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Sticks48 comments on Aug 9, 2021:
Drugs and alcohol?
What's your Super power???
Sticks48 comments on Aug 9, 2021:
I would definitely butter her buns!
I prefer the old fashioned way
Sticks48 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
With the some things the old ways are definitely better.
Silly religious food rules continue to baffle me.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
I have often thought you had these religious leaders sitting in a room getting drunk and coming up with silly and sometimes dangerous ideas, laughing all the while, just to see if they can get the stupid to go along with it, which they generally do. Humans by and large are such an ignorant and gullible species.
Hello. New member here. I like what I see so far.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Welcome aboard.
Not thinking it through....
Sticks48 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Oh l get it, you are somewhat of a douche. I'm sure l will block you shortly.
Wasn’t this one booted once already? I know I’ve seen this photo before... []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
I am pretty sure l have seen the dog before. Sneaky little bitch.
My class of 1975 high school reunion is this weekend, so sharing this ancient photo of me.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
You were pretty then and you are pretty now. Have a great time.
Me, I'll go first, but I know there are a bunch more out there
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Everyone is crazy. It is just a matter of degree and catagory, fun crazy, scary crazy, or somewhere in between.
Weaponized tits. Your money or your life! []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
They are fun to mess with. Most don't seem to make it through the first or second day and they leave.
With all the things going on, I thought it would be nice to check up on everyone.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2021:
Doing well thanks. We are hosting an open mic tonight, and how are you?
This has been going through my head for days.... Lenny Welch: Since I fell for you []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2021:
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2021:
When not being dangerous the stupid can be quite entertaining. 😂
Sticks48 comments on Aug 5, 2021:
That took some balls! 😁
Has anyone tried the Irish Spring soap trick to repel flies?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
I find bathing daily with any kind of soap keeps me from attracting flies. :)
Going to spend my 75th birthday with family today
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
I have liked this East LA band since I first heard them back in the 80's.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
I got to see them in Austin in the 80s. They do not get the recognition they deserve. Great band.
How many things on this list have you experienced? 34 for me.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
MASK RESISTING MORONS: The delta variant is 'ripping through the unvaccinated' and crowding ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
One cannot reason with the STUPID because they are STUPID. They were born STUPID and will die STUPID, many sooner than later. As someone said, and l am paraphrasing, "lntelligent people know they don't know everything, while stupid people think they know everything". That pretty much says it all.
I suppose strong is relative
Sticks48 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
No, he is a STUPID conservative, but because he is stupid he doesn't know this.
Presidential mom quote....
Sticks48 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
We know where he got his idea for styling his hair.
Yeah like many of them did
Sticks48 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
It is the same at FOX.
I won't eat 3 items. How about you?
Sticks48 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
For more than a year, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, who is second in polling for the GOP ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
I love the way they are killing their base. I do feel bad for their young children, but sadly, there is nothing we can do about that.
Social Media, Tribalism, And Craziness- Sheila Kennedy August 2, 2021Random BloggingGOP, social ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
It is called a lack of education for the ignorant and as for the stupid, well they are just stupid and always will be.
So……step up for your bleach injection with a complimentary cup of covfefe!!
Sticks48 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
And millions of people shook their heads "yes". Fucking amazing!
not today satan!
Sticks48 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
Maybe she is one of those people who always has their nose stuck in a book. More importantly, what the fuck is with that dress?
I just blocked Saint-Sinner after he posted a photograph of three little boys with one holding the ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I think I blocked him long ago. I have blocked over 175 people on this site so it is hard to keep track.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I have said for decades it is the early worm who gets eaten by the bird. Sleep in always.
Some of my favorite music is the R&B sound from the early to mid 60’s.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I have always loved this song. I had forgotten about it. Thanks for posting.
When someone blocks you for calling them on their shit do you get a deep sense of satisfaction and ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I love being blocked. It means they had no answer or comeback. I don't need to see anything those folks have to say again anyway.
Yup, that's me!!!
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I have never been able to do that.
This is just one more reason I would never go to Texas or any other Red State.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
This country was founded on genocide in red states, blue states, and purple states. Lets not get high and mighty. Racism whether against Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, or Black people is part of this country's foundation from border to border and sea to shinning sea.
Legal experts call for Trump to be prosecuted after latest bombshell report on his DOJ intervention ...
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
they knew Capone killed and had people killed. You have to have proof that will stand up in a court of law. They could only prove tax evasion. Knowing something and proving something are two different things.
The new spring fashions are out, hope you remember the hair spray
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
Reminds me of my childhood.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
I would LOVE to see you singing and dancing this song!!!
[] I am dead inside 😂♥️😂
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
You are always dead inside. You must be a fucking vampire! :)
Has Albert Einstein lost his metaphorical throne? You decide. [] []
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
He will always be iconic and should be, even if he wasn't right about every single thing, he triggered the ideas of others. He was also a very decent human being.
Heartbreaking reality of a teenage girl's sex life | Daily Mail Online
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
It is regulated. They can't use minors. If this is what adults want to do, it is ok by me and is no bodoy's business. If we weren't such a sexually repressed society it would not be such a big industry. Utah watches more porn than any other state. Think about that.
I'm too cheap to buy the archival service for my nest doorbell.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
Catsper the friendly ghost?
Joan Armatrading - Love And Affection - [youtube.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
Wonderful talent.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
Cats will not wreck your car, you don't have to spend all that money on a degree they seldom use, and a cat won't marry someone you don't like. YAY CATS!
I have been a Willie Nelson fan since I heard Red Headed Stranger.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
My brother and l did a lot of shows with Willie back in the day. We were privileged to hear this album a few months before it came out. My brother and l loved it. We wasn't sure at the time if his fans would like it, but it turned out to be his best selling album of all time. Great album.
LMAO!!! You just can’t make this stuff up!
Sticks48 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
Unfortunately even Medicare can't fix stupid.
Being a coward and a wimp is no excuse for not getting the vaccine.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Unfortunatly being stupid is, and the majority of anti-vaxers fall into the "stupid" catagory.
Trump: Jan. 6 Cops Who Spoke to Congress Are ‘Pussies’ []
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That's rich, coming from the poster boy for "pussies".
SAGE: Next Covid variant could kill one in three people | Daily Mail Online
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
It would still be a mess but we would have a better chance of getting a hold of our problems. The real stupid happened in 2016. If Clinton had been President we would be in a much better place than now.
There is nothing more obnoxious to me than an evangelistic Christian trying to convert me.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
I have never had one try.
A breathtaking scenery that always leaves me speechless.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
That is fine, but if l can't hear the stereo, you are too big.
This was on FB. Mandel got ripped apart by the comments.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Religion is an "assault" on education.
Abbutt got his hand slapped []
Sticks48 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Governor "Shorty" Abbott is a despicable little shit.
I have seen many remarkable nature photographs over the years but this photo of a nesting Falcon in ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Ran out of flubber?
Those of you hunting for the perfect man need to up your game
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
My brother was a Marine sniper in Vietnam and he aimed with the wrong eye.
Amid summer of fire and floods, a moment of truth for climate action
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
The planet will be fine. We will not be fine. It is all about the money. What is stupid is the longer we wait the more expensive it gets if it is not too late already. Greed kills.
58% of doctors in a survey, have not been fully vaccinated. []
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
This isn't FB. There are some stupid people on this site, but not in the numbers you would like to believe, or maybe you are just a troll. Check out the conservative group. They eat this shit up.
[] There is money to be made in quackery
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
There always has been. Religion is a perfect example.
New Yorker to fellow New Yorker.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
It is shocking. A political wonk said 50% percent of Americans are stupid and that 50% of the stupid Americans are even more stupid. He said this in 2015. He fucking nailed it.
Screenshot of an ad in my news feed. 😂😂😂
Sticks48 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
I love these two together. Anytime you get two people together you think would never get together and they become friends or more, l think it is cool. I have been there a handful of times myself.
from "Awakening Code": She said, “Don't call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully, with ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I have a feeling I will be alone, but I love the idea.
Are Fox pundits Hannity & Carlson having a true epiphany?
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
These people are committing suicide because they CHOOSE to listen to these douche bags. No one is forcing them to watch FOX.
I believe that Jesus as a historical figure. Am I wrong about this?
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I to think he is hysterical!
This was on the Popular Science site.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I have no problem with this.
This was posted by one of my over 50 single groups in NY lol. I am a Virgo lol.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I'm an Aries, enough said. There have been times I would have fucked a fire hydrant if someone laid some lady's shoes in front of it. I am approaching that place now. :)
Texas Pastor Admits “I Was Wrong” About Vaccines After His Own COVID Scare | Hemant Mehta | ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
There is a lot of this going on lately.
After Saying COVID Could Bring “Spiritual Revival,” Evangelist’s Son Has Virus | Hemant Mehta ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
They should rejoice. He may be joining his maker sooner than later and hanging out with granddad.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
At my age l'm just happy l can still get woo...sorry, wrong subject. Never mind. 😊
Major turnoff: Obvious copy/paste generic greetings.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I don't know how to copy and paste, so you are safe from me.
I've practiced Spanish at least five minutes a day for 188 days, per my Duolingo app.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
Mmmmmm...l got nothin'.
We are definitely in need of a more fair and balanced narrative on matters of COVID 19.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
That is one of the most stupid posts I have ever seen here. What the hell is wrong with you. Ignorance is not knowing the the truth. Stupid is ignoring the truth when you see it. When all of the medical experts around the world all agree and are working together to stop this and over 4 million people have died and counting. It is pretty cut an dried. There is something seriously wrong with you, like maybe you have the IQ of an eggplant. GEEZ!
That is a fact
Sticks48 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
I love Nicole Wallace.
But she's the proof of evolution
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
She may be humanoid, but she is definitely not human.
The Oldest Confirmed 'Message in a Bottle' Contained Some Fascinating Questions
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
No, but a long time ago I found refuge in a bottle.
Michael Flynn Jokes ‘Maybe I’ll Find Somebody in Washington’ With New AR-15 ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
They need to pull his military pension.
It’s time for me to say goodnight again…so I’ll leave you with a favourite song I Can’t Make...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Neither one of these people get enough credit for how good they really are. I met Bonnie in a blues bar in Austin. She sat down beside me and we talked for awhile. She was very nice. I have seen her play live once and it was awesome. She can sing blues, rock, country, even show tunes and sell it. She also plays a mean slide guitar, a dying art. What a wonderful talent
Children vaccinated without parental knowledge.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Are you fucking kidding? Look around at all of the morons out there. Over 72,000,000 people voted for Trump. Most were raised by "parents".
Every Saturday night.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Yep, I had to watch it with my gRandmother and her sister once in awhile. My aunt like to fuck with my grandmother by constantly telling her that singer Joe Feeney was a "queer". It would really piss my grandmother off and my aunt would just laugh and laugh. "And now a wurrd from our Dosh deelers."
A happy marriage happens when both people give more than they get.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
It is not possible for both of you to give more than you get. You would both be getting the same. :)
Hey guys ♥️ got back last night from a wknd to Annapolis , one of my favorite towns in USA , ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Interesting trip and glad you and Diego had a good time. Lucky for that dog Diego didn't get a hold of him. I hope you don't go back to the covid unit. You know what it did to you before. You have done more than enough for the cause. I know in most hospitals nurses do a six month rotation in a terminal ward because it is so hard on them. Listen to your ghost.🤗
COVID-19: Arkansas Healthcare Worker Says She Has $1m in Medical Bills
Sticks48 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
This is immoral.
Jesse Lee Peterson and Panelists Agree: It Was a “Big Mistake to Educate Women” | Hemant Mehta |...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
I have a female doctor from India. I am very happy with her. I have more female friends than male friends. No matter where l have lived l have always had one or two close female friends, and l don't mean FWB, just good friends.
430 people dead in 915 shooting incidents in past week: Gun Violence Archive | TheHill
Sticks48 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
I believe Americans have become numb to gun violence. Decades ago, when l was very young, the Russians said they would not have to conquer the US , that we would fail from within. I believe we are fast tracking to our demise because we have a population made up of too many greedy , ignorant, and very stupid people. These next two elections and maybe just the next one in 2022 will show us where we are headed.
Coronavirus: Was US money used to fund risky research in China? []
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
I am 73 and have heard ridiculous conspiracy theories my whole life and NOT ONE has ever been proven. All they do is inflame the stupid. Stop it.
'Shouldn’t the Dog Listen to You?
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Taking a bite out of crime?
Republican Lawmakers Tell Biden To Keep Marijuana Campaign Promise By Reclassifying It Under Federal...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
I remember back in the 80s some prominent Republicans were pushing for the legalisation of pot. They did not like spending all of that money on the war on drugs when it was not effective. It is the same now. It is about the money. More than one Republican governor has said if the feds would decriminalize marijuana they would legalize it in their states. They see how much money these other states are making.
Just random.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Good enough takes a lot of pressure off as opposed to achieving excellence.
Exercise equipment... 😂😂😂😂 (I think someone is either misinformed or naive.) 😜
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
There are definitely some health benefits when using this fucking equipment properly.
Iowa’s GOP Eliminated a Family Planning Program Only to See Abortions Skyrocket | Rebekah Kohlhepp...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Put simply, religion creates many, many problems and solves nary a one.
The Sierra Madre Tattler!: Texas Senate passes bill that removes requirement to teach Ku Klux Klan ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Texas can always find a way to go lower. They have to find a way to be number one at something. This is a very insecure state and has been for decades.
From four hoof drive to four hoof ride
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Known as putting the cart before the horse.
Food for thought...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
But they will probably not care why. I know l would not care why. I would just enjoy the results.
Moonglow - YouTube
Sticks48 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
I got to see Cab in the 80s in Austin at this old theater which had been restored. It was the perfect setting and a perfect night. It was a great show.
”If there's one thing we have become accustomed to recently in this pandemic, it's loneliness.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
I was feeling pretty lonely before the pandemic. The pandemic kicked it up a notch.
Texas Pastor Arrested for Raping Child at Church and Giving Her Meth | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
It is getting to be a weekly occurrence for one of these guys to get caught. Just think of how many are not getting caught. These poor kids.
What a classy republican lmao
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Was she a contestant?
You know you are popular with the MAGA ladies when....
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Now they can return the favor and have his head stuck up their asses.
Carlson, You're a Dirty Rotten Tucker.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
He is definitely a Mother Tucker.
Gustave Klimt (Austrian 1862-1918) Church in Unterach on Lake Attersee 1916
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
I am getting to appreciate Klimt more and more. Thanks for these postings.
Paul Gauguin (French 1848–1903) "Pastorales Tahitiennes" 1892
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Love Gauguin.
These bastards killed a baby elephant.
Sticks48 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Hunting is a cowardly act as far as I am concerned.
Mike Pence Keeps Saying 'Black Lives Are Saved by Police Every Day'
Sticks48 comments on Jul 22, 2021:
The police do not save anyone. They come in to clean up the mess after the crime.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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