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Where is your favorite travel destination?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
After three decades on the road l don't get into it as much. It is more about who l travel with.
Boy is everybody quiet over here.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
They must be tired from all the Easter festivities.
Finding it hard too connect
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
It seems to be more of a site for community than for dating. People seem to be here for different reasons.
What is your weirdest irrational fear?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
My fears are perfectly rational to me.:)
People need to pay attention to profiles on the outset.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Doesn't matter much to me. I am pretty sure l will never meet any of you folks in person. In person conversations is how you get to know someone. I have met a couple of people on line years ago, and after meeting them in person l felt like l was meeting a different person. While l enjoy seeing other people's views on things and sometimes it is educational, l don't feel like it is anymore than that.
What does it take to quiet your mind?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
It is a skill l don't and have never had. Wish l did. Unconsciousness is it, and l don't want to take that much of those kinds of drugs. Although occasionally it is nice to do so.:)
What are some of the things professing christians have done to irritate you and why did you find it ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
The judging, persecuting, and general hypocrisy. It seems the ones who profess their Christian values the most seem to have the least.
How do you do on this test?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
All but 9,10,12,13,16,18. If my math is correct 270
I know this has been asked but my answer has changed and new members here.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
My mother. I loved both my parents very much, but she was my best friend.
MATH IS ABSOLUTE But is it really?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
In my job I'm only required to count to four at most, so l got nothin'.
Does it make you angry when someone gives all the credit to god for healing the ailing instead of ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I don't like it when folks give God credit. He should always have to pay cash. How do you even find him if stiffs you. Even Christians can't really find him. They think they know where he is.
You need to love yourself first to be able to create a good relationship. Do you agree?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I've been loving myself so long I'm starting to take myself for granted.
Anybody else besides me who is now addicted to this site?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I think I'm in denial.
Good news.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Glad you are feeling better.:)
Do you love to hike?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
No, but l would hike to love!
Best Show Ever?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
None of the above.
If you could go back in time to a time before your birth when and where would you go?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
1 day, same birth place. I don't want to live before central air and heat, microwave ovens, free porn, and stores that sell nothing but donuts.
Would you live in a 400 sq ft home, if it meant you could live in an absolutely beautiful place?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Easily, I have lived in smaller. I can make any place look good.
Prostitution, how do you feel about it?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I wish it was more affordable.
Makes me sick. This is going to continue until more people react to it.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Sport hunting is as cowardly an endeavor as any thing humans do.
In your relationships over your lifetime, has the lack of religion been a positive, or negative ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 5, 2018:
No impact at all.
How would you describe your sexual appetite as you have grown older.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Almost.....No..... The Willing
What's your zodiac sign ?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Aries....and yes, l am a dick. I repel all signs equally.
Anybody here also childfree?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
What is better than sex?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Sex and donuts!
Which is worse?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
The fear of loneliness?
What do you like to observe in nature?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
All of it.
I came to realize about 7 years ago that it only takes one screw up to destroy 40 years of good work...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I never had much of a reputation to screw up. It would be a short fall for me. Sounds like yours wasn't. Sorry to hear that.
So, are you the vehicle or are you the light?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I'm in the dark on this one.
While talking with people.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I'm partial to all the begatting in Genesis. They begatted each others brains out.
I have met someone who desires me.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Don't over think it. You will just fuck it up.
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without food?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
How many days until you didn't miss it? How much weight did you lose?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Do 3rd cousins count?
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I guess l would be packing my summer clothes for an incredibly warm afterlife.
are you afraid of death?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
More the how.
Changing times
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Reasons to start wars. I am sure with our imaginations we will come up with more. Sorry l hit the wrong spot.:)
Changing times
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I can't imagine it would be worse. There would still be greed, race, and the desire for power to keep human beings treating other human beings badly and
What movie trope is the worst?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
That all super heroes land on one knee with their arm resting on the other knee. No human being has ever landed that way when jumping off of something.
What does it mean to you when a members starts to follow your posts?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I think they must not have cable.
Any religious public figures that you admire?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Let me think......NO!
I was born in Syria in a traditional Muslim family.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I am happy for you. I admire your courage.These people in America who spew hatred toward refugees from the middle East make me sick. I would like to see what they would do in your situation. I hope you bought a heavy coat. :)
90% of the American people say that it's okay to have "In God We trust" on U.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I don't care as long as l have some.
Married men make more than Single Men
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It costs a lot more to be married. You need two cars, bigger house or apartment, and if you have kids the cost of living sky rockets. College for one kid can break you. Have 2 or 3 kids and you had better amass a fortune.
Is there intelligent life out there in the universe?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I hope so. It would give me hope for this planet. Of course they could be just as self-serving, ignorant, and self destructive as we are.
What's a phrase you vehemently despise?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Whatever! Not a phrase, but it irritates the shit out of me. Also, " You know what I'm saying?". No l don't know what you are saying becuase I'm stupid!
What Does Your Body Language Say About You To Others?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I have no idea how others perceive me if they don't tell me. If they do tell me it is sometimes way off the mark.
Are we a superior design?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Are we a superior design compared to what?
I am trying to understand how people seem to think that owning gun is a right but healthcare isn't>
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It's called STUPID!
Do you push yourself to do things that scare you?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I have developed a fear of heights over time, and a fear of intimacy recently. I don't care enough about the height thing to try to overcome it. The other kind of worries me, but it is harder to be in a position to overcome. The first l can do on my own if l desire. The second requires a partner.
Do you seek out novel experiences or do you stick to known comforts?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
At my age l can't think of many things l want to do that l haven't. A life in music is always full of uncertainty, so now l really enjoy a certain amount of comfort zone. I wouldn't walk away from new experiences, but it would have to be something intriguing.
Recently moved to Plano, TX (north Texas region) and after just a week here I began to wonder “did...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It has been my experience Austin is the only place in Texas that it doesn't rear it's ugly head on a regular basis.
living the dream to which extent are you able or willing to live the moment, the beauty & grace ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
When l gave up an advertising career in my 20's to play music full time the freedom of lifestyle was an overwhelming and wonderful feeling. The loss of material things was surprisingly easy. Everyone has to find whatever it is that feeds their needs. For me it was freedom of lifestyle, for others it is being a parent, or making money. Whatever it is, find it and go for it.
Does anyone here also enjoy a dark sense of humor?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
My dark humor is my way of dealing with the absurdities of life. Beats the shit out of prayer. The folks that don't like it know where the block button is.
How do Believers become Non-Believers
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
As Carlin said, "l reached the age of reason."
Do you use texting when you're in a fight with your significant other?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Texting has its place in a difference of opinion or an argument. It is easier to remain on topic, and keep it from devolving into 'Fuck You! Well fuck you too! No, fuck you!', and so on. :)
Besides what other websites do you spend time on?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
None. I only use FB to keep up with what is going on locally.
Yay!! Got my t-shirt today! Woot woot! ????
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
You're living the dream.
Do we have a soul?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Playing music for 45 years, l have seen thousands of people dance. Believe me, the vast majority of those people have no soul.
Does anyone else have a problem with the Pledge of Allegiance?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I've never liked that or playing the National Anthem at ball games. It smacks of nationalism, and that can be dangerous.
Does anyone shy away from using a company who promotes religious ideals?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I don't like Hobby Lobbys' policies, but it is the only place where l can buy art supplies around here. It doesn't keep me awake nights. :)
Anyone else read ridiculous articles on what to try on dating sites and just get more frustrated?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Pretend to be somebody else. They don't who the Hell you are anyway. :)
That moment you realize that after sending messages to people you considered potential candidates to...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
That is why l don't message. Oh the pain!
What exclaimations do Athiest cry out during sex??? "Oh my __________"!!!! Or just, " Oooooh my"!!
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It takes a huge effort to free yourself from memory.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Just some good weed.
Can you judge a person by the company they keep?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I don't believe that's true at all. I have always known and associated with every thing from bikers to doctors and every thing between. So if you judge me that way you are going to get a pretty confusing impression of who l might be.
What does this saying mean to you? There's a fine line between love and hate.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I think it is describing divorce.
I have heard many religious people state that Atheists do not have moments of awe because they do ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Everything on the planet except humanity.
Does someone have to be college educated to be intelligent?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Holy Horrors: A Grim Pattern
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
JESUS loves you this l know for the Bible tells me so. He sure has a strange way of showing it.
How do you guys rest/relax your brain when tired?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Nobody said it was going to be easy.
Went rock collecting today. Farmer style....
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Nice collection. You must be proud. :)
Why is it difficult to find true love??
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Hard to find. Harder to hold onto.
What's the best pickup line you've heard?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I have a pickup. Do you want to do a line?
If you had to list the three biggest issues you think the world faces in order of seriousness, what ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Trump,Trump, and Trump.
Solve this Riddle
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sounds like my military experience and one of my stepmothers.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
If l have said anything to offend you, all l can say is l don't really care. I find religions and their effect on humanity has been incredibly offensive, dangerous, and destructive. I have known people of faith who walk the walk and keep their beliefs to themselves. Those are not the people l see getting hammered on this site. If the humor is offensive to you, you might consider another site, because l don't believe that will be changing.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
If l have said anything to offend you, all l can say is l don't really care. I find religions and their effect on humanity has been incredibly offensive, dangerous, and destructive. I have known people of faith who walk the walk and keep their beliefs to themselves. Those are not the people l see getting hammered on this site. If the humor is offensive to you, you might consider another site, because l don't believe that will be changing.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Just going on an actual date would be adventurous to me. I have been single half my adult life, including now, but l haven't been on a real date since the early 80's. It has been meet and hook up or acquaintances that eventually turn into more. An actual ' I'll pick you up at seven for dinner date with someone you just met is to much pressure.
Men, do you agree with this quote from Christopher Hitchens?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I believe men need women more than women need men. I have felt that for a long, long time. It has never really bothered me. For those people of both genders who struggle with the fact that men and women are very different from each other, GET OVER IT! It ain't gonna change.
The Antidote
Sticks48 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Weed and playing music. Sex works, but is not as readily available.
Do you think that Burt Langcaster was an exceptional actor who deserved more recognition by the ...
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I don't believe in award shows, but l do believe he isn't given enough credit for his acting.
Do you like country living? For those that do, did, ? Or want to
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yes. I liked the city in my 20's and 30's.
Have you ever: been given a gift that you didn't like & so you gave it as a gift to someone else?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Have you ever: ate a whole box of cookies & didn't share?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Have you ever: served on jury duty?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Have you ever: lied to your parents?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
As a child, yes, but only a couple of times.
Jury nullification
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
That calls for a bowl!
Condom Snorting Challenge: Why You Should Not Inhale Condoms
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
New or used?
With out any diplomatic answers,.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Age to a degree, looks yes, culture to a degree, education no, but intelligence yes.
What character traits indicate someone is a "good" person?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
If they aren't mean to me. :)
Do you ever experience euphoria? What's usually responsible for it?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Playing music, and if memory serves me, sex.
How would you feel in a relationship if your significant other refused to fight?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Men and women will argue. If not, one of them is holding something in. There are good ways to argue and there are destructive ways to argue. Male and female brains are so different. Sometimes l think the only thing our brains have in common is they are both encased in a skull. Ours may be a little thicker than yours. Let the jousting begin! :)
I thought this was pretty astute.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
JESUS CHRIST! Talk about narcissism!
Persistent Ex.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
No. I guess I'm just not that loveable. :)
How do you feel about the person you're dating talking about their ex?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
It depends on the context. I dated a lady in Denver whose ex would come hang out with us. I liked him. My ex-wifes' ex came to town and stayed with us for a couple of days to see his daughter graduate, and l liked him better than l liked her. I just don't want to hear them bitch about the ex.
What is the laziest thing that you have ever done
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Becoming a full time musician in my 20's. I always hated the idea of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. It was the perfect choice for me.
Can good kissing be taught?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Kissing is a wonderful thing. If you really like it you can get good at it. If you don't care for it you won't. Difficult or not it may get down to communication.
How do you feel about religious text associated with Easter?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I think they took a perfectly good day celebrating bunnies and candy, and fucked it up with religious stuff!
So, what does everyone do on religious holidays?
Sticks48 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I played a gig from noon to three. A profitable Easter. THANK YOU JESUS!


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Feb 21st, 2018
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