Black Lives Matter
Stop Asian Hate
Global Warming is real and caused by humans. (Yes, global warming, not Climate Change. The term climate change was focused grouped by the right and pushed because people felt less urgency about it.)
So, I grew up in a nominally Christian household (Celebrated the major holidays, general agreement that god existed, but never really went to church.) My father's family was Church of Christ and my Mother's Southern Baptist. By the time I was in high school I had come to the conclusion that I was an Atheist, thanks in part to my favorite author Robert A. Heinlein.
In college, because of a girlfriend, I actively attended Catholic Mass on campus and ended up baptized and confirmed Catholic by the end of my freshman year. I married a Catholic, and spent the next 15 years participating in the Catholic Church, although not really believing.
After my divorce, there was no longer any reason to continue with Catholicism, so I returned to my Atheist roots, got involved with the local Atheist community here in Cincinnati, and "came out" as an Atheist to my family and friends.