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[] The only thing immoral is Pelosi and her progressive Democrat crowd.
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Pelosi may be many things - but she's not immoral. I'm afraid the official Republican response to the immigration issue is what you're referring to, here. Conservatives have no respect for the Nationalist approach Trump is taking.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@Pbpierson2 The realisation of the fact my being born down under , with its take it or leave it attitude towards religion , has and never will be lost on me. Being a fairly rabid pundit for small government liberal leaning ie legal prostitution . But conservitive ideals. Pro life... Freedom of speech and expression . My enthusiastic support for the better of two evils ( Trump) over Hillary definitely hasn't earned me any brownie point's among peers Down here. Most who attempt to debate me over Amercan politics are scantily clad fact wise and hold a deeply bias vision (CNN) sourced of what has been achieved during his Presidency. The pack mentality holds strong.. With little regard for the fact your country is pivotal in global affairs. . #TRUMPDESERVESNOBEL. For Considerably easing tensions in Korea.
Maybe we ought to deport this new foul mouthed Muslim member of congress to Syria and give her to ...
sfvpool comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Her ideas might be disgraceful and her words foulmouthed, but she represents how most Democrats feel about Trump. So, her religion is not what should be attacked, until she tries to inject her religion into law. Remember what John Adams wrote in 1797, in the "Treaty of Tripoli", “As the ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 11, 2019:
" Feel" about Trump is right Dems are all about those feels... Muslims are are disgusting religious blight . There hatred and bias knows no bounds . Muslims kill more Muslims than any so called white supremist ever would.
I thought that I had Meshuggah’s The Violent Sleep Of Reason and Death Angel’s The Dream Calls ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Messuggah.. I love their mastery of syncopated heavy brilliant musical feasts. Does anyone recall the video where they are in a tour bus air playing a truly brilliant song. I want to own that album.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@OtherPatrick There was a music show back in the halcyon days . Early 2000s called metal primer here in NZ. I watched that track being glad I taped it. . I honestly can't recall the album . But the hilarious air guitar , drums , vocals . Done with impeccable timing while driving through country roads . It was am original concept for its time.. no one could ever say Messuggah went original.
[] The only thing immoral is Pelosi and her progressive Democrat crowd.
Trajan61 comments on Jan 9, 2019:
The Democrats are just out to stop Trump from getting anything he wants. They could care less about border security as there number 1 objective is more democrat voters and ultimately more power. Power they need to impose their big socialist government programs on us!
Seriousreason replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Wise words from a wise man. It goes with there attempt to completely alter the 2nd amendment. Big left wing government. And a population helplessly unable to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. . Your forefathers. ...wise men. Such foresight
[] The only thing immoral is Pelosi and her progressive Democrat crowd.
Robecology comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Pelosi may be many things - but she's not immoral. I'm afraid the official Republican response to the immigration issue is what you're referring to, here. Conservatives have no respect for the Nationalist approach Trump is taking.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@Pbpierson2 They ..meaning the leftist lefty have and still are creating new words and terms that mean virtually zero. Toxic masculinity, gender fluidity, among just a few. Buzz words like racist white supremacy, nazis, hate speech.. Fortunately in the climate of your Alpha male leader. We can laugh and ridicual those utterances. . Sadly tech giants along with billionaire Hollywood eletist looney Dems. Do impose there considerable clout . Getting anyone who outs there insane drivel fired. Defamed. . A great example was Kavanaugh. What a spectacular tantrum.
Burn the Priest - Chronic Auditory Hallucination []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Wicked... thank you. L.O.G & the Adler bros, are in the elite catagorie. Love the Legion X covers album.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@mikecagain Totally.. even Randys vocal syle he adopts is faithful to the originals. Like how good is I against I ( bad brains ) love it.
Ah, for the good old days:
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Imagine this picture (meme) today... Their would be protests with vegan's pouring fake blood on each other . Antifa denouncing capitalism while their wealthy ( so they don't have to work) parents are on wall Street or " creepy port lawyers" . I seen a video with those , ever increasingly insane , ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@dokala I had no idea.. You would think instead of memes I've seen posted with crosses on his eyes ....Regans dead scrawled underneath.held by kids not alive during his reighn . Maybe they were protesting the evils of capitalism, & not his Imigration polices.
Ah, for the good old days:
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Imagine this picture (meme) today... Their would be protests with vegan's pouring fake blood on each other . Antifa denouncing capitalism while their wealthy ( so they don't have to work) parents are on wall Street or " creepy port lawyers" . I seen a video with those , ever increasingly insane , ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 5, 2019:
@dokala I just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. ...
Ah, for the good old days:
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Imagine this picture (meme) today... Their would be protests with vegan's pouring fake blood on each other . Antifa denouncing capitalism while their wealthy ( so they don't have to work) parents are on wall Street or " creepy port lawyers" . I seen a video with those , ever increasingly insane , ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 5, 2019:
@dokala I don't know what the hell regain did. . He could of shot them all for all I care ... I'm a kiwi.
If Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has her way on going 100% green by 2030 it will wreck the US economy so ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
For a socialist with absolutely no idea about economics, or any outcome from idiotic policy decisions having input into the lives of millions is a chilling thought... " Free stuff for everyone "..
Seriousreason replies on Jan 5, 2019:
@Trajan61 hello my friend. . If only the " higher learning " educational foundations. Colleges and their maxist professors weren't spewing their socialist , anti capitalism bias. Sadly lapped up by easily influenced students. It's no wonder dimwits like Cortez who , with no idea in reality how she or any democrat will generate the trillions needed for their delusional policies. My biggest fear is this insane Trump hating propaganda . It's a toxic mix of ignorance, arrogance and naivety that will in 2020 be responsible for Pocohantis being voted in. Dread the thought. Brrrr gives me chills.
Well, this site is a joke- [acslaw.
Robecology comments on Jan 2, 2019: - Can we assume that there's every range of American that "care about the constitution" ? Why come off with such a biased comment? Do you even comprehend the definition of “progressive"? You might want to look it up. I joined Conservative Atheists - and I consider myself ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 4, 2019:
Oh no... one should fear socialism . One should fear it a lot .. And to listen to anyone that states " I have the right way to apply socialism " Is listening to a deluded person.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Deb57 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Bad idea. Instead of acting appropriately contrite for being sexually obnoxious, he decided to take his act on the road for the type of people who won't judge him for being a pig: conservatives. Hell, it makes sense... they happily overlook their president's pussy grabbing. So talk smack about the ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 4, 2019:
@Deb57 Hate .. is a very strong word .. like racist and nazis ...But Democrats ' leftist journalists, maxiist college professors and cringe worthy SJW.'s have diluted the terms so much by repeating them over and over ..( white supremacy & nazis everywhere) it's ludicrous. ... Hate speech is a convenient term to enable those that don't agree to shut down or remove a platform from their opposition. .. It's an assult on free speech . Which naturally aligns with socialist regressive views . A sad state of affairs.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
powder comments on Jan 2, 2019:
He has the right to not be funny. You have the right to not support him. Capitalist economics, supply and demand, will determine his career. Free it. The right to offend is more important than the right of offended snow flakes to censor.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@Deb57 poor old Alex He is a performance artist... enthusiastic and entertaining.. But please There is no such thing as '" hate speech" there is just simply speech you don't like. Other than a direct call to violence . Hate speech is a myth.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Deb57 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Bad idea. Instead of acting appropriately contrite for being sexually obnoxious, he decided to take his act on the road for the type of people who won't judge him for being a pig: conservatives. Hell, it makes sense... they happily overlook their president's pussy grabbing. So talk smack about the ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Honestly. No one in there right mind can conflate Trump's 20 yr old locker room talk with the shooting of school kids.. Give me strength. !!!. To observe the absolute hatred for Trump by lefties is self defeating ....So President Elizabeth Warren is it .... hahaha haha.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@maturin1919 As long as voicing their disgust is all they do. This obscene self rightious atempt to destroy someone's career over a bad joke is beyond childish .. It's criminal.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
jondspen comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Honestly, who F-ing cares about a comedian making a poor tasting joke?!?. Don't go to his shows - very simple way to protest if you don't like him. In the meantime, check out the below three links where there is plenty of real world shit going on to be upset about - maybe even try to make a ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@yogafan108 Fair enough... the man's perverted sexual desires are pretty unsavoury Its Sad certain performers and celebrities get a false sense of superiority which does not excuse his gross behaviour... Many are being outed for sexual misconduct lately. . So that at least is a positive thing. Taking advantage sexually of anybody on the grounds your a famous person is being exposed as the heinous act it is.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
jondspen comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Honestly, who F-ing cares about a comedian making a poor tasting joke?!?. Don't go to his shows - very simple way to protest if you don't like him. In the meantime, check out the below three links where there is plenty of real world shit going on to be upset about - maybe even try to make a ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@yogafan108 Who's being mean now.. To go after a mans lively hood for the sake of a poorly timed joke . I beyond disgusting.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@maturin1919 But they are words merely WORDS.. CK never shot anyone. . It's pathetic to vilify a comedian . Dont laugh if you disn't like the joke .. The risk of offending a portion of society as soon as anyone opens their mouth is high these days.
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@maturin1919 Oh please !!! explain the point I'm missing. Tragic things happen . There's crazy people in the world. Empathy deprived and nassicistic dregs of society.. To attack a third party ie: CK Louis. . For a poorly timed and executed joke seems petty.. Attack the petpitrator. Attack obviously bad vetting for gun ownership. The root of the problem needs addressing. . Mental health.!!
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 2, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX racist I'm disgusted.
I modified the description for this group slightly.
SpikeTalon comments on Jan 2, 2019:
@bigpawbullets I found out Elganned blocked me so I returned the favor. Funny thing is he was the one who hurled insults at me and got pissed off when I made what was intended to be a joke, but I never blocked or banned him, somehow I knew he would make the first move and I was right. What's fair ...
Seriousreason replies on Jan 2, 2019:
Come on now Spike . You know " left leaning socialist "types don't understand jokes
Death- Crystal Mountain []
Rossy92 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Wow. A Death classic, in great sound, and still less than 1 like per every 6 views in a Metal group. SMH.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 31, 2018:
@Rossy92 that’s certainly agreed apon Rossy .. music being a truly subjective experience . I’m spinning my whole narrative ... you see I’ll listen to something I like . Be thinking about . Maybe a repeat listen . But seldom does it pop into my head “ smash that like button” . There’s a good post going around “ list your songs that make you happy.. I had a crack .. but then suddenly realized Tribulations classic Meloncholia . .. if your not a fan already . You may like them .. Their Children of the night album.. .. I gotta learn to download. HAPPY NEWYEAR .. fellow music enthusiast.
Death- Crystal Mountain []
Rossy92 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Wow. A Death classic, in great sound, and still less than 1 like per every 6 views in a Metal group. SMH.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 31, 2018:
That’s a very astute point my friend ( who has this downloading lark Sussed) I’ve enjoyed many of your posts ... but seldom leave a thumbs up.. Maybe Metalheads ... just general heavy good music fans ... don’t tend to require or need confirmation that their shit is good. .. Metals one of the few genres that one band , wears each another bands tee shirt...
What was the last concert you went to? My last one was Gloryhammer/Alestorm
Seriousreason comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Hi ya ... I gather you would recommend Alestorm then? . They play my home town in NZ in the near future. We were treated to Aborted the other month. Then Black Dahlia Murder. . Yeehaaaa
Seriousreason replies on Dec 31, 2018:
@webbew1 pirate metals a new one on me ... Looking forward to it.
What was the last concert you went to? My last one was Gloryhammer/Alestorm
VIKingsCFH comments on Nov 22, 2018:
Philip H. Anselmo and the Illegals. However, Saturday night, I'll be seeing Drowning Pool, P.O.D., and Nonpoint. ?
Seriousreason replies on Dec 31, 2018:
Absolutely wicked.. The density of continuous tours by bands you love, must be great. If we do get someone like Slayer or lamb of god caliber, they usually just do Auckland. So that’s marked for the new year Alestorm ( pirate metal ) that’s a new one on me. Plus 27th Feb is Phil and the illegals.... Phil’s one straight up musician... not all preachy and peacocky like Flynn from Machinehead.. cringe... listening to his spoken word rubbish.. . (personal opinion others may love it. ) . Who does he think he is .tho ..Jim Morrison. Or Henry Rollins.. You be the judge.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Have to agree.. one of the best of many Black Sabbath classics... Personally feel they influenced the birth.. .. If you venture amongst Death Metal. . 2018.s winner of Death album of the year... down under is New York own Skinless.and Savergry
Seriousreason replies on Dec 14, 2018:
@metalhead222 Around 1970 birthed Sabbath onto a hungry audience. ..They are absolute legends. . . I remember first listens to "wicked world" Paranoid .,Zeppelins Imigrant song ..." and the like sparked a unspeakable joy that " finally a sound that moves me . Play that again " was my fist instinct. .. And the rest is history. .. The metal feast we can now enjoy every day owes their existence to Hard core and metal crossover bands . Just look at the amount of sub genres now days. . Heavy music is my god.
I avoid using Google as much as possible... []
Trajan61 comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Google along with Facebook and the overwhelming majority of the media seem to be biased to the libtards.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 6, 2018:
Even twitter is now being exposed as the liberal overlords of censorship they have always been .
JUST HEARD ON TV: A substitute teacher in New Jersey won't be asked back next semester because ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Sounds a like a law suit. She got fired for telling the truth go figure.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 6, 2018:
@DUCHESSA and yet the same faculty expose young kids to silly liberal leaning gs in the realm of multiple genders . Nothing ruins's a kids innocence or self awareness than imaginary demigirls. And white boys are inherently evil.
Trajan61 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
The gun control people will stop at nothing to abolish our gun rights. That includes censoring and false information or anything else that suits they’re dirty gun control efforts.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
Aaarrrr let's shoot them.. lol
Seriousreason comments on Nov 16, 2018:
From a non American who can appreciate the 2nd amendment. The fact that Freedom involves responsibility , and the sence to know “ I’m living in city with millions of people. All with their own story and reason for doing shit ..highs lows , loses and scores and to trifle with a persons choice to ...
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
@Trajan61 I do apologise for that rant though. .it's a subject I'm passionate about... So you kind comments mean a lot ... The freedoms fought and died for cannot be in any way diluted because of gun deaths ... leftist propaganda. ..or any corrosive liberal ideology. The excuse that gun laws work in Australia are no argument. Australia never had a 2nd amendment. Plus loud xxxx swilling Aussies are more likely to hurt or kill themselves ... Guns and gun controls , lessons and self preservation when using firearms is American history.
Can black people be racist?
LucifersPen comments on Feb 7, 2018:
So what is it called when someone is culturally prejudice? *As an example*, if I'm a white American man who hates British culture, what is that called? (And NO, I don't hate the Brits!)
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
It's called personal taste .
Just what we need in our country: :-(
Trajan61 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Try telling that to the liberal idiots like Ocasio Cortez and other liberals who want to open the border and let everyone come up.
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
Don't liberals see her for the doe eyed idealistic. Insanely stupid socialist apologist she is... I have yet to hear a feasible economic utterance from her... All you staunch red states should take a page out of the lefts santuary city book . Govern how the constituency votes in each state . with federal grants issued by merit .
Just what we need in our country: :-(
mosuper comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I think the prevalence of lice at my children's school is higher than that. Those damn hair critters have come home enough that I don't care of the 101 cases of lice. A quick search of rates of disease in US vs these stats.... Tuberculosis US: 2.8 per 100,000 Latino invaders: 132 per 100,000...
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
@bigpawbullets They expect far to much free stuff as if is .. as much as a sniffle or constant cough should be enough to halt further progress into your soil. Trump was vilified for his "shithole countries " comment... truth hurts. Stay where you are if they are great countries. ...but oh no....
Just what we need in our country: :-(
Leutrelle comments on Nov 30, 2018:
A question I have had for quite awhile is why is their so much poverty in the countries south of the border? It seems to me that they could have a better life if they had better government. Our country fought many wars to get what we have, and we can't solve all the worlds problems. Maybe it's time ...
Seriousreason replies on Dec 4, 2018:
I know liberals hate the fact that America tend to be seen as the world police and despise the fact... Trump should pull all troops from any country that doesn't further American interests .. " fend for yourself " the moto. In a crazy way I would love this libtars. .. every one slightly right of Bernie, is a nazi insanity , actually be true for a week. A taste of true national socialist doctrine. .. they should by weeks end feel so defeated .. you would find BLM chant blue lives matter as much as us. We promise to behave . Cause no more fuss...ahhh. daydreams .. lol
This Study On Trump & "Fragile Masculinity" Suggests That Certain Male Voters Are Drawn To POTUS
Seriousreason comments on Nov 30, 2018:
It amazes me this need by great swaths of society to demand the need for labels..... Jesus h Christ . If it’s not toxic masculinity’s fragile masculinity.... This insane furore over gender pronouns , the LGTBQTIA......ETC. community demanding there sexuality identifies them... It’s a ...
Seriousreason replies on Nov 30, 2018:
@Gooniesnvrdie Your preaching to the choir my friend..... I’m shore I’ve heard normies being used derogatorily ...When in fact some normality injected into the mainstream thoughts of the public.....From “ruling” places of power , to the mean streets run by gangs , Some tripping cryp prospect, armed and intent on getting what he wants from you.. won’t give a flying f, about using your correct pronoun. ..or accomodate your safe space. The worlds full of assholes....In yet Christians and the multitude of other diety worshipping morons. Still believe there’s an intervening god...... The offended by words generation just needs to toughen up.... keep liberal as possible but pull your head in when you feel any white guilt buildup.... But that’s another conversation.
Trajan61 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
The gun control people will stop at nothing to abolish our gun rights. That includes censoring and false information or anything else that suits they’re dirty gun control efforts.
Seriousreason replies on Nov 18, 2018:
Thankfully the NRA & well off patriotic Americans who dominate are financialy powerful enough to take on the left wing media , and vitrtue signalling hollywood. Criminals will always get guns.. By obstructing law abiding Americans from arming themselves for protection The looney anti gun lobby if they had their way would create something they hate... A heavily armed police force.. an increase in home invasions .Pretty easily predicted outcome.. the 1st and 2nd amendment are sacred... Both are still being poorly re interpreted by the pearl clutching, gender non conforming, open border loving self loathing alt left. should my granny and her AR15 be worried at night. ... a hypothetical medal to you for reading my anti assault rifle rant... keep well.
Amazing how many trumpies are in this group
dokala comments on Nov 14, 2018:
You aren't helping. You should stick to sound arguments based on credible data, not name calling like a child. If you want to hold a discussion, I'll be happy to join you here or in the progressive group. Hopefully you display an understanding of the issues as opposed to feelings.
Seriousreason replies on Nov 15, 2018:
?. Yes great comment . In a truly sane functioning and fair to all society facts must trump feelings. Emotions create knee jerk reactions , generally escalating to bad ideas and policies... look at bill C16 in Canada for example... Being prosecuted by the law for a tweet some may find hurts their “ fee fees” just seems so completely ludicrous... I thought liberal Democrats had enough on their plate fighting the patriarchy, white supremacy, rape culture and not to mention nazis round every corner.
Amazing how many trumpies are in this group
Trajan61 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Did you expect to find a bunch of Obama/Hillary lovers in a conservative group?
Seriousreason replies on Nov 15, 2018:
Or worse still ... Bernie , and I the “I have 40trillon dollars in my back pocket Cortez” everything should be free but absolutely no idea how to pay for it social Democrats disaster piece.... At least Obama had the being black card working for him.
Guys it’s the weekend!!! I got a 25 mg edible in my mouth and just smoked a bowl of GSC with my ...
freeofgod comments on Sep 8, 2018:
I ate a 40 mg gummy one summer afternoon. We weren't going anyplace. Then my Boston injured her eye and I had to make an emergency run to the vet hospital. Those people knew I was tore up. Bloodshot eyes and all : )
Seriousreason replies on Sep 14, 2018:
I feel for you. Herb and trauma are not the greatest partners..
Here we are...
AncientNight comments on Aug 10, 2018:
The first poster is a complaint against the weaker strains sold in Dispensaries. The second poster reminds me of a recurring dream that I've had in the past. In the dream, I was an old man, living in a house that had a built on greenhouse. In that greenhouse I had some of the healthiest plants I've ...
Seriousreason replies on Aug 10, 2018:
It's amazing what TLC will do to increase the THC
This is my understanding.
LionMousePudding comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Y’all are making such awesome, complex, fascinating points! I am so glad I posted! It will take a lot of reading and thought before I ever state my opinion again ❤️❤️
Seriousreason replies on Jul 27, 2018:
I for one would be proud of that post.. I realise you chance of sarcasm regarding not posting your opinions again without scrupulously fact checking.... Is most likely tongue in cheek. .. look at your thread. got people writing... And Lionmousepudding.......I like it..
AC/DC - Thunderstruck []
metalhead222 comments on Jul 26, 2018:
yay acdc people say acdc aren't metal don't say that shit to me especially to my face. great post, saw them live once best live band I ever saw . second best was ratt lmao there really good live. pantera was worse band I ever saw live, was so dissapointed
Seriousreason replies on Jul 27, 2018:
Wow .. hi your the only metal head I’ve met besides close freinds that realises AC/DC fans ....I mean true hard core pound ya if you blasphem their Aussie rockers name.. But to deny AC/DC is metal seems a bit stupid. Angus would disagree I would hope.” Hi energy rock and roll “ in the Bon Scott... favourite....AC/DC front man direction, Yea a big fight erupted while playing pool and talking the merits of metal ..AC/DC had played the night earlier. My opponents were rabid fans ...there young teen had a mullett... leopard skin over tight Dress on wifey.... the classic stereotypical Dad Black jersey , beer belly . Attitude for Africa.... the four of his mates arrived all in black jerseys... well all bets were off....pool etiquette with money cued up meant nothing... until my mates mouth got us into trouble... I remember “ thick as shit black jersey brigade “ blah blah.. I’m a skinny white man I’m out of there.... half them had steel caps on. ... shit looking back it’s a bit of a rant. ...just remember Metal is the only genre , where the bands wear other bands tees. ..... I’m moving off the grid ... no more wifi.... so wanted to say goodbye to anyone still reading... people who enjoy metal or any heavy music are fantastic.... ???
Napalm Death - The World Keeps Turning []
Seriousreason comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Ahh Napalm .. the kings of grindcore... I had the privilege of seeing them late last year. With Brujeria....Lockup in support... my deepest respect to Shane Embury...bassist extraordinare.. He plays in all three of those bands... to do a tour where your bassist for every band on the bill is ...
Seriousreason replies on Jul 15, 2018:
@NothinnXpreVails Slayer ... now there’s another hard working band ... A Slayer gig is guaranteed to instill an orgasm for the ears... I’m disheartened to read the “ farewell “ part. After loosing Jeff tragically, I guess it can alter the course and future for the legends ... I still thrash Reign in blood and their awesome “ Undisputed attitude “ tribute to pioneers of the genres we know and love.... brilliant album.
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
Our_existence comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Might or might not work. Depends upon the girl
Seriousreason replies on Jul 14, 2018:
@MissKathleen Yes..yes.. that Was off on a tangent .... not a flirt in sight ... it sprung from seeing the depressing mindset of the young ( School,age) people so scared and well totally, phobic .. I’n the U K seems manifested . Indoctrinated from early ages to realise ..” it’s hopeless... dont try.. the systems out to get you...” I feel sad for our youth. Grow a pair and handle it . The media cating crying teenagers fearful of right wing authoritarian , Trumps band of evil white supremist , Nazi tyrants are destroying the world... If that is what men are going to grow up to be . Progressives new breed of professional crybabies . Real men will be extinct . No more middle road . Either extreme misogyny or total cuckdom.... What a choice...
Yes indeed.
azzow2 comments on Jul 12, 2018:
Cant get any sexier than that.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
True despite the young woman probably being a tad young.... there’s nothing sexier than a gun toten , capable, confident conservative woman... The gorgeous Faith Goldy woman from rebel media... Lauren Southern is my dream woman...
Yes indeed.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Good reason to be that way. I was getting very discouraged when that idiot Obama was president though.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Obama..... what a hoax ... a Half black socialist , war monger . Talk the talk but no walksies.... He visited NZ earlier in the year and the local radio station had a ( where would you take Obama competition) lots of resorts and country clubs mentioned.... I rang and suggested Somme’s island . It’s bleak and barren ....used for quarantine..... they hung up.... no sense of humour Democrats.
The Singles, Gettin’ Your Flirt On Group has reached a new membership high, 69.
Seriousreason comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Ha. Ha that’s classic . Thanks for excersising my smile muscles.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@EdEarl and enthusiastic.... dedicated and enthusiastic, great traits in a partner.
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
Our_existence comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Might or might not work. Depends upon the girl
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@MissKathleen Being old school trained I was taught to make the most and get the most from everything... so my feelings are on a even tangent .... appreciating all forms of pleasure to the fullest... to take for granted should be dissuaded..... spoilt children are the norm ... the result of handing out participation trophy’s.. builds snowflakes.
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
Seriousreason comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Your so pretty you’ve given the young blind men in the city worn down fingertips from constant facial inspection......your so pretty your boyfriends mother is convinced he’s won lotto. ... uuuurrrrr bad sorry ... it’s not easy being single past 40.. you dare not try asking anyone out that ...
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@MissKathleen. Along with the legalize cannibis group . Donations can be sent to. a center for distribution to other members who donate... it’s nice to share stuff.
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
Our_existence comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Might or might not work. Depends upon the girl
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Depends on the girl.... how true you are sir... married with daughters yourself I dare to presume.. maybe in.a past life. Lol. .. all care but no pearl clutching , faint of heart . The offended...., no one takes responsibility anymore.... Blame everything but yourself.... I feel psychologically that’s why the young like socialist big government culpability..... look ahead 20 yrs... “ may I have a potato comrade...
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
MissKathleen comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Excasperate was meant to read exagerate .... prodicitive text ...jeezz
You're so pretty that I did a double take and ran into that wall.
MissKathleen comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Hi nice to write to another person instead of abstract imaginary readers.. I do exasperate a tad.... but it is very Weary going as causing offense has its own spectrum... lol.
@Captain_Feelgood Thanks for sharing that video on the public threads, I did not know about the ...
bigpawbullets comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Interesting article. I wonder what percentage of the democratic party these folks are.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Captain_Feelgood Laughter is thankfully long and rewarding... propaganda, cartoons about a majical country enjoying the successes of a socialist Marxist agenda. Make extra effort to succeed and your toxic ....making the less studious, productive and virtual waste of space citizens feel less than .... that’s worse than fascism.....beehive like mind identity politics don’t read cartoons ... there shadow is offensive because it’s black....cultural appropriation..... Marxist socialists .... ??? Can’t kill them,
No free speech allowed in New Zealand.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I understand how you feel. The muslims and their prophet are a bunch of crap! Hell they want to kill people who don’t believe like they do!
Seriousreason replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Yakoi Being inconsequential to this group is something I’m happy with. I totally agtree on the crimes of other religions.. Lately though with less terrorisum , there’s pedophille grooming rape gangs destroying young lives and taking the attention off bombs.. I’ll remain doubious , skeptical and on guard amongst any groups of Rampant Christian or Jewish plots to kill innocents... Muslims on the other hand will continue, growing enormously in prisons and breeding 5 to the host countries 11/2 ...2 on average.. Europe’s futures clear... Goodbye.
Stoner Chicks
Sticks48 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Anything is better than drunk chicks or dudes.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@Sticks48 And good on you... our language is very Flexible these days... look at regressives and there retarded pronoun use... plus the most hilarious of them all left wing anti pot anti Joy , anti sanity , anti reason , dipshits use is Nazi..... Nazi....they wouldn’t know a Nazi our what a Nazi entails to save themselves. And left wing dipshits fling racist about like it’s Candy... both Racist and Nazi have now lost all meaning.. the depths of demented democrats who imagine white supremacy , patriarchy, and rape culture are real western problems.....palm slap .... Shame on them all . Forcing Americans to defend false claims with real consequences. Their latest claim is 30 % of females will be sexually assaulted at Harvard. The republic of Congo is the ( along with Sweden now ... thanks Muslims) rape Capital of the world with only 27 percent of woman abused ... Harvard .... ha shame ... if it wasn’t so pathetic is more than the rape capitals in the world... no wonder no one takes Democrats and feminists or Muslims seriously...
Stoner Chicks
Sticks48 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Anything is better than drunk chicks or dudes.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 10, 2018:
Dudes ... geezzzz didn’t that go out with Bill and Ted.
Stoner Chicks
jeshuey comments on Jul 9, 2018:
It would be nice though if we could get past the whole "stoner" thing. We are reinforcing a stereotype.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 10, 2018:
I can appreciate your reasoning kind sir... but honestly stoner is closest phrase to describe the actual effect. Who are we “ pearl clutching offence takers ..... stereotypes have a modicum of truth. What word would you rather use.?
No free speech allowed in New Zealand.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I understand how you feel. The muslims and their prophet are a bunch of crap! Hell they want to kill people who don’t believe like they do!
Seriousreason replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@Yakoi I find it extremely troubling that you insist in defending the hate filled terrorist of modern times.. Not all Muslims are terrorists....but all terrorists are Muslim. Get some perspective.
No free speech allowed in New Zealand.
SpikeTalon comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Islam is as toxic as christianity and judaism, and perhaps worse. Sorry to hear socialist scum has taken over your country.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Your repulsion with the fact left wing ideologies are in power here is appreciated. Previously feeling comfortable that the likes of the pre mention pair. Or Milo Yannopolis or any freespeech advocates being welcomed on our shores was a given... Not an eyebrow raised... but an evil identity politics , PC victim mentality is seeping into mainstream politics now.. It’s a crime to speak out against “ the religion of peace” ? over here now... So your group is a wee haven of sanity . I thank you for that.
No free speech allowed in New Zealand.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I understand how you feel. The muslims and their prophet are a bunch of crap! Hell they want to kill people who don’t believe like they do!
Seriousreason replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Yakoi No but they are the only one still doing it... All religion is crap ... It’s just Islam is a threat to civilization... In 2018...The still perform acts of terror... Havnt seen a lot of bomb strapped Jews blowing up innocents in the name of a false god. Politically , Jews may be committing violence . But only against Palestine.
No free speech allowed in New Zealand.
Trajan61 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I understand how you feel. The muslims and their prophet are a bunch of crap! Hell they want to kill people who don’t believe like they do!
Seriousreason replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Absolutely, they do ... the blinders are fully on here down under, Ignorant clowns calling you a racist If you mention truths about a religion....a RELIGION... not a race!,, That was the NZ Muslim fundations reasoning for the ban. Racism ..... give me strength...
Anybody into sludge /grind ? I would love to explore more
Peeves comments on Jul 4, 2018:
I'm following! I'm not very familiar with subgenres anymore. I just like bands, but I'd love to know how it all splits up.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@thomas234 Yah grind core .... drool . Although I love all heavy / hardcore / punk/ death / doom . I love in the words of mikeD from Killswitch “ pussy metal” as well . Long live down tuned bliss.
Hi, I'm new to this site and feeling my way around.
birdingnut comments on Jul 5, 2018:
Hi, BD, and welcome to the website, This website has a bit of a learning curve, so this information might be helpful. If you upload a recent, clear photo of yourself, answer the profile questions and write your profile, listing your hobbies and interests, you'll earn website points, and ...
Seriousreason replies on Jul 5, 2018:
Oh wow I’m only a five .... roll on eight I want an agnostic tee....?
The system isn't what's broken, it's the progressive left liberal's agenda that is rotten to the ...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Yes I agree. Those left wing idiots are a grave threat to this country.
Seriousreason replies on Jul 4, 2018:
Very true. With the looney left so predominant in Media, University, and of course Hollywood .Actors should stick to pretend and not try to take on and change the status quo. College professors need to seriously look at the damage their “ safe space “ “ white guilt” everyone not preaching Marxist values is a Nazi , style of brainwashing Honestly the greatest nation in the world needs to continue tough stances on Ilegals. Race dividing atrocities like BLM. BAMN . Clueless sheeples of antifa . Evil narcissistic anti American witches like Linda Sasour , Felarca , Hillary, etc... I for one are hoping for Trump 2020.. imagine the Democrats then .... oh the humanity... lol.
Well then...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
The liberals hate Trump so much they circulate all kinds of lies trying to discredit him.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
My head is hanging in disbelief...The lengths liberal media will go to to demonize Their leader and chief.... it’s disgusting.
Here is a really good show published June 22nd. []
educatedredneck comments on Jun 30, 2018:
Isn't this guy a devout Xtian? I think I've seen him advocating no premarital sex...not that he should be shouted down or has no good ideas if he is a believer.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
@Davidthinks True comment , the likes of Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Sherrif David Clarke, Even great minds like Professor ( free speech hero) Canada’s Jordan Peterson are just like Jessie lee and have their faith base religious ideals. Refreshing , enlightening and thought provoking. At least they do not let their religious convictions be forced on other citizens . Unlike the evil mayor of London . Khan after only months in office forced the removal of swimwear and underwear ads from subways and buses. Victoria secret should sue.
I realize the date has not yet come.
markdevenish comments on Jun 28, 2018:
america [for once ] got what it deserved. you think all the millions killed in korea , vietnam cambodia laos and iraq wanted to die AT YOUR HAND [ american tax payer]
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
Ooooohhhhh... yank hater... ...” eagerly await rebuttal “....
I don't think I've seen a more abhorrent comment than this. []
Omen6Actual comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Tells me not available. Probably one of the however many hundreds I've already blocked.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
@Omen6Actual That doesn’t surprise me... little does these days... Sorry I’m not educated in who was released . If Muslims were decent people they would pay to have Tommy Robinson released from jail. Show the world tolerance is still in their vocabulary... but no.... fanatical Chowdary. ( sharia law for UK) nutcase gets put back into circulation.. The UKs laws are to PC for their own good.
Tho I live in California, my county has no dispensaries so I’ve just been enjoying herb grown by ...
Besalbub comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Nothing wrong with weed growm by friends . At least your legal there .
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
@Justjoni Laws don’t have to be either. Surely some highly paid accounting genius could come up with a governed but accessible, taxed but not overpriced abundance of 24/7 pot shops. ... I wonder if pot store hold ups would play out the same as liquor store robberies??
Deicide - Deicide []
jj665 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I’ve saw these guys play live a few years ago.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 30, 2018:
Truly an event that stays memorized I’m sure. We’re neglected in NewZealand . I’m just getting tickets for Black Dahlia Murder coming to my fair town.. Sept is far away tho , I often play Slayers Reigh in blood live DVD . Something about that album ....back to back live is my lack of gigs down under cure. Deicide live.... wow. I caught Immortal before they disbanded... on ecstasy... lol. Fantastic. Metal goes with everything...
Okay so my field of study is Math, which is not Scientific (Math's knowledge structure is rooted in ...
Seriousreason comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Whats a scientist without maths .... so id debate that maths is a crucial part in bringing scientific advancements to our world. BE PROUD .... stem subjects are paved with generous salarys, grants, nerd loving woman... if your single i hasten to add. ha. . much respect from a maths dunce down under ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 29, 2018:
@DZhukovin Ha New Zealand .... but close enough.. ✋?
I don't think I've seen a more abhorrent comment than this. []
Omen6Actual comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Tells me not available. Probably one of the however many hundreds I've already blocked.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 29, 2018:
@Omen6Actual Couldn’t agree more strongly.. If for example Canda ( why I don’t really know) was attacked , majorly by Muslim extremists. Canada’s Soy sucking Trudeau would be his knees sucking Trumps Cheeto dusted organ so fast and hard for protection, it insites humours visions worthy of Racheal Maddows show.
Okay so my field of study is Math, which is not Scientific (Math's knowledge structure is rooted in ...
Seriousreason comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Whats a scientist without maths .... so id debate that maths is a crucial part in bringing scientific advancements to our world. BE PROUD .... stem subjects are paved with generous salarys, grants, nerd loving woman... if your single i hasten to add. ha. . much respect from a maths dunce down under ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 29, 2018:
@DZhukovin well done my algorithm headed ,physics minded Maths geek.. you got me good .Hats off to you sir.
Okay so my field of study is Math, which is not Scientific (Math's knowledge structure is rooted in ...
Seriousreason comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Whats a scientist without maths .... so id debate that maths is a crucial part in bringing scientific advancements to our world. BE PROUD .... stem subjects are paved with generous salarys, grants, nerd loving woman... if your single i hasten to add. ha. . much respect from a maths dunce down under ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 28, 2018:
@DZhukovin Your unbelievable.. NO I AM NOT GAY.... Christ look at my photo. if I was a bum bandit , my friend I’m way out of your league....
Okay so my field of study is Math, which is not Scientific (Math's knowledge structure is rooted in ...
Seriousreason comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Whats a scientist without maths .... so id debate that maths is a crucial part in bringing scientific advancements to our world. BE PROUD .... stem subjects are paved with generous salarys, grants, nerd loving woman... if your single i hasten to add. ha. . much respect from a maths dunce down under ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 28, 2018:
@DZhukovin Forgive me it must be all that unconscious homophobic bias I don’t know I’m experancing. ... nothing against gay people. My mother’s a fag hag.
My radio show Razor on Los Anarchy is about go on the air [www.
Seriousreason comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Holy shit... Nasum I adore.. so much good music... Grind time alright . Your work is a labor of love I’m sure, bringing blissful sounds to fans alike. ???? Andyfreakingford ... you are appreciated.. live long. ??
Seriousreason replies on Jun 28, 2018:
@AndyFreakingFord Brilliant news bringer of all that is gritty crusty and grindy.. can get your show in NZ. yes..... Just been enjoying a section of Miser index back catalogue. Gotta love that Heirs to the Thievery album .... Ale .. and I can’t wait to sample something new.. I must admit Agrophobic nosebleeds normall 50 second blitz material turned into a warped slimy monster on their latest Ep.. on tracks over 12 mins... just shows ya Metal is alive.
Okay so my field of study is Math, which is not Scientific (Math's knowledge structure is rooted in ...
Seriousreason comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Whats a scientist without maths .... so id debate that maths is a crucial part in bringing scientific advancements to our world. BE PROUD .... stem subjects are paved with generous salarys, grants, nerd loving woman... if your single i hasten to add. ha. . much respect from a maths dunce down under ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 28, 2018:
@DZhukovin Did you neglect to read the “ nerd loving woman. “ comment... give a man.a complimentand he turns into a self entitled. Complete fucken social idiot... Christ o fucken almighty ... I feel sorry for you know.., dick.
Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
OlderMusicGeek comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I think it's no more dangerous than any other ideology - political or social! Look what atheistic Communism did. I know many don't agree, but ideologies are responsible for good and bad in this world.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 27, 2018:
@OlderMusicGeek I’d imagine Buddha would be rather cross ... killing in his name... and Comiunisum/ socialism . Both either end up, totalitarianism or authoritarian. Destroying the hopes and dreams of millions and is just a bad idea. Capitalism is no means ideal but it’s the best humanity has come up with in our short existence. Ask a Venezuelan. “ and how happy are you on a scale of 1.10...
Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
OlderMusicGeek comments on Jun 25, 2018:
I think it's no more dangerous than any other ideology - political or social! Look what atheistic Communism did. I know many don't agree, but ideologies are responsible for good and bad in this world.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 27, 2018:
Differing ideologies are fine but. Socialism in its many guises has never worked .... it’s never ever become a utopia... the atheist part is benign... no one was mass murdered in the name of atheism.. socialism is real religion is not.
Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
Matias comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Religious ideas come in three types, just like symbionts in nature (for example bacteria): commensals, parasites and mutualists. That means: Some religious varieties are harmless, some are harmful, some are beneficial. Some are beneficial or harmless in situation A, but turn toxic in ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 27, 2018:
No actually the comment “all religions are toxic and pointless” is not in any way in factual. Good may be done. But it would of happened anyway. Thankfully the majority of people are intrinsically good. So charities, human rights protests ..... all will still be done.... just I’m happy to say not in the name of a friken deity....... fiction people Matais . Stop being so nice . It’s fantasy and you paying it kudos..... shame lol...?
Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
Matias comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Religious ideas come in three types, just like symbionts in nature (for example bacteria): commensals, parasites and mutualists. That means: Some religious varieties are harmless, some are harmful, some are beneficial. Some are beneficial or harmless in situation A, but turn toxic in ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 27, 2018:
I hate the way the religious majority take the hi ground in matters of fund raising and church activities would stop if religion faded away ... ah I had a little fantasy then no more religion . People and communities don’t need a deity to thank for things you cooked , paid for , planned out and distributed. The simple act of grace is so hollow and meaningless . Just thank dad for his job . Mum gets a kiss for cooking . And big sis gets out of doing the dishes by doing my homework... win win.. . I’m not saying atheists have it sorted ....far from it.... some of the stupidest people I know are not religious. a promanant YouTube atheist ...someone RAH... who needs a haircut so bad.... I can hardly look . Eyes closed .. like Sam Harris and crew pretty world weary. . But this RAH character.. total cuck . Not a individual thort .. in his head ..not now not ever,, full blown believer in the patriarchy rich ether in the air will fill men to toxic levels and then raping and killing will be the staple of the day........I’m getting to old and synical. Some countries are so P.C it’s an offense to slightly annoy someone... 3 to 5 weeks in jail. . If convicted. ??☠️
Please read and listen to how trump and the Fascist republicans are stealing from us wholesale! ...
dkp93 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I truly do not understand how grossly rich people, who already have more than they could spend in their lifetimes, think it is ok to hurt the country and the majority of its citizens just to put more money in their bank accounts. There is something deeply wrong with them.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 27, 2018:
That’s what you call , hitting the nail on the head... Evil greedy , gluttonous ,body altering, objectifying anyone with less zeros at the end of their statement. sexual harasses , and no empathy. There 7 deadly sins epitomized by The 1 %. F them....
Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between?
Matias comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Religious ideas come in three types, just like symbionts in nature (for example bacteria): commensals, parasites and mutualists. That means: Some religious varieties are harmless, some are harmful, some are beneficial. Some are beneficial or harmless in situation A, but turn toxic in ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
You make a good point .... I just feel that credit given to false untrue and inevitably unproven belief is bad.... faith in it’s true meaning is not intrinsically evil. We have faith in our spouse our siblings etc... but faith in a all knowing controlling thanks.
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Sapiophile comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Is the Pope Catholic? Hmmm.... Such a cynical question.....what's that all about?
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Same as a tree falling in the woods and no ones around. Does it still make a noise. ? With an average of 13000 words spoken per day by woman , more if among peers. The necessity to find tranquility and silence is healthy.
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
SueZ comments on Jun 26, 2018:
if a woman answers the question, is she ?
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
No woman are never wrong. Slightly misguided but never wrong... lol.
If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
RhondaShotwell comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Probably, but why would he talk in the first place if there is no woman around to hear him? :)
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Yourve answered your own question. . In putting forth the “ no woman around to hear him “ so why bother. . He’s communing with nature natural , unoccupied peace the tranquility of verbally pronouncing to your surroundings . I’m alone it’s not going to last long so enjoy....
Canada’s soy boy PM has risen a lot in decent tax paying pot heads opinion I bet.
whiskywoman comments on Jun 26, 2018:
wow im gonna try it for my aches and pains
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Countrywoman that’s a very valid point . He was always semi hallucinating and anyone who’s partaking would find literary skills around your ankles. It a wonder he got published...
Stuck in a sheep jam in a village in Italy today. Is this still a thing where you live?
McVinegar comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I live in sheep country and I never see that anymore. We use trucks.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
We are outnumbered by sheep 3 to 1 in N.Z. So it’s a common rural phenomenon. But rather sheep than snakes scorpions and spiders , crocodiles , and piranha. Are there piranha in OZ. ? Maybe not. ... Sabre tooth koalas .
Stuck in a sheep jam in a village in Italy today. Is this still a thing where you live?
mcgeo52 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
No, but we had an interesting jam here today. Since it made national news you may have heard that two firemen were shot while fighting a fire here in Long Beach this morning (25 June). I woke up to sirens, sirens, and more sirens, for about 15 minutes, followed by helicopters overhead for well ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
This may seem ignorant and naive but....why are people shooting at fireman.... ?? For the life of me I can’t see any merit. ...Policeman/ woman yes. It’s a dangerous unpredictable job but firemen.... fireperson..... sorry ladies.
Stuck in a sheep jam in a village in Italy today. Is this still a thing where you live?
PickledRick comments on Jun 26, 2018:
If it was I wouldn't suffer from insomnia!
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
A fello insomniac. You poor thing. I’m old so I’ve given up struggling for natural sleep. Benzodiazepines for me. With a little chamomile tea.. we humans need to validate what we do. Especially if it’s unhealthy or unpopular. Until it gets to hair pulling stage . Then why fight it . I’m sure I’ve read somewhere happy people live longer....
Stuck in a sheep jam in a village in Italy today. Is this still a thing where you live?
yamaha45701 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I tried some sheep jam once, but I kept getting hair caught between my teeth. I asked my friend who was trying some too how he liked it on his toast and he said it was baaaad.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
It’s not hair it’s wool between your teeth...wool.
Canada’s soy boy PM has risen a lot in decent tax paying pot heads opinion I bet.
Seriousreason comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I noticed an uncanny algorithm that deletes the mention of any deity..... color me impressed with this site. I mentioned dog spelt backwards twice in last post and no trace of the word to be found. . What about Muhammad you Americans have to start denouncing Islam as much as Christianity. ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Countrywoman I freely admit to being anti Islam . Islamaphobic , is an irrational fear. Nothing irrational about sharia law . I know Americans scoff , what’s a few terrorist attacks. But London know has up to Three acid attacks on European women a day. Even my neighbor Australia is having its share of needless stabbing and explosive or vehicular homicides . My sister is running a fairly ritzi yaught club in Sydney . Where’s there’s money there’s gambling drugs and prostitution to spend it on. Lianne was shown a type of cloth by detectives in a task force that caused cocaine to adhere completely to the fabric rendering it unusable. A brief drop in clientele was worth the outcome as previously intimidated but extremely well off customers came back. Cocaine is now off her tables . And on hookers backs and navels on yaughts were it belongs.... ???
Canada’s soy boy PM has risen a lot in decent tax paying pot heads opinion I bet.
Seriousreason comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I noticed an uncanny algorithm that deletes the mention of any deity..... color me impressed with this site. I mentioned dog spelt backwards twice in last post and no trace of the word to be found. . What about Muhammad you Americans have to start denouncing Islam as much as Christianity. ...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Countrywoman conclusions are far to longer leap... facts over feels. For me And thanks for the wising up on the no heavenly farther appearing in writing . Those hackers aye .... lol. Pleased to make your Aquaitence . I feel smarter already..
I'm curious, what was your first metal concert?
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I've seen Opeth before. Some of their songs are just depressing. I just made a post on my group "GUITARS ONLY!" where Fredrich did a master class. My first metal concert was probably Slayer!
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@TheGreatShadow Opeth and breakdowns are completely in a different metal stable. I’m sure Opeths Micheal after shedding the last of his guttural vocals and pushing the prog element ( have you listened to katatonia ...yawn ...latest . ) Akerfeidt apart from bloodbath side project wouldn’t know a breakdown if he fell over it. . I love axe on drums and that amazing bass player Mr Mendes. I was lucky enough to see them in Australia . Way back on the black water park days. ALE.
Canada is legalizing pot for personal use. The date for this to happen is 10/17/2018.
chucklesIII comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Not a user myself but it's great to see another step out of the stone age.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@chucklesIII halaoooya Suadi woman driving. Baby steps it seems. . And if she dents her husbands car a cane no thicker than his thumb may be used to discipline. Oooops another step back....
Canada is legalizing pot for personal use. The date for this to happen is 10/17/2018.
PickledRick comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Aww, shit, now the weedie's will have another holiday to celebrate and it'll be every 6 months. 1017 and Ten Seventeen, or some other number meme.
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@BettyColeman Yes cannibais does lower your ability to carry out complicated tasks , perform surgery, or fly commercially. A ballon pilot a few miles from my home was giving rides , successfully for most of the day. Sadly though he couldn’t wait to get home and smoke . Consumed pot before taking 6 people up for the last flight of the day.. misjudged height and wind. Hit power lines and killed all 7 of them ... horribly I might add. So pot definitely should be confined to “safe spaces” it’s medicinal and psychological, affects are well documented. Paranoid depressed or psychotic people should avoid non prescribed drugs . For the betterment of all . Canada’s estimated earnings from commercially supplied cannibis is in the millions . Eatables is a neiche market I’d like to investigate. To much smoke and coughing is bad.... says councillor Makay.
Seriousreason comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Machine head .. brilliant band . Never forget when “ burnt my eyes “ came out. Kinda laid a new territory to explore in metal. Shame Social justice warrior himself Rob Flynn started doing spoken word. Personally I hate musicians taking on some political mantel.... Make music....please we don’t...
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@1ditrana I expected a bit of flack .....So ale fellow lover of all things amplified.. I was thrilled to find a metal / hardcore group. Amoungst the sane members . As said previously. Depending on your state I guess religion corrodes at a differing rate. I’m Mark and metal heads are thin on the ground in my area... thanks for existing. And not instantly rushing to defend Flynn and his well meant if not cringe inducing poems. Adam machine heads bassist is a musicians musician... similar to Andres Kisser ie. sepultura. Roadrunners 25th Ann dvd has him playing for over 4 hours ... legend.
Trump supporters
Freespirit64 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
I'm plastering this all over ...good one, cause the asshats are out there...ugh
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
@Freespirit64 Being a freethinking atheist / agnostic . I’m sure tolerance if not any level of understanding is shown. Freespirit64 . After all how can right minded mindful of others , genuinely gracious people tolerate arsehats. It’s to much to ask. I think I would be genuinely petrified if plunged into America’s Bible Belt. I’d like to see each evangelist multi millionaire or otherwise donate to an LBGT $*5 x2 cause or raise a million Monday for Alcoholics Anonymous every week.. but no Jesus want them to buy a jet.
Canada’s soy boy PM has risen a lot in decent tax paying pot heads opinion I bet.
Lop-Eared-Mule comments on Jun 26, 2018:
So odd.... I know sooo many people stopped at the border because of prior arrests for pot in the it's cool.....
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Cool in Canada . America will sadly continue the stupid war on drugs . I bet Canada sees an amazing upsurge in tourism next year...
Canada’s soy boy PM has risen a lot in decent tax paying pot heads opinion I bet.
whiskywoman comments on Jun 26, 2018:
wow im gonna try it for my aches and pains
Seriousreason replies on Jun 26, 2018:
I’m happy to send photos of what to look for. Carlos Castaneda. Wrote numerous books detailing his experiences searching South America , Arizona etc for the ultimate experience.... he described watching a dog drink from a puddle and watch the water enter every hair follicle of that canine. Cancer patients in palliative care , 6 weeks left some of them , described the fear of death gone . Magic mushroomes indeed. To be tried at least once in your life. Any one tried another of gods natural treasures. ? DMT. An atheist mentioning god is like a vegan mentioning mung beans . It means nothing.


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