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Author Salman Rushdie stabbed on stage before a lecture in New York
Robecology comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Sad prognosis...He might lose sight in one eye. Long recovery predicted. ""He's off the ventilator, so the road to recovery has begun," his agent, Andrew Wylie, wrote in an email to Reuters. "It will be long; the injuries are severe, but his condition is headed in the right direction."
Found yet another FreeThought of the Day...
Robecology comments on Aug 13, 2022:
And ain't it the truth. Gotta wonder why so many are still so #religulous
Author Salman Rushdie stabbed on stage before a lecture in New York
Robecology comments on Aug 12, 2022:
And what happened to the perpetrator? "We're monitoring the situation. Rushdie is getting the care he needs at a local hospital. I'll be giving more information on the identity of the perpetrator and the case that'll be brought in that part of the state." NY governor
FreeThought of the day; And it's been a while.
Robecology comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Women were vocal in the 1800's but suffered severe backlash for their out-spoken opinions. I'm sure that most of you know that women are still - today - seeking equality. Here's a brave, bold woman who politely said what she thought of "the Church".
Why is it difficult for many people to say the phrase "I don't know" ?
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
I recall a few good memes for that concept;
Thoughts and prayers bro
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Randy - the flaming gay musician...who just nails it every time!! Love the interview with Ted Cruz to start the video!
From the 1989 Ron Howard film Parenthood here is Love To See You Smile written and performed by ...
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Did you know that Randy wrote "Mama told me not to come"...even though 3 Dog Night made it a hit? Enjoy!
From the 1989 Ron Howard film Parenthood here is Love To See You Smile written and performed by ...
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Randy Newman is so great. Saw him live decades ago. One of my favorites of mine that he does is "Short People" Gotta ad that here; Here's a video of him recording it in his studio..a long time ago!
For some of us, you know it's true.
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
One of the major reasons I own a Tesla...damn that machine can accelerate!
Have some fun.....
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Ugh...I get the same "push" from my son and his well intending wife...why don't you do this/that, etc. I like my words with friends and Agnostic stuff! I guess I'll have to join that parachute club....
12 Herbs You Can Grow With Just Water All Year []
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Basil works best for me...I trim the leaves every 4-6 days and blend them with garlic and shelled pistachios for a nice Pesto!
I've been working up to getting back full tilt at the gym after about a 17 year layoff and being a ...
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Ah, yes...that' 50's plus push... when you realize you're going downhill faster and up your game trying to fight it. Good luck! I'm 77 and still working at it!
Monologue: Biden's Big F-ing Deal | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Bill's more complicated than Colbert and Noah....but he, too sums up the news pretty well! Thanks, Bill!
What get's you tongue tied? What work arounds do you use?
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
And yes...I also suffered...and still do...being tongue-tied. The workarounds are simply to conscientiously slow down and speak more slowly. Thats kind of why I love posting allows you time to organize your thoughts. Especially about pronouncing Worcestershire sauce!
Maybe the senate watched this and realized why we sent them to Washington? []
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Maybe - IF the senate - and any lawmakers - watched it? They obviously have not.
This is one of the things I don't miss pre internet, What are others you don't miss?
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
I feel bad for folks who "long" for the "good old days". It was full of inconveniences. It was full of delays It was full of accidents. Nope...I don't miss a thing about them days.
Trump Pleads the Fifth & Conservatives Claim The FBI Planted Evidence | The Daily Show ...
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Trevor Noah is right up there with Stephen Colbert... Great information with a twist of humor! "That's Amazing! I can just close my mouth?" LOLOL! and "if you're innocent why are you taking the 5th amendment"? LOLOL! And "guess who changed the laws to make what he did much more serious" LOLOL!
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - "Civil War" Trended On Twitter After Mar-A-Lago Raid | IHOP ...
Robecology comments on Aug 11, 2022:
This is what I say to people trying to preach to me.🤔
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Neil DeGrasse Tyson sums it up so politely;
Cincinnati downtown shooting leaves 9 injured overnight - CNN
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
A recent gun meme;
I look at the pictures of Palestinian dead and injured, mangled almost to a point beyond ...
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
I keep an Israeli info tab on my desktop. So sad/frightening what's going on there... And I had a Jewish mother. Embarrassing.
This is one of the better definitions I've found, what are yours?
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Ughhh..Ain't that the truth!
What get's you tongue tied? What work arounds do you use?
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
I watched a TV show illustrating how that stuff is made....marinating anchovies? Who'd a thunk it?
You just thought it was hot, its going to be hotter soon. []
Robecology comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Found this Homer Simpson cartoon which sums up how I feel
MSNBC - Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: Aug. 1 []
Robecology comments on Aug 2, 2022:
Rachel covered the history of Al -Zawahiri usual. She's amazing!
Kia Souless - surprised this one hasn't been vandalized yet seeing as it's in floriduh.
Robecology comments on Aug 2, 2022: proves most don't even read license plates.
I mean why? WTF?
Robecology comments on Jul 31, 2022:
Went to a local "united for Poverty" (u.p.) store....where many grocers give their overstock to be resold at discount prices...and got a real value... A "plant-based protein" by #Morningstar" that's very meat-like...dense, chewy, and - well, a filling food to have on tortillas. etc. The girlfriend said the package regularly sells for over $7. The UP store was selling them for 5 for a dollar... incredible...and so much more than a corn-dog!
I apologize, but...
Robecology comments on Jul 31, 2022:
With the population growing by over 200,000 more births, than deaths, each day...I'm not at all surprised; Watch the data change in real time here;
Brian Tyler Cohen - MUST-SEE: Jon Stewart goes viral EXCORIATING Republicans over disgusting stunt...
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Sadly...Stewart's "ecoriating" the GOP won't have much effect. the polls this november.
There is no justice , I tell you.
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
It's like the difference between a young pot/cannabis user and an elderly one. For kids it's cool to be ravenously hungry and hilariously forgetful. For elders it's called obesity and dementia.
Religion. It's given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. - John Stewart
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Which doesn't say much about the dependence of billions of people on the "hope" of religion. Nor their collective education level.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade ...
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Tesla was weird...but a true genius. He was most his prime....for evolving and encouraging Alternating current be adopted by cities and states...Famously...Thomas Edison argued - wrongly - that direct current was the future of community electricity. Edison famously electrocuted an elephant using alternating current to prove his point. Now we all know A.C. is dangerous...but you don't read about many dying from it. And the real story of "Topsy" the elephant was a sad be sure. But this event signaled the end of Edison's D.C. and the welcoming of Tesla's A.C. Interestingly...the Tesla car of today can be charged by both A.C. (slowly, from household outlets) and rapidly by D.C. at "Superchargers".
This is utterly fascinating and amazing.
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Not familiar with who you are talking about.
Yes, he grabbed it.
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
I'd click "like" but it's an offensive remark, calling a man a P...... Even that man. Call him a coward, a turncoat, a two-faced hypocrite...but we need to avoid the sexist remarks.
A day in the life of a panda caretaker🐼 []
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2022:
They nip. they bite. but they play in such an annoying yet adorable way!
Nostalgia, not always correct, but normally comforting.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2022:
The reason? Population density. The population then? around 3.7 billion. Today? closing in on 8 billion. It's been proven...over, and over again. In any genetics class it's a required lab. Grow a population in a contained situation and watch what happens. Population Density and Social Pathology Read the classic research - done in 1960-61. Published in '62.
Jan 6 Hearing Finale: Trump's Tantrum Outtakes & Hawley's Humiliating Run | The Daily Show ...
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2022:
"What a Loser" indeed.. And about him having difficulty reading a script? It's well known that he's - by far - the most ignorant former POTUS...ever; See how he compares with other presidents in his "Flesch reading score" below. And this video was from the daily show in November 2020; Nearly 2 years ago. I've kept it tabbed for a long time and share it often!
Putting it out there.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2022:
If they knew they were acting shitty...they probably wouldn't do it. So why call out someone on their shit if they don't give a shit about acting shitty? Why bother? They don't get it.
Love thy Neighbor? 🤣
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Stole it...shared on Twitter. Thanks, Scott.
You would not need to be from "conservative south" to relate to this, as my experience in PNW was ...
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2022:
You "would not need to be from "conservative south" - yet how many would even bother to read all this (or have the patience and/or comprehension)? This rant/diatribe is what conservatives call being "woke" - and what those of us who are educated/enlightened and generally "free=thinking" would call logic. What's PNW?
4 Non-Blondes - What's going on??!!!?? []
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2022:
An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: qxw1wrq29mTA75J1)
Rare and bizarre tentacle-trailing sea creature caught on video, expedition scientist’s 'mind is ...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2022:
Looks like the Crinoid fossils?
Too nerdy not to post
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2022:
Let's see...I just gave a bunch of those cords away to a charity group...Vincent's is just stereo cables? Bach's is just video? Stevie's is just sound, no video? I'm not interpreting this right, I'm afraid.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - DOJ Ready To Hold T Criminally Responsible For Jan 6 | Dems ...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2022:
I've heard Trump referred to (on Twitter) as T.F.G.; the Former Guy...I've also seen T.F.POTUS . Cute and charming references to he who we intend to not mention. The latin term for it is Damnatio memoriae; It's explained here;
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Stephen Colbert's Cyborgasm: Robots Make Pizza, MLB To Speed ...
Robecology comments on Jul 27, 2022:
My first LOL of the day!! Thanks, Bill! THe following interviews with Congressman Jamie Raskin gave me hope!
PBS NewsHour - Scientists measure how quickly crucial Antarctica glacier is melting ...
Robecology comments on Jul 27, 2022:
Found a similar article with no talking... Watch this time-lapse;
Brooklyn is full of scary as crap capitols. This one is in Park Slope.
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2022:
More please!
When I moved up to Alaska over 30 years ago I always carried this 35mm film camera everywhere.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2022:
The change from 35 mm film cameras to phone cameras came almost as a shock. I recall getting a fairly decent 35 mm as a gift....but- sadly - rarely used it...and eventually gave it away.
I'm thinking of looking into a French press for myself.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2022:
Tough call. There's good ones and there's pretty ones that don't do such a good job. I have the old French press around somewhere...haven't used it in ages...prefer the auto -drip machine. They vary in price from less than $10 to nearly $200...beware;
We survived! Lol!!!
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2022:
Plenty of parental abuse back then...done in the name of "stern parenting" Where have I heard this before? Oh, yea;
Just in case you were wondering what's in store, I've done the homework
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2022:
Cute....but his point is taken. There's not much to do once you've been "retired". I tried teaching a few years more...took a job at a Charter school...but the lower pay and more demands hit me hard. I went to substitute teaching for a couple of years more...and then I resigned myself to making urine.
In addition to good guys with guns being ineffective, the premise is defective.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2022:
Good one! Here's more....
Just a collection for comments
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Good collection!
Proud Gunmaker, SIG Sauer’s MCX-SPEAR Can Turbocharge Mass Shooters
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
For those who are fed up to here reading about more rapid-fire gun makers....basically the article said' "SIG Sauer’s new MCX-SPEAR fires bullets with**Twice the kinetic energy** of those from an AR-15. That means double the horrifying force that mangled the victims of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and left one youngster essentially decapitated. Isn't this good news?
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Celebs Flout CA Water Restrictions | Arnold Schwarzenegger ...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Yea...I found a sculpture of Biden made in Germany in 2011; He's in there among other great leaders...
Physicists Have Developed a Method for Predicting the Composition of Dark Matter: [scitechdaily.
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
I'm getting the feeling that we're making too much of this dark matter composition. I'm guessing that there's just more non-luminous stuff in our galaxies - that just can't be seen.
I so old that I remember when this was the standard. Were you a full service or self service?
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
And actually wore a uniform? With a hat? You must be in your 70's.
Biden Catches COVID & Boris Johnson Gives A "Terminator" Farewell Speech | The Daily Show ...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Fauci got it and he was well vaxed. Joe got it and he was well vaxed. Is this what we can expect? Hasta la Vista Baby? Really? And - BTW...I love Amazon... I think it's a great way to shop.. .It's going to end the brick and mortar shopping... But...buying health care? I guess costly health care is here to stay?
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - "Remarkably Compelling" - Chris Hayes On The Eighth Televised...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Meh...It was a monumental moment...but who's going to do anything about it? This was...and is...a message to all who can afford good lawyers. Get a good lawyer and you can get out of any trouble. I think we're seeing that in billboards across the nation. "So-n-so law firm got me $$$$" . And they can do it for you too! These are sad and dangerous times we live in.
Captain Nemo Considered Orcas Evil
Robecology comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Funny - but sad. Sadly...the Arctic might go completely ice-free in late summer soon...within a few years. Polar bears are adapting...many have learned to scavenge human garbage. Most are now in zoos. But wild Polar bears may not exist soon.
I went on a Bird of Prey photoshoot yesterday evening
Robecology comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Impressive! Is the dark faced, white hooded bird an owl or hawk? I don't recognize him/her.
To remember Robin Williams on his birthday ( July 21, 1951) : from the soundtrack of Good Morning ...
Robecology comments on Jul 21, 2022:
I'm beyond sad that we lost this man. Shame on the care-takers that let him be alone in his suffering.
MSNBC - Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: July 18 []
Robecology comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Thanks for the highlights. I've stopped watching her on TV. Merrick Garland is too wimpy to charge DJT. But that's just my opinion. And these memes are what I think about Barr... Thanks, Bill.
I figure if anyone forgets my birthday, it's my fault.
Robecology comments on Jul 20, 2022:
LOL...good POV! I keep telling friends and relatives...I got enough "stuff" - I just need their "time" and "company"... not "things". more socks!
Two old timers just jamming.
Robecology comments on Jul 20, 2022:
And Keith used Heroin most of his life (may still be using) and Willie - Cannabis. Go figure! I've listened to the audible "Life" by Richards many times...gave the recording away - and can't recall to whom... But here's a 5 minute sample of it; Any elder former drug users might want to listen..
I recognize the rest, but who thinks triangles are evil?
Robecology comments on Jul 20, 2022:
If you think anything is "evil" you're slipping in to a #religulous POV.
In 2021 the average raise for workers was around 4%. For CEO's it was 17%
Robecology comments on Jul 20, 2022:
If a CEO can't come up with a way to squeeze more money out of fewer people...his job is toast that's what CEO's do... It's the greed of the head of the companies that are causing this problem...not the CEO's. ---- America has set a 50 year record for low unemployment (n March of this year). Apparently more folk are happy making some money doing something than staying at home and collecting even more.
Does anyone have enough confidence in the US justice system to believe tRump will be put where he ...
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2022:
He lost the popular vote count...twice. He was a relatively rare, one term president. His reading level was and still is the lowest of any president (Google "Flesch test for presidents - or see image, below...the source of the graph is But he played the system well. Got rich with lots of tax schemes. Figured out how to play the real-estate market well. He did give inspiration to a lot of folk who tried to have their cake and eat it too... But I found this - a play on the words of Rod Serling..that really nails it;
Does anyone have enough confidence in the US justice system to believe tRump will be put where he ...
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2022:
It seems that the Republican "Christo-Fascist" machine has paid too many lawyers too well to find loopholes in our Constitution and laws that keep this man not only free, but keeps him and his family on the Secret service protection list and the presidential retirements benefits list. He's slick,,,and he knows it...but apparently he knows this, too;
"...breaker ...breaker 1 - 9..." who else ha a CB radio?
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Yep...I was "Falcon" and often chatted with "Bird man" and "Osprey" times...1970's to 1980's/
Christian values.
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Hard to believe that a solid agnostic such as yourself posted these. Trees and ocean waves are indeed beautiful...but they do NOT prove a creator exists. And why do they constantly refer to a creator as "he"? Why "sexualize" an alleged creator or creating force? And what evidence is there that "God loathes the corruption and evil of this world" Again...what's your motive for sharing these obviously fraudulent POV's @Fernapple?
What a Martian meteorite can teach us about Earth's origins: []
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2022:
I like this question; "One of the most intriguing questions: why Mars, now dry and cold, evolved so differently from Earth, a flourishing planet for life?" And the answer, to those who have studied our Solar system's evolution - is clear. When the sun was larger - earth was a boiling mass of lava...and Mars was very earth-like...and probably had oceans and simple life forms. Then the sun shrank, and cooled. Earth became moderately temperatured....and Mars core solidified...and the atmosphere blew away...and it became cold, lifeless, and with the core solidified it lost its magnetosphere...hence it's no longer protected from gamma earth still is. But our future is looking like Mars has become. Despite human abuse with fossil fuels...the sun is shrinking and Earth is destined to evolve like Mars is now. The next planet that might evolve earth like conditions appears to be Venus - not Mars.
Three Illuminating Quotes About The War In Ukraine
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2022:
I like this quote - in the article; "None of this is to say that Russia is blameless in this war; if I provoke someone into punching somebody they are still morally responsible for having thrown the punch, but I am also responsible for having provoked it. Russia is responsible for its actions, and the US/NATO/Ukraine power structure is responsible for its actions. Putin is responsible for invading, the western empire is responsible for provoking that invasion. Not complicated."
My age is showing.
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2022:
I'm guessing it's not just our seems to have plateaued then - then nose-dived - in quality, in lyrics, in the whole area.
"Summer time, when the livin', is easy."
Robecology comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Where's this taken...and what's the game called?
If they put a MAGA sign on the post, the alligators will not go hungry as the tRump sheeps will ...
Robecology comments on Jul 16, 2022:
I saw this sign a few years ago when driving across Florida on State 41. I think it was at the Shark Valley inside-the-park road...for runners and bicycles only.,-80.9274007,75489m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!1m2!2m1!1sEverglades,+Florida+Shark+valley!3m5!1s0x88d98ad87054fac7:0x8c28d38bded397e0!8m2!3d25.7569444!4d-80.7652778!15sCiBFdmVyZ2xhZGVzLCBGbG9yaWRhIFNoYXJrIHZhbGxleVohIh9ldmVyZ2xhZGVzIGZsb3JpZGEgc2hhcmsgdmFsbGV5kgEOdmlzaXRvcl9jZW50ZXI
Cafeteria religion. For fucks sake, be consistent.
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Quick answer? THESE!
Not only do they demand complete control of their electronic grid, they also want this as well.
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I have my first tomato starting to turn red in my greenhouse! Let the celebration begin - Woohoo!
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2022:
The seeds...did you grow them from other tomatoes?
Dry toast and four fried chickens. And a coke. []
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2022:
The cast that was signed on and had real acting parts in that movie was incredible. Ray Charles, Cab Calloway, James Brown...just to mention a few. Watch it over and's a rare movie!
The little plant is growing very well
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2022:
The leaf shape and the vines (and trellis) give it the grapes!
See the deepest image ever taken of our universe, captured by James Webb Telescope This is the ...
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2022:
For those who like to view the first JWST images directly, there's this site;
Never try to argue with an idiot.
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I have two fovorite memes for that wonderful thought;
Just a warning...
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Oh, darn...about you leaving...not about the sick and twisted nature! ( better not leave!).
The Damage Report - Alex Jones CRACKS Threatening To Sacrifice His Own Finger []
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Darn...did he actually do it? Huh? Please say he actually went through with it?
Some Some More News Clips - Every Bill Maher SMN, So Far - CodyComps []
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I concur...but this video producer is obviously on an ego trip. My favorite Clip from Bill is a kind of laugh at Elon Musk and his push to go to Mars; From Earth day Eve, April 21, 2017!
Just one more cup...
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Coffee junkie here...I concur!
The History Of Earth's Five Mass Extinction Events | The Next Great Extinction Event | Spark ...
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Super-detailed video! So impressive that scientists have quietly discovered these facts. The point is that we're likely to go's no big deal. Another good video that's simpler is the Video by the History channel; A 44 minute video that explains the different colors of the atmosphere and water at different times in our planet's life...including a time when we were totally covered in ice and were called the "snowball planet"
Whoops, Humans Made a Space Barrier Around Earth The kicker?
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
And it's this radiation - that our liquid core protects us from - that will stop any humans from inhabiting Mars (whose core has solidified eons ago). "Radiation Makes Human Missions to Mars Too Dangerous":
Look At These Assholes: Trump Family Edition | The Daily Show Throwback []
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Can anyone point out other obvious differences?
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Thanks for this...
The gas stations will no longer be posting the price of gas per gallon if gas prices keep going up.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
You jest....but prices have no where to go but up. Hopefully, Electric vehicles will become more abundant...sooner rather than later;
For Tom Hank's 66th birthday today (B: July 9, 1956), Streets of Philadelphia from his 1993 film ...
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
One of the saddest, bittersweet movies I've seen Tom in. Bruce's music was touching...
Another throw back from my orange years.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
But the danger. Consider yourself a survivor. That was one treacherous job...or so it appears to have been.
It is not often a a designer, that you get to go back and visit a garden you made many years ago, ...
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I had a hard time figuring this one out... but the round stone ball helped. Try more images looking across the garden with the ball in the background - as in the original.
Mcflewster asked me to quote myself, so by special request this time only.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Greed is the perfect addiction.
The staggering scope of U.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Sad that we've become this; But the mental illness is a direct result of overpopulation. This was a paper I read in my junior year in High School. 1962 It opened my eyes to "demography" and the cause and effect of population density. Titled, "Population Density and Social Pathology" by John B. Calhoun. It basically said the more crowded ANY organism becomes, the more they act in pathologically violent and intolerant ways. and Calhoun wasn't the first to make the connection; In the celebrated thesis of **Thomas Malthus,** vice and misery impose the ultimate natural limit on the growth of populations. of Any organism. Not just humans. Students of the subject have given most of their attention to misery, that is, to predation, disease and food supply as forces that operate to adjust the size of a population to its environment. But what of vice? Setting aside the moral burden of this word, what are the effects of the social behavior of a species on population growth-and of population density on social behavior?
Silver alert (Florida members knows what it is) issued.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Too funny. So sad that apparently he's immune from prosecution;
They share the responsibility for all the hate in this country.
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Here's the same illustration without the "religion" fuel. If you go to "meme-maker" you can fix this.
They share the responsibility for all the hate in this country.
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2022:
@noworry28 Cool illustration... ....but not scientifically accurate. To be correct, the "ignorance" flask should have the outlet **above the surface of the liquid **- to allow for the vapors to "distill" in to hate. Like this; Feel free to copy mine.


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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1141 members
handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty
1100 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1017 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
937 members
Gun Control Now
923 members
Sexy Classy Pics
774 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
All Things Astronomy
732 members
Critical thinking
666 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
646 members
Mental Health Support
631 members
598 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
508 members
Florida Freethinkers
444 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
438 members
422 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
416 members
Community Senate
385 members
Critter Corner
373 members
372 members
Dating for Real People
370 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
355 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
336 members
visual art
327 members
"Positive Vibes"
325 members
Documentaries you should see
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Online Dating: The Reality
322 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
317 members
Geek's Corner
307 members
304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
304 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Hippie Land -
291 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
256 members
Childfree Domain
252 members
36 Questions
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247 members
Baby Boomers
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Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
225 members
Simply Atheist
221 members
General Forum
205 members
The Best of Late Night & News
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Science and religion. :) lets debate
196 members
Simple Thoughts
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Non-nude sexy pics
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Memes edited
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182 members
Science Fiction & Godlessness
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Sun Moon Stars
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Biden 2020
141 members
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140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
109 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
At Retirement!
92 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
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Crass Comedy
87 members
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80 members
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79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
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74 members
Age Related
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Healthy Living
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Atheist News Network
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62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
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The Path of a Taoist
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Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
No more war
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Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members