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My mama always said ‘Life is like a box of chocolate.
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
Here's the famous scene...brilliant words. brilliant casting...brilliant acting.
🌴 don't you just love a walk in the park....?
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
Became disgusted after reading the different oaths for doctors and nurses.
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
Here's the entire pledge. it's gone through 3 revisions... But "god" is still in there...
Now I am getting no alerts at all.
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
I went from a few to over 300....the "alert" gliche is fixed!
Just beautiful
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
She almost appears like the lower half was photo-shopped - too large or out of proportion for me to "like"
Guten Morgen! Here's an interesting question, that gives me something to think about: Is there ...
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
It's true. The most difficult part of travelling to exotic locations now becomes the travelling itself. The walk through long airports. The delays. The flights at 3 AM. It doesn't seem worth it.
Welcome to Day 837.
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
That number is now over 700. How significant it is remains to be discovered.
If you are struggling...
Robecology comments on May 9, 2019:
A favorite perspective by our resident Agnostic....
Which one is your favorite stoner movie?
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Can I add one? The Princess Bride? "That word....I dont think it means what you think it means....." just too funny!
A friend is coming over for tea tomorrow.
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Images! Pictures! Please?
I may have found my people! How do you all count cups of coffee?
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
I noticed that I was up too often at night; so more than one person recommended less coffee; and half decaf. Now I meaure out 6 cups on the machine, which gives me two 16 oz thermoses full - and keeps me going most of the AM. I prefer the thermos because the top closes...keeping the brew hot and spill-proof.
Ok I'm posting here to poke around.
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Playful...upbeat....we need more of that!
I've stop trying; it never works.
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Tell that to a teacher. A successful one. We have our biggest discussions with "believers"...from Evolution to cheating on a test....and, although this is basically true; we don't give up. That's what makes a teacher stick to the profession.
Seeing that we are all atheists agnostics what makes a person choose good over evil?
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Penn Jillette covers this topic well....
God works in mysterious ways, lol.
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
That explains it.
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
Exercise is just not done 3-4 times a day. Eating is. Calories in - calories out. If you can't huff and puff and work up a sweat 3-4 times a day... just cut down on the calories in. The problem is...our eating habits are primal. Our parents genetics has a lot to do with it. What they fed us before we could walk and talk set the pattern for us. No wonder it's harder to "get off" junk food than to "get off" heroin.
The “heartbeat” bills that could ban almost all abortions, explained []
Robecology comments on May 8, 2019:
So in a few years from now....when the IQ for Georgia kids continues to drop due to the overload of unplanned, unwanted children....we'll know why!
I am on cloud nine or 10 or maybe 100! Edit for detail I met someone.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Nice! but beware...falling usually results in injuries...I recommend you take things one step at a time....
Dinner this evening after a long day in the gardens.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Great perfect temperatures...where's the deluxe serving dishes?
Define progressive: I ask 20 people, and get 20 answers.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
A favorite meme that sums progressivism up for me;
Good morning, and right to today's question: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ...
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
To predict and therefore to work to overcome my demise and death.
What would you do if you had the fattest kid in the world? Whose fault is it? []
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
I'm a retired science and Health teacher. Two of my greatest honors in life were NSF grants to study the "population Explosion" in '71 and earning permanent Health educator certification by passing a bank of tests in NY state around the same time. One of the studies I did concluded that the growing obesity problem in America has a simple explanation.... Enthusiastic, well meaning parents. What they fed us....and how often...set our diet patterns for life. Our diet and eating habits formed before we could walk and talk; so it was our parents who determined this. Now this doesn't mean be angry with your parents. They did the best they could with what they knew. What it does signify is that parents have a profound influence on our diet habits. There IS such a thing as "spoiling" a child. This almost pre-toddler habit formation explains why most diets don't work - the habits are so deep-seated it's hard to change. Let me end this with a GIF map of the growth of US obesity from the mid '80's to recently;
New York attorney general sues Trump Treasury, IRS []
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
So whether this lawsuit is even heard is up to one judge. You can bet that judge has already spoken to Barr or Trump.
This is interesting. Hmmm. Cory Booker Proposes National License for All Gun Owners []
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Obama said almost the same thing 3 years ago...
Texas sand castle competition winner 2019
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Wow...what outstanding sculpting! I hope efforts are made to preserve that.
Welcome to Day 837.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
That number...the number of people with Jurist doctors degrees having signed that letter declaring D.J.T.'s illegal behavior - is now over 500;
how soon...
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
As soon as I can assume information is known as shit I will a soon it.
Trump becomes World Champion with masterful display []
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Snooker? Snookering? It's a sport? I had to scroll far down to see a pool table and a get a clue....
What`s worse than your friend going born again?
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
The religious are, indeed #Religulous...but they're arrogant and righteous in their you're fighting a losing battle.
I shot this several years ago in my yard.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
I have/had one of those small Fuji's....good cameras for the money...but notice the narrow/shallow depth of field...
I know it's a little overkill, but nothing is quite like fall-off-the-bone beef short ribs.
Robecology comments on May 7, 2019:
Should we respect other people's beliefs?
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
I'm not Christian; haven't been in a church in decades - yet I have a "smile" account at Amazon that supports (a 1% donation for every purchase I make- check it ' And as a result I give a good amount of charitable donations to this very Christian elderly couple who are running a children's ranch out in Riverhead, N.Y. (Timothy Hill Children's them). They're very strongly "Christian" yet they just live such a humble life...they just give to a growing number of kids who've struggled in schools, courts, and foster homes...and their charitable views are just phenomenal. So do most religious folk seem "superstitious, ignorant, hateful, or factually wrong" ? sure - but for those rare people that just like to follow the path of giving and giving...these people are borderline saints.
I live in a very Christian and republican area.
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
Right here's a good start. The more you post; the more followers you develop. Stay with it. Bolster and detail your bio, and post lots of pics...not just of you smiling...but you doing things....that's bound to increase your chances.
Maybe this is all just simple common sense or another way to bring traffic to his site, but I like ...
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
Good ones!
How are so many so blind to trumps corruption?
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
As a teacher of 45 years...I think I've learned why there's so many Trump followers...they're pretty much the same mentality (generally not very bright) as the #Religulous; Here's a great cartoon that explains why they're "blind"
Life's a bitch, but a learning experience.
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
Not all hard lessons. The one long hard lesson I've learned... Don't get married. It took me 4 of them to learn...
Good morning! I have done that in much greater detail already and 4 minutes sure weren't enough .
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
No steady partner; but to potential partners...just read my's all there!
How much do we hate trump?
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
Bashing going to work against us. It will never work for us. We have to stay calm. We have to stop the bashing and simply point out the illegalities and unconstitutionalities that he's professed - and committed. As Michelle Obama summed it up..."when they go low, we go high". Don't fall in to a name-bashing. Strzok is repeatedly quoted by the GOP because he was a highly ranked FBI who fell in to that hole. If you're going to debate lawyers, or talk to congress-people, you got to clean up your act or you'll be dismissed and banned. Not necessarily from from any legitimate and important discussion about DJT and the process of removing him from office. I can't wait until May 15; hopefully R. S. Mueller III will make an historic, eloquent appeal to our senses that will point, irrefutably, to the need to remove DJT. I'm not suggesting an immediate removal...there's simply too many GOP who benefit from his absurd policies to get them to turn against him; but we need to organize - cleanly, sophisticatedly, and vote him out in 2020. Buy a dozen of these; share them whenever someone notices - and likes - it
Don’t make assumptions
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
I read - then re-read - the sad, shocking, humble story of the althletic team lost in the Andes....and having to rely on eating the dead remains of thier friends killed in the crash. They even made a movie of it. Given the choice between wasting away and eating sun-dried bits of human flesh...even human guts and brains...I'd take the these athletic people did. BTW; they were very #religulous.....not an atheist in the group.
The more he screams/tweets "no collusion", the more we know he's guilty!
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
How did we go from such an honorable, intelligent, African....nevermind....I just figured it out. Sad day, sad time for America.
Trump: 2 years of my term were ‘stollen’ [politi.
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
If that's the case...I declare an annulment of DJT and a reinstatement of BHO for the years stolen from him...
The nationalist “socialism” of Bernie Sanders [wsws.
Robecology comments on May 6, 2019:
Yada Yada. Sanders is a democratic NOT autocratic socialist....but these terms are too deep, too complicated for most Americans to grasp and grapple with... Sorry,, you naive ramblers get me upset... Please...@William_Mary - just watch this....and realize that you are a card-carrying socialist if you pay in to - or get benefits security?
It was a bright sunny day in 1991.
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
I skimmed the seems to be a reminisce - sorry that you "prayed with all your might" at the do know why you're on, I assume?
What if Aliens invaded Earth Tomorrow?
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
This is such an easy question to answer; Why no contact? Because we're too far from them. Allow me to explain why we haven't heard from "Extra-Terrestrials"...and why perhaps we already have aliens living on earht. - - - - - - - - - - - Radio and TV travel the speed of light. If our first radio and tV signals left earth roughly 100 years ago; that means.... -We do know of 500 stars within 100 Light years (LY) of us. Of the 500 stars within 100 L.Y.of us. approximately 100 have planets around them, according to latest estimates. -of the 100, it's estimated that from 1 in ten to 4 in 10 are within the "goldilocks" zone...not too far, not too close - to have live. -that's anywhere from 10 to 40 planets. -of the 10 to 40, 1 in 10; possibly 2 in 10, have evolved life. -that 4 to 8 planets. -of the 4 to 8 that have life on them within 100 light years of us. Chances are not so good that they've evolved an intelligent, radio/TV communications skill level like ours. Scientists say 1 in 10. -that's 0.4 to 0.8....less than 1 planet within 100 L.Y. of us. So if, say 50 years ago, a planet, say 50 LY from us, got a TV signal - say news of Nixon's resignation...yesterday. They're celebrating that they've found life on other stars. ...and then they sent a hello back...say sometime around 1975. -so if that "hello" left them in '75... - we won't get that hello for another 6 years, in 2025. -get the picture? - - - - - - - - - - - BTW; we have a population of advanced aliens that's living here now. -They've chosen to live in the ocean. -They've chosen not to live complicated lives.. -.they have no money, no farms, no schools, no technology. -They are very advanced. We just don't know much about them. -Their brains are larger than ours in proportion to their body size. They have a complicated language. -Their kids just play and eat all day. Their adults just play, eat and have sex all day. They did allow of few of their kind to be captured so the hostile, aggressive land species, humans, would respect them and not hunt nor eat them. Do you know who I'm referring to? They're aliens...They're laughing at us.
How easy is it for you to fall in love?
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
It was easier than most for me; I married 4 times. I lost my first wfe to cancer; so it became easier to do as Ken Keyes jr. suggested; "hold on tightly, let go lightly". Divorced the next 3; after 11 years, 2 years, and 5 years. Last one in 2006.
This video shows / explain why to believe in any religion is ridiculous. Do you agree? []
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
It' won't start for me... Two comedians summarize religion so well... #1; George Carlin; #2. Bill Maher's gem from about 10 years ago; #Religulous Here's a clip of the's a full length video; worth watching...IMO...
America's Best Christian Vol 1
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
This has to be the most popular Donald-Ivanka Giffy....
Caption this!
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
Awesome...I always make passes to women wearing glasses....
I have been called this time and time again.
Robecology comments on May 5, 2019:
@MikeFlora You post that rash remark as if it offended you....remember the old thing we learned as kids.... "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!" It's a good one to remember when debating anyone who doesn't agree with you. Also remember; in any debate calling disqualifies the opponent and makes them get an F/no points. I use this for all debates on ALL issues...and, if they start on the lowest two levels....I see they're just not equipped to debate....
Trump declared odds on favourite to win this will get some irate pulses racing and neck veins ...
Robecology comments on May 4, 2019:
PaddyPower is a betting site...that wont let certain folk in...but American odds-makers have made similar points...
Baked salmon, mac & cheese, fresh asparagus.
Robecology comments on May 4, 2019:
A real well done photograph. Not easy to do!
I was on Agnostic.
Robecology comments on May 4, 2019:
@Bobsuruncle; " Not the liberal Hell hole I joined then and now"? WTF? Not a good start just scared away 90% of the single women on this site; not only with the narrow-minded put down but with the incomplete sentence. But want a conservative minded partner. Consider being less politically yourself to debate with liberals. Conservative ideals are fundamentally good..share them. Suggestions; 1. Clean up your grammar. Make complete sentences. Break up your run-ons. 2. Start a new thought with a new paragraph. There's at least 4-5 paragraphs in that run-on rant, above. 3. You're right about dating sites; -But this one allows you free email, a good biography, lots of pics. -Take advantage of it! 4. The more women know about you (yes, even liberal ones) the more likely you'll make contact. Don't be afraid to debate liberals... if anything, liberals are more open to debate than conservatives.
Wowwwwweeeee! Anyone have her phone ?
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
She can't be real. She has to be computer generated.
I made this parody of Mount Rushmore.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Talented work! Who are the faces?
"Make Elizabeth Warren Hate Again" "We don’t just need Elizabeth Warren’s ideas.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
@MOETKACIK and @AnonySchmoose; Confusing. Of course we need her ideas. And intelligent women like her just don't do "rage" very well. Warren politely but clearly puts out some great ideas. But she's not likely to win the nomination. And, as so Moe Tkacik said, in the article; "I realized I stood a better chance of finagling my way into Norwegian citizenship than she had of becoming president". We don't need "macho" Joe...or anyone else "raging"....let's not stoop to fighting in the gutter...the Republicans and Trumpminions aredown in it and they want us to join them....I say stay cool Liz....we love you the way you are. "....Warren was unabashedly unafraid to tackle two things no other 21st century politician really had: arcana, and the wholesale capture of Democratic Party politics by the big banks." if her ideas are great, but she's too polite to get the macho vote...too nice to "rage"...where could she be most effective? Right where she is. Sorry; one thing Hillary proved; this nations not ready for intelligent, powerful, polite women. There's just too many #religulous, misogynist, macho, ignorant white men out there...and this is coming from a white male who knows them "good 'ol boys"....
Im ready to run, leave everything i own and just get the hell out of dodge.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
@Sciops Running; physically getting the sneakers on and running...leads to a runner's high. That's good running. Running; as in escaping from a person or situation...might be a deterrant to your well being. But maybe you were "born to run" and you might need to "run" from your present situation....or face the flame and put out the fire. Sometimes running in to your challenges is a way to deal with the "Dodge showdown. You need to analyze what you're running from - or to. Job? Parents? Friends? Sometimes just self talk will make you face your challengers - not run from them. If I can be so bold as to recommend something for future communications? Stop apologizing. No one's attacking you for your spelling and grammer. The pink highlights I get (so far two of the words, above, I've written to you I often leave, sometimes I fix; it depends who I'm talking with/writing to. If they're important to you - you'll politely tell me and I'll fix them. You name-call, or rag on me...I'll make more on purpose to piss you off.... ...but I don't apologize...and you shouldn't either. I'll urge you to do some reading from positive writers. Gandhi. Ken Keyes Jr. (Handbook to higher consciousness), Richard Dawkins. I keep a Favorite of Dawkins tabbed; here you go. BTW...did you find the words I mispelled? There's three....
Hi there.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Slide your cursor over to your image at the top right; Two columns appear. In the left column, near the bottom, is "my points/level" on that.... there you go!
American Indian tribe bans GOP governor from reservation over opposition to Keystone protestors ...
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
The Oglala Sioux Tribal Council unanimously decided Wednesday that Noem is no longer allowed to enter the reservation until she rescinds her support for two bills that would allow the state to sue anyone for "riot boosting,” according to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. Fair enough....
At the risk of boring everyone with more of my flowers - here are a few more shots taken after this ...
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Spring is "bustin' out" up there! Nice!
2 is my favorite, what is yours?
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
I like it cool...with a blanket...even in summer. The ceiling fan on low or medium (if it's on high my mouth gets dry). Dark, no TV, no radio. Some partners were much easier to sleep with than others. Some liked spooning...others didn't want to even touch. Some snored, others quiet.
Priyanka Chopra Photo shoots are ok, she is beautiful but has not much butt.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
A slim young lady with a stunningly beautiful Anglo-(eastern)Indian face...
Today, May 3 1919, singer-songwriter Pete Seeger was born.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Thanks for sharing this,@Ray13; I'm a long time fan of him. I met him in '76 and again in '77 while working as a volunteer environmental educator on board the Hudson River (N.Y.) Sloop Clearwater. Great days, Fond memories;
Oh, really?
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Remember; there's now a bunch of "Make your own church signs" websites out there..... Search it...
Pete Seeger - Worried Man Blues [youtu.
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
Thanks, @Lutherzme for this! I had the honor of serving on the Sloop Clearwater in the 1970s (summer of '76 and '77) and meeting Pete... Great man. Great musician, Great Ecologist! He's sorely missed!
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
And cars with no seat belts nor air bags. No bicycle helmets. The highway death toll double what it is today....Cars were the real "killers" a few dacades ago. Bikes caused a lot of folks in wheelchairs....or worse. Gun violence, household accidents took their tolls, but in America, cars were the real winners in the death per capita department.
Guten Morgen! :) Right on to question 8, which I will expand from partner to also include friends:...
Robecology comments on May 3, 2019:
This is a good one. I'm at a cross-road with the lady-friend. Glad she lives 2+ hours away. I love asked what we have in common...let me think.... OK... we're both pretty educated, and devoted to our careers (I'm a retired teacher, she's a DON nurse). We're both borderline overweight food-a-holics. We both like to travel....
Spring at my house. 1 passion vine 2 amaryllis 3 anole 4 magnolia 5 ask @zoohome
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
The Passion flowers are amazing!
Diana Bastet Metal Belly Dance. Melechesh []
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Nice music. Talented woman!
Happy to share my success
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
That is one sick man. Our nation is suffering a major epidemic....look at this map...
Views on a trip to and from the west coast.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
That tree looks like a "Bristlecone Pine"....among the oldest trees in America, if not the world? From the article, below; "One member of this species, noted to be 5066 years old, is considered the oldest known living organism on Earth. The ancient tree can be found in the White Mountains in California....
I can't remember ever having seen such strong attribution, by meteorologists, of aspects (such as ...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Third world nations - the world's poorest people - will suffer the most from climate shift. The wealthy - mostly in developed/industrialized nations - who profit from fossil fuels.. ignore these sufferers. I call these wealthy fossil fuel pushers the FFC (the Fossil fuel Consortium - oil companies, oil shippers, refiners. auto makers (except EV's like Tesla) auto service people, auto sales CEO's to service people, etc - they must number in the tens of millions). The FFC is looking out for themselves. They will lie and deceive with lots of ads for decades to come; just like BT (big tobacco) deceived the world for decades. Fuel taxes are lowest in America and Russia. These nations are the FFC root nations. They will lie and deny Solar energy, wind energy, and EV development as much as possible. They will push to lower fuel taxes (the lowest in the world are in Russia and America) to keep us addicted. Buy an EV. Buy and use Solar panels. Look in to wind energy. support the Green New Deal.
I would like to meet more friends.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
@EyesThatSmile; I think we all have that option already. The closer someone is, the higher the percentage they get. It's up to you to contact them. This site is free for contacting members..and most dating sites don't offer take advantage of it! Go to your profile, click either "who's viewed me" or "my followers" and get in touch with them, for starters. Far better communication flexibility than any dating site, IMO.
Tech over time, my brother took this.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Nice contrast of the two wind technologies! I urge him to get closer to the old wind-pump and take the wires out of the image; just have the old and new wind gens....
Last nights forging shenanigans.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Pics of you working would be cool!
Barr defends clearing Trump on obstruction, chides 'snitty' Mueller letter [reuters.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Barr's so obviously covering for DJT it's a wonder he can sleep at night...but I'm beginning to think these Republican leaders are so hardened and righteous that they just don't get it.
Okay so I want to vent about my grandpa for a moment here.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Try to empathize with him. As the pain gets worse, he'll ask to either get pain meds or get a set of pills that will allow him to check out. Be tolerant of either scenario....respect the need to check out. Don't fight it...just be comforting. Once he's gone you'll be prouder you were tolerant and accepting than if you fought with him. He's happy that you're fighting to keep him alive; but he's in pain...and from his POV you may just be acting selfishly. - - - - - - - This is coming from an old guy who's close to the end himself.
My bedtime again folks.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Never heard this before. Nice tune, nice voice. Good looking fella!
I take mine rare...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
There really was a kerfuffle over the alleged alien images in Aztec and Egyptian ruins...some people gotta assume the ancients just weren't talented or strong enough to do what was done so long ago...
Paging BDSM Bettie.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
So-so looks and figure; but she was years, if not decades ahead of her time for soft porn pics. I don't think I've ever seen one of her with a man, and below is the only one I've ever found of her completely nude; and it might not be her; so she had a very mature relationship with her photographer....kudos to him(her?) as well for showing good taste. Sadly, she got religious, then fanatically religious,then someone got her "committed" to a mental hospital where she died at the ripe age of 85, in 2008.
Tomorrow is the first big bazaar of the season.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
That's a lot of work. You should get someone to take pics while you're making them to show what goes in to it...I'm sure it's an effort more than most realize!
A quick glimpse into the complex workings of my brain.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Gwen...we warned pot before bed-time! Behave, woman!
Possible, very possible:
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
158 more births than deaths, per minute. 227,000 more per day. 1,000,000 more every 5 days. Yep...plants sure do seem to need our fertilizer...
Nobody likes Crocs, but the company’s pulling in millions! Some y’all are lying! 🤥 Anyway.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Ooooo....I have one...forgive the profanity....and forgive the Trump image...but I found a cute "Croc" meme...
Sounds a little fishy...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
That painting also illustrates the demise of the Giant clam. It clearly was once harvested for it's beauty and decor...but the huge ones were soon depleted...and today no-one can find any nearly half the size of the one in the painting.. Please read, and support their cause...(of course...I'm called Robecology for a reason...)
4 spectacular, male rose breasted grosbeaks on the burr oak right outside my window.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
A picture would be nice!?
Lovin Spoonfull Nashville Cats []
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
man....I couldn't find a live version of them singing it nowhere!
An old time fav....I trot this out from time to time just to rattle some cages....
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Problem solved!
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Loved it! Shared on FB!
The most interesting meme in the world
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
I slit a sheet...a Sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet I sit! Say it fast!
A guy spots a sign outside a house that reads, "Talking Dog for Sale.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
A trump dog?
If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your ...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Frank should talk. He lived a very weird life; and only lived to be 53.
I'll have to fact check this one.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Wow...could "not paying attention to one's birthday" actually help have you have more of them?
What is an Anthropologist?
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Wow; Look at this video of a chimp doing some sophisticated stuff....on a phone!
We have red-rumped swallows nesting on our porch.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
This cutie?
We have red-rumped swallows nesting on our porch.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Pictures, please!
Why is it that people can't just say they don't want to chat anymore, I.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
You have to empathize to deal with ghosting. Life situations change "on a dime" just deal with it without letting yourself build up angst. Just go with it...assume they've lost interest in you but it wasn't all your fault...and move on. The best- Those courteous enough to be flat out honest and detailed about why they're bowing out...those are the ones you want to keep tabs on... -the rest- Are, to one degree or another, too distracted, too disrespectful, too dishonest to even worry about.
Votes can be stolen.
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Ecosociability? I tried to look that up... I found a group with that name whose last post was in 2014. When I searched coorganizationnotvote I found this; #moralevolutionfirst #homosapienshomodeus #allhumanityforterraprotectivity #stoptoxicitiesandfraudsinsciarts #sciartsforterralife #letstalkseriously #letsprotectnotredameterra #coorganizationnotvote #limitedtimeprecioustime #pantheismpanarchypangratuity #panethicsunite Huh? Maybe instead of hitting us with flowery rhetoric you can bring it down to a more common level? It's hard to comprehend your point.
I think we’ve all felt this way at some point
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Too true!
Good morning .
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Spoiler a scientist I had to research this; sorry; don't click if you don't want to know....
There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2019:
Love Dawkins! Here's another one by him that I keep tabbed....


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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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