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There's so many vids on line , documenting the take over of a section of Seattle & Chicago.
richiegtt comments on Jun 11, 2020:
The police never should have allowed those assholes to take over the police precinct. This is what is going to start happening all over because the police are afraid of any interactions with these lowlifes due to the fact that they are always made out to be the bad guys and no one backs them up ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 14, 2020:
Law & order will be the deciding issue for many come November. I just can't see the majority of sane , law abiding families . Who simply want to live their life , keep the family safe & well . Suddenly decide ," stuff it " Let's just open our homes to anyone & everyone. Ignore your common sense telling you NO...NO. BAD MOVE . Time & time again we see cases of the well-meaning , all inclusive type . End up half clothed face down in a skip . At least noone can call them racist. Stupid & dead . But racist .... No.
There's so many vids on line , documenting the take over of a section of Seattle & Chicago.
Janus819 comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Day 1 leader gets #MeToo'd and commits suicide Day 2 homeless people invited in steal all the food Yeah doesn't seem like a bright future, as always with "an" coms
Seriousreason replies on Jun 14, 2020:
The Seattle Mayor is a closet Antifa supporter.. No wonder the city's far left activist horde took over city property without any conflict. Its apparent they create their own conflict anyway. . Love pretending to be revolutionary & accepting. When that's so far from from the truth . The so called " warlord Raz ". Turns out to be a homophobe. A violent bully & no dought a terrible rapper.. If only Trump had the power to make that Mayor live at # 10 Autonomous ave. She would fill up her Instagram posing with BLM & knock back a tofu burger . Then by that evening , begging to return to her mansion.. 😆.
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I need a shirt that says that...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 14, 2020:
Lays out the facts on how the word Racist , has become the go to insult or accusation of the leftist these days. Wether the person has a racist bone in their body . Makes no difference.. If you right of the Dahlia Lama . Your racist 😆. Lazy aye.. The Gotcha word for the weak minded.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 14, 2020:
@demifeministgal You are of course entitled to your opinion. Mind due . The fact you feel the need to object to facts with insults , just confirms my point . Denial , deciept & delusion . The woefully ignorant , feighn the most outrage.. Ha sister wife... Is that the liberal jab at insest. You show signs of being a Karen. False illusions of superiority. Thinking their opinion somehow My " sister wife " is ironing my Klan hood. &: loading my gun . She says hi. 😆.
I must admit to being pleasantly reassured by NZs political leadership.
DUCHESSA comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Good or bad is history; removing a statue won't change what a (any) country is today. I think is time for people to grow up. BTW, I had the pleasure to visit NZ...a lovely country with lovelier people
Seriousreason replies on Jun 12, 2020:
Thank you @DUCHESSA. I'm pleased you enjoyed your stay . We are lucky that way with tourism. Bringing over tourists lwho know whats here ,looking for certain adventure activities. Spoke to a Canadian guy about a deer hunting trip he did the other day. He couldn't believe how easy it was. He left one alone because they couldn't carry anymore.( sorry vegans) he didn't just shoot the other one & leave it . 😆 Eat what you kill.. Yeah so getting to save our statues is huge. Old Winnie not letting the tribal elder's get bribed or guilted into doing something we all regret. Tokenism in reverse. At least our tokenism is positive & builds. The cancell cultured identertarian left tokenism just destroys.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@demifeministgal Not bring a Yank is definately stunting my widespread knowledge of injustices from American history. You can make yourself feel somehow superior, by exposing your college educated , better than thou attitude. If it keeps you warm at night that fine . But being willfully blind to the cultivation of a very toxic narrative can't be healthy. Among that narrative is fuck white people, white supremecy is everywhere. When in reality it's just resentful jelousy . Accusations of White supremecy is somehow encompassing Black & Hispanics also , who just refuse wokeism. Instead they avoid the liberal brainwashing by Marxist professors in most educational facilities. They realise it's actually the opposite to Progressivism. Its wrong that the white race are demonized for doing well , kicking ass . White excellence in world history should be celebrated. Not apologized for.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Krish55 comments on May 10, 2020:
Man, I really know how you feel. When I was a kid, nobody liked me either. Seriously though, you'd probably be a lot happier if you didn't take yourself so seriously. Just because people don't like your ideas doesn't mean you are a bad person. It does mean, though, that you could usefully reflect ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 12, 2020:
Where's the fun in that. ? Although you seem to display genuinely constructive ideas, & im sure you're a very nice person.My overly hyperbolic at times, rhetoric is for entertainment purposes only..Maybe I should attach a trigger warning when expressing opinions that may be taken far to literally than intended. So please don't imagine for a minute , that all opinions expressed on this site are cast in cement. I like many others . Are just tired of the double standards & cherry picked narratives continually rammed down the throats of those who do their own research. Hunger for the truth . & are rightfully dismayed at injustice in its true form .
There's so many vids on line , documenting the take over of a section of Seattle & Chicago.
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Did a post on the Seattle incident the other day, absolutely appalling. I too think the worst is yet to come, not going to end well. Hope I am wrong about that.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 11, 2020:
I'm gonna pop over & have a look . I'm thinking to myself, just how naive do these people have to be to not realise. That anarchy can never last when the mentality of those involved is gutter level.. Shop owners unfortunately in the " zone " taken. Are facing intimidation for protection money. After one day.. 🥴 🤡 🌎
There's so many vids on line , documenting the take over of a section of Seattle & Chicago.
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 11, 2020:
I did said post by the way on the other site.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 11, 2020:
It's a surreal occurance.alright. Just shows how weak , submissive leaders . Bowing to the Mob . Ends in chaos . The ultra Progressive Major of one of the cities ( a woman ). Is getting eaten by her own .. Priceless.
[] DEALER. Crooked .with voteing got 4,th in 2019s Breakdown awards. 3/4 through track.
MichelleGar1 comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Gonna check these guys out, thanks for posting! 🤘
Seriousreason replies on Jun 11, 2020:
Glad you like em . They are new with only 2 EPs. Their latest EP is hip hop / techno. Very diverse.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 11, 2020:
@OwlInASack Agreeing to disagree , is the common ground we can share . Luckily opinions are like assholes, we all have one.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 11, 2020:
@OwlInASack It will be interesting to see how the takeover of sections of Seattle & Chicago will pan out . I can't imagine a scenario were this is going to end well
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@OwlInASack Virtue signalling is no more ridiculous to say than white supremecy. Both demeaning terms , with no evidence in fact..
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 8, 2020:
That's the nickname we should call folks like that, the cherrypickers.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@SpikeTalon The funny thing is those leftist do not embrace free speech . Words will not hurt you.. Owlinascrotalsack. Has threatened me with no more conversations. How will I go on... 😆.. He's acting though I stabbed him in the eye. . I call him out for branding those like me who disagree with him a "deranged Nazi " unaware he's diluting the meaning of the word . Over reaction & pushing the Media's false narrative helps noone in the end.. You Spike & many like you restore my faith in humanity.. This video shows just who the deranged authoritarians are
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Krish55 comments on May 9, 2020:
Our group feels insulted by your post. You didn't complain about being banned from the Progressives and Socialists group. We feel utterly neglected and deeply hurt by your grave oversight. At the risk of sounding politically correct, please try to be more inclusive in the future.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
I see BLM has tacked its reactionary , racist logo onto the progressive/ socialist group. Having AOC prancing on the Thumbnail . Literally acts as a deterrent . A vacuous scarecrow gaurding what must surely be the least accepting of any political group on this site. Socialism is polar opposites to Progressivism. It surely proves the adage. Misery loves company..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Cutiebeauty comments on May 10, 2020:
"It is clear, leftists are all about feelings, censorship, de-platforming, and completely anti-free speech. And way too often their first response to most any idea they do not like is to demonstrate their racism. Anti-white racism is their topic of the day. Just witness how often many of them spew ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@brentan Like microagression & unconscious bias .. Two completely meaningless phrases. Void of any factual truth . Offence is taken , not given...
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
AnneWimsey comments on May 10, 2020:
Jacar, I feel completely slighted that you failed to mention me as '"attacking" you! How many times have I told you how HORRIBLE your racist, xenophobic Crap is, and in more mellow moods, advised you to get a medication check? Your post above is Laughable, you have posted so much BS & so many...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
I'm the words of Joe Biden. " What do you want , truth or facts ". ,🤡 🌎
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
BitFlipper comments on May 10, 2020:
@Jacar, nobody is entitled to use this website as a vehicle to conduct a campaign of hate. There are other websites where your hate would be welcomed.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
#:NOCAMPAIGNSOFHATE. Mean word's are not welcome here.. You don't feel that HATE is a bit strong. Minddue, Nazi , racist, sexist . Have lost any & all meaning since 2016. Hate may as well be added to the neutering of the English language. Hate is being replaced by WOKE.. 🥴
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Krish55 comments on May 10, 2020:
Man, I really know how you feel. When I was a kid, nobody liked me either. Seriously though, you'd probably be a lot happier if you didn't take yourself so seriously. Just because people don't like your ideas doesn't mean you are a bad person. It does mean, though, that you could usefully reflect ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
A true refreshing comment, Displaying a readyness & patience , sadly rare In many . Non offensive constructive criticism.. Seeing in some a glimmer of hope. A possibility that self improvement isn't admitting defeat. As you read some comments . You can guarantee globs of spittle running down the chin of someone whose belief is in dire need of reinforcement.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Wildflower comments on May 10, 2020:
I come visit the senate just for posts like this. The entertainment value is enormous! One big whine post... and a slew of hilarious replies!
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
It's one of the joys of that beautiful right to free speech.. One of the funniest elements of threads like this is the vain & pointless attempt by one ideology. Thinking that opposing ideas will be abandoned if only they ridicule & poke fun enough . Malcolm X said it best. " Beware the white liberal . Unaware of their own inherent racism. Like the fox , approaches with a smile before it attacks". Complicant in the bigotry of low expectations. No wonder free thinking blacks , Amoung yells of " Uncle Tom, Koon, Sambo . Leave the Democratic plantation . And never look back.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@demifeministgal Beg to differ.. 😆 Ha systemic structures of institutional racism is being scientifically reviewed is it .. So what structures ? What systems ? Being so blind that your refusal to accept 13% of the population commit. 53% of the violent crimes . That reality is just brushed aside is it. ? You live in your world of decielt & delusion. I feel you're beyond help anyway.
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 8, 2020:
That's the nickname we should call folks like that, the cherrypickers.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@SpikeTalon I'm pleased all is well in Spike Talon land. Thanks for the news on veteran229 . Did you happen to venture into one of @Jacars posts ? Explaining how disagreements caused his banning from a few groups. There's a thread must be 30 posts long. I started to realise the depth of delusion possessd by many on this site. I felt vindicated in a way due to the fact my opposing liberal fell into dishing out the thick plentiful adhomyns. While not really building anything in the way of sound factual arguments. The depth of arrogance was very obvious when they couldn't Sway me down their echo chamber. The left wing media really has done their job . Cultervating this Trump voter Racist, White supremecy shit. Trying to explain that by no means is calling me a white supremisist in any way an insult.. Remarks of " my blood is boiling". Aimed at me were funny & proved feathers were being ruffeld Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing Spike .. Keep well, safe & happy my friend.. catch you in the comments..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 9, 2020:
@demifeministgal Non binary people are just riding a fashion trend . Getting up in the morning & dressing androgynously & dying their hair . It's entirely their desicion. Noone unwillingly pivots from made up gender to made up gender without some self promoting , oppression seeking victim narrative.. So sorry expecting pity because head of Dexter Howie & Jamieson lawyer firm gets dought full about hiring a possible man / demi girl pronoun demanding unisex toilet requiring burden to their firm .& To then cry oppression is manipulative & self promoting . You are not special non binary privilege bearer.. Not special or oppressed. Marxistt theory created the gender fluid , non Binary movement as a way to further divide , brainwash & nurture the mindset of gender being a social construct. They hoped to push that objectively wrong theory to muddy the waters , Nature & obvious differences between men & women is a good thing. If you decide to be a made up gender of choice . Accept you won't get a job where formality & mental dexterity are at the forefront. Not causing dramas with the bodies waste disposal by protest & refusal to use the toilets that suit your sex.. because reasons .. Your gay bi or straight . Pick a side & stop fabricating non existent genders .
SpikeTalon comments on Jun 8, 2020:
That's the nickname we should call folks like that, the cherrypickers.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 9, 2020:
Spike , how are you & yours . ? Well I hope. I watched Tucker Carlson go over the statistics on police killings of unarmed men the other day. Yes Media cherry pick the stories . Push the false narrative of systematic systems of institutional structured White supremecy. Around every corner . Denying those of color any chance of getting ahead. So then when 53 % of violent crimes committed by 13% of the population gets mentioned .. Irredeemably racist even bringing up the facts . As Biden quoted. " You want truth or facts". Joe feels 15% of Americans are bad people. So roughly 30million Americans in his mind want other's harmed. .. He shouldn't run a lemonade stand let alone a country..
brentan comments on Jun 8, 2020:
That was horrible to watch. I think that level of indifference to the plight of another human being is shocking. I'm not alone in this, of course - all the world felt this at George Floyd's murder. Governor Cuomo expressed this lack of humanity very well when he spoke of the mentality of a person ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 9, 2020:
You may very well be right. Those of us wiling to call out the massive imbalances between MS Media story's & the actual truth tend to be shouted down screamed at like a Bernie bro brat Reeeeeing on social media when they couldn't feel the Bern anymore. Govenors of liberal states ( Dems) who refused to allow healthy workers to make a living. Pushing the Covid19 boogeyman to extreme heights. Should be forced to reimburse the tax payer. . If you protest to expose the tyranny of leader's &: the absolute abuse'of power they weld. You are shamed by CNN & MSDNC. ETC. But a sick evil bad cop kills a man . Like many others also shot ,stabbed beaten on any perticular night in the city.. Cops who kill someone with intent get punished. " No justice no peace". Sounds fair enough. But we all know you cannot appease the mob. What made this heinous act a catalyst to weeks of riots , looting & killing. Millions of dollars damage. ? Extremists from both sides hardening in their individual stance. The media is pushing a narrative that is so toxic . So devisive . Grown men I seen on interviews. On the streets, not in mental asylums. Proudly admitting to voting for Biden I fail to understand the sheer self destructive intentions . Burn kill rob vote blue.. " come on man ". Says Joe " shoot them in the leg , finger popper , quid pro quo Joe . " I'll make sure half the country stay on welfare.. "." I a white man will decide the amount of blackness one can posses. Jesus .& they call Trump racist. Before CHYNA Unleashed corona on the world. The so called racist president had created the most employment Black & other non whites enjoyed in decade's. Why would a Racist like seeing those he dislikes , earning a living. If he's racist he's certainly not good at it. 🤡🤮. ..
HarrySlick comments on Jun 8, 2020:
The liberal mentality is a Disease that is spreading due to the brainwashed sheep that are brainwashed from a young age
Seriousreason replies on Jun 9, 2020:
HarrySlick is a man who speaks truths.. Avoiding the Social justice chasm. Which is dying to eat, digest & excret those who deny certain view points. People are marginalised & oppressed. Clutching the victim narrative mantle with both hands.Unabable to somehow create a life , family. future . So seem forced atop the oppression Olympics ladder. Liberals needing to feel virtuous is very prominent lately. Until they themselves utter a seemingly devisive comment. And are hastily consumed.. THE LEFT EATS ITSELF .. A phenomenon Richard Attenborough could document into an entertaining special. Special guest host TDS suffering KAREN. in a BLM shirt. There are many examples of the White liberal ally that Malcom X warned us about decades ago amoung our membership here. " At least a wolf has one thing in mind you know where you stand. . But the white liberal Fox . Smiles as it feigns friendship. Before sinking in its fangs... ". Malcolm X..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@AnneWimsey The sheer arrogance you show . Thinking somehow yourve said something. Yourve said nothing . Your opinions are moronic. You're leading noone . Delusional.. get some help..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Wildflower comments on May 10, 2020:
I come visit the senate just for posts like this. The entertainment value is enormous! One big whine post... and a slew of hilarious replies!
Seriousreason replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Ggrrrrwww. So bitchy.. So convinced you have some perceived high ground on which to bestow your infinite wisdom to those you disagree with. Fortunately with social media. I never have to encounter someone like you in real time. I'm sure you're carcinogenic.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@OwlInASack There you go again , pigeon holeling people . Over reacting to certain words that are simply just that , words Constructing your own correctly perceived narrative. Then having a rant at the villain you created..The big bad deplorables. What did that bald windbag on Don ( sex offender ) Lemons show call millions of Americans . " Incredulous rubes. ". Ha that's funny. He put on an accent as well.. Then being naive to the fact he behaved like a twat. Like you no self awareness.. I don't give a fuck about Trump. I'm not American. Tell me Bidens fit to run , & that proves you don't care who's President. As long as it's not Trump. TDS is real .
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@OwlInASack Well must admit @ Jacar kicked off quite a thread. The entertainment value is top notch As differing opinions get tapped out on a keyboard. The 1st amendment is a beautiful thing. I've got a toe in both sides.. # NOLIVESMATTER.. 🤣
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@OwlInASack You people remind me of that Southpark episode when all the left wing virtue signalling suck ups were constantly smelling their own FARTS... Soak in your pool of self satisfied slime . Your arrogance is so American.. ,😆🤡🌎
Trump poll numbers plummet as Biden acts like real president []
Seriousreason comments on Jun 3, 2020: Acts like a real President my ass.... Come on, seriously??
Seriousreason replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@UrsiMajor You don't see the hypocrisy in rules for thee but not for me.. ? .The rioters are being bailed for looting etc . No charges are being pressed for disobedience re covid rules.. It's disgusting. There will be no spike in cases of Covid19 either. The tyranny of liberal governor's forcing shut downs longer than needed will come out now. No matter how embarrased they will be . The MSM will cover for them .
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty, @OwlInASack YAWNNN !!
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty When did I ever mention that . You're arguing with the wrong person... Karen No one on the right has used snowflake since 2016. . Gezzz.
Trump poll numbers plummet as Biden acts like real president []
Seriousreason comments on Jun 3, 2020: Acts like a real President my ass.... Come on, seriously??
Seriousreason replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@UrsiMajor Lone people on a beach not wearing a mask are being fined or arrested. But thousands can be shoulder to shoulder & get praised for it . The HYPOCRISY is palpable...
[] This Black man is totally on to it . Couldn't agree more.
JacarC comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yeah. Been watching him for a while. And Young rippa, and officer tatum, and jericho green. All good people.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
I must look the others you mentioned up.. It's frustrating learning of the backlash & name calling of anyone like ABL , Jessie Lee Peterson. For their logical ( except JLP ) freethinking minds . If you vote red you're a race traitor. That sort of tribalism stokes the left's obsession with identity politics. Such surreal times at the moment. This crazy talk about abolishing/defunding the police. Other than the criminally inclined, who's going to benefit from that. ? Gun shop owners.
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
brentan comments on Jun 4, 2020:
We were never short of examples of human stupidity. It would be a mistake, though, to refuse to acknowledge the wonderful work of peaceful protesters at this time who may actually succeed in making America more like what it always proclaimed itself to be.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@brentan It's definately the most progressivly positive action of late . Change is inevitable. But seriously all this crazy talk about abolishing / defunding the police. Only the criminally inclined, wish for that.
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
brentan comments on Jun 4, 2020:
We were never short of examples of human stupidity. It would be a mistake, though, to refuse to acknowledge the wonderful work of peaceful protesters at this time who may actually succeed in making America more like what it always proclaimed itself to be.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@Janus819, @brentan The question alot are contemplating, is who decides what better is . & when will it be reached.
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jun 4, 2020:
"Really good pussy"!! 😂😄🤣😎👍
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
A simple man with simple needs. 😆😽😽 . Rules his world. The Hight of liberal debating appears to be sceaching & screaming . Structured arguments .... What's that?
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
brentan comments on Jun 4, 2020:
We were never short of examples of human stupidity. It would be a mistake, though, to refuse to acknowledge the wonderful work of peaceful protesters at this time who may actually succeed in making America more like what it always proclaimed itself to be.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@Janus819, @brentan It's a shame such an emphasis on Racism is being highlighted. Without giving any consideration to the nuances of culture.
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
brentan comments on Jun 4, 2020:
We were never short of examples of human stupidity. It would be a mistake, though, to refuse to acknowledge the wonderful work of peaceful protesters at this time who may actually succeed in making America more like what it always proclaimed itself to be.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@Janus819 It's not about George Floyd anymore.
[] More video evidence that we are living in clown world 🤡🌎. SMH. 🥴
brentan comments on Jun 4, 2020:
We were never short of examples of human stupidity. It would be a mistake, though, to refuse to acknowledge the wonderful work of peaceful protesters at this time who may actually succeed in making America more like what it always proclaimed itself to be.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 5, 2020:
It's tragic the right to protest , so regrettably hijacked by those With less than honorable intentions. From the outside looking in . I'd hazard a guess. Major transperant changes in the policing trade . Will enevitalblely have to happen. Tough job
[] This Black man is totally on to it . Couldn't agree more.
richiegtt comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Good man ,unfortunately he is to intelligent for those morons to listen to and take advice from.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 4, 2020:
In yet it seems so easy to grasp . Is the liberal mind so absorbed in self debasement. That everything is beyond redemption,? . Oh great Spaghetti Monster in the Sky... Save us from the liberal hive mind.
Trump poll numbers plummet as Biden acts like real president []
Seriousreason comments on Jun 3, 2020: Acts like a real President my ass.... Come on, seriously??
Seriousreason replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@UrsiMajor So what about the thousands of protesters not wearing masks or not social distancing. The virus is over . Bidens run for office is a joke . He's a career politician. Totally up to his eyeballs in the swamp. I'm out of this group anyway. Just wanted to state some facts.
This Unbelievably stupid law enables the looters to get out of jail without suffering any ...
bigpawbullets comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Glad I'm a hick livin' in the country.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 3, 2020:
Ha yeah cool ..My whole country..... Is " the sticks". Except our version of NY . A city with 3/4 of the counties population in residence. It's a disgusting place . They even had a BLM fake Antifa posers March It's really quite hilarious. The most privileged race of people in NZ are the Maoris. In yet they somehow feel some sort of connection with truely marginalised ( in their minds) Black's. What a year . Funny that the Corona virus packed it's bags & left in disgust as well. No new cases in 12 days . Even the virus is disgusted with the riots.
F yeah!
Seriousreason comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Classic . The anti gun wimps have destroyed any possible future 2A protests ever gaining any momentum anymore. Watching videos of the sheer mindless destruction & looting . Only strengthens the resolve of home & business owner's to arm up & shoot anyone threatening their lives & property. Trump ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@Moravian Because we don't have mindless shit like this happening. Sorry I don't understand ebonics so I can't understand what this dude is saying. But fuck him
Seriousreason comments on May 23, 2020:
actofdog, Nice to enjoy a humourous barrage of lol funnies. Hope you & everyone you love are all well. I see why every famous comic. Flocks to the Montreal comedy festival. Canadians who didn't vote for Trudeau. Must be awesome people. Plus this meme , To a former military person , must be ...
Seriousreason replies on May 25, 2020:
@actofdog Hey in all honesty. All politicians are disasterous. He's just such a pandering SJW . I'm sure you're not happy about the gun grab ..?
It's at a time when some news considered terrific by , thankfully a decent chunk of American's.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 12, 2020:
The whole #obamagate thing went viral on several social media channels. I found it hilarious how Twitter is getting called out on deleting the fact it was trending. So typical of the leftist. Now it's #obaMAGAte that is blowing up. 😂 Man, I hope Barr is able to go through with pressing charges on...
Seriousreason replies on May 25, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood It would take something extremely heinous . Before criminal charges would be leveled at Obama.
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 25, 2020:
@DUCHESSA Ha yes , I couldn't agree more . Tempted to post Don Trump Jnrs meme . " See you later alligator, in a while pedophile". Picture of crocodile. 😆 . I'd expect 🤯🤯
It's at a time when some news considered terrific by , thankfully a decent chunk of American's.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 12, 2020:
The whole #obamagate thing went viral on several social media channels. I found it hilarious how Twitter is getting called out on deleting the fact it was trending. So typical of the leftist. Now it's #obaMAGAte that is blowing up. 😂 Man, I hope Barr is able to go through with pressing charges on...
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
Personally the biggest slight against justice Re the criminal nature & unprecedented act of sleaze. By the Obama administration. Is Bill Barr woosing out . " Nothing to see hear folks". . They paid him off..
[] Why doesn't this suprise me . ?
azzow2 comments on May 22, 2020:
Was it Ohio where thousands of dead voters voted for the Obomb?
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
I can't verify that. Though I'm sure the sly holder of the President's record for most killed with sneaky drone strikes & Deportation of illegals. Is capable of anything.
Budgie comments on May 23, 2020:
I was not sure what the photo was then I saw the tire. WOW
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
What about the single tie down . Feebly attempting to retain a load of sand. 🤪
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
@DUCHESSA I joined Biden 2020 group. More so to play amateur phycologist. & Attempt to understand the sheer amount of cognitive dissonance needed to wish him the leader of the Country. Fasinating. Or in the words of Jessie Lee Petterson. . Amazin!!!
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
@DUCHESSA You're welcome. It's genuinely enjoyable exchanging messages that tend to reflect similar mindsets & opinions. Noone agrees all the time. Nothing is 💯%. . 😷 Keep safe..
[] Dipshit reporter " Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus. " ?
RobertMartin comments on May 23, 2020:
It comes from China, therefore it is the chink virus
Seriousreason replies on May 23, 2020:
When you see a monologue of the DNCs propoganda channels CNN. , MSDNC etc.. All pointing out. " The Wuhan virus, it's the Chinese virus". Then as soon as Trump's virus task force starts broadcasting. The media talking points of it being of Chinese origin have suddenly become Racist.. How stupid do they think we are.. When Fredo Cuomo confessed bizzarrely , to not liking his job. On his podcast. Then making the fake emergence from his basement. After harrassing a cyclist who perhaps naively watches CNN , rightfully calls him out on his hypocrisy. He slips on that necktie, accepts 6 figures a month . He goes back into NPC , orange man bad mode. Noone is as transparently bias & partisan as The citrus fruit himself though .Crutch grabbing alleged sexual predator Don Lemon . Worst journalist of the year.. Wow , He's the News version of Jussie Smollett. Bit of a rant, I know. But I haven't posted for ages, so comments that would see me crucified on Twitter . Tend to enjoy first amendment privilege here . You're cool. 🤘🍺
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 22, 2020:
@DUCHESSA Bzzzz my bad... The idea the world owes them a living , simply because they consider themselves an oppressed minority . Ends in the senario that they are permanently a victim & falsely believe in identity politics . Noone owes anyone anything . Unless earned..
[] Dipshit reporter " Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus. " ?
SpikeTalon comments on May 22, 2020:
Just simply telling the truth now is an act of racism to those on the left.
Seriousreason replies on May 22, 2020:
Very similar to gender , fascism, & many other elements of definable objectable realities. Racism has lost all meaning.
[] Dipshit reporter " Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus. " ?
SpikeTalon comments on May 22, 2020:
Just simply telling the truth now is an act of racism to those on the left.
Seriousreason replies on May 22, 2020:
@Bobby9 True , ignoring or intentionally denying the Country of origin. Is just deciept full. The meaning of racism, has lost all its intended impact . Due to the outrage culture.
Spray it with raid.
glennlab comments on May 21, 2020:
Keep a big flyswatter just in case.
Seriousreason replies on May 22, 2020:
@MissKathleen I agree . & A great rate of knots applied to the swing of that flip flop.
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 17, 2020:
@DUCHESSA The old world owes them a living senario.
President Trump was in my neck of the woods today (Lehigh Valley PA).
DUCHESSA comments on May 15, 2020:
Today, at the market, I said "This pandemic is a joke". A customer turned around and retorted "You are a Donald Trump's f...n wh...e." I guess to express my opinion and to have blue eyes is not seen as "good" for certain Latino individuals
Seriousreason replies on May 17, 2020:
The frustration with having to put up with " Ignants" a term applied to irrational, unbalanced. Troublemakers with bad intentions. So ill informed. Unaware their ignorance infects those who cross their path. Oblivious to reason or anothers peace.
BD66 comments on May 11, 2020:
Here's what I believe is a good unbiased video on the subject. Skip to about 2:40 to hear what the GA defense attorney has to say. Several interesting legal questions: If they witnessed him ...
Seriousreason replies on May 17, 2020:
@Emanuele It's insanity aye. Canada ( surprise surprise) Awarded thousands to a burglar who, when confronted by the owner . Then hurt himself while attempting to escape. Sued the property owner who he was robbing. And some insane judge. Experiences a brain fart & mistook who the true criminal was. Imagine having to pay some asshole , who attempted to rob your home, . 😩
Laura Angle mentioned the perfect phrase for Democrat Govenors & The medias stay closed hysteria.
DUCHESSA comments on May 16, 2020:
"""...freedoms of Americans...""" Would somebody clarify this one for me? Thanks.
Seriousreason replies on May 17, 2020:
Isn't 2020 so surreal.. The famous quote regarding a country setting the litmus test for a standard of living we human's require to be content. "The land of the free, the home of the bave" . Now seems tho it's getting hypertheticaly set on fire . I've seen rhetoric lately, for flattening the climate curve.. " bleeding hearts is an appropriate badge for the activists. Werve flattened the dam curve . Pull your head in . !!. The responsibility CHYNA are washing their hands of . Is Comparable to the economic effects caused by war. Estimates of depression type financial stress in many lives . Then Perlosi is wanting millions for illegals. As she gets a $ 15 tub of ice cream out if her freezer." I'm ok , just print more money" . Inflation, what is that?. "" 🤪. A big fear is nothing will be the same. Even after a vaccine..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
@OwlInASack I picture you a bitter unhappy person . Not content untill you annoy the hell out of someone. Expecting them to feel something from your diatribe. Your word salad means nothing. Adios..
Emanuele comments on May 11, 2020:
It’s the same old story .The white guy is always the bad guy until proven innocent and the black guy is always the good guy until proven guilty .Liberal media bullshit as usual !!!!!
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
@HarrySlick Diversity hire. Alphabet people quota.. Gone are the days of best person for the job.The most disturbing judicial outcome lately. Was Women legally have to compete against men .. If you believe you're a woman . You are... Respect to the brave women who stood up for reality. Fought in a court of law.. Some judge. Makes you worry about future absurdities being law.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
@OwlInASack I'm not surprised your realisation that any form of nuance is lost. TDS must be a difficult ailment to adjust to . If you don't think the far right &; the far left haven't a whole lot in common. . Then I can't help you Both are pathetic.. Stubborn & blind . .To the point of Infuriation
It's at a time when some news considered terrific by , thankfully a decent chunk of American's.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 12, 2020:
The whole #obamagate thing went viral on several social media channels. I found it hilarious how Twitter is getting called out on deleting the fact it was trending. So typical of the leftist. Now it's #obaMAGAte that is blowing up. 😂 Man, I hope Barr is able to go through with pressing charges on...
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
& evidence of Epstein's murderer. Being paid off by Killary.. Clinton' foundation has a high Head count, I'm sure..
It's at a time when some news considered terrific by , thankfully a decent chunk of American's.
azzow2 comments on May 12, 2020:
I had thought Bill Pervert Clinton was the first black president.
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
Ha ha..His baby's mama carries hot
It's at a time when some news considered terrific by , thankfully a decent chunk of American's.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 12, 2020:
The whole #obamagate thing went viral on several social media channels. I found it hilarious how Twitter is getting called out on deleting the fact it was trending. So typical of the leftist. Now it's #obaMAGAte that is blowing up. 😂 Man, I hope Barr is able to go through with pressing charges on...
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
Just more proof of media bias. . Biden sitting next to Obama mutters.. Don't worry about Trumps wall. I see you're trending on social media regarding a gate.. ." You don't have to do this Joe.." 😆. Obama wished he listened.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
MarkiusMahamius comments on May 10, 2020:
Could you boil that down to one or two sentances? (Anyone wanna try their own version? Thia could be fun. Kinda.)
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
Trying to portray an idea . Or state ones point of view. Can be very difficult in written word. Tone is lost..
[] Poor old Canadians are being stripped of their gun rights now.
azzow2 comments on May 14, 2020:
How will they ever go moose hunting?
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
Which is still going to happen. . You'd think animal rights activists would prefer a quick shot in the head . Than 10 spears or arrows.. ouch..
[] Poor old Canadians are being stripped of their gun rights now.
Spudgun comments on May 14, 2020:
The Canadian government is so out of touch with the Canadian people, it's disgusting. And this is a typical reaction by anti-gun idiots when somebody does something illegal. They always come after the people who aren't causing trouble and take more of their rights away.
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
You would think the activists would learn by now.. CRIMINALS do not follow the law's... It's so frustrating🎼🎵. DUMB. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB. 🎶🎵🎼
[] Poor old Canadians are being stripped of their gun rights now.
azzow2 comments on May 14, 2020:
How will they ever go moose hunting?
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
It's adorable the implied persona. Are Canadians the politest most conciderate breed on earth..? Quite possible..Such. a shame the government aren't appreciative..
[] Poor old Canadians are being stripped of their gun rights now.
Spudgun comments on May 14, 2020:
The Canadian government is so out of touch with the Canadian people, it's disgusting. And this is a typical reaction by anti-gun idiots when somebody does something illegal. They always come after the people who aren't causing trouble and take more of their rights away.
Seriousreason replies on May 15, 2020:
Plus the lawmakers in Canada. Sadly seem unaware of how little chance the average Canadian. Has of a mass shooting on their to do list.. Crazy
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
@OwlInASack Why is your ideology so obsessed with labels . ? You conjure up the idea of bullies. That seems very broad brush to me . I hate bullies . Legitimate bullies. Not just someone who happens to disagree with you , that's not being a bully. Plus regarding the SJW mentality , of taking offence at many thing's. Even when not directed at you. An SJW will be offended on behalf of others. Without even knowing if perceived offence is taken by whoever they are white knighting.. Non binary people are this centuries gothics or punks. Riding a phase. Trying to stand out from the pack.. When someone exists with just their sexualuty as their whole personality. It is a shame. Besides what some Queer folk think . NO ONE CARES WHO YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH. Honestly. NO ONE.
BD66 comments on May 11, 2020:
Here's what I believe is a good unbiased video on the subject. Skip to about 2:40 to hear what the GA defense attorney has to say. Several interesting legal questions: If they witnessed him ...
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
No the sad outcome should never of played out the way it did. Vigilante justice only works in the movies.
BD66 comments on May 11, 2020:
Here's what I believe is a good unbiased video on the subject. Skip to about 2:40 to hear what the GA defense attorney has to say. Several interesting legal questions: If they witnessed him ...
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
@BD66 Your are correct.. of course.. Hindsight is a wonderful thing . But I still firmly believe. Keep your nose clean . & No one will want to shoot you. . To many minor criminal intentions. Tend to escalate if threatened with capture. I personally live on a street that had a burglar , startled by a lone elderly woman resident. Decided to rape & murder the 82 yr old . In case she could identify him later on . .. So sad...
Emanuele comments on May 11, 2020:
It’s the same old story .The white guy is always the bad guy until proven innocent and the black guy is always the good guy until proven guilty .Liberal media bullshit as usual !!!!!
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
Remember Micheal Brown. " Hands up don't shoot" A false narrative that caused countless anxiety attacks. As riots sprung up in protest . It's proven that once a narrative of choice is believed. Even when overwhelming evidence proves the original lie false. The damage is done.. Stubborn people with extremely thick echo chambers. Continue to hold on to lies . "Deniall Deciept ,& Delusion. ". quote by Colin author of " don't make the Black kid's angry, .. . Flanerty.
Emanuele comments on May 11, 2020:
It’s the same old story .The white guy is always the bad guy until proven innocent and the black guy is always the good guy until proven guilty .Liberal media bullshit as usual !!!!!
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
@HarrySlick Good observation. Just remember back to the Gillette ads . Black man holding back a white guy from cat calling.. Black man teaching his transgender son to shave.. Soon it won't be the Black man getting killed first in slasher film's.. 😆.
Emanuele comments on May 11, 2020:
It’s the same old story .The white guy is always the bad guy until proven innocent and the black guy is always the good guy until proven guilty .Liberal media bullshit as usual !!!!!
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
That Sir , as those with faith would say. Is Pure gospel.. I see Black Panthers Are making any & all residents lives a misery. Who unfortunately live near the scene. Why do liberal media use lynching in the headlines.?? I thought it was a shotgun blast or two. I haven't seen any footage of a hanging..Or news reports..
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Wildflower comments on May 10, 2020:
I come visit the senate just for posts like this. The entertainment value is enormous! One big whine post... and a slew of hilarious replies!
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
Don't forget the bespectacled self assured pettiness . Of the gramour Nazis. . That's the only way many can rebut an argument , By ignoring the point of the comment. Instead pointing out semantics or punctuation as a winning position. Usually there are no winners. Just Participation trophies all round.🤪
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on May 12, 2020:
@OwlInASack Another assumption alot of people have is refusal to actually envisage someone's demeanor or motive . If it's angry spittle I've got. It's pretentious jizz dripping from yours.
I have been banned from the LEFTIST group, and am now a victim of a personal attack by the group’s...
Seriousreason comments on May 11, 2020:
It's interesting , the human psyche. & How opposing ideologies can both claim the same narrative. That both sides accuse the other of being snowflakes. Victim harvesting. Who can be the one appearing smited. Calling someone a bigot or racist is crossing a line. You better have pretty solid , stand ...
Seriousreason replies on May 11, 2020:
@OwlInASack . Snowflake was invented for SJW soy boys & girls & non binary things . So the left calling anyone on the right snowflake is disengenuos . Show me any post by @ spiketalon where he called someone Racist. Its only the left that use that false bullshit to try and defame their superior opponent. . I suggest You get your irony metre fixed .Just like your parties broken . Splintered into fragments of Socialism &: victimhood. Just like Russia, Russia, Russia.. Lies pushed for years . Bidens the laughing stock of anyone sane. Shciff is a total liar. The more things get slowly uncovered. The worse the left look.
BD66 comments on May 11, 2020:
Here's what I believe is a good unbiased video on the subject. Skip to about 2:40 to hear what the GA defense attorney has to say. Several interesting legal questions: If they witnessed him ...
Seriousreason replies on May 11, 2020:
& the moral of this story is . Don't fuck with other people's shit or their property... Period.
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
Seriousreason comments on May 7, 2020:
Ahhh a pot head in another time zone. ( Posted 4 hrs ago ) . Hope your not to badly effected by citizens vrs corona... Legal. State's have been lucky keeping dispensers an essential service. Many heavy smokers let out a halelooya.. praise JAH. . Alcohol to makes sense. Raging withdrawing ...
Seriousreason replies on May 10, 2020:
@OldGoat43 Trump will win again .No contest . Just look at the embarrasing debarcle regarding Obama's FBI . Lying about General Flynn. Lying , spying , false impeachment Witch hunts.. Obama & Schiff must be hanging their head's. If it wasn't so disgusting. It would be funny.
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
My inspiration at all the obvious hypocrisy of the left. To create a group reminding pretentious never Trumpers. , & Blue no matter who dolts. That the glaringly bright light of malicious intent has shone brightly on the people pretending to champion the oppressed. Who until They were told . Had to ...
Seriousreason replies on May 9, 2020:
@Drew69 Ha classic .😆
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
Seriousreason comments on May 7, 2020:
Ahhh a pot head in another time zone. ( Posted 4 hrs ago ) . Hope your not to badly effected by citizens vrs corona... Legal. State's have been lucky keeping dispensers an essential service. Many heavy smokers let out a halelooya.. praise JAH. . Alcohol to makes sense. Raging withdrawing ...
Seriousreason replies on May 9, 2020:
@OldGoat43 Ha Ha dream on . He's the best Presidential choice you've got What , you telling me you want a retarded Biden . Or even Worse Killary . We all knew Bernie was gonna be ripped off by his own party. But then he's not a Democrat anyway . He's a Communist. Him & AOC should start up the Marxist revolutionary Fuckwits party . Tic Toc will vote for them 🥴.
Good evening fellow agnostic.
UrsiMajor comments on May 7, 2020:
Pretty sure Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee. Thanks for your support.
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
It's in the Media's interest to spread false rumours off a possible new ticket. But you're right. No extra hats in the ring. Not much time left . . Let's get it done.
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
Seriousreason comments on May 7, 2020:
Ahhh a pot head in another time zone. ( Posted 4 hrs ago ) . Hope your not to badly effected by citizens vrs corona... Legal. State's have been lucky keeping dispensers an essential service. Many heavy smokers let out a halelooya.. praise JAH. . Alcohol to makes sense. Raging withdrawing ...
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
@OldGoat43 The epicenter effecting world affairs.. Will always be unstable.. Never , will happiness for all exist .It's not possible.
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
Theresa_N comments on May 7, 2020:
Yay, there is hope. MN has taken so long to get to even this point.
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
Gotta respect the hands on , personal effort gone into producing the best primoest skunkyest. Plants possible... Through in a pinch of tegridy.. Stan said that's fine. 😆
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
AncientNight comments on May 7, 2020:
1.5 ounces in public, 10 pounds and 8 plants at home? I hate Winter, but I might consider moving to Minnesota.
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
10 pounds would get me through a harsh winter. Although Northern hemisphere.. Summer . Ya.. Just saying 10pound . manicured , sticky. Unless you had to recirculate for reimbursement of your labour..& cost. That's a sweet weight
BEST IN THE COUNTRY Top Minnesota Lawmaker Unveils Long-Delayed ‘Best’ Marijuana Legalization...
Seriousreason comments on May 7, 2020:
Ahhh a pot head in another time zone. ( Posted 4 hrs ago ) . Hope your not to badly effected by citizens vrs corona... Legal. State's have been lucky keeping dispensers an essential service. Many heavy smokers let out a halelooya.. praise JAH. . Alcohol to makes sense. Raging withdrawing ...
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
Some are ok , others want to break out the rod & gun . Screaming " . What you're walking your dog. NO yout a DANGER TO SOCIETY.. ". Heres an Fine.. But l in the meantime let's release hardend criminals. Inmate's who murder & rape. Let alone rob. & Intimidate Fucking Clown world 🤡🌎.
Seriousreason comments on May 7, 2020:
If some corporation could legally sell it . In a years time there will be rehabs for Big Berry . 500. 🤣
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
Ha I love the SUGR FREE. Add no animal products . & Vegans will lap it up.
Drew69 comments on May 1, 2020:
here's little comedy to stay happy and Gayyyy but don't get the 10 gallon cowboy hat pregnant cause that bitchen hat is mine i'm going to fuk it tlill the cow comes out the back of it. ha ha ha
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
If anything . World war Corona , has birthed some bizarre entertainment 😆🤣
Drew69 comments on May 1, 2020:
all you guys are great lets all get drunk and party till we puke enough matter on Dueche head liberal do nothings!!!
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
I've heard deplorable vomit. If rubbed into the skin of an orange man bad crusader vigorously , while still warm. Is great .As advertised by Don Lemon during his gay crush on Michelle Obama. ( I think he secretly hopes that internet famous bulge was a cock.) That it will protect you from the RONA 🤧😷. Trouble is the ones you want to give a liquid laugh to are calling police at the time . They seen a man & daughter walking their dog . During quarantine officer . ( Grease grease . Cringe slime.) .. hand out for nark money. Grrr 🤮🤮💩. Those innocent people living like free America's should. ( In the mind of a Biden supporter .) Are temporarily killing us.
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2020:
I have a hard time thinking of Joe Biden as a molester of women. Sorry. I just do.
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
@Storm1752 Hey im not onboard with the evil consept either. I think I mentioned #metoo was well overdue. But there are many many Amber Herds in the world. Not all as physically attractive. But the beautiful ones seem to be queen manipulators.. Creeps like Epstein & Weinstein.. ( not good PR for the Stein suffix). Sadly exist . If the Clinton's did have him killed.. Bills still got some pull. & Hilary won't talk.. So 🤲🤘. You seem wonderful in the aspect that you don't immediately condem the Man.. Due Process....
So who's the little doctor ( about the size of Napoleon) .
Leutrelle comments on May 6, 2020:
I am thinking that it is better to be safe than sorry. I am hopping that we continue to practice on the safe side, rather than risk economics over health.
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
I feel the same. But Please look up blaze tv Gary Frenchie interviews Ex Fauci employee. He's like a slightly less evil version of Mengele. Thousands died because he was power drunk his homophonic ways. He halted & altered AIDS treatment & documentation. . She is a wonderful doctor. Jailed by him.. 5 yrs. Many more gays died because of his decisions. Faucis or Facis motives aren't economical. He doesn't care about working class people Just going down in history as doctor Corona. No the more I think about it . Yea hes an Ahole
[] Andrew Shultz endorses Joe Biden .. " Truth y'all ". 😷🤣😆
Leutrelle comments on May 6, 2020:
Seriousreason replies on May 7, 2020:
That looks like give me a shoulder rub emoji. ,😆 Ya gotta admit.Hes a funny cunt.. tells it like it is .
From 2017 NIGHTRAGE's Affliction []
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020: Not sure if you mentioned DEATH as an influence to the Rivers of Nihil.. If you happen to be a fan of DEATH & what CHUCK contributed to melodical Death . Especially after Human.... GRUESOME.... were formed to pay tribute to the man himself.. This latest track has ...
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
@Rossy92 AAL will be worth a listen, especially if your reducing your Metal consumption.. Ale ..🍺
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
He made a gaff . At the worst most vulnerable Time. Media vulture's everywhere. People still believe 4 Chan's CNN prank . They were convincing news channels about people injecting detergents.. CNN not fact checking again.. shame... it's a laugh.. Afterall if you're stupid enough to inject floor ...
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
@Drew69 Youre absolutely right. You probably won't believe this . Just chuck it in on the conspiracy shelf. But the government are stretching out every yardstick they can muster during this " pandemic" , to test the length of their powers.. The shutdown I feel was nessasry due to the European deaths Italy especially. Alot of plane's fly out of China & Europe every day. Patient Zero' infected who knows to begin with ?.. The only thing to stop all this over reaction by sensational disaster driven media . Is hope it's over by end of May June latest Plus Especially social media. To many are listening to others that know probably less than they already do.. . It's crazy alright . Just have to keep ourselves & our loved ones safe & like the aids epidemic. Take precautions.. Ha I should if invested in condoms back then .😆


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