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Voltaire on Christianity...
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
To be brave enough, in his time, to come out, as he did....was almost suicidal. He was also a well known anti-Semite (against Jews) and he was fiercely racist. "A tireless campaigner against injustice and advocate of religious and social tolerance, he was also fiercely anti-Semitic, describing the Jews as “an ignorant and barbarous people" and arguing that Africans are a separate species “as different from ours as the breed of spaniels is from that of greyhounds."
Reactions to magic []
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I think I read that Chimps, at least, attain the knowledge and skills of a human4 year old...
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I get notices from Admin when a group's been removed due to inactivity. That works for me.
Love this gate!??!
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Religulous....but obviously a great work....
The Look on his Face?
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Good morning! I have to give a speech tonight about having been mentored.
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2019:
No one "mentor"...but one author wrote a few books that had me going to meetings...and buying...and reading...several of his books. the late Ken Keyes Jr. Handbook to Higher Consciousness, Making Relationships work, too many to mention...but a wise fella, who gave me a lot of good ideas.
Elon the Almighty.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Tesla stock closed at $381.50. I have been asked is it because of the Cyber Truck reveal? I have to say no. It's not because the China factory completed construction in 9 months and has now started production. It is not because a site has been acquired for plant near Berlin and construction has started. It is not because model 3 sales are breaking records. It is not because of the model S and X refresh. it is not because the Super Charger network charge rate has been increase and the network is constantly expanding on three continents. It is not because the model Y is expected to start production early with two new production innovations (single frame casting and rigid wiring). It is not because Semi is Beta testing. It is not because the roadster which is being developed has world class breakthrough specs. It is not because Tesla automobiles sell at the widest profit margin per unit in the industry. It is not because Tesla has virtually unlimited access to capital if it needs it. It is not because Jim Cramer is now bullish on Tesla. It is for all these reasons taken together . This constellation of facts is entering the minds of investors interested in growth and perhaps some short sellers who have decided to capitulate on what increasingly is looking like a bad bet. And Elon Musk is the CEO. of Tesla. And SpaceX. And Hyperloop. And SolarCity. Please; a little respect for the genius.
Make your food more fabulous by not eating? []?
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
My favorite meme when I let my appetite get out of control...
Ok, who ate the christain again.. spit em out.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Tasted just like chicken!
More on the oldest cave art yet dated - []
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Amazing....Christian origins of the earth-dating will end once radio-carbon-dating becomes more common and accessible....
Oil Island 'Grissom'
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Guido knows!
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Someone please share this with MojoDave....I think he uses the "Father Sarducci" image...
Hey everybody! I'm on the way home from a great weekend.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
I've listened to one a car that had a cd new one doesn't....(Life, by Keith Richards) - now...just non-vocal smooth jazz...
Coffee, best way to start your morning☕☕🤗☕☕
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
If I weren't agnostic...I'd say it's something I "believe" in....
Greta Thunberg apologizes for 'against the wall' comment I myself would not apologize.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Shame on the critics for even challenging this; Thunberg told the crowd in Turin that world leaders were running away from their responsibilities to fight climate change. “We have to make sure that they cannot do that," she said. "We will make sure they, that we put them against the wall, and that they will have to do their job and to protect our futures." She's right. They should be "put against the wall" and forced to face the consequences of their actions. Right now they obviously are not.
can't remember where I get these from, if it was from here..... sorry, sue me.
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
The flat earth society was started as a gag by nerds to see how many people would be put off enough by the hypothesis to post counter-proofs like this....
A couple .
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Like Christians might take the time to actually read the truth...I do believe they are also Trumpians...
Here's a good way to start Monday. It's still funny....
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Only if she's ugly and/or unhealthy - and I were tied to that position indefinitely....that might be "hell"....
I am concerned about members violating copyrights, no because they will be sued, but because ...
Robecology comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Simple solution. Report. Expect results. Report again if you don't see an alleged "copyright infringement". Post that you've reported it.
Enjoy, I found this in a facebook debate group!
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
A sample of what I am currently working on. Re-purposing wood items.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
You need to do a short video showing us how you achieved that effect!
Maybe I could be bothered to decorate one if I thought of it like this.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Sad and sorry to see you feel this way. I had fun doing this one...with friends...
A question for older people: how has what you find attractive changed from when you were younger?
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Most of us were "lustful' - perhaps a testimony to the power of hormones. As the hormones subsided/ did our "drive". Part of the drive for older folk to be with younger ones is the youthful energy they bring to the table...we know that if they like us and we like them...we're more prone to do the more energetic things that they are inclined to do...
Why Are So Many Non Believers Crude?
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
We've been persecuted, killed, eliminated, scapegoated...too long.
The raw power that radiates from these books!
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Maybe you found the secret to their addictive nature?
I think his grammar should be better with the level of education he lists.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Good call....a clear "red flag".
In Ancient German tradition, Krampusnacht is a holiday which is represented by a demon goat who ...
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Cool illustration of a terrible, corrupt, evil practice. Abuse - call it strict, rough discipline - was common a few decades ago..going back many generations. So was religion. We've grown, and learned. We're enlightened. Abusing a child is not only shows frustration, poor judgement, and a general ignorance... ...just like following a religion. Calling enlightened, wise, gentle parents a "Buncha pussies.." says a lot about you...
Happy Friday everyone! I'm feeling much better - thank you for your inquiries and kindness this ...
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Shorts and T shirts work most of the time here in Florida; we get this cold weather for about 5-6 weeks, off and on....and then it normalizes back to sandal weather...and no...I never wear socks with sandals...but some snowbirds do...LOL!
Happy Friday! It is so cold in my office, my coworkers are walking around with their coats and ...
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Energy outages all over the U.S. today. Here in Ft. Pierce a good section of the county was out for several hours...first time temps in the 40's ....brrrr.
“Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years.
Robecology comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Hard to take advise or any wisdom from a guy who blew his head off with a shotgun....but his books say a lot....
PROOF: The World is Laughing at Donald Trump [youtube.
Robecology comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Love it!
PROOF: The World is Laughing at Donald Trump [youtube.
Robecology comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Shared on FB...with "conservative nation"....I'll be blocking and deleting lots of nasty responders later today....
Lay it all down! []
Robecology comments on Dec 4, 2019:
For those who like to know the lyrics; Candles in the Rain Melanie Lay down, lay down, let it all down Let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown Lay down, lay down, let it all down Let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown We were so close, there was no room We bled inside each others wounds We all had caught the same disease And we all sang the songs of peace Lay down, lay down, let it all down Let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown Lay down, lay down, let it all down Let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown So raise the candles high 'Cause if you don't we could stay black against the night Oh, raise them higher again And if you do we could stay dry against the rain Lay down, lay down, let it all down Let your white birds smile up at the ones who stand and frown...
Happy Wednesday morning everyone 😊 I am not up to snuff today.
Robecology comments on Dec 4, 2019:
A deluxe canned baked confection...just what I need....NOT! Charming can, though! But having said that...I like making "discoveries"...just not the rich, edible varieties.
Is a Mini Ice Age Coming? []
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Not the planet; but the northern hemisphere might suffer climate shifts that bring cooler weather further south for a longer time...essentially causing a mini-ice-age....IN THE NORTH. The southern hemisphere might suffer the reverse; with excessive warming causing major crop shifts, climate stress beyond the abilities to adjust with air conditioning.
Good evening! I'm sure lagging behind today! So here's a picture of my sisters and me.
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
As the oldest of 5, it's a love-hate thing. One I stopped talking to...he is far too hostile, aggressive, subversive, and religulous for me. Another died recently - by gorging himself in to a gall bladder attack? I didn't know you could do that. The only sis is on a rare FB contact w/me...and the youngest is a weird, religulous, former punk-band star (Reagan Youth) who is borderline insane.
Forest planting by Kimura One of my all time favorite things but have no experience in.
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
For those who love Bonsai; please come visit the biggest outdoor Bonsai exhibit in, in Ft. Pierce, Florida! I don't know why the city fathers don't post a sign on U.S. 1 letting folks know of this hidden treasure; but please consider coming and viewing...and I live 15 minutes away....glad to host your stay overnight!
Pastel and Starkness......
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
So common...yet so rare.... good capture!
I have been maintaining casual Keto for a few months now and will continue until a bit more weight ...
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
"Keto" is a gimmick. The problem is simply that we've all been programmed...since before we could walk and talk - to eat if our emotions needed satisfying. Some of us were ignored. Some of us were trained to snack on veggies and healthy snacks. Some of us were given junk foods. The last group makes up most of us. And this programming starts earlier than almost any other "bad habit". But our parents did the best they could. Don't be angry with them. My trick...let hunger back in to your life...especially at bedtime. Hunger used to be common...and was common for thousands of generations. And science has proven it's good for us. We're practically the first or second generation to have so many foods so near us that we don't have to deal with hunger...but then we get overweight. So let hunger be your friend. No special foods...just stop eating a few hours before bed-time.
2 December, 2019 - Diet Diary - Had 3 good days, got weight back down from highest point since ...
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I hear you. I just rocketed back up with several days of "indulging" I'm about to go on a sailing "cruise" (more food to "indulge" in) ....then two weeks's exchange presents day with excessive eating day....followed....again a week a celebration for the new year. So three sets of "indulgences" coming goal will be to gain less than 5 pounds by the new year....I don't dare try to stay my "almost ideal BMI weight" for the next month....or life will be very boring. Be positive. Life's too short to be overly restrictive. We'll fast in January and get back down.....
I turned 50 this year and OMG I don't feel any different! I used to think, I'd sort of feel weaker,...
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Age creeps up the rising oceans do...or as global warming does. Not noticeable....but scientifically measurable. To live longer, IMO...focus now on being close to your ideal BMI....sweat a little every day (our ancestors sweated often - we who are spoiled by A.C. sweat rarely)....and keep up a high-fiiber, high protein diet is my recipe for longevity.
True words!
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2019:
If you've been raised to believe that - then nothing can change your mind (the #religulous are like that). If you're open to consider that existence is what you make of it....pain, or pleasure....or if you're open to consider that existence is a brief moment in the universe when you're granted the rare privilege, and ability to feel ANYTHING...then you'll read and enjoy this; It's what we agnostics think.
Consider all aspects before deciding
Robecology comments on Dec 2, 2019:
@Boxdoc....yes; Elon Musk and his staff are well aware of the abuses of child labor in the Congo. His team is working hard to avoid getting his cobalt from the Congo...where most of it comes from. But do remember; the families tolerate their children working the mines. The families of the mining corporations know they're hiring children as laborers. The government tolerates this. 40,000 children are said to be employed there. The bigger picture is the world wide push - mostly by Russia and the U.S. uber-wealthy - to sustain fossil fuels...which might kill all of us. The World Health Organization estimates greenhouse gases and harmful air pollutants, such as particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, cause over** 7 million premature deaths around the globe each year**. Reducing the use of fossil fuels for transportation and electricity generation decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and stroke in both developed and undeveloped countries. Right now Russia and the US have huge subsidies on gas and oil mining, refining, and fracking. These nations have the lowest gasoline taxes of all nations (see chart, below - source of the chart is
Good evening! @FlippantLlama is sick - hope you feel better, Jess! - and asked me to do our daily ...
Robecology comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I've been to Canada and Mexico...and to Puerto Rico and well as many of the island nations of the Caribbean....but that's it. I've wanted to tour the Mediterranean...I've been perusing travel brochure of the Windstar cruises for decades now...but never had the "opportunity" to go. Having said that...I love Florida. Love its' climate. Love living close to the ocean. Love a beach outside my front door. Puerto Rico has a lot of that, and clearer waters....but their infrastructure is sadly underdeveloped...and in need of work. I've been there many times....even since the horrific hurricane of 2017....Maria? and have helped friends get solar power to their homes....but I love my home here in Florida.
Why are so many Americans so paranoid of socialism?
Robecology comments on Dec 2, 2019:
There's a lot of profound ignorance. We set the standards for education in the 50's and 60's...and most developed nations one-upped us. Now our best doctors and technicians have accents...and they're obviously new immigrants. America's home-grown, fostered by the #religulous push and the fossil-fuel greed, is now world leaders in...prison populations and per capita in prison. We're 30th to 40th in science and math....and far lower than that in common sense.
Is a Mini Ice Age Coming? []
Robecology comments on Dec 2, 2019:
The average temp is rising world-wide...but it's also shutting off the oceanic conveyor belt that brings warm waters from the tropics northward. The melting greenland ice is changing the density of the it no longer comes far north...and thus the threat of a mini-ice age in. the northern hemisphere...and the threat of Australia, and the tips of S. America and Africa getting over-baked. Al Gore said this over a decade "An Inconvenient Truth"
I remember this and did not like it.🤮
Robecology comments on Dec 2, 2019:
I think that was the first time I "tasted" preservatives....that was the beginning of the end of canned snacks for me...
New from Miami.
Robecology comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Just keep posting and responding to posts. That's how you make friends....male and female. SO's start with friendship.
This just isn't right, but anyway
Robecology comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Not funny.
SMS Replacement is Exposing Users to Text, Call Interception Thanks to Sloppy Telecos []
Robecology comments on Nov 30, 2019:
For those who don't follow the abbreviation chatter; New research reveals that a standard used by phone carriers around the world can leave users open to all sorts of attacks, like text message and call interception, spoofed phone numbers, and leaking their coarse location. The Rich Communication Services (RCS) standard is essentially the replacement for SMS, Standard Messaging system.
The new reality of dating over 65: Men want to live together; women don’t - The Globe and Mail
Robecology comments on Nov 30, 2019:
This man has learned his lesson; Living alone is so much better! And I've tried...married 4 times...far too many....but I used to be "the marrying man"...until I realized I'm myself.
Good morning! I feel like we're in a food coma, have been getting together and eating since ...
Robecology comments on Nov 30, 2019:
I'm a big fan of green beans - not overcooked - with a can of mushroom soup (not diluted) half a stick of butter, topped with french-fried onions....keep bacon bits and almond chips on the side for those who like those toppings....the best vegan dish going! (OK....the cream in Mushroom soup might be animal sourced....but no animals killed to make it...qualifies, right?).
Robecology comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Not sure what you're asking... "anyone else..." what? You talk about attending a college course. You asked a question of the teacher...but don't explain why he got angry; how did you know (s)he was angry?
I just received this message on the Hour Time dating site: “ Hi and how are you?
Robecology comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Set your limits, of course. But to be kind; you can contact them. Perhaps they're sincere; just not as educated as you.
Robecology comments on Nov 28, 2019:
That's a stamp of agnostics. That's their forté. That's how we roll.
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Smoke is smoke; it's actually a suspended solid...and doesn't belong in your lungs. I use a filter and a pipe when I "partake" and prefer edibles. Be nice to your "walnut"- er - your lungs.
I would never consent to this! Who wants a bloody, torn ear?! :o
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Stupid is as stupid does....
A simple and effective way to think about fitness.
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Leftover city!!!
Gooooooooood Morning Everyone! I am working not so diligently today, and hoping for an early ...
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I hated fixing the roof...patching up the holes where the Raccoons got in. I trapped 4 before I finally got the message...and moved to a condo!
On my flight to Denver, the guy sitting in the window seat is telling the guy in the middle seat ...
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
....and you didn't jump in? I would have asked for samples...or a demo!
I get two points.
Robecology comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Never have I ever gotten a tattoo...
Why Are So Many Non Believers Crude?
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Let me give you a couple of un-crude responses;
Dude is a genius
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Ever see an ad for a Lambo? Porsche? Get it?
Love this wagon, who had one?
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
LOL...I had the last of the "Datsun's in the 1980's that had an "imitation" wood paneling on the side; let me see if I can find a pic; not mine; but google is my friend....
This is a fairly good overview of what's happened both historically and currently in terms of social...
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
The bias against Democratic Socialism in. the video is obvious, and strong. We are already card-carrying socialists...that social security card in your wallet? That's a perfect example of democratic socialism at work. We all know that those of us on the receiving end of SS checks are getting what some bureaucrats think is fair...but most of us recipients don't approve. We all know that there's hundreds of thousands going bankrupt on health bills....and only in America. Your video prompts fear, not acceptance. Socialism isn't just a "fad" as the video implies. This video takes a more positive view.
The Anunnaki - yes or no?
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
What are they? I think they're related to being #religulous? In that
When swim?
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
We are from the ocean. The fluids in our bodies match the salts in the ocean down to a tenth of a percentage point. If you want to live well and live long, you eat more seafood...and sea weeds.
Checklist of the gods: -create cows -create people -tell believers to kill everyone who doesn't ...
Robecology comments on Nov 26, 2019:
[] Sex bucket list?
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Meh...she wants to get pounded? Triple penetration? I think she just likes talking about it. Gotta wonder about her real-life situation. How many kids she has...what kind of figure...what kind of face...I'm guessing not very attractive...
I suppose this is more of a question for when I begin dating again.
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Work on loving yourself, first. Focus on fitness; tighten up your diet, get some workout regimen in. Once your confidence'll be naturally more "appealing" and more ready for "dating". I went through a loss of a young wife in the 70's...first breast cancer then brain I've been there, done that. No amputations to deal with...but I have a serious frequent urination issue and ED issue as well...but i'm alone, and lovin' it!
A FrayedBear error - Recipe: 1 Fresh Salmon Head 600gm weight 1 cup oats 1 kilo potatoes 2 ...
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I'm a BIG fan of making my oats in to almost a flour consistency before using it. I never tried it on Salmon...thanks for the idea!
There is No 'Side B'.
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Hey, Elon....let's skip Mars...and take care of our home, first?
Went on a walk yesterday in North London, which was a nature trail along a disused railway line.
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I would come in there with a sand-blaster and restore the unpainted, un-graffiti'ed look....Sad to see all those pseudo-artistic endeavors next to that incredible sculpture!
Some memes I recently collected, enjoy!
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
My all-time go-to favorites...
Unhappy sex life? Maybe it’s not your skills. Maybe it’s your sexy time playlist. []
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
LOL! Smooth jazz, no vocals, or even the "sound-scapes" channel...continuous mellow stuff" that's me...
Hey everyone - Happy Monday! This Thursday we're doing something new for Thanksgiving.
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I tried to convince my son and daughter in law to do the same...unfortunately...she has a new induction-top she's into cooking... I'm assigned with Green beans. I have 4 - 1 lb bags of them... Any suggestions welcome...I'm thinking 1 lb steamed/plain, 1 lb with a mushroon soup, 1 lb with a variety of cheeses melted on top...Ideas?
I thought y'all might enjoy a giggle
Robecology comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Good one...shared on FB!
The plot to wage war on Christianity and Christmas is a wholehearted conspiracy theory that has no ...
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I saved this post just for you, Dave;
More than once
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Is the pope catholic?
23 Nov 2019 - Diet Diary - No effort at diet today at all.
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Oh...bad Dot...bringing home leftover mashed potatoes? You know better...ham? Wise. Green veggies...wise....potatoes? breads? ugggh.
Colour or black and white?
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
The color shows the relative health, or clarity of the water...but the B & W sets a mood. Both very nice pics!
I must plead guilty of this from my past.
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
We've all fallen in to the sexist mores thing....kudos for your honesty. Charming meme!
Happy Sunday, you lovely people! For your viewing enjoyment. []
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I can't decide which one I like more! soooooo cute! Shared on F B
Tesla Cybertruck gets 146,000 preorders in two days, almost $8B possible future sales.
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Good one, Ed. Sound's like you're leanin' toward becoming an owner!
A disorganized kitchen makes me cray.
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Time to go through those bottles. I recommend you keep a marker handy to "date" when you opened it for a sight and sniff test". You'll be amazed how many years go by until you open it again.
Good morning! It's pose your question day!
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Let's play political chess; who thinks; 1. Trump will resign; if not this year, in 2020. 2. Trump will stay and run in 2020, but win 3. Trump will stay and run in 2020, but lose. 4. Trump will die suddenly; of ill health or an assassin. Feel free to add your own option.
You think it's cold?
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Niagara Falls this past winter...
Hello everyone, had a peaceful Sunday watching 'Something Borrowed' , licking my lips over coffee ...
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Charming meme/quote....and kudos for joining Agnostic in such a strongly religious land. Please share more of your community. I live by the sea in Ft. Pierce, summers, cooler (but rarely below freezing)
Actor William Shatner became an officer of the Order of Canada.
Robecology comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I'm not happy with the "swollen" look for Bill. I hope he gets serious about losing some of his weight...
Basic Gravy Recipe for Indian Curry dishes.
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
There's rarely a gravy recipe because it really is a matter of taste. Just be sure to rinse the spoon in very hot water each time you taste so you do not share germs....too many chefs think that this is lame....but too many guests get sick this way. Remember, too; there's dozens of types and strengths of Curry powder. You probably know that curry is actually a blend of several spices. Basically; I encourage coconut milk as a stock foundation for the curry sauce; but that's not an absolute.
I found the real war on Christmas
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
This was made for you!
Praise Santa
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
You might need to see this;
Green Heron
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
An especially good pic....considering no direct sunlight!
Hi all I live in the subtropic part of Australia and am hoping to get some garden beds set up and ...
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Trick with the tomatoes? Cut them back...often. It's tough getting fruit trees growing when you're surrounded with wildlife. My son and Daughter in law are going through similar struggles on a 2 acre farm in Jupiter Farms Florida. Good luck with keeping the wild ones away from your's a constant. wide.
Satan NotSanta
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Which one is fictional? Wait...nevermind...
The new Tesla Cybertruck.
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
follow up; Elon Musk tweeted Friday that several "after market" features will be available, including black and white "coatings" (not sure why he didn't call them "paint"), a camper cap, and a small all electric ATV, and 120 and 240 volt outlets, and an air compressor. Here's an image of the interior...
Hello from San Antonio. I hate Ted Cruz.
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Solution? Vote. More solutions? Encourage others to vote. I recommend #1. you save and share these images, and #2 buy wear and share the pins. I'm on my 3rd dozen.
I don't do many cat memes, but...
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
OK...I'm officially hooked.
So how do you reconcile heavenly light shining down after really good sex..?
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
So you're ASSuming the light source was "heavenly"? You need to watch #Religulous....
Couldn't resist; There's the Tesla truck concept.
Robecology comments on Nov 23, 2019:
And to follow up...


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Sexy Classy Pics
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Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
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Freedom from Religion Foundation
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596 members
The Watering hole
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Music of the Movies
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438 members
aussie sceptics
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424 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
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The Escapees- - Hide here!
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Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
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382 members
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Dating for Real People
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370 members
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Documentaries you should see
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visual art
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Online Dating: The Reality
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Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
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Geek's Corner
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303 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
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Hippie Land -
295 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
294 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
293 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
Jokes and humor about religion
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280 members
Workout Warriors
265 members
Battling Obesity
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Childfree Domain
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249 members
36 Questions
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General Forum
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Dharma Café
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122 members
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Earth Preservers
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116 members
110 members
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103 members
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78 members
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60 members
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Common Ground
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54 members
54 members
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50 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
No more war
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The Truth Is Out There
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Car Lovers Group
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Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
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Meatballs & Pasta
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Secular Teachers
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39 members
38 members
37 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
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36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
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Elon Musk
30 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
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Pin Ups
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Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members