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Coolest thing I have seen today. []
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Mayflies? fish trying to capture them? Where was this?
I Am Not A Fan Of America’s 46th President The American political landscape is complicated.
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Google "history of 3rd party startups in America"'ll see there's been many attempts. None have worked. We like 2 sided fights; Either you're #religulous or you're not. Either you favor immigration or you don't. You favor welfare and goodwill toward the poor and struggling or you don't . You're a capitalist/environmental abuser or a socialist/tree-hugger. War monger/police-the-world zealot or Give-peace-a-chance hippie. We're a nation of contrasts. No 50 shades of gray here...only black and white. Maybe in a few decades...but not in the near future.
Can't let facts get in the way
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Here's a great video interview of Neil deGrasse Tyson by Bill Moyers...with highlights in the text (in case you can't sit through the whole video).
Here is question.
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
The religulous tend to be nice folk...just not too bright. I used to ignore the religious they're important.
In case you missed it... []
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
John Oliver got Bill Nye to go bonkers! Too funny!
Good Morning Fellow Hippies. Let your freak flag fly! Anyone remember that?
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Are you up for any of these things?
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Chocolate #1...and very close, but on a different level, massages/back-rubs.
So my cousin died last month.
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Death is a sad topic. Often a taboo one. We just don't like talking about it....I'm guessing because of our eventual demise being so certain. But Richard Dawkins came out with a short story....a "meme" if you will...that gives me comfort....
High school drop out prices! Am I right?
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Buy an E.V.; no more gas more smells. 10X less chance of car fires ( read that right...1000% fewer car fires per car/mile traveled in an E.V. vs an I.C.E. car). Charge at home from any 110 volt outlet...while you're sleeping. And zero chance of you dying of CO2 asphyxiation if you fall asleep in an EV. And's not a rich person's car. I'm a retired public school teacher.
The Surprising Links Between Your Mental Health and Everyone Else’s Why are anxiety and ...
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
In '62 I read an NSF paper titled "Population Density and Social Pathology"...and it changed my life. One of my highest honors was to be selected out of 800+ applicants to get free Room and board and tuition to study the population problem and its' effects on people. (U. of Cinci, '71) What I discovered answered this question, above. John B. Calhoun took dozens of cages in an abandoned old building and raised rats in them. He kept them clean, well fed, well hydrated.... -he just made the walls smaller on certain cages. You can probably guess what he discovered in the more densely populated cages. -more food hoarding (greed). -more hostility. -more bullying. -more child abuse, neglect, cannibalism. -more malformed children -more gang behavior; all males and all female groups, traveling together, performing unprovoked attacks on weakened individuals. -more abnormal sex - males mounting males -females mounting females. -aggressive sex. - group sex. ...And eventually a leveling off, then a decline and population crash in the most crowded cages. Read for yourselves. And this was done in '62. The solution is - according to most demographers...simple. Level off the population. Abandon the "growth is good" mentality.
Woo-hoo! Made it to level four, now I can seek non religious mating material! Schweet! Not that I...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
No pics? No bio? If you're "single and you're lonely...act like it. Lots of pics, lots of details....unless you're (obviously) hiding....
Interesting shirt.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Peter Mayhew, the very tall gent who played the "Wookie" Chewbaca, died a few weeks ago....
Yer kind ain’t weckum tchere.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Town of Woodstock,'t tell if the sign is sarcastic or real...but in either case; it's a rare find....
I don't care.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
You have a dependable source. Many of us don't. Legalization would give us a clean, regulated, dependable dosage.
An unusual tree in Miami...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Strangler figs....not true fruit bearing "fig trees" which do better out west and in Mexico...but these local varieties do start in detritus - usually the moist material that gathers in the notches of the Saw Palmetto tree; so that this is more commonly how the Strangler fig appears, at least in South and central Florida.
Sarcasm at its finest.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
I think I post inspirational quotes because they inspire me first...and if that happens, why not share the possibility it might inspire others? My intent is not for others to "see how deep I am"....but I imagine some egos do go there. I take the advice literally. I think it's good sharing.
First word come to your mind to define her!😋
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Pretty, fit, and brilliant photograph with excellent contrast!
Do you go to church?
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Two fairy tales in one!
Dear Journal....
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
And if you had any trace of experimentation in you as a young person and occasional pot KNOW you tried it...
No proof that I am in the upper half.😫
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
My favorite saying...about Stupid;
Good Day.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
The most memorable "A bunch of different religious guys...." joke I recall was when all the religious leaders were asked what they did with the money they collected. the Agnostic leader said "I toss it upwards, towards god. Whatever She catches, she keeps"....
Decisions, decisions []
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Check this out....Human facial evolution by an artist/anthropologist.
True. True. Truth.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
I've been saying this for decades.
Targets Of House Investigations Into Donald Trump Revealed In Court Docs | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC ...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Rachel Maddow is head and shoulders above the rest of the TV news commentators. Her articulation and depth of research is unparalleled.
I would love to see a cardinal like this! []
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Color variations in nature are becoming more common. We encourage the survival of some species - thus albinism and other color variations are popping up!
My my, how childhood has changed
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
This is an unfair comparison. Kids these days want all sorts of artistic tools...crayons, pencils, etc... ...and now that we have the technology, it's only fair to offer our kids a phone. It would have been very helpful to our parents if they could have stayed in touch with us! ...and today.... It helps us stay in touch with them, of course; and a wise parent knows how to set up the phone for restricted use.
Good morning! Here's today's question: What is your most treasured memory?
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Lots...mostly with family who have passed on. But good times with friends, doing great things...hiking on the Grand Canyon. Sailing on my sailboat. Driving my Tesla. Visitng live volcanoes (Arenal, C.R.)...I can go on and on....
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Don't let her good looks fool you. She has a steady B.F. and is edgy and brilliant. Leave the low-life come-ons for the sexists...and if you are're commenting about a smart woman's looks on the wrong page.
Causality argument is invalid because time is relative and stops in singularities.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
"Causality argument is invalid because time is relative and stops in singularities. "....yea, whatever you say....can you back this up with facts? I don't think so...(tongue firmly in cheek).
Don't do it...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Buy that dude a Tesla...please?
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Here's some wisdom from the fabulous A.O.C.
I will like hear the "hunters" in the group about that possibility.... []
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
There's a whole spectrum of gun owners; from the proper and careful to the arrogant, improper and obsessive. There's the one-gun owner. Usually a rifle or handgun. Kept locked away. Rarely loaded; but the owner knows where the bullets are. (S)he has let the scene of him/her loading that gun and defending him/herself go through their head a few times. Then there's the Hunters; Usually men, usually conservative, usually #religulous. They are rare; they're folk who really do hunt and fish not just for "sport" but for food. They own a few guns; mostly rifles. They own a boat and lots of fishing gear. They like the taste of wild duck, deer (venison) other "game", or very fresh fish. Then there's the political extremists. The paranoids. Those who want to not only protect their family, but prepare to be attacked by government officials. They let scenes of him and his family being attacked pass through his head (rarely women). These are the families raising the mass murderers. These are the ones who "stockpile" weapons. These are the bump-stock buyers. The automatic and semiautomatic weapon buyers. They do "war games" They run through fields and see how many targets they can hit in a record short time. These folk are almost unique to America. Something about our history encouraged these folk. These are the ones to address.... ....not the hunters, nor the one-gun owners. Here's a great interactive map of where you can find these folk... BTW; SPLC is a long standing group that supported many freedom fighters. I've supported them in the past...Consider sending them a contribution.
George Ezra.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Blackbird. The Beatles. []
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Here's a video of Paul singing it...although I think it's one of the few George both wrote and sung.
"Massive new report proves that humans are the worst species" "Comprised of research and analyses ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Ughh....too depressing to read...and as an Environmental/Ecology teacher for most of my 45 years I've shared most of that info and have been called everything from an alarmist to anti-Christian. For those of you inspired by DVD's I strongly urge you to watch "An inconvenient Truth" an oldie, but still a goodle. I see that the U.N put this's no wonder that the present mostly Republican U.S.administration resents and minimizes the reports of the U.N. - which leaves me even further troubled. But I say ecology starts at home. Don't worry about protests. Join if it's convenient, but don't obsess. But do live an Ecological lifestyle. Google "My Carbon footprint" and see what you can do to make it smaller. I recycle almost everything. I "dumpster dive" in my condo dumpster to take out stuff that could be reused (taken to good will type stores) or recycled (even though I understand that trash sorters now do this at many dumps througout our nation). So all I can say is keep shopping at thrift shops, keep buying in bulk, keep recycling, buy an EV ASAP (I'm sure you know by now I'm a 6 year Tesla owner, on my second one bought this past January) and look in to solar hot water (I've had them on two different houses since 1990). Keep hugging that tree; she's wishing she could hug you back!
Time to say goodnight again and tonight I’m doing it with a Frank Sinatra post, from his Antonio ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
I love his duets album; I think this is on his first one. Nice! And good night, sleep well!
I got my shoes for diabetics and started walking today, about 300 steps with about half carrying my ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019: sorry for your struggle...wishing you a regaining of strength and vitality!
Greetings! There has been some posting about atheists getting a bad name because atheist is a ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
I don't agree with a "re-naming". Part of what agnostics enjoy is their anonymity. We're quietly enjoying no church membership, no prayers, no asking for prayers, no expectations. We're already god-free (maybe that's where the name Godfry came from?) and will nod with an understanding when someones says "god-bless you" or "I believe in a higher power" rather than confront them. Many of us won't try to steal, nor challenge the fragile myths that keep the #religulous happy. Many of us have #religulous friends who do good things in the name of their we don't want them to stop.
One of the better flash mob performances []
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Shared on facebook. Amazing!
“I do not fear death.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Here's another good one on "death"
"The meek shall inherit the earth".
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
If we do have a serious extinction event it's very likely that if all mammals, birds and reptiles are wiped out that we would, indeed, start over our evolution from the insects; at least on land. Chances for catastrophic survival are better for ocean dwellers such as fish, and even cetacean (whales and dolphins) they might evolve to be the first to "crawl back on to land" and restart land dweller-mammal (or reptilian?) evolution.
Keep your mouth shut..
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sorry to disagree; but as a conscientious father, I will always add my opinion. Resent it all you want; there are some of us who feel strongly about empathy and equality for women; so you can count on hearing from me.
At the moment😋(viewing deck) admiralty hongkong!
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Is it a hotel? a Condo? Do you own/ rent there? Nice view!
I love the South Park show, humor is so irreverent, exactly my view of religion and religious ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
They made a great 4 part parody of how the Mormon church formed....I'll show you part I you search for part 2-4...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Shared on FB....awesome!
To all those I have offended
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Uh..oh....borderline #Religulous....but when debating the facts maturely doesn't work, I understand your need to stoop to voodoo....
Boiling hot cofffee, none better. lol
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019: used the percolator pot in the 50's and 60's ....then the drip technique (actually older) became vogue because the water didn't have to be boiled to death.....
Do all women squirt or its a gift for the few?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
It depends....mainly on how enticing ....or are. You have to earn that "gift"
You are always right!
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
You look so beautiful!
Neither Here nor There.......
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Amazing geometric architectural-based photography! Kudos, sir!
Queen. - Who Wants To Live Forever []
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Magnificant performance. I think this was made after he not only was diagnosed with AIDS...but still hadn't made it known to the public. He was diagnosed as having the dreaded disease in 87 but never officially announced it until weeks before his death,in 91.
Hey, the dentist said.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
It's not coming out of my nose (or....Snot coming out of my nose)...LOLOL!
So hard to choose
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sharing this with our "legalize Cannabis" group! Too funny! I would add; Drunk; "I can drive 95 in this 45 zone and do great. High; "Can I go 45 in this 55 zone and not get pulled over"? LOL!
After many years following my Family and community believes in a christian god,five years ago i came...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
It's an honor to welcome an Atheist/agnostic from Kenya. We read and hear about terrible things happening to your people, and all sorts of punitive and restrictive laws. We welcome your courage to "come out" on line and explore the Agnostic/Atheist POV. Keep posting, debate politely, and you will grow and learn much....and we will learn from you.
Are all women able squirt,or is it a gift?!
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
A woman who has good uterine wall muscles...who's generally fit and healthy....who also has powerful orgasms - combined with enough secretions - will give a woman the power to "squirt". It depends also, on how "turned on" she is...of course. Too many variables to ask that question and get a definitive answer. You could say it's a gift that men get depending on how much of a "turn-on" they are to her. Entice, enhance, delight, treat will get that gift. Be rough, assertive, aggressive? you will never find nor receive that gift.
Why sarcasm?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
As a public school learn early if you love the job, not to be sarcastic. Sarcasm is a cover for overt and potentially damaging criticism which is often best left unsaid...or toned down. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves....but sarcasm has too often gotten me in I avoid it.
Hello there?!🙄 hey Dave where are you? Booooom! You been missing?😋
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
As you say so loudly in your profile; MY ATTITUDE IS BASED ON HOW YOU TREAT ME!
Not political memes. Humorous memes
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
I can hear Barnie now.... "Dddddoooooooooooohhh!
Is There a Connection Between Undocumented Immigrants and Crime?[]
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Since this is "The best of late night & News" here's a great read on the issue of immigrants and crime;
Is it true that women in the US were arrested for wearing short swimsuit in 1920s?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Religions have played a strong and profound influence on our morality. I'm not sure if you were asking this sarcastically or seriously....but religion has been the obvious reasons for almost all our sexist views that still exist. Even the "in god we trust" on our money and in our pledge to the flag is a joke.
Why I'm Pro-Choice
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Women won't have to chose once they're given family planning tools generously, unrestrictively. Why don't they see that by fighting "family planning"...because to them that's against "god's will"....they're also encouraging the desperate turn to abortion?
Good morning and happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! Today's question: What do ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Wow...tough one. My longest friends....folks I see almost yearly...and have known since early youth...are -wise -polite -not necessarily generous, but sharing....
and here you have it . Most of us will last on their dating sites about 15 seconds ?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Hard to believe that #7 is in there....
Do you think the dump would have the bicycle rims?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
As someone who just paid to have a wheel put back in to true-straightness....I can tell you that every one of those rims are no doubt beyond repair....
That pose makes me want to run my hands all the way to her...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Now THAT's classy-sexy....Good one, Father!
Politically and capitalistically, the US prefers to use cars and planes rather than high speed rail.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Here's a very telling graph of why we're still addicted to the I.C.E. car...and fossil fuels...notice that the nations to the left are the ones developing or already using high speed rail; Norway is already 50% all-electric cars (mostly Tesla)..whereas the nations to the right are very I.C.E. car addicted....
Politically and capitalistically, the US prefers to use cars and planes rather than high speed rail.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
So it's a matter of what the populace is used to. Europeans and Chinese are simply more used to rail service. They're also more "used to" small cars and fewer superhighways. That's why as the U.S. economy slides downhill, the Chinese and Euro models keep rising. Russia is stagnant at best; preferring, as we do, to push fossil fuels and coal....ignoring and minimizing alternative energy. They, too will continue to slide down the scale...which maybe is a good thing for the rest of the world.
Wormhole. I always wondered what animals thought of elevators. Same thing?
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
I"m going to steal this meme and place it in the Astronomers and scientists pages.... I almost laugh when I hear intelligent scientists refer to "wormholes" as a legitimate form of space-time I have to throw this in their faces...thanks again!
In the past six years I have lost a daughter, my son, my wife and most recently my right leg.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Wow....sad and sorry for your losses...and I, nor no-one here, will ever say to you "god works in mysterious ways"....or "have faith"....nope - you don't need those thoughts. They're from naive people who believe in the fairy-tales and myths of religion. You need comments like "stay strong" "keep your sunny side up" "keep smiling".... I'm sure you've determined the causes for your losses and and are working your very best to re-direct your life for the best Kudos to you, Jimmie... Let me leave you with a Dawkins quote that I keep handy for when I'm "down"
12 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Almost bedtime so have to keep it short.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sorry for your "arthriits" - we all feel pain just moving and bending as we get comes with the territory. I prefer advil to tylenol....avoid the prescription strengths if you can. And plenty of garlic? Time for a garlic sauce. Time to share those cloves with neighbors... I went up a few pounds this weekend...but the lady-friend and I ate out twice. We tried....split portions, bread. Salad with fish, no croutons...but still gained a bit...oh well...back to fasting this week!
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to ...
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
I know I've read that it's almost instinctive that children "test" find our limits, to discover what "right and wrong" mean. So it's not normal if a child doesn't "irritate" then "imitate" us.
Here is a wonderful thought - From 90min.
Robecology comments on May 12, 2019:
The stats world wide are shocking... Today 384,701 people will be born and 156,936 people will die, resulting in a net gain of 227,765 humans (give or take a few thousand). This year 140 million babies will be born and 57 million people will die. If you divide that 227,765 by 24 hours; you come to 9,490 more people on the earth per hour. Divide that number by 60 to get the # of births, minus deaths, per minute = 158. More births, than deaths, per minute. That's the root cause of global warming. Wars. Immigration problems. increased social issues. Social aberrations. Google "population density and social pathology PDF" to see why the more crowded it gets, the more hostile, less sexual, and socially pathological we become.
We need to stop eating fish.
Robecology comments on May 12, 2019:
The solution is not boycotting. The world population is growing by 158 more births, than deaths per minute. Nearly 3 per second. 227,0000 more per day. A million more every 5 days. -the solution is family planning. -the world knows how to do it. They know the basics of contraception.
Today is good old George Carlin's birthday.
Robecology comments on May 12, 2019:
Here's a fairly recent rant of G.C.'s on religion. I kept it tabbed, it's that good.
The Permian Extinction This is the story of the worst extinction in the history of the Earth.
Robecology comments on May 12, 2019:
Pretty good graphics...but they needed to get a much more clearer narrator. Sorry; hard to follow.
Best episode ever!
Robecology comments on May 12, 2019:
Trump actually said that a Virginia governor suggesting "executing" babies. Wow; the lies are getting severe.
Spatchcock curry chicken with roasted potatoes, onions, and garlic.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
Damn! I learned a new term today! Thanks!
Where have all the blonde women gone?
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
Sexy one-piece bathing suits are hot!!
I think about this a lot, considering I work with kids.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
Good one. The #religulous talk about the myth of "living after dying".... I know that one way to assure that I "live on" is to make good memories with students, friends, and associates. This phrase, or quote...nails the way to do this.
Dicky D can troll with the best.....
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
I keep "Dickie D's" quotes' a favorite. Did you know that he coined the word Meme? Look it up!
I have several favorite Chinese foods.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
I love Chinese take-out....lady friend doesn't....So I do order it...but rarely. Favorites include Tofu dinners. Dry, not saucy dinners; and I ask for rice noodles...or lo-mien (wheat) noodles instead of white rice; much lower in carbs, higher in protein.
Time to put the outdated and harmful idea of codependency away: []
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
OOOOOPS The link you shared says "Bad Request"
Ya'll. I need a pep talk. Does anyone else find online dating demoralizing?
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
I've had moderate luck with it....but only with the "free" ones. POF, OKCupid, even the now defunct "AmericanSingles" (now called "spark") worked...I'm still seeing (and often happily not seeing) a "lady-friend" I met on a dating site 13 years ago and who lives a good distance away. The first two even let you communicate for free...or did when I used them, years ago. The pay sites are full of tricks...they keep the hottie (both male and female) images on even though they've left the site for months/years. And (I'm guessing) they even post fake ones - I've had zero luck with years on match, eharmony and other paid sites. But having said that, my son met and married a woman he met on go figure..... Recommendation; Use this as a dating site. It's still free. (I'm guessing it won't be for long - with no ads, they have to be losing money; so whoever owns/runs this has to have deep pockets/be philanthropic). Notice the percentages next to images; those are's calculation of your chances of successfully hooking up with post tons of pics ( allows a lot) and make a detailed bio....increase your chances....right here!
Not a pic but a video.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
Not classy. Not sexy. Sorry
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
The lawnmower service has every right to that couch!
I love that Chobani stepped up.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
I don't see the shaming of kids by Chobani's act. They even point out that a bill was passed to outlaw it; In 2017, a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House and Senate introduced a bill which would outlaw policies that publicize a student's lunch debt. These practices can include making a student wear a special sticker or wristband, or providing cold sandwiches instead of the usual hot-meal offering. So let's applaud Chobani, and the group that got this bill introduced. Let's get this bill passed....Kudos, Chobani! Boo, poor-shaming!
10 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Just not really in the mood tonight.
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
I bought a used, but working digital body scale - I'll give that old rusty spring scale to goodwill...
Sad, but true
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
An organized, trimmed, oversighted bureaucracy works. A bloated, unwatched, supervised-by-Greed-mongers bureaucracy won't. It's almost like DJT (our POTUS....I refuse to write out his name) is planning to crash all govt "bureaucracies" like he did his casinos. Health care will work...we just need to trim the fat at the top. We can do it like most developed industrial nations...or we can fall in to a bureaucratic hole. BTW most houses of prostitution in Nevada are now doing well...and stand as a model for the rest of the nation.
Eureka! Bacon!!
Robecology comments on May 11, 2019:
You don't want to know what the eating of one slice of bacon does to your arteries.... But do google it if you want to end your obsession. OK....being a PITA health teacher, I did it for you....sorry. Click on "images" to be REALLY "cured"
Like thousands of countless other habitats in the hundreds of millions of years before it.
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
As an ecology/environmental scientist I must disagree. Yes we're ignoring many signs - -the dying old trees in the Carolinas -the dying coral reefs -the shocking warming of the Northern Canada/Alaska range, and the melting of the Arctic; which could be ice-free in summers within 10 years. For every 1 city that has a record cold day (yes, they still happen) 1.74 cities suffer record warm days. We are ignoring these things.. But there's good things happening; 1. We're slowing our growth. The population still is growing - but it's slowed down from a peak rate about 3 decades ago. We're predicted to reach 10-11 billion and ZPG by the end of this century. 2. Alternative energy is making big moves....wind is closing in on hydro power. EV's are taking off. Solar panels are becoming solar shingles. 3. Nature stewardship is growing. Not as fast as many of us would like...but it is making progress world wide. I'm optimistic. I think we'll turn the corner. I don't think we're f.....d. see this fabulous link for info on population growth;
Stripey and Stingy - a chart
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
Funny - yet accurate - comments!
Cross posted from At Retirement, as a single there must be some singles things to think about when ...
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
A lot depends on how big a nest egg you planned. I put enough aside to order a Tesla S. Then I sold my 3-2 pool home and downsized to a 2-2 on the beach (with a pool spa and hot-tub close by) I'm doing well. Still single. Happy to have moved a couple hours away from the kids and the on-off lady friend. Now you need to focus on fitness. it's easy to let that slip. Get a 30 minute challenge going every day. You eat 3 times a day...make it a longevity goal to exercise once a day. Good luck. Smile. Stay with us. keep us posted!
Science, bitches!
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
And the comment; "it's science, Bitches" comes from this famous scene;
Science, bitches!
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
You can't operate the A.P. without someone touching and holding the steering wheel every few this is B.S. "Tesla owners/drivers/lovers Group"
Germany Opens First Electric Highway For Trucks []
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
Another video explaining the evolution of the Tesla battery.
Germany Opens First Electric Highway For Trucks []
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
BTW; several big companies already have placed orders for the all electric Tesla trucks... Notable orders for 2020 Tesla Semi trucks. Buyer Quantity Anheuser-Busch 40 Bee'ah 50 DHL Supply Chain 10 FedEx 20 Loblaw Companies 25 PepsiCo 100 Sysco 50 United Parcel Service 125 Walmart 45
Germany Opens First Electric Highway For Trucks []
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
I don't see that catching on. Battery tech is growing in leaps and bounds. Totally electric trucks - the big rigs, the "semis"...have a range of 500 miles and a 0 to 60 with a full load faster than any I.C.E. truck.
This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
It's not a matter of "refusing to grow up" it's obsessing with a cartoon writer. Stan Lee was good, and. talented. I agree with Maher...if you get obsessive-compulsive about comic books/comic's not that you're refusing to grow up" just that your a sad, obsessive-compulsive person.
This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
Wow! a hateful, obviously jealous rant because Bill nailed it...and her. Sorry, Ms Valente and Flasco...I think Bill's right...and you're the a...holes. All Bill said was that he was sad by the Stan Lee obsessive/compulsives...and she wen't off on him? Bill's earned his chops...she obviously has not. Go Bill! Here's Bill's take on his Comment reactions to the Stan Lee commentary;
How do you feel about pet names early on?
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
Big red flag. Tell him softly, politely, that if he forgot your name, just ask....but don't use the pet names again, or I will have to block your calls and texts.


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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