Charger network charge rate has been increase and the network is constantly expanding on three continents. It is not because the model Y is expected to start production early with two new production innovations (single frame casting and rigid wiring). It is not because Semi is Beta testing. It is not because the roadster which is being developed has world class breakthrough specs. It is not because Tesla automobiles sell at the widest profit margin per unit in the industry. It is not because Tesla has virtually unlimited access to capital if it needs it. It is not because Jim Cramer is now bullish on Tesla. It is for all these reasons taken together . This constellation of facts is entering the minds of investors interested in growth and perhaps some short sellers who have decided to capitulate on what increasingly is looking like a bad bet. And Elon Musk is the CEO. of Tesla. And SpaceX. And Hyperloop. And SolarCity. Please; a little respect for the genius.
Make your food more fabulous by not eating? []?
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
My favorite meme when I let my appetite get out of control...
Ok, who ate the christain again.. spit em out.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Tasted just like chicken!
More on the oldest cave art yet dated - []
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Amazing....Christian origins of the earth-dating will end once radio-carbon-dating becomes more common and accessible....
Oil Island 'Grissom'
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Guido knows!
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Someone please share this with MojoDave....I think he uses the "Father Sarducci" image...
Hey everybody! I'm on the way home from a great weekend.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
I've listened to one a car that had a cd new one doesn't....(Life, by Keith Richards) - now...just non-vocal smooth jazz...
Coffee, best way to start your morning☕☕🤗☕☕
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
If I weren't agnostic...I'd say it's something I "believe" in....
Greta Thunberg apologizes for 'against the wall' comment I myself would not apologize.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Shame on the critics for even challenging this; Thunberg told the crowd in Turin that world leaders were running away from their responsibilities to fight climate change. “We have to make sure that they cannot do that," she said. "We will make sure they, that we put them against the wall, and that they will have to do their job and to protect our futures." She's right. They should be "put against the wall" and forced to face the consequences of their actions. Right now they obviously are not.
can't remember where I get these from, if it was from here..... sorry, sue me.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
The flat earth society was started as a gag by nerds to see how many people would be put off enough by the hypothesis to post counter-proofs like this....
A couple .
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Like Christians might take the time to actually read the truth...I do believe they are also Trumpians...
Here's a good way to start Monday. It's still funny....
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Only if she's ugly and/or unhealthy - and I were tied to that position indefinitely....that might be "hell"....
I am concerned about members violating copyrights, no because they will be sued, but because ...
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Simple solution. Report. Expect results. Report again if you don't see an alleged "copyright infringement". Post that you've reported it.
Enjoy, I found this in a facebook debate group!
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
A sample of what I am currently working on. Re-purposing wood items.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
You need to do a short video showing us how you achieved that effect!
Maybe I could be bothered to decorate one if I thought of it like this.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Sad and sorry to see you feel this way. I had fun doing this one...with friends...
A question for older people: how has what you find attractive changed from when you were younger?
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Most of us were "lustful' - perhaps a testimony to the power of hormones. As the hormones subsided/ did our "drive". Part of the drive for older folk to be with younger ones is the youthful energy they bring to the table...we know that if they like us and we like them...we're more prone to do the more energetic things that they are inclined to do...
Why Are So Many Non Believers Crude?
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
We've been persecuted, killed, eliminated, scapegoated...too long.
The raw power that radiates from these books!
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Maybe you found the secret to their addictive nature?
I think his grammar should be better with the level of education he lists.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Good call....a clear "red flag".
In Ancient German tradition, Krampusnacht is a holiday which is represented by a demon goat who ...
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Cool illustration of a terrible, corrupt, evil practice. Abuse - call it strict, rough discipline - was common a few decades ago..going back many generations. So was religion. We've grown, and learned. We're enlightened. Abusing a child is not only shows frustration, poor judgement, and a general ignorance... ...just like following a religion. Calling enlightened, wise, gentle parents a "Buncha pussies.." says a lot about you...
Happy Friday everyone! I'm feeling much better - thank you for your inquiries and kindness this ...
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Shorts and T shirts work most of the time here in Florida; we get this cold weather for about 5-6 weeks, off and on....and then it normalizes back to sandal weather...and no...I never wear socks with sandals...but some snowbirds do...LOL!


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
937 members
Gun Control Now
923 members
Sexy Classy Pics
774 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
All Things Astronomy
732 members
Critical thinking
666 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
646 members
Mental Health Support
631 members
598 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
508 members
Florida Freethinkers
444 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
438 members
422 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
416 members
Community Senate
385 members
Critter Corner
373 members
372 members
Dating for Real People
370 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
355 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
336 members
visual art
327 members
"Positive Vibes"
325 members
Documentaries you should see
324 members
Online Dating: The Reality
322 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
317 members
Geek's Corner
307 members
304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
304 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Hippie Land -
291 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
256 members
Childfree Domain
252 members
36 Questions
247 members
247 members
Baby Boomers
235 members
Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
225 members
Simply Atheist
221 members
General Forum
205 members
The Best of Late Night & News
202 members
Science and religion. :) lets debate
196 members
Simple Thoughts
194 members
Non-nude sexy pics
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Memes edited
190 members
Truly single gal and guys looking for love.
182 members
Science Fiction & Godlessness
181 members
Natural history
179 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
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I Love Halloween!
167 members
This Day In History
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General Topics
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Pets and wildlife
151 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Women's Empowerment
148 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
144 members
Biden 2020
141 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
109 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
At Retirement!
92 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Crass Comedy
87 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
74 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
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The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
No more war
51 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members