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This is Still happening..
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
links please. Random comments work on FB, not here. We demand evidence...
I love cosplay. Who else is with me?
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
They were good at the game
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
They kids hid...the cops sought...The kids won that round...
Tights! Yesterday while running.
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Here's "Thermo-chromic" jeans!
Tights! Yesterday while running.
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Found 'em...on the hot new competition for Amazon....Alibaba....
What if the best way to get people out of religion isn't to hammer then with reason, but instead to ...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Notice the only person you allegedly "swayed"...asked you first. That's the best strategy. Not "hitting them" with reasoning....but being there for them when they want to ask you about your wisdom. Remember; the religious didn't just become that way...they were indoctrinated since they were very, very young.
New guy, just want to show how messed up my sense of humor is lol
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Do you need sympathy? Guidance? Toys? Where's the humor?
WAIT!! WHAT?? N.C. law: Woman can’t back out of sex once underway []
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Sharing in the Me Too strand....this is unbelievable....
Does the fact that you are agnostic with regard to religion make its way into effecting your ...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Religion; myth based. Science Fact based. Myths; entertaining...satisfying ....good explanations of phenomena for the uneducated or naive. It worked for our ancestors. Science; entertaining - satisfying - good explanations of phenomena for the learned, wise, smart. It works today. Religion; We live forever. Science; this is it; Life is short....a brief visit with reality. Dust to dust. That's the reason Religion is still popular. It gives many an illusion of immortality. I know; there's lots of logic to falling in to the #religulous myths. Many good people do. Don't hate them, Don't fear them. Empathize. They're suffering a complex delusion based on tradition. Don't feel badly for the coming end. Rejoice being alive while you can.
I used to have a small collection of cactuses, this was the first one to flower...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Cactus; one...Cacti....more than one...but this is the time of year that Cacti bloom! Good capture!
Here's how to make a bologna sammich! Recipie in the vid.
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Noisy absurdity for a true junk-food pseudo-sandwich. Ugh.
Exclusive: NRA Official Sought Sandy Hook Hoaxer To Question Parkland Shooting, Emails Show ...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
“Just like [Sandy Hook], there is so much more to this story,” Richardson said to conspiracy theorist Wolfgang Halbig, a noted harasser of parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School victims in an email dated Feb. 15, 2018 ― just one day after the Florida shooting. "Twenty children and six adults were killed during the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. “[The Parkland shooter] was not alone.” Yes....he was. Using a legally purchased semi-automatic rifle. The email was sent from NRA officer Mark Richardson's official NRA email address. Let's hope this NRA "official" is called out on this rumor mongering....
LISTEN TO TRAE!!!Truth, as always! Liberal Redneck-Mueller Report Schmueller Report []
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Bingo..."Eyes on the Prize"....
I remember those days
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Survive pain free!
Good morning Girls and Boys.
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Remind us again what you had done? I recall injections of something, somewhere....
Always keep learning and forgiving
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
What? - the message contradicts her style of least a more modest top....why would you wear provocative clothing while posting such a comment?
Good morning! My dad had the goal to live at least one day longer than his father, who lived to be ...
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Ideally? I want to set least over 100..Realistically? I know that each day I'm happy to be alive with few/no tomorrow will work.... A good comment on "Being lucky to die"
Breakfast! What’s for breakfast at your house?
Robecology comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I do eggs every 2nd or third day....minus yolks. Don't need all the nutrients and calories in the yolks..but need the protein in the whites. That and a dense "muscle" brownie ( reg brownie mix loaded with oatmeal, dried fruits and nuts) rounds out a good meal for me. Coffee, black, please?
Nana’s are so sweet!
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
That apple is showing altered growth due to excessive pesticides...beware weird apples...
KENNY LOGGINS (live from Daryl's House) "This Is It"...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
My Favorite by Kenny?? Watching the River Run; And then he goes right in to "Dannie's song...."I was beta chi, never got high, was a sorry guy....LOL! Great lyrics.
March 27...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Love the "puppet" of the NRA....too true!
Yesterday I was bored.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
And Pecans go for about $6 a pound in the stores....walnuts around $ pecans are about the most expensive common nut used in I drive up north this spring, I might have to stop and get some....I see them for sale mostly in Georgia...
STING "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
That and Ghost Story. (I must have loved you)...two of my favorites by him...
canceled the Special Olympics . . . WTF?
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
And the special olympics cost, per year, is less than 6 of his trips to West Palm Beach/Mara Lago (@ about $3 million per trip 6 x $3 =$18; budget for S.O is $17.6 M). DeVos became a target on social media after Democrats slammed her plan to remove the group's funding as part of $7 billion in budget cuts for next year. The Special Olympics received $17.6 million from the Education Department this year, roughly 10 percent of its overall revenue.3 hours ago DeVos defends plan to eliminate Special Olympics funding - AP News
It is disrespectful to post another members city/town on the page without their permission, ...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
...and if you notice it, report it. Go to "Actions" and click the 3 horizontal lines.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Sorry for the tats....but not sorry for the boob enhancement....and my apologies for any men who complain about the "enhancement....she did it for your appreciation, dude!
This Mornings Breakfast Without Any Prayer. Scrambled Eggs With Sausage.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
The red stuff...strawberries?
He's mad at us heathens lol
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
First of all, you're modeled after a European prince; here's the latest scientific likeness of me.. 2nd; I didn't come from a know those three "wise men"? You call them "wise guys"...well they didn't bring gifts for nothing.... 3rd Sorry; no miracles...just good articulation, sharing, and general caring. 4th Sorry to have created such B.S.; I was just trying the old 'love your neighbor" thing and it got carried away by my 12 "buddies...BTW one was my know that one also called Mary...the prostitute? Yea....and we had kids...go figure!
I only had the one Hibiscus shrub, but the flowers were nice colors...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
They are stunning! Here's mine from a friend's garden, a couple of years ago...
All this talk of using things up inspired a quick-and-dirty (pun-intended) pasta puttanesca tonight.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Not a big "heat" fan....but the rest sounds delicious! Enjoy!
Okay, this is technically not from a movie all these old movie dance moves put to Bruno Mars Up Town...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Wow....well coordinated! Excellent!
Croby Stills and Nash made some awesome music. What are your favorite tunes? I have so many.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Teach your Children. Stephen wrote a fabulous song actually sung by his prior group, Buffalo Springfield, which springs to mind in these treacherous times... Called "For What it's Worth". Best lyrics, so apropos for today.... "There's a man with a gun over there Telling you you've got to beware...."
Do the world a favor❤✌?
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019: least a person who thinks for themselves?
The extinction that never happened. []
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
"Lazarus Taxa" term to me...
There are always consequences:
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019: such thing as "haunted"....don't even go there jokingly...
Why I don't believe profile pictures.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Too true....and posted by someone afraid to post their own pic...LOL!
I'd like to see what they're so impressed by seeing. But I'm pleased with what I can see anyway :)
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Hey're level 7. You can make your own group. May I recommend you make a "Sexy Funny" group? This ain't classy...but it sure is funny!
So much red!
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
There you go...classic/sexy. Excellent.
There's a dick at the end of this flower.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Too bad those "hanging men" are actually "women" looking for male "pollen" grains so they can get "pregnant"...that part of the flower is called the's the sticky female looking to capture the male sex cells...the pollen grains....
There's a dick at the end of this flower.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
When I told students (in bio class) that male gametes (not called sperm...simple haploid cells, no tails - but I called them "sperm" to get their attention) actually grow out of every pollen grain, and literally flow down the "growing tube" that grows inside the paid attention.
What is symmetry.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Try re-framing it to have just the roof visible....then you've got pure symmetry. You might to move over a bit to get directly under the main beam...
I just deleted today's question. I did not mean to offend anyone. I will elaborate later.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I still say Canal pole-vaulting is a great drinking sport....I sill have the link if you want it...or google "canal pole-vaulting video"...LOL! It ended up being a thought provoking question!
Just gonna run down to the Corner Radius.......
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Great perspective! Frame it...excellent.
Great, relevant questions on the Bill Maher show Friday, March 22. []
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
What a great speculation at the end..."Kelly Ann and George Conway...either they have no sex or hot-hate-sex"...LOLOL!
The Hi-Jivers-Knee-High &Risin' []
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Gritty Joplin-esque voice!
I've thought long and hard about this.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
My longest distance relationship I've ever had was the most recent one...she lived 60 miles north of where I it was a good hour's drive to meet and greet. It's worked...on....and off....and on...and never settled in to a great relationship...just a decent one. Too many disagreements. I ended up moving 120 miles north. Yea, we still see eachother...but much less often...thankfully!
It's Spring where I live so I have been planning for my Summer garden.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
That's a very rare skin tone...where the pink of the nipple blends in with the natural!
It's Spring where I live so I have been planning for my Summer garden.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
It's an easy google search..
Bog butter update
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Fattering swimwear accentuates rather than hides...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
But she's a hottie....great bod, great face. Lucky guy/gal/friend who took the pic...
Fattering swimwear accentuates rather than hides...
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
"Fattering"...flattering and fat-accenting at the same time?
Beginner here.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
More DIY greenhouse plans...
Beginner here.
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Look in to making a greenhouse. It doesn't have to be glass....plastic will work as a start. Start'll allow you to start some simple veggies that you use often early (tomatoes? Spinach? Easy to grow...) Here's one you can buy cheaply...and set up easity...
Good morning je t' aime😍
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Sounds right
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Enjoying it black this AM...too many calories in that powdered creamer...
Did you know that today, March 26, is the birthday of the person who originated the term, "meme"?
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
If you haven't read anything by this man....please search Barnes and Noble of Amazon for his books. He's articulate, interesting, profoundly logical, and comes up wiht clever ways of looking at thngs. A favorite book of his I read now and then is "An Apetite For Wonder".... Here he is in a short video. making his now famous comment, "Science - it works ...bitches" often found on T shirts..
Another lame attempt at a trumpster diverting attention. I am waiting for a reply. sigh
Robecology comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Adam Schiff is a valiant leader in D.C. Adam Bennett Schiff is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 28th congressional district since 2013. A member of the Democratic Party, Schiff has served in Congress since 2001. Having said that...his issues with his eyes (needs glasses? Wears contacts?) make him not pleasant to watch...but brilliant to listen to. He really is digging deep in to the issues. If anyone comes up with a way to indict Heir Drumpfh it will be him.
Hadn't thought about this in a long time.
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
We've become germ fetishists. Bars or soap...are just a...hole traces on 'em....and now the shampoo are finally getting smart and putting shampoos back in to bars.
Who makes the fries?
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Ho? My "ho's" or my "homeys" ....LOL!
Ramones - Rockaway Beach []
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I have a cabbage question.
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
For those not familiar with Kimchi....
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
someone let that woman have a bikini...not one tan line!
Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is...80s Symphonic Album []
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Their one true hit...and such a classic R & R piece... Here's a trailer of their work with a whole orchestra...
The White House will get the Mueller report before the public does in case it wants to make ...
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
The game playing avoidance of the public seeing the full report speaks volumes in itself...
I'd like to see if Cannabis users suffer high BP.
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
At the suggestion of at least two responders, I checked the latest research. Without reporting results....I present the research for you to read. Opinions/comments welcomed and encouraged.
Rare illness linked to cannabis in studies... []
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I'm a health conscious person. Nearly ideal BMI. Work out every smart and healthy; rarely red meat, lots of yogurt, cereal, fresh F and v.....having said that, I'm also an off and on Cannabis user. I haven't smoked it in years...I just baked it in to brownies....I've been using the "Alice B. Toklas" method for decades. But I do notice an extreme jump in my B.P.; and I've tapered off to very rare use. I don't need a stroke or heart attack. I strongly recommmend you keep a BP cuff (a simple, cheap, wrist Sphygmomanometer will do) and take your BP when you're high. If I collect enough data, I might do research and apply for a study grant.
Youngest I’m willing to go is 10 years younger. What’s your limit?
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I rarely....if ever....ask a woman her age when we I won't let it be a defining feature. I've met women who are attracted to me and who are very young (20+ years younger)....and as soon as you start to get to know them....their tastes in music, their energy realize that there is such a thing as too young....
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I kind of expected this. Trump's experienced at skirting the law...and this proves he got away with another nation helping him get elected. We who pay attention, and respect the truth....know the facts. We need to use this wisdom in 2020....
I had fun anyway
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Funny now...but I can relate!
Behind closed doors??
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
My apartment door is open from early AM to late PM. Several have asked why....I think it's just "inviting" and "friendly"....
??️ Peek a boo... I see you...
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Cute, fun, charming...nice!
Vision testing
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Cock-a-doodle-do? or Don't? You had me there....
James blunt, you're beautiful []
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Sad song...sad singer....ughhh!
Sure is a mystery!
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Leon Jawarsky must be really confused right now because, as Special prosecutor to Nixon, his report immediately went public. I'm talking about the days when Republicans weren't the greed-addicted, climate-change-denying liars they are today...
What we can do to make the world a better place for every one to live, for example instead of ...
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
That concept of world unity is called "Globalism" and it scares the s...t out of most conservatives...who want the world dominance of White Christians - often called "Nationalism" but more subtlely referred to as White Nationalism. Fortunately, education and knowledge is growing in our nation and world....and as knowledge grows, the logic of science takes hold and the mythology of religion fades. So my point is; many want the UN and globalism extinguished...and right now many who say this are rich and powerful...including our #LiarInChief DJT.
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Wow....the big M came up. I suggest you consider it. It's a nice "celebration", a public "declaration" of devotion to your loved one...but if Frankie doesn't "propose" maybe it'll be wise to not bring up again. The Baptism thing sound's like Frankie's folks are #religulous ...but if it'll make 'em happy...I was baptized and "confirmed" (went through classes,kissed the pope's ring the whole 9 yards) and I still went "Agnostic by my early 20's... ...and marriage can mean health benefits for you and the babe to be....and if it doesn't work out...Ken Keyes' Jr.'s strategy of "Hold on tightly, let go lightly " has worked for me for 4 marriages....
Good morning! I'm not into playing sports at all, and don't watch much either (unless it's soccer).
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I'm not good at any team sports. I still have permanent scars from the few times I tried soccer...and I coached it a bit when I taught HS....but that's it for team sports. Biking and swimming are the two key activities that I enjoy and keep fit with. Tennis, very rarely; and mostly against a machine....I don't get involved with the competition that gets going in this community. I have yet to try "pickle ball" miniature tennis...a whiffle ball and paddles...but we'll see. Golf, just as rarely as tennis.
As an ex science teacher, everyday I think " If only they had learned ' that ' bit of science they ...
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
The major rejection of climate science. The slow - but steady - adoption of alternative energy - the reluctance of the wealthy to go E.V. (Tesla, Bolt, Leaf)... the world's lowest gas/fuel tax to keep America addicted....all are signs, to me, that I "failed" in my 45 years of teaching science - to educate enough about its' importance. I don't feel that badly. I'm living an ecological Tesla "ECO CAR" is in the garage, and I hardly ever throw anything "away"....but it does trouble me where America is in terms of science awareness.
Have some fun with it
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Maddow's 15 questions last night was riveting...
Robecology comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Cute...and what a great combo outfit!
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I have a chunk of Tofu that's sitting in the fridge....waiting for the next time I find a good Tofu stir fry recipe. I have the bok choy (grew it myself) onions, peppes and garlic....I just am waiting for a great idea to come along. You're inspiring me!
I got this in an email....anyone ever try any of these?
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
3/25 PM...thanks for the advice; good friends.
She's way too excited
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I'm guessing she's excited for getting her first paid modeling gig.
Fellow Senators.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
3/25 PM. Thanks all for the suggestions and guidance.
Redneck Stroganoff -- part 2: Minced venison laced with a tad bit of beef fat, courtesy of one of ...
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Lots of flavors...good job! my stomach's growling...
Get outta here!
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
What will end this masquerade and bring the #Religulous down will be a simple, inexpensive, handy-dandy fossil-dating machine (no....smartass...not a machine that goes out with fossils). But seriously; if they could get those damned things under a million, and out of major University science labs and in to the field.... #1 Some investors/inventors will get very rich #2. It will be easy to "date" (tell the origin of formation) almost anything you find from pebbles to bones, to buried tomb artifacts to ancient fossils. Prices for Radiocarbon Dating AMS determination (per sample)* AUD $600 Express rate (per sample. 3 week turnaround, Please contact lab for availability) +AUD $500 Bone gelatinization and ultrafiltration (per sample. Required for a all bone samples, includes 15N, 13C and C/N analyses) +AUD $125 2 more rows Prices for Radiocarbon Dating | Research School of Earth Sciences
Well this sucks... NJ MJ legalization abandoned. []
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
All I can recommend is -reduce your smoking of C....and start prepping it in foods. I recommend cookies to hide the crunch and regulate the dose. -Call it cannabis...not the other scruffy names we've grown up with. We need to address this issue as adults. -Watch your health. Keep a blood pressure cuff (Sphygmomanometer) handy when you "imbibe"....don't let a good high become a stroke or heart attack. Know your limits.
Trump's attacks on McCain and Conway are truly bringing dignity back to the presidency by Rex ...
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019: much tongue in cheek....but well said!
Just trying to the woman who will respect me and not break my heart because I don't think I'd be ...
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Just trying what? Not clear.
Well, hi there!!
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Now that's classy/sexy.
How unlicensed gun dealers find cover in a vague law []
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
The laws need to be tightened. It will happen once we get rid of these corrupt GOP an DJT. Here's Obama's take on the need to fix gun laws....
t - what does it stand for?
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I recently saw a post suggesting that if Jesus were hung instead of crucified, all the Christians would be wearing little nooses around their necks....and ash weds the priest would rub in a mini-noose on their foreheads.....LOL!
Hello everyone.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
@BrianBB ; I'm sorry for your confusion and depression; but this rather short paragraph by a renowned Scientist and Agnostic Atheist might make you feel better?
Trump's attacks on McCain and Conway are truly bringing dignity back to the presidency by Rex ...
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
"Good news, America. Russia helped install your president. But although he owes his job in large part to that help, the president did not conspire or collude with his helpers." -- @davidfrum:
? Hey mister! I'm ready! We gonna do this or what?
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I choose...."what"...your move.....
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Agreed; but Trump and his henchmen set it up so that Mueller's report would nail everyone around DJT...but not him. Fine. Let's give up on trying to get him arrested or impeached. It's clearly not going to happen. But let's also renew our determination to get a great candidate to oppose him in 2020. Watch the debates. vote in the primaries...and I recommend you buy and wear this pin; In fact I recommend you buy a dozen and give them to anyone who has a positive reaction to it....
I had a female co-worker offer to help me with a makeover.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
If you're getting closer to your ideal BMI...then of course you're going to want to "show off" ...and kudos for doing so. Just chat with honest friends to get feedback... You don't want to look too provocative nor "cheap" nor "looking for it" - but you want to feel sexy and vibrant...there's a fine line here. But kudos, again, for getting closer to the ideal weight....the main message there is that you care enough about yourself to work hard to extend your time on this planet, in that body.
MORE Researchers Gave People Synthetic Pot.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
The root of the problem with testing cannabis; "But this is similar to "what happens in real life," Theunissen told Live Science. "People inhale [the drug] in different ways, and the amount that they inhale is very unpredictable." Thus the evidence mounts for the value of legalization, and consumption by mouth/digestive system. We know the efficacy of most drugs down to the milligram....but we can't say anything close to that with cannabis. The time has come to put down the pipe and look much more closely at "edibles".
Carbs are definitely life ??
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Pizza, especially thin-crust pizza with meat topings and a low fat cheese, has proven to be a very nutritionally balanced food. Throw on some EVOO and you're getting a good balance of nutrients...just avoid the pig-out that comes with ordering a large pie and no one to share it with.... Right, Barbie?


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Natural history
179 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
167 members
I Love Halloween!
167 members
This Day In History
165 members
Science & Technology
155 members
General Topics
154 members
Pets and wildlife
151 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Women's Empowerment
148 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
144 members
Biden 2020
141 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
109 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
At Retirement!
92 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Crass Comedy
87 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
74 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
No more war
51 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members