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This is not a complete and total vindication of President Trump.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
His own, hand picked AG read the 22 month research and surmised his #LiarInChief boss is not guilty - over the less than 48 hours. OK....clever....obviously biased. but he's now our A.G.... so let's just let go of the impeachment strategy.... it won't happen with this Senate. But please; let's go through this opposition candidate choice wisely? Let's not pick anyone with skeletons in their closet. Let's watch the debates carefully. Let's go door-to-door and talk to our neighbors...even the pro-Trump ones. I'm wearing these pins on all my hats and visors. They're cheap....and send a good message. If someone reads it and smiles, I give them the pin. I'm on my second dozen....
Hey everyone, I hope you are all having a good day.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I don't recall if Pinterest has the options for posting a bio and pics like you can here. I do recall checking them out and being disappointed. This site is ideal for dating....and so much more! It's better than the pricey game-playing, post-restricting dating sites. You can post tons of pics, write a good bio....and set your limits for who you're looking for, distance, height, etc. so I think you've found the best all around site out there. I don't even see ads on I'm not sure how they stay afloat! This site works like FB intended to...but failed miserably. Maybe because it's still small/unknown, maybe because its' title requires an a-religious view of life....but I think you've found the best all around site of all social media.
Cacti in bloom are amazing juxtapositions of soft and spiny, bright and dull, delicate and tenacious
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Great images...and great capture strategy!
Wonder if it hurts taking it off?
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
[] Grace Jones, La vie en Rose 1977
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
@Allamanda - Please; search this title in a general search; then re-post. Many viewers aren't Factbook users. Thanks!
Good morning my fellow coffee lovers! My coffee is strong and the day is lovely here in North Texas.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
On my third....ready for my bike-ride...a lovely day in S E Florida! 75º!!!
Call it what your comfortable calling it. []
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I concur; it's time to address it as its scientific name...not the rag-tag nick names we've given it. Let's raise the level of conversation to unite our nation and support its legalization.
Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez is 100% accurate
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
BTW; Here's a great source of her...and on any one quote to find the origin...pretty useful...
ameriKKKa and the nra Bitches... []
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Obama had the and listen to his response to a gun-store owner and obvious 2nd amendment junkie...
William Barr Can’t Exonerate Donald Trump Despite what the attorney general’s letter to ...
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
There's little point in continuing the debate. Trump's lawyers and DJT are celebrating. His base is expanding. Let's focus on getting a GREAT candidate for 2020...let's focus on making 1-20-21 Trump's last day...
Good morning, Everybody!
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Indeed! Back at ya! Happy Monday, all you coffee imbibers!
Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez is 100% accurate
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
She's brilliant. I think the reason she gets such absurd comments from the conservative/#religulous is that she's attractive AND brilliant....and that scares the s....t out of the white-male dominant Trumpster culture.
Busy bodies
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
LOL! Good one!
Good morning Girls and Boys.
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Kudos on your improving health! I went through similar balance challenges after hip surgery.
Jimmy Buffett: Come Monday []
Robecology comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Great J.B. tune.
? Look, see? Like this.... Got it? Good...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Cute, sexy, and funny! Good one!
If I leave this group for a while am I able to return?
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
The real question is...why do you feel compelled to ask? It seems folk can come and go. Life changes. Relationships change. I don't even understand why you would ask permission?
so thrilled to be getting a crop of cacao - the oldest tree has at least 30 pods, and we had a Cat 5...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Where is this? Virgin Islands? Puerto Rico? Remember; is international.
Only in Mississippi
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
It's either that they're really ignorant...or really well compromised by the wealthy #religulous....who are, themselves, not very intelligent.
This was interesting to watch. It did surprise me! Population of cities. []
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Happy singles see happy couples everywhere.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Wow....this sure nails down a truism...
My divorce will be final in less than 48 hours.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
And a of the most "dependable" on the market. Good choice. Consider a Tesla soon....far simpler faster, safer car. Pricey right now...will be cheaper soon. "Tesla owners/drivers/lovers Group"
Native Americans had no guns until we gave them to the tribes.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
His comment drips with sarcasm....but today we have no choice. Watch...we need better....far better...gun control....and needs to be governmental...we can't do this privately.
The Friday before St Patrick's day I ran in the Irish Soles 5k.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Kudos, Steve!
You recently saw my garden pictures.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Remember to share your location. It doesn't have to be exact; but there's different planting zones throughout America. This page goes world-wide.
Guilty, guilty, guilty!
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
It's called evolution. It will happen....just slowly. The population will stop growing - but not for several decades. Education level is growing, knowledge is spreading...but slowly. It will happen....slowly....or we will die out, and evolution will start over...the clock will be reset 50-100 million years back....but it will happen.
No Mod. meeting today due to migraine. Feel free to post or PM any current questions.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
@RavenCt...sorry for your suffering. Read and reply later; not urgent...but I just was "handed over" being moderator of a group (Old men who like younger women) and I'm not prepared to "moderate" (no headache issues....but I don't want to be a judge of what's good, what's not) so maybe you could tap someone else in the group to take on the responsibility? urgency.
Beware of people who drink their coffee black.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
There was a time when I, too, was a coffee junkie....
I have not fact checked this, but I don't doubt it.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
A bit of exaggeration and hostility on both sides...with a grain of truth...but neither side proved their point. He didn't sue...and he didn't "lose the case" ....but Pariseau was adamant.
I just saw my first butterfly laying eggs on my passion vine.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
So sorry you didn't get a video...that would have been a great post!
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
@SassyGirl3869; It's Science. We're adding 158 more people...births minus deaths....per minute to the planet,PER MINUTE. Even their body temp, 98.6º, is making earth warmer...but of course they need food, shelter, energy etc... So those 158 more people per minute very logically, and factually, are warming our air, land, and water both directly, and indirectly. We are warming the earth at a pace that has not occurred for as far back as we can measure with tree rings, ice cores, and ocean sea bottom cores. That's at least 500 thousand years. Go here for details....look at the meter measuring world population at the top. If you don't believe them, search any population data site.
If Obama invented the AR15.......
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Thanks, Obama! Speaking on behalf of "the good guys"(us guys who are gun-obsessed) why do you and Hillary want to take away our guns? Obama's answer? brilliant. Watch...
She's totally dressed, but still so erotic!
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I "discovered" two pounds of ground venison in our chest freezer today.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
The secret with Venison is to cover or mask, or cook out the "gamey" the Sour cream and garlic ingedients in Stroganoff should work. I recommend using lots of garlic; a bunch (12+) of cloves ground up. Also some fresh onion, and some oregano, or curry if you want an "Asian" stroganoff...but do spice it up. I don't recommend "hot" spices....but some here might.
Trump isn’t smart enough to understand how the Supreme Court is about to disempower the presidency...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
"Scalia’s originalism was the*** Dunning-Kruger Effect ***placed in the hands of one of the nation’s most powerful men, and given free rein to decide how we should read our Constitution. FYI...
I'd also add that male-on-male mutilation is about a lot more than just the psychic.
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
@Deiter I agree with "men need feminism, too" but I'm not sure where you're going with "psychic self-mutilation' or "taking fists to the face" or "Lord of the flies" moments. Care to explain/elaborate?
Theme song from the 1971 film Summer of 42: The Summer Knows, by Michel Legrand. []
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I left that movie with great, mixed emotions...I so identified with the young man! Great slide and music capture!
Worst coffee?
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Ugh...the worst part of taking my Tesla on road trips was/is the coffee stops. I'm spoiled by home brew..half decaf, flavored and fresh ground. I'm discovering the WaWa group serves decent, reasonably priced brew consistently over several I'm leaning toward them (they're also starting to support more Tesla the one imaged in my avatar...).
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Cute...but has that "14 year old face" look...more girl than woman...
?? Create the best caption you can....
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Why? Why do those breasts...those nipples...messmerize me...? but they do!!! So just "go with it"...yeh, but....yeh but...
What happened the last time the GOP tried to install a fascist dictator (interesting article!) ...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
The article made sense until it started the name calling at the end. It gave away the impetuous and arrogant style of the writer. But the facts remain. FDR was considered a radical. He was considered a socialist. There were movements to overthrow his power by the rich...and I can foresee that happening if Bernie becomes president...which I predict will be a likely outcome of the 2020 elections. But let's not call the Trump supporters "morons". That's going down a slippery slope. A sloppy slippery slope.
The secret to scientific discoveries? Making mistakes []
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
A scientist used to be considered a "Conservative"....very skeptical about changes....demanding and expecting many proofs over long periods of time before a theory was even considered valid. But somehow the Strategy of political and fiscal conservatism broke away from scientific conservatism. ...and of course the #religulous adopted "conservatism" because it also implied "following tradition and morés. So we're stuck with a conundrum of "what exactly is science? " So, Thank You TED talks, for addressing this.
yes, I'm a chess player
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Love the analogy...."Don't be a pawn"....
Do you know who we have to thank for the expiration dates on Milk bottles?
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Wow; I researched this (some of us agnostics take researching seriously) and found out more facts about Al Capone; Did you know.... Capone was the first person to open a soup kitchen to feed the poor during the Depression? At a time of 25 percent unemployment, Capone's kitchens served three meals a day to ensure that everyone who had lost a job could get a meal. Soon, every city and town had a soup kitchen.
Aside from the sheer attractiveness of many younger women, I have a very practical, down-to-earth ...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
It almost seems like it's a woman's "role" to play "hard to get"....and expect us males to "persue". So now it's up to you to "put it out there"... I know, as an elder gent myself...that this is "easier said than done"...but patience has its rewards...and us gents who pride ourselves in maintaining high "T levels" and fitness - will be "found" only if we "post" who we are and why we're still looking for that fitter, more youthful woman. Max your pictures. Minimize your bio...don't go in to a long song and dance. Don't push, nor makes you/us look "lame"....just keep the modesty/self-confident thing going...the healthy, youthful women will find us (I/we hope).
When you work at a garden center and spend your days trying to remember all the cultivars and one ...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
When you try to call a Hibisucus a Bougainvilla (as has happened to me), you know it's time to quit...or at least back off...
Robecology comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Nope...she has to come visit me...and wave to me in person... grrrrr!
Pan fried ribeye in olive oil and butter, to a nice meduim rare.
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
LOVE the idea of split and fried brussel sprouts. With baby Bella's? Perfect! Mmmmmm!
?? Anyone not likely this picture?
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
The only thing I don't like is that she's not here, in my L.R....
I'm dying ?
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
You've got guts to share the distortion with us...and Kudos, kudos for losing the weight! Stay with is longevity. Let hunger be "your friend"...
Finally got time to cook a proper meal! So: Salmon with anchovies and capers; the last of Richard's ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Love the combo of Salmon with anchovies. garlic and caper....three strong flavors that go well with the strong salmon taste!!
I live in South Florida, which has a hot, moist, armpit-like climate that is very favorable for life...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Wow...I LOVE Dave Barry...I actually made several of his articles as homework assignments in my Ecology class (One I recall; "They fly, They swarm, and they're headed our way"....sit back, get a glass of beer or wine...and enjoy;
How does the USA rank globally re: gun violence? For 2017, it's abysmal. []
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
There was a good discussion of Swalwell's bill for gun Control just proposed by Bill Maher....Here's the link to the show...
It's really not that hard.
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
That "Dick" sure isn't a very "swell" guy....
"Live in each season as it passes: Breathe the air, Drink the drink, Taste the fruit and ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Love Thoreau!
? A lovely looking girl on the beach getting an all over tan... Do you have any suntan lotion?
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Yes...and let's keep those nipples pink, please! I'll put on the lotion for you....
22 March 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, I skipped yesterday but actually was well controlled on eating.
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
@DotLewis; Can you specify how you measure calories? I find that too tedious...but I'm stalled at the high 140's and need some ideas...I'm big on portion control...weak on calorie counting.
So...Do U like what U C???
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Duh...ya think?
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Thigh highs, with garter belts...sigh......
Happy Saturday everyone! I'm just getting around to making coffee, and I thought that I would wish ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
THAT'S why I keep my coffee in a thermos, and gave away most of my mugs...HATE cooled coffee. Don't get me wrong...iced coffee works...just not temperate coffee...I know, weird...
Good morning Girls and Boys.
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Do you have an idea what meds were in those injections?
Just walk away...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019: first I thought the kitty was on fire!
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
I've spent too many $$ on too many sexy outfits for my ladies...the memories are there...thanks for refreshing them!
Parody post
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Maher...the master of Trump Parody...did a great job last case you missed you go!
Saturday morning and the sun is shining, the birds are singing and there is definitely a feeling of ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
His falsetto voice was at once appealing and yet, false, to me...I liked their music, but never loved it....
Trump Has Slapped His Brand On Images Of The White House To Sell At His Trump Store President ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Saw that...sad...but his lawyers said he can do it...he's showing America all the loopholes that a slime can ooze in to....
?? Hi honey! I'm so glad you're home! Let me get out of all these clothes for you! OK?
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
No thank you...that's my job....and I won't use my hands....
Good morning! Right away, here's today's question: What were some of the turning points in your ...
Robecology comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Good question. The two most influential, significant turning point events that happened to me was. 1. Losing a young wife to cancer (birth control pills too powerful in the 70's) 2. Being in the eye of hurricane Andrew in '92. ($70K damage)
Well girls and boys, I decided that I am going to do it.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Good luck. Well be watching with our back braces firmly in place for your updates.
I like this one
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Forgive me...and if you're seeing this too often let me know; but whenever the "socialism" stigma comes up, I like to remind my fellow Americans that we're card carrying socialists. That Social security card in your wallet or purse? It a perfect example of democratic socialism at work.'s 75 other things that are already socialist in America...don't get starts with a Fox reporter putting it down...but stay with's very informative.
Jesus and the cross
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Imagine if "hanging" was in back then? Everyone would be wearing a little gold noose?
This is it!
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
One of these days our #Religulous #GOP brothers and sisters will comprehend this...
I ask no favor for my sex.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Greatness, personified.
One's a fake..
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
They're displayed (or were displayed) at at least 5 of his resorts. "The framed copy of Time magazine was hung up in at least five of President Trump’s clubs, from South Florida to Scotland. Filling the entire cover was a photo of Donald Trump."
How many people here are willing to get involved with a man/woman who is separated, which is ...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
It's a very iffy thing. There's too many variables to consider. At least (S)he was honest enougn to admit he was "separated"...the more details you know the better. Ask Him/her...."if you were your spouse, what would your POV sound like?
Joined! Now get off my lawn!!
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Huh? Why the cranky old guy routine?
5:02 PM EST USA Breaking News! MSNBC - Attorney General Barr has been handed the Mueller Report!!!!...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:'s finally can bet there'll be plenty of pro/con interpretations....
Betsy DeVos strikes out — in court [politi.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
As a result, the Education Department is being forced to carry out Obama-era policies that the Trump administration had been fighting to stop — stymying DeVos’ efforts to quickly impose a conservative imprint on federal education policy over the past two years. Sweeeeeeettttt!
Athiest dinner special.....
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
LOL! Good one!
Who else recalls when this was what grocery shopping at the Supermarket was like?
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I recall when the conveyor belts were being installed in the late 50's early 60's! Then registers changed...paper became plastic....I think Publix still has "baggers"....a dying art...(eggs on top...never "bury" soft goods....etc)
I saw the sign....
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Then there's "Get 'er Done"....
The Ammosexual Joy of living near a shooting range and what or who could be shot.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Did you mean to say "who could be shot"?
It's done. []
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I like CNN....but they have a way of trying to stretch basic news out in to long song and dance. Here's the WaPo's version;
???? He shot the picture, she shot the camera... Was it worth the risk?
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Ouch!!! ...ahhhhhh!
Weiner measuring ... (Today's cheese.) ?
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Look at that look..... too funny!
I saw the sign....
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I got banned from the Mental Health support page for suggesting almost those exact words to a person there pleading his case. Sorry....this is wisdom....and from Nike, no less!
Elton John - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (live, 1974) []
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
That, Your song, and the Marilyn song (Candle in the Rain) favorites from him...
Finally, Void Friendly Learning....
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
We were born....we are going to die....consider how lucky we are to be here!
Thought it was clever.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:!
fresh out of the kiln, some dichroic glass pieces which can now be turned into jewelry components.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
The colors are stunning. Earrings, please...and post your prices when you get sets up?
Roy Orbison. - In Dreams (1963j []
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Love, and miss, Roy...
I remember getting one simular to this as a small child.?
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
You can bet the parents of those who gave these sets were open minded and creative themselves.
Just so you know
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I did a lot of research on this (as a NYS certiified health teacher). There's a good reason we're trending toward obesity....and it's not our's our parents. I don't say they did it intentionally...they did the best they could...don't resent them, or be angry with them. .I think today's parents know better...but... Basically research has proven (see the CDC link) that before we could walk and talk, our parents gave us certain treats to quell our upset situation. Some ignored them, let us cry. Others gave us healthy snacks. Still others gave us junk food. our addiction to either shove food in our mouths...or suck thumbs...or do none of that....was established before we could walk and talk. This is why dieting is so tough.... So...for personal reasons...(my pre-pubescent addiction) Ima still be fat this summer.
Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike...guess what day it is? Judy? []
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Gotta be one of the best commercials on TV...
Roast beef again for lunch today.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
My experiment with melting in the tomatoes to achieve the "CutieBeauty" (perfectly melted in to Provolone) effect...part Deux....Conclusion? More research needed....effect not achieved!
Do you ever wonder if Flat Earth people and Trump people, might be THE SAME PEOPLE?
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I found a perfect website to share with any potential Flat's satellite images of the earth...using different filters, and capturing different sections...from geo-stationary satellites 25,000 miles up. Click on "home" for thousands of options...
We are often told.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I've been told I'm brutally honest. I guess 3 divorces kinda proves it?
Show us your bone spurs! Vietnam Veteran Ex-Senator Tells Trump How To Silence Bone Spur ...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Did he really say this? Can he really be that dumb?
Somebody needs some eduction.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I went out on the Apache Trail this afternoon looking for flowers.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Where? What state?


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members