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Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
With others? I culdn't possibly know. With me? Wouldn't happen unless we possibly developed a closeness and understanding of one another through long-term, non-dating contacts such as general social, volunteering or work etc. That is how sexual intimacy happens with me. Coitus? With a stranger it is slightly improved mutual masturbation leaving an even emptier freeling afterward, somewhat like other addictions. It is, in my view, misnamed 'sex' and is rooted in secondary drives which range from relatively harmless outlets to very destructive.
What are the rules here? Keep it sort of clean? Lol...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Coitus can be 'rough' and a liberal number of other things, but sex? Guess it depends on one's definition.
This isn't so much a joke as a public service announcement.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Testing is good. Combining a test with a destination is better. ;)
Has anyone else noticed the serious bias of the Facebook administrators in issuing punishments?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Facebook seems to be challenging our creativity. I know of many on the far Right with the same laments. The trick is to insult, if that is your intent, indirectly instead of just calling names. It is juvenile and boriing to call other individuals (not movements or large crowds of the deluded) names aimed only at arresting conversation. Let me cite an exampe of only one way I've used a couple of times when being called an 'idiot'; a label I bask under when it comes from usual sources. I explain that words mean things and people should familiarize themselves with meanings before loosely throwing them around. It only adds to confusion. An 'idiot' by original meaning, was a person develop**mentally** arrested between ages 1 and 3. Two other oft misused terms are imbecile and moron; also archaic terms designating levels of intellectual arrest, ages 4-7 and 8-12 respectively. I go on to point out that many adults arrested in the category of moron are, like most 8-12 year olds, literate, physically strong, capable of simple everyday unskilled work and tasks like driving and posting asinine comments on facebook. The beauty of that kind statement lies in its 'fly-over' quality for the botched and cattle-prodding efficacy + or - on everyone else. :)
"JUST STOP BULLYING YOU STUPID PUSSY LIBERAL SNOWFLAKES" they scream, foaming at the mouth, right ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Many things coud be done about this if the stage wasn't hogged by a huge, chaotic screaming match between the most ardent fanatics of the Left and Right. The same could be said of the disinenguously named issue of pregnancy termination and bodily sovereignty. Fanatics neither reason for themselves nor listen to reason from others. There's no room anywhere near 'center stage' because stampeding, two legged cattle are running in perpetual circles on it. What has them stampeding is fear of the truth about what motivates their tantrums. Neither side has any monopoly on tantrums or willful ignorance. What keeps them there are a press and political establishment that thrive on chaos. This proves by illustration that theologies aren't the only 'systems of belief' that conspire to keep people frightened and confused with bovine scat. Your garden variety, party loyal minion of the Left or Right differs from theological fundamentalists in only two elements. 1. They await pie on Earth instead of the sky. 2. They follow 'Judas Goat' party pastors supporting corrupt tin gods atop nothing highter than an equally corrupted political hierarchy. All too many of those with whom I share an abandonment of gods and the nonsense that goes with them, still cling to pollitical ideological myths and the Punch and Judy shows in 'news media'.
I challenge you to challenge me! I have just moved to Auckland (New Zealand), my first city in ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Upstaging!?? Oops, sorry!
My city, Minneapolis, now has a coffee shop with a "cat room".
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I'd like to explore possibilities for something along the line of 'Cat Clubs' perhaps with a catchy name and Logo that could possibly avoid health department interference by being a private clubs with nominal annual fees, cards etc. and pre-packaged/sealed foods and drinks purchased on the way in, with members responsible for disposing of trash and wiping/sanitizing their tables upon departure. This combined with air filters and regular vacuuming and daily sanitizing could make such a place both comfortable and sanitary. Cat lovers aren't bothered by the animal presence and those who are wouldn't join the club in the first place. Guests would still pay an admission fee and sign for auxiliary cards good for the day, with members responsible for guests' conduct.
I just adopted Mimsy a week ago. She has already made herself right at home.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I think she might have the impression that she adopted you...
Boy Says He Didn't Go To Heaven; Publisher Says It Will Pull Book
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Can't imagine what possessed him to make such a claim! I happened to be visiting Heaven that day and clearly saw the little guy shouting: "Jesus Christ, what happened!" It was a favorite expresion he picked up from his religious family and had heard his grandmother shout on several occasions through his grandparents' bedroom door. Well, as it happened, Jesus was just walking through the pearly gates, back from a long day of entering hearts and personal savioring and heard the little darling shouting. It was immediately clear the kid had been involved in a wreck, so Jesus reattached an arm and stuffed an eyeball back in place; good as new! So, he lifts the boy onto his knee gives him some holy water and explains to the lad that he was only supposed to go through the windshield NOT the pearly gates and wouldhave to go back home. Just then, while sitting on Jesus' knee, sudden vertigo caused the kid to fall off. The kid looks up and shouts: "Jesus Christ! what did you put in this water?" Well, there happened to be a big Gay wedding going on that day and they had, understandably, run out of wine. Jesus said, "Sorry kid, I forgot thou wert holding thy chalice whence they fetched me the jars." That's the way Jesus talks. Ask any Baptist. So, Jesus picked the kid up, stuffed the eye back for the second time and summoned the uber of all ubers to return him to the hospital. I caught the ride along because of runniing late getting back to earth in time for Ramadan. What an ungrateful little bastard!
This soul-mind-body union is free manifestation of sacred invisible energy; that crosses path on the...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Why so many find the statement difficult to understand is troubling. One need not grasp 100% to perceive at least some inherent validity and 'sense' in an expression. As a slight aside, 'life energy' is invisible if one isn't looking for it. Establish internal and external conditions enabling perception, then look for it. It is everywhere, and yes, love is prevented from becoming all that it can be precisely because of 'unproven, (male) human-made religious arrangements.
Your poem for tonight.....
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I have no race prejudices, and I think I have no color prejudices or caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. Indeed I know it. I can stand any society. All that I care to know is that a man is a human being--that is enough for me; he can't be any worse. - "Concerning the Jews" Mark Twain
Is it getting harder for the level 7 and level 8 users on here to come up with topics that aren't ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Although these 'meme' posts are often entertaining, they are products of others. Actually, it is only to be expected that so many of these should repeat considering how often we see it on facebook. Many of us have come to this site hopeful of finding more interesting and original points of view artuculated by individuals themselves; having grown weary of the very repetitive quality that is beginning to crop-up here. Here also, one still encounters politically programmed 'opinions' in place of personally formed views. Hey, we're all human and thus sentenced to finding improvements at best while being deprived of that luscious, elusive perfection. :) Repetitiveness also, of course, occurs when individuals repeat (rant) (guilty...) points of view in various,, topically related posts and comments. Those repititions do, however, lack complete duplication in that sentences restating ideas usually differ a little.
I admit it: I'm trying to curry favor with some of you.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Who is he? Names sounds familiar- The foregoing was an absolutely honest characterological piece of evidence.
Selfish day I am being selfish this evening, yes.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
We're two days apart and share a similar attitude about this site. If you can't be selfish, proving how you value and love yourself who will do it for you? When we love ourselves, it influences others to look closer to find out why. :) Enjoy! You deserve it.
Sometimes it's good to have nothing
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
This also reminds me of earlier modeling days. At informal fashion shows in restaurants, my favorite part was after the shows when they served the models lunch. Most often, I was the only male at the table (representing the only men's store). It was a glorious feeling to be at a table with six or seven beautiful women and enjoying their company and conversation. Some were beautiful women beyond mere integument. Many, however, were entirely focused on their skin, their very transitory 'beauty' and they used it for material advantages beyond that of being able to 'show' fashions. They'd catch-up on the gossip about each other and their 'gal friends'. It made very entertaining and revealing table talk. I learned a lot from how their sympathies for 'Roxanne who got dumped by Joe for another woman and typical losses of 'perks' along with the guy'. Or, things like 'Is Nora still with Frank? Commenting on things like her new 'Beamer' or the cruise, etc.'. A lot was learned from this and at the time I decided that the safest place to be by my current age would be SAFELY BROKE! Though not entirely broke, my level is such that they'll HAVE TO love me for me. It makes such a great filter. ;) I'd advise any woman to do the same or at least keep any wealth as an off topic issue until first things manifest in their proper order.
I am curious what some of you think.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2018:
The encounter reeks of disingenuousness. I can't imagine being open to somebody who asks for one's number before barely even learning their name. It would in my mind, be more appropriate for the interested party to offer THEIR number or email as a means of contact, so the other person could choose or not choose whether to have a second 'look'. That said, if the situation was reversed and I thought the entreaty to be honest, I'd give her my number or email strongly suggesting that I'm open to mature women who can afford their own phone and see where it goes from there... Oh, and that he 'might' be married is really irrelevant because he's already revealed himself to be a sneak.
I love reading! Anyone else? If so who are your favorite authors and what genre do you prefer?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Little patience here for entertainment fiction but it isn't entirely excluded. My favorites are writers displaying courage and pioneering spirit in non-fiction and they include sociological, scientific and political realms more heavily. Top ones are: **Sciences** Wilhelm Reich, M.D. - 'Ether, God and Devil, Cosmic Superimposition', 'Character Analysis', The Function of the Orgasm' and 'The Mass Psychology of Fascism'. Arthur Koestler - 'Janus' Eric Fromm - 'The Art of Loving' and 'Anatomy of Human Destructiveness'. Lewis Thomas - 'Lives of a Cell' Candace Pert - 'Molecules of Emotion' James DeMeo, Phd., - 'Saharasia, The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World' Ashley Montagu - 'Touching, the Human Significance of the Skin" **Sociology** H.L. Mencken - 'Treatise on the Gods' 'In Defense of Women' and other socially critical writings. George Schuyler - 'Black No More' Mark Twain - ....anything! Christopher Hitchens - .... ditto **Political and Historical** Ilan Pappe, Phd. - 'The Ethnic Cleansiing of Palestine' Miko Peled, - 'The General's Son' Alice Rothchild, M.D., - 'Condition Critical' Alison Weir - 'Against Our Better Judgment' J.M.N. Jeffries (1939) - 'Palestine the Reality' Rashid Khalidi - 'Brokers of Deceit' Norman Finkelstein, Phd., - 'The Holocaust Industry' and 'Method and Madness, The Hidden Story of Israel's Assaults on Gaza' **History/Biography/ Fiction** Zora Neale Hurston - Anything! Myron Sharaf, Phd., - 'Fury on Earth' Biography of Wilhelm Reich,, M.D. Flavius Josephus - 'Wars of the Jews' and 'Antiquities of the Jews' Leon Uris - 'Mila 18' fiction Chaim A. Kaplan - 'The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan' Max Dimont - 'Jews, God and History' Ethel Waters - 'His Eye on the Sparrow' autobiography Sophie Tucker - 'Some of these Days' autobiography Robert Penn Warren - 'All the King's Men' fiction Many more but special affection for these.
Lost Relationships
Silver1wun comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Without interference with our natural, self-regulating, sequential development, bonding would be stronger and more flexible. In the few surviving, so-called primitive matriarchal tribes/societies studied duriing the last couple of centuries, destructive afflictions that are commonplace to us were absent. Damages inflicted on males and females by malignant, male dominated cultures manifest in different forms and we consequently act out in different ways within gender roles imposed by our respective cultures. Because males act out in more overtly destructive ways doesn't mean females don't also contribute to our shared pathogenisis. I believe, however, that women being stronger specimens in general demonstrate a superior ability to survive and repair; to function more effectively as loving, productive, learning beings in spite of damages sustained. My roundabout statements above are aimed at setting a stage for my assertion that healthy naturally flowing bonds cannot be formed between people who are products unhealthy, unnatural interference during their earliest stages of naturally 'programmed' development. Our potentials for development of healthy trust, perceptual accuracy and primary drive based sexuality is mitigated by parents who's own potentials were supppressed and damaged. Couple this with intellectual acceptance of artificially fabricated expectations by each sex projected upon the other long before the intellect has has an opportunity to fully develop; with separations and 'taboos' imposed on children that are based entirely on false notions about their nature. That relationships are broadly believed to require 'work and struggle' to maintain stability exists in the first place is because of the tragic fact that almost all are based not on instinctive primary, healthy drives but on secondary alternatives resorted to as outlets for thwarted, frustrated development of instinctual self-regulation. (objectification) Our animal cousins bond in different ways depending on canon for their respective species, but none of them display any necessity to 'work hard' to follow instinctual behaviors that perpetuate their kind. It is not realistic to expect strong, balanced bonding of 'relationships' between weak, unbalanced individuals; some of whom are damaged to the point of their sexual potential being permanently crippled due to abuse. Lets not be hard on each other with blame even when the blame rests firmly within ourselves due to misunderstanding and self-serving miscalculations. Self-examine, analize honestly and generously. Forgive both self and others. Love the children and damaged young still suffering within each of us. Nurture self forgiveness and examination; forgiveness of others' weaknesses while ...
Just watched the best stand-up I've seen in years.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 25, 2018:
What a pisk! Oh thank you. I'e seen his name and some memes but never checked him out. Can't wait to find more.
I was just wondering, are there any cancer survivors here?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Consider also thanking yourself. It is a recipe. When the product was eliminated, you likely also reexamined and discarded, knowingly or not, some ingredients and preparation methods.
Sometimes it's good to have nothing
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Yup! Me too.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Gotta steal this one too. thanks!
This kind of illustrates the tone of religiosity at my parent's house.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Put the same image on toast or a garage door and it becomes Jesus! :)
Are you breaking the law??
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Guess I'd better stay out of Texas...!
Basically life is just stress....
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I have been lonelier by far in some relationships than being gloriously alone and independent. Too many times I've experienced respect offered for another person's autonomy taken as 'not caring' because it wasn't needy or manipulative. Being grossly misunderstood is as lonely as life can get as it is, without having to pair-up for the experience. Talking to puppets is annoying. Like Kermit, they don't feel the hand up their arse, moving their jaws. The hand doesn't really allow them to talk for themselves of for that matter, even see beyond their 'safe-zones'.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2018:
To funny!
Has anyone ever had an encounter with a celebrity?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Too many times and with too many 'kinds' to even remember them all unless asked; bringing the memory to the 'fore'. I started listing once in answer to a similar question and had to keep returning to add names; finally gave up. Most of the encounters were either waiting on them once or as them being regular customers or at their funerals. It really makes visiting a cemetery an interesting philosophical exercise, for example: Sinatra is buried very near Jimmy van Heusen (Chester). Only steps away from their markers are many more identical ones, save inscribed names and epitaphs, over people the world little knew. Some were merchants, children who didn't make it, life-long 'invalids, insane people, everyday moms, dads, cousins etc. who never left any significant mark on the world. The place just feels a very quiet - equalizing - destination for all when the party is over.
@Admin the "Like" button is finicky again. Doesn't want to accept new likes. (or show past ones).
Silver1wun comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Well, that answeres that. I keep getting these alerts about people liking my stuff and they haven't shown. Not that it is all that important, just curious.
Really, what's up with that?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Stole this one for fb
I tawt I taw a putty tat!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 6, 2018:
Gotta love Spring!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Always wondered where they grew malt..
I think I'm a realist
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Stolen two in a row. NOW, off to facebook! ...oh, yeah, thanks.
A person can dream
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I think my plumbing needs work.. Too funy!
Another book post here.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
First by eliminating it's hi-jacking. First time pasting here, but a previous comment on another question seems to fit, even though originally addressing Stockholm Syndrome as an expanded phenomenon functionally: **The psychological definition of this human propensity demonstrated in circumstances of physical captivity is limiting. Nevertheless, but for specific identification, we might have missed recognition of broader, related behavioral phenomena altogether. As social creatures we instinctively seek out our 'place of belonging' (similar to imprinting) after gestation; about half of which takes place after birth. If nourishment and affection are ample after birth, finding is automatic as is identifcation. Instinctual primary drives, however, are gradually deprived of this and other kinds of satisfaction as 'socialization' is imposed. Belongingness expands beyond family to community/tribe, society as a whole including nationality. Institutions require differing amounts of cognitive surrender as the price of membership. Because societies are defined and dominated by males following secondary, often pathological drives, institutional functions follow suit; themselves becoming pathogenic. People deprived, either by damage, usurpation or both of healthy reasoning faculties are vulnerable to having their entire 'place of belonging' sensually subsituted; to being in psycholgical and emotional captivity. Walls and bars are absent and unnecessary, as also happens with Stockholm Syndrome once cult-type 'imprinting' occurs. Under such circumstances, YES we are all vulnerable and blinded to our own complicity in our own enslavement. NO mystery why pollice dread answering domestic violence calls at all. Uncle Tom goes much deeper than mere deference to the dominant population. NO other ethnic/racial grouping, shows more complicity in their own social oppression than Americans with African ancestry. I have a French great grandmother. French is included as a minor portion when describinig my mostly Irish heritage and nobody bats an eye. Had she been from Leopoldville I'd be considered BLACK. Rest assured, describing heritage the same way in the latter case would cause a shower of criticism from others with African ancestry accusing me of being ashamed of being black! Anybody remember Tiger Woods? This attitude is pure Jim Crow, yet few Americans, regardless of race, notice the self-perpetuated oppression. Fanaticism thrives because of this, artifically imposed maladaptive damage.**
Stockholm Syndrome - Greydon Square Stockholm syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
The psychological definition of this human propensity demonstrated in physical captivity is limiting. Nevertheless, but for specific identification, we might have missed recognition of broader, related phenommena altogether. As social creatures we instinctively seek out our 'place of belonging' (similar to imprinting) after gestation; about half of which takes place after birth. If nourishment and affection are ample after birth, finding is automatic as is identifcation. Instinctual primary drives, however, are gradually deprived of this and other kinds of satisfaction as 'socialization' is imposed. Belongingness expands beyond family to community/tribe, society as a whole including nationality. Institutions require differing amounts of cognitive surrender as the price of membership. Because societies are defined and dominated by males following secondary, often pathological drives, institutional functions follow suit; themselves becoming pathogenic. People deprived, either by damage, usurpation or both of healthy reasoning faculties are vulnerable to having their entire 'place of belonging' sensually subsituted; to being in psycholgical and emotional captivity. Walls and bars are absent and unnecessary, as also happens with Stockholm Syndrome once cult-type 'imprinting' occurs. Under such circumstances, YES we are all vulnerable and blinded to our own complicity in our own enslavement. NO mystery why pollice dread answering domestic violence calls at all. Uncle Tom goes much deeper than mere deference to the dominant population. NO other ethnic/racial grouping, shows more complicity in their own social oppression than Americans with African ancestry. I have a French great grandmother. French is included as a minor portion when describinig my mostly Irish heritage and nobody bats an eye. Had she been from Leopoldville I'd be considered BLACK. Rest assured, describing heritage the same way in the latter case would cause a shower of criticism from others with African ancestry accusing me of being ashamed of being black! Anybody remember Tiger Woods? This attitude is pure Jim Crow, yet few Americans, regardless of race, notice the self-perpetuated oppression. Fanaticism thrives because of this, artifically imposed maladaptive damage.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
Thanks for posting this. Recent discovery and scrutiny of this has inspired my curiosity motivated by a sort of 'clinical' attitude; as either confirmation of expectations or correction and enlightenment about it. As of now, I see it as bridging traditions but at odds with Nature, like our pathogenic society, but in different probably less malignant ways. Anxious to see your responses.
I hear a lot of people on this site saying how lonely they are how they wish they could find ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 5, 2018:
This is site seems a delightful place for minds to meet and over time, character to be assessed. That is how 'dating' is alleged to work. I think this place provides a valuable sevice in that people can get to know each other in terms of orientations on life and values; compare each other in desired directions to take life; share common interests and (non-corporeally) passions. Physical attraction is the natural attention getter, working better in more sex positive, life affirmative social conditions, wherein both sexes share relatively social parity. For that to happen we'd have to all pack-up and time travel (talk about distance) from our 'modern' ailing, sex-negating, female erasing, life suppressing social conditions to an ancient time before social conduct became defined and dominated by males. Sexual attraction (tension) in our times distracts and 'derails' prematurelly from a more natural process for which there is no substitute for time. We 'cut to the chase', learning little, sometimes nothing about one another, filling in unknowns with wistful fantasies. People misrepresent themselves unintentionally by not really knowing themselves and intentionally by lying about themselves and their motives. To repeat, there is no substitute for time for communicating, observing and assessing the content of a person's character.. Distance, in that light, diminishes many types of weaknesses and vulnerabilities fostered by contemporary society. People are starved for better anchored bonds with genuine love, respect, trust and admiration.. People today routinely meet (hook-up), follow strong physical attractions to coitus, filling-in gaps with fantasies about one another. When time finally does its job all too late, surprise, disappointment, anger and bitterness set-in when 'the other' falls short; and to some degree they always do. I like what this kind of place fosters. Talk about REAL things in life. Evaluate without distraction by physical attractios that can also be screened prelim via skype meet some friends, family etc of theirs the same way. If all looks good at that level, TRAVEL. Begin the in-person familiarity without 'hooking-up' as a prerequisite the first meeting; with if it strongly confirms expectations. Don't know about anybody else here, but I've witnessed it in a younger couple introduced by co-workinig (cupid) family. She Filipino nurse - he American management person. They skyped for hours and better part of a year. He flew to meet her on his vacation. They continued skype another six-months and applied for her to come here. They married (not a necessary outcome) and it worked for them. Today he's a happier man, she's a delight, they have a toddler and one more on the way. They share the same ...
I have read several profiles on the site and found out that people who admit not believing in God ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 4, 2018:
If by 'other gods' you symbolically mean other ideologies requiring faith for membership we REALLY do share closely aligning perspectives. This goes directly to my primary lament about many others who are atheist. They escape one kind of institution that exists for the purpose of compromising their intellectual birthright only to cling to this or that 'ism' as a follower/believer just as blind and fearful of independence as any back-woods Christian Fundamentalist snake handler. Political ideologies, in particular, differ little from their theological cousins. No gods? No pie in the sky? No faith-based participation? No f financial support? (also tax deductible) No 'spreading the gospel? (propaganda) Those (and mysticism) are the other gods to me.
In my country Christians celebrate Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas a family and ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Your description, though good, still doesn't have enough information to know how to answer. Two circumstances would be important, if it was me. All of my family understands that I not only am not a 'believer', but also refuse to acknowledge rituals associated with and supportive of theology. Additionally, I'm resistant to but not as exclusively so, all ritual days and behaviors. Once in awhile I'll make exceptions, for example, if a person is mentally disabled and wouldn't understand. I also will stand or otherwise acknowledge respect for others' practices of these thiings in publlic settings or private settings if I'm a guest. In my home, however, if people KNOW me and my ways, I expect reciprocal respect. If people would knowingly visit my home and knowingly dismiss and show disrespect for me, I would abstain and depending on severity of the disrespect, probably escort them to the door.
It is said that 40 percent of Americans change their religion during the life time.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Not sure about how such things are in Lithuania, but for all my life here in the US, commercial radio has featured popular music on many stations. Even as a young person the music of 'my era' was very repetitive but still, for a time, could be mildly resonant before eventually sounding tiresome and causing one to scan other channels in search of something different. Today, with music manufactured mostly by electronic machiines, it is even worse. Popular music last it's soul with surrender to mechanism. In a similar manner, this is how I experienced religion. My extended family was doevoutly Catholic; parents not as much, though they held on to the identity. Early childhood encounters in cathloic schools with Sadistic nuns ( a fortunate misfortune ) caused deep feelings of repulsion that were kept inside. As a teen, I discovered a youth social club at a Protestant church furnishing a curious channel change to some newness. Even th blush from that attraction shortly disappeared at a Billy Graham Crusade appearance we attended in a huge convention center. In church they passed handled plates to collect 'offerings'. Billy was way beyond that. Literally beer pale sized buckets were passed hand to hand across the seated rows of people. In the aisles, Ushers with cloth SHOPPING BAGS were dumping the buckets into them until full, at whih time they hauled the full bags to the back someplace. Even to a fourteen year old, the scam became crystal clear. I avoided contact with religion for the most part because they all required intellectual compromise as the price of membership. The last religion (station) I found was Judaism. Attraction related to intellectual tolerance and I 'converted'. To it's credit, reform Judaism didn't distract from intellectual evaluations and eventualy became the last portal through which I passed to atheistic freedom. Your question about 'next step' inspired this lengthly description because that is how it happened personally. If humanity is fortunate enough to emerge, even with a remnant, from the course of self destruction we're on due to ineological and theological fanaticism, there might be a chance long after we're gone for the scourge of religion to disappear. Unfortunately we con only hope and guess as faith, once again, would have to be based on woefully iinsufficient knowledge.
Addicts. Let me ask you guys about addicts. Drug addicts in particular. How do you view them?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Who among any of us hasn't made some foolish choices? We are or at least become what we do. Sometimes the doing that defines us does serious, lasting or even permanent harm to others who've made no such choices and happen to be in bad places at the wrong time. They and others like them have a right to do what's necessary to prevent further harm. There is no room for consideration in that for those causing the harm. The most importan fact anyone dealing with an addict must bear in mind is that fault or no fault, they are NOT 'in charge of their own ship'. Secondly, they vehemently deny that fact because their cognitive faculties have been taken over by the addiction itself; their own worst enemy. Promises are worthless. They are sick people and it doesn't matter HOW they became that way. Blame fo rthe state really doesn't matter and won't until a means emerges to guarantee return to mental health and control over themselves. There is no such thing and no such amount of money to serve in it's place. If it existed, it would be more important as compensation to victims who made no foolish choices. Society, like individuals comprising it, has the right to act in it's own self defense. If malignant members must be eliminated to that end, so be it. It isn't heartless. It's showing heart where it belongs.
Dreams Have you ever had “that dream” where you meet your perfect mate?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Real life once, along time ago, provided a perfect mate, then it took her away in a fashion far more more cruel than infidelity. We shared life together in happiness just long enough to learn that such states really can exist. That alone, regardless of how it ends, warrants deep gratitude rather than bitterness. Far too many people instinctively crave such a state and go through long lives never finding it. It wasn't to be the only heartbreaking crisis. The next, though short of the same kind of magic, soared higher and life intervened again. An instinctive grasping at straws to survive daily paiin and make sense out of life led to some discoveries. One helped mental salvation and curiously, though centuries old, a connection it made between life and dreams, time and death put expectations into better perspective. At used bookstore downtown in Stanford California I found a collection of Shakespeare's complete works. One small portion that relates to what you describe puts things in beautiful proportion. From Tempest: "These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep." Dream or waking reality, there is too little time and too few of opportunities to savor what this great globe bestows to allow fear of loss. Loss of all is guaranteed and fear dilutes and distracts from those fleeting moments filled with delight. Another of Will's perspectives on time: My personal favorite, Sonnet XII "When I do count the clock that tells the time, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; When I behold the violet past prime, And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white; When lofty trees I see barren of leaves Which erst from heat did canopy the herd, And summer's green all girded up in sheaves Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard, Then of thy beauty do I question make, That thou among the wastes of time must go, Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake And die as fast as they see others grow; And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence."
Do you ever talk about politics?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Are 'their politics' actually personally reasoned positions? Most somebodies I encounter claim politics are theirs. They also usually believe it. If opinions aren't native, language soon reveals a frame of reference, making obvious that ideas are actually adopted. It's similar to how a theological fundamentalist 'discusses' beliefs. One quotes 'scripture', another parrots talking points. It matters not which. Attempting to compare ideas with such a mind set is as futile as trying have an honest discussion about substance abuse with an addict. The price they''ve paid in return for product is abdication of the very faculties required for honest, personal evaluation. People possessing independent ideas will be routinely loved or hated; labeled 'one of THOSE people', depending on the issue. It goes with the flanked territory. Be they Left or Right, opinions as qualification for membership and identity are all proxies can bring to the table. They've nothing of their own to discuss in the first place. Why would an individual want to avoid differing ideas? It's one of the ways learning happens. Differences don't disqualify us from mutual respect. Imposing them does. Mutuality of respect for differences is a great starting point for sharing friendship and trailblazing a lot of common ground.
Interviews are stressful, what are some of the best (worst?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Mine is Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 1897-1957 Probably the most misunderstood scientist of the 20th. (include 21st.) century.
I couldn't agree more.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Quite a compelling description of uselessness of boxes for containing things that grow and thrive rather well without them.
What is the one thing you don't like about yourself?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Growth of cavernous emptiness between my ears seems to result from more understanding. It's so disappointing that meaningful bits of knowledge, instead of reducing the space, only increase it. I think it can cause one to get 'a big head'. :O
What do you look for the most in a partner or friend?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
There is no greater attribute in people, particularly women, than to value, admire and love who they really are. For that to happen requires no small amount of self-examination, self-forgiveness and hard personal work on correcting damage and inner healing. We are all beautiful through and through as infants and children. Ugliness and self-loathing result from having been dutifully deformed by those who themselves are afflicted with an emotional plague; out of 'love', of course.
What's the next fun thing you plan to do?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Going to China next week - back at end of March. Puleeze, nobody start a war while I'm gone.
What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Best described by the first eight bars of an old song: "We're (I'm) busy doing nothing, workin' the whole day through. Trying to find, lots of things not to do. We're really gettng no place. Isn't it just a crime? We'd like to be unhappy, but, we never do have the time." Languishing in complete laziness for an entire day. Ahhhhh :)
What did you have for dinner this evening?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
So far we're 50%. Red or white?
What do you consider a "long term" relationship?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I prefer long lasting to long term. The latter relates better to confinement than internal choice; such as, the more severe the crime, the longer the term. It is like hearing a school has been locked down when for years it was applied to prisons. There's also the expression that 'married men (women) don't live longer. It only seems longer'. Lasting long describes to me, something altogether diffferent in nature. There is no hint of any 'sentence' or qualifying chronological measure. It conveys the idea of somethiing having a life of it's own that is lasting. Lasting love and fidelity transcend time definition and ideally at least, life itself.
Can physical attraction truly be unnecessary in finding a potential relationship?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Take it to the bank. Looks are not unimportant just because they aren't the most important. Perhaps the term 'important' is what is confusing. If one looks at it as meaning closer to priority, maybe it works better. 'Looks' are often the first reason we scrutinize somebody, even if only to enjoy beholding them. Don't know about you, but I've had lots of 'getting acqauinted conversations' with beautiful women during which they gradualy became less and less beautiful; and I mean to the eye.. Doesn't that happen for you with men? A woman who isn't particularly stunning, conversely, by the way she looks at me, what she says and how her eyes dance to the music of her words can become very attractive. Looks are still important in priority because the spell will shatter if her appearance shows short-term grooming neglect or long-term as morbid obesity; both indicating lack of self love. Most emotionally balanced people show self-love by not abusing/addicting or neglecting themselves. The greater part of beauty isn't seen by the eyes alone. If physical acceptability is on the outside, a beautiful person residing within will absolutely appear so **physically** as we become closer to them. The old 'skin deep' expression is just another popularized lie.
What song/rhyme/jingle/etc is your earworm?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
''Please' Bing Crosby with Anson Weeks' orchestra. In my head every morning.
What's something that has never (or will never) changed about you?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
My sex and species - like ALL other humans -remains unchangeable.
The issue of Atheism's relation to polyamory has come up today; I don't think the connection is ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Like it or not; wish to acknowledge it or not, we are still part of the 'animal kingdom' and our imaginations cannot change the fact. We are somewhat limited by instinctual, hard wiring in our ability to actually adapt to wishes about living rooted in our exploded capacity to imagine. Proportions of tradition and instinct aren't clearly understood yet. But sexual behaviors have had some form of socially organized boundaries throughout our history, even including the few surviving, sex positive Matriarchal cultures discovered in the most remote places on Earth. If I understand polyamory correctly, sexual behaviors take place in an entirely random, impulsive fashion. If that is the case, it appears to be an 'escape' from tradition to existence closer to that of invertebrates.
Review of More Than 130 Studies Provides Powerful Evidence That Gun Control Saves Lives
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
It depends on where and when you're doing the counting.
What does 'level' designate?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
My guess is investment. Since it takes time and energy to reach certain levels, it discloses the amount of sustained interest and importance placed by participants. Probably also acts as a means of filtration that sidelines parties that appear on all sites as juvenile distractions. They seem to lack patience and move on when there isn't an emotional payoff.
Religionists believe what they're told; free-thinkers what they learn, come to understand.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Believers in any precomposed set of doctrines and unrealistic promises are easily manipulated alright. Those believers would include, with or without gods, faithful subscribers to political parties, political ideologies and the various 'news' media and 'experts' employed to propagate their holy writ.
I don't know how this is a dating site as there are few people who live close to one another.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
"Truth is the daughter of time." It is a proverb that a long life has verified. Meeting people physically, for me, is secondary too meeting their mind and from that evaluating their character; at least to a sufficient level to make intentional travel worth the time and effort. Even then, 'dating' or establishing an intimate aspect to an ultimate relationship wouldn't be prerequisite. I can be very close and even loving of others with whom friendship and activities are shared without intimacy being necessary. Aren't we all capable of this? Do we not love our life-long friends, neighbors, children, siblings, parents, etc? Love is really only limited by prioritization of time and scope of acceptance. Deciding to take a relationship to a physically intimate level, for me, first means choosing a loved one for exclusivity of that element and as something that happens **after** establishment of mutuality of respect, trust, admiration and love. It is kind of a curious thing to me that people will use a resource like this in an effort to find relationships of primary importance, yet limit the distance they'd travel (invest) to 20, 50, 100 or so miles. Most people travel further than that to visit Las Vegas for a few days.. Sexual intimacy can 'happen' with mere coitus and it doesn't require much to make it happen. Likewise, not much comes out of it and whatever does (proverbially) 'stays in Vegas'... It is like playing or listening to solo percussion and calliing it music; like reciting lyrics without a melody; like rigid rendering of a melody in tempo with no phrasing or off key. It might be fun or amusing in varying degrees and if one never experiences a symphony it actually passes for music. You asked for opinions and that about covers mine.
I Have To Attend A Funeral This Weekend!!!!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
The only funeral one has to attend is their own, if there is one at all. Even then it's by proxy.
What is the most important trait you want in a lover?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2018:
To love herself..
Golden Rule
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
It took no genius to identify this fundamental way of life relating to life. Animals demonstrate it routinely and they don't read ancient writings nor do they depend on someone pointing the principle out to them. It is written/programmed into their instinct. We, being more developed are even more so without the damage caused by acculturation.
What is it about some people that they are offended by a word, particularly fuck or cunt, but they ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
People using words of any kind in an impolite or offensive way will usually bother me; especially if it appears to be unprovoked by like behavior. Some terms are born of disrespect or are demeaning to others. What makes me uncomfortable is more about how people are using them and why. I'd never object to anyone's freedom to express themselves honestly with any words. It is one of the best ways to determine what kind of person they are and how they think; even if they think.
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you were no longer in love with?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Still am in so far as loving each other as best of friends. The love of my life, eight years younger, now has a primary and intimate relationship with a man who is a great guy and better suited for her than I as a mate. I like, respect and hold him in high esteem. We all go out places together as three or sometimes four, if I invite a lady along. She and I will also get together, 'hang out' etc. She has a disabled son (Down Syndrome) and he is like a son to me. When either she alone or they together want to go away, I delight in watching over him. In both familial and social relationships people place far too many judgments and controls upon one another and thereby miss a lot in life.
What are some interesting/unique things you like to do for fun?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Doing about a three hour float down the Colorado River in a comfortable inflatable, with a tethered cooler with wine and food on it's comfortable inflatable. Listening to music, feeling the currents and sometimes feeding ducks that tag along. Stop once or twice to collect some interesting river rocks. Great way to spend a summer afternoon.
Do you prefer showers or baths?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I prefer shower first, bath or jacuzzi second; with company whenever possible...
Gravestones and Epitaphs
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
**There's never a convenient time to die.** A couple of my favorite existing ones are: 'The Beat Goes On' - Sonny Bono 'Swingin' on a Star' - Jimmy Van Heusen
I hate when people make the statement where do atheists get their moral code from if not from ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Most of what is claimed to be moral behavior, allegedly taught by theologians, is instinctive. We are born with a high morality and self-regulating potential that is damaged at the earliest possible time by 'religion' and culture spawned by it. Yes, I see culture as a product of theology rather than the other way around. Animals better exemplify attributes of moral behavior and they have no notions about gods nor do they attend places of 'worship'. Love your final point! Theological fanaticism makes everyone sick in different degrees and ways. The advent of aggressive, malignant Patriarchy about six thousand years ago has been making humanity sicker with each successive generation.
Something that happened the other day as I am leaving the grocery store I have to share.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
We are so fortunate to live in a time when personal odor isn't commonplace. A hundred and more years ago just about everyone emitted some amount of it, varying at times of course. When deodorant came out, it seemed only women used it. FINALLY, men caught on and today detecting body odor is pretty rare. Hard to imagine times when garbage wasn't tied in plactic, there were no fly swatters and lots more flies, no air conditioning, no deodorant, baths on Saturday night, no effective mouthwash and people were terrified of dentists!
Will there be peace in the Middle East?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
The greater the influences, particularly conflicting ones, of Patriarchy and theological fanaticism, the worse are chances for peace of any kind. The Middle East is awash with fanaticism. So-called First World Nations bet on them like spectators of dog or cock fights.
Goddamnit! I just realized it's my birthday!.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I occasionally have to herd three dachshunds and when all else fails, throwing a piece or two of food out the back door will drive them out just because of the intense competition.
What would it take to get rid of the electoral college?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require amending the United States Constitution. To make such an amendment would first require a level of ignorance and confusion about why it exists on the part of an already woefully ignorant population that they would succeed in electing a majority of representatives like themselves to Congress. There was a time when the constitution would have safeguarded us from even that eventuality but alas, ignorance about why Senators were chosen by their respective state legislatures prevailed in the land about a century ago and Amendment XVII moved us closer to an actual Democracy; a form of self-government that had failed all other states and empires trying it. They fell to the avarice and ignorance of the mob and the way things are going, so will we. I think doing away with the electoral college has a bright future if we last long enough.
Good kitty kitty
Silver1wun comments on Feb 28, 2018:
So I see you're fluent in Cat.
It's been shown time and again that when you combine intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, you get.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Chasing the carrot? Aren't we all, to some degree. Feedback can provide needed inspiration too. Your toes are wet now. Hope the water is warm. :)
How do you feel about people saying "I'm proud of my heritage", "I'm proud of being British", etc.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Oh, do we ever agree on this one! My guess is that you acquired the awareness because of being a person with a nice appearance by popular standards. Mine came about earlier in adult life while working as a professional model, among other models who were almost all females. Being told by others that we're beautiful/handsome etc. can be so beguiling. Discomfort from it seems almost ungrateful on the surface. After all, isn't it better than being told you're ugly? Don't we all work on optimal grooming, adornment and attire with the sole purpose of appearing attractive? So the reward for such dedicated service to superficialities is welcomed on one hand but still feels undeserved if we're honest with ourselves. Saying thank you in response to praises by others for how we look sometimes feels like taking a bow for somebody else's song; a bit like stealing. I think it becomes clearer when we are applauded for our own song or other creation. There isn't discomfort at all! We can do a happy dance in the open or all alone, savoring the fulfillment. This seems to be prima facie evidence supporting the notion that 'we are what we do'. It is tragic to see the growing sense of desperation in those clinging to false belief that they are what is superficial and diminishing in the eyes of others. The greater part of beauty cannot be perceived by the eyes alone.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Many people rejecting the existence of gods feel a flush that accompanies liberation. I see it as similar to a prisoner getting free of handcuffs in a locked room believing they are completely free simply because they can move about in the room. If one leaves the cuffs around the pipe, escaping the secondary means of confinement lies ahead. Our 'secondary means' is both external and internalized. Externally if we continue subscribing to remaining unexamined notions that are also part of our captivity represented by the room, blindness to our continued captivity remains. We reject the gods but cling to their products in the form of cultural and even sometimes legal rituals and rules. We must not forget that the gods themselves were created by male humans to serve their common goal; that of a few maintaining power over many. Internally, we become complicit, I think out of conditioning, in our own oppression by freeing ourselves of one kind of orthodoxy only to turn around and subscribe to another to 'fill in the space'. As a consequence of being formed within authoritative circumstances, trust in our own instincts and ability to reason independently is undermined. We often feel unworthy to take up all of our own space ourselves as our own authority. Isn't doing so emancipation by definition? To use another example, I see most atheist/agnostic individuals as having escaped the plantation while failing to see the necessity of continuing flight until they reach a 'free state'. How many of us remain 'under the spell' of other institutional and ideological fabrications like reinforcing rituals and alternative ideologies fabricated by Patriarchal Judas Goat, god makers? Pie in the sky and pie on Earth both taste the same. They taste like nothing because they don't exist. Both are merely 'faith based' expectations with different kinds of pastors and prophets unified in a common goal. Both are promises by a class of bakers with only one kind of product: different nothing flavored half-baked schemes for containment of their prey. We can't see or taste promised pie. We are equipped though, with the ability to see and reason as individual creatures; to resist efforts of self-appointed betters to convince us to abdicate our equipment in favor of theirs. If only we'll follow them with the first step toward a life of substitutes, to return to an existence based on artifice that produces nothing but more of it's own essence. Gods are only a tool in the shop of air pie. Pollitical ideologies are another. Trusting other 'authoritative interpretations' over what our own senses tell us is another. Mistrust of our own allegedly weak, non-certified (conditioned) instinctual perceptions is another. Individually or in concert, they ...
Does anyone remember the first time they had romantic feelings for another person?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Third grade and haven't gotten over it yet. (the rejection, that is) Her bright blue eyes under those brunette bangs were captivating. It was in Chicago, 1956. We were in the same class and how I managed to absorb anything presented in front of the class is a mystery. She was all I could think about and talk about. My father suggested asking her to the movies some Saturday morning. All the kids flocked to Saturday morning movies in those days. Cartoons might have been on TV, but in that neighborhood not that many of us had them. Dad instructed me on being a gentleman (that kind of stuck too). "You don't meet a young lady someplace. A gentleman meets her parents and picks her up at her home. You escort her all the way home and on time." This sage advice led to a nice impression. He also imparted the importance of holding doors and walking on the 'street side' of the sidewalk and paying for everything. Her mother answered the door; said Rhea was almost ready. Her father shook hands and said we should come right home after the movies. Rhea Chandler was her name. She emerged from her room with a pink rabbit skin jacket; can't remember anything else she wore except for those stunning blue eyes and a heart melting smile. Other third graders spotted us together and the teasing at school from the other (jealous) boys ensued. Then one afternoon came the crushing news. Rhea said that she thought she 'liked' Randy more than me, because he was Jewish. Back then I didn't know quite what Jewish was, save my friend Ralph leaving class once a week early for 'tutoring'. Many years later I converted to Judaism but it was too late for Rhea! About a year or so later, back at the movies on another Saturday, I was smitten again by another captivating female and it transformed my life. At a movie called 'Boy on a Dolphin' the first sight of Sophia Loren on the big screen caused a complete loss of interest in theretofore important boyhood activities like baseball, marbles etc. From that point on every female was automatically evaluated on the basis of how close she was to Sophia. Still hasn't changed much. I was at least saved the humiliation of actually knowiing Sophia because I'm certain that she would have dumped me for Carlo because HE was Italian.
Do you ever pity brainwashed victims?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
The brainwashed are too many and I don't see them sympathetically enough to consider their victimization to be worse than what they do to others because of their brainwashing. The brainwashed prove beyond a doubt by their very existence that they and not the meek have actually inherited the earth. Chalk up one more for atheists. :)
Can a "normal" upper middle class blue/white collar person truly love a mentally ill disabled ...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Yes, if the loving bond formed before the advent of mental illness and disability. It might require, however, loving them 'from afar'. ;)
If you could change something about 2017, what would it be?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I'd keep the embassy in Tel Aviv. Even a wonderful president can be wrong. Genius is rare but not infallible. :)
Why do women insist on going to the bathroom together.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I can think of some reasons. One is they know by accompanying a friend, you prevent her from suspecting that you're talking about her when she isn't there; especially with the males. Or, two, that anything males have to say to each other isn't worth sticking around for. The level of conversation probably improves in 'the other room'. Maybe another is that it provides an opportunity for women to strut, as they seem unable to do it while sitting down...
Well I just finished my short film a day ago so I'm doing pretty good.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
You might want to consider combining them for a start on a 'trilogy' by making the new one about convincing short people that the world is round. At their height it looks even flatter. :)
What do you think?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
People who 'need' other people in their life and go on to rate independent people as harder to love are actually THEMSELVES harder to love. Choice is a far more nourishing element in a loving relationship than need. Admiration of another person's individuality and independence is preferable to rejection of them because they aren't also needy. People who remain single for long periods because of independence and out of choice are the easiest to admire, trust, respect and love. Why? They bring something to the table and are therefore able to give and share. Who gives and shares need? How can they believe it to be attractive and the makings of a strong, loving bond? Those are my thoughts it
What goes through your head when you see someone wearing a cross necklace?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I like to play with them and compliment their Satanic symbol. Within their frame of reference, it is arguably more of a Satanic than Christian symbol. Merely adopting symbolism to mean something new doesn't make it so. They do it with their 'holidays' too.
Ok people, I'm writing a piece on "what is a assault weapon and why it should be banned" and I ...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
The most fundamental 'good advice', besides knowing good spelling and grammar, for a writer is 'write about what you know'. If you know little, as you admit here about your topic, maybe another more familiar one could enable a successful outcome. Advocacy must have persuasive power that comes with thorough knowledge of both sides or your piece won't reach beyond just 'preaching to the choir'.
Nurses know best!
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
What a great idea! A nude bar in your own home and you don't have to ask directions to the restroom. I see two glasses... :)
I was asked this question about morality as being an Atheist.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Theology, in my view, is better at teaching immorality than morality; particularly a form of morality superior to Nature's. But for introduction via 'commandments' we wouldn't display the behaviors prohibited by them in the first place. they first teach what 'sin is and go on to prohibit it with threats of terrifying consequences to reinforce their fear-based superstitions. We see attributes of morality demonstrated by creatures that are less developed than ourselves, so a logical expectation is that we are at least as moral and possibly more so. Animals show boundless loyalty, selfless affection and love, courageous protective actions, respect for and integration with humans spontaneously. They need no religious training or externally imposed commandments. Morality and capacity for love are instinctual and theological fanaticism is as anti-instinct and anti-life and natural love as it gets on this planet.
Do you think there are more men than woman Athiests or are women more covert about it?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Many are literally driven to reject theologies because they have a stronger, more independent life force making the anti-life environment of all major religions unbearable. I think males and females suffer abuse from the systems but women more so because they are forced early to accept subordinated gender roles. No sure figures but only a guess that both are about equal but that men feel less social jeopardy connected with open assertion of doubts or disbelief. An open head count would probably find males with a slight numerical edge, with a hypothetical, real head count, I think females would be more numerous. 1. because they are more numerous in the first place. 2. because they usually 'see' a lot more accurately but are a bit smarter in judging possible gains and losses connected with being open. Some good data on the question, giving geography due consideration, would sure be interesting.
What I find in the dating world too often is once someone finds out you're an agnostic, atheist or...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Morality, including 'sexual', is inborn and self-regulating. Interference with it is what causes the epidemic emotional plague and damages our ability to behave naturally and spontaneously in healthy ways. Human sexuality existed long before imposition of Patriarchal compulsive 'morality'. Associating sexual conduct which is natural, with artificially imposed codes of sexual conduct, many of which are pathogenic, is the invention of sexually sick old men to begin with. Such codes enable them to control others; satisfyiing secondary drives to acquire power over others in the 'name' of invisible deities which they always conveniently represent. Who are the deities? They are predominently all-powerful elder male figures with the same kind of sexually sick expectations as the Patriarchs that invented them.
For those without a degree... Do you ever wish that you had one or had finished one?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Degrees certify that one has absorbed a sufficient amount of information. With some, like mathematics/engineering etc. the information is dependable knowledge that will be confirmed to be so by application. With others the information is only partially knowledge because only a part of it is actual fact. People are 'learning' lots of things that are not so in qualifying for degrees, making levels of actual knowledge (information that is so) dubious. Self-education confirmed by research and personal experience provides a very dependable body of knowledge about things that are important to the individual acquiring it. There is also no need to conform to a curriculum established by others. We, especially thanks to the Internet, can define what is and isn't personally useful. No need to chase a piece of paper to prove knowledge to others any more than it is necessary to get a marriage certificate to prove love.
Could anything you post on a site like this be construed as sexual harassment?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
In our time and with the number of brain dead around us, anything said or done ANYWHERE might be construed as sexual harassment.
Do you have a favorite decade of music?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
A decade, or rather era, of popular music from my childhood preceded it by about 20 years. Part of the exposure came from being a 'night owl'. Both parents were out working during late evenings. Television signed off at midnight. Radio provided a warm companion in the still nights of summer and winter alike. In Chicago, WGN broadcast a program into the wee hours called Franklyn MacCormack's All Night Meister Brau Showcase. If you can imagine soft flannel becoming sound, that was his voice. He introduced and talked about featured music; which was all from decades earlier, mostly 1930's. Later in life (Early 80's) another program on community supported radio in San Francisco featured music from the late 1920's and early 30's. It was like time travel! What characterized that era was 1. Music came entirely out of people with electronics serving only to better convey the sounds, not to 'join-in' or substitute for human virtuousity. 2. The era when American Music took the world by storm. Tin Pan Alley and show/movie music exploded with new, fresh creativity that has lasted into the present in the form we call 'standards'. Try not to let the archaic sound quality and styles make you think of the original recordings of those long gone artists as 'old music'. thanks to a chap by the name of Edison, we are able to travel back and hear young people performing new music reaching and resonating with untold generations who care to listen.
George Carlin. I wish he was still around
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Carlin was original and to him 'words actually meant things'.
So where do our members live?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Suggestion: Instead of limiting compatibles to 'nearby' as SOP, why not list them according to the answer a member gives to the question: 'How far would you travel to meet'? Seems odd to me that so many are seeking a person/persons of primary importance in their lives as long as they don't have to go more than 20, 50 or 100 miles. I'm going to China, anxious to meet strangers who have no particular compatibility and would go anywhere in the world to meet someone worth considering for a genuine, loving bond. In any case, listing only 'nearby' people seems to be an unnecessary limitation for some of us.
Would like to brainstorm ideas for our website's cover text.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
To avoid labeling, self or others, is paramount in fostering independent thought. My thoughts on the statement are aimed at that very goal. For example: Internet community supportive of those who are agnostic, atheist, humanistic, free thinking ( sub 'independent'? ) and skeptical. or An Internet oasis for those with agnostic, atheist, humanistic, free thinking or skeptical (sub independent) points of view. By using the terms as adjectives instead of nouns, limitations associated with labeling can be avoided and, I think, more appealing to independent minds. For one to assume a noun-type label, unfortunately, inspires those who suffer from overblown importance and thrive on control of others. These tin tyrants set about articulating their own styles of orthodoxy with, of course, themselves at the helm. As soon as one goes from being, for example, atheist or agnostic, to an Atheist or an Agnostic, they set themselves up for exploitation by new self-appoiinted priests who take it upon themselves to set qualifications and definiitions for just 'who is and who isn't' a REAL Atheist, Agnostic, etc. To some it might seem a small, insignificant difference but it means a great deal to maintaining independence because to be atheist is merely to reject the existence of gods. Anything else is still open to consideration and self-designated 'governors' of what is or isn't can pleasure themselves or each other in their intellectual 'castles in Spain'.
A friend told me today that I am vibrant. I wonder, what does that mean?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Being enthusiastically engaged in life vs. biding time and being satisfied with merely existing is what I consider to be vibrant. It is a life-long attitude for most people. This, I think, is how we find our 'years' surprising. Family and society host generalized attitudes about age that are not very accurate. How could they be, when such notions are formed by younger people? It has been a personal pleasure to have known or been acquainted with people (some famous), now passed, who were 'vibrant' into their nineties and even beyond. A principle that applies to all life and particularly health and longevity was stated by my personal 'hero' and great scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Reich: "Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life. They should also govern it." Being 'social creatures', sharing of love on may levels, particularly with an intimate bond, nourishes our overall vitality. Work is not to be confused with the toil so many of us perform, particularly early in life, in exchange for bread alone; in a process characterized by fatigue, an exchange of this for that wherein we often feel less for having done it. Work adds to us, inspires a craving for more; providing material satisfactions accompanied by personal edification in less tangible forms. Knowledge, can be, but isn't necessarily a product of academic attendance. Degrees certify absorption of information. The testing ground for how much of it is actually factual is called life. That is to say, determining how much is actual knowledge... The challenge in gaining knowledge is to separate what is so from what isn't. That demands independent research and evaluation. There is no substitute. We are not in possession of our 'exploded' neocortex only to turn around and abdicate personal use in deference to or to dictate to others. We are but one of lifes innumerable manifestations and the most advanced form of them on the planet. We are 'animated' by an energy that, unlike invisible gods, is both visible and quantifiable. We as reasoning creatures, don't necessarily have to KNOW life's intentions to consider how life functions demonstrate intentionality. Evolution itself comes to mind. One last tidbit from Reich: "The act of thought is life comprehending it's own essence." I believe that life optimizes itself by investing in what produces a return and withdraws from that which goes into stasis. To show vibrance places one in good health and good company.
This says it all.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 24, 2018:
True! The love of my life is now with a man who is much better suited to her than I was. I like him because he exemplifies so may things that I see of value in other men. We are all good friends and I still love her dearly and am there for her as she is for me, whenever the need arises. What is important about human relationships is the love and appreciation of the kind of person the 'other' is. That doesn't die but many people believe a lot of bullshit principles that move them to kill it out of spite and ego sickness.
Jehovah's Witnesses just came to my door for the second time this month.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 23, 2018:
There is a lot to like about them. It doesn't change the fact that they are a cult, but I consider them to be among the least destructive ones. What they share with other cults is certainty that they possess truth about our existence superior to any individual or other group. At least they don't prune heads or support imposition of theological fanaticism via punitive public laws.
Nope not yet...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Too funny! Sorry, had to steal it for facebook..
I just want to meet someone who is intelligent and who doesn't get their info from Fox News.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Intelligent people who don't get information from FOXNEWS are definitely rare. In fact, FOXNEWS seems to attract almost all of them, leaving the mentally deprived to be divided between CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC AND CBS. Fortunately for those 'news' outlets, it is still a lot of people and the demographic appears to be growing, thanks to what passes for public education. :)


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