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First Ruby Throated Humminbird sighting at my feeders in 2019, coinciding with the Spring Equinox! I...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
...and I love all the antique bottles!
[] Little help in calculating potency
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Very crucial question! There needs to be a potency yardstick...this much gives you.... effect...this much....etc. This type is mellowing. This type is hypering. Etc. Lots of potency labeling needed!
Make sure I have my first cup pronto, then all other cups are to arrive on schedule.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
The arrogance of cats....I will never, ever, understand why people keep them...
Good morning all! If anyone has a question for the group, please go for it!
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Where are you from? I make my home - retired from teaching - on the beach at Ft. Pierce, Florida; I spent 10 years in Key Largo, 30 years in Homestead Fl (yep..went through Andrew's eye) and 30 years in Upstate N.Y. Started my life in Brooklyn N.Y. You?
A new look
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
But now she dispenses healing...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I'm a "what's a glass" type of guy...
Just so you know
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Pleasantly plump? Voluptuous? Temporarily storing excess energy? Sure. Fat? Nah...
Today is a better far. I've learned some lessons...that's all I can say about yesterday.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
The past is dead...the only reason to remember the past is to learn the lessons....
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
I live in WTF? Shitty.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Here's a great website that shows different areas from a satellite view...
With that personal flotation devices, she won't sink.
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Could have easily been a photo-shopped pic...
Give him credit...
Robecology comments on Mar 22, 2019:
And when you're ready for the truth....
Corporate Democrats are starting to show their fangs
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Consider the various ages we all have. -Chronological -biological -social -emotional -academic -psychological. Bernie is 5 years, 7 months, older than DJT. and two years older than Joe Biden. Bernie is a lot fitter. A lot more socially apropos. Emotionally...heads and shoulders above the rest. I don't know his academia level...but he's had nearly 5 decades experience in politics....and he's clearly psychologically more sound than our present POTUS.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. - Albert Einstein
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
If you love Einstein like I do, I have two reading recommendations. 1. The Brain of Einstein...based on a true story. here's the scoop on the true story from N.G. and.... 2. This relatively short (should take about an hour) interview of the man from 1929....complete with ads from the Sat Ev. Post. Charming, eloquent and informative read.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Except he's a centrist. He's a borderline conservative Democrat. He made Anita Hill's life hell, and installed misogynist Clarence Thomas on the SCOTUS in the 90's. He's not expressed the same sentiments for health care for all or college for all that Bernie, one year his senior, has. I still lean toward Bernie. I'll watch the convention and primaries closely.
That'll show 'em...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I have no respect for those who post this garbage...I don't even feel sorry for them. If I could somehow make it easier for them to "depart" I would...
Over St Patrick's day weekend I participated in my first pickleball tournament & took 3rd place! All...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I have the courts and tournaments in my community...I just haven't found the motivation to get myself over there and watch a few matches. You've inspired me.
How many ounces of coffee for you today? I need 12 oz?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I never measured the ounces...might do that soon. But it's the 8 cup thermal carafe that I refill and restart every day. Some days fresh ground, some days store ground with a Hazelnut flavoring (not sure if they use real hazelnuts...but it's tasty). I always cut either coffee with decaf, on a 50 - 50 the "rush" is extended through the afternoon.
I know some of us feel it is not proper to post pictures of cars, but this is really singles ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Yea....the ride doesn't "make the man" like it used to. I've been single and tooling around in a Tesla...with little effect. It seemed to have mattered more in the 70's and 80's....Can't blame the ladies...they're much more cautious these days...but driving in a hot machine is a rush...I guess these days I've given up trying to impress the women...I just like impressing me....
The Trumpian End Game - 3 squares and a bed.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
The Cult of Trump I'm not sure I agree with the conclusion of this article.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I think there's a strong parallel between the #religulous of America and the Trump cult. They're both naive, under-educated, and impressed with his tricky ways, his snide remarks, and his apparent wealth. They made a cartoon video that explains the Trump cult well....take a look...
Florida man claims he killed, dismembered roommate because he was possibly ‘next mass killer,’ ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Damn! Florida man makes beer run with gator in hand July 28th 2018!
She sure doesn't look like it.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:'re on camera! Pretend your "near climax"...fake it...ok...roll 'em...
do u have a backup plan if the coffee machine is down?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Wow...let me count the ways.... 1. a old but functioning Mr. Coffee 2. a French press device ('s been that long) 3. A way to boil water, put coffee in a paper (cone) filter, tie the filter, throw it in...let 'er soak... Kuerigs Eco-soul has resisted them.... But I even have a brass/bronze coffee grinder...antique....
We can do better
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I think the greatest fear of the single-payer health care for all is the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be lost in the insurance business. So they send lobbyists to D.C. who push $$ into politicians pockets to keep supporting our outmoded system.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I don't know what he'd do that hasn't already been done. With Florida passing the new law that allows former arrested people the right to vote... I know that they're thrilled, for the most part, to be back in to the participation of governance...and I'm betting that's where most of his voter registrants come from...'s an article from Jan 9, 2019...
Fractal of the day.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
What are we looking at? Liquid? Metal? Please explain!?
I have no explanation for this shot, other than the fact it is old and I was experimenting with B/W ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
stark, contrasty, beautiful, impressive!
? Please describe this picture the best you can....
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Great eyes...good windblown look...nice skin tone...good foreground lighting...
Newbie here! This Texas girl made a Yorkshire pudding! It was eggy and crispy and flaky and yummy.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Next step...cut 'er open and show us the inside! My mouth is watering.....hurry!
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I love how the tomatoes just dried right in to the shriveling. Oil on top? What kind of cheese? Neat trick!
Just say "no".
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019: prayers are not answered! Thank you Agnostic Jesus! (tongue firmly in cheek...)
Do you remember when pizza came in a box?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Bread mixes still do....Pillsbury makes a great variety of spiced breads that don't need much attention...including a yeast packet....they rise nicely, and work easily. Try them....or be brave, and try flour and your own fresh yeast....once you get the right amounts of ingredients becomes easy! for infusing cannabis into cooking.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I can't wait until clear dose-described sales start. I under use one time, and overdose the next. We need regulation and legalization awfully badly.
Give Peace a chance✌?❤✌
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
His cold-blooded murderer is still in prison....still seeking parole. I hope the review board keeps him in prison for years to come.
A friend of mine took these yesterday at Lone Ranch Beach.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Upper West coast of the U.S.?
All you need is coffee or Tea! Whatever your choice of beverage! Have a great day! Heading to ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019: I'm a drug addict. Next cup...please....or else.....
Florida man claims he killed, dismembered roommate because he was possibly ‘next mass killer,’ ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Isn't that dangerous - to put your birthday out there? That's a key link to important Password recoveries...beware....
I've seen the Pittsburgh falcons darting around buildings.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Heinz Meng (deceased; SUNY New Paltz) was the scientist/educator who was instrumental in introducing Falcons to city life. He earned his doctorate in the 50's doing just that in NYC....and other cities soon adopted the falcons as a way to control pigeons. They're natural cliff the high-rise ledges are natural homes for them. Their diving speeds have been clocked at close to 200 MPH...probably the fastest bird alive.
For anyone who missed Admin's announcement we now have access to Analytics if we are Group ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
The analytics are cool! Thanks for pointing them out to us/me!
We have a lot to overcome.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Bio/eco/scientist POV; In most animal species the males are the more naturally beautiful member of the species. The the bio-tradition of remaining hidden to bear and raise young, depend on camouflage. The males....again, biologically....vie for women's the more naturally handsome the better. Culture has encouraged women to could call it the beginnings of sexual equality in humans started with women learning to use make-up..... So guys...take the hint. You want to stay attractive to the ladies? Practice good grooming. Clean habits. Attention to details (clean breath, clothing, hair). Avoid the colorings, wigs, and other embellishments; or use them subtlely. with it. If you're ugly, you're ugly!
New Zealand PM announces ban on all assault rifles following Christchurch massacre []
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Police Commissioner Mike Bush said in a statement; "I can't emphasize enough that in the current environment it is important you do not take your now-unlawful firearm anywhere without notifying police," Bush said "It is absolutely vital that we manage the safe and organized transport of all firearms into police custody." Wow. They're getting serious down under...and off to the side. Kudos, New Zealand.
I'll go with science
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
RELIGION is like being in a dark room and praying to an imaginary being for a cat.
I clicked on photos and nothing come up. Have they even deleted access to the photos?? ?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Anyone in level 7 or above; go to the "Senate" group and state your case. They appreciate the info and work fast to fix glitches.
I NEVER use the elevator in a building. What do you think?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Oink! Seriously headed toward thanks!
I'd be very interested in meeting a very attractive woman who keeps herself in pretty good shape I ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Bob...a bit of're too obvious...too....desperate. Just chat with folk here, and all over agnostic. Those who are attracted to you will click on your link, and try to find out more. Those who are strongly attracted will message you. In the meantime...just open up, be yourself, discuss the issues presented on all these different groups. Let her come to you. Don't're begging, Bob.
What causes you to feel loved?
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
How about signs that love is ending? ...too many of us ignore these for too long... 1. Advice not asked nor called for. 2. Arguing, not debating. (fine line) 3. Profanity/shouting/raised voices. 4. Absence/avoidance 5. Abuse; physical and mental/spiritual
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Good one!
Trump Has Now Shifted $1.3 Million Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Business []
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I watched Maddow last night...and got a new perspective on his end game. ...he wants to resign soon. ...he's got to be intentionally testing the see what he can milk out of it. ...then when he gets advisers to say 'put on the parachute and jump" he'll take his retirement.
I heard Beep Beep just before the crash
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Watch this video of a car narrowly avoiding total devastation from a rock coming down a mountainside...
Good morning! I'm finally feeling better and hope to get a full day's work done today.
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
The most impressive thing I do/ save $$$....and survive 45 years as a public school teacher. Question for you @GermanGirl90439; What were your parents - and your - reaction to the end of Nazism? That must have been a terrible time for German about an inside story on your life as a child. Let's hear about your grandparents....who had to have gone through that period....please?
Hey, my dream catcher works!
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
i have several all around my home...waiting for a dream like this....
Your guide to the end of the Mueller probe Answering, as best we can, your pressing questions: ...
Robecology comments on Mar 21, 2019:
I'm beginning to get the picture. He's stalling...intentionally. Mueller doesn't want internal unrest. He knows that if he "lays his cards on the table" there'll be too much turmoil. He also knows that in 19 months, we'll vote. The impeachment process alone could take longer than that...and if DJT is pushed to resign, then Pence-puppet will take over...pardon DJT....and he'll go golfing full time on our dime...that will cause too much internal uprising....
Twin peaks...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Guys...why criticize a boob job? She obviously can afford it....or has a lover who only live once; bigger boobs have more appeal. She's beautiful...she did the boob job so you could appreciate her beauty more.... Stop dissing the boob job! You complainers sound like my buddies in 7th grade that used to tease early developers by shouting "falsies"....STOP IT!
sundown by gordon lightfoot []
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Love G.L.! Here he is singing the same tune, recently, live!
Does anyone remember these candies and/or eating them?
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
These were before dried fruits came back in popularity. When everyone realized these sugar dense fruit-flavored snacks were just a shadow of the real thing....the trend went back to dried fruits. If you haven't tried dried Papaya...I strongly recommend it. It has the enzyme Papain...which is allegedly very good for us
Some friends ask me for advice about life and love and tell them to look how my marriage and how my ...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
The more crowded it gets...the harder it becomes to meet someone. I read this in 1962....when the earth had 3.5 billion. Now it's more than double that, and increasing by 158 more births, than deaths, per minute. In 1971 I got an NSF grant to study this. ...sorry...but this is a scientific and biological's proven. Read the article.
So, why would there be one window open?......
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Not necessarily open...but a window set up as an exhaust - or intake - vent.
???She's thirsty... Are you thirsty... ? What's gonna quench your thirst today?
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Going by the smoldering Volcano in the background. that pic was taken in one of the many hot springs below the Arenal volcano in Costa Rica...but that might not be a volcano. If it was taken in's definitely not a volcano...
KInda not true for me... off tomorrow!!
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Finding this journey to being fully single full of twists and turns.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
You'll be going through a period of hate. That's natural. You want to reach that period of "indifference" where you forget more and more about them. That'll take time. Be patient with yourself. Ken Keyes jr. (deceased) wrote many books on "Holding on tightly, letting go lightly" and others. Search his name. He did a lot for my mental well being when I was going through my divorces.
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
These are too funny. [wideopencountry.]
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
El Arroyo...famous for their funny signs...or are they computer generated?
For those who have trouble sleeping researchers say that 1 week of camping, without electronics, ...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
One advantage of retirement is that you go to sleep and wake when you like. The time change simply made me wake up one hour later....I'm very attuned to my "Circadian rhythm...
If you figure this one out don't tell, just say yes. Hee hee
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
LOL...Would I be wrong to post the link of the group that made this lyric famous? Hint... the Denver Broncos play this song at the end of every game...that they won....
A perv.,a con artist and a fascist....
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Did you know you can make your own alleged "church signs" with anything you want on them? This is one of many; But I do NOT recommend you use them to create lies or crack jokes...let's be true "agnostics" (we don't know....prove it) here.
l just watched a news conference in which 395 priests from lllinois have been publicly accused of ...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Let's not over-react and tall about killing anyone. These men are sad, sick. and....human. . What "the church" (in general the Catholics, more specifically) is showing the world is that abstinence doesn't work. All (I can fact check me on this) "Protestant" ministers are allowed to marry. They are allowed to have women priests (although I hear that there's a glass women bishops yet)...but the protestant church was moving in the right direction hundreds of years ago. Those of use here on have seen the light of "prove-it/show me or it's not real approach to religion and their strategies...we're obviously several steps ahead...had to brag/boast....but we've figured it out....the #religulous of the world haven't.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
I'm impressed. CNN has always had on right wing/GOP/conservative reps/spin doctors on their show....and maybe Faux news is finally getting the message about them being out of touch. I think it'll bring a wider audience to them.
My dissertati​on proposal was approved by my committee this morning.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Fill us in....topic? proposed to whom? What school?
Booooom!???? poor Filipina's?
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Look at it this way; she spent many thousands of $$ to be able to do what a few cents piece of tape did....
We are merging groups with the Freethinkers for Bernie Sanders group, The members, posts, and ...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Love it. Love Bernie. Let's give him this chance. He's earned it.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Stunning "child"...but still obviously a child...IMO....
Germany wants US ambassador expelled
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
I researched this; it's true! I couldn't find anything about him being a racist or fascist....but they don't like his attitude, for sure...
First day of Spring.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
It's been unseasonably chilly (mid 60's) and wet here in normally dryer and warmer Eastern Florida; the Treasure Coast.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
The WH admin want the impeachment press...then they could use it as an excuse to a. Allow Trump to resign b. Allow Pence to take over as POTUS c. Allow Pence to immediately declare a pardon for the #LiarInChief d. Allow DJT to then go free, golf unlimited on our dime. SO NO...WE DON'T WANT TO IMPEACH! LET'S WORK HARD FOR THE NEXT 19-20 MONTHS TO VOTE THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM OUT.
Pls scroll down to "FINITE" Think about the big picture AND the small one, TOO :). []
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
@LetsGetReal It took me to a page with broadcasts I could buy...I'm not clear what you're referring to?
I found this really neat dodgeball storage rack. It only holds two at a time...
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Tan back....well spanked (or freshly sunburned?) butt...LOL!
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.....Jim Morrison
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
I saw another quote by Heath Ledger the other day...I think on this strand. I get almost angry at posts by fools who died makes me not respect their wisdom. I value life too much. I recently got banned off of Mental health support for getting angry with someone talking suicide there....and you can guess what I suggested. Sorry...ranting....but I like quotes from folks who embrace life...not abuse it and let their life get cut short. If you want to go to a great source of quotes....I recommend " type in any name. I discovered it searching A.O.C....then Morgan Freeman...but they have on almost anyone who's said stuff of wisdom and value..
Strange dawn lighting effects that were changing so fast, in a January a few years ago.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Nice...but try framing it higher...more sky, less dark foreground. Love the gold tones.
How many times have you been in love, as opposed to just being infatuated? Was it reciprocated?
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Great question. You're asking us to define what apparently is almost I've been 'in love" many times in my life. Some say too many...I say I've had a love-filled life. I married when I was 21 and a senior in college...unfortunately our attempts to plan a family by using the cancer causing birth control pills (100X more potent than todays pill in the 70's) caused her to die from cancer. Then I "fell in love" a woman with a 7 year old girl... I Married her. Had my only son with her. Things were great for about a decade...then fell apart. Divorced. Fell in love again. Married again. Divorced again. Fell again. Married again. Divorced again. Maybe it was being an early widower that taught me the lesson on how to let go? But so far...happily divorced/unmarried/single since 2005. ...and I met a nice woman in '06 who I fell in love with...then broke up with...then went back with...then broke up with...then went back with...then broke up get the picture? And I "love" my Son now almost 40, and his new wife and my new grandson. I also still see my step-daughter (who I see on holidays)who's a successful business woman and mom in her 40's...and yes...I love her, and my step-grand-daughter as well! do I define my loves for all these people? It's not easy.
Glad that i am not rich👅😋
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Greed is a pernicious. subtle, but very powerful addiction. This is funny because it has a strong grain of truth to it.
Its all from behind??
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Sweet, seductive....nice!
Good morning! One of my favorite TV shows in recent times has been "This Is Us.
Robecology comments on Mar 20, 2019:
I'm not a TV person...I watch Maddow, and Maher on Friday nights...60 minutes on Sunday. But.... "God Friended me" came on right after 60 minutes a few weeks ago...thought I'd watch... It's got a charming, not #Religulous theme about a recluse computer hacker who "tags" a fellow who's an internet talk-show host, an agnostic, and an African American named Miles (I forget the actor's name) who keeps getting "friend suggestions" from a "God" account...that turn out to be folks he gets involved with in a helpful way. The underlying theme of the show is the hunt for this recluse video "God account" who keeps finding folks to friend a way that's uncanny and, as yet, unexplainable. Mies is developing a kissing-girlfriend relationship with a cute white there's an inter-racial thing going on...and he has a middle-eastern (Pakistani-American) computer friend who's helping him "find god" (the recluse computer hacker that keeps setting Miles up). Cute show, complex plot, and it moves well every week...almost too well. Watch and respond, please?
I do like my vaggies fresh and clean.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
That would be good with Peni Pasta, right? (yes....misspelled intentionally)
18 March 2019 - Diet Diary - All is quiet here in rural Kansas.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Speaking of Cabbage soup....I did small portions of corned beef and cabbage with baby carrots..trimmed all the fat...and have been extending my St. Patrick's day feast in to the week. Slowly getting down; 148.4 lb. the lowest in 2 weeks. update 3/20 148.2! slow and steady....
It is telling that Beto won’t release how many donors contributed to his $6.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Yet another journalist reports....and you produce none? Where's YOUR proof?
It is telling that Beto won’t release how many donors contributed to his $6.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I'm guessing you don't like O'Rourke? Here's another source that says he did it all on private contributions. No corporate donations. All 50 states.
It is telling that Beto won’t release how many donors contributed to his $6.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
What's your source? From what I've read, there were no PAC contributions. There were only private donators...from all 50 states. He beat Sander's 1 day record by $200K.
Baker Street, Gerry Rafferty: []
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Here's the same tune showing the guys playing....
Today’s fb memories.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Gotta feel sorry for those who call educated people who favor the scientific method "libtards".... I share this with them whenever I get that as a debate comeback...
We're all getting a little older, so...
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
The punk Rock king has aged pretty well
I'm sure we all have done this
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I still cut and use brown paper bags instead of buying parchment for baking....but that's part of who I am...Rob - ecology.
Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Nothing wrong with "picking on " men. It's the people...almost entirely men...even today, in most nations of the world, who are "willing to believe what they wish"....these men try to corrupt, or avoid government control...or they fear it, and try to minimize it. Is there excessive control? Is there too much "bureaucracy"...I tend to agree. But you have no need to clarify. We who are well aware know that it's almost entirely "men"...
What's an album you would recommend everyone listen to once in their lifetime?
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
two; The Beatles...any album..the White is my favorite...and Bryan Adams..."18 'til I die"
Miss the Far Side
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Larson was/is just so darn funny and creative...he's an elder now...but still alive;
Today would have been our 43d wedding anniversary, l love and miss you Donna, trying to move on as ...
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of my 1st wife taken from me by cancer (birth control pills) too soon in '77, when she was 29 and I 31. NIce thoughts...
Been feeling pretty low and heartbroken the past couple days.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Awesome! Gotta be a great natural high! Kudos!
Are you just tired?
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
America is in dire need of fitness....there's a real obesity epidemic occurring...
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Precisely. Those burqas are to help the muslim men control themselves... ...yet these men talk about "virgins in heaven" virgins here on earth? -not surprised... ...I'm guessing in most #religulous relationships the men are dominant....and impregnate "their women" when they're ready.... the whole point of religious dominance is to support male dominance.
Looks like Spring has arrived here at the Clear Creek:
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
What state? Remember; you reach folk in the UK, Australia, even Asia.


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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666 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
646 members
Mental Health Support
631 members
598 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
508 members
Florida Freethinkers
444 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
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422 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
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Community Senate
385 members
Critter Corner
373 members
372 members
Dating for Real People
370 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
355 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
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visual art
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"Positive Vibes"
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Documentaries you should see
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Online Dating: The Reality
322 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
317 members
Geek's Corner
307 members
304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
304 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Hippie Land -
291 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
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Childfree Domain
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36 Questions
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247 members
Baby Boomers
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Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
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Simply Atheist
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General Forum
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The Best of Late Night & News
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Sun Moon Stars
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Dharma Café
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122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
109 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
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Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
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Atheist Videos & Miscellany
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78 members
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62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
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The Path of a Taoist
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Common Ground
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54 members
54 members
No more war
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Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
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Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
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Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
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Pin Ups
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Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members