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brentan comments on May 2, 2020:
She's trying to make the point that Trump can't bullshit his way past the pandemic and the silver lining is that he is found out. She doesn't articulate her case well. It's also untrue to state that she is saying she is happy that people have died so that this can come out. That's a piece of ...
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
How you can envisage Trump gaining pleasure from some sort of bullshit narrative people conceive. Is beyond me . You must hate Trump. He's battlng a virus & a 5 yr old media huddle trying to ask the biggest " Gotcha question. To sell more clicbait .He's doing fine , better than the other side of the isle could do . Perlosis still holding up payments to small businesses.
brentan comments on May 2, 2020:
She's trying to make the point that Trump can't bullshit his way past the pandemic and the silver lining is that he is found out. She doesn't articulate her case well. It's also untrue to state that she is saying she is happy that people have died so that this can come out. That's a piece of ...
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
@Drew69 It's insane aye. The weak pathetic mob. Screaming for someone or something to blame. It's a damn virus . Patient zero's the only one to blame. Unless it was a Chinese lab in Wuhan. & Yea ..Then i think the blame is fairly laid at the manufactures feet.
brentan comments on May 2, 2020:
She's trying to make the point that Trump can't bullshit his way past the pandemic and the silver lining is that he is found out. She doesn't articulate her case well. It's also untrue to state that she is saying she is happy that people have died so that this can come out. That's a piece of ...
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
It's a dirty game . When politics & uncertainty gets mixed with an unparalleled pandemic in our time . How bad is this thing. Really ?. So called experts claiming 2.2 million deaths.. So everyone can get it wrong. It's when they are wrong & it effecfts people's lives. Sensational headlines & accusations are very financial for media. . So they're milking it baby...
Drew69 comments on May 2, 2020:
Ho Lee fuk a duck that woman's got a big mouth unless that somehow photoshopped that woman's got a huge mouth
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
Ha ha ha. Big mouth, no brain. 🥴🤣
Trajan61 comments on May 2, 2020:
Trudeau is a liberal gun control nut. I guess if I lived in Canada I’d just have to own my guns illegally.
Seriousreason replies on May 3, 2020:
He's rolling out the red carpet for criminals to remain armed. So yeah any sensible man would. Trudeau's an idiot..
SpikeTalon comments on May 2, 2020:
Sure glad I don't live in Canada.
Seriousreason replies on May 2, 2020:
Aye.. Your right aboot that mate.
Hello, fellow AIU fans.
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
If it wasn't so tragic. We could double over in laughter. The DNC prefer Biden to Yang . Devon also championed the Black bisexual meth head . Caught in a motel with gay sides of beef .. I say damn it that he was caught. He may of been an excellent representative. We'll never know now..
Seriousreason replies on May 2, 2020:
@MeggieCleary Andrew Gillum for President. 🤣😆
Hello, fellow AIU fans.
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
If it wasn't so tragic. We could double over in laughter. The DNC prefer Biden to Yang . Devon also championed the Black bisexual meth head . Caught in a motel with gay sides of beef .. I say damn it that he was caught. He may of been an excellent representative. We'll never know now..
Seriousreason replies on May 2, 2020:
@MeggieCleary oh yea .. he had a hard on for him alright. Similar to Yang ... I'll find the video.. Like I said. To much stigma over human transgressions. Look at Ilhan Omar . Immigration fraud, tax fraud . She's still a politician.. .
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2020:
I have a hard time thinking of Joe Biden as a molester of women. Sorry. I just do.
Seriousreason replies on May 2, 2020:
Wouldn't it be nice if he's innocent. Put faith back into some humans again.. His photos & comment's back when allegations allegedly happened. Tell a different story though. Try telling me he doesn't have an evil smirk on . Making his entire family rich because of corporate greed though political connections. He's a life long Politician... So would of dived straight into the swamp. & the misogyny he displayed back then wouldn't chill in 2020.. Forgive late replys. It's the time difference..
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
My inspiration at all the obvious hypocrisy of the left. To create a group reminding pretentious never Trumpers. , & Blue no matter who dolts. That the glaringly bright light of malicious intent has shone brightly on the people pretending to champion the oppressed. Who until They were told . Had to ...
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood Cheers aye. The way I see it . Of all the Western countries . So called first world . USA has remained the pinicle of freedom & opportunity. The best social experiment so far ". As Rogan puts it " especially for little more than apes. " We done well " . 100s of nationalities . Keeping some law & order & accountability. So what's with the obvious desire of many to bring it all burning down .. Let's blame White Men who privileged from being victors in battle. & Therefore Wrote history. . The American experiment didn't evenly distribute happiness & wealth amoung everyone. ( Well tough shit ) Because that's an impossible consequence. Only achieved by tyranny & force , hunger misery & confusion. Look how many ( phone up & nark ) self indulgent do gooders. Have sprung up . Lil commie rats .
From 2017 NIGHTRAGE's Affliction []
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020: Not sure if you mentioned DEATH as an influence to the Rivers of Nihil.. If you happen to be a fan of DEATH & what CHUCK contributed to melodical Death . Especially after Human.... GRUESOME.... were formed to pay tribute to the man himself.. This latest track has ...
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@Rossy92 Tobin Abashi .. Animals are leaders. Their debut album is great. One I could play once a week, till I die. . I like the instrumental. No vocalist..
From 2017 NIGHTRAGE's Affliction []
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020: Not sure if you mentioned DEATH as an influence to the Rivers of Nihil.. If you happen to be a fan of DEATH & what CHUCK contributed to melodical Death . Especially after Human.... GRUESOME.... were formed to pay tribute to the man himself.. This latest track has ...
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@Rossy92 I can relate to that Human was the album that hinted to Chuck's more melodic direction. Masterpiece. The drumming in Human is inhuman... 🤘😆 Matt Harvey of EXHUMED is the founder of GRUESOME If you've heard any EXHUMED. You'll understand the earlier leprosy type DEATH era sound of his music . They do an amazing tribute to well .. busy muso. . 🎸🍻😷😷. Keep well . Life's not easy at present.
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
He made a gaff . At the worst most vulnerable Time. Media vulture's everywhere. People still believe 4 Chan's CNN prank . They were convincing news channels about people injecting detergents.. CNN not fact checking again.. shame... it's a laugh.. Afterall if you're stupid enough to inject floor ...
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ plus I appreciate your comments. That's what this site is for. I'm a Kiwi Trump fan. So I get allot of avoidance due to not being under Trump's rule. But it doesn't take an Einstein to see he's unfairly tarnished. Some deserved. But alot created..
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020:
He made a gaff . At the worst most vulnerable Time. Media vulture's everywhere. People still believe 4 Chan's CNN prank . They were convincing news channels about people injecting detergents.. CNN not fact checking again.. shame... it's a laugh.. Afterall if you're stupid enough to inject floor ...
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ We all know he made the statement it was caught on air I'm saying he's a naive man when it comes to interveinious Drug use. Any drug use for that matter. He's nonstop defending an unprecedented viral outbreak name & shaming is constant from a poor excuse for journos. Everyone knows Trump's a brash big talking show off. In yet they still take him literally. I'm embarrassed for them. Even the first fish tank cleaner deatth. Turns out to of been planned. She drank but notice only hubbie died. The idiot that will do whatever Trump says is a Democratic myth. Much like Epstein killed himself.. Bidens capable of running.
From 2017 NIGHTRAGE's Affliction []
Seriousreason comments on May 1, 2020: Great track. I know you're into your progressive metal . If you haven't heard these guys yet. Don't judge by this track. The album's excellent.. 🎸😷🎸
Seriousreason replies on May 1, 2020:
@Rossy92 Melodearh.. Progressive is probably a term not a often used But River's of Nihil are definitely mixing up the ranges and still passing off as metal. well worth a listen. Personally I like my extreme brutal stuff. But these guys are kinda .play for your mum type beautiful songs. . Glad you like . I'm a fan now..
DUCHESSA comments on Apr 29, 2020:
About the "relief check". I got mine.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 30, 2020:
See the miserable, spiteful Dems , begrudge him having his signature on the check . So pathetic. .
Trajan61 comments on Apr 29, 2020:
She’s a raving idiot!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Mixed in with this surreal virus , is big brother authoritarian bullshit. I feel for people who are within sight of the breadline. Because if a communist nightmare. Disguised as a woman of colour whose race card is never far from the deck. Gets any major political power. . Gulp.
CNN= Crooked News Network.
BD66 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
It's a terrible choice Trump and the Governors have to make: Option A: lots of people go bankrupt. Option B: lots of people die. And you know the press will go after them whatever they decide.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Even in highly populated cities like New York. The chance of dying from Covid19. Is. 0.03 %. It's not a hard decision at all. Those who are sick or have pre-existing conditions stay at Home. Let the rest go back to living life. The Power hungry Governors are loving it at the moment. It's going to be hard for them to face reality & allow citizens to regain their autonomy. Thus forfitting Power.
CNN= Crooked News Network.
JacarC comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Funny. sad the trump is so stupid. his spewing this week was an amazing display of total lack mental ability.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Biden must of sniffed his hair. That's enough to put anyone into a dazed & confused state. The fact he's constantly under full on partisan attack by so called journalists. It's amazing he's been able to remain the strong leader & optimistic President needed at this time of complete insanity. I'm sure he was hoping that some mental case like Rapaport. Would shoot up some CLOREX & die to prove Trump wrong. Anyone who, for a brief second thought internal consumption of disenfectent was a good idea . Should definately do that... Bottoms up
CNN= Crooked News Network.
Trajan61 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
I wish Trump would talk less but I consider CNN to be very biased and crooked.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Didn't the LIBTARD journos have a premature ejaculation to Trump's off hand comment re Lysol or disenfectent of any stripe. Who in their right mind actually thinks he was literal. I to , just wish he would act more & say less . Act more by allowing controlled social distancing so businesses can reopen. & Say less so lowlife liberal journalists. Don't have as much fake news fodder to brainwash the sheeples..
Chickenwing comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Bill Maher is nothing without his audience backing him up.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 28, 2020:
It seems like all the late show"""" comedians"""" air quotes. Ha ( maybe except Connan.) . Resorting to YouTube. Are failing miserably. . ( The POC one) can't remember his name.) Would be nothing without that Chinese Chan comedian. Does the grumpy Asian stereotype to a tee.
Want it ,need it,gotta have it.
wolf041 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Brings back memories of the old pillar mounted spotlights. They worked
Seriousreason replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Ha & the huge big tyre utes. With blinding spotlights, 3 dudes with hi velocity black sculpted works of art in their hands on the back. Not a single" YEE HAW" echos through the night. Smiles all round.. Good old boys. That's the America I love.
AOC celebrates oil crash in now-deleted tweet: 'You absolutely love to see it' (Fox News) ...
azzow2 comments on Apr 22, 2020:
The other Congress members that rely on oil futures to not only pay for their lavish lifestyle as well as to control the economy might just Burry her under her coffin.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 27, 2020:
The irony of the fact her new found congressional lifestyle. Would turn to custard, if any of her stupid Socialist idea's every become reality. Her supporters are morons. The liberal hive mind is really predomant. It's Orwellian.
Drew69 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
wish the guy would quit narrating man he talks too much waists time!! but yeah Crenshaw busted him up
Seriousreason replies on Apr 27, 2020:
I can't blame the narrators exuberance. Not often does a Black man leave the democratic plantation. & Relish in a liberal celebrity getting owned. In the words of Ann Coulter. " Our Black's are better than theirs."
of-the-mountain comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Could it be so!!!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Try it at your next party . When your sick of the alcohol, smoke's & food being taken ( without asking by souless hippies) Play some Slayer really loud . By the second song they are gone. .. Bludgers...
azzow2 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Just think if Trey Gowdy were to run and win he is the best arguer there is.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@Jacar Yeah Killary should be in jail.
azzow2 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Just think if Trey Gowdy were to run and win he is the best arguer there is.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Trey Gowdys a legend on the debate stage .The halls of Congress. Where ever he happens to be . The man's yet to be equalled.
JacarC comments on Apr 21, 2020:
But did he really? Or did he just become sad his "opposer" was so lame?
Seriousreason replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Bill Mahers the meaning of lame . To wish a ressesion on Americans to try & oust Trump. Says alot about the lowlife person Maher is . He was made to look a fool. Without a harsh word spoken.
JacarC comments on Apr 21, 2020:
They disagreed about "facts." There is ample evidence of trump's lies, and blaming. That crenshaw disagreed does not make him correct.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Nothing wrong with blaming CHINA.The source of the outbreak.& WHO .the liers , Who's head lied about Ethiopia & 2 X cholera outbreaks. That killed Thousands.Trump doesn't lie . He exaggerates.
Hi, I'm new to this group and to this site I'm a Xennial.
MattJKeller comments on Apr 20, 2020:
My favorite hobby(until Covid hit) was going to a metal/industrial show as often as possible. That averaged to about one every 45 days or so. I'd say that my mid-life crisis was getting back into a mosh-pit. Now it is keeping in shape so I can stay in the pit with the younger ones. I love going to ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 21, 2020:
These guys are great. . Duran Duran meets The Metal god monster - PITCHSHIFTER & GODFLESH . I likey.,,😆
[] Ballad of SLEEPY JOE.. The " dog face pony soldier" is hilarious..
Spudgun comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Biden would be a joke if he wasn't in Congress. As it is, he's an embarrassment and could not possibly be any more corrupt. He should be in prison, not in Congress.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 20, 2020:
@Spudgun Honestly , if it wasn't for his much publisised GAFFS . I don't think Biden would be news worthy at all . His wife should be charged with aiding & abieting elder abuse. 😆
[] The type of music made for the Mosh Pit... ...MALEVOLENCE....
MattJKeller comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Badass! I like it!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 20, 2020:
Glad to hear , Welcome . Please post anything you like . The groups names Metal music. But I'm. Big fan of any punk , hardcore, metal . Basically anything heavy . Hoping you & yours are all well . 🤘🎸
Trajan61 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
And that’s the best canadate the looney democraps could come up with! 🤪🤣😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Trajan61 I admit the illusion that the majority of college students appear to go the socialist path . But many with good common sense upbringing. Will rise above the cess pool of social justice madness.
SpikeTalon comments on Apr 15, 2020:
The lamestream medias really hate President Trump...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 15, 2020:
Plus I love the way Bernie is currently attacking his own supporters. His campaign manager refuses to endorse Biden . Sanders called her opinion meaningless, as she is no longer on his payroll. Bernie attacks Trump calling him the most dangerous President in American history . Yea dangerous to old decrepit Communist sympathisers. Who's supporters are crackpots & bludging weirdos.
I would have sworn that my history teacher taught that Andrew Jackson the 7th president was ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 14, 2020:
The Democrats of yesteryear were more similar to Republicans nowadays. Not trying to start a fight or anything. It just seems like parties switch back and forth every few decades or so.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@azzow2 The accusations of racist would be ringing in the ears of Lincoln & Johnson had they still been around to see the shape of politics today. I know democrats will swear on their mother's grave that the old guard were never involved in the KKK. Wasn't Robert Bird chummy with Killary.?
I would have sworn that my history teacher taught that Andrew Jackson the 7th president was ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Apr 14, 2020:
The Democrats of yesteryear were more similar to Republicans nowadays. Not trying to start a fight or anything. It just seems like parties switch back and forth every few decades or so.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 15, 2020:
It's an interesting observation that. How much credence is given to the supposed " big switch" circa post civil war . ? I've heard the action debated in the past. With Dinesh D'Souza arguing the affirmative. While Cenk Urgar or someone as lame claim conspiracy. The charts lately showing Obama's policies are considered right wing in today's political climate. Just proves how far left portions of the party have gone.
Trajan61 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
And that’s the best canadate the looney democraps could come up with! 🤪🤣😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 15, 2020:
@Drew69 Putting the phrase forward that Bernie would pay an offenders bail. Is simply pointing out . Rather than staying on the offensive against Biden , Warren , etc . He accepts defeat. Defends his competition . Endorses ( his friend) Biden . Christ even in 2016 . After Killary publicly embarrassed him. He still praises possibly the most evil contemptible woman ever in politics. No, Bernie may champion his dream of a Socialist America. Luckily is still an unpopular ideology with most Americans. A generation or two may well turn the tide. Where woke Twitter profiles will have comrade prior to their pronouns.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Fuck yeah!!! Texas Fucking Metal!!!!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@MichelleGar1 Wow a GOJIRA gig is bucket list material.. Their new album may differ from Magma. As the brothers Just lost their mother.when recording that record. A Death in the family can definitely alter the outcome.
Hi, I'm new to this group and to this site I'm a Xennial.
LEPeff comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Hi! What are your favorite bands?
Seriousreason replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@MeggieCleary Misfits .. wow I'm impressed. I can recommend DANZIG. ( MISFITS MEMBER) . His solo album of the same name is riddled with Musical gems. I'm sure you've heard the album . Mother & she rides never get old.. Have a browse through METAL MUSIC group . Might be something you like.
Trajan61 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
And that’s the best canadate the looney democraps could come up with! 🤪🤣😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 14, 2020:
@Drew69 As much as I feel the literatural battlefield of ideas & opinions. Are predominantly on Twitter. I've abstained from the temptations of the written joust. Because I don't particularly believe in " hate speech" That position is deemed virtual Satan spawn. Trump tends to take no prisoners. Where as Bernie will pay their bail. Had he magically won the presidency. The economy would never recover.
Funny meme from r/dankmemes
SpikeTalon comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I'm waiting for Biden to try to claim he's the President...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
I'm waiting for the DNC to somehow replace him . Is it at all possible prior to November. ? Even the Bernie bros are pointing out . 4 more years of Trump. Is better than possibly 8 yrs of Sleepy Joe. " You know the thing" 😆 classic gaffs & creeping out females. Not President material. He makes Trump look positively statesman like.
Expect another surge of the virus several churches decided to hold mass and defy satan lol.
Spudgun comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Actually, it sort of makes sense. If religious zealots had very much in the way of common sense, they wouldn't be religious zealots. But they don't have a whole lot in the way of common sense.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
They have a fair amount of faith . Which if channeled into something tangible. Would overcome anything Christ proffeses to.
Expect another surge of the virus several churches decided to hold mass and defy satan lol.
SpikeTalon comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Damn religious zealots...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
The really crooked televangelist that have made millions & then convinces the likely poor, elderly viewers to touch the TV screen & Be saved . Or buy some crackpot cure . Prison is to good for those scumbags.
Expect another surge of the virus several churches decided to hold mass and defy satan lol.
Trajan61 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Hard to reason with a bunch of religious zealots.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
Ahmen. 😆
Trajan61 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
And that’s the best canadate the looney democraps could come up with! 🤪🤣😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
In the words of Joe Rogan. " It makes all democrats look stupid.".
I've made and seen other posts on other pages about this topic, and I'm glad to see someone taking ...
Spudgun comments on Apr 9, 2020:
As a resident of Idaho, this state has done a lot of things in the last few years that make a lot common sense. The liberals don't like it, but there isn't much they can do about it. This particular law I think is aimed more at keeping sporting competitions on an equal basis than anything else. ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
Plus it is women's month. Noone denys transgender right's & struggles aren't real. But they shouldn't be at the expense of biological women.
I've made and seen other posts on other pages about this topic, and I'm glad to see someone taking ...
brentan comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I think it's a good decision but I wonder is the rationale biological or religious.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
Neither, it's just the right thing. Only delusional biological truth deniers, claim men identifying as women have uterus,s & menstruate. God bothering has little to do with biological reality.
Hi, I'm new to this group and to this site I'm a Xennial.
Tampabrew comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Hello, check these guys out from AZ
Seriousreason replies on Apr 13, 2020:
These guys & gal ( female bass players rock) are great. Not being American. Is AZ. Arizona?
[] The fight against facisism. Then & now.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2020:
The true fascists are not the Dems with their obsession with identity politics and PC. It's the ruling class and the corporate media who are controlling both parties and making sure there is no class war on behalf of the working class and the 99%. We saw with the Occupy movement how quick they were ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2020:
The fight against billion dollar corporation's, tho noble. Tends to eventually incur paying a hefty price. Case in point Assange etc. Since man taught himself to wipe his ass. The ruling classes have dictated laws & the outcomes imposed on those who break them . Justice mind you , in many instances needs addressing. The fight against" woke" PC authoritarian practices. Like bill C16 in Canada & the mass indoctrination of college students into attacks on free speech & expression, needs to be stepped up. Hate speech law's are just the beginning . Speech should never be criminalised. Actions yes. Speech no.
burnhippiesfor comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Are you in the group yet? We need all the help we can get.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 6, 2020:
Sure are. Thanks for asking @burnhippies. Which may I say is a tongue in cheek & humourously amusing profile name. 😆 . Some stimulating & informative conversation is what this site is all about. Keep 😷 safe.
racocn8 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
The mascot wears a shirt that says "WhiteWorld" and the guy goes on forever critiquing AOC's tweets opposing racism. If you're OK with racism, this is your guy.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 6, 2020:
That just the point , Whiteworld is a SI FI series on Netflix. & Pointing out that racism is bad, & that the protagonist & prevoker of racism disquised as a woke congresswoman. Needs calling out.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
This Tracey guy is too exhausting to listen to as he takes forever to get to his points. I am also turned off by his attitude of being the most cute and clever speaker in the room. I'll pass on listening to him again. Maybe he should audition for Fox News, since he is so contemptuous of the left in ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 6, 2020:
Yea those Yang gang supporters tend to be endowed with the illusion. That they can somehow close the divide. Not as bad as Bernie bros though. His support for Gillard proves he's not anti gay meth parties.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Apr 3, 2020:
You really do need to post this on the Politics page..🤣
Seriousreason replies on Apr 5, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood The one thing I can safely confirm, from a lifetime living here. Is there's no major chasm between left &: right. The indigenous Maori are represented throughout all government social & economic systems. As well as leaning heavily centre right. Australia is beyond the point of salvaging in many states. But NZ is not.
RobertMartin comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Awesome video. The liberals will lose their minds when they see this.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 5, 2020:
@Captain Feelgood suggests the main politics page might enjoy it. 🤣 At least it's not corona related . 🍺 Some comic relief is important.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Apr 3, 2020:
You really do need to post this on the Politics page..🤣
Seriousreason replies on Apr 5, 2020:
Good idea . I've had the odd verbal , well written joust on that page . Fun had by all .. It's truly comical the imagination of some , gone into concieving what a notorious Trump supporter is like. Always when they feel they are losing the argument. Resort to " Well you're not even American why do you care"?" Without understanding the most powerful country & allie on this planet, is good to have on side. Plus the impact on global politics can't be ignored.
Spudgun comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Good cartoon. Like it says in the cartoon, most of the idiots calling people Nazi's have no idea what an actual Nazi is, or was. The word Nazi is a contraction of the German words for National Socialism, and the morons calling people Nazi's are actually a lot closer to being Nazi's than the people ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 5, 2020:
Couldn't of explained that better myself. It ( to use a millenial term .) Triggers me when I see AOC comparing climate change to WW2 . Concentration camps at the boarder. Also both amazingly & utterly tragic. People believe her.. 🥴
Janus819 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
So many to choose from. It's definitely up there though. ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 5, 2020:
That's very cool you doing that. Posting a feast to binge on. Shamus the creator. Sounds really young to. Repect . Hope you & your loved ones are well.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Brujeria and Sepultura too!!!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 2, 2020:
@MichelleGar1 True to their image they wore the bandanas all night.
[] Covid19 so far .. Accompanied by a song for the ages.
Janus819 comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Video unavailable
Seriousreason replies on Apr 2, 2020:
Aww darn . The music was " tour of duty" anti Vietnam era type stuff. . " I ain't no senator's son. 🎶 " . Classic American as Springsteen. The band name will come back to me.. 🙄 .
[] DOOM Eternal. Alex Jones edition.. 😂
Janus819 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
That is not the only Doom and Alex Jones crossover I've seen, but it might be the one with the highest production quality lol
Seriousreason replies on Apr 2, 2020:
@Jnutter819 Ha . Of your gender I had no doubt. Just keeping up appearances on the inclusion & politeness scale. Music on the road is compulsory. WOW SLAYER. Never capable of a bad gig those guys. Shame they stopped touring. All good things succumb to age I guess. I've got tickets for NILE late April. Their website informs of postponed not cancelled. So that's good. Can't beat the live concert atmosphere. 🎸🤘
JacarC comments on Mar 26, 2020:
The restrictions on the very rich warmongering were essential additions to the package. Pelosi was not the problem.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@Jacar That makes a lot of sense.
JacarC comments on Mar 26, 2020:
The restrictions on the very rich warmongering were essential additions to the package. Pelosi was not the problem.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@Jacar Its already getting ugly in Italy. I read ( true or not) that Mexico is not allowing any entrants. Their borders now closed . No Americans allowed. Just amuses me . That whole goose & gander analogy. Pftt no dirty puto gringos , allowed down south. 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Brujeria and Sepultura too!!!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Brujeria are hard case. Cholos going hard. I'll never forget seeing them , lockup & napalm death . Wicked Gave me a new appreciation of Shane Embury . He plays bass for all three bands. Hard working muso.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Love Soulfly!!!!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
I liked the guitarist that always wore a backpack. Don't think he's with them anymore. Yea MAX is timeless.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Fuck yeah!!! Texas Fucking Metal!!!!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Hey. . I went down the CODE ORANGE rabbit hole after your post a while ago. First time I'd ever heard them. I posted their Swallow the rabbit whole track last week. It's great.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Not sure if I should laugh at them or not.. rather sad really..
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@TheInterlooper 😂🥯🥯🥞🥯🥯😂
Gavin McInnes: Antifa Death toll:: Gavin is good guy, falsely accused as a "nazi" by the ...
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 30, 2020:
ANTIFA are over-glorified domestic terrorists. Not surprising they align with the political left...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Plus they still stick with the "Antifa haven't killed anyone" narrative. Now debunked completely. Similar to feminists clinging to the wage gap lie. Sit them down with an economist. The truth pointing out the falase of that propoganda drummed into them . They will still stand up & scream ...Patriarchy.. 🙄
Spudgun comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I had to stop watching this after 8 minutes. These peoplel are idiots at best. Unfortunately, they can vote.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Yes the voting thing. It's very obvious, & proven time & time again. That those young clueless idiotic self confessed climate savers. DONT BOTHER VOTING . Bernie bros proved that. He polled great with ignorant Socialist loving kids . Who never get off their ass to go to the polls anyway. The Earth tends to protect itself. Nature stops irrationals from harming those who matter.😂
Spudgun comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I had to stop watching this after 8 minutes. These peoplel are idiots at best. Unfortunately, they can vote.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
You did well . Thanks for having a look. & Commenting how hard some people's normality, is to watch & fills many of us with hazardous amounts of cringe.😩.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Not sure if I should laugh at them or not.. rather sad really..
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
I thought post this serious. It shows those who are on this platform that I love. Just how grateful we should be that sanity is inherent in us. But not in all. Those that stared in this ( other than the black guy cursing democrats) Sadly see nothing unusual with their persona. Don't take logic & self awareness for granted. 😂🙄
Captain_Feelgood comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Not sure if I should laugh at them or not.. rather sad really..
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@TheInterlooper That woman obviously taking offence at someone religious. Short hair " feminist mad woman" SCREAMING. When she said I'm going to scream again .Sorry but I'd be staring through bars of a cell. With her teeth marks still on my knuckles.. 😩. I wouldn't.. of course , but seriously. Who does she think she is. The first to scream bigot. In yet her attitude sickens me . The bigot is wearing her skin.
Spudgun comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I had to stop watching this after 8 minutes. These peoplel are idiots at best. Unfortunately, they can vote.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2020:
😂🙄 Doesn't it make you realise. That once you see the magnitude & multitude of many who deem themselves " liberals, progressive, . Somehow the sanity of yourself & those you love . Should not be taken lightly. Breath a sigh of relief. Hug those who champion normality, those of us who cherish logic. Plus the fact we are the majority. Without social media. We would never know these " troubled souls " exist.
JacarC comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Thinking some people should cease to exist is normal. Calling people names demeans you. """Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend. If not, you can kill him without hate--and quickly. """ Robert Heinlein.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Sorry, I'm not that bigger person to desist from laughing , & calling people names. If the label fits ....
JacarC comments on Mar 26, 2020:
The restrictions on the very rich warmongering were essential additions to the package. Pelosi was not the problem.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 28, 2020:
I don't think many people are happy " well , sensible people anyway " with the 300 million given to immigrants & refugees . When 30 % unemployment is predicted. Plus the stupid handouts to the humanities. Which we all know is PC gone made. Also the crazy amounts of pressure put on airline companies. To abide by the green new deal madness. Pelosi's a literal evil Witch .
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Cotton was excellent and to the point, and I'm sure the Dems despised him all the more for that.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 26, 2020:
And we love him a the more, for pointing out the nefarious agenda of the party of division.
I just got an email from the Who's Who scammers wanting my info.
azzow2 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
I doubt it, don't forget to report them.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 25, 2020:
Yeah, I agree. As long as you make a reported , documented complaint. You would be within your rights to scam the scammers . Such lowlifes , actively trying to rob people via computer technology at a time like this. It's detestable at anytime. But now . 😠
Free Speech denied : : : The socialist/communist chinese GANG of government suppressed the speech of...
Seriousreason comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Right on the money there. Plus it infuriates me seeing the so called compassionate, progressive left . Have their mouthpiece , front woman . & Defiler of the President's existence. Halting financial relief because she & her younger woke , dumb as a door post Congress women with their hand firmly...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 25, 2020:
@Jacar Time is not a luxury the average person has , at this difficult period . So here's just some of what the ideological, identity politics loving left want to squeeze into the relief package. Pandering lowlifes come in one color currently. And it's Blue.
[] DOOM Eternal. Alex Jones edition.. 😂
Janus819 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
That is not the only Doom and Alex Jones crossover I've seen, but it might be the one with the highest production quality lol
Seriousreason replies on Mar 25, 2020:
@Jnutter819 It's always great to hear when females ( sorry I assumed your gender 🥴😆) . Like metal . Im having a great time hosting metal music , on this platform. Some very cool people are members. I post quite often. Generally for selfish reasons. Because then once posted I can listen to the music through my stereo. Stay safe🤘🎸 & well during this time of uncertainty & sadness.
[] DOOM Eternal. Alex Jones edition.. 😂
brentan comments on Mar 24, 2020:
I've heard nothing but good about this game. Nothing but bad about Alex Jones.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 25, 2020:
Yea he has blasphemy , flung at him from all directions. He was absolutely right about atrophine in the water supply turning amphibians A sexual . But media & leftist propoganda merchants. Thrive on misinformation. He's doing fine & doesn't need haters hating . Similar to all of us . Some people's confirmation bias can not be penetrated.
[] DOOM Eternal. Alex Jones edition.. 😂
Janus819 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
That is not the only Doom and Alex Jones crossover I've seen, but it might be the one with the highest production quality lol
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
@Jnutter819 Sounds amazing. I used to own a PlayStation 3 . But only had it 6 months or so & then got burgled. Grrr hate theives.. I've moved since then & just never got around to replacing it . Though times like these I wish I still had it. I've played HALO before . It's fantastic.
[] DOOM Eternal. Alex Jones edition.. 😂
Janus819 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
That is not the only Doom and Alex Jones crossover I've seen, but it might be the one with the highest production quality lol
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
That game seems amazing. I'm not a gamer . But I can appreciate the depth of graphics & story telling. They are excelling themselves since Pacman days. Gotta love Alex Jones . He's the most villafiled , misunderstood personality of our lifetime. Luckily for his family. He's financially well off. The left would love to see him begging in the streets.
Want another example of government overreach?
DUCHESSA comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Talking about the Dems.............the fact they rejected the bill (giving two relief checks to Americans) has made many of their followers to think over about November election. I don't doubt Trump will get a nice surprise from these voters.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
Seeing the fallout from down Under. It's strangely apparent the Dems are in self destruct mode.. Seriously tho . What's wrong with Perlosi. ?? . Spiteful cow.
Want another example of government overreach?
Trajan61 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Liquor stores should not be owned by the state to start with. Sometimes the religious people so the same thing. Here in Oklahoma you can’t buy liquor on Sunday because they think it’s inappropriate.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
There's certainly good & bad in States having their own law's.. We were the same till 1995 No liquor sale's on a Sunday. I would visit a backyard black market guy back then . Funnily enough he was cheaper than the ligit stores.. When the laws were relaxed. He sold meatpacks from his freezer. Barbaques are big down here. 😆
Want another example of government overreach?
azzow2 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
They are brewing a shitstorm.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
😆😆 😂. Brewing ... Shitstorm... 😂😆
Want another example of government overreach?
Trajan61 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Liquor stores should not be owned by the state to start with. Sometimes the religious people so the same thing. Here in Oklahoma you can’t buy liquor on Sunday because they think it’s inappropriate.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 24, 2020:
Talk about government overeach. That smacks of Socialism. I hear if Perlosi & Schumer get their way ( never gonna happen, but they are trying) To offer assistance financially during this unprecedented crisis, to businesses. Then take the reigns to inject their PC racial justice diversity bullshit . Into those businesses for the next 5 yrs. It's as though they know Nov2020 is lost . So therefore authoritarian reckless abandon. Is being disguised as somehow good for Americans.. Here in NZ we have reached Defcon 4 . From 12am Thurs morning. Complete shutdown of non essential businesses. The company I work for has been around for 100 yrs. & are insured to the eyeballs. So salary is still garanteed. WHEW...
Hi ya to those I've had the pleasure of exchanging language with.
Seriousreason comments on Mar 17, 2020:
For a great cause ,that is proven by almost every metric known to man. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. When I seen that clip of Biden . Virtually baptise Beta O'Rourke as the great "AR14" collector. " Hell yes I'll take your... ..fill in loved firearm of choice. .,... The gay mayor...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 19, 2020:
@SpikeTalon Cheers Spike . My comment re your commitment to adherence & enforcement of the 2nd . Was simply observing your past posts & abject horror at the thought of Americans , who were wisely allowed ownership for obvious reasons. Then turn around and not only hand over their right. But expect others to do the same. Keep up the good fight . " Hell yes" Beto can go rot.
Spike i noticed you said people on the right are more calm than people on the left.
ldheinz comments on Mar 17, 2020:
I really didn't need anything to set up staying at home. I bought some masks on eBay before the price got too high and they cut off selling them.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 18, 2020:
The graph is worldwide death's per day by current diseases . I hope can be enlarged. The Top two lines are Tuberculosis & hepatitis B The yellow line is Covid19. 3 times more people are killed by rabies per day, than the Kung Flu.
Spike i noticed you said people on the right are more calm than people on the left.
ldheinz comments on Mar 17, 2020:
I really didn't need anything to set up staying at home. I bought some masks on eBay before the price got too high and they cut off selling them.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 18, 2020:
Here's a factual graph you won't see pushed by MSM.
Spike i noticed you said people on the right are more calm than people on the left.
Drew69 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Yes the major Panic has made matters worse for everybody hits people that play panic that makes everybody's life miserable I think it's because misery likes company.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 18, 2020:
@Drew69 They were. They put out a good album back in around 2002 . Kind of a cross between KORN &. GODFLESH.. I think they bowed out a while ago now. But emphasising that phrase . Misery finds no solice in being alone . Literally no shoulder to cry on.
Spike i noticed you said people on the right are more calm than people on the left.
Drew69 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Yes the major Panic has made matters worse for everybody hits people that play panic that makes everybody's life miserable I think it's because misery likes company.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2020:
That's a very true saying that. It's also a great band from Sweden. 🎸🎶😆 MISERY LOVES COMPANY.
Spike i noticed you said people on the right are more calm than people on the left.
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 17, 2020:
A little preparation goes a long way, and when you are prepared for the unexpected, you won't worry as much. I can imagine it's most unpleasant for those who haven't planned ahead, and for those who live paycheck to paycheck.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2020:
Just joined the Gun lover's group. Reading other members who's names instilled calm & sound reason. Hope you're well . . I commented in this thread that even in NZ it's got hold of the fear mongers. Australia has shut up shop. Liberals scream xenophobia. We scream thank you.
azzow2 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
What needs to be established is Foot in the mouth Biden wants to make Americans vulnerable.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 8, 2020:
The trouble is we all know that . But still Bidens handlers , if they got their way. Would use this current PC overboard, offence taking , liberal mindset. To shield their boy from the hash glare of reality. Point out Bidens genuinely concerning state of mental health. Then you're the biggest hater & get all kinds of flack from the false narrative media.
Thinking about maybe 2024.
Trajan61 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I’d like to have Ted Cruz myself but he may be a little to right wing for some. Condoleeza Rice and Mattis would definitely work as well.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020: Ted Cruz , is he viewed as being to right wing ? I enjoyed this talk here , explaining the obvious problems with Socialism. I was impressed with his knowledge as he rattled off the 4 richest countries by their GDP . Including Venezuela prior to the Communist collapse . & 3rd on the list was New Zealand. Ted can visit my place anytime. 😆
Thinking about maybe 2024.
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
No way Condoleezza Rice runs for President. She has never run for a single political office.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood Rice for vise . Has nice ring to it . But the waters are getting even muddier in politics . So no one can blame abstaining from the dirty game.
Thinking about maybe 2024.
TheInterlooper comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Trey Gowdy may be the only Republican I'd vote for. I remember you speaking highly of Mattis awhile back so I decided to look into him. I see why you like him.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
Yes. I like Trey as well . Jim Jordan & Matt Gaezt aren't slugs either .
Thinking about maybe 2024.
BD66 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
No way Condoleezza Rice runs for President. She has never run for a single political office.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
Maybe Miny Mike can give her $250 million dollars . If he can blow that on a failed advertising campaign He could invest in the future of the country.
Thinking about maybe 2024.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I'd vote for Tim Scott in a heart beat.. Imagine if he and Condoleezza got together..
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
I'd second that .
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Love Suicidal Tendencies! Listening to them since I was a teenager!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@MichelleGar1 I've still got this album on CD .It's one of those debuts that goes in the legendary basket.
Captain_Feelgood comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Yeah, Jayapal is an idiot...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
That's a fact , Jayapal is an idiot . Let's hope the house is regained after November & the President isn't hamstrung by fake outrage & idiotic impeachment attempts . He could get alot more done.
Drew69 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Damn Chris Matthews needs to just put a boob in his mouth and his finger in a woman's vagina all day long and he'd be just a great thing. broke and unemployed!!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@Drew69 It's appaling the nilhist nature of so called teachers / professor's. Educating the youth of today . I hope many imports realise after leaving those Marxist institutions. That the haters posing as educators . Are completely idiotic & self loathing. All progressive post modern, Marxist , American hating professors. Throughout the country. With there nilhist nature & destructive agenda . Suddenly fill the air with the sound of each one blowing their brains out in unison. That's a school shooting I could get behind.


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