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How much does race factor into your dating preferences?
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
There's a nice inter-racial relationship developing in an interesting program on Sunday nights after 60 minutes called "God Friended me"...about an Agnostic Podcaster (African American) and his minister father and young (white) lady associate...who've been almost/not-quite/sortof in to a relationship. Good show for us agnostic/atheists, as well.
I've mentioned before that I am working on moving past a relationship with a narcissist.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Ken Keyes jr. (deceased) explained it well - search his books on relationships. In a nutshell; try to go from love to hate to indifference as fast as possible. Remove all contact possibilities. It will take time...but you can speed up that time by cutting him/her off. For a short and handy self-help guide, google Ken Keyes 12 pathways. Here it is, in a song and lyric version.
White House finally clears things up
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Jean Shepherd....he was the narrator as well as the writer for that fabulous story....and didn't he just nail crass commercialism with that discussion in the movie about the "decoder ring" (remember...D - r - i - nk. m- o - r - e O-v- a - l - t - i - n - e ?) LOL! Google Jean Shepherd audio books ...if you liked "Christmas Story" you'll love other great Jean Shepherd stories.
Because profit is more important than people to Teathugliscums
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
It's a serious problem. I blame it on that "perfect Addiction"....greed.
Good morning! I just accepted a new job, in a different law firm (more money, better benefits, and ...
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Wow...another good one. When I left teaching...I left a club sponsorship that broke my heart. I thought I was "irreplaceable"... but quickly found out I was easily replaced. Sad....but I moved on! Happily retired, on the beach...180 miles north of that town....
I had a couple of visitors to my bird feeders this morning. Two cute Ducks!
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Remember that Muscovy's are indeed friendlier than most ducks...but they're considered ecological disasters. They overbreed too quickly. The push out many shyer native species. They will defecate on sidewalks in local parks...and their feces contain the Psittacosis worm eggs that will get on your shoes and in to your toddlers' digestive system in no time. They're a serious problem here in Florida...
I don't think Morgan said this.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I like "BrainyQuote" dot com because you can click on any quote and it'll discuss the origin. Try checking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on there....very enlightening.
I don't think Morgan said this.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Morgan Freeman. Gotta love him. Ageless....great actor....wise man...
Taken at the Enchanted Pools waterfall, and lower Enchanted Pools Desolate Wilderness Northern ...
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
What visit to a waterfall wouldn't be complete (to us hetero guys) without a bathing beauty? Nice pics.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
LInk, please. This is important.
Because profit is more important than people to Teathugliscums
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I've blogged about this topic. Greed. It is not only an addiction....It's perfect; nothing to inject... ....the risk isn't with your body it's with your money....but if "the gamble" pays off, everything's, sex, cars.... ....and you not only need more to keep you happy....but withdrawal will cause all sorts of symptoms..... ...and your family loves your addiction... ...but it is on the road to bringing America to its' knees.
Who's your favorite? Me...Bugs ?
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Torn... Loved them all...Woody, Elmer, Daffy, Bugs, and of course Minnie and Mickie...
I hope everyone’s ok ??
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Poor Heath....he was clearly on a road to stardom...and let drugs take him out...
Because profit is more important than people to Teathugliscums
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Greed...the Perfect addiction....and the addiction that will end America's domination in the world economy.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
great textures, great color...and I can almost taste it...Kudos!
Have a terrific Tuesday✌❤?
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
KInd of off topic...but I'm not only an old hippie, but I had one of those VW minivans...did you know that VW is planning on putting a minivan out soon that's totally EV? Here's a peek...
It is expensive
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
The foods they are buying ARE the drugs...
These are the pictures of my spring garden in Tampa, Florida.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Good job on the Pineapples! I've been trying to sprout the tops from store purchases..any advice?
I am new to wine.
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
It really is a matter of personal taste. Keep trying different types until you find what you're looking for. I concur about the price; most wines are overpriced...good wines are available for under $5. I prefer the semi sweet wines, and the fruity wines. I'm not a dry wine drinker.
Food for thought
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I actually have had this on my computer desktop for ages! Soooo true!
Robecology comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Not me, can't afford that name brand stuff....
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
LOL...that's IF you give a darn about anyone looking at your recycling box and/or what you toss in the bin. I know I've gotten too comfortable being a long time man living alone....when the other night I participated in a "bring your own dish social...and I not only wore my raggedy old house slippers (I brougtht down a nice home made from scratch Pizza) but I never noticed I was wearing those ugly things until I got back upstairs.....
Billy Joel Scenes from an Italian restaurant []
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Billy's got his own station on my Tesla. He's fabulous. Look up and listen to - and check the lyrics to - Allentown. He wrote it in 1980...and one of his lines were...back then..."and they've taken all the coal from the ground"...
Ok this is a debate group so.....Convince me this meme is not accurate
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Obama had an answer for this in 2016...I shared it earlier today in the pro-gun-control strand...I think it's appropriate here. Please watch before you comment..
I'm with the random white guy.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Wow...this is very 21st century modernest man...Kudos, RandomWhiteGuy!
Wedding vows. Are atheists vows stronger than religious vows?
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
What a great question. Penn Jillette - a well known atheist/agnostic, had this to say about marriage.
You just thought your food lasted a long time []
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Very, very old butter! Wow!
I need some help.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Your backgrounds are awful. Take selfies of you with either a plain background or of you doing something...biking, hiking, whatever you do. The second one of you with a tan shows a better kept hair and shirt, as well as some skin color....but again...awful background. Put on a suit....take a pic. Go to a beach...take a pic. The more pics of you, the better people know you.
I really don't feel like living is worth it today.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
If you don't feel it's worth it... Then quit the drama and pleas...and make room for others. People who plea for help just don't appreciate how lucky they are. I share this...but if you pass on....I'll not be never saw how lucky you are to be alive. Leave room for those who do. Better yet; quit your complaining...get your resume together, go get another job...and be productive. or don't.
Visited Mt Palomar and now checking out the super bloom in Anza Borrega State Park - so gorgeous!
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
For those who don't know where Palomar's in Southern the very southern part of this map, just a few miles from the border of Mexico.
I was only one when Woodstock happened.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
I had just turned 19...just fell in love with my first wife, and had actually bought the tickets to all three days. When we got there the fences were down....and no one was "collecting" we just became part of the sea of people. Pills being passed out everywhere...joints was truly amazing. The rainy weather killed it...we tried camping in the car...but got too uncomfortable..and said let's head home.
Bryan Adams and Melanie C. - When You’re Gone. []
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
That's a new one for me...I fell in love with Adams' music in '95...with "wanna be your Underware". Notice the great bass licks...
Has profanity become the normal way to communicate?
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sorry; Profanity's not my thing. I learned young to disrespect those who use it...
"God is in control" was said to me this week-end.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
People won't "use their brains" for the same reason they won't "grow up" or stop "drinking the kool aid"....they're random pot-shots at them that have little meaning other that to show you (the person who says it...not you specifically) just want to belittle them. Instead of prepared for great comback questions...or replies to "God is in control" "I'm glad you feel god is in control. May I ask you for an example where you know that god's control made a difference?". You compliment them for their attempt at empathy...but then you throw it back in their laps....instead of just talking to us (we call it preaching to the choir). Hit back the #Religulous. Don't just absorb it then rant to us. Challlenge them. Make them "use their brain" - don't be afraid to talk back to them. Look them in the eye, say thanks for the intention of your compliment...but "I'm riding a medical science approach to life train right now".... it's not rude....and your speaking up - politely - will make them think twice about offering such drivel.
Missouri lawmaker introduces law mandating that every person own an AR-15.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
I've posted this before. Obama said this back in 2016...and it makes more sense than ever today.
Good Morning All.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Retired guy with too much computer time on his hands, here.... Nice view!
Well, after some discussions with the lead artist, my boss chose to fire me instead of getting rid ...
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
You don't specify the situation regarding the topic of the discussion...but remember (s)he's called an "artist" for a reason....(s)he makes creations which some would call "art"...and others would call junk/con/trash. Art; whether it's music, poetry, sculpting, very much a matter of opinion. If (S)he has the most money, than it's his/her call. (S)he's "your boss" so why argue?'s art. (S)he might love it..and it's his/her money paying for the artist and your labor/employment. Not worth getting "fired" for.... Put your tail between your legs. Go kiss some a...s and your job to offer "opinions" on the artist or just do a task? Unless you can find a job elsewhere - Go explain that you thought you were hired to give opinions, and that you now see that they're not respected. No....I wouldn't even be that harsh....just say "yes sir/ma-am" STFU and do a good job.
Find it cute and funny?????
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019: me naive...I don't get it?
Good Morning Fellow Hippies. Its bright and sunny here - Spring is coming. I can feel it can't you?
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Funny; this winter in Florida has been unusually cold and wet...then we'll have a few days of spring-like weather...and then oppressive, "Ho-Hum" (hot and humid) summer will settle in - the snowbirds disappear...and I have the pool, beach, and spa all to myself....;( (that's a sad face, with a wink, and tongue firmly in cheek....)
Missouri lawmaker introduces law mandating that every person own an AR-15.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
New Zealand is reacting to the massacre swiftly, strongly;
Does an Oak leaf catch your attention?
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Love the close ups...# 3 an #5...i think they're in the red oak family....
...once again, proving that the jokes practically write themselves.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Presidential IQ (as alleged, by them; most not proven)
This pretty much sums up science.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Or....a bunch of good folk trying to disprove Assholes who believe Shit?
Beads Found in 3,400-year-old Nordic Graves Were Made by King Tut's Glassmaker []
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Awesome! As an Egyptologist (hobby, not pro) this is good news! I strongly recommend reading "The Egyptian" and other books that are historically accurate - yet fictional accounts of ancient Mika Waltari. I loved his book "The Wanderer" as well.
17 March 2019 - Diet Diary - Happy St.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Me too!! I'm a portion control guy...I've had no luck with calorie counting...I have to keep repeating "hunger is my friend"...and just let it happen. I did a relatively lean, small portion of corned beef (very lean) and cabbage, with carrots. and NO POTATOES! (fear the carbs...IMO). So I'm down to 148.7. -oh...and no green beer, no green Martini! Thanks for the inspiration, Dot!
Small ways to change the world for the better...
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Aldi's is making "returning your cart" a fun event. I used to get so many folk saying "here take my cart" - and I'd offer the quarter (required to unlock it) and they'd refuse! So now I've taken up the habit....passing the free's fun...and "positively uplifting"!!
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Springtime in NY. They've made songs about that. Let's see pics! I miss little Italy and Chinatown and all the "pocket" parks of NYC...
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
We're Agnostic. We don't know. So we can't say if this is right, or not. Our ancient ancestors were overwhelmed by it they made up stories. We don't know for sure if they're not true...but they're just so incredulous (as above) that it makes us laugh, today... at the #religulous. Religion had a place in our development. There's a lot of science that has disproven the biblical claims. But we have to respect their naivité. The religulous are simple folk. Let's not "make fun" of them. They are traditionalists. They are our ancestors. I'm not being sympathetic...just empathetic. a ranting mood this AM...
Good morning! A few days ago my Facebook reminded me of my clogged ear about a year ago.
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Ugghh..ear "candling"....? Talk about a "superstitious unscientific procedure"....I'm not impressed that you attempted this! Plain alcohol or even Hydrogen Peroxide always works for me. I have two scars..both earned when very young. One was a scar from pulling a hot grease-filled pan off the cooktop too fast...yep...on thumb. Another one...I don't even recall how I got mother said I fell hard on a sharp object and cut my chin...
Sometimes when the sun is low the lighting seems ‘just right’ and I grab the camera and start ...
Robecology comments on Mar 18, 2019:
nice variety of direct and indirect lighting!
Bernie fires back at Trump over Socialism []
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Hurry, Bob Mueller. Hurry, Nov 6 2020. I'm getting so stressed from having this POS POTUS!
Don't change! Well, unless you're...😅
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
It’s tough to decide whether you’re being considered an asshole or being considered changeable. Assholes are permanent fixtures. Can we transform from an asshole to a decent person?
Don't change! Well, unless you're...😅
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
But we never look at ourselves as assholes...or if we do we're told to have a positive self-image....I'm confused....
Good morning my friends! What a gorgeous start the day! Welcome the warmth and beauty.
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Cloudy and cool (60º) in Ft. Pierce F....but happy St. Pat's day to all....I got Corned beef and cabbage for 1 on the menu...if you're in the neighborhood, stop buy...but I will put a drop of green food coloring in your beer....just to make you smile!
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
c' Atheist/agnostics don't believe in that hocus-pocus.... My coffee high is scientifically dependable!
Good morning, and Happy St.
Robecology comments on Mar 17, 2019:
I'm pretty satisfied in that department. Home is paid for. Car on automatic payments...with enough income to cover it. If I had more cash...I guess I'd travel more...there's a few places on my bucket list...but travelling's such a hassle....parking. getting rides to airports. more cash please....just a woman who has my likes and who's attractive to there a price on that? Priceless? Yeah, thought so. Oh...and I'm making Corned beef and cabbage (with baby potatoes...but some nice spices) later...In honor of that tricky guy from the 400's AD that allegedly removed snakes from Ireland.....which turned out to be.... ....wait for it.... ...Religulous!
Instagram Hottie
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
So cute!
Hope this nude is sexy and classy enough.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Enough for what? Our attention and appreciation? Hell yes!
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I'll take food delivery fact I'll be glad to take her to the restaurant of her!
The sexiest women...100 years ago!
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
There were nudes back then...I have some on my other computer...they just weren't common....
Plywood on a fence Berts at Eastern Market
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Good capture of the art of nature... anyone ever on here?
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Good morning fellow hippies.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Peace out, Ms S.G.!
Another ass kisser
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
and..."I do declaya" Ms. Graham opposed the making of Mueller's support
out of the gate for St Pattys day . . . .
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Sure and begorrah....oh...wait...begorrah means "by god"...and this holiday's for a saint who allegedly magically removed all the snakes from Ireland....except that they never had them...but he alleged that he rid the Isle of them so they made him a saint? #Religulous..
ROBERT PALMER "Respect Yourself" (live)...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
He died so young...and he made such great music....he died aged 54 of an alleged heart attack (may or may not have been drug related...never investigated)...he didn' the end....respect himself enough to avoid his death...
Dating profiles, am I right?
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Pictures are - to me - worth a thousand words. The more pics of you; close and far - doing this and that - the more honest you are - the more ready you are for a relationship. To think that I started "dating" in the late 80's using personal pic...very little info....we've come a long way...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
If you haven't read "Astrophysics for people in a hurry" can't call yourself a NDT fan...
Found! Jared Kushner's application Essay for getting in.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Maybe they've kept us from ever hearing him speak once in public for good reasons?
You know this is true:
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Go Bernie!
Went to the Detroit Institute of Arts yesterday.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
My two fav's? The cross-legged statue of woman, and the multicolored plate.
It all comes from the tap
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
...indeed...let's call it SUCKERWATER DUMMYWATER FOOLEDYAWATER please, chime in!
Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base And that seems to be all the ...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Mr. Wallace...son of the legendary reporter from the 60's and 70's Mike the one clear voice of Fox News. He's the only one worth listening to on that channel. Brilliant man. I wish there were more like him on that channel.
[] A must read.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
To be honest; I got tired of buying from a disreputable "dealer" long ago...and growing my own is iffy at best. I'm ready for quality control. I'm ready for edibles. I'm ready for predictable doses and effects.
You know this is true:
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Don't forget; Religion? Any as long as it's American and #religulous
....or we, ourselves are God, until told otherwise.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
I was challenging someone on the "Food" strand here who stated, adamantly, that microwaves cook from the inside out. I first asked him for references which supported his opinion - because I wasn't sure that was correct. Then I looked it up; and posted two links that proved that this was a false rumor. But before I posted the links...I had not one, but two challengers say that "____ is an expert....we take him for his word".... ...and for a moment there, I understood how religion got started...I felt like a foodie heathen....
Ignoring the fact that trump seems have forgotten touch up the paint on his hand in this pic, look...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Counting the days...
How ruin someone else's weekend.
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Beware her child spawn....
Monologue: Price of Admission | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
"We have the support of NPR, academia, and vegans....yeh...that was a joke...we're f'....d"....LOL!
Monologue: Price of Admission | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
He said Rich people cheat to put their f ing stupid kids in to college"...he forgot to call them "#Religulous...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Indeed! Come in! Have a seat! I have half-decaf, half fresh-ground arabica brewed fresh this AM sitting in my thermal carafe...try it...if you don't like it I will gladly brew you any combination of the many varieties I have in my pantry and freezer... May I ask why you're at my door dressed as you are...?
Familiar? ...very familiar, well known reaction. []
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2019:
New Zealand had fewer deaths in the whole nation for the whole year of 2017 than what happened in one day. You can bet they'll act quickly to collect and ban all rapid-fire weapons.
I have a close friend in my professional field whose intellect and wit are sexy to me, and we can ...
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
The big question is why you say 'but then, no". Was it eye contact? An offer turned down? A clear difference in physique? There's so many variables that it's hard to project success or failure here. In general...relationships that work well over time can evolve - and for me....the longer a relationship took to develop - the better and longer it lasted. Speaking generally; then; (S)he might - or you might - be inspired to "shape up" it lose weight, join a gym, etc. and thus improve the likelihood of your "physical chemistry" So general advice? yes - it can can happen...if you're patient...if you - or the other person - is inspired to get closer to the physical ideal that you crave - or (S)he craves... But a very good question!
Please welcome @Robecology to the group. I see he’s already started posting....nice and keen!
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Just in case we have a repeat of the last time.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
After 5 years of withdrawal from life (after the death of my husband) I decided to try online ...
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Hello, attackers! Robecology defending himself here - and men in general! I wasn't picking on @SiouxCitySue, I just pointed out that she exaggerated very strongly, and clearly and obviously misunderstood the fact that - according to her - men - (quoting her) -"are only interested in women 5 to 15 years younger than them." -"And to top it all off, over 50% of them indicate the only book they have ever read is the christian bible" -"The only person they want to meet is John Wayne", -"the only show they ever watch on TV is NCIS" -"they play golf and tennis" -"attend the gym 3 to 18 days a week" -"bicycle 35 miles a week" and want women who "are fantastic cooks." - - - - - - - - - - - Please; admit that these are all gross exaggerations, and if you do some gender research, outright lies? I did say one derogatory thing about her; "Bitter much"? I also suggested a simple solution; "Solution. If you value having a partner your age....start thinking of living a healthier lifestyle. You might just attract more men..." and I, in turn, got attacked intensely for suggesting such a thing? Why? In addition "men are liars" and "men are hypocrites" from 2 different women, below. Ladies...why are you so angry? - - - - - - - - - -. To say (as some below have said below) "men lie" is also an exaggeration based on bitterness. I don't condone lying. I'm very upfront with my bio and my pics. And I don't say that men do this more or less than women do. I'm guessing it's about equal. ...and...calling "men hypocrites" (by yet another woman, below)....isn't that just a bit hypocritical? - - - - - - - - - I pointed out (far below, much earlier today) that I ended a relationship with a woman 13 years younger than me for basically these reasons....she couldn't keep up with this old man..and had "let herself go". I also pointed out that I had my share of "imperfections" that irked her, as well. I've said it before and I'll say it again...each of the relationships that have ended with me (and probably with all you readers) was more or less a 50-50 causative factor. - - - - - - - - - What we need is less exaggeration about the gender who may have "hurt" us. It's unfair. It's showing bias and prejudice (as in pre-judgement). Let's not bash...either sex. It's wrong. It shows the basher is ill, and hurt. Ken Keyes jr, (deceased) has a great saying about breaking up; "Go from hatred to indifference as soon as possible - for your own sanity" - - - - - - - - - - - Look inside and try to resolve why you'd want to bash "men" or "women"....there's a deep-seated issue within your own experiences... IMO;..all men - or women reading this; Nothing ...
Positive thinking
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
It's not necessarily a low's a willingness to follow "tradition" and "folklore". Here's a cartoon that explains their troubling "syndrome"
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Wow...times 2!!!
Van Gogh on the ground! []
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
I'm not a violent man, but I never get tired of watching Buzz punch the conspiracy theorist.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
I'd humor the #Religulous fool and say "sure..I put my hand on your myth book..." I have no idea if Buzz is a religious person or not...but I'd think he'd make his quest look stupid...
Get out your bibs people, it's drool time! Cabbage Rolls.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Good comfort food...and gotta be good for ya! I saw cabbage on sale at Aldi's...hmmmmmm...
Getting older.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Please remember the origin of the word "sucks"...
After 5 years of withdrawal from life (after the death of my husband) I decided to try online ...
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Kind of a harsh evaluation for us senior men; full of exaggeration and bitterness. I'm a 73 year old who recently ended things with a 60 year old who simply was getting too old for me... She didn't like to bike nor swim...and no...neither of us attended "the gym 3 to 18 days a week, bicycle 35 miles a week" but her respect for staying fit and close to an ideal weight was just not the same as mine. OK...I did things she didn't like...I didn't live as meticulously clean as she did (life-time nurses are a little excessive). I didn't like long, drawn out arguments...I liked being on the computer "too much".. But that's what I and most senior men want.... ...a woman with similar fitness and fun goals that we have. Not necessarily a "younger" woman...just a woman who values staying fit and healthy. Do you realize how unfair it is of you to assume that the only book 50% of us read was the bible? Wow....bitter much? Solution. If you value having a partner your age....start thinking of living a healthier lifestyle. You might just attract more men...
Interesting article on the study of tree rings. []
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
I concur. Wow...had no ideas tree ring scientists were called dendrochronologists.... and...unlike any organism....we see a history of our atmosphere for tens, hundreds, and in rare cases thousands of years in the past from studying them....not just in the Amazon...but anywhere a non-palm tree grows. Thanks for this! I had the honor, a few years back, of visiting these ancient giants...the picture does little to give you the feeling of how big they are...
14 March 2019 -Diet Diary - π day but for me, pi was not rational.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
"Pita"? Typing is a "pita"? That's a new one to me. Wow...under 1000 calories..Kudos!
Logic v/s Belief
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Love this. And love Bill Maher, Penn Jillette and Richard Dawkins. They speak for me. Search any of them....Penn's the funniest. Bill did lots of research to produce #Religulous (movie) and Dawkins wrote books and made profound comments. This one was handy...
Good Friday morning! Or is it?
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Of course...who doesn't? OK....I guess there's a few who are shy/introvert.... often I am... and there's lots of reasons to avoid "getting on the dance floor" ....It's a bit of an exhibitionist act...but once you get in to "a groove" or once you feel like you're moving fluidly and don't care who's can be a great experience! I will often dance by myself if the performer is good....
Is not Laws.
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Idealistic talk. You must know that this will never happen. To rant like that is absurd. Let's talk about solutions. Following the attack, the nation’s gun laws -- which were first passed in 1983 -- came under scrutiny. The ensuing debate led to a 1993 amendment on the regulation of military-style semi-automatic firearms. The country’s gun laws are still considered to be relatively relaxed compared to non-US nations -- gun owners do need a license but .... they aren’t required to register their guns. Therein lies the solution. Tighter registration of weapons. Registration of the amount of ammo purchased. Obama explained the simplicity of proper restriction years ago...
News Daily: New Zealand mosque shootings, and school poverty By Victoria King BBC News If you ...
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
In a town called "ChristChurch"....the #Religulous are fighting again. Evolution at work? sad...but Evolution is working....
Something very basic about trees, strong graphic cartoons. []
Robecology comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Good one. Not many people know that almost all plants have two different circulatory systems! Thanks!


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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