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From June of 2018 in Eastern Colorado (my dad's farm).
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Nice! great detail. Nicely focused.
Guten Morgen from hot sticky Florida, where it will be in the upper 90's again today! But I regress...
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I was industrious as a kid. I sold seeds (I had made a string to hold a box of seeds around my neck) door-to-door, I asked my dad to make number stencils so I could spray paint them on the curbs for a fee. I also sold American flags and light bulbs! other jobs I held before I graduated and became a teacher... -paperboy -hamburger/flipper/sales -gas station attendant -life-guard -swim coach -delicatessen "stock boy" -stock person at "Mays" department store -camera sales and stock-clerk I guess you could say I worked hard to earn it....
Beyonce and jayzee nude...
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Almost sad about this; neither look happy, or "in to" eachother....such a false, phony looking shot....sorry; me no-likey!
Who wore it better?
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Anyone remember the song that 'the monster" was singing? I do....
I can think of a few others, too!
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
That's the key to "eternal life" memorable things; Don't ask friends to simply "remember you" something that they will remember you by. Then you will literally "stay alive" in the minds of at least one generation. Truly great ones will live for several generations due to famous speeches, good acting, good books, and/or good works.
I hope you got good snacks!
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Not so sure about that. Best friends are courteous. Presumptive, rude, arrogant friends just ASSume it's OK to come in any time. Nope; my best friends and close family knock and/or call before coming over.
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
It might be too little, too late. We tried our best to push the Mueller the time Mueller spoke in his round-about logic about "i didn't say you can't impeach him" I think his wishy-washy report says DJT pulled it off. So now we just keep our fingers crossed....and make damned sure we follow the debates and elect someone who will so soundly trounce DJT that it will set all sorts of voting records.
Missouri lawmaker proposes bill that says anyone over 21 has to have one (an ar-15). What the hell?
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Weak Gun Laws and Public Safety Concerns in the State of Missouri
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I'm sorry; but I must disagree. If the Congress starts closing in on DJT he'll just resign. He'll hand the reigns over to Pence; like Nixon did to Ford. That will throw us from the frying pan into the fire; because Pence will then pardon DJT. Pence is Trump's worshiper. His "do-boy". He'll simply pardon DJT....which would then make him eligible for retirement benefits....which would then allow him to go do his leisure thing whie we pay for it.... AND Pence would do his bidding... .AND the cabinet wouldn't change a thing. No. No impeachment. DJT wants that push so he can blame the congressmen and women on him quitting. Then if Pence pardons him....he would be eligible to run again in 2020 and perhaps even 2024. No!! Stop pushing impeachment! Play a little chess. Make a few mental moves ahead of him. That would be disaster for us. The only solution is to keep a tight rein on him...then vote him thoroughly and convincingly out in 2020. Beware. The Trump voter will be out in droves. They are blind to his misgivings. They will flood the polling booths in 2020. This is our best hope - to get out and vote him out in 2020.
Magazine done, mailing list sent, so time to toke down and dig some jams! I'll start on the light ...
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
"An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: oNfMBNbKJdin49Pf) "
Do you know any aliens - the outer space kind?
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
We won't physically "travel" to distant stars...but I'm impressed with SETI....a small group of scientists who have to write long dissertations to meagerly fund their Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. Did you know that you can let "SETI" use your home computer to analyze data?'s not a matter of IF we hear from's WHEN... will have to leave your computer on. costs you nothing. Yes...if your computer is first to find a will become famous. doesn't take up much space (10mb) nor time (2 hours a week). Jump in!
Horseshoe crab at Huntington Beach, State Park....
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Great capture. Did you know they have green blood? They've dated fossils of Horseshoe crabs over 445 million years old...with essentially the same design. Oldest Horseshoe Crab Fossil Found, 445 Million Years Old ... Scientists have revealed rare new horseshoe crab fossils from 445 million year-old Ordovician age rocks in central and northern Manitoba, which are about 100 million years older than any previously known forms. Few modern animals are as deserving of the title “living fossil” as the lowly horseshoe crab.
"Love & Pain" Love and pain, how these two often connect With emotions on deck In check Of art ...
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Good poetry. There's poetry groups here within might consider posting there. Here's a similar view on Love and Pain...with a more optimistic Sting; Brand New Day Sting How many of you people out there been hurt in some kind of love affair? And how many times do you swear that you'll never love again? How many lonely, sleepless nights? How many lies, how many fights? Well, why would you want to put yourself through all that again? "Love is pain, " I hear you say Love has a cruel and bitter way Of paying you back for all the faith you ever had in your brain! How could it be that what you need the most... Can leave you feeling just like a ghost? You never want to feel so sad and lost again! One day you could be looking Through an old book in rainy weather You see a picture of her smiling at you When you were still together You could be walking down the street And who should you chance to meet But that same old smile you've been thinking of all day Why don't we turn the clock to zero, honey? I'll sell the stock, we'll spend all the money We're starting up a brand new day Turn the clock all the way back I wonder if she'll take me back I'm thinking in a brand new way Turn the clock to zero, sister You'll never know how much I missed her I'm starting up a brand new day Turn the clock to zero, boss The river's wide, we'll swim across Started up a brand new day It could happen to you, just like it happened to me There's simply no immunity, there's no guarantee I say love is such a force if you find yourself in it, babe Need sometime for reflection you say Baby, wait a minute,... Why don't we turn the clock to zero, honey? I’ll sell the stock, we’ll spend all the money We’re starting up a brand new day (brand new day) Turn the clock to zero, Mac I'm begging her to take me back I’m thinking in a brand new way Turn the clock to zero, boss The river’s wide, we’ll swim across Starting up a brand new day Turn the clock to zero, buddy Don’t wanna be no fuddy-duddy We're starting up a brand new day I'm the rhythm in your tune I'm the sun and you're the moon I'm a bat and you're the cave You're the beach and I'm a wave I’m the plow and you’re the land You're the glove and I'm the hand I'm the train and you're the station I'm a flagpole to your nation I’m the present to your future You’re the wound and I’m the suture You’re the magnet to my pole I’m the devil in your soul (stand up) You’re the pupil, I’m the teacher You’re the church and I’m the preacher (it's a brand new day) You’re the flower, I’m the rain You’re the tunnel, I’m the train Stand up all you lovers in the world Stand up and be ...
What are some reasons you are afraid to commit?
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
There's a whole spectrum of folk out there from those Ready/willing/able to commit to those who are fed-up/done/finished with relationships. Some have kids. Some don't. Some are ready to start a family. Some have grown kids. That's why internet dating is useful. It lets you narrow it down - range (how far will you/they travel), age, height, religious-ness...etc. Know your limits...
Also on weekends😊
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
The phone system was complicated.
The red-rumped swallows have finished building their nest but it has been stolen by a pair of ...
Robecology comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I recently (last week) ran in to an eye-level nest....complete with young ones! Maybe you can help me I.D. them?
Climate change could pose ‘existential threat’ to humanity by 2050, advocates say - ABC News
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Folks. Did you ever have a mechanic, or someone who "knows your car"....suggest that you get something fixed/replaced soon....or you could find yourself stranded? Many of us have taken this a variety of ways. We've ignored them. and nothing happened. We've ignored them..and discovered they were right. We trusted them. Plunked down money....and still ran in to trouble. OR...We trusted them...plunked down the money...and never looked back. Situation solved. Well that's where we're at with these dire warnings. Elon Musk; Scientist, genius, billionaire, CEO of Tesla, SolarCity, SpaceX, and the Boring company... calls it the "dumbest experiment ever"
Today would have been our 15th wedding anniversary.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
I lost a young wife in '77. I was 32, she was 29. So it does take years to move on. Tip; try to change your behavior when any bad memories come back. Smile and recall the good times. Banish the thoughts of bad times. Ken Keyes suggested..."hold on tightly....let go lightly"....
I had an experience this weekend that made me consider that there may be a God and he must hate me.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
David Fry gave a great answer to this issue;
The eyes and the look with the great body, the most handsome men i've ever seen aside from ...
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Something amazing about "steely eyed" men and!
I’m so sick of people being dicks
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
By "Dick" I'm guessing they're implying being a dumb male? How about being a "Cunt" I'm guessing that "Cunt" implies being a dumb female? Better yet; how about we drop the sexist connotations? I hate both of them. They're wrong.
Hello from Michigan! I am a former Evangelical (ages 0-22).
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Yo! How ya doin! Thanks for joining us!
Any advice?
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Ken Keyes Jr. (now deceased) was my go-to guide for relationships. He inspired me - and I've now known his works for close to 50 years. He's the one that I've often quoted here (Hold on tightly, let go lightly and many other gems of relationshp wisdom) order one of his many's a good all time favorite (I'm on my third? Fourth? copy) is "Handbook to Higher Consciousness",204,203,200_.jpg
Meet Some filipino sexy and delectable celebrity😁
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Good looking women!
High-flying ladybug swarm shows up on National Weather Service radar []
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Amazing. I hope no air traffic was hurt by that dense a swarm...
Ancient Ocean Tides on Venus Turned the Planet into Hell []
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
I'm so sorry he feels compelled to talk so quickly. His accent makes it hard for me to follow...I have to stop and replay the video several times. Otherwise a very thorough presentation...worthy of a doctoral thesis....but definitely talking over my head - or at least, too fast. The presenter is Anton Petrov....not sure of his nationality...but really quite a brilliant chap....
She's a fighter..
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
We have to prepare for the massive onslaught of these witless voters in 2020. They are devout. They think he can do no wrong. More and more surveys favor DJT winning if we who don't support him can't make up our minds.
How very Canadian!
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
I don't think a "Mountie" would "sit" in a canoe like that; anyone who's had some canoe experience knows you don't sit on the sit or kneel in the canoe...
"The measure of the state's success is that the word anarchy frightens people, while the word state ...
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Shared on FB. Brilliant.
A couple of times, in the movie, "Religulous," Atheist, Bill Maher, is asked, "What if you're ...
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
If "I'm wrong" and I've lived a life NOT devoted to god, Why would I not go to heaven? Even a promise of "hell" for "unbelievers" implies a life after death. What if they're wrong....and there's just "nothing"? Then all that worshiping, paying tithes, time and money to support the #religulous will have been a waste. ....and don't give me that "god is watching" thing. Hitler conscientiously worked to kill millions. Do you think because he said "I believe" and "forgive me father" that he got in to heaven and the Jews he exterminated didn't? Oh...and in the words of Penn Jillette; What's to keep an atheist from killing, robbing, and murdering? Nothing. That's why an Atheist is more morally upright than a #religulous person; We do good because it feels good. It feels right. The #Religulous only do good because "god tells them to".
I shared some thoughts in the Politics Category earlier.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
If you call names instead of debating facts, you are #1. violating community standards. and #2. Not debating - you're arguing. Ask any debate coach. Google "debate rules". Once you name call you've - -admitted defeat -lose the debate -get no points...or if in a debate class, get an F. The rules are simple; -debate the issues. -don't make this personal. We're all here for the common good. As a fiscal conservative that also wants to see success in our government, accomplishment (MAGA) and efforts to reduce our deficii - yet not a believer in God....I think we're all on the same page. Teach me with references - don't degrade me with rudeness. I recommend you read this image; and perhaps save it, or at least tab it. You want to make your points as close to the top of the pyramid as possible.
Happy Hippy Wednesday.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Oh...dear....Happy Hippy Wednesday....recalling my favorite TV ad...for give me....Mikey...hope you like camels....
Happy Hippy Wednesday.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
For all you hip, mellow dudes....Forgive the ad...but this is too funny! (happy "hump" day)
Happy Hippie Wednesday.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Where is "Hippie Land? I searched it; found this...
Why Trump is welcome in England - just as all from the USA are welcome - because once many turned ...
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
By all means allign with economic strategies. But by every means possible work to keep peace. Not by building up weapons.
Good morning, my lovelies :) I hope you're all doing well.
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Good point about being a relatively new name to a great market...I hadn't a clue if the possessive S should be added or left thanks for that. So let's define "peeve" it anger showing intolerance? Should we not have "peeves" to have a healthier mentality? I might have been guilty of misusing the Aldi's or Aldis "s" addition simply because I hadn't learned the wiser use. Perhaps there are those who comment that are simply not as wise as we are? Should we be "peeved" at their grammar faux-pas or should we politely try to educate them? As a 45 year teacher veteran....this is constantly a challenge for me! Let me sit on my hands, as well!
New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ Starting in 2050 - ...
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Elon Musk; Ignoring the warning of Climate change might be "The Dumbest experiment in history ever"
Char Sui Korean Bar BQfor dinner tonight
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Nice....I'll be going shopping later...its' been a while since I've had BBQ pork...and string beens...inspiring! You didn't include a recipe; so here you go! It sounds a bit sweet to me....I might use less honey....
Bravo, Britain! []
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
You beat me to it; I think I was even about to share the same link...nope...different I'll share here...Funny signs, with a British "twist"....LOLOL!
Can a potential romantic relationship move too slow?
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
The "waiting" game. Someone's playing it more than the other. "Waiting" to see if loneliness prompts initiating contact. It could be said that it's a wise game...or just a game...or a game for "players"....but it can be frustrating. Who's going to be more "upfront"? More "honest" ? More "forthright"? Who's going to look at being more "upfront" as too aggressive, too assertive, too anxious....and who's going to look at being "upfront" aa having healthy, strong feelings? Ugh...Games people's the reason many are happily alone.
Is this appropriate for a first date?
Robecology comments on Jun 5, 2019:
We completely know her intentions...
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Three ways to respond to a personal "attack" !. Take them seriously and work to correct the issue in a positive way 2. Take them seriously and be offended and confused, feeling helpless and hopeless. 3. Don't take them seriously. They don't really know you ...and/or their opinions don't matter. Chose 1 and 3 as often as you can. Try to avoid reaction #2.
Here is a doctor with some interesting and valuable information for both men and women.
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Not comfortable with an "alleged" doctor just talking with no data, no visuals. Call me "agnostic" in all areas...I "don't know" until you prove it to is cheap.
Jimmy Carter gets tenure at Emory University []
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Wow; Carter, 94, who has taught at Emory for 37 years, was given tenured faculty appointment in four schools: the Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, Candler School of Theology and Rollins School of Public Health. I would be so honored to be sitting in on any of his classes. Rare wisdom; still going strong....
Your Morning Perk up :-)
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
When WTF becomes....WHHHOOOOO?
It's a sign!
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Gray days ahead?
They're ready for it..
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
i don't get it?
Confession: ... In Coffee I God.
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Disclaimer; bought for me by a "religulous" friend...but apropos here!
Coka-cola ©
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Good point! It's a lie to call it "Coca-Cola" about "Caffeine-cola"...better yet...go back to Coca....
Whats on the menu today? I know...
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Delicious...and nutritious!
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Shared on "Conservative Bless"...a group on FB (that hasn't blocked they'll likely do that).
Good morning! Sorry I've been neglecting this here group ... no excuses! I'll be back tomorrow ...
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
No need to "apologize" then run without some sort of question...I them :( An idea; ask...why are you here? then do more polls or surveys.... 1. For the dating -to find/meet a lover 2. For the social interaction - 3. A combination of both 4. Neither 1 nor 2....just keeping up on social views...don't like to comment.
Costco in Alaska knows how to do King Crab ...Alaska Seafood Rocks !!!
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
That's a questionable "display" of excess...I hope that all that seafood gets eaten...but I doubt it....I hope the price is good for quick purchases....
Team Biden? Yikes! []
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
I stopped the video after a minute. Any news person that stays on to ramble and rant that long has a very blown up ego issue. OK...Biden is tanking. told us so. nauseum...(I'm a Bernie fan...can you tell?). Someone please tell Kyle that he needs to get to the point faster....and without so much "I told you so" rambling...
Let's Talk About Niche Gaming Systems.
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
But such an important skill to learn...Diagnosing cancer by "feel" to see there's real technology to support this....
My "special" color irises are blooming now.
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
So Nice!
3 June 2019 - Diet Diary - How do we accumulate SO MUCH JUNK?
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Yes! I'm gathering stuff to take to my Animal shelter good-will store. They're the best of all the locals...loaded with little treasures...very reasonable...negotiable...thanks for the inspiration! Not a good diet day....I gave in and had a "muscle brownie" before bedtime..gained a little....
Each of them is very confident to end up in heaven and all the others in hell.
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
I feel sadness for them - they're just locked in to a delusion created in our past.
You may not.....
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
By the beach. With a view; and I can hear the waves with the windows open. Who'd a thunk it? But it is...indeed....where I am meant to be!
I'm finally here after all these years.🤗
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Wow; copied and shared...this one nails it for me!
Spot the differences? LOL! Gotta feel sorry for her Majesty....
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Obama is gracious like that; she's probably on a pedestal next to him. Trump likes to appear taller - the Queen didn't care about pedestals in that image. Notice in pictures with Kim Jung Un (seated) that Kim's seat was much higher. (see link)
But japanesey women are tiny and pretty🙂
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Tiny and lovely is good; voluptuous, fit and lovely is better.
Is Jew a religion or ethnicity?
Robecology comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Trump is all insults and gripes as European trip begins -- until he meets the queen [msn.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Dare we compare?
Here’s how London is (hilariously) trolling Trump during his state visit [fastcompany.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Here's a video of his pro-Brexit buddy calling him "unfit" for the office of the President...
I don't remember the book.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019: asked for it;
I remember 70s gas rationing and having to wait in line to get it.😠
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Did you see the price on that pump? $0.45.9? Wow! Personally; as an ecologist, I'm real happy about E.V.'s (I'm on my second Tesla) and not having to "pump gas" anymore....
How can you expand on this comment ☕️🤗
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Mmmmmmm internet "smell-o-sensation"?
A ruby throated hummingbird that has been regularly visiting my feeders.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
You even caught him/her with their tongue out! (3rd pic)...cute!
Why do you use
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I originally signed up here because I was "looking for a woman to come in to my life". But at 73....I've pretty much 'given up" that search for a "lover". I had recently moved farther away from a long distant (60 miles/1 hour) relationship to double that distance - It's been 13 years of off again-on again-off again - where we can't 'agree to disagree". The move helped me "distance" myself from her.... I gave up on "match" and POF....a few dead ends left me depressed. gave me some optimism. But then I learned that is much more like FB; much more of just a social media site...for talking about different things....learning and sharing....which I've come to love even more than the "persuit" of a lady to love! ...and while that's been going on I'm learning to love myself better. I definitely feel some mental health improvement thanks to good people on this site.
This says it all
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Cute, but naive. People don't "hate for no reason". There's love, hate and indifference. You only "hate" someone you've come to know who has then done something to betray you, disrupt your life, been dishonest to you. Or you've decided that they have habits or behaviors that are intolerant to you, that they won't adjust, or change. So you usually - almost always - hate a former loved one. We all are "indifferent" to strangers... We "hate" politicians only because they've obviously made promises...then lied.
The question is, "Does the DNC really want to beat Trump?" []
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
In a word...yes. Of course they want to beat him. The question that we failed on in 2016 is...who is the most electable? IMO...the most electable will be the one who wins the most primaries. He or she will win the debates. They will lay out their platform the best, the most logical, the easiest to understand. We can't let our evaluation of the populace get fooled again. the request of some readers here...I'm taking a risk, here...but if you email me I'll give you my PO Address; then if you send me a SASE I'll send you a button. I got nearly a dozen left. I think the SASE will need two stamps. Better yet; order a dozen; C'mon...let's do this! We can't afford 4 more years..let alone 1.8 more years. I recommend you buy and wear these buttons. I'm on my 3rd dozen. Wear 'em and share 'em. I'm not related in any way to this isn't a scam or a profit motive; My only 'profit" is the extreme joy of a resounding defeat in 2020. The website info's on the button image; click on it to enlarge it.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Nice. I didn't get how it's funded?
China is an existential threat to the free world.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
The Chinese are an enigma. Look around your home. Everything we own is "made in China". They figured out to make everything from Rolex watches to Teslas to nails, screws, forks and spoons faster, better, and cheaper there. Obviously they're suppressive, and harsh, if not downright cruel to their populace... Yet 1/3 of them have solar hot water heaters on their roofs....and a growing percentage are getting power from alternative energy -years ahead of us. A few years ago they were opening a coal powered plant every week. Now they're closing down that many. We have to figure out a way to make our labor force as devoted and brilliant as they are without the hostilities of an oppressive government. If we don't - we'll slide more in to 3rd world nation status; ignorant and poor; while they continue to grow and dominate in the world.
The question is, "Does the DNC really want to beat Trump?" []
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Moot question.
The question is, "Does the DNC really want to beat Trump?" []
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
There is hard data that shows that a centrist Democrat would be a losing candidate Duh...ys think? Of course the DNC wants to win. They just let greed and money get in the way of logic and wisdom. This will be answered in the upcoming debates. I'm pulling for Bernie to come out of this smelling like a rose.
Do the folk in Glocca Morra ever ask how we are?
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Had to google Glocca Morra...imaginary village in Ireland?
My t-shirt finally arrived today. Next I got to try it on after my fundamentalist spouse cools off.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Pictures, please!
Turns out, Earth's Atmosphere Would Evaporate Around Most Stars []
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Smart fellow. Good presentation.
Back in the daze when I was a booking agent and band manager I used to tell my bands never do ...
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Indeed...Hendrix was just such a talent....
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Shared on Conservative Bless on Facebook....I know I'll get tons of hate - replies - but it's worth it.
Ok guys, ive posted before that there would be some changes in my group.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I think I like your cooking posts more....but I can't stop looking at your S-C pics, either!
I’m becoming a coffee snob.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I've had the very same grinder. Love it. Coffee black, with just a little sugar. I alternate between the paper filters and the re-useable/gold-coated one. Ahhhh! Sipping the brew now.... May you have many years and thousands of cups of coffee in your future!
Good morning everyone. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Back at ya!
Sorry guys but this really made me laugh. Lol
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Just change the word "men" to women...then let's see you laugh...pure sexist...
Classical beauty
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Sexy and Classy winner of the day!
Looks like I am going to be changing my status.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Kudos, Aaron! Life begins at 50! Enjoy!
Fred & Ginger dancing to "The Continental" from the 1934 film "The Gay Divorcee.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Amazing dancing...and her in heels! Wow!!
Today, somewhere in the Rockies, west of Kalispell, MT.
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I tried posting my panoramic shots...and had no luck. How did you do it?
Don't Put a 2020 Trump Bumper Sticker on your Car!
Robecology comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I found a better Bumper sticker...
I need HELP.
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I'm a 73 year old gent who's been divorced since '06...and in and out of a Long distance relationship; so I can sort of identlfy. It's a very important question that needs to be asked to a pro - your GP at least, more appropriately, your Urologist. He won't ask you have to ask him. But having said that... There's several things to consider; 1. Are the women who are "coming on" to you (the 200 horny old women) attractive to you? If they're not a "turn-on" then you might be normal, but your intimate associates are just not inspiring you. Perhaps it's time to find a younger/youthful woman who is, in turn, turned on by you? 2. You might have to accept the fact that sexual intimacy is over in your life. A wife of 65 years will leave such a deep impression on your psyche that no woman might ever satisfy you or stimulate you again. 3. Consider all the options besides intercourse. Oral sex can be fun...and stimulating to you! 4. If you have the $$ and the options to travel, consider visiting or calling a "sex therapist". I haven't found any, but I would gladly pay for a young lady to "come in to my life" with the possibility of giving me sexual pleasure and even company. The world's oldest profession has not made many strides in legally "attending" to the many elder senior men in this world. Make your interests and availability known; starting with your GP and Urologist...then talk to friends.
My father died today.
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Sad to hear. Tom. Keep the good times in your mind as much as possible If he could have made one last wish I'm sure he'd wish for your happiness.
The artwork of R. Crumb - who else had this album?
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
In fact; Crumb just recently made a cartoon version of the "Book of Genesis" which, although it's a subtle tongue-in-cheek sarcastic approach to the original bible tale, has hit it big with Christians who don't get the subtle humor! It was even PG rated...LOL!
The artwork of R. Crumb - who else had this album?
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Robert is still alive, still producing art and lives in the South of France.
How inappropriate to call this planet Earth, when it is clearly Ocean. - Arthur C. Clarke
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Indeed; With 70% of the planet covered by Ocean, it is by far the predominant habitat. And the most advanced species on the planet is not the earth-dwelling human; it's the several groups of Ocean dwelling Cetaceans. The whales and Dolphins. Consider; -they have no homes. -no factories -no money -no farms -no schools -no places of worship All they do, all day, is eat, play, and make love. They have no clothes. -no armies -no technology -no hospitals -no doctors -no funerals -no cancer Yet they have an advanced form of communication - both inter and intra-species. They have one natural enemy; the land dwelling homo sapiens have invented boats and some populations still hunt and kill them. Others trap them for their entertainment. We generally don't consider them "advanced" because they haven't developed the complex, land-dominating lifestyle that we have. But we still seek intelligent life communications on distant stars... Perhaps we should look more closely at the advanced life forms already here?
"Why should I fear death?
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
My favorite discussion of death is by my favorite Scientist/Atheist, Richard Dawkins;
An oldie/ goodie!
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
His name is chances are good that throwing in "Jesus Christ' there has no effect....
Any ZZ Top Fans out there? Still alive and kicking.
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Hell yes. Let me share one of my all time favorites....both for visual and for sound... The lyrics- .....meh....but the boys were more about the jam than the words...
How'd he get in there?
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Leonard Nimoy was a great actor; and his character was largely his personality; In fact he wrote two books; "I am not Spock" in '75, then "I am Spock" in '95. His iconic "Live Long and Prosper" earned him great success as a TV and movie star, along with his original split 4 fingered peace sign. In 2015 an asteroid was named 4864 Nimoy in his honor. I miss Spock....and I miss Nimoy. Of all the Star Wars and Star Trek actors he was my favorite.
Windmill Terror
Robecology comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Well windmills wipe out all the bald eagles (lie) and the noise causes must be true, right?


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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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