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Was there a movie or book that helped you question religion?
atheist comments on Sep 18, 2017:
'Holy Bible: Best God Damned Version' by Steve Ebling.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 19, 2017:
thanks for that info. I'll try to find time to read that one. I just hope they have a free eBook available
Was there a movie or book that helped you question religion?
Penultimate comments on Sep 19, 2017:
Yes. The bible. A great NOVEL.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 19, 2017:
yes, my father and I call the "Israeli Mythology" and it really has some great stories
Is there a documentary or book that really changed the way you thought about life?
DebraJill190 comments on Sep 16, 2017:
Yes! The BIBLE~~~!!!! What a load of mythical crap!!! It changed my mind in that it made me realize how gullible and desperate most people are if they believe the myths put down in the bible. The more educated we become it becomes more and more OBVIOUS this ancient tome is nothing but a ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 19, 2017:
My father, now 89 yrs old, love to say, "I wouldn't bet my life on the Bible" and I love him for that. But he considers the Holy Book of 3 major religious groups as a source of wisdom, inspiration, values and ethics. He calls the Bible the "Israeli Mythology." The Old Testament was "written" centuries before the time of Jesus. The Apostle Paul came in around, well, yes, around 300 years after and so were the Books that made up the New Testament. All of which were, I have to admit, were very well crafted even if I really haven't read them all. The stories of Nimrod, Moses and Jesus, to name a few, have parallels and so was the origin of what became the image of the Mother and Child. The constitutions and by-laws of nations were based on whatever holy book they "use" like The Bible, Torah and Koran. It was also from my father from whom I first heard that "man created God" because of man's lack of confidence and belief in himself . . . because then "there was no mass communication" - to quote a line from a song from the stage play "Jesus Christ Superstar." Btw, re songs, my favorite line is from the song "Russians" by pop/rock artist Sting, "we share the same biology regardless of ideology" and also from another rock band, Scorpions, "we live under the same sun" . . . well, just that line.
Is there such thing as a soul mate?
seekthetruth comments on Sep 15, 2017:
To begin with- what is a soul? Secondly, why does it need a mate? If our soul is some part of our spirit, personality, experiences that continues without the body, then it would seem that that part of us would be made for freedom, growth, and constant change. It is outside of physical constraints....
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 19, 2017:
oh boy, whew! same as what Ms.DebraJill190 said, "you lost me there fella!" . . . for me, "KISS" stands for, w/apologies to Ms.DebraJill190, Keep It Short and Simple . . . and for Ms.Lonely, yes, I agree with you comment . . . aaaaaand somebody pls tell me how to reply to a reply/comment ! ! !
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Monkey comments on Sep 1, 2017:
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
where can we get that? here in Manila we have this tropical fruit cocktail and also the "fiesta mix" but no bananas
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
DebraJill190 comments on Sep 16, 2017:
Agnostic almond! With some skeptical sprinkles on top.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
KellyC comments on Sep 3, 2017:
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
. . . and strawberry
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Atheist1 comments on Sep 13, 2017:
There is no ice cream in HELL!
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
someone said that hell might be airconditioned by now because of lots of atheist scientists thrown down there
Who's talking when you talk to yourself?
JLsobel comments on Sep 16, 2017:
Zuul, of course.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Who's talking when you talk to yourself?
DebraJill190 comments on Sep 16, 2017:
Harvey a 6 foot white rabbit.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Are atheists creating hostility by running down sympathetic Christians?
jenitaregister comments on Aug 31, 2017:
I believe that atheists have become as "Guarded" and as "Judgmental" and "Defensive towards what they believe in" as Christians. When you approach the historical fact of the matter that the "Christian Society" forced themselves upon the natives when they arrived, it is apparent that there was only ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Peace be with you! no need for hostility or adversity. As the lines from the song of Sting goes, "we share the same biology regardless of ideology" and also from the rock band Scorpions, "we all live under the same sun"
Are atheists creating hostility by running down sympathetic Christians?
PercytheMighty comments on Sep 8, 2017:
People are creating hostility by running down other people. I don't think that it is exclusive to christians or atheists. That said, there is no evidence for the existence of a christian god, and the sword of christianity is responsible for some of the greatest atrocities in human history, so; a ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Peace be with you! no need for hostility or adversity. As the lines from the song of Sting goes, "we share the same biology regardless of ideology" and also from the rock band Scorpions, "we all live under the same sun"
How do I stop feeling bad for being an atheist?
Atheist1 comments on Sep 13, 2017:
Respect yourself. 'A' Pride!
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
integrity and sincerity - be true to yourself
How do I stop feeling bad for being an atheist?
FecklessTed comments on Sep 14, 2017:
Stop being a coward.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
confidence, stick to your beliefs
How do I stop feeling bad for being an atheist?
Freetothink comments on Sep 17, 2017:
I completely understand how you would feel like that because I was raised in a very strict Christian home. That is what religion does it makes you a prisoner in your own mind. It is hard to overcome at times but remember any religion out there is meant to make you feel this way as a way to "bring ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
think freely - what a wonderful way to live!
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
SketchyBuffalo comments on Sep 10, 2017:
Don't be afraid of your beliefs. If Christians are talking about how they feel just simply come out and disagree. Make sure you've done your research though. I've been caught in conversations where I forget key pieces of information and my argument seems flawed.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
stick to your beliefs, key information will naturally flow through you, and . . . never lose your sense of humor if you ever got caught in an argument as my father always reminds me that "NOBODY WINS AN ARGUMENT"
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Atheist1 comments on Sep 13, 2017:
Maintain your intellectual integrity at all times. If the question comes up then state your position. 'A' Pride! What are you really afraid of? Ruffling some theist feathers. Remember, 'Better an uncomfortable truth than a comfortable lie.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
yes, always maintain your integrity and sincerity
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
JLsobel comments on Sep 16, 2017:
In my early twenties I was pretty angry and abrasive with my beliefs or lack thereof. I've found that communicating an aura of open acceptance, humility and a willingness to listen completely changes the receptivity of the knowledge that I am agnostic. It almost catches people off guard. There is a ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
pardon, mam, but I can't help but say "God bless you!" ha-haaaah ! ! !
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
kristanleann comments on Sep 18, 2017:
It is sad that I have to stay in the closet about my philosophy in life. I know why... Christianity is the dominant viewpoint and I am the minority... I will not belong if I out myself....
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
how sad . . . there are a million and one ways to live in this world
If you were once religious, why are you not now?
PercytheMighty comments on Sep 9, 2017:
I went to a catholic high school and had to take a "World Religions" class. It was the first time I was exposed to any belief system outside of the one I was indoctrinated into. Initially, I started to see similarities between various versions of principle stories which I found curious, but after ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
I remember this line from the song Russians by Sting, "we share the same biology regardless of ideology." and from that rock band Scorpions, "we live under the same sun."
If you were once religious, why are you not now?
Atheist1 comments on Sep 13, 2017:
"I detest the bible as I detest everything that is cruel." Thomas Paine
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
to quote my father, "I will not bet my life on the Bible"
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
SharkGirl comments on Sep 8, 2017:
I love when people ask me if I have morals because it's just funny to think the only reason I'm not going out and killing people is because of my religion and if you don't have one well you don't have morals I just think it's hilarious and a stupid question because you don't get your morals from ...
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
If it's morally proper to kill a person then why not, religion has nothing to do with it . . . just be ready to face the consequences because any action will always have a reaction
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
Atheist1 comments on Sep 13, 2017:
I don't subscribe to any moral code. But what I do have is an ethical philosophy of life. ie. Treat your friendly neighbours honestly. Paul Simon.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
pardon, but, well, that's still a moral code, bro . . . and may I add what Sting said in his song Russians, "we share the same biology regardless of ideology . . ."
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
SharkGirl comments on Sep 8, 2017:
I normally joke around and say something like there's so many brilliant scientist down there it's probably air conditioned by now if there talking about hell or sometimes I'll just laugh at them and walk away
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Do you ever miss the religious life?
JTNenz67 comments on Sep 5, 2017:
No but I do sometimes miss something to believe in at times.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
how about believing in yourself?
Do you ever miss the religious life?
Zebra comments on Sep 15, 2017:
No, except for the built in community of support.....unless you do something deemed unholy of course.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
I don't see anything wrong in extending community and humanitarian support thru a religious group, it's a good social circle even if you don't believe in their faith. Giving help to others is beyond religion
What event in your life made you turn your back on religion?
KellyC comments on Sep 3, 2017:
I was 6 and realized church was silly.... simple as that., I continued for years going and pretending but knew all along it was ridiculous even if the people were nice and the activities fun.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
problem with religion is the leaders/elders don't practice what they preach. i just hope that when you left your religion you took with you all the wisdom, values and ethics that you can carry and live with all the rest of your life
What event in your life made you turn your back on religion?
SharkGirl comments on Sep 8, 2017:
I just started questioning religion and the more I thought about it the more I realized it was fake
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
problem with religion is the leaders/elders don't practice what they preach. i just hope that when you left your religion you took with you all the wisdom, values and ethics that you can carry and live with all the rest of your life
What event in your life made you turn your back on religion?
Violetta comments on Sep 13, 2017:
A total realization that god just doesn't exist, I've been fooled (mostly, by my own self :( ) It happened one summer as I was cleaning the house and talking to my father on the phone).
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
it's very important that you keep an open mind, be very discerning, be well informed, keep decent with the proper values and ethics and respect for yourself and others
When did you first doubt religion?
bingst comments on Sep 4, 2017:
I think I was 9 years old and wondered "if God created man, who created God?"
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
Man created God
How do you handle the loss of a loved one without believing in an afterlife?
KellyC comments on Sep 3, 2017:
I figure death is part of life. It's definitely sad losing a loved one but that is how it is. Hold memories close because they are important for your life and experience in this life. One day you will be gone.
SonnyMlaPH replies on Sep 18, 2017:
I remember one of my favorite "lines" from the movie "The Ten Commandments" uttered by pharaoh in his deathbed, "after all, dying is part of living."


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