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Today the 25th of October 1957 the top 10 songs of the day, do you have a favorite one?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
1,2,5,6........ " You Send Me" is my favorite of the four.
What are your favorite lyrics?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
"We never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do"....."Southern Cross"..... Stephen Stills
I think these needs to be here.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Looks like the monkey is looking for an organ grinder.
God’s Intelligent Design?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Maybe if God had not been in such a hurry, things might be different. Six days is not enough time to put something together as complex as the Universe. Why the rush? Time certainly wasn't an issue. Maybe the whole eternity thing got to him, and he was just looking for something to do. Maybe the Universe is just a hobby.
This year is the 50th anniversary of one of the best low-buget horror films ever made, IMO.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I was in the Army in El Paso, Texas when it came out. Being a horror movie fan, I had to see it. I knew l was watching something different. It was a game changer for the genre.
A thought crossed my mind and I'd like the input/opinions of others on it.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
That and it creates doubt in their own beliefs. How can you be so sure when many of them have doubts, because as they have gotten older, they see the holes in the whole concept. IMO.
I watched that movie tonight where Julia Roberts has a lot of teeth.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
She actually has only 12 teeth, but they are all the size of Chiclets.
As clever as it gets. []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Fucking amazing. How creative.
Lot of good tunes that took place in the 80's. So miss that era. :(
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
i liked 4,6,7,8,10,12,19,21,24
Do you remember “Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein” ?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
For sure.Te only movie of theirs l liked.
Bride of Frankenstein Art. Happy Halloween. ♥
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Thank you for both of those postings. Frankenstein and The Bride of Frankenstein are two of my all time favorite movies.
I'm pretty well guarded in how much gore, poor taste, and overall mayhem I can absorb without ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Never saw it. The idea of a story that never ends did not sound appealing. I knew eventually, l was going to have to pee.
Frittata with Spinach, Mushrooms and New Red Potatoes
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Sounds great and looks great! Food teaser! :)
What position is this?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
A demonstration of the staff of life.
How many of you men used this cologne?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I don't use anything scented.
For a blind elephant. []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Incredibly touching. I know we are more closely related to other mammals than most people would like to believe.
Dating married men?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I never date married men. Come to think of it, l don't date single men either.
What is the funniest gift you have received?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
An umbrella hat. I wish l still had it. There have been times it would have come in handy, like loading equipment in or out in the rain.
I must unload.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Yes Ma'am..........May I go to the bathroom first? :)
But, he had a BONEr!!
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
When he told her to strip, she went a little to far.
The "x" to delete individual alerts in the Alert pull-down seems to be broken @Admin @SiteSupport
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Same here.
Have you ever bigged your job up to impress?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Telling the truth always seemed best. The good, the bad, and the ugly of my profession. No up/no down.
We sure have come a long ways when it comes to selfies ???
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Yes. We even did some band pictures in one once.
I found the real doctor quite easily.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
You're a regular Columbo.
Recently, in a parking lot, there were these trees with fantastic bark .
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Very nice framing. They look like paintings.
From 2014, Me waiting for Mister Right.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I can relate to that, not the mister part.
Just in case you aren’t convinced that getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night is worthwhile .
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Knowing it and being able to do it are entirely different things.
What is your opinion on infant circumcision?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I have absolutely no problem with my being snipped.
Helen Merrin. Still a sex symbol.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Great actress, still sexy.
Dating more than one person
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I dated three women at once in the 70's. Since they all had jobs, and wanted to go out on Friday or Saturday, l was one day short. It was difficult.
Little Feet - Let it Roll []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
One of the really great bands.
Flowers in B&W? Well I never!
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Very nice.
George Thorogood - Get a Haircut & Get a Real Job []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Not a fan. Below average guitar player, worse singer.
Are you cumming?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
No, but l am breathing a little heavier.
Would you consider a serious relationship with a porn star, hooker, or stripper?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I had a friend who worked at a massage parlor years ago , and we went out for a little while. Sweet girl, but too many problems for me to deal with.
This is the second time I've greeted this guy.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I guess he doesn't Jones for Pepper like some of us. ?
Do any of you ever wonder about people who have left the site?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I have wondered about her myself.
I have been told this.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Me too! Some folks have a hard time overlooking my assholiness.
I'd like make a friendly suggestion all the male-people who want chat with female-people on this ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
These are not discussions. I have never ever had a discussion in real life that even closely resembles messaging. You are right about them being like a job interview, and we all know how comfortable that is. This is not a natural way to interact with people or to get to know them. Expect awkwardness from some people. So many of the people on this site have spent twenty years or more in a marriage and now find themselves in the dating world again. It is probably kind of scary for them.
Some moody photos (taken from my phone last night...)
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Sweet. ??
I'd like make a friendly suggestion all the male-people who want chat with female-people on this ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Why is this always a one way street with some of you ladies?
I was maybe 8 years old the first time I heard this song, never heard anything quite like it and ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Great tune. I had forgotten about it. Thanks.
Maureen O'Sullivan and Johnny Weissmuller. What TV series did they play in? And did you watch it?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Tarzan. It wasn't a TV series. They were feature length movies.
The end of the 70's era.. the songs reflect this so well. Disco finally dies.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I liked1,4,15,19
Ignorance is a bitch
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
If that is real, it is fucking grotesque! If it is not real, it is fucking grotesque!
Which comic book series did you grow up on?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Batman, Superman, and Casper.
The incomparable Nina Simone. []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
She was so awesome.
What I miss about being young - that energetic body that could run like a jack rabbit .
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I had a great time being young and stupid. I would do it again in a heart beat.
I live near family now, so this sign was necessary.?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Oh yeah! Go look at my picture!
Patsy Cline was my Dad's favorite singer.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
WOW! She was a great singer. I have two of her greatest hits albums.
Of course, I will give you a ride. Or take a ride.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
If that is your standard, l guess l will be left on the side of the road. :)
Problems with online voting may have cost me the race.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Hope this works out for you. What is the part of democracy conservatives do not get. Is there any place, anywhere they aren't crooks?
Lost among the pumpkins.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
At least they cracked a smile.
Some of the little kids get scared of the snakes, so put this wreath on the garage door.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Great idea!
Does anyone know if the skulls of your enemy are dishwasher safe? Asking for a friend.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I believe they are. Let me run some tests and l will get back with you.
He did the Mash! []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I had to do this song and Werewolf of London 3 years ago for a Halloween gig.
I am so sick of rain and clouds and a lack of sun.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
We have had rain for over two weeks. It is like spring again. Everything is green and the wildflowers are blooming again. After a long dry hot summer, this is quite a welcome relief.
What is your favorite season? Why?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Fall.....The weather, the colors, and the clothes.
Has your Atheism affected your patriotism?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I never was much into patriotism. I find most any kind of "ism" hard to get behind.
Haunted woods.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Looks like a place I would like to visit.
Why Are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism? | The New Yorker
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
What Goonie said. Americans are afraid of everything.
The Ohio State Butthurt is Delicious. Get a load of all of this whining. []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I love it. Paul Finebaum just said he thinks Meyer will not be back next year.
I got fired yesterday.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Godzilla movies are great to watch with a friend. There are so many jokes to be had. Hope the job thing works out for you.
Senior class ring ☺ I still have mine.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I sold mine in the 80's when the price of gold took a big jump.
Can you name your favorite "worst" favorite movie of all time.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
It would have to be Plan Nine From Outer Space. I try to come up with a worse movie and l can't.
A new word ?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Such a great word, so versatile.
How to reply when someone says 'have a blessed day'
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
It doesn't bother me. These folks are just being nice. I don't get mad at nice.
How many remember doing this?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
We did that many times. Great memory.
I haven't had sex in so ???
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
What if l just make you howl a little. ?
Admit it. If this was 1951 you guys would be beating off to this picture. ?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Now that is an entertainment center.
It's all about location.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
The American story, in a strip center no less. PERFECT!
Landscapes — 1: This photo was taken in 1976 from a location in central Victoria, Australia, ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Enjoy the sunshine
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I love a full moon during the day.
Black & White Wyoming and California 1.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Love B&W photography.
Adult beverage
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Not in my world. There are occasional days you can't start too early either. :)
Ok my movie recommendation for today is from John Carpenter and stars Rowdy Roddy Piper and has the...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Good choice.
Beautiful sunset tonight...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Eric Clapton - Promises []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
We do most of our own music in our band, but we do a few covers, and this is one we just picked up. Good song.
The Old Guard won and the Progressives lost :( I got routed and so did the other progressive ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Sorry you lost. At least you gave it a shot.
This will be my first post here, and it is very difficult to write, as silly as that may seem.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Welcome to this sometimes strange place. :)
Rent or own (a home)?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I have never bought a home, even though I could have used my VA loan. I moved too many times over the years and never new how long l would be in one place.
I tried kale.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I'll bet they look cute in their little yoga pants though.
I keep adding to my yard
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Looking good. I really like the thing you did on the wall.
What I was referring to in my comment is that there are Asshole Criminals who set up fake ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Good post.
Huey Lewis - Bad is Bad []
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I always liked this song. Good choice.
Before I curl up with a book, I'd like to say something inoffensive.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I wouldn't think of it. I use the term myself.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I will continue to make my bed.
Classic Horror
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
The ones on the left are my favorites.
Atheist = Depressed?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I don't think so.
MEN: What would your reason be for asking a woman what she does for a living, upon meeting her?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I don't remember ever doing that. Sometimes it doesn't even come up in our first conversation. It will eventually come up in a conversation.
What’s your “Woo”?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
What is a woo?
So good people of the universe, how do you all handle the assumption from Christians that you ...
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Let them condemn away. They may believe you are very smart, and the fact you don't believe may be a threat to their own beliefs. What is it you see they don't?
Today's the day, Monday Oct 22nd is municipal election day in Ontario, Canada.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Fingers crossed. Good luck.
People seem to be surprised when they find out that I listen to bands like Tool or Pantera.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
My age. Everyone thinks I am younger than l am. I look in the mirror and see an old man.
I sure do remember, anyone else?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Yes and yes l am.
Thoughts on marriage : There seems to be many in the community who are anti marriage.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Do what makes you happy. Don't let other folks experiences in this matter. Some of these people made bad choices and want to blame the institution for their mistakes.
I really should have been asleep an hour and a half ago. I do this to myself all the time. Why?
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Me too. Even as a kid l wanted to stay up and watch Carson or the late movies. One of the things l love about being a full time musician is the hours suit me.
A little education everybody
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Visual aids always help. Thank you.
The Life of Brian is finally on Netflix.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Great movie.
It's taken me a lifetime to learn this.
Sticks48 comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I don't buy that. I have never loved myself. I don't even know what that means. I except myself. Sometimes l don't particularly like myself, but l have never had a problem loving others.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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